E anniversary

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ANNIVERSARY 9 September - 9 October 2015 Doel AB • Edward Bonaparte • Erizal AS • Herianto Maidil • Paul Hendro • Saepul Bahri

ANNIVERSARY 9/9/2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Philo Art Space berulang tahun ke-10. Masih terbilang belia dan belum begitu banyak hal penting yang dilakukan. Namun sudah cukup menyenangkan selama menjalankannya sebagai sebuah ekspresi diri. Pada awalnya kami sendiri tak mengira akan berlangsung sekian lama. Berbagai halangan dan tantangan kami hadapi khususnya harus terus menghidupi kreativitas berpameran. Tak ada jawaban yang meyakinkan untuk ini selain bahwa kami terus-menerus disemangati oleh komunitas senirupa itu sendiri, khususnya para seniman. Sebuah galeri seni tak akan berjalan selayaknya tanpa relasi yang akrab dengan para seniman. Menjalin relasi dengan bercengkrama dan bertukar pikiran baik langsung maupun lewat media. Suasana seperti ini yang senantiasa menyemangati hampir setiap hari. Semaraknya kehidupan budaya urban menjadi fokus perhatian kami. Fesyen, suasana mall, kafe, klub-klub malam, kemacetan, sosok-sosok yang bergerak cepat seolah saling kejar-mengejar dengan waktu dan sebagainya, sungguh fenomena yang menarik bagi seniman untuk menggarapnya. Apakah itu dengan sikap mengafirmasi, mengritisi atau menolaknya. Pada hematnya selama ini kami tidak membatasi pada sebuah gaya atau aliran tertentu sekalipun arus yang bernama senirupa kontemporer demikian deras mengalir. Sebagaimana dengan menyandang nama ‘philo’ yakni ‘cinta’ yang selalu kami upayakan adalah bagaimana galeri ini senantiasa bisa memberikan kehangatan dan kegembiaraan bagi semua unsur 3





yang terlibat terutama dalam suasana setiap pembukaan pameran. Pada HUT ke-10 ini kami mendapat penghormatan dari para pelukis yang sudah mempersiapkan karyanya untuk dipamerkan. Mereka adalah Doel AB, Paul Hendro, Erizal AS, Saepul Bahri, Herianto Maidil, dan Edward Bonaparte. Selain Edward, nama-nama lainnya sudah beberapa kali berpameran di Philo, baik tunggal maupun bersama. Tidak seperti biasanya, untuk pameran kali ini tidak ada sebuah tema khusus yang diusung. Semua karya dari para pelukis adalah hasil dari ekspresinya sendiri. Dengan demikian kami tidak merasa perlu untuk menginformasikan bagaimana keterkaitan satu karya dengan karya lainnya sebagai penjelasan dari tema yang biasanya sudah ditentukan. Audiens pun silakan memaknai sendiri dan tentunya kami berharap bisa menikmati karya-karya yang dipamerkan ini. Terima kasih. Selamat berpameran.

Salam philo Tommy Awuy – Amalia Ahmad

We never expected the experience to be this long. We had faced many obstacles and challenges, most importantly to keep the exhibiting creativity alive. There was no sure answer to do this, apart from the fact that we were constantly being supported by the art community itself, especially the artists.

Philo Art Space is having its 10th anniversary. Still at a tender age, and it has not done many important things yet. But it has been a joy for us to live the years as our self-expression. We never expected the experience to be this long. We had faced many obstacles and challenges, most importantly to keep the exhibiting creativity alive. There was no sure answer to do this, apart from the fact that we were constantly being supported by the art community itself, especially the artists. An art gallery would not be running without the close relations it has with the artists. We keep our relations alive by warm engagement with them and by constantly having discussion with them in persons or through media. It is this warm relation that keeps our spirits up on most days. The glitz of urban culture has become our main focus. Fashion, mall ambience, café, night clubs, traffic jam, figures moving with speed as if they are in a race with time, and many others – those are the phenomenon that attract artists to work on. They may see them with affirmative, critical, or rejecting stance. In short, we do not limit ourselves in presenting only a certain styles or genres though we are being swept away with the strong current of contemporary arts. As the name that the gallery bears ‘philo’ means

‘love’, we strive to always be able to offer warmth and joy to all those involved in our works, especially in every opening of an exhibition. For our 10th anniversary, we were honored by painters offering their works to exhibit. Those are Doel AB, Paul Hendro, Erizal AS, Saepul Bahri, Herianto Maidil and Edward Bonaparte. Apart from Edward, all the artists have exhibited their works in Philo Art Space once or more times, as part of solo or group exhibitions. Unlike the usual exhibitions, the anniversary exhibition does not present a certain theme. All works from the painters are of their own choosing to express. Hence, we do not see the necessity for us to inform on how the works are related to each other as an explanation of a predefined theme. Audiences are free to interpret the works, and we hope that you enjoy the works presented here.

Thank you. Happy exhibitioning!

Philo regards, Tommy Awuy – Amalia Ahmad


EDWARD BONAPARTE Hunt • 150 x 100cm •


Ink on Canvas •



Defilade • 170 x 110cm •

Ink on Canvas •


Veto • 170 x 110cm •


Ink on Canvas •


Innuendo part II • 100 x 180cm •

Ink on Canvas •




ical, or rejecting stance.

They may see them with affirmative, crit-

nomenon that attract artists to work on.

time, and many others – those are the phe-

with speed as if they are in a race with

night clubs, traffic jam, figures moving

main focus. Fashion, mall ambience, café,

Acrylic, charcoal & Pastel on canvas •

The glitz of urban culture has become our ERIZAL AS

Faceless series#07 • 150 x 130cm •


Make War for Peace • 190 x 140cm •

Acrylic, charcoal & Pastel on canvas •

2015 10

Symphony of Peace; Cellist series • 200 x 150cm • Acrylic, Paint marker on canvas • 2015



night clubs, traffic jam, figures moving with speed as if they are in a race with

The glitz of urban culture has become our main focus. Fashion, mall ambience, café,

They may see them with affirmative, critical, or rejecting stance.

time, and many others – those are the phenomenon that attract artists to work on.

Mind the Gap • 120 x

160cm • Acrylic on canvas • 2015


Fatamorgana • 140 x 180cm • Acrylic on canvas • 2015


HERIANTO MAIDIL Escape • 130 x 150cm • Acrylic on canvas • 2015 14

PAUL HENDRO Rame ing gawe,sepi ing pamrih • 120 x 110cm • Oil on canvas • 2015


King David • 100 x 140cm • Oil on canvas • 2014


Defender Girl • 150 x 100cm • Oil on canvas • 2014


DOEL AB Look at My Back • 37 x 55cm • Pencil on paper • 2015


The Wine • 55 x 37cm • Pencil on paper • 2015




Purwodadi, 17 June 1959 IKIP Fine Art Semarang Selected Group exhibitions: 2015: 10thAnniversary, Philo Art Space, Jakarta, Indonesia 2013 : ARTJOG 13, Taman Budaya, Yogyakarta. INDONESIA ART AWARDS 2013, Galeri Nasional, Jakarta 2012 Anniversary Expressions, Philo Art Space, Jakarta 2011 Inagural ( Opening Art-1 Mon Décor Gallery ) 2010 Transfiguration, Galeri Semarang, Grand Indonesia Tramendum, Galeri Nasional Jakarta / Philo Art Space

Edward Bonaparte

Erizal As Padang Panjang, 3 Februari 1979 Indonesian Institute Of Art, Yogyakarta AWARDS : 2013: Finalists OUB Painting Competition, Jakarta. Indonesia. 2007: As 20 nominees of visual art competition of The Thousand Mysteries of Borobudur 2006: Finalists Jakarta Art Awards, 2006 2003: CP Open BIENNALE 2003. Finalists Indonesian Asean Art Awards. Finalists Indofood Art Awards. 2002: Nominated as one of 10 Best at the painting contest Selekda PEKSIMINAS VI. 2000: Best Work at Dies Natalies XVI ISI Yogyakarta. 1998: Finalists Philip Morris Art Awards V.

Born in 1987 EDUCATION Currently taking Master Degree in Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Art and Design, Bandung institute of Technology

Solo Exhibition: 2012: Visual Symponies Ganesha Gallery, Four Season Resort Jimbaran, Bali. Rhythm of art, Philo Art Space, Jakarta 2007: Lines Project, Koong Gallery, Jakarta 2005: Problematika Sosial Sebagai Ide Penciptaan, Institut Seni Indosia, Yogyakarta

SELECTED EXHIBITION 2015: 10thAnniversary, Philo Art Space, Jakarta, Indonesia

Selected Group exhibitions: 2015: 10thAnniversary, Philo Art Space, Jakarta, Indonesia

2014 ARTOLOGIA, Galeri Hidayat, Bandung

BAKABA#4 Randang dan Rendang, Sakato art Community, Yogya Gallery. Gambar, Museum Dan Tanah Liat, Yogyakarta. Reborn Everytime, Sangkring Art Space, Yogyakarta. Affordable Art Fair, Hongkong

2013 BANDUNG CONTEMPORARY : DISPOSITION, Selasar Sunaryo art space, Bandung PROJECT 5005 : PREFACE, Galeri Kamones, Bandung META-AMUK, Galeri Nasional, Jakarta BAZAAR ART JAKARTA 2013, The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta Pacific Place 2011 RITE OF NOW, AJBS Galeri, Surabaya SOEMARDJA AWARD 2011, Galeri Soemardja, Bandung

2014: LOCAFORE’14, Bale pare Hall, kota baru, Parahiyangan, Bandung. BAKABA#3 kini, Jogja Gallery, yogyakarta. 2013: Homoludens#4 “Bermain Seni Rupa dengan Tiga 20

Pesan” Bentara Budaya Bali Motion & Rhythm, Sangkring art project, Yogyakarta 2012: ‘BAKABA#2 “Antara Pintu dan Halaman” Sangkring Art Space Yogyakarta Homoludens #3, “Permainan Mulut”,Emitan CA Gallery, Surabaya 2011: “BAYANG” National Gallery, Jakarta Homoludens # 2, Emmitan CA Gallery, Surabaya. My Space, Philo Art Space, Jakarta

Palette” Jakarta 2003 : The Best 5 (five) Winner Indonesian Asean Art Award Finalis Indofood Art Award Selected Group exhibitions: 2015: 10thAnniversary, Philo Art Space, Jakarta, Indonesia 2013 : Pameran Jakarta properties di Galeri Nasional 2012 : Pameran sang juara di Galeri Nasional oleh YSRI 2010 : Pameran seleksi Noah di Nort Art Space Ancol Jakarta Pameran bersama di Philo Art Space Jakarta 2009 : Pameran bersama para pemenang JAA “The Running Stars” di Nort art Space Jakarta

Herianto Maidil

Padang 11 May 1979. Indonesian Institute Of Art, Yogyakarta Selected Group exhibitions: 2015: 10thAnniversary, Philo Art Space, Jakarta, Indonesia BAKABA#4 (Komunitas Seni Sakato) jogja gallery, Jogjakarta 2014: “BAKABA#3 (Komunitas Seni Sakato) (Komunitas Seni Sakato) jogja gallery, Jogjakarta 2013 Karya Untuk Kawan, Gallery Nasional Jakarta Refleksi Hari Buruh Migran Internasional, Gallery Cipta II TIM Jakarta 3D Mural painting,”Locafore”Kota Baru Parahyangan, Bandung 2011 pameran bersama “Aestietic Respons” Elcana Gallery Jakarta

Saepul Bahri Awards & Achivements 2004 : Best Indonesia 1999 : Best 1999 : Best Indonesia 1998 : Best Indonesia 1998 : Best Indonesia

Still Life, FSR ISI Jogajakarta, Oil, FSR ISI Jogjakarta, Indonesia Figurative, FSR ISI Jogjakarta, Sketch, FSR ISI Jogjakarta, Water colour, FSR ISI Jogjakarta,

Selected solo Exhibitions 2009 : Journey , Philo Art Space Jakarta, Indonesia 2008 : Travelling Imaginary, Philo Art Space Jakarta, Indonesia Selected Group exhibitions: 2015: 10thAnniversary, Philo Art Space, Jakarta, Indonesia 2013 : EGO, KOI Caffe Gallery Kemang Jakarta

Paul Hendro Nugroho

2012 : The Joys of EVERYDAY RITUAL Bali + Lombok, KOI Caffe Gallery Kemang, Jakarta

AWARDS : 2006 : The Best 5 (five) Winner Jakarta Art Award 2005 : The Best 5 (five) Winner “Golden

Indonesia di Mata Perupa Gedung MPR/DPR RI Jakarta

Education at IKIP Fine Art Jogyakarta


2011 : Begoendal community in Jakarta Art Bienale

2012 2013 2014 2015 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 This catalogue is published in conjunction with a a Group Exhibition th

10 ANNIVERSARY 9 September - 9 October 2015 Š Philo Art Space Jl Kemang Timur 90 C South Jakarta 12730 Indonesia t/f: (62 21) 719 84 48 e : info@philoartspace.com philoartspace99@gmail.com w : www.philoartspace.com

Curator: Tommy F Awuy Special thanks: Doel AB, Edward Bonaparte, Erizal AS, Saepul Bahri, Herianto Maidil, Paul Hendro Photography of Artworks: Artist Translator: Andira Sampurno Design : www.arslitera.net Published by Philo Art Space 046/2015 Copy Rights Š Philo Art Space All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photography, recording or otherwise, without the written permission from Philo Art Space


Jl Kemang Timur 90 C, South Jakarta 12730, Indonesia t/f: (62 21) 719 84 48 e: info@philoartspace.com w: www.philoartspace.com

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