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Photo Special: Parents’ Summer Ball

Thank you to everyone who attended our inaugural Parents’ Summer Ball. As you can see from the photos below, we proved that having fun at school isn’t only for the students! Thanks to your generosity - especially by those offering lots and making bids in the auction - we estimate to have raised at least £10,000 for The 75th Fund through ticket sales and auction bids.

Some of the lots on offer included holidays - a week’s stay in a lodge in Switzerland or a trip to a Dorset cottage in Osmington - to more creative offerings including customised panama hats, the use of a private chef for a night, and some beautiful art and photography prints. There were also plenty of sporting opportunities: shooting trips, sailing excursions, two signed England rugby jerseys, and a golf round at the Royal Wimbledon with Mr Watson, which was so popular it was auctioned twice!
Closer to home, two pupils will join our Grounds Team for a day’s work experience thanks to a bid from the Platt family and, perhaps the most coveted prize of the night, the chance for a pupil to be ‘Head for a Day’, will be going to Juliet VDB in the Third Form, thanks to a bid from her parents.
RSVP: Speech Day & Leavers’ Celebrations

Please check your emails for a personalised invitation to attend our end-of-year Speech Day and Leavers’ Celebrations. Different versions have been sent depending on the year group of your child, so please contact us if you haven’t received yours.
To help us plan for the day - organise seating in the Abbey, prepare food for the afternoon tea, assign players for the cricket match and get everything ready for the Ball - please let us know if you are able to attend by Monday 20 June

You should respond once on behalf of your whole family group, including your child and any other guests who wish to attend.