Admission Catalogue 2014–2015

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mi lt on aca d e m y a dmis s io n c atal o g ue 2 01 4 –201 5

mess age f r o m t h e h e a d o f s c ho o l

You are thinking about your next school, and we are delighted to share Milton with you—through this book, and We hope that you will soon join us for a campus visit, as well. You’ll find that students at Milton are friendly, happy, and completely engaged with their work and their many activities. As one student told me when I was learning about Milton, “I love the balance of this place. Academic standards are very high and we work tremendously hard, but we definitely have fun and laugh along the way.” He is right. At Milton, you’ll find a powerful, challenging academic experience together with a warm, supportive environment. You’ll work in small classes, with skilled, caring faculty to develop your analytical skills, your perspectives, your creativity and your awareness. The power of the Milton experience grows out of remarkable relationships. Your teachers, coaches, house heads, advisors and friends will get to know you well. They will inspire you, involve you and help you find out who you really are. Milton students love how different we all are:

what our families and our backgrounds bring to the School community, and how the talents around us make our community so exciting. After immersing themselves in Milton’s opportunities, in and out of the classroom, Milton students graduate with the confidence in themselves and the competence to succeed at the most selective colleges and universities in the country. Beyond these further academic pursuits, “Dare to be true” is the idea Milton graduates never lose; they apply their spirit, skills and commitment to meaningful professions of all kinds. We hope to have the chance to meet you in person very soon. Come visit and learn first hand why students at Milton love their School, and feel the respect and support among students and faculty. We invite you to share Milton with us.

Todd B. Bland Head of School

co n t en t s 2 Our Mission 12 Boston Makes a Difference 15 What to Expect at Milton 17 Students 18 Faculty 21 Academic Life 22 English 24 History and Social Sciences 26 Science 28 Mathematics and Computer Programming 30 Modern and Classical Languages 32 The Arts 35 Off-Campus Programs 37 College Counseling 38 Residential Life: A Family at School 42 Walking Through the Milton Day 46 Weekends at Milton 48 Spaces and Places 50 Athletics 55 Music and Performing Arts 59 Community Service 60 Clubs and Organizations 62 Campus Resources and Campus Map 66 Admission and Financial Aid 68 History 69 Board of Trustees 70 Faculty 72 Directions

f acts School Address: 170 Centre Street Milton, Massachusetts 02186

Operating Budget (net), 2013–2014: $57 million

Admission Telephone Number: 617-898-2227

Tuition: Boarding: $51,330 Day: $42,130

Fax Number: 617-898-1701

Financial Aid Budget: $9.1 million

Web Site:

Editors: Cathleen Everett, Erin Berg, Pat Finn, Liz Matson, Nina Panarese, Paul Rebuck

Email: Head of School: Todd Bland Upper School Principal: David Ball Dean of Enrollment: Paul Rebuck

Design: Moore & Associates, Cambridge, MA Photographers: Kendall Chun, Michael Dwyer, John Gillooly, Greg White

Student Enrollment, Upper School (9–12): 695

As an institution committed to diversity, Milton Academy welcomes the oppor­tunity to admit academically qualified students of any gender, race, color, handicapped status, sexual orientation, religion, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally available to its students. It does not discriminate on

the basis of gender, race, color, handicapped status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship programs, and athletic or other schooladministered activities.


our mission

Milton Academy cultivates in its students a passion for learning and a respect for others. Embracing diversity and the pursuit of excellence, we create a community in which individuals develop competence, confidence and character. Our active learning environment, in and out of the classroom, develops creative and critical thinkers, unafraid to express their ideas, prepared to seek meaningful lifetime success, and to live by our motto, “Dare to be true.�



our m is s io n: a pass io n f or le a r n i n g Students and faculty at Milton openly enjoy ideas. We cherish curiosity and honor scholarship. Inspired by teachers and classmates, Milton students develop new areas of interest and maximize their strengths. My favorite class is American Literature. I enjoy how we talk about the stories in-depth, and there is room for interpretation and critical thinking. I also enjoyed my Seeing Literature course, in which we examined the visual imagery in written works. My favorite assignment was a 2,000-word essay in which we explained our personal definition and philosophy of “seeing.”

One day, walking into the Pritzker Science Center, I saw two of my friends in Mr. Bean’s lab. They were discussing an independent biology project. Mr. Bean knew I was interested in science and casually asked me if I wanted to be involved. So I found myself learning how to take care of zebra fish— breeding them and studying their genetic traits. What a great and unexpected experience to have as a freshman. It only increased my love of science. — Iladro Sauls, Somerville, Massachusetts Class II

— Caroline Wall, Greensboro, North Carolina Hathaway House, Class II

fa ct s • Beyond core courses and electives, students can find faculty sponsors and design independent courses. • Each spring, Class I students may commit their final weeks at Milton to completing a “Senior Project.” Students must submit research plans in early winter, and a committee of faculty decides which projects to approve. Each student aligns his or her endeavor with a member of the faculty or staff for support. Students in the Class of 2014 chose topics ranging from language immersion to coaching AAU basketball, from apprenticing as a blacksmith to producing documentaries. Students painted, knit, programmed computer applications, prepared concerts and recitals, shadowed doctors, interned for politicians, and volunteered at a range of sites.


our mis s io n : a res pe ct f o r o t h e r s Milton is a safe and generous place for young people to live and learn. The idea that each individual brings a unique and valuable dimension to our shared experience drives the relationships in our community. I left Hong Kong for high school because I always knew I would go to college in the United States. I saw boarding school as the right stepping-stone, but it’s been so much more—a completely eye-opening and transformative experience. I have made amazing friends, and the academic and social life here is more than I ever expected. — Angela Feng, Hong Kong, China Millet House, Class I

In our modern language classes, students learn that language is not just some sort of code; it’s about living another culture, acceptance and tolerance. The beauty of learning a language is that once you start to open your mind to different ways of saying things, you open your mind to different ways of thinking about things. The ability to see things with different eyes, appreciate different cultures, be inspired by other ways of doing things, are attitudes the world needs. We send our students out into the world to share the reality that there’s more than one way to think about things. —Tracy Crews, Modern Language Department

fa cts • A committee of faculty and students met to determine guidelines for respectful and appropriate ways to debate online. Online conference charters reinforce that the forums for discussion are for members of the Milton community who want to voice their thoughts, beliefs and opinions while being open to—and respecting—those of others. • Students’ favorite weekend activities are watching each other in performance—athletics, drama, dance, poetry reading, and playing rock, jazz or classical music. • Disciplinary Committees, which assign accountability for students who have violated School rules, are composed of four students and four faculty members.


our m is s io n: embr acing d i v e r s i t y To us, growing and learning among individuals who share widely divergent life stories, and appreciating their respective cultures, is an invaluable aspect of a true education. Everyone here is a different person, but it’s easy at Milton to form friendships with all kinds of people. Some people are talkative and like to say what’s on their mind; others might be more shy. We all have different backgrounds, but being who you are is easy here, trying new things, having fun with new experiences and people. I find it all very cool and awesome.

There’s no exact formula for a Milton student. The students here are all different, and those differences help make the whole experience what it is. People here come from all parts of the world. They bring their own backgrounds, beliefs, thoughts, experiences, personalities, talents, languages. That mix intensifies what each of us gets out of Milton. — Yemi Olorunwunmi, Brockton, Massachusetts Hallowell House, Class I

— Jaejung Justin Yoon, Nashville, Tennessee Norris House, Class II

fa ct s • New student orientation includes visits to Boston’s many ethnic neighborhoods to experience their histories, foods and cultures. • A ll students are welcome to join any of Milton’s 14 iden­ tity and culture clubs. • On campus recently, in discussion with students about race, identity and culture, were Erick Tseng ’97, social media and mobile engineer; Ha Jin, award-winning novelist; Jan Willis, Wesleyan University professor of Tibetan Buddhism; artist and activist Derrick Ashong; Fields Medal winner and Harvard professor ShingTung Yau; and awardwinning poet Kevin Young.


o ur mi s s i o n : a n d t h e pur s ui t o f excellence facts • Continuing the long Milton tradition of excellence in writing, Ruting Li (II) earned finalist spots in many regional and national writing contests, including the Smith College High School poetry contest, the Naked Truth/PEN New England High School writing contest, and the Oxbridge Edge poetry contest. As a Smith Prize winner, Ruting was invited to campus and hosted at The Poetry Center, where she met and worked with the contest’s guest judge, poet Alicia Ostriker. As part of the Oxbridge award, Ruting will attend a summer Oxford-Cambridge writing program. • Milton’s fourth annual Science Symposium showcased advanced science students and their DYO (Design Your Own) experiments in the Pritzker Science Center. Students structure and conduct experiments exploring all major areas of science and diverse hypotheses, from road-salt runoff in a local brook to the physics of ocean waves, from the effect of carbon dioxide on mung bean germination to the effect of changing frequencies on a cornstarch concentration.

Milton’s energy comes from striving to meet our own expectations. Seeking to meet the highest standards—in performance, athletic competition, artistic expression, leadership activity, intellectual exploration, and in understanding our world—is a cultural reality at Milton and a lifelong legacy for our students. I’m a science and math guy. I want to be a doctor. Every year I go to Haiti to help at a clinic there, and I want to work there as a doctor when I’m older. My favorite class was Genetics. It’s completely lab-based, and so much fun. Learning science in the Pritzker Science Center was second to none. Few schools have the resources Milton has, and those resources supported what I plan to do in the future. — Josh Ellis, Milton, Massachusetts Class of 2013 Deciding to come to Milton has made a huge impact on my life. Milton students are passionate about what they do. There are so many opportunities, no matter what you’re interested in. If you just want to focus on academics, you can. If you are into arts, there is a huge arts program. If you are into athletics, there are so many teams and activities. And you don’t have to choose just one thing! Even if you are unsure at the beginning, everyone leaves here in love with this school. — Juliana Rogoff, Cambridge, Massachusetts Class III

• In 2014, the girls’ varsity tennis team dominated the courts of the Independent School League, going undefeated (15–0) and earning the title of ISL Champions after beating Nobles and Greenough in the final match of the season. The team also earned the NEPSAC Championship trophy.


our m is s io n: a com m unity i n w h i c h i n di v i dua l s dev el o p comp ete nce , c o n f i de n c e a n d c ha r a c t er Milton students participate in numerous experiences and relationships that ultimately affirm their aptitudes, values and abilities. Milton alumni put their well-developed skills to work in the most competitive colleges in the country and pursue the broadest possible array of advanced studies and professional careers. Milton is a place where you can test the waters. In my freshman year, I went to a performance by the Miltones, the student a cappella singing group. That was an eye-opening experience and I started listening to the music on my own. When it was time for tryouts, I decided to go for it, even though I had never performed in public. Now I’m one of the Miltones and the support from my peers is amazing. They come to the shows and that means a lot.

The most valuable part of Milton is the opportunity for group-based discussions. Sitting around the Harkness table, you’re free to say what you want, and it’s your responsibility to make that thought relevant and productive. You have to make your words useful, and I’ve gotten better at that. I have more confidence in how I express myself. The more you participate, the better you get. — Neil Chandra, Sharon, Massachusetts Class I Since coming to Milton, I’ve learned how much I’m capable of. You don’t have your parents here to fix problems for you. You grow up more quickly, in a good way. For instance, I have to make sure I’m eating healthy foods and managing my time effectively. You’re never alone, though. You have a great support system here. In any situation, you have someone you can talk to, or someone who can help you out— students and adults.

— Iladro Sauls, Somerville, Massachusetts Class II

— Patryk Krzesaj, Bayside, New York Wolcott House, Class I

fa ct s • One-third of all Milton students are community service volunteers, working in 35 settings—in Boston, in Milton and on campus. • T he Outdoor Program, first led by the legendary mountaineer H. Adams Carter ’32, boasts an indoor climbing wall. Outdoor gear includes a fleet of kayaks, mountaineering boots, rock-climbing shoes, tents, four-season sleeping bags and outdoor cooking equipment. The program teaches students how to hike, climb and kayak, stressing safety training and preparedness. • Milton students stage 10 dramatic productions each year. Among recent plays were the musical Avenue Q , Midsummer/Jersey, True West, For Colored Girls, and The Laramie Project.


o u r m i ss i o n : a c t i v e lea rn i n g en v i ro n men t, i n a n d out o f t h e c l a s s ro o m Acutely aware that every encounter affects a young person’s development, faculty consciously surround students with opportunities for intellectual and personal growth, not only during class and during their extensive extracurricular lives but also within their social lives. I was one of the heads of a Special Olympics track event on campus. We were there from 6:30 a.m. until 4 p.m., but we didn’t feel the burden with so many students helping. The football and hockey teams came out in force. The football players showed up in their uniforms as athlete escorts, and the hockey team helped with set-up, doing the heavy lifting. Overall, we had about 100 Milton students volunteering. When Milton hosts big community service events like this, everyone is able to pitch in. Volunteering helps students take a break from their schedules and find a little perspective. — Josh Ellis, Milton, Massachusetts Class of 2013 What I’ve learned from my photography teacher, Mr. Cheney, has become part of my everyday life. In that class we learn so much about light and the technical aspects of photography, but we also learn to “open our eyes again for the first time,” as he says. We learn about seeing the world from a different point of view, and about slowing down to see details that we might otherwise pass by. — Yemi Olorunwunmi, Brockton, Massachusetts Hallowell House, Class I


fa cts • From Boston, Cambridge, New York, Los Angeles and international locations, more than 40 guest poets, writers, historians, researchers and performers visited with Milton students this year. • In 2013, judges awarded “Best Picture” to student filmmakers Arooshe Giroti (III), Yoav Segev (III) and Neekon Vafa (III) at the competition for high school filmmakers established by the Hotchkiss School. The Milton trio created their award-winning project, The True Story of the Iliad, in Shane Fuller’s Moving Image class. • Milton Academy’s Jazz Combos have performed on NPR’s nationally broadcast quiz show “Says You” and at the inaugural ball of Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick ’74. The jazz combos’ accomplished players frequently take to the stage at the Ryles Jazz Club in Cambridge, Massachusetts. They have also toured South Africa and performed with T.S. Monk and for Jim Hall, Dave Holland, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Danny Glover.

our m is s io n: d eve l o ps cre at i v e a n d c r i t i c a l t hi n ker s The mutual respect among faculty and students at Milton inspires—even demands—the free flow of ideas and analysis that both groups find intellectually stimulating. Identifying your own ideas, expressing them effectively, and learning how to disagree, are core skills shaped at Milton. Every English class with Mr. Smith is fantastic. He feels like an anachronism to me. He’s been at Milton for a very long time, and he still uses the chalkboard, but I’m fascinated by the way he teaches us. He edits our papers so diligently, with comments in the margins and numbered notes. He goes through every single line, which shows us how much he cares about our learning and improvement. He gives us feedback on everything. Now I look at a sentence and revise it before I hand it in, according to how I know he’ll analyze it.

In Advanced Biology with Dr. Eyster, we learned how to think and convey our ideas clearly. In our science papers, we learned to be concise. She spent time analyzing every word and every sentence, which helped hone our writing. She even introduced ideas based on improvisational theater into our lab to help us learn how to approach an experiment from different angles. — Caleb Warren, Cambridge, Massachusetts Class of 2013

— Emmie Atwood, Milton, Massachusetts Class I

fa ct • Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick ’74 returned to Milton as a recent graduation speaker. Governor Patrick was elected to office in 2006 and is serving his second term as the state’s first African-American governor. Deval graduated from Harvard College and Harvard Law School. In 1994, he was appointed the assistant attorney general for civil rights, the nation’s top civil rights post. Deval’s journey to political office broke new ground. Marked by creativity, innovation, optimism and relentless grassroots efforts, Deval and his campaign staff galvanized a diverse group of volunteers and supporters, including many Miltonians—students and alumni.


our mis s io n : pr ep ared t o li v e b y o u r m ott o , “da re t o be t rue.” Now in its third century, Milton has always developed strong, independent, confident thinkers. Students graduate with a clear sense of who they are, what their world is about and how to contribute. “Dare to be true” is not only a core value; it describes Milton culture, and the exhortation echoes in graduates’ lives forever. The most valuable thing about Milton is feeling accepted here for who I am. That’s a big part of why I came to Milton. I see so many students trying new things, straying from the norm. Being at Milton has allowed me to be comfortable in my own skin. I was always confident, but I’ve grown in my willingness to speak up.

Milton follows through on its mission and its motto. It doesn’t say “Dare to Be True” and then make you wear a tie. (A mandatory tie is a deal-breaker for me.) You’re allowed to be yourself here—to do the things you like to do and try new things, too. So many schools have good academics, but the combination of academics, athletics, arts, different individuals, the culture of support, being so close to Boston: this combination is unique to Milton. There’s no other place like it. — Jonnie Lawson, Ontario, Canada Wolcott House, Class II

— Destiny Polk, Boston, Massachusetts Hallowell House, Class II

fa cts • Students earning Bisbee Prizes this year for outstanding research in U.S. History asked questions about the Bay of Pigs, the Vietnam War, the 1953 Coup in Iran, and President John Adams and the FederalistRepublican Crisis. • Victoria Ruvkun (II) was one of 60 students selected worldwide to participate in the Cardiothoracic Surgical Skills and Education Center Stanford Summer Internship. This program at Stanford Medical School is designed to educate high school and pre-med students in basic and advanced cardiovascular anatomy and physiology, as well as medical and surgical techniques used in pre-med and medical school.


b os ton mak es a d iff eren c e

loc atio n Just eight miles from campus, Boston’s resources profoundly affect how we at Milton can think about educating young people. The many options within minutes of our traditional, scenic campus mean that Boston’s educational and cultural assets have become part of the Milton experience. Not only do we connect with many universities and artistic institutions, but also with the writers, historians, scientists, artists and musicians who choose to live in this dynamic city. Our urban backyard also allows us to educate ourselves about political and social questions in realistic contexts. The Boston–Milton proximity enriches what we can offer students every day.


u r b an-infu s ed acad emic s b o st o n to m i lto n Faculty at Milton link learning with distinguished scholars, artists and professionals who live and work in Boston, Cambridge and beyond. Each year, about 40 distinguished guests come to campus. Their experience, accomplishments and willingness to engage with our students not only enliven the subject matter, but also elevate the importance of academic work, and model longterm commitment to excellence. Recent visitors include:

Being so close to Boston is great. The first thing we all do as a dorm is go into the city together. It’s a great way for everyone to learn how to get around on the subway, find cool places to visit, and where to find the best places to eat! During exam week, I took a break from studying and went into the city, just for change of pace and to walk around. Boston is a great resource, and our campus has a close-knit, suburban feel, so it’s the best of both worlds! — Karla Alvarado, Chelsea, Massachusetts Hallowell House, Class II World-renowned marine biologist and ocean explorer Dr. Sylvia Earle shared her passion and wonder of discovery with students on campus. An advocate for the research and protection of the ocean, Dr. Earle articulated a positive outlook on the future of our planet.

• Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. • Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Jeffrey Eugenides • Dr. Eliza Byard ’86, executive director of the GLSEN organization • L atin percussionist Rubén Alvarez • Dr. James McCarthy from Harvard’s Museum of Comparative Zoology • Award-winning photojournalist Tyler Hicks

milt o n to bo s to n Having access to Boston’s universities, institutions and other resources is a particular advantage to our students. For example, students in AP American & Com­parative Government attend programs at Harvard’s Kennedy Institute on Politics, the Kennedy Library, and the Ford Hall Forum at Faneuil Hall. Delegations attend the Harvard Model Con­ gress, the Harvard Model UN and a similar program at Tufts University. Calculus students visit MIT laboratories, while Ancient Civilizations classes explore exhibits at the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA). The History of Art class also visits the MFA as well as Harvard’s Fogg Art Museum and the Isabella Stewart Gardner Muse­um. Geology students extend their class work to

the Charles River and the Blue Hills Reservation. Members of the Astronomy class experience the planetarium at the Museum of Science. With Tufts, MIT, Harvard, Boston College, Northeastern, Wellesley and Boston University in Milton’s backyard, our students have many opportunities to participate in the academic and cultural environment of “America’s college town.”

• T he New England Conservatory of Music: Youth Symphony Orchestra, Youth Philharmonic Orchestra, Massachusetts Youth Wind Ensemble, Youth Chorale • Boston University • Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra • Longy Music School • Massachusetts Educators District and All-State Music Festivals

mus i c

Milton students participate in musical competitions sponsored by:

Milton offers unparalleled opportunities for students who want to pursue music seriously as part of a broad high school education. Students take private lessons and participate in ensembles at the following renowned institutions:

• Boston Symphony Orchestra • Harvard Musical Association • Quincy Symphony Orchestra • Boston Pops Orchestra • Wellesley Symphony Orchestra • Brockton Symphony Orchestra


week end f un With Milton students, the Student Activities Office plans and supervises group fun in Boston, taking advantage of the range of activities the city provides: •S hear Madness at the Charles Playhouse •H ow the Grinch Stole Christmas: The Musical at the Wang Theatre • L ive Band Karaoke • T he Boat Dance on Boston Harbor Cruise • Spring Carnival • Vans to Legacy Place and South Shore Plaza for shopping • Vans to JP Licks and Pinkberry

t e a c h i n g s t uden t s t o us e bo s t o n Milton Academy considers Boston to be a valuable resource. We understand the need to teach students about using the city and to provide a structure for oppor­t unities that are both safe and age-appropriate. Milton plans faculty-supported activities that involve Boston, and encourages students to explore the city according to carefully reviewed plans and permissions granted by parents earlier in the year. When house parents consider requests for trips to Boston, they are careful to check for the number of students going together (two at a minimum; three or more when possible), and for the ages of the students in the group.

They review the students’ plans for safety before giving permission. On the weekends, Class IV (Grade 9) and Class III (Grade 10) students must return to campus by 7:30 p.m. Upper­class­men must return by check-in time. When a group with an appropriate ratio of older to younger students wants to attend a concert or go to dinner in Boston, the younger students may ask permission for a “late night” (11:00 p.m. on Friday or Saturday night). Permission is based on the dorm faculty’s perception that the plans are safe and well organized. “Late nights” are considered on a case-by-case basis— up to four times each year.


The opportunities to use Boston are thoughtfully considered by the faculty; the rules are ageappropriate and change as a student moves through the School.

what to ex p ect at milt o n eing smart and interested is easy, fun and normal; B everyone around you is motivated, too.

our learning is more about process than outcomes, Y more about balance than stress. (For example, you’re only allowed a certain number of major assignments due each week.)

L earning is discussion-based, not lecture-based; intense conversation in the classroom makes the class exciting. You make connections and discoveries you never imagined.

ou can be involved in a lot of different activities here. Y Many students try something new that they’ve never done before, and that’s encouraged. Or, you can take the thing you love to the max.

our teachers look for analysis, critical thinking, Y expressing ideas; they help you achieve these skills. You’ll develop your own point of view, and you’ll learn to respect others’ differing points of view. ou have your own advisor. One advisor counsels you Y and a small group of other students throughout your Milton years; guides your course selection; keeps in touch with your academic and social progress; is your family’s liaison to the School; and acts as your resource and advocate.

ou’re given a lot of unstructured time (increasingly so, Y as you get older), but you also have a lot of support. Your friends, the upperclassmen in your dorm, your peers and your teachers want to help you. W e’re a big school, but with a small feel. Your classrooms have about 14 students in them. Everyone is part of the action. ptions are plentiful, and choices are important. O Students run their lives and their days according to what they like to do. You’ll go to class, but then you’ll choose your afternoon activities, and spend that time the way you want to.

ou’ll be prepared to take AP tests, even if the course is Y not labeled AP. In fact, many upper-level courses are more challenging and rewarding than AP curricula. eachers are ready and willing to help you outside of T class; students visit faculty in the dorms and call faculty at home for help. aculty get to know you well—who you are and what F you care about; you’ll want to meet their high expectations of you. our courses are not limited to the texts; readings and Y discussions go beyond the textbooks, and teachers respond to what students are interested in. Y our art teachers are artists, in and outside of school; your music teachers are musicians; your English teachers are writers; your drama teachers are performers, set designers, and directors. All your teachers are scholars in their fields, and they love to teach. veryone here works hard, but they have a lot of fun, E too. Students will tell you that they and their friends are really happy, and that life here is collaborative, not competitive. ur proximity to Boston is a unique and important feaO ture to our School. Only eight miles away, the city offers so many opportunities for fun and for learning. ou won’t just become prepared for college—you’ll Y develop the skills that help you become prepared for life. 15

fa ct s Upper School students: 695, grades 9–12 Population of the town of Milton: 26,000 Foreign countries represented in the Upper School in 2014–2015: 22 Percentage of students of color in 2014–2015: 43% Student gender ratio in 2014–2015: 50/50 Students who participated in exchange programs or programs abroad in 2013–2014, studying in countries such as Spain, France, Italy and China: 40


st u dent s Are you curious? Do ideas matter to you? Do you like a challenge? Would you give yourself the chance to try something new? Would you like feeling really proud of your friends? Do you care deeply about some things? Do you like thinking about lots of things at once? Do you like to laugh? Can you laugh at yourself? Is your answer “yes”? Then Milton may be the school for you. In the years I have taught at Milton, I have encountered some of the smartest and most motivated students I can ever hope to know. It’s intriguing for me to work with students this smart, this motivated. Add to that the fact that it’s part of Milton’s culture that these students are laid back about their success. It’s endearing to me that they work so hard, do so well, and yet are very kind to one another; they’re very supportive of each other. They are nice to teachers, and teachers are nice to them. Students here are kind, happy, vigorous, challenging and humane—especially in the classroom.

Around the table in the classrooms, in laboratories, on fields, in studios and in your dormitory, you’ll find your classmates caring, opinionated, funny and talented in many different ways. Faculty whose passion for their discipline feeds their love of teaching will draw you into the discussion with the 12 or so other students in your class. There are so many ways to get involved at Milton, and so many encouraging people, that you’ll find a niche just right for you—a place to develop new skills, take on leadership, make good friends, and have fun. Milton is such a collection of people. Everyone who comes here is smart and talented in a unique way. Most of the students have experienced the same thing I did—being one of the really smart kids at their old school—and then they come here and EVERYONE is smart. The people here are talented, funny, eager to learn, but also really eager to have fun. And these people are my friends now! — Brittany Lee, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Millet House, Class of 2013 Every one of my friends has something admirable and unique about them. Everyone has a passion, something they are good at, and they have a lot to say. Being around so many passionate people inspires you. It’s my favorite thing about Milton—people think what you do is cool, and what they like to do is cool, too.

— Michael Lou, History Department

— Jake Daniels, Dedham, Massachusetts Class II


f a c u lty For years and years after high school, Milton students stay connected to faculty members who shifted the course of their lives—teachers who believed in them, supported them, developed their skills and fueled their growth. The deep commitment of a learned and experienced group of teachers is Milton’s great treasure, today and throughout Milton’s history. More than half the faculty have devoted over 10 years to Milton students, in classrooms, on playing fields and in dormitories. Scholars, writers, artists and researchers in their own right, these are skilled people who love teaching and the dynamics of learning. Faculty members at Milton are as diverse and individu­alistic as the students. They probe one another for new ideas. They value each other’s openness, responsiveness, energy and talent. They are passionate about their subject matter and communicate that passion to students. Togeth­er, they care for individual students. They give totally of themselves.

The teachers are what make the classes here. I’ve always enjoyed math, and I took advanced classes in middle school. But, as a freshman, calculus was one of my toughest subjects. I had Ms. Sugrue, and she is a great teacher. The way she teaches made calculus easy to understand, and she helped prepare me for the Math 7 Advanced Topics class. — Ravi Rahman, Needham, Massachusetts Class III I’ve loved all my teachers. There are many who are hard and who challenge you, in a good way. I’ve learned so much in Chemistry with Ms. Zimmer. I knew nothing about chemistry at the beginning of the year. Now I could talk about the basics of the science for hours! The teachers here are so passionate about what they are teaching and they foster that passion in their students. — Juliana Rogoff, Cambridge, Massachusetts Class III

My colleagues are incredibly passionate and well-read; they continue to expand their knowledge; they are never locked in old views. They like to think about things, to be open to new views. Even my older colleagues are surprisingly flexible. They have taken ownership of what they do: they can tell you exactly why they do what they do and never use the royal “we,” as in, “here’s the way ‘we’ do it.” They are open to new ideas, to each other, to new perspectives. You have this two-way flow of respect, which has an essential impact on the flow of ideas—they’re more fluid, more rich, more rapid, more dynamic. It’s the exchange of ideas that’s the premium, because for students to be able to truly understand concepts they need to speak about them. More sophisticated and varied interpretations of the ideas come out as the exchange goes on. We’re not in the business of giving out definitions. We’re here to help students develop interpretations—understandings—of ideas. —Michael Lou, History Department Faculty do everything possible to enable students to learn at their own pace, and we really do not measure students against each other. We know them well. We support them individually. We spend lots of one-on-one time with them. That said, this is a rigorous and demanding curriculum. Keeping it going, and paying close attention to each student, takes real energy. —Jim Connolly, English Department


fa cts Number of Milton Academy faculty (1798): 2 Number of Milton Academy faculty (2014): 138 Percentage of faculty with postgraduate degrees: 75% Percentage of faculty with doctorates: 10% Ratio of students to faculty: 5:1


At Milton, we encourage that paradoxically productive mix of independence and collaboration, humility and confidence, respect for the past and enthusiasm for the future. When we do so, we allow students to grow in enduring ways. Reflective and creative, they can approach new challenges with thoughtful determination, and because they learn to speak and listen with equal care, they develop the capacity to lead. Every day, in every moment, such growth takes place at Milton. To foster such learning, just to share in it, is a remarkable privilege. —David Ball, Upper School Principal and History Department Faculty

fa ct s Typical class size: 14 Typical number of courses taken per semester: 5 Number of history/social science electives: 22 Number of English electives: 20 Number of hardbound volumes in Cox Library: 46,000 Class IV: Grade 9 Class III: Grade 10 Class II: Grade 11 Class I: Grade 12


acad emic life t h e li f e o f t he mi n d i s t he pul s e o f t h e school Milton’s environment is intellectually charged. Students and faculty are excited about learning. The wide world of academic opportunity at Milton engages students in a demanding program of the highest quality. Students develop competence in the core subjects and feed intellectual passion through electives and independent study courses.

Learning at Milton is interactive. Dialogue, inquiry and reflection among faculty and students trigger extraordinary intellectual growth. As students progress, they learn to express themselves in writing and speech. They develop analytical skills and the confidence to defend their opinions. They learn to be independent, to take initiative and to manage their own time. We expect students to direct their own schedules, participate in class, have work prepared, and balance their academic, extracurricular and social commitments.

and the world of writing enliven our classrooms. Visiting professors, writers, scientists, journalists and artists are frequently part of campus life, not only for lectures but also for forums and classroom workshops with students. With Boston as our resource and inspiration, cultural activities, political exploration, scientific ventures and arts initiatives thrive at Milton.

Thinking, imagining, growing. Our teachers are skilled at their craft, and they are also serious scholars, artists and performers. They care deeply about each student’s progress and about the liveliness of our learning environment. Milton is an active and challenging academic community, where learners young and old think deeply, respectfully and imaginatively.

Boston is a resource. Because of our relationship with Boston and with major universities, discussions about international relations, historical perspectives, scientific research, film, environmental challenges,

The most valuable thing about Milton is the support system for academics. Any time I need extra help, I can meet with a teacher. There is always someone there, helping to guide me. The Skills Center is a great place to do homework. I meet with the director, Ms. Collins, and she helps me get organized and teaches me how to structure my time. She doesn’t do it for me, but she teaches me how to do it for myself. — Anne Malloy, Canton, Massachusetts Class III


e ng lish English courses at Milton offer a continuous interplay between the traditional and the innovative, the ancient and the modern, the basic skills and the imaginative encounter. All courses stress the development of writing skills through a series of assignments that demand analysis and originality. Careful faculty advising helps students choose a course of study best suited to their abilities and interests. As students progress from Class IV to Class I, the elective choices increase. Milton Academy’s English program encourages spontaneity and creativity while emphasizing the rewards of discipline.

My favorite English class was Performing English, where we focused on performing scenes and characters. One main assignment is to interview a teacher. We record the interviews and use the recording to help us practice acting as that teacher. I chose Ms. Marianelli, who teaches performing arts. I learned how to really listen to someone. I practiced her mannerisms, the way she talked and even the way she dressed. I really enjoyed it. The best part is giving solo performances of our teacher at “Twilight Night” in Wigg Hall, where anyone can come to watch. It was so much fun.

Every day in my English classes, I have 12 to 15 teenagers around the Harkness table who have done the reading. They’re not trying to get away from challenge, and they are truly excited about our discussion. They ask great questions. They love language. At Milton, you become a critical thinker. It’s always been that way, and that’s one of the things I loved as a student here. We have serious discussions about words, and how to use words powerfully. Every minute, every class period is packed. —Caroline Sabin ’86, English Department

— Angela Feng, Hong Kong, China Millet House, Class I

a s a mpling o f c o u r ses i n c l udes Studies in English and American Literature (two-year course) Literature and the Human Condition American Literature Man and the Natural World Contemporary World Literature Shakespeare Modern Comparative Literature Three Writers in Depth Performing Literature Philosophy and Literature The Craft of Nonfiction Hamlet Creative Writing Advanced Creative Writing Woman, Man, and Their Fictions Literature and the Nature of Reality


fr o m th e m i lt o n c la ss r o om Modern Comparative Literature: Reading List Summer Reading Charles Dickens, Great Expectations Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment Contextual Readings Eric Hobsbawm, The Age of Empire William Barrett, Irrational Man Joan Didion, The White Album Fiction Franz Kafka, The Complete Stories James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse Albert Camus, The Stranger Gabriel Garcia Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude J.M. Coetzee, Waiting for the Barbarians Toni Morrison, Beloved Drama Henrik Ibsen, Ghosts August Strindberg, The Father Anton Chekhov, The Cherry Orchard Luigi Pirandello, Six Characters in Search of an Author Bertolt Brecht, Mother Courage and Her Children

Samuel Beckett, Happy Days Harold Pinter, The Homecoming Edward Albee, The Zoo Story Sam Shepard, Buried Child David Mamet, American Buffalo David Mamet, Glengarry Glen Ross David Mamet, House of Games Anna Deaveare Smith, Fires in the Mirror Tony Kushner, Angels in America: Part One: Millennium Approaches Suzan-Lori Parks, The Red Letter Plays David Henry Hwang, Yellow Face Caryl Churchill, A Number Caryl Churchill, Far Away Martin McDonagh, The Pillowman Lynn Nottage, Ruined

Examples of Class IV Talks All Class IV students give a prepared speech to the entire class as part of the Class IV English course. Students choose their own topics. • Women in Science • Divorce • Spiritual Inspiration Found in Christian Summer Camp • Pros and Cons of Being Short • The Healing Power of Laughter • Coming from West Texas • The Language of Hands

Award-Winning Writing Each year, the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers recognizes a select group of high school students who have demonstrated exceptional achievement in their art. Award winners are selected by a panel of professional artists and are chosen from among thousands of submissions. This year, four Milton students earned national recognition for their writing in the prestigious Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.
Yvonne Fu (I) won a Gold Medal in Journalism and an American Voices Medal; Charlotte Goddu (I) won a Gold Medal in Flash Fiction; and Emmie Atwood (I) and Dianne Kim (II) both won Silver Medals in Poetry. In this competition—the country’s oldest awards program for creative teenagers—more than 185,000 students submitted work for consideration. Only 2,700 were selected for medals.

Jim Connolly’s creative writing class, which helps students to shape their ideas, observations and memories into works of fiction and poetry, depends largely on students “work shopping” each others’ writing. Work shopping peers’ writing is the hallmark of creative writing at Milton; it helps students appreciate the genre and become better writers themselves. One student says, “We approach each others’ work as if it’s professional writing. Mr. Connolly is so encouraging—he tells us to be ambitious in our writing. He’s never condescending in his instruction; he never says to us, ‘Oh, just write about what you know.’ He pushes us to go outside of ourselves. “Regional and national [creative writing] awards that Milton students win are amazing because they let us know that we are not only strong writers amongst each other, but that we can compete with other students across the country. That definitely helps build confidence and strength in our work.”

s t uden t po et ry Villanelle for Madrid You taught me to love sound, rolled soft r’s into my ears like humming street lamps. Listen. This is where I like to be found. In the heat of flamenco, toes, heels, hands pound like rain on Calle Velazquez. Women and men sweat and breathe tears. They teach me to love sounds. Like a nation’s blood, Jamón Serrano is striped red. Horchata, too sweet, yellowed under the sun for a year. Look. This is where I’d like to be found. In between besos on my cheek, thick lisps settle like the age-old stones in cathedral floors, almost too quiet to hear, teaching me to love sound. A city pumped on sangria, squid-ink paella, shrimp whiskers tangled in cracked black mussels—no fears, just taste. This is where I’d like to be found. This is a city where the streets hunch together, keeping secrets of the people, where 3 euro Marlboros curl, smoky, into your hair, where I learned to love sound, here, Madrid, I am found. Ruting Li, Class II Finalist for Smith Poetry Prize, PEN/New England writing contest, and Oxbridge Edge poetry contest


h is tor y and s o cial scien c e s In history and social science classes at Milton, students encounter, both in their readings and in class discussions, a variety of ideas and viewpoints. From textbooks and documents and their own research, they gather evidence to help them assess the significance of intellectual movements, of social relationships and of political institutions. They look at particular cultures in depth and at the contacts among cultures over broad periods of time. They test their newly won insights in daily class work and in frequent writing assignments. They learn to question and to know that great questions have more than one answer.

fro m t h e mi lt o n c l a s s room The Ethan Wyatt Bisbee Prize is an honor bestowed on students for outstanding research in United States history. Each year, faculty teaching the U.S. History and U.S. History in the Modern World courses choose honorees from among their students. The department invites prizewinners to the annual Bisbee Tea to celebrate their achievements and share their projects with faculty and fellow honorees. Winning paper topics recognized at the 2014 Bisbee Tea included: • The Dissident President: How John Adams Faced the 1798–1800 Federalist-Republican Crisis • Smith and Carnegie: The Ironic Failure of Delusional Capitalism • Pork Roast: Why the Bay of Pigs Invasion Went up in Flame • Women of the Beat Movement: Repressed Liberators • The Model T Ford: How Henry Ford’s Vision Changed America • Prohibition: How and Why It Failed • America’s 1953 Coup in Iran: The Event That Triggered America’s Cold War Imperialism • From Saigon to Selma: How the Vietnam War Affected the Civil Rights Movement • The Lincolnian Conflict: A review of the true motives behind The Great Emancipator’s abolitionism and commitment to democracy

a sam pl ing o f c o u r se s i n c lu des African-American History History of Modern China History of Civil Rights The United States in the Modern World History of the Middle East American Government and Politics (AP) Global Economics

A Sampling of Modern World History, Class IV (Grade 9), Research Paper Topics • “Tulipomania” of 17th Century Netherlands • White Rose Society: The Heart of Opposition Against Hitler and the Third Reich • The Second Italian-Ethiopian War • Israel’s Response to the Munich Massacre • The “Comfort Women” and the Silence of 50 Years • Catherine the Great and the Myth of the “Enlightened Despot” • Kashmir Divided and Indo-Pakistani Relations • The Armenian Genocide: A Forgotten People’s Ordeal • The Road from the Slave Rebellion of 1791 to the Haitian Revolution • Constantinople: The Fall That Began the Rise • The Politics of the Church in the Spanish Civil War • The Sinking of the Lusitania: Conspiracy Theory • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943 • The Battle of Stalingrad • The Space Race

Course Reading, a sampling of primary source material United States in the Modern World I Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, Turkish Letters Mi’kmaq elder, speech to French settlers Trial of Anne Hutchinson Peter the Great, “Decree on the Invitation of Foreigners” United States Constitution Simón Bolivar, “The Jamaica Letter” Taiping movement, “The Book of Heavenly Commandments” Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass United States in the Modern World II Plessy v. Ferguson John A. Hobson, Imperialism Sakuma Shozan, “Reflections on My Errors” Joseph Stalin, “The Results of the First Five-Year Plan” Mao Zedong, “On New Democracy” The Muslim Brotherhood, “Toward the Light” Richard M. Nixon, “Vietnamizing the War” Nelson Mandela, “The Rivonia Speech”

History of Art (AP) Psychology (AP) Topics in Modern World History History in Action for a Sustainable Society Religions of Asia Globalization and Islam Microeconomics: The Power of Markets


s tud y ing u .s . h i s t o r y i n d yn a mi c rel at i o n s hi p wi t h inter nati o n a l e v e n t s American history has traditionally been taught as a national narrative, as a history that was independent of global dynamics that fundamentally influenced and shaped its evolution. In response, Milton history teachers spent several summers developing a course that put the story of American history into the broader global context. Students who take the United States in the Modern World, a two-year course, look first at the powerful empires that succeeded the Pax Mongolica, at intellectual and

religious movements of early modern Europe, and then at the 18th-century political and economic revolutions and how they shook the world. In the second year, students study events of the past 150 years and consider how a variety of peoples have defined nationhood during years of industrialization, imperialism, global war, decolonization, social movements and cold war. Since there is no textbook that teaches United States history in a global context, the history depart-

ment has created a syllabus that emphasizes historical documents with accompanying secondary source readings. One of the important tasks of the course is to help students learn to read primary documents closely and to understand them in their appropriate historical context. Using newly published research, we have recently expanded our unit on the Atlantic Revolutions of the early 19th century to give particular emphasis to Haiti and New Orleans. The case study we

use is the slave revolution in St. Domingue (present-day Haiti) and the impact of the revolution on the emerging sugar and slave economy of the southern United States. As they learn about the first black republic in the Western Hemisphere, students also explore the impact of Toussaint L’Ouverture’s successful revolution on the abolition movement in England, on the expansion of territory and slaveholding in the United States, and finally, on the end of the international slave trade.

Over time, students have started off with different assumptions of the world. When I was a student, for instance, my world was divided along communist and non-communist lines. What would have made sense then, as an organizing principle, does not resonate now. The challenge is to find the place where students are now. We have grounded the course, United States in the Modern World, in the major religions, cultures, political organizations, and their connections. We are trying to make choices—within so much material—that have intellectual integrity as well as an appealing resonance with students. — David Ball ’88, Upper School Principal and History Department Faculty In United States History, the major assignment is the spring research paper. I had a love/hate relationship with my paper! A passion of mine is studying the ’60s and JFK, so I focused on the Cuban Missile Crisis. We had one month to work on it. The paper is a big project, so I felt overwhelmed at times. But in the end, the process of digging deeply into something I really care about—researching it extensively and formulating my own opinions—was an incredible experience. — Karla Alvarado, Chelsea, Massachusetts Hallowell House, Class II


s c i e n ce lea rn ing by do i n g By engaging students at all levels in doing science rather than just reading about it, Milton tries to build on the natural excitement of scientific exploration. We help students develop increasingly sophisticated skills in asking and answering scientific questions. Milton’s course sequence begins with physics, and moves to chemistry and then biology. The physics-first curriculum relies on hierarchical learning and constructivism: that is, building students’ understanding of scientific principles from the ground level up. Experience with conceptual physics enhances learning in chemistry, which in turn informs and supports understanding molecular biology. For example, knowledge of the structure and reaction of the atom and an

understanding of covalent and ionic bonding is essential to learning about biological molecules like proteins and DNA. Without a grasp of the atom and bonding (from chemistry), learning about proteins becomes an exercise in memorization rather than in understanding. Milton offers honors and advanced-level courses as well as deeply challenging electives. Milton Academy science is interactive and creative, reinforcing investigation, imagination and discovery.

sci e nce s y mp o si u m : m i lt o n s c i en t i s t s s h a re t h ei r c ul mi n at i ng work Milton’s annual Science Symposium showcases advanced science students and their DYO (Design Your Own) experiments in the Pritzker Science Center. For students enrolled

in advanced biology, chemistry, physics and environmental science, discussing independent projects that they’ve pursued over several weeks is their culminating work.

Students work as individual investigators, in pairs, or in a team of three. They structure and conduct experiments that explore all major areas of science and diverse hypotheses. The scientists develop posters describing their work, and talk with faculty, friends and parents about their process and outcomes. Within the four discipline areas, student projects are wide ranging. “The coolest part about the DYO for me was designing the entire lab from start to finish,” says one student. “The labs we conduct throughout the year are integrated into the day-to-day curriculum, which means that labs have a specific objective in mind. The goal of the DYO, however, is slightly different. Instead of focusing on a specific topic for a certain reason, the


DYO is meant to get us excited about science and force us to use all of the skills we have learned during the year.” Examples include: • “Investigating the Effect of Zinc Oxide Concentration on UV Blocking: Does SPF Really Matter?” • “Introducing RNA interference in C. eglans (temporary inactivation of the dpy-13 gene)” • “Soils of Neponset Estuary Salt Marsh: A Study of Classification Soil Moisture and Infiltration Rate” • “A Study of Wiffle Ball Aerodynamics” • “Cementing our future: examining the effect of CO2 concentration over setting cement on CO2 absorption”

The students at Milton are so much fun—so lively; interacting with them is inspiring. Every day in the lab is different. Sometimes I’m using materials like tinfoil and marbles to teach students how to mimic proteins moving through a cell; another time we’re conducting a human digestion simulation that stinks up the room. I enjoy seeing them evolve as writers, too, from that first lab report in the fall to a final project in the spring.

a s a mpl i n g o f c o ur s es includ es Science in the Modern Age Geology Human Anatomy and Physiology Marine Science Observational Astronomy

Engineering the Future Cosmology and Modern Physics Molecular Genetics Nuclear Physics Issues in Environmental Science

• Pick a variable to measure its effect on the development of sea urchin embryos using a dependent variable of your design. • Using gel electrophoresis and various restriction digestions of DNA, put together a restriction map of an unknown DNA source. • Isolate and amplify mitochondrial DNA, using PCR, for sequencing. Compare your DNA to the DNA of other students, other ethnic groups, and other organisms. • Evaluate the percentage of baking soda in an Alka-Seltzer tablet, using a method of the student’s design, to record carbon dioxide emissions.

• Design an experiment to test the effect of an independent variable of your choice on the period of an object in uniform circular motion. • Determine the relationship between the intensity of a light source and the distance the detector is from it.

—Sarah Richards, Science Department

fr o m th e m i lt o n c la ss r o om Resources • Inquiry laboratories available to students during and after normal school hours for independent or long-term projects • Milton Academy’s Ayer Observatory, used by the Astronomy and Cosmology electives, the Astronomy Club and the community at large • Boston Museum of Science • New England Aquarium • Blue Hills Reservation, focal point of the Advanced Environmental Science elective • Harvard Museum of Natural History

• Neponset River and Atlantic coastline • Local university laboratories and science facilities • Northeastern University Marine Center, Nahant • Lake O’Hare and wetland, on campus

Lab Experiments, examples: • Design an experimental protocol to measure the rate of production of oxygen by the enzyme catalase measured in moles of oxygen per second using a Vernier pressure probe. • Using “micro-lakes” to analyze the toxic effect of acid rain.


Competitions and Projects • Physics Olympiad • University of New Hampshire Forest Watch • Marine Remotely Operated Vehicle (M.R.O.V.) • Team America Rocketry Challenge • Annual National Oceans Science Bowl (NOSB)

m athemat ics an d c ompu t er pro g r ammin g The mathematics department works to deepen each student’s understanding of the skills, the concepts and the habits of mind that are the keys to the mastery of mathematics. Through problem solving and investigation, students come to appreciate the beauty and power of pure and applied mathematics, and they more fully understand the connections between mathematics and other disciplines. The mathematics department provides interesting and appropriately challenging problems so that all students may explore and analyze data and consider a variety of solutions to any one problem. Effective communication—both verbal and written— is central: Students learn to speak and write the language of mathematics in a student-centered environment where collaboration is both encouraged and expected. We make every effort to help students feel confident in their

ability to do mathematics, so when faced with a novel problem, students will attack it with skill, courage, interest, enthusiasm, and the belief that they have the intellectual and technological resources that will aid in the solution. Whenever possible, we encourage students to consider analytical, numerical and graphical solutions to a problem, and the calculator and computer are instrumental in the different

analyses. We emphasize process, and students recognize that stating the final answer to a problem is never sufficient. Rather, a wellorganized, clearly articulated written or verbal explanation of that solution is important in helping the student effectively communicate the reasoning and the processes involved. The mathematics teachers at Milton Academy work collaboratively, and the materials we develop allow us to determine the nature and direction of course work. We think and talk about what we are teaching so the curriculum is responsive, efficient, customized and open-ended. Many of the problems we use are set in meaningful contexts, and we hope that students will realize the value and importance of mathematics in their lives.

fro m the milton c l a s s room Math Problems 1. The Locker Problem There are 500 students and 500 lockers, numbered 1 through 500. Suppose the first student opens each locker. Then the second student closes every second locker. The third student changes the state of every third locker. The fourth student changes the state of every fourth locker. This process continues until the 500th student changes the state of the 500th locker. Which lockers are open? Your first task is to figure out which lockers are open. Your second task is to explain why these lockers are open. Source: Huetinck, Linda and Munshin, Sara H. Teaching Mathematics in the 21st Century, 2nd Edition. Pearson, 2004.

2. Prove the binomial theorem: n


Σ⎜⎝k⎟⎠⋅a b

(∀a,b∈§) (∀n∈•) (a+b) n =


(n – k)


3. The Double Ferris Wheel A double Ferris wheel has a 30-meter rotating arm attached at its center to a 25-meter main support. The arm rotates in the counterclockwise direction. At each end of the rotating arm is attached a Ferris wheel measuring 20 meters in diameter. Each Ferris wheel rotates in the counterclockwise direction as well. It takes the rotating arm six minutes to complete a full revolution, and it takes four minutes for each smaller wheel to complete one revolution. Suppose that at time t=0 the rotating arm is parallel to the ground, and that your seat is at the three o’clock position of the rightmost wheel. Find a formula for h=f(t), your height above the ground in meters, as a function of time elapsed in minutes.

Final Projects for Advanced Placement Computer Science • Develop Android and iPhone applications, such as a geotagged Twitter feed analyzer • Whole-language analyzer, harnessing the A* algorithm • Study artificial intelligence • Develop steering behaviors for autonomous robots 28

In math classes at Milton, you learn from other students, instead of going off by yourself to work on problems. The teachers say, “Here’s a problem. I’m not giving you the equation—you need to take what you’ve learned and go figure it out together.” We do group graded assessments, where we split up into groups of three or four, and we work together to solve problems. You might have someone in your group great at algorithms, and another student who knows exponents really well. You all share what you know and learn together.

a s a mpl i n g o f c o ur s es includ es Math 4 Precalculus: Functions with Mathematical Modeling Math 5 Calculus Math 5s Statistics Math 5/6 Calculus (Accelerated) Math 6 Further Topics in Calculus (Honors)

Math 7 Advanced Topics Computer Programming Advanced Computer Programming Programming Applications

— Juliana Rogoff, Cambridge, Massachusetts Class III

th ink ing a n d ta lk i n g a b o ut wh at we a re t ea c hi n g , and wh y w e a r e t e a c h i n g i t “Working as a team, the math department spends time reflecting on practice, curriculum, and pedagogical choices we make as teachers. We have 17 faculty members who each bring their own flavor of mathematical enthusiasm to the classroom,” says Heather Sugrue, chair of the math department. The collegial interactions of the faculty lead to exciting new approaches in the classroom. For example, this year all geometry classes will include an introduction to computer programming, and higher-level courses will incorporate computer programming, as well.

“As a department, and as a group of individuals, we think and talk about what we are teaching, why we are teaching it, and how best to teach it; it’s an essential and ongoing conversation,” says Terri HerrNeckar. All those who teach sections of a given course meet once each week; teachers of several courses have many meetings. They discuss how classes have gone and roadblocks that have appeared; they agree upon common homework assignments and who will write an upcoming quiz. The discussions include: “What method would you use to solve this problem?” or “I want to introduce this concept. Do you have an effective problem to do that?”

The outcome of this collaboration and attention to the craft of teaching is a curriculum that is responsive, efficient, customized, and open-ended. “I teach two classes that each have a single section of students,” Erica Banderob says. “I write up notes after each class meeting. My approach is not necessarily the same as last year; it fits this year’s students exactly. When I see a need, I respond with the right thing, tomorrow!” Rather than following the pre-ordained sequence in a textbook, “having a database of our own materials gives us the confidence to change the flow, based on the students,” Ms. HerrNeckar notes.


“Outside of the classroom, we are making math more visible on campus,” says Ms. Sugrue. “A new speaker series—Pi Talks, pairing math discussion and dessert—is for students and adults to gain insights about math that go beyond academia. Milton’s first math educators conference took place recently, drawing 55 math educators from around New England. Both events brought new perspectives and energetic approaches to math at Milton.”

m od e r n lan g u ag es Milton modern language students distinguish themselves as culturally aware, fluent speakers of the languages they have studied. Right away, students at the entry levels speak the target language rather than English with faculty, many of whom are native speakers. Literature, art, music, film, Internet-accessed news and cultural sites—even food—are bridges that immerse students in an exploration of language and culture. They advance, through fast-paced interactive teaching, using their new language as articulately as they would English: sharing reactions to serious literature, scanning the news and debating political events, discussing contemporary celebrations of art and music. Popular and valuable Milton programs in Spain, France and China, as well as School Year Abroad, allow an even fuller immersion into a language and a culture.

from th e m ilt o n c la s s r o o m French Assignment

Chinese 1 Assignment:

Maintenant que le style de ce conte vous est connu, écrivez votre propre chapitre dans lequel vous imaginerez de nouvelles aventures pour Candide. Servez-vous des techniques de l’ironie que nous avons identifiées en lisant le conte pour donner un caractère “voltairien” à votre chapitre. (From French 4 AP)

Describe a room using the vocabulary we have learned.

Translation: Now that you are familiar with the style of this philosophical tale, write your own chapter in which you imagine new adventures for Candide. Make use of the ironic devices that we identified while reading the work in order to give your chapter a “Voltairian” flair.

Translation: My dorm doesn’t have air conditioning. It has a washing machine. It’s a little crowded, but my room is very comfortable. I like my dorm a lot.

On my first day of Spanish 2/3, our teacher promised us that we’d be fluent by the end of the year. I was nervous— I thought I’d be the only student in the history of Milton to fall short! Our teacher completely immersed us in Spanish, but she was so supportive and warm. She demanded a lot of us, but she was always right there to help. At the end of the class, I was even thinking in Spanish! — Emmie Atwood, Milton, Massachusetts Class I 30

clas sics l a vo z, the s p a n i s h n e w spa per, a milto n s t u de n t p u b li c at i o n f o r ne arly 30 y e a r s La Voz is a student-run Spanish newspaper that includes news, opinion, regular departments and reviews. The genre alone makes La Voz rare among school publications across the country, as does its continuous publication (four to five times over each school year) since the first edition in 1986. In 2011, the publication went online, as well: “We adhere to strict journalistic standards,” says the faculty advisor to La Voz. “News stories, for instance, have to be researched and represent multiple points of view. If a student’s research has led him to some passionate conclusions, he can express them in the opinion columns, but not in the news reports.” The editors figure out the theme and then assign writing to eight to 10 writers to cover news, features and departments. They may focus on active political, cultural or social events in Spain or Latin America, and then include a focus on relevant Milton campus life. Departments include op-ed opinion pieces, reviews of movies and restaurants, cartoons, and columns called “Gente” or “People,” and “Entrevistra” or “Interview.” One issue highlighted two plays of historical importance by Spanish authors that were

staged at Milton: The Sins of Sor Juana about Juana Ines de la Cruz, one of the great poets of the Spanish language; and the Class IV (Grade 9) play, Fuente Ovejuna, a drama of comedy, romance and familiar historical themes, written in 1613 by Lope de Vega, a Spanish contemporary of Shakespeare. Another issue staged a contest in writing in the style of Nobel laureate poet Pablo Neruda. La Voz’s editors deal with journalistic challenges that are unique to their genre. For instance, both the writers for La Voz and the readers have a range of ability; each issue involves at least three rounds of skilled editing. They have to teach their writing staff journalistic style— in Spanish. The editors must merge diverse articles, about the world and the Milton campus, into a coherent and attractive whole. The editors have said they enjoy the writing aspect of their jobs most—doing the research, moving to a framework of ideas, and then writing. Working on La Voz has helped their writing in English, they say: Finding the big ideas comes easier; good editing is worth the effort. The pleasure of a finished product, a permanent expression of the ideas and the hard work, pleases everyone.

The study of classical authors in the original language enables students to appreciate more fully the foundation and development of English and European literature. Because students develop the skills of close textual analysis by examining words that have been debated for centuries, they begin to understand both the scholarly value of their own interpretations and the degree to which the perspectives of different eras affect the way a work is viewed. Students who take Latin or Greek are expected to master the basic vocabulary, grammar and syntax of the languages well enough to translate and interpret some of the greatest authors of Western civilization.

a s a mpl i n g o f c o ur s es includ es Latin 4 Literature of the Golden Age Roman Elegy and Lyric Roman History Roman Philosophical Writings

I studied Latin in middle school, but at Milton my whole experience with the language changed. I just got into studying Latin a lot more. I always loved learning about the history of the Romans, but this year I understood it in more depth. In Latin III, we read Cicero and Julius Caesar’s accounts of his campaigns in the Gallic Wars. I really grasped Caesar’s way with words and speech. — Jaejung Justin Yoon, Nashville, Tennessee Norris House, Class II

a s am pl ing o f c o u r se s i n cl udes French through level 6 French 4 Language and Literature (AP) French 5 Francophone World French 5 Twentieth-Century France through Its Cinema Chinese through level 6 Spanish through level 5

Selected Readings Greek through level 3 Intensive Classical Greek and Latin

Spanish 4 Language and Literature (AP) Spanish 5 Literature and Culture (AP) Spanish 5 Inside Latin America Spanish 5 Discovering El Caribe Intensive French, Spanish and Chinese


t he art s Our belief that all students can be artists is actually an idea about personal growth and process. Creative thinking, selfexpression, and encountering the challenges of an art form empower students to be creative and confident in all areas of life. In Milton’s arts program, students experience intense individual attention and coaching along with exhilarating team experiences. They spend hours with dedicated adults who use a wide range of teaching and directing skills, who bring to bear diverse and respected talents, who set the highest standards for students’ performance, and who honor each student’s contribution. All Milton students explore their talents and foster their creativity by taking at least one course in the performing arts, music, creative writing or visual arts. With varied and comprehensive courses in each discipline, students can develop their artistic interests both in and out of the classroom. Milton’s extensive academic program in the arts is matched by its many extracurricular opportunities; students perform and showcase their talents, formally and informally, throughout the year. Students also routinely take advantage of the museums, theaters, concert halls and other artistic venues in and around the city of Boston. The arts departments help many accomplished Milton students prepare college portfolios and performance tapes as part of their work in applying to highly selective colleges.

vi sual arts

p e r f o r m i n g a rt s

Milton challenges students to develop and to apply their skills at a high level in the many visual arts courses. We ask each student to “see more,” to think creatively, to apply energy to expressing ideas, to grow from criticism, and to expect that virtually every piece of work will be exhibited. No student can “speak” clearly or dramatically without learning visual language. At Milton, beauty and truth are not abstractions, but rather the raw material for artistic expression—in the traditional forms of drawing, painting or sculpture, or in the contemporary terms of digital photography or architectural design. Our students ask and answer important questions about themselves and their world, and art is the tool that they use.

Performing arts faculty at Milton help students tap into their own creativity and imagination. Courses in performance, theory and design are much like laboratories where students can experiment, take risks, and explore their own abilities. Classes include students from all grades with varying degrees of experience. The hands-on, group-centered environment of the classroom prepares students for success in the varied extracurricular opportunities here. Four main-stage productions, two dance concerts, and three studio plays give students an opportunity to hone their skills in performance, direction, choreography, design and technical theater in a dynamic production environment.

mus i c Milton’s music program provides opportunities for both experienced and inexperienced students. The program offers choral, instrumental and jazz classes as well as courses in theory and history. Students may also take private lessons for credit from professional musicians in the Greater Boston area or study at the New England Conservatory. Our classical and jazz instru­ mental groups are strong. The orchestras have toured the eastern United States and Canada. The Chamber Orchestra has performed in Prague, England, Ireland, Italy and China, and the Advanced Jazz Ensemble has performed in Florida, California and

South Africa. Other ensembles include the Flute Choir and several jazz combos. The School’s tradition in choral music has strong historical roots. The Glee Club is the longestrunning activity at the Academy. The Chamber Singers group has won several gold medals from the American Choral Directors association and has sung at the Association’s eastern convention. In recent years, this group has toured Romania, Kenya, England, Ireland and the northwestern United States. The Miltones, Octet, Epic and Three For Each of Us are select groups of singers who perform contemporary a cappella music at assemblies and many other events throughout the school year.

In the Class IV art program, we’re more interested in the process than in a particular finished product. I pose a creative problem to the students. If 12 people are in the class, I want 12 different responses. In successive courses, students narrow their focus and intensively develop certain skills crucial to a particular art discipline, working to develop one visual concept over the course of a semester. Pushing one big idea as far as it can go is an important experience for students, especially when they hit the wall and have to push through it. —Ian Torney ’82, Visual Arts Department Chair


a s a m p l i n g o f c o ur s es i n c l udes Music Courses Orchestra/Ensembles/Chamber Orchestra Chamber Singers Jazz Improvisation Advanced Jazz Improvisation Music Theory History of Music Music Independent Study

Performing Arts Courses Acting Styles Advanced Oral Interpretation Design for the Theatre Advanced Dance Choreography Film and Video Production Costume Design

Visual Arts Courses Advanced Drawing Sculpture Ceramics Advanced Photography Architecture Painting Advanced Independent Art Installation Art

I was in both the orchestra and the jazz combos at Milton—I played viola and guitar. Those two groups are very different. Jazz was more independent. It’s a group, but it relies on improvisation and lets you show your individual style. Playing in the orchestra was much more communal. Your instrument is not necessarily heard on its own, but you’re an important part of the music as a whole. Both playing styles helped me improve and grow as a musician. — Charlie Perkins, Norfolk, Massachusetts Goodwin House, Class of 2013



off-campus p ro g r ams The Mountain School of Milton Academy involves Class II students (juniors) in a fall or spring semester on a working 300-acre farm in Vershire, Vermont. Each semester, 45 students from more than 20 schools join a corps of faculty in a rigorous interdisciplinary program, which is centered around issues of community and the environment. Students work with faculty to help manage the farm, its gardens and animals, as well as its facilities. The semester is an ongoing exercise in individual responsibility and group cooperation. As many as nine students from Milton Academy are selected to attend the Mountain School each year.

The Maine Coast Semester is a challenging academic program for Class II students. It emphasizes the natural sciences, environmental issues and hands-on work. Community living, respect and responsibility are at the heart of this program, which is sponsored by the Chewonki Foundation. School Year Abroad provides opportunities for students in their Class II or Class I year to spend the school year studying in Spain, France, Italy or China. Cityterm at the Masters School in New York City is an experiencebased interdisciplinary study of the city for Class II students. Students live at the Masters

School and travel into New York City daily to study the tensions of public and private, commerce and culture, inherent in urban life. The French Exchange is conducted with the Lycée Georges Duby in Aix. Approximately 20 students from Milton spend more than two weeks in Aix, attending the Lycée and living with a host family. The Spanish Exchange is a school-to-school student exchange run jointly by Milton Academy and Colegio El Pilar, a private school located in the outskirts of Madrid. A group of 14 students and two faculty members leaves Milton for Madrid in late May. Each Milton student

is paired with a student from El Pilar and lives with his 0r her counterpart’s family during the four-week experience, which includes cultural opportunities as well as classes. The Chinese Trip provides a five-week experience for eight to 10 students during the summer at HeiLong Jiang University in Harbin, China, for the study of Mandarin. Students spend a final week with a family at the Experimental Middle School in Beijing.

At first, I was nervous when I went on the French Exchange. I was only a freshman, but French really clicked with me and I wanted to experience immersing myself in the language. I loved my host family. There were three children, but the youngest, a 4-year-old, helped me the most! She was always correcting my word choice and pronunciation. Other parts of the trip—attending the Cannes Film Festival, visiting Paris—were amazing. Even though it was only for two weeks, my French really improved. When I got back to Milton, I could express my thoughts more easily in French class. This year I am going on School Year Abroad to Rennes, France, and I can’t wait. — A lexis Allen, Stoughton, Massachusetts Class II


top c ol l e ge mat r icul atio n s (fou r o r mo r e ) , 2 012– 2 01 4 Amherst College Bard College Bates College Boston College Boston University Bowdoin College Brown University University of California, Los Angeles Carnegie Mellon University Case Western Reserve University University of Chicago Colby College Columbia University Cornell University Dartmouth College Emory University Fairfield University George Washington University Georgetown University Hamilton College Harvard University College of the Holy Cross Kenyon College McGill University University of Miami University of Michigan New York University Northwestern University Oberlin College Princeton University University of Southern California University of St. Andrews Stanford University Trinity College Tufts University Tulane University Vanderbilt University Vassar College Washington University in St. Louis Wellesley College Wesleyan University Whitman College Williams College Yale University

11 5 4 13 11 8 20

facts Students in the Class of 2014: 171 Average SAT scores: Critical Reading—686 Math—693 Writing—701

4 4 7 16 15 14 14 9 5 5 8 9 8 18 4 4 4 4 4 17 10 4 10 9 5 6 11 16 4 6 5 5 7 13 4 5 12

Accurate as of 6/13/14


c ol lege co u n selin g The College Counseling Office has created a highly personal and effective approach toward the college admission process. Students are encouraged to direct their own search, in partnership with their parents and the College Office. The counselors view the college process as part of a student’s total Milton education, involving personal reflection, independent reasoning, and informed decision making. Milton students over the years have earned the respect of college admission officers as a result of the quality of their academic preparation, their individuality and their thoughtful, well-written applications.

c o l l eg e mat r i c ul at i o n— c l a s s o f 201 4 American International College 1 Amherst College 3 Bard College 1 Barnard College 2 Bates College 3 Boston College 3 Boston University 7 Bowdoin College 3 British Columbia, University of 1 Brown University 9 University of California, Berkeley 1 University of California, Los Angeles, 1 University of California, San Diego 1 Carnegie Mellon University 1 Case Western Reserve University 4 Chapman University 1 Chicago, University of 5 Clarkson University 1 Colorado College 1 Columbia University 7 Cornell University 4 Elon University 1 Emmanuel College 1 Emory University 3 Fairfield University 2 Fitchburg State University 1 Fordham University 2 Franklin & Marshall College 2 George Washington University 5 Georgetown University 4 Goucher College 1 Hamilton College 2 Harvard University 3 Hobart & William Smith Colleges 2 College of the Holy Cross 2

Ithaca College 1 Lafayette College 1 Macalester College 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 McGill University 1 University of Michigan 3 Middlebury College 1 New York University 5 Northwestern University 5 Oberlin College 2 Pennsylvania State University 2 Princeton University 4 Reed College 2 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1 Rice University 1 University of Richmond 1 Rollins College 1 University of Southern California 5 Spelman College 1 University of St. Andrews (Scotland) 1 Stanford University 3 Stony Brook University 1 Swarthmore College 1 Trinity College 7 Tufts University 4 Tulane University 3 University of Oxford 1 Vassar College 1 Washington University in St. Louis 2 Wellesley College 1 Wesleyan University 4 Whitman College 2 Williams College 2 Yale University 4

Accurate as of 6/13/14

I love reading Milton Academy folders because the students write so well. —Admission Officer, Brown University I like to save the Milton applications for last because the students are so interesting and they present themselves so well. —Admission Officer, University of Pennsylvania 37

r e si dential lif e a fa mil y at s c h o o l Milton is an academically rigorous school, and it is also a nurturing one. Students experience this important balance between the head and heart as members of Milton’s centuryold boarding program. A diverse group of 325 students from 28 states and 22 countries live in eight single-sex residential “houses” that are family-style and intimate. Family style is best. • Milton houses include all four grades. • Students live in the same house for their entire time at Milton. • L iving with older and younger “siblings” gives students role models, support, a sense of belonging and family, and plenty of affection. • Faculty families—complete with children and pets—are connected to every house. • Dedicated, experienced house faculty carefully “parent” their students.

House structure and rules support the developmental needs of teenagers. • House sizes: from 31 to 48 students • Rooming options: singles, doubles and triples • Family-style dining with the faculty, three evenings a week • Proctored study halls each night • Study help and advice from faculty and older students • Ecumenical Chapel service each Sunday evening about ethical and spiritual concerns • Valuable communication between students and trusted adults about issues in young people’s lives • Best of all, students can stay connected to home, thanks to telephone and email access in every dormitory

Ties with adults are strong and continuous. • Each house is small and intimate, with a faculty to student ratio of 1:4. • Students receive 24-hour-a-day guidance from adults they know from the classroom, arts and sports. • Each house faculty member serves as academic and personal advisor to six students in the house. • House heads provide leadership and a stable, nurturing tone, and lay the groundwork for a close-knit community in the house. • New student orientation helps students get to know each other and appreciate cultural differences. It also offers guidance on time management, technology and campus resources.

In my house, Hallowell, I love who we are together. Everyone is so different. We are quirky, crazy, and sometimes loud! On a random night, we might end up having a dance party after studying. I love how everyone is talented at something. We are painters, singers, musicians, athletes. Everyone is so supportive of one another, and all my best friends are in the house.

Our students answer: “What kind of students would be happy living at Milton?” • Open-minded • Curious • Willing to work hard • Tolerant • Ready to find out who you are • Willing to be true to themselves “What have you gained from living at Milton?” • New perspectives and ideas • Connections with adults I admire • Learning how to get along with others, and how to decide what’s important • Responsibility, independence and confidence • Best friendships in the world • Getting to know people with amazing talents • Chances to learn new skills, like acting or wrestling

I didn’t have a long transition phase when I came to Milton. I was homesick for only a week! Your dorm is so welcoming and you make new friends right away. Everyone in the dorm becomes your family. The older students really guide and help you as a freshman; all the girls become like your sisters. Even though we are all different people, we mesh together nicely. And the dorm faculty are always there for you. My favorite person on campus is Mrs. Colson, my house head. On Thursday nights, we spend hours in her apartment; she makes homemade desserts and we can have long discussions about anything.

— Destiny Polk, Boston, Massachusetts Hallowell House, Class II

— Angela Feng, Hong Kong, China Millet House, Class I


I love all the activities Norris House does together, such as dorm bowling and sit-down dinners. They bring us together and we really get to know one another. One of my favorite dorm activities is Christmas caroling, when we go to all the girls’ dorms and sing holiday songs. I had no experience singing in public. It was just something I liked to do on my own, but I discovered that I love it. — Jaejung Justin Yoon, Nashville, Tennessee Norris House, Class II

Hathaway has a home-like feel to it. We are a very tight group, like a sisterhood of 29 people. As a new student, it’s important to put yourself out there in those first weeks. It isn’t always easy, but if you try your best to attend all the events, and learn other students’ names, it pays off in a big way. Before you know it, you will have lots of new friends— in your house and all around campus. — Caroline Wall, Greensboro, North Carolina Hathaway House, Class II


fa ct s


Number of students living on campus: 325

Geographic Distribution of Milton Academy Students, 2014–2015:

Number of house faculty: 54

United States Countries California Albania Colorado Australia Connecticut Bahamas Florida Bermuda Georgia Canada Hawaii China (P.R.C.) Illinois Colombia Maine Egypt Maryland Ghana Massachusetts Hong Kong Michigan India Nebraska Jamaica New Hampshire Japan New Jersey Korea New York Malaysia North Carolina Nigeria Ohio Philippines Oregon Russia Pennsylvania St. Barts Rhode Island Saudi Arabia Tennessee Thailand Texas United Kingdom Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Washington, D.C. Wisconsin

Smallest house: 31 students Largest house: 48 students Best long weekend activities: • Movie marathons • Apple picking • Make-your-own pizza parties • Outdoor movies and s’mores on the Quad • Open House parties in each of the dorms, with themes • T he fall festival, with candy apples and pumpkin painting Favorite house traditions: • Halloween pumpkin carving • Dorm bowling • “Wills” on graduation eve • Dorm softball in the spring • Caroling and decorating for the holidays • Freshly baked cookies at Tuesday check-in • Dorm dodgeball in the ACC

The dorm faculty are always checking up on us and looking out for us. They come to our sports games to cheer us on, they go to the plays on campus, they help us with school work. Mr. Kane is my advisor, and he’s the best. He takes our advisor group out for food or he’ll order dinner for us. Mr. Kane is an advocate for me, and he helped me find my own voice and become an advocate for myself, too. — Jonnie Lawson, Ontario, Canada Wolcott House, Class II


It’s nice to have the dorm as my second home. The dorm parents are amazing. When you first move in, they and the upperclassmen embrace you and make you feel at home. We always have a good time together. I enjoy the house traditions, especially when coming together for a potluck dinner. We all make different dishes we know from home and share them. I also love the fun competition we have with the other houses in the dorm dodgeball tournaments. We won the championship this year! — Miles Awofala, San Francisco, California Norris House, Class II

h o us es hav e bo s t o n tr ad itions Right after freshmen settle in, Goodwin House seniors introduce their new “younger brothers” to Harvard Square by taking them there on the T (public transit) and for dinner at the Border Café. Similar traditions in other houses bring older students and new students together to learn about Boston and each other. Trips to Good Times for laser tag, to Boston


Bowl, or to favorite restaurants in Chinatown are cherished activities. Milton students love shopping, exploring museums, going to jazz concerts or sports contests. They learn about the city with the help of faculty advisors and older students. Their access to the city has been carefully considered by faculty, and rules in the student handbook guide their activity.

wa lking t hro u g h the m ilto n d ay one m ilton day Assembly Period 1 Period 2 Recess Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 Period 8 Activities Sports, clubs, arts and performance activities Dinner Study Hall Check-in Lights out

8:00 a.m. 8:20 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 11:05 a.m. 11:55 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 1:20 p.m. 2:10 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:30–9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m.

Days at Milton are full. Classes are exciting, and the discussion that starts around the Harkness table continues out of class. The occasional free period during the class day is a great time to talk with friends, get work done, grab a snack in the Schwarz Student Center or check on a project. After classes, the wide world of Milton’s activities and organizations opens up. Students may have an athletic practice every day until dinner, or they may get involved in theater tech or a publication or community service. Three times each week students have “sit-down”—shorthand for dinner with their housemates and house faculty. Day students come to dinner, too, when they’re staying on campus for activities. The fast-paced Milton day helps you learn to manage your time, follow through on responsibilities, get work done and have fun with friends. There are so many opportunities to get involved; you don’t want to miss out. The days are made up of many moments, and every student can point to a certain “moment” that captures the Milton experience. Here are some Milton moments as students describe them:

l i ane t h o r nh i l l Milton, Massachusetts Class of 2013 I’ve been in plays every season since I came to Milton. My favorite musical was The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, and the funniest show was Le Dindon—I was on the tech crew for that. Mr. Parisi [from the performing arts department] is amazing. The way he transforms the main stage, as far as set and production, is really beautiful. I like how open performing arts are at Milton. I’ve sung and danced and recited lines onstage, and I’ve been on tech crew and learned how to use a power drill and wire lights. Students who do performing arts here haven’t


all gone to intense drama camp. Football players can be part of it, and almost the whole class is involved somehow in the Class IV Play. There are so many options and different ways to participate in theater here. My favorite place on campus is Kellner [Performing Arts Center]. Just lounging on the floor in Pieh Commons feels so homey. The students and faculty who work and play in Kellner have made it their own. You’re surrounded by student art on the walls, you can always hear someone practicing piano. The building is alive with art.

d e s t i ny p o l k

liam whit e

Boston, Massachusetts Hallowell House, Class II

Wellesley, Massachusetts Class I I was the only freshman on the varsity team when I started playing soccer at Milton. The team worked hard, but our record wasn’t great. The next year Coach Chris Kane became our coach; he is so dedicated and enthusiastic. Now I’m a senior, and it’s been amazing to see the team’s transformation. We made the playoffs this year. As captain, I focused on keeping a high standard on the field and on campus. I made sure my teammates realized that we should represent our team well during the school day. Our team’s camaraderie was a good example of sports bringing people together. I wouldn’t trade my four years of soccer at Milton for anything.

Milton also gave me the opportunities to try things that are completely unlike me. When I traveled to South Africa in middle school, I really admired the dances there. So during my sophomore year, I tried out for the Step Team. During the auditions, I was totally lost, but I still made the team. I met some of my best friends in Step. They are mentors to me, and they’re always willing to work with me one-onone. They gave me confidence to show my personality through dance. At Milton, people appreciate you for not trying to fit a mold, and instead to follow an interest that you decided on your own is appealing to you. The school does a nice job of supporting that.

Dance is important to me, and Milton’s dance program gives students the freedom to explore what they like. Our dance teacher is awesome. She has a structured curriculum, but she is flexible in letting us try what interests us. The Dance Concert is our big event. Students choreograph the dances, and any student can audition to perform. During Dance Concert, you are surrounded by people who love to dance. We might get physically tired from practices, but then there is a moment where it all comes together. That is the most magical part—seeing an idea that started in your mind come to life.


This year I wanted to choreograph a dance to the Sara Bareilles song “Gravity.” Coincidently, my dance partner heard the same song and had the same thought. We originally planned a duet, but during the process of choreographing, we changed it to become an eightperson performance. That is one valuable lesson you learn in dance: Some things have to go, and you have to be okay with that. You have to be open to others’ ideas and suggestions.

n e il chandr a

j ul i an a r o g o ff

Sharon, Massachusetts Class I

Cambridge, Massachusetts Class III

I play saxophone and piano in the jazz combos, and I love it. I tried different music groups when I started at Milton—orchestra and chorus—but I love the freedom of expression and the improvisation of jazz. I went to South Africa with the jazz combos as a freshman, and that was a lifechanging experience. I not only loved being able to play for all the different groups in the different places we visited, but I grew a lot while I was there. We were in a different hemisphere, in a different climate. I felt an independence and a freedom in being there. We got to play the music that we love while experiencing a new culture. That trip was a defining experience for me.

When I was a freshman, I founded the Robotics Club with two of my classmates. I had worked with VEX robotics in middle school and wanted to continue that experience at Milton. You work so hard on a robot for a long time, and it inevitably keeps breaking or not working, and then you finally figure everything out and it works! That’s the best part, and what I love most. And everyone on the team is involved. When you have a finished product, there is no robot that just one person built. You might work on it for a few hours, then leave the room in frustration, and another person comes in with a different view, fixes something, and you go from there.

c a le b wa rre n Cambridge, Massachusetts Class of 2013 At Milton, you learn how to think. I now approach problems and ideas with a very different mindset. By interacting on lots of projects, you learn how to work with others or how to lead without imposing. I worked on one project applying for a MIT innovation grant. After visiting Costa Rica, I had an idea to create a tire that was inhospitable to breeding mosquitoes. I went to my math teacher and we formed a group of interested students. For three months we worked on the final design and submitted the application. It was amazing that when I emailed internationally renowned health entomologists, they answered back. We ended up as finalists, and although we didn’t win the grant, developing the proposal was a tremendous learning experience.

Here you can take on a challenge or position, even though you might think you aren’t qualified. I ended up as the editor of Magus Mabus, the student fine arts publication. Although I didn’t think I knew enough about art, the experience taught me to work hard and stretch myself. I learned about delegating and organizing. I saw Magus Mabus as a vehicle to share the less obvious things inside all of us. So in addition to publishing writing and art, we introduced new ideas and events where we could all interact. Milton has helped me connect with people. Had I been more guarded, I would have lost some of those moments, those connections.


We started out with six members the first year, and this year we had over 20 members. We meet in the Art and Media Center, where we store all of our tools and parts. During a competition in our first year, we placed seventh out of 80 teams. Mr. Bland, the head of school, invited us to his office to congratulate us, and it was so amazing to be recognized that way. The administration here makes itself really accessible to students, and this was my first experience with that. Since then, we stay in touch with Mr. Bland on our progress and results. We are looking forward to more competitions because they are so much fun, and it’s a real team effort.

miles awo fa la

j e s s i ca l i

San Francisco, California Norris House, Class II I knew I would play basketball at Milton; it’s my main sport. I also knew I would be in the jazz program because I’ve played saxophone since fourth grade. What I didn’t expect was how many other extracurricular activities I’d try, starting in my freshman year. I played freshman soccer, which was great for meeting other students those first few months and playing a sport at the same time. I joined the Step Team, even though I had never done anything like that before. I was in the Class IV Play, which was a ton of fun. In the spring, I ran track for

Lynnfield, Massachusetts Millet House, Class of 2013 the first time ever. I sing in the Gospel Choir. You have to learn to manage your time and balance your activities and your academics, but it’s worth it. My friends come from very diverse groups of people from all parts of the country and the world. Some are funny and entertaining; others love to dance or play sports. I also have a lot of friends who are in the older classes. It’s important to be yourself; do the things you love, and try new things. You’re guaranteed to meet others who want to join you.

When I ran for co-head monitor, I wasn’t really interested in revolutionizing things. I wanted to find more ways for people to meet each other, and to make sure the seniors were all approachable to other students. That meant setting up events to get people together all year long—from fun, small, random events to bigger ideas like the food drive. One thing I learned is that pulling off any event takes planning, detail and follow through. For the food drive, you need to get students excited to collect food, and then you need support to sort it, organize it and deliver it. The administration helped us spread the message, through meetings and assemblies, conferences and postings around campus. We contacted a representative from the Milton Food Pantry who spoke with us during assembly. We set an ambitious goal of 100 percent participation for all Upper School students. Class 45

reps encouraged everyone to get involved. Students donated all sorts of non-perishable items— canned vegetables and fruit, peanut butter, jelly, cereal, pasta, rice and hygiene products. Students sorted their donations into bins in the Student Center—a visible marker of our progress. The previous year, we had collected over 3,000 items. This year we lost count; food was overflowing the bins. We then delivered it, load by load. The food drive helped all of us look beyond campus, beyond our daily lives, and recognize the importance of paying good fortune forward. Our greatest reward was the reaction of those working at the food pantry. Food pantries often see a decrease in donations in the late-winter months, and we were able to replenish most of their supplies. This gratification energizes us, as leaders, and makes us want to do it all again.

we e kends Play, or watch and cheer at athletic contests; perform or watch your friends perform in King Theatre; read your poem at the Beatnik Café; work out at the fitness center; sit around talking in the Schwarz Student Center; hike, rock climb or kayak with the Outdoor Program; bake cookies or make soup and watch a movie with your housemates; play pick-up basketball or Frisbee; sleep in and then go to brunch; visit friends’ rooms and listen to music; meet your friends at a dance; catch a game in Boston; watch a college comedy improv group at a dorm open house; get to know someone you don’t know well yet; relax and laugh. The weekends at Milton are so full and so much fun. The Student Activities Association plans events for every Friday and Saturday night all year. They host dances and s’mores nights, carnivals with blow-up bouncy castles; they have movies and sundaes in Straus; and they run vans to the mall every weekend. My favorite events have been the hypnotist and all the Beatniks [student-organized evening of performances]. Those are always the best. — Emmie Atwood, Milton, Massachusetts Class I

fa ct s Miles from Milton to: Fenway Park 10 Museum of Fine Arts 10 Boston Symphony 10 Blue Hills Ski Area 4 Average number of studentsponsored social events per month: 20 Number of movies shown on campus, 2013–2014: 18 Number of dances on campus, 2013–2014: 7



spaces and places


My favorite place to study is on the hammock behind Goodwin House. It’s quiet and peaceful. When the weather is nice, it’s great to be outside relaxing while working.

My favorite spot on campus is a hidden gem. It’s on the third floor of the library, right next to the air conditioning. It’s perfect because the noise of the AC drowns out any other noise or voices, so you can really focus and get down to work. I like the Student Center, too—it’s a good place to carouse around and find your friends during the day.

— Drew Hotte, Lower Gwynedd, Pennsylvania Goodwin House, Class II

— Josh Ellis, Milton, Massachusetts Class of 2013


at hlet ics


I was so happy when Coach MacDonald was inducted into the Massachusetts High School Football Coaches Hall of Fame. He is such an encouraging coach—he rarely has negative comments. Players respect him because he respects his players. Finding a more dedicated coach would be hard. College coaches also respect Coach Mac because of his honesty. He makes sure that if his players want to play in college, they have that option. He does so much work behind the scenes, making sure we have those opportunities. — Nick Bland, Milton, Massachusetts Class of 2013


at hlet ics Coaches and teammates help Milton students learn the great lessons of athletics: the value of working hard, preparing well, taking risks, working collaboratively, and winning and losing with dignity. Through interscholastic and intramural sports, as well as physical education courses, all Milton students are involved in physically active and challenging pursuits that help form an exceptional educational experience. Athletic activity is certainly an expression of one form of intelligence, an intelligence that needs to be developed and nurtured, like any other. For the athlete interested in interscholastic play, Milton offers three levels of competition in several sports. At all levels, experienced coaches guide our athletes, often coming straight from the classroom to the field. We help individuals and teams improve, while also providing the framework for the personal growth that comes from competition and teamwork.

Milton competes in the Inde­ pendent School League (ISL), which includes 16 independent schools and enjoys a long and powerful athletic tradition. Mem­ber schools are based in Greater Boston, New Hampshire and Rhode Island. Games take place across all three seasons. The ISL is considered an elite league in many sports. It pro­ vides great competition in soccer, field hockey, football, squash, wrestling, volleyball, basketball, baseball, softball, lacrosse, tennis, track and several other sports. Milton offers interscholastic competition beyond the ISL as well, in sailing and swimming. Students can also learn skills in a variety of sports through our intramural program and physical education courses. Our emphasis is on physical activity and sportsmanship.

i n t er s c ho l a s t i c t ea ms Fall Winter Spring Girls Cross Country Alpine Skiing Golf Field Hockey Basketball Lacrosse Soccer Ice Hockey Sailing Volleyball Squash Softball Swimming Tennis Track Boys Cross Country Alpine Skiing Baseball Football Basketball Golf Soccer Ice Hockey Lacrosse Squash Sailing Swimming Tennis Wrestling Track

i n t r a mur a l pro g r a m Fall Winter Spring Strength Training Strength Training Strength Training Outdoor Program Outdoor Program Outdoor Program Tennis Pilates Ultimate Frisbee Soccer Yoga Yoga

I have played for a lot of hockey teams, but the girls’ hockey team at Milton is the best. The practices are intense, but I look forward to them every day. I’ve grown so much during my time on this team. Coach Stone is awesome, and he treats us so professionally, like a college team. We also have a lot of fun! — Anne Malloy, Canton, Massachusetts Class III


fa cts Number of interscholastic girls’ teams: 15 Number of interscholastic boys’ teams: 15 Number of intramural offerings: 7 Number of athletic buildings on campus: 4 Number of fields: 12 Number of tennis courts: 13 outdoor, 4 indoor Percentage of students partici­ pating in intramural or interscholastic sports, or physical education classes: 100% Number of full-time athletic trainers: 3 Sampling of interscholastic competitors: Andover Exeter Groton Middlesex Noble & Greenough Roxbury Latin St. Mark’s St. Paul’s Recent New England championships: Boys’ Tennis, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2009 Girls’ Tennis, 2005, 2014 Sailing, 2007 Football, 2008, 2013 Boys’ Hockey, 2011 Recent ISL championships: Girls’ Squash, 2009 Boys’ Tennis, 2006, 2007, 2009, and 2014 Girls’ Tennis, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2013, and 2014 Girls’ Skiing, 2010 Boys’ Hockey, 2011 Girls’ Cross Country, 2012 Boys’ Basketball, 2013 Football, 2013 Boys’ Swimming, 2014



m usic and p erfo rmin g a r ts pe rf o rmin g o p p o r t u n i t i e s di s t i n g ui s h t h e mi lt o n pro g r a m Music and performance weave through Milton life, building on course work available from the beginner through the advanced levels. The Jazz Combo may open Monday morning assembly, and the speech team may follow with winning selections from their weekend tournament. You’ll meet the cast of a 1212 production distributing tickets at lunch for a performance that night. Students wildly applaud the highlight of each Friday’s assembly—a Miltones or Octet song—just before dancers give a preview of the weekend’s attractions in King Theatre. Whether you are a performer or a fan, you will enjoy the prominent role that music and performing arts play in school life at Milton.

cho r al m u s i c Over 200 students participate in one or more of six distinct choral ensembles. Founded in 1925, the Class IV Glee Club has over 50 members and performs a minimum of two major concerts each year. The award-winning Chamber Singers—a select chorus of 40—has toured Romania, Kenya, England, the northwestern United States, China, Hong Kong, Ireland, Hawaii, Italy, Poland and Germany. The Miltones and Octet are a cappella groups of eight male and eight female singers respectively, who perform at assemblies and many other events throughout the school year. Several studentdirected a cappella groups, such as Three For Each of Us and another female group, Epic, also perform often for the School community.

orchestr al m u si c Over 100 musicians play a string, woodwind, brass or percussion instrument for the Orchestral Music Program. Featuring many soloists, the orchestra performs two major concerts on campus each year. The orchestra is also well traveled, having toured the United States and Canada with performances in Philadelphia, Washington, New York, Montreal and Hawaii. The Chamber Orchestra was founded in 1993 to cater to the great number of talented orchestral musicians at the Academy and is open to students by audition only.

ja z z

t h eatre

Using what they learn about jazz improvisation in the classroom, Milton’s jazz combos, at four levels, perform both on and off campus throughout the year. The jazz combos and many of their members have won several combo and individual national and regional awards, and they have appeared at many International Association of Jazz Education conferences. The combos have opened for such artists as James Taylor (a Milton alumnus), Poncho Sanchez, Elvin Jones and Abdullah Ibrahim. The group has toured South Africa nearly a dozen times, playing for Reverend Desmond Tutu and actor Danny Glover, and has also toured Florida, Montreal, California and several European jazz festivals. They have also performed at the prestigious Regattabar, Cambridge’s famed Ryles Jazz Club, the Gardner Art Museum, and at the White House for President and Mrs. Clinton. The Jazz Program also hosts many professional guest artists who perform and work with our jazz students. Milton offers all students the opportunity to learn about and perform jazz from an international perspective.

A play is always in production in Kellner Performing Arts Center.

My approach to teaching is to start with movement—just movement. Students spend much of their day sitting and thinking; when they come into this room, we move. And I want my students to find their own ways of moving. I don’t want them to repeat movement they’ve learned in the past. For example, I may ask them to make a phrase just using their hands. My classes are often mixed level, mixed ages; the group dynamic has a lot to do with how we tackle the material. It’s great to have a combination of students. —Kelli Edwards, Performing Arts Faculty


From Medea and Romeo and Juliet to Ibsen’s Enemy of the People, to modern works like Avenue Q and The Laramie Project and the Broadway musical A Chorus Line, Milton productions encompass a broad cross section of theater, both classical and contemporary. Milton stages four plays and a dance concert each year in the Ruth King Theatre. Campus performances like the Class IV play, spring dance concert, a popular series called the 1212 Studio Productions, and student-directed one-acts make for rich and varied options at Milton. Each play or performance relies on highly skilled technical theater students who build sets, design lighting, incorporate media and execute the productions. Additional performances have included foreign language plays, faculty plays, student-written and -directed plays, and senior projects. The expertise of a full-time technical director helps sharpen the professionalism of each performance.

dance Each year, an ensemble of Milton students presents an evening of dance to a full house for three straight nights in the popular Winter Dance Concert. The production typically includes the work of more than 40 boys and girls from Class I through Class IV and is made up of dances choreographed by faculty, professional guest artists, and students under faculty supervision. Both dancers and choreographers participate in Milton’s musicals, produced jointly by the performing arts and music departments. An informal spring dance concert, an annual Arts Night, school assemblies, and various special event performances also provide many opportunities for dancers and choreographers to exhibit their work.

speech and d eb ate For many years, Milton students have taken advantage of an exciting opportunity that is legendary among Milton alumni—to learn the fundamentals of performance, literary interpretation, public address and debate as members of a supportive team. Team members perform in tournaments locally and around the country in several categories of events, including oral interpretation, limited preparation events, public address and debate. They earn awards ranging from individual state and national championships to team honors. They can also be recognized by honorary academic degrees from the National Forensic League, based on involvement throughout their competitive career.

Competitive Events “Interpretation” is the art of literary performance. Unlike drama, which recreates scenes by simulating the real and visual world through the use of props, furniture and a stage, interpretation requires the performer to take on the responsibility of directing, acting and recreating the scene without a formal theater. Inter­ pretation events include Prose, Poetry, Dramatic, Humorous, Children’s Literature, Duo Inter­ pretation, and Play Reading.

“Limited Preparation Events” re­quire students to prepare original speeches within a predetermined time limit. Events include Extem­poraneous Speaking (current events), Impromptu Speaking (analysis of quotations), and Radio Broadcasting (news reporting). “Public Address” refers to memorized speeches delivered to an audience. Events in public address include Oratory (an original 10-minute speech) and Decla­ mation (a 10-minute published speech written by someone other than the performer).

Tournament sites over the years have included national-level tournaments at Yale University in Connecticut, St. Joseph’s University in Pennsylvania, George Mason University in Washington, D.C., and Harvard University in Massachusetts, as well as state-level tournaments throughout Massachusetts.


Debate at the state and national level includes Lincoln-Douglas Debate (one-on-one debates on propositions of value), Public Forum Debate (team debate on current events and popular issues), and Congressional Debate (full chamber simulations of Congress).

fa cts Number of students in orchestra: 100 Number of singing groups: 8 (Glee Club, Chamber Singers, Chapel Choir, Gospel Choir, Miltones, Octet, Epic, Three For Each of Us) Theatre productions, 2013–2014 Main-stage Productions: • Avenue Q: School Edition by Robert Lopez and Jeff Marx • T he Laramie Project by Moisés Kaufman • For Colored Girls by Ntozake Shange Class IV Play: • Midsummer/Jersey by Ken Ludwig • 1212 Plays (Wigg Hall Productions) • True West by Sam Shepard • Wicked Sketchy an original production written by students


fa c t s A sampling of popular Community Service sites:

Throughout the year, students volunteer at the Greater Boston Food Bank—as a weekly commitment, on Saturdays with advisee groups, during Milton’s School-wide community service day—helping to separate, organize and pack food and groceries that help to feed more than 394,000 people annually in Massachusetts. Students also organize and staff food drives on campus during the holiday season to help feed local families in need.

Students traveled to an island off the coast of Belize, volunteering for the spring break community service trip. The group spent a week at the Ocean Academy, the only school on Caye Caulker. In the mornings, students helped lay cinderblocks with concrete and completed construction of a new classroom. In the afternoons, they tutored Ocean Academy students. While on the island, they also helped with a mangrove restoration project and enjoyed learning about and experiencing some of the local culture. The Community Service Program has also sponsored recent trips to the Mississippi Gulf Coast, a Navajo reservation in Arizona, and rural Appalachia in West Virginia.


• Tutoring in eight Boston and Milton public elementary schools • ESL tutoring for Latina immigrant women and Chinatown residents • Massachusetts Hospital School (for physically disabled youth) • Milton Animal Shelter • Boston Home (residence for adults with multiple sclerosis) • Greater Boston Food Bank • T hree daycare centers in Mattapan, Randolph and Milton • Milton Residences for Elderly (students serve lunch and socialize with the elderly) • Special Olympics team coaching • 230 students volunteer weekly or monthly • 35 service sites in Greater Boston • 250 volunteers for one-time special events • 26 faculty, staff and parent volunteer drivers

c omm u nity s ervice powe rf ul le a r n i n g The Community Service Board works with 35 service sites in Greater Boston, in addition to projects on campus. The board also manages major events on campus, and maintains a bulletin board promoting its projects and the community service pages of the school Web site. Every other year the board plans and implements an all-School service day when all students and faculty participate in community service. Each grade has several representatives on the Community Service Board. The student board and faculty coordinators run the program. They manage relationships with agencies

where student volunteers commit to weekly service. They also organize events such as the Special Olympics, blood drives, Oxfam Hunger Banquet, a holiday party for children from a local shelter, and the Class III orientation, which is a community service day. Board members educate the community about service opportunities and have organized several interscholastic conferences. Although service is not a required activity, every year nearly 300 students participate in community service at Milton, either in weekly commitments or special projects.

Community service is an important way for me to spend my time. Getting caught up in your own cycle of homework, sports and other activities is easy. I was worried about losing perspective, being too focused on my own advancement. Community service keeps me level-headed; I see how other people live their lives. Giving someone your time is invaluable. Even if I can’t fix everything, investing my time and focusing on somebody can make a difference. One thing I didn’t expect was making strong friendships. I work with one girl who has Down syndrome. From interaction that was just community service, our relationship changed and we connected on a deeper level. We now consider each other good friends. — Mallika Iyer, Windham, New Hampshire Millet House, Class of 2013

Every spring, Milton’s campus hosts a Special Olympics event where nearly 400 athletes and over 100 Academy student volunteers participate. Throughout the school year, Milton students coach Special Olympians from the Boston area—ranging in age from 10 to 20 years—weekly in soccer, basketball or track and field.

Milton is connected with more than eight schools and educational organizations in and around Boston where our students read, tutor, play, provide homework help, and offer assistance to learners of all ages. One group of Milton students recognized the need for art education at a school whose program funding had been eliminated, so they spent time each week drawing, painting, sculpting and creating with the school’s first graders.

In the spring, seniors launch the School-wide, biennial Community Service Day, instituted many years ago by the student Self-Governing Association. The day is a chance for both students and faculty to help out in our surrounding communities, and also to learn about related social, political and environmental issues. Service projects at numerous locations, off campus and on, offer myriad ways to help, from cleaning up town parks, to volunteering at the local animal shelter, to playing music for hospital patients. 59

c l u b s and o rg an izat io n s ma ke your ma r k at m i lt o n a c a demy Would you like to see your writing in print, organize support for an environmental idea, or run a mock election? Do you want to film a student production, compete with other high schools in math, or promote the visual arts all over campus? Whatever your inclination, whatever you’d like to try, Milton has opportunities for you. Milton’s wide range of clubs and activities profoundly affects students’ lives; students experience leadership, teamwork, performance and service.

stud e nts as lea d e r s Milton’s student leaders take their responsibilities seriously. From managing class assemblies, to organizing community service commitments, to implementing year-long projects, students learn to set expectations, motivate others and fulfill responsibilities. Weekend training retreats, working relationships with faculty advisors, and observing the legacies of prior leaders help train students for the roles they undertake. The voice of student leadership sets the tone for the ambitious, exciting Milton environment.

fa ct s Adjectives most frequently used by accepted students to describe Milton: academic, challenging, diverse, friendly Pool of students elected to serve on a Discipline Committee: 15 Number of student-run publications: 10 Frequency of The Milton Paper student newspaper production: Weekly Frequency of The Milton Measure student newspaper production: Biweekly

campus and community service Whether you’re giving a tour for the admission office, running an AIDS awareness assembly, or tutoring at the Mujeres Unidas women’s center in Boston, your Milton experience will be enriched by service opportunities both on and off campus. Programs begin right here at Milton, extend into the Greater Boston area, and even include Milton Academy chapters of national and global service organizations. • AIDS Board • A mnesty International • C ARE (Campus Awareness for Recycling and the Environment) • Community Service Board • Habitat for Humanity • Individual Student Support (advanced peer counseling) • Lorax (environmental organization) • Orange and Blue Key tour guide program • Peer Counseling • Public Issues Board (current events educators and programmers) • Rangers (student technology assistants) • Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) • World Health Organization (WHO)

c ult ur a l g ro ups

s t udent publ i c ations

Share in the diversity at Milton by joining one of the active cultural groups on campus. Discuss issues of ethnic identity at a Common Ground meeting, learn how to make paella with the Spanish Club, or debate politics at a GASP! gathering. Each group warmly welcomes students of all backgrounds.

Poet, journalist, or critic, you can become a published writer at Milton. Put your French or Spanish skills to the test in one of our foreign-language publications, take on a controversial topic on the editorial page of The Milton Paper, or read your classmates’ poetry and short stories in the Magus Mabus. No prior experience required!

• Asian Society • Christian Fellowship • French Club • GASP! (Gay and Straight People) • ONYX (African-American culture) • Common Ground • Jewish Student Union • Latino Society • Spanish Club • Gender Equity Club • Caribbean Club • SIMA (Students Interested in Middle Eastern Affairs)

s pec i a l i n t eres t c l ubs Interests at Milton extend beyond the classroom, fields or stage. Students share their passion for hip-hop music, yoga, knitting, film, and political interests in the many, varied clubs on campus. Try your hand at improv comedy, step dancing or cooking. Anyone can join, and anyone can bring their own interests and hobbies to share with classmates here. • Film Club • A/V (Audio/Visual) Club • Arts Board • Improv Club • Step Club • Hip-Hop Club • Speech and Debate Team • Model UN • Save Darfur • Rock ’n’ Roll Club • Meditation Club • Math Club • Robotics Team


•T he Milton Paper (weekly newspaper) • T he Milton Measure (biweekly newspaper) •T he Milton Academy Yearbook •M agus Mabus (literary magazine) •M ille-Tonnes (French newspaper) •L a Voz (Spanish newspaper) •T he Asian (cultural periodical) •H elix (science magazine) •T he Issue (current events online publication) • Aché (celebrating diverse cultures)

l ea der ship o ppo rtunities As a student-elected leader, your input can have a real impact on life at Milton. Strengthen your public-speaking skills, learn diplomacy and organization, get to know your school administrators, and translate your ideas and your classmates’ ideas into action. • Self-Governing Association • Boarding Council • Day Council • Student Activities Association • Athletic Association

When I first came to Milton, there wasn’t a step team. I was interested in being involved in one, and a friend of mine who was a senior said I should start it—it could be my legacy. By fall of my sophomore year, it was up and running. We held practices during activities period, and it evolved into practicing after school and performing at assemblies and in the dance concerts. We have connections with college teams now, too. The Dartmouth Step Team wanted to be our sister team! We have lots of people involved now. It’s so gratifying to know I helped start all this. — Liane Thornhill, Milton, Massachusetts Class of 2013 Math Club is a place where we can marvel in math’s beauty and revel in its practicality. Math is beautiful and practical, not always at the same time, but sometimes at the same time, and that’s magical. —Emily Bargar, Math Department


c a m p us r eso u rces at hl e tic and con v o catio n cen te r The Athletic and Convocation Center honors Milton’s tradition of excellence in athletics and enhances opportunities for students to participate in a wide range of sports, at varying levels, on an interscholastic or intramural basis. The Fitzgibbons Convocation Center (south field house) includes three basketball courts, convocation capacity for the entire school, and an indoor track. The north field house provides a hockey rink, and alternatively, three tennis courts once the ice is gone or an indoor practice area for field sports. The facility’s center section houses boys’ and girls’ home and visitors’ locker rooms. The second floor houses the Herbert G. ’24 and Esther B. Stokinger Fitness Center, coaches’ offices and training rooms.

kelln e r perfo rming arts center The performing arts department and music department thrive in the Kellner Performing Arts Center. Kellner includes a large dance studio; spacious class-

rooms for speech and debate training; classrooms and practice rooms for work in chorus, orchestra and jazz; a “black box” studio theater; fully equipped scene construction and costume shops; and the Ruth King Theatre. A gift of novelist Stephen King in honor of his mother, the theater is one of a kind at the high school level in the United States. With an auditorium equipped with elevators and movable chairs, it is a 20th-century adaptation of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. Its flexibility allows the department to present productions in creative configurations, and to change configurations to suit plays from various historical periods. Kellner is a busy center of life on campus, inside and outside the classroom.

art and m e di a c e n ter Alive with the color, texture and energy of artwork, the Art and Media Center
includes two common labs, split to create four spacious, natural light-filled classrooms and a digital media lab. The 45,000 square feet of space allows faculty members to have offices that double as studios. A separate faculty lounge includes storage for tools and materials supporting the exten-

Herbert G. ’24 and Esther B. Stokinger Fitness Center

sive and prolific visual arts program. The Nesto Gallery, with its ambitious and multidisciplinary exhibit schedule, attracts viewers on the building’s lower level. Open since 1972, the Nesto Gallery hosts eight exhibitions a year, two of which are student exhibitions. The gallery has garnered metropolitan press attention. The Boston Globe and many South Shore papers highlight the gallery schedule and review the shows each year.

a c a demi c s ki l l s c en t er The Academic Skills Center provides students with academic resources such as tutoring, help with organizational and time-management skills, and a comfortable site at the center of campus for studying or working with one of the faculty members who works with the director. Located in Cox Library, the Academic Skills Center is staffed throughout the academic day and has evening hours.

bo o ks t o re The Milton Academy Bookstore is located in the lower level of Warren Hall. As well as stockAthletic and Convocation Center 62

ing all books required for course study, the store handles a large variety of school supplies, toiletries, pleasure reading material, athletic clothing and gift items. Some of the items you’ll find include: • birthday and special occasion cards • class rings and graduation mementos • Milton T-shirts, sweatshirts and shorts • mugs, cups and keyrings • cold drinks, snacks and toothbrushes

c o x l i b r ary Cox Library provides a comprehensive range of resources for students, faculty and staff. The collection includes approximately 46,000 volumes, classified using the Dewey Decimal System and Library of Congress subject headings, and is available in open stacks. An integrated library automation system provides access to the catalog via public access terminals on each floor within the building and access to the collection from outside the library via the Internet. The library subscribes to approximately 150 periodicals and newspapers, with back issues available in print and

Art and Media Center

microfilm. Holdings include the complete run of the New York Times since 1851 on microfilm and a growing collection of online programs including, Ethnic Newswatch, Info Trac, SIRS, UMI Proquest, and encyclopedias. In addition to offering a comfortable environment for study, research and recreational reading, the library has microform readers, reader/printers, computers and a copier for student use. The library is open to students and faculty weekdays, evenings and throughout the weekend.

Pritzker Science Center

h e a lt h a n d c o u n se li n g center The Health Center staff provides health care services 24 hours a day to Milton Academy students while school is in session. The philosophy of the Health Center is that of preventive care. The staff works with a student’s primary care physician, supporting his or her role in the student’s health care. The Health Center staff will:

• provide overnight accommodations for students who require additional attention while not feeling well; • see that laboratory tests are performed or ordered as indicated; • administer allergy shots with an order from a physician; • arrange gynecological services and contraceptive counseling at a student’s request; • assist in arranging transportation to medical appointments arranged by the nurses. The School has easy access to the services of Milton Hospital and major Boston hospitals. In a medical emergency, a nurse will accompany the student to a medical facility or arrange ambulance transportation. Milton provides professional counselors to students who want help with personal problems or who are facing obstacles to personal and academic growth. Three full-time counseling professionals staff the center and others are available on a consulting basis. Personal counseling is offered to students on a confidential basis. Confidentiality is waived only when a counselor deems that the student’s health or safety is endangered.

Kellner Performing Arts Center 63

pr i tzker science c enter The Pritzker Science Center, which opened in September 2010, integrates classroom areas with laboratory tables and equipment, creating an environment that allows students to work collaboratively and move seamlessly between discussion and hands-on lab work. Faculty use advanced teaching methods in spaces designed for their specific disciplines, encouraging exploration, unique approaches, and the discovery of answers to probing scientific questions. Inquiry that is specialized, or independent, or that needs to continue for longer periods of time, takes place in four inquiry labs. Larger than the classroom labs, the inquiry labs are on the first floor, open and beckoning to all who pass. To provide ultimate flexibility and prepare for potential new teaching strategies, several of the inquiry labs and classrooms are separated from one another by “garage door” type partitions. Those laboratories can double in size, allowing for variable uses of space. The Pritzker Science Center was designed with sustainability in mind to meet silver LEED

located in Ware Hall is fitted with the best headphones and the latest software, enabling students to practice the spoken language outside of the classroom. Each dorm has a satellite computer center with three or four Dell PCs and a laser printer that is available around the clock and maintained and checked by a trained Tech­nology Ranger.

Computer Centers

specifications. The building is constructed primarily from recycled, renewable and locally sourced materials, and the building’s hot water system runs mainly on solar energy. The building’s “dashboard” demonstrates energy use and savings in real time.

comp ute r cen te r s The Academic Computer Centers, located in the Schwarz Student Center, serve students with an up-to-date network of Macintosh

The Bookstore

and Pentium computers, laser printers and scanners. In addition, computers are available to students in the skills center and several department areas. The digital imaging lab is equipped with 16 computers, Adobe Photo­ shop®, scanners and a projector. The digital imaging lab supports and enhances the strengths of Milton’s traditional fine arts program which concentrates on teaching students visual literacy, creative thinking, self-expression and technical proficiency. The state-of-the-art language lab

All campus computers are connected by the campus data network, which is connected to the Internet. Academy Technology Services (ATS) arranges network connection of student-owned computers, provides virus-protection software at no cost, and performs repairs of computers and printers at reasonable cost.

s c hwa rz s t uden t c en t er The Schwarz Student Center is part of daily campus life for all students and adults at Milton. Its design enhances opportunities for building relationships, a hallmark of the Milton experience. The center includes: • out-of-class gathering places for students and adults; • offices for student activities;

Schwarz Student Center 64

• computer kiosks to check email and browse the Internet; • spaces for faculty-student meetings; • a snack bar serving a variety of food at different times of the day, including bagels, smoothies, pizza, fruit and popcorn; • lounge area with large, flatscreen television.

t h e rob ert m. ayer ’28 o bs ervatory In addition to providing tele­scopic views of the sky, the Ayer Obser­ vatory allows astronomy students to observe the celestial objects they are studying. Students also conduct individual projects there. Past senior projects have included astrophotography and variable star monitoring. The observatory has a 12-foot dome housing a five-inch Clark refractor for general classroom use and another smaller dome housing a nineinch Takahashi reflector. Eight piers just outside of the observatory provide smaller, portable telescopes for larger groups. The observatory is located at the far right of Nash Field overlooking the football field.

t he milt on acad emy cam pus

l e gend

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Straus Library Wigglesworth Hall Schwarz Student Center Warren Hall Upper School Admission Ware Hall Greenleaf Hall Caroline Saltonstall Building K–8 Admission Art and Media Center

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Cox Library Kellner Performing Arts Center Pritzker Science Center Junior Building Hallowell House Apthorp Chapel Williams Squash Courts Athletic and Convocation Center Ayer Observatory Robert Saltonstall Gymnasium Wolcott House

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29


Robbins House Forbes Dining Hall Forbes House Facilities Building Goodwin House Hathaway House Health and Counseling Center Academy Day Care Center Millet House Norris House

A –O B B J M O P

Outdoor Swimming Pool Playing Fields Faulkner Field Nash Field Stokinger Field Dennis Field Parking

admission and financial aid Milton Academy welcomes boarding and day applications for admission to Grades 9, 10 and 11. In a typical year, Milton enrolls the following number of new students in each entry point: Boarding Day Grade 9 (Class IV): 55 45 Grade 10 (Class III): 35 5–8 Grade 11 (Class II): 15 0

getting s tart e d To begin your conversation with Milton Academy and add your name to our mailing list, complete and submit the Request Information form online at or call the admission office at 617-898-2227. Admis­sion packages are mailed weekly. Included in the package is information on how to apply online as well as how to schedule your personal interview. The application deadline is January 15, 2015.

ca mp us vis it A visit to Milton’s 125-acre campus in suburban Boston is an important part of the application process. The Office of Admission, located in Warren Hall, is open

adm is s io n fa ct s Number of completed applications in 2014: 1,100 Applicants accepted: 25% Students newly enrolled: 150 Median SSAT percentile for accepted students: 90th Median SSAT percentile for enrolled students: 90th Percentage of newly enrolled students of color: 43% Percentage of boarders from outside Massachusetts: 73%

year-round and welcomes visits from interested families from June through early January. During the fall semester, families may schedule visits on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 8:15 a.m., 10:15 a.m., 1:15 p.m. and 2:15 p.m., and on Wednes­days at 8:15 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Please allow two hours for your tour and interview. The Office of Admission is closed Labor Day, Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday, and between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day. The campus visit includes: Personal Interview All candidates for admission and their parent(s) or guardian(s) participate in a two-part personal interview with a member of the Admission Com­mittee. (See timeline, at right.) Both informative and evaluative, the interview is a lively, often relaxed conversation between visiting families and the admission officer who conducts the interview. Each student meets one-on-one with an interviewer prior to the parent discussion. The interview is an opportunity for each student and his or her parents to discuss special interests and accomplishments, and for an interviewer to determine whether Milton is a good match for the student. We evaluate students on their academic achievement, intellectual curiosity, maturity, personality, character, confidence, commitment to or leadership in extracurricular activities, and citizenship. Interviewers also consider a student’s “fit” for the rigorous college preparatory program Milton offers and, for boarding students, its residential program. Campus Tour Each visit to Milton includes a personal, 45-minute campus tour with a student guide.

Special Interest During your time at Milton, you might also take advantage of the chance to meet with a faculty member who directs a special program that interests you. Department chairs, coaches and program directors are available to meet with you during your visit. If you are interested in such a meeting, please inform the Office of Admission when you schedule your campus visit.

The application consists of the following elements:

s ta n da rdi z ed t es t i n g

To be completed by the principal, head of school or placement counselor: Part 5: School Transcript & Recommendation

Standardized testing is an important supporting element of a student’s academic record, and all candidates for admission are required to submit the results of the Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT). Applicants should register for and take the SSAT by January 2015 and request that scores be sent to Milton Academy. The SSAT school code for Milton Academy is 5098. Applicants for Grade 11 may substitute the SSAT with either the PSAT or SAT-I Reasoning Test. For international applicants or students for whom English is not their first language, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is strongly recommended. The TOEFL school code for Milton Academy is 8125.

fi n a l a ppl i c at i o n Candidates for admission in Sep­tember 2015 must file an application on or before January 15, 2015. A late application may be considered as space allows, but we cannot guarantee a decision by March 10 on late applications. The application is available online at The application fee is $50 for domestic applicants and $100 USD for applicants with an international mailing address.


To be completed by the applicant: Part 1: Biographical Information Part 2: Extracurricular Interests & Short Answer Questions Part 3: Personal Essays/Student Questionnaire To be completed by the parents: Part 4: Parent Statement

To be completed by teachers: Part 6a: Recommendation from current English teacher Part 6b: Recommendation from current math teacher Part 6c: Recommendation from a teacher of your choice, mentor or other adult To be completed by a nonacademic coach, mentor or teacher: Part 7a: Special Interest Recommendation—Arts Part 7b: Special Interest Recommendation— Athletics

fi n a n cial aid Milton Academy values diversity in all its forms and maintains a generous financial aid budget of $9.1 million in support of this goal. All aid is need-based, and Milton strives to meet 100 percent of the demonstrated need of each student offered admission to the Academy. Awards are made annually, and returning students must reapply for aid each year. Assuming financial circum­stances do not change significantly, a family can expect a comparable amount of aid for the duration of their time at Milton.

fi nancial aid fa cts Financial aid budget, 2014–2015: $9.1 million Students on financial aid, Classes I–IV: 30%

To be eligible for financial assistance, parents must complete and submit the Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) to the School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS) by January 31, 2015. The school code for Milton Academy is 5098. In addition, parents must submit a signed copy of their 2013 Federal Income Tax Return to the SSS by January 31, 2015.

Contact Information: Office of Financial Aid Milton Academy 170 Centre Street Milton, MA 02186 Tel: 617-898-2233 Fax: 617-898-1701

For detailed information regarding the application procedures, criteria and assessment, please read the brochure “Financial Aid at Milton Academy.”

tim el ine Interviews • By January 15, 2015 to guarantee a March 10 decision Standardized Testing • Schedule and take before January 2015 Application Deadline • January 15, 2015 Financial Aid Deadline • January 31, 2015 Admission Decisions • March 10, 2015 Deposit Deadline • April 10, 2015

On April 7, 1905, the head­ master of Milton Academy, Mr. Richard Cobb, received the following letter from Mrs. Charlotte C. Eliot, of St. Louis, Missouri: My dear Mr. Cobb, I do not know whether in my last note I made it sufficiently explicit that if after reading my letter and looking over my son’s (Thomas Stearns Eliot) schedule, you approve of his entering Milton Academy, I desire to make formal application for his admission into the Upper School dormitory buildings. Yours very truly, Charlotte C. Eliot T.S. Eliot graduated from Milton Academy in 1906.


h is tor y a tim el es s m i s s i o n , a t h i r d c en t ury On one hand, Milton is a visionary and bold school— “facing the street,” as Head­master Field metaphorically described us in 1942. Yet our School is one whose oldest values are the most enduring. Generations of graduates speak about the School’s respect for the individual. They describe the ways faculty members supported young people striving to grow in both confidence and competence, to trust the validity of their ideas, to challenge themselves. They remember Milton as the place where they first learned to love ideas. Here they learned to set high expectations for themselves, to pursue their goals and to honor a responsibility to a broader community. The Academy’s charter, given in 1798 under the Massa­ chusetts land-grant policy, bequeathed to the School a responsibility to “open the way for all the people to a higher order of education than the common schools can supply” (Richard Hale, Milton Academy, 1948). Milton was established as a coeducational day school, and preparation for college was the primary goal of the School’s program.

“ da re t o be t rue ” Adopted in 1898, Milton’s motto resounds in the minds and hearts of today’s students and graduates. Often cited by both faculty and students as the litmus test for word or action, “Dare to be true” not only states a core value, it describes Milton’s culture. Milton believes that a vital and effective community is built on individuals’ self-confidence and shared respect. We do our best to foster an atmosphere of intellectual freedom, and we encourage initiative and the open exchange of ideas. Doing so requires considerable energy. Teaching and learning at Milton Academy are active processes, supported by the recognition of the intelligence, talents and potential of each member of the School. Grounded in values, deeply respectful of diversity, and fully aware of the issues of their time, Milton students graduate fully prepared to continue working to meet their own high expectations in the many venues that follow.

Early in 1900, reacting to an increase in the interest in separate education for young women, the Academy divided into separate schools. For most of the next century, the Milton Academy Boys’ School and Girls’ School maintained separate faculties and facilities; today Milton has returned to its coeducational roots.


boa rd o f t ru st e e s f acts

George Alex Cohasset, Massachusetts

The year Milton was chartered as a coeducational land-grant school: 1798

Robert Azeke ’87 New York, New York

The year Milton separated into a girls’ school and boys’ school: 1901

Bradley Bloom President Wellesley, Massachusetts

The year coeducation returned to classes at Milton: 1970 Number of living Milton Academy alumni: 9,210 Market value of Milton’s endowment: $244 million (as of June 2014) Annual fund gifts in 2013–2014: more than $4.1 million

Bob Cunha ’83 Milton, Massachusetts Mark Denneen ’84 Boston, Massachusetts Elisabeth Donohue ’83 Vice President Chicago, Illinois Randall Dunn ’83 Chicago, Illinois James M. Fitzgibbons ’52 Emeritus Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts John B. Fitzgibbons ’87 Treasurer Bronxville, New York

Margaret Jewett Greer ’47 Emerita Chevy Chase, Maryland

H. Marshall Schwarz ’54 Emeritus New York, New York

Franklin W. Hobbs IV ’65 Emeritus New York, New York

Frederick G. Sykes ’65 Secretary Rye, New York

Harold W. Janeway ’54 Emeritus Webster, New Hampshire

Dune Thorne ’94 Lincoln, Massachusetts

Claire Hughes Johnson ’90 Menlo Park, California Peter Kagan ’86 New York, New York Stephen D. Lebovitz Weston, Massachusetts Yunli Lou ’87 Shanghai, China Stuart Mathews Vice President Waban, Massachusetts Chris McKown Milton, Massachusetts Wendy Nicholson ’86 Vice President New York, New York Caterina Papoulias-Sakellaris Milton, Massachusetts


Erick Tseng ’97 San Francisco, California Kimberly Vaughan ’92 Boston, Massachusetts Dorothy Altman Weber ’60 Boston, Massachusetts Ted Wendell ’58 Milton, Massachusetts Ronnell Wilson ’93 Jersey City, New Jersey V-Nee Yeh ’77 Hong Kong Kevin Yip ’83 Hong Kong

f a c u lty Darlene R. Anastas (1981) Performing Arts B.A., M.A., University of California at Santa Barbara Elaine S. Apthorp ’75 (1999) English, History A.B., Williams College M.A., Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley Carolina Artacho (2012) Science B.A., Bryn Mawr College M.A., University of Connecticut Corey Baker ’03 (2011) Cox Library B.A., Swarthmore College M.L.S., University of Denver Elisabeth Cory Baker (2001) English B.A., M.A., Middlebury College M.F.A., University of Massachusetts, Amherst David B. Ball ’88 (1999) Upper School Principal A.B., Princeton University A.M., Duke University Erica C. Banderob (1978) Mathematics A.B., Oberlin College Ed.M., Harvard University John T. Banderob (1974) Mathematics B.S., Yale University Emily Bargar (2013) Mathematics B.A., University of Chicago M.S., Northeastern University John E. Bean (1993) Science B.A., Middlebury College M.A.L.S., Wesleyan University Matthew K. Bingham (1998) Science B.A., Middlebury College M.Ed., Boston College Todd B. Bland (2009) Head of School B.A., Bowdoin College Ed.M., Harvard University Jessica Bond (2002) English A.B., Harvard University M.A., Middlebury College Jaclyn M. Bonenfant (1981) Academic Dean B.S., University of New Hampshire M.M.E., Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Alisa Braithwaite (2012) English B.A., Barnard College M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University Paul Cannata (2003) Physical Education and Athletics B.A., Hamilton College M.S., American International College Jamila Capitman (2014) Multicultural Programming B.A., Temple University M.A., Boston Arts Academy Hugo A. Caraballo (2006) Modern Language B.A., Colby College Séverine Carpenter (2009) Modern Language Technicien Supérieur en Commerce International Britney Carr (2011) Assistant Athletic Director B.A., Bowdoin College Amanda S. Chapin (2013) History B.F.A., University of Massachusetts , Amherst M.A., Lesley University Bryan C. Cheney (1968) Visual Arts A.B., Harvard University Kimberly A. Cheng (2013) History Teaching Fellow B.A., Cornell University Indu Chugani (2013) Dean of Teaching and Learning B.S., University of Georgia M.A., Middlebury College Kendall Chun (2007) Outdoor Education B.S., University of Pennsylvania M.Ed., University of New Hampshire P. Tarim Chung (2001) English B.S., Cornell University M.A., Bread Loaf School of English, Middlebury College M.Litt., Bread Loaf School of English, Middlebury College Katie Collins (2010) Academic Skills Center B.A., University of Connecticut M.Ed., Simmons College Nicole Colson (2006) English B.A., Williams College Ed.M., Harvard University

James F. Connolly (1983) English B.S., Northeastern University M.Ed., Bridgewater State

Michael H. Edgar (2000) Science B.S., Bates College Ed.M., Harvard University

Mark Connolly (2002) Modern Language B.A., College of The Holy Cross M.A., Boston College

Kelli Edwards (2001) Performing Arts B.F.A., University of Missouri, Kansas City M.F.A., Smith College

Tracy Crews (2005) Modern Language B.A., Eastern University M.A., Middlebury College

Joshua Emmott (2004) History B.A., Wesleyan University M.A., London University

Steve Darling (2002) Athletics /Health Education B.S., Northeastern University

Linnea Engstrom (2009) Science B.S., Dickinson College

Suzanne DeBuhr (2006) Spiritual Director B.A., Saint Olaf College M. Div., Harvard University

Melissa Ewing (2013) Modern Language B.A., Miami University M.A., Miami University

Sarah W. Dey ’62 (1981) History B.A., Yale University M.Ed., Lesley College

Linda S. Eyster (1990) Science B.S., University of Southwestern Louisiana M.S., University of South Carolina Ph.D., Northeastern University

Salomón-Gerardo DiazValencia (2013) Modern Language B.A., University of Cauca, Colombia M.A., University of Francois Rabelais of Tours, France Ph.D., University of Francois Rabelais of Tours, France Donald M. Dregalla (1981) Music B.M., M.M., New England Conservatory of Music Ph.D., Ohio State University Michael Duseau (2004) Science B.S., University of Massachusetts, Amherst


Melissa M. Soto Figueroa (2014) English B.A., University of California at Los Angeles Ed.M., Harvard University M.S.Ed., Simmons College Lawrence J. Fitzpatrick (1980) Athletics/Health Education B.S., M.Ed., Norwich University Heather Flewelling (2002) Director of Multiculturalism A.B., Harvard Radcliffe Colleges M.S.W., University of California at Berkeley

Ann E. Foster (2003) History B.A., Hobart and William Smith Colleges M.A., Loyola College Douglas C. Fricke (1987) English B.A., Colgate University Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University Christopher Shane Fuller (2008) Performing Arts B.S., Oral Roberts University M.F.A., Regent University Thomas A. Gagnon (1992) Science B.S., Brown University Ed.M., Harvard University M.S., University of Massachusetts, Boston M.A.T., Bridgewater State College Maria Gerrity (1998) English A.B., Vassar College M.Ed., Lesley College Andrea Geyling (1992) Community Service, History B.A., Stanford University Ed.M., Harvard University Todd Goodman (2006) English B.A., Union College M.Ed., University of Pennsylvania Charlene D. Grant (1979) Physical Education and Athletics B.S., Indiana University Mark GwinnLandry (2004) English B.A., Bates College M.A., University of New Hampshire Ph.D., Tufts University

Christopher A. Hales (1999) Mathematics B.A., Emory University Nicole Hall (2012) Athletics B.S., Westfield State University M.S., University of Massachusetts, Amherst Katherine B. Hamblet (2014) English B.A., Yale University M. Phil., University College, Oxford University William P. Hamel (2001) Modern Language B.A., M.A., SUNY Albany André Heard ’93 (2000) Associate Dean of Students B.A., University of Virginia Mark R. Heath (2014) History Teaching Fellow A.B., Harvard University

Patrice M. Jean-Baptiste ’88 (1999) Performing Arts B.A., Boston University M.A., Trinity Rep Conservatory/Rhode Island College Peter Kahn (2002) Mathematics B.S., Johns Hopkins Susan K. Karp (2013) Mathematics B.A., Haverford College/Bryn Mawr College M.P.A., Brown University M.A., Columbia University Michael Kassatly (2006) Mathematics B.A., Cornell University M.S., University of New Hampshire M.A., University of California-Los Angeles

Teresa J. HerrNeckar (1996) Mathematics B.A., Alfred University M.A., Wesleyan University

Anne L. Kaufman ’79 (2002) Mathematics A.B., Smith College M.A., University of Montana Ph.D., University of Maryland

Elizabeth Hetzler (2008) Academic Skills Center A.B., Smith College Ed.M., Harvard University

James C. Kernohan (1988) Science B.S., Denison University Ed.M., Harvard University

Mark S. Hilgendorf (1982) History B.A., University of Wisconsin M.A.T., Northeastern University Ph.D., Duke University

Amy Kirkcaldy (2012) College Counseling A.B., Harvard University M.Ed., Fitchburg State College

Jennifer E. Hughes (2014) Visual Arts B.A., Wellesley College M.A./M.F.A., University of Iowa Laurence Huughe (2004) Modern Language B.A., M.A., University of Paris IV—Sorbonne Ph.D., Brown University Eric Idsvoog (2014) English B.A., University of Wisconsin Jeanne Smith Jacobs (1996) Mathematics A.B., Harvard University M.A.Ed., Washington University–St. Louis Ed.M., Harvard University Martha Hinds Jacobsen (1985) Mathematics B.A., Smith College M.A., New York University

Rachel Klein-Ash (1996) College Counseling B.A., Colby College M.S.Ed., University of Pennsylvania Isabelle Lantieri (2001) Modern Language B.S., Université de Paris James L. LaRochelle (1996) Science B.S., University of Maine Janet Levine (1986) English B.A., University of Witwatersrand B.A., University of South Africa

Michael S.L. Lou (1995) History B.A., Brown University M.A., Harvard University Kevin M. Macdonald (1996) Athletics B.A., College of the Holy Cross M.Ed., Cambridge College Susan Marianelli (2004) Performing Arts B.A., University of Evansville Rebecca McCormick (2010) Mathematics B.S., Lafayette College M.Ed., University of New Hampshire M.S., University of New Hampshire Robert McGuirk (2010) History B.S., Fitchburg State College Jose Benitez Melendez (2014) Modern Language B.A., University of Puerto Rico M.A., Middlebury College Paul E. Menneg Jr. (1980) Visual Arts B.F.A., Ohio Wesleyan M.F.A., University of Kansas Julia von Metzsch (2013) Visual Arts B.F.A., Boston University

Brittney Lewer (2013) History Teaching Fellow A.B., Harvard University

Francis D. Millet (1942) Admission/Classics A.B., Harvard University

Elizabeth Lillis (2006) Science B.S., Georgetown University M.Ed., University of Maryland-College Park

Joel D. Moore (2014) Science B.S., Oklahoma State University Ph.D., University of Kansas


Bradley Moriarty (2004) Science B.A., Georgetown University M.Ed., Boston University B.S., Northeastern University M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lisa Morin (2010) Director of Counseling B.A., Saint Anselm College M.S.W., Southern Connecticut State University Cedric Morlot (2010) Modern Language B.A., University of Nancy II, France Kevin Moy ’05 (2012) Science B.A., Oberlin College Eleza Moyer (2004) Performing Arts B.A., M.A., New York University Louise E. Mundinger (1986) Music B.M., Valparaiso M.M., New England Conservatory of Music Allison Nishitani (2014) Science B.A., University of Southern California Ph.D., Harvard University Tasha Otenti (2012) Classics B.A., Wellesley College Patrick M. Owens (2014) Mathematics Teaching Fellow B.A., Georgetown University Peter G. Parisi (1995) Performing Arts B.A., Bridgewater State College M.F.A., University of Texas

Matthew Petherick (2011) Athletics B.A., Brandeis University Malinda Polk (2011) English B.A., Connecticut College M.A., University of Massachusetts, Boston M.F.A., University of Iowa Lawrence Pollans (1985) History/Visual Arts B.A., Franklin & Marshall College B.F.A., Boston University M.F.A., Tyler School of Art Harold I. Pratt Jr. (1990) Mathematics B.A., Connecticut College M.Ed., Lesley University Hannah Pulit ’07 (2014) English B.A., Colby College Juan R. Ramos (1998) Mathematics B.S.I.E., Universidad de Puerto Rico M.E., University of Florida Mary Jo Ramos (1998) Modern Language B.A., Universidad de Puerto Rico M.A., University of New Mexico Paul Rebuck (2004) Dean of Enrollment B.A., Amherst College M.S., University of Massachusetts Lamar Reddicks (2008) Director of Athletics B.S., Bentley College

d irect io n s Gregg W. Reilly (2001) Mathematics B.S., University of Massachusetts M.S., University of New Hampshire

Laurel Starks (1986) History B.A., Wellesley College M.A.T., Memphis State University

Kelly Reiser (2010) Director of Student Activities B.S., University of Connecticut

Heather Sugrue (2001) Mathematics B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology M.Ed., Boston College

Robert M. Sinicrope (1973) Music B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute M.Ed., Boston University Sherrod E. Skinner ’72 (1999) Director of College Counseling A.B., Ed.M., Harvard University David M. Smith (1981) English A.B., Harvard University M.A., University of Wisconsin Terri Solomon (2005) College Counseling B.A., Wellesley College M.S.Ed., University of Pennsylvania

From New York City via Providence: Take i-95 north to i-93 north toward Braintree (Route 128 south) to Exit 5B. Then follow directions on left. From Boston by public transportation: Take MBTA Red Line (HarvardAshmont) train southbound for Ashmont—not Quincy or Braintree. At Ashmont, change for trolley marked Mattapan. Get off at stop marked Milton. Tele­ phone for a taxi or walk one mile south on Randolph Avenue.

From Boston and Points North


Vivian S. Wu Wong (1992) History B.A., Stanford University M.Ed., University of Massachusetts

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Yulan Xia (2013) Modern Language B.A., Fudan University, China M.A., Fudan University, China M.Ed., University of Maryland





Matthew Simonson (2010) Mathematics B.A., Williams College

James W. Williams, Jr. (2014) Mathematics B.S., Tufts University M.S., University of Massachusetts



Exit 10 Squantum Street Milton

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Shimin Zhou (1998) Modern Language B.A., Beijing Normal University, China



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Heather Zimmer (2012) Science B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology M.Ed., University of Massachusetts, Amherst



Deborah E. Simon (1980) Performing Arts B.A., M.A., University of the Pacific

Edward J. Whalen Jr. (1995) Music B.M., University of Rhode Island M.M., New England Conservatory of Music


Julie Seplaki (2011) Science B.S., Rutgers University M.P.H., University of California, Los Angeles

Sarah Wehle (1977) Classics A.B., Radcliffe College Ed.M., Harvard University

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Elihu Selter (2008) Counseling Services B.A., University of Rochester Ph.D., Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology

Robert S. Tyler (1988) Science A.B., Harvard University M.S., Northeastern University


Jesse Sawyer (2014) Classics B.A., University of Massachusetts M.A., University of Georgia

From the Massachusetts Turnpike: Take i-95 south (Route 128 south). When i-95 veers off to Providence, stay on 128 south (i-93 north toward Braintree) to Exit 5B. Then follow directions on left.

From the South Shore: Follow Route 3 north to i-93 south (Route 128 north toward Route 95) to Exit 5B. Travel north on Randolph Avenue (Route 28 north) to the third traffic light. (Do not turn left at the second traffic light where Route 28 diverges). At the third traffic light, turn left again into limited parking for the Office of Admission. Follow campus signs to the Office of Admission.

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Thomas W. Sando (1988) Science B.S., Duke University M.S., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Ian Torney ’82 (2012) Visual Arts B.A., Bowdoin College M.A., Rhode Island School of Design M.F.A., Lesley University


Caroline Sabin ’86 (2007) English A.B., Harvard University

Lydia Thorp (2010) Modern Language B.A., Skidmore College

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José Ruiz (2012) Dean of Students B.A., Middlebury College

Virginia M. Swain (2014) Visual Arts B.F.A., Boston University M.A., Boston University

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Sarah Richards (2012) Science B.A., Bates College Ph.D., Yale University

From Boston or Logan Airport: Take i-93 south (Fitzgerald “Southeast” Expressway) to Exit 10, Squantum Street, Milton. Turn right at yellow blinker. Go 2 ⁄10 mile to Y intersection, then bear left onto Centre Street (follow hospital sign). Milton academic buildings begin just after the second traffic light. Turn left into the parking for the Office of Admission. Follow campus signs to the Office of Admission.

milton academy Legend 1 2 3 4

Milton Campus Upper School Admission Office Town Hall Church Public Library

N Exit 5B

Margaret J. Stark (1986) Visual Arts A.B., Hamilton-Kirkland M.F.A., University of Kansas

From Mass Pike and 1-95


From Quincy and Points South

mi lton acad e m y 170 Centre Street Milton, Massachusetts 02186 617-898-1798 | | | #daretobemilton

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