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04 | 05
!"#$%&"'()(( *$+$(,""( (Yu-Shan Lee 李雨珊) mobile/ 0932338450 email/ imlittlerice@hotmail.com
1999 ~ 2013 2011 / 05
()() !"#$%&' 設計源自生活,並讓生活更美好。 設計的靈感從設計師所生活的環境與經驗而來,而經過設計思考的轉換,所產出的東西必須讓生活有 所正向的改變,不論是從解決問題切入或是提供更多的樂趣或情感。
Design comes from life, and makes life better. Design concept is inspired by the life experience of designer. After the process of design thinking, the final product must make our life better, no matter what the idea is - solving problems or creating more pleasure in our life.
實踐大學工業產品設計學系 “Yummy Head” 新一代設計展參展
2011 / 08
設計案 - 天燈公仔紀念品
2011 / 12
UXIR 設計工作營
2012 / 08
UAL 暑期平面課程
2012 / 12
“How to come up with meaningful new products, services and policies?” 工作營
2013 / 05
“Lam-brella” 新一代設計展 產品設計類銀ሤ
1999 ~ 2013 Shih-Chien University, Department of Industrial Design 2011 / 05
“Yummy Head” exhibited in Young Designers’ Exhibition
2011 / 08
Design case - souvenirs of flying lantern
2011 / 12
UXIR Design Workshop
2012 / 08
UAL Summer Course - Graphic Design
2012 / 12
Workshop: “How to come up with meaningful new products, services and policies?”
2013 / 05
“Lam-brella” Silver Award of Young Designers’ Exhibition
04 | 05
!"#$%&"'()(( *$+$(,""( (Yu-Shan Lee 李雨珊) mobile/ 0932338450 email/ imlittlerice@hotmail.com
1999 ~ 2013 2011 / 05
()() !"#$%&' 設計源自生活,並讓生活更美好。 設計的靈感從設計師所生活的環境與經驗而來,而經過設計思考的轉換,所產出的東西必須讓生活有 所正向的改變,不論是從解決問題切入或是提供更多的樂趣或情感。
Design comes from life, and makes life better. Design concept is inspired by the life experience of designer. After the process of design thinking, the final product must make our life better, no matter what the idea is - solving problems or creating more pleasure in our life.
實踐大學工業產品設計學系 “Yummy Head” 新一代設計展參展
2011 / 08
設計案 - 天燈公仔紀念品
2011 / 12
UXIR 設計工作營
2012 / 08
UAL 暑期平面課程
2012 / 12
“How to come up with meaningful new products, services and policies?” 工作營
2013 / 05
“Lam-brella” 新一代設計展 產品設計類銀ሤ
1999 ~ 2013 Shih-Chien University, Department of Industrial Design 2011 / 05
“Yummy Head” exhibited in Young Designers’ Exhibition
2011 / 08
Design case - souvenirs of flying lantern
2011 / 12
UXIR Design Workshop
2012 / 08
UAL Summer Course - Graphic Design
2012 / 12
Workshop: “How to come up with meaningful new products, services and policies?”
2013 / 05
“Lam-brella” Silver Award of Young Designers’ Exhibition
08 | 09
A. 單純從傘的外型去發想各種產品的可能。
除了轉換「開合的結構」,將其應用在產品上,造型語彙則保留 了「同心圓」的特徵,並如同紙傘般使用繩、線材來組合。
A. Different types of products came up directly from the shape of paper umbrellas.
燈具設計 | Lighting 2013 / 05
Not only are the movable structure applied to the design, the aesthetics of the product also integrates the shape of “concentric circles”. Strings are also used to create the lamp similar to the traditional craft.
彈性鋼 / 碳纖維 Spring steel / Carbon fiber 460x460x310 mm 365x365x375 mm
B. 從保留紙傘的特徵(開合結構、同心圓等)來發想。 B. Designed products that keep the features of paper umbrellas, including the movable structure, and the shape of “concentric circles”.
C. 確定設計燈具! C. Decided to design lamps! 為什麼結合燈具? 為了保留紙傘的最大特徵「開合的結構」,而選擇製作燈具;開 傘、合傘的動作代表「開始使用、結束使用」一件產品,將此結 合在「開燈、關燈」的動作之上。此外,紙傘師傅在展示紙傘 時,也相當注重傘面的透光性,必將其拿至陽光下展示。
我所尋訪的美麗身影 傳統工藝的式微,尤其紙傘工藝。自從洋傘傳入之後,紙傘廠不 斷減少,即便有紙傘的產出,現今的功用主要用於表演或收藏展 示之用。曾是存在於人們生活周遭的美麗工藝,如今卻近乎消 失,實在令人惋惜。因此想透過此project,以現代材質模擬製 傘工藝,設計出保留傳統相貌的現代產品,使之可以重回現代人 的生活之中。
Unfortunately, the introduction of modern umbrellas into Taiwan makes the industry of traditional paper umbrellas disappear day by day. Most of the paper umbrellas that still exist are used in performances or becoming a part of a collection, in other words the craft is becoming farther and farther away from our lives. Therefore, I am designing a modern product that made with modern materials and combining with traditional features to reintroduce this craft into our daily lives.
In order to keep the movable structure of the paper umbrella, I decided to design a lamp. The opening and closing of the umbrella will be combined with the turning on and turning off of the lamp. In addition to that, the craftsmen pay close attention to the translucency of the cover paper while it is being displayed.
08 | 09
A. 單純從傘的外型去發想各種產品的可能。
除了轉換「開合的結構」,將其應用在產品上,造型語彙則保留 了「同心圓」的特徵,並如同紙傘般使用繩、線材來組合。
A. Different types of products came up directly from the shape of paper umbrellas.
燈具設計 | Lighting 2013 / 05
Not only are the movable structure applied to the design, the aesthetics of the product also integrates the shape of “concentric circles”. Strings are also used to create the lamp similar to the traditional craft.
彈性鋼 / 碳纖維 Spring steel / Carbon fiber 460x460x310 mm 365x365x375 mm
B. 從保留紙傘的特徵(開合結構、同心圓等)來發想。 B. Designed products that keep the features of paper umbrellas, including the movable structure, and the shape of “concentric circles”.
C. 確定設計燈具! C. Decided to design lamps! 為什麼結合燈具? 為了保留紙傘的最大特徵「開合的結構」,而選擇製作燈具;開 傘、合傘的動作代表「開始使用、結束使用」一件產品,將此結 合在「開燈、關燈」的動作之上。此外,紙傘師傅在展示紙傘 時,也相當注重傘面的透光性,必將其拿至陽光下展示。
我所尋訪的美麗身影 傳統工藝的式微,尤其紙傘工藝。自從洋傘傳入之後,紙傘廠不 斷減少,即便有紙傘的產出,現今的功用主要用於表演或收藏展 示之用。曾是存在於人們生活周遭的美麗工藝,如今卻近乎消 失,實在令人惋惜。因此想透過此project,以現代材質模擬製 傘工藝,設計出保留傳統相貌的現代產品,使之可以重回現代人 的生活之中。
Unfortunately, the introduction of modern umbrellas into Taiwan makes the industry of traditional paper umbrellas disappear day by day. Most of the paper umbrellas that still exist are used in performances or becoming a part of a collection, in other words the craft is becoming farther and farther away from our lives. Therefore, I am designing a modern product that made with modern materials and combining with traditional features to reintroduce this craft into our daily lives.
In order to keep the movable structure of the paper umbrella, I decided to design a lamp. The opening and closing of the umbrella will be combined with the turning on and turning off of the lamp. In addition to that, the craftsmen pay close attention to the translucency of the cover paper while it is being displayed.
10 | 11
如同組裝紙傘的流程來完成這兩盞燈具: 製作每支傘骨 > 製作傘頭 > 以線、繩組裝
This design utilizes the original structure of an umbrella as a starting point and explores the different structural possibilities. I was able to simulate different types of structures by using paper models. Use methods such as bending or adding ribs, also changing the orientation of the ribs.
Using the disassembling and assembly of the umbrella to create these two lamps: Make each rib > Make the head of umbrella > Use strings to assemble these components
工業材質的運用 「旋」使用鋼材代替竹子在彎曲時的不穩定性;傘骨之間也以金 屬零件連接,減少結構收放時的摩擦力。 而「彈」,以碳纖維與彈性鋼模擬竹子的彈性;如此增強了結構 的彈性強度,避免竹材彎曲時的易斷。 最後所選定的結構
01_旋: 將長、短傘骨分別彎曲,賦予一個曲度,使之收放時,在視覺上 呈現一種包覆開合之感。
02_彈: 發想自竹子的彈性;利用材料本身的彈性形成開合狀態,取代原 本連動的結構。
01_Spiral : Both kinds of ribs are bent into a wing shape. This causes a visual effect of the spiral moving away while switching on or off.
02_Flexible : Inspired by the characteristics of bamboo, I replaced the original structure with flexible materials.
“Spiral”: Replaces the bamboo with steel in order to stiffen and stabilize the structure when it is bent. “Flexible”: Uses carbon fiber and flexible steel to simulate the flexibility of bamboo. This strengthens the structure and avoids the fracture of bamboo while bending.
10 | 11
如同組裝紙傘的流程來完成這兩盞燈具: 製作每支傘骨 > 製作傘頭 > 以線、繩組裝
This design utilizes the original structure of an umbrella as a starting point and explores the different structural possibilities. I was able to simulate different types of structures by using paper models. Use methods such as bending or adding ribs, also changing the orientation of the ribs.
Using the disassembling and assembly of the umbrella to create these two lamps: Make each rib > Make the head of umbrella > Use strings to assemble these components
工業材質的運用 「旋」使用鋼材代替竹子在彎曲時的不穩定性;傘骨之間也以金 屬零件連接,減少結構收放時的摩擦力。 而「彈」,以碳纖維與彈性鋼模擬竹子的彈性;如此增強了結構 的彈性強度,避免竹材彎曲時的易斷。 最後所選定的結構
01_旋: 將長、短傘骨分別彎曲,賦予一個曲度,使之收放時,在視覺上 呈現一種包覆開合之感。
02_彈: 發想自竹子的彈性;利用材料本身的彈性形成開合狀態,取代原 本連動的結構。
01_Spiral : Both kinds of ribs are bent into a wing shape. This causes a visual effect of the spiral moving away while switching on or off.
02_Flexible : Inspired by the characteristics of bamboo, I replaced the original structure with flexible materials.
“Spiral”: Replaces the bamboo with steel in order to stiffen and stabilize the structure when it is bent. “Flexible”: Uses carbon fiber and flexible steel to simulate the flexibility of bamboo. This strengthens the structure and avoids the fracture of bamboo while bending.
12 | 13
對Lam-brella的期許 舊時云:「傘中有四人,傘形圓滿,象徵多子多孫。」,訴說紙 傘謂之「世代傳承」之意;Lam-brella不只點亮居家空間,更喚 起人們對傳統工藝的記憶,將子脈傳承的典故更擴大為工藝傳 承,以新的姿態流傳在現代人的生活之中。 A Chinese proverb states that, “There are four words that mean people in the Chinese character of umbrella, and the circinate shape of umbrella symbolizes satisfactory.” Therefore, paper umbrella is a traditional symbol of inheritance. Lam-brella not only lights up the interior living space, but also reminds people of this traditional craft. The craft would be spread in a different ways and exist again in our modern life.
12 | 13
對Lam-brella的期許 舊時云:「傘中有四人,傘形圓滿,象徵多子多孫。」,訴說紙 傘謂之「世代傳承」之意;Lam-brella不只點亮居家空間,更喚 起人們對傳統工藝的記憶,將子脈傳承的典故更擴大為工藝傳 承,以新的姿態流傳在現代人的生活之中。 A Chinese proverb states that, “There are four words that mean people in the Chinese character of umbrella, and the circinate shape of umbrella symbolizes satisfactory.” Therefore, paper umbrella is a traditional symbol of inheritance. Lam-brella not only lights up the interior living space, but also reminds people of this traditional craft. The craft would be spread in a different ways and exist again in our modern life.
14 | 15
樂器設計 | Instrument Design 2012 / 06 白楊木 Poplar wood 920x255x40 mm
樂手們所追求? 身為吉他手,愛著自己的樂器,卻因為器材上的限制,而無法像木吉他一樣可以隨時演奏,問題如: 1. 電吉他本身為實心木頭,無共鳴箱,因此必須接上專用音箱才能發聲。 2. 若想要有不同的聲音特效,需另外接上效果器。 3. 若全部器材接上,最惱人的是有一堆線材。 4. 電吉他本身重量不輕,若想攜帶外出,當然是能越輕越好。 能不能運用設計的手法,製作出一把可以隨時演奏並方便攜帶的電吉他? There are many problems that cause the electric guitars are not convenient be played in everywhere as guitarists want. 1. There are no sound boxes in electric guitars, so they must be connected to amps to get the sound. 2. Must be connect to effects pedals to get special sound effects. 3. There are a lot of cables surrounded when connecting to all the equipment. 4. The weight of electric guitar is a little heavy. It will be better if its weight can be decreased.
14 | 15
樂器設計 | Instrument Design 2012 / 06 白楊木 Poplar wood 920x255x40 mm
樂手們所追求? 身為吉他手,愛著自己的樂器,卻因為器材上的限制,而無法像木吉他一樣可以隨時演奏,問題如: 1. 電吉他本身為實心木頭,無共鳴箱,因此必須接上專用音箱才能發聲。 2. 若想要有不同的聲音特效,需另外接上效果器。 3. 若全部器材接上,最惱人的是有一堆線材。 4. 電吉他本身重量不輕,若想攜帶外出,當然是能越輕越好。 能不能運用設計的手法,製作出一把可以隨時演奏並方便攜帶的電吉他? There are many problems that cause the electric guitars are not convenient be played in everywhere as guitarists want. 1. There are no sound boxes in electric guitars, so they must be connected to amps to get the sound. 2. Must be connect to effects pedals to get special sound effects. 3. There are a lot of cables surrounded when connecting to all the equipment. 4. The weight of electric guitar is a little heavy. It will be better if its weight can be decreased.
16 | 17
透過與APP的結合,以數位聲音的方式減去繁複的電線,多樣 化的APP選擇,讓這把旅行吉他不用外接器材便可以做到,有音 箱、有效果器、立即錄音等等功能,而多點觸控的iPhone也更豐 富了吉他本身演奏新方式的可能性。 Movsic is a new concept of travel guitar for guitarists who want to play guitar outdoors. The lightweight guitar uses iPhone APP as its amp, effects pedals, and recorder, therefore, guitarist can play guitar without any cables but still enjoy all the functions as usual. Also, the multipoint server in iPhone will create a new way for playing music.
1. 將 iPhone 置入吉他上的 iPhone 槽
2. 按下旋鈕,使電路接至 iPhone
最終外型 以鏤空的方式達到輕量化的效果,保留吉他符合人體工學的曲 線,讓使用者能夠更加舒適的彈奏。無頭琴的設計,將旋鈕收納 在琴身裡,減少整體長度而方便攜帶。 Hollowing out some parts of guitar body to decrease its weight. The main body curves are designed to make sure that guitarists won’t feel uncomfortable while playing. Putting the tuning knobs inside the hollow parts of guitar body to decrease the length of guitar head, and the shorter length of whole guitar provides a convenient way to move. 使用情境 右邊切得比較深的弧度, 方便靠到身上的曲線弧度,
方邊放置在大腿上的弧度 右手手掌放置處,以及小 手臂會靠著省力處,正面 做斜面
1. iPhone 當成擴大機使用
2. 將耳機接上iPhone
3. 切換旋鈕,恢復成一般的電吉他
3. 選擇APP
4. 彈奏完畢後再將iPhone取出
16 | 17
透過與APP的結合,以數位聲音的方式減去繁複的電線,多樣 化的APP選擇,讓這把旅行吉他不用外接器材便可以做到,有音 箱、有效果器、立即錄音等等功能,而多點觸控的iPhone也更豐 富了吉他本身演奏新方式的可能性。 Movsic is a new concept of travel guitar for guitarists who want to play guitar outdoors. The lightweight guitar uses iPhone APP as its amp, effects pedals, and recorder, therefore, guitarist can play guitar without any cables but still enjoy all the functions as usual. Also, the multipoint server in iPhone will create a new way for playing music.
1. 將 iPhone 置入吉他上的 iPhone 槽
2. 按下旋鈕,使電路接至 iPhone
最終外型 以鏤空的方式達到輕量化的效果,保留吉他符合人體工學的曲 線,讓使用者能夠更加舒適的彈奏。無頭琴的設計,將旋鈕收納 在琴身裡,減少整體長度而方便攜帶。 Hollowing out some parts of guitar body to decrease its weight. The main body curves are designed to make sure that guitarists won’t feel uncomfortable while playing. Putting the tuning knobs inside the hollow parts of guitar body to decrease the length of guitar head, and the shorter length of whole guitar provides a convenient way to move. 使用情境 右邊切得比較深的弧度, 方便靠到身上的曲線弧度,
方邊放置在大腿上的弧度 右手手掌放置處,以及小 手臂會靠著省力處,正面 做斜面
1. iPhone 當成擴大機使用
2. 將耳機接上iPhone
3. 切換旋鈕,恢復成一般的電吉他
3. 選擇APP
4. 彈奏完畢後再將iPhone取出
18 | 19
介面設計 | UI Design 2011 / 12 創新介面系統 New userinterface
初學者與市售電吉他效果器 對於電吉他樂手來說,效果器是不可或缺的重要配備;不論是剛 開始練團做copy歌,或是創作歌曲、表演時,都需要效果器來輔 助調整或玩出更多樣的音色。 市售的效果器分為兩種:單顆效果器與綜合效果器。單顆效果器 顧名思義,即為每一顆效果器只提供一種效果;而綜合效果器則 是集合了各種單顆的效果,將之集合在同一台機器內。 因此,對初學者來說一般會從綜合效果器入手,先理解了每種音 效的作用與學習如何調整之後,才會逐一選購高單價的單顆效果 器。但市售的綜合效果器介面複雜,並常常有同一顆按鈕控制多 種指令的情況發生,或是A鈕+B鈕才能叫出調整介面、不能自 由為存檔命名等等諸多難以記憶的控制方式,有沒有另一種方式 可以幫助初學者更簡易入手呢?
Effect pedals as the essential electronic devices while playing guitar and be used to alter the guitars’ sound. There are two kinds of effect pedals, single effects pedals and multi-effects pedals. For the beginners, it is more easily that start from the multi-effects than the single one. After understanding each types of effects, then the guitarists choose the single one that they need. However, the userinterface of multi-effects pedals are too complicated for beginners to use. Problems such as there are multi directives in one knob, or it is not easy to rename the data. Is there would be another way to create a simple but useful userinterface for beginners?
Simple Plan 如何幫助初學者?
設計於平板上的觸控介面,如同使用APP的直覺操作,一步一步 介面領導的方式,讓使用者可以快速進入狀況、調整與儲存一 切所需。簡化的使用方式,幫助初學者學習各種效果的功能和 調整方式;搭配使用數位平板,也能減輕不必要的重量,並且 方便攜帶。
純觸控介面的設計,或許在調整旋鈕的部份比起實體旋鈕來的不 直覺一點,未來可以考慮將此介面操作流程結合幾顆實體旋鈕 按鍵來設計,也可作為純觸控面板與市售實體效果器的中繼站。
Combined with pads, and guides the users step by step. Therefore, it provide a way let the beginners understand as soon as possible. Also, the digital advice reduces parts of the weight make it can be easy to bring with.
此外,考慮到演奏時若要切換音效,勢必與實體腳踏板結合(在 演奏中要使用手切換是件高難度的事),在此設計成與無線踏板 結合,並可以在介面中預先設置好切換順序,在要切換時透過踏 板亮燈提醒。 It still be a little inconvenient as replacing the real knobs by touchscreen. To overcome the problem, I would like to combine the real knobs with touch userinterface in the future. It also could be a new type of pedals between the pedal boards and touchscreen. Moreover, it is necessary to use a real pedal to switch the effects during the performance. Users can connect a wireless pedal to Simple Plan, as well as can set up the effects list for perfomance. A LED light in the pedal will remind the users to switch the effects.
18 | 19
介面設計 | UI Design 2011 / 12 創新介面系統 New userinterface
初學者與市售電吉他效果器 對於電吉他樂手來說,效果器是不可或缺的重要配備;不論是剛 開始練團做copy歌,或是創作歌曲、表演時,都需要效果器來輔 助調整或玩出更多樣的音色。 市售的效果器分為兩種:單顆效果器與綜合效果器。單顆效果器 顧名思義,即為每一顆效果器只提供一種效果;而綜合效果器則 是集合了各種單顆的效果,將之集合在同一台機器內。 因此,對初學者來說一般會從綜合效果器入手,先理解了每種音 效的作用與學習如何調整之後,才會逐一選購高單價的單顆效果 器。但市售的綜合效果器介面複雜,並常常有同一顆按鈕控制多 種指令的情況發生,或是A鈕+B鈕才能叫出調整介面、不能自 由為存檔命名等等諸多難以記憶的控制方式,有沒有另一種方式 可以幫助初學者更簡易入手呢?
Effect pedals as the essential electronic devices while playing guitar and be used to alter the guitars’ sound. There are two kinds of effect pedals, single effects pedals and multi-effects pedals. For the beginners, it is more easily that start from the multi-effects than the single one. After understanding each types of effects, then the guitarists choose the single one that they need. However, the userinterface of multi-effects pedals are too complicated for beginners to use. Problems such as there are multi directives in one knob, or it is not easy to rename the data. Is there would be another way to create a simple but useful userinterface for beginners?
Simple Plan 如何幫助初學者?
設計於平板上的觸控介面,如同使用APP的直覺操作,一步一步 介面領導的方式,讓使用者可以快速進入狀況、調整與儲存一 切所需。簡化的使用方式,幫助初學者學習各種效果的功能和 調整方式;搭配使用數位平板,也能減輕不必要的重量,並且 方便攜帶。
純觸控介面的設計,或許在調整旋鈕的部份比起實體旋鈕來的不 直覺一點,未來可以考慮將此介面操作流程結合幾顆實體旋鈕 按鍵來設計,也可作為純觸控面板與市售實體效果器的中繼站。
Combined with pads, and guides the users step by step. Therefore, it provide a way let the beginners understand as soon as possible. Also, the digital advice reduces parts of the weight make it can be easy to bring with.
此外,考慮到演奏時若要切換音效,勢必與實體腳踏板結合(在 演奏中要使用手切換是件高難度的事),在此設計成與無線踏板 結合,並可以在介面中預先設置好切換順序,在要切換時透過踏 板亮燈提醒。 It still be a little inconvenient as replacing the real knobs by touchscreen. To overcome the problem, I would like to combine the real knobs with touch userinterface in the future. It also could be a new type of pedals between the pedal boards and touchscreen. Moreover, it is necessary to use a real pedal to switch the effects during the performance. Users can connect a wireless pedal to Simple Plan, as well as can set up the effects list for perfomance. A LED light in the pedal will remind the users to switch the effects.
20 | 21
Practice介面 — 分析歌曲功能(Analyze Songs)
Simple Plan分為三個主要部份:Practice(練習)、Perform(表 演)、Tuning(調音)。
Simple Plan is composed of 3 main parts: Practice, Perform, and Tuning.
平時調整從[Practice]進入,可直接選取想使用的效果或是匯入 歌曲讓系統過濾出類似的效果,再進入主編輯介面做個人化調 整。
Start to adjust the effects from [Practice] usually. It is able to pick up effects automatically by adding a song into the interface.
表演時,點選[Perform]即可連結到先前在調整好、並編排好的 效果檔案,若是想做即時修正,點進去該效果即可回到主編輯 畫面。
從[Practice]練習的界面進來就會看到以風格為分類 的選單。以較親近使用者的命名方式取代效果器的 專有名詞,讓出學者更能上手。點開來可以看細項 的分類。
[Analyze Songs]分析歌曲功能是幫助初學者過濾過多 的效果,匯入音樂檔,系統立即找出聽起來和那首歌 相似的效果。
分析出來的結果,點一下可以試聽效果,要進階編輯 則按[Select]。若是不喜歡效果過濾出來的效果,也 可以回到風格分類去找。
Select the [Perform] page before performance, and connent the effects list to the wireless pedal. Touch the name of effects to edit if necessary.
20 | 21
Practice介面 — 分析歌曲功能(Analyze Songs)
Simple Plan分為三個主要部份:Practice(練習)、Perform(表 演)、Tuning(調音)。
Simple Plan is composed of 3 main parts: Practice, Perform, and Tuning.
平時調整從[Practice]進入,可直接選取想使用的效果或是匯入 歌曲讓系統過濾出類似的效果,再進入主編輯介面做個人化調 整。
Start to adjust the effects from [Practice] usually. It is able to pick up effects automatically by adding a song into the interface.
表演時,點選[Perform]即可連結到先前在調整好、並編排好的 效果檔案,若是想做即時修正,點進去該效果即可回到主編輯 畫面。
從[Practice]練習的界面進來就會看到以風格為分類 的選單。以較親近使用者的命名方式取代效果器的 專有名詞,讓出學者更能上手。點開來可以看細項 的分類。
[Analyze Songs]分析歌曲功能是幫助初學者過濾過多 的效果,匯入音樂檔,系統立即找出聽起來和那首歌 相似的效果。
分析出來的結果,點一下可以試聽效果,要進階編輯 則按[Select]。若是不喜歡效果過濾出來的效果,也 可以回到風格分類去找。
Select the [Perform] page before performance, and connent the effects list to the wireless pedal. Touch the name of effects to edit if necessary.
22 | 23
My Effects & Programs介面
音樂播放控制列 Music player Controller
!"#$%%$&'( @9;-..$/0%
-..$/0% 1$00"+,
%&'()*+, !!"!!"#$
)*+,*-!(# @9;-..$/0%
在檔案總管[Flies]的頁面,保存了我所儲存、暫存的 效果,還有錄音檔。這頁是我的效果,已經整理好一 個一個的群組,並以樂團名稱命名。
@9;=$/'A6"+, &'($
-..$/0% 1$00"+,
B<(8%;C8A09 8!,,9,898$+
小節數 Bar 設定第幾小節到第幾小時使用什麼效果。或是下拉式選單可以回到風格分類。
資訊欄 Information 2
顯示「Chorus Sound」這個模組的詳細資訊(由哪些效果組成,量各是多少)。
[Programs]是讓使用者建立自己的節目表的地方。畫 面中是已經整理的節目表,以表演名稱命名,並附 註日期。
錄音控制列 Recorder Controller 錄音功能方便使用者檢視樂器聲音有沒有達到理想狀態。
B<(8%;C8A09 @9;-..$/0%
H/G& @9;=$/'A6"+,
效果 Effects
於前一個步驟所過濾出來的「可能可以使用的效果」,供右邊編排時做選取、替換。 -)(.)/06+++
-..$/0% 1$00"+,
12+344&'56 -&./&
&0123145 <&==(>
,678#9:#*08;8 B(AC5+D)2 EA('@7AC+(A F&/G&AC6+B(()
3. 4.
點選詳細資訊進入編輯頁面。左右調整每個按鈕的量,每顆效果 3
點進去是編輯頁面,讓使用者排序該表演的歌序。在 表演時系統將以這個排序控制效果切換的順序,並且 在該切換時提醒使用者。
(Chorus,Flanger,Reverb...)可自由編排順序(順序不一樣,聲音結 果也不一樣),若要刪除那顆效果,把它丟出畫面就好。效果器 是種交互配合使用的東西,所以需要將所有調整鈕一字攤開,讓 使用者可以做快速的調整。
22 | 23
My Effects & Programs介面
音樂播放控制列 Music player Controller
!"#$%%$&'( @9;-..$/0%
-..$/0% 1$00"+,
%&'()*+, !!"!!"#$
)*+,*-!(# @9;-..$/0%
在檔案總管[Flies]的頁面,保存了我所儲存、暫存的 效果,還有錄音檔。這頁是我的效果,已經整理好一 個一個的群組,並以樂團名稱命名。
@9;=$/'A6"+, &'($
-..$/0% 1$00"+,
B<(8%;C8A09 8!,,9,898$+
小節數 Bar 設定第幾小節到第幾小時使用什麼效果。或是下拉式選單可以回到風格分類。
資訊欄 Information 2
顯示「Chorus Sound」這個模組的詳細資訊(由哪些效果組成,量各是多少)。
[Programs]是讓使用者建立自己的節目表的地方。畫 面中是已經整理的節目表,以表演名稱命名,並附 註日期。
錄音控制列 Recorder Controller 錄音功能方便使用者檢視樂器聲音有沒有達到理想狀態。
B<(8%;C8A09 @9;-..$/0%
H/G& @9;=$/'A6"+,
效果 Effects
於前一個步驟所過濾出來的「可能可以使用的效果」,供右邊編排時做選取、替換。 -)(.)/06+++
-..$/0% 1$00"+,
12+344&'56 -&./&
&0123145 <&==(>
,678#9:#*08;8 B(AC5+D)2 EA('@7AC+(A F&/G&AC6+B(()
3. 4.
點選詳細資訊進入編輯頁面。左右調整每個按鈕的量,每顆效果 3
點進去是編輯頁面,讓使用者排序該表演的歌序。在 表演時系統將以這個排序控制效果切換的順序,並且 在該切換時提醒使用者。
(Chorus,Flanger,Reverb...)可自由編排順序(順序不一樣,聲音結 果也不一樣),若要刪除那顆效果,把它丟出畫面就好。效果器 是種交互配合使用的東西,所以需要將所有調整鈕一字攤開,讓 使用者可以做快速的調整。
24 | 25
幫助老年人多多參與社會活動! 現今社會上有許多位年長者所舉辦的活動,但由於資訊傳達不 周全,以至於很多年長者都不知道有這些活動;實際上大部份年 長者都想參與外界活動,只是不知道哪裡有活動罷了。OUT for FUN是專為年長者所設計的APP,系統會根據使用者所儲存的偏 好設定來推薦、告知相關活動,讓年長者用簡易的方式在家中即 可瀏覽外界活動,並安排行程表。 OUT for FUN is an APP that encourages elderly people to attened public activities. System will select some activities elderly people might find enjoyable according to their original settings, and also there is an easy way for them to browse and schedule activities at home.
APP分為三大部份,[Activity](活動資訊)、[Signed up](已報 名的活動)、[More](APP設定、邀請朋友等等)。 第一次使用時,系統會先帶領使用者做簡單的基本設定;再次點 開時,主畫面為「根據先前偏好設定所篩選出的建議活動」,使 用者可立即瀏覽將舉行、且符合自我需求的活動。 OUT for FUN is composed of 3 parts, [Activity], [Signed up], and [More]. When first time using, the system will guide users to finish the basis settings. Then OUT for FUN will select activities that users might find enjoyable according to the settings.
!"# $%& '"( 介面設計 | UI Design 2011 / 10
012234,35 *+,-.-,/
!,63' *+,-.-,/
0-29$1: 9&D
<9.-,3 ('-3954
iOS 介面系統 iOS Interface
*7'385/ 0-2935$1: ?89+37 0-29E1:
<9.-,3 ('-3954
C&'3 03,,-924 ;'&%-73 ;6&,& =84-+ <9%&'>8,-&9 ;6/4-+87 ?&95-,-&9 ;'3%3'39+3 #->3$@ A&1+8,-&9 B3>-953'
('-3954 <9.-,3
24 | 25
幫助老年人多多參與社會活動! 現今社會上有許多位年長者所舉辦的活動,但由於資訊傳達不 周全,以至於很多年長者都不知道有這些活動;實際上大部份年 長者都想參與外界活動,只是不知道哪裡有活動罷了。OUT for FUN是專為年長者所設計的APP,系統會根據使用者所儲存的偏 好設定來推薦、告知相關活動,讓年長者用簡易的方式在家中即 可瀏覽外界活動,並安排行程表。 OUT for FUN is an APP that encourages elderly people to attened public activities. System will select some activities elderly people might find enjoyable according to their original settings, and also there is an easy way for them to browse and schedule activities at home.
APP分為三大部份,[Activity](活動資訊)、[Signed up](已報 名的活動)、[More](APP設定、邀請朋友等等)。 第一次使用時,系統會先帶領使用者做簡單的基本設定;再次點 開時,主畫面為「根據先前偏好設定所篩選出的建議活動」,使 用者可立即瀏覽將舉行、且符合自我需求的活動。 OUT for FUN is composed of 3 parts, [Activity], [Signed up], and [More]. When first time using, the system will guide users to finish the basis settings. Then OUT for FUN will select activities that users might find enjoyable according to the settings.
!"# $%& '"( 介面設計 | UI Design 2011 / 10
012234,35 *+,-.-,/
!,63' *+,-.-,/
0-29$1: 9&D
<9.-,3 ('-3954
iOS 介面系統 iOS Interface
*7'385/ 0-2935$1: ?89+37 0-29E1:
<9.-,3 ('-3954
C&'3 03,,-924 ;'&%-73 ;6&,& =84-+ <9%&'>8,-&9 ;6/4-+87 ?&95-,-&9 ;'3%3'39+3 #->3$@ A&1+8,-&9 B3>-953'
('-3954 <9.-,3
26 | 27
!"#$%$#& 系統會根據使用者的偏好設定來推薦相關活動,介面右上方顯示目前在什麼分類;切換活動分類,畫面的主色調也會跟著改變,幫助老 年人更容易辨識。 點選左上角的「...」進入其他活動頁面,即是不在偏好設定裡的活動類別。點進活動之後可以看到詳細資訊、已參加的朋友,也可以立 即透過APP報名。 活動圓圈內的數字則顯示,已有多少親友報名。 System will recommend some activities elderly people might find enjoyable according to their original settings. Touch “...” on top left of the interface to browse more activities. Touch the activity circles to check the details and friends who have already signed up or sign up the activity immediately.
'$()*+,-. 系統所紀錄已經報名跟曾經參加過的活動,除了條列式之外,也可以切換成週曆、月曆等形式。 點進資料詳細頁面也可以立即取消報名。 Browse the activities you have already signed up in a week or a month. Enter the detail page can cancel the sign-up immediately.
'*##$)(/ 偏好設定:個人資料建立(透過APP報名時傳給主辦單位的基本資訊)、健康狀況、喜好的活動類型、可以參加的時間與地點範圍、鬧 鈴提醒設定。 活動分為七大類:運動類、棋類、文藝類、飲食類、學習類、戶外活動類、宗教類。 Set up the personal information. Categories of activities: Sports, Board Games, Sedentary, Cuisine, Learning, Outdoor, Religion.
01$*)+/ 可以從手機通訊入匯入親友資料,若該朋友也有使用此APP即可加為好友。可以看到好友參加了什麼活動,也可以互相推薦,或是聯繫 相約一起參加某活動。 Add friends from phone contacts. You can browse what your friends have attended, or invite friends to attend together.
26 | 27
!"#$%$#& 系統會根據使用者的偏好設定來推薦相關活動,介面右上方顯示目前在什麼分類;切換活動分類,畫面的主色調也會跟著改變,幫助老 年人更容易辨識。 點選左上角的「...」進入其他活動頁面,即是不在偏好設定裡的活動類別。點進活動之後可以看到詳細資訊、已參加的朋友,也可以立 即透過APP報名。 活動圓圈內的數字則顯示,已有多少親友報名。 System will recommend some activities elderly people might find enjoyable according to their original settings. Touch “...” on top left of the interface to browse more activities. Touch the activity circles to check the details and friends who have already signed up or sign up the activity immediately.
'$()*+,-. 系統所紀錄已經報名跟曾經參加過的活動,除了條列式之外,也可以切換成週曆、月曆等形式。 點進資料詳細頁面也可以立即取消報名。 Browse the activities you have already signed up in a week or a month. Enter the detail page can cancel the sign-up immediately.
'*##$)(/ 偏好設定:個人資料建立(透過APP報名時傳給主辦單位的基本資訊)、健康狀況、喜好的活動類型、可以參加的時間與地點範圍、鬧 鈴提醒設定。 活動分為七大類:運動類、棋類、文藝類、飲食類、學習類、戶外活動類、宗教類。 Set up the personal information. Categories of activities: Sports, Board Games, Sedentary, Cuisine, Learning, Outdoor, Religion.
01$*)+/ 可以從手機通訊入匯入親友資料,若該朋友也有使用此APP即可加為好友。可以看到好友參加了什麼活動,也可以互相推薦,或是聯繫 相約一起參加某活動。 Add friends from phone contacts. You can browse what your friends have attended, or invite friends to attend together.
28 | 29
在APP裡,共分有7大類26種的活動項目供選擇,以不同顏色區 分不同類別的活動,在主畫面[Suggest Activity], [Other Activity] 切換活動類別的時候,主色調也會跟著改變。
The are 26 kinds of activities in this APP, and differentiated by different colors.
設計完界面架構與平面視覺後,以AfterEffect製作成影片來模擬 使用流程。
After design, make a short film by AfterEffect to simulate the using procedures.
28 | 29
在APP裡,共分有7大類26種的活動項目供選擇,以不同顏色區 分不同類別的活動,在主畫面[Suggest Activity], [Other Activity] 切換活動類別的時候,主色調也會跟著改變。
The are 26 kinds of activities in this APP, and differentiated by different colors.
設計完界面架構與平面視覺後,以AfterEffect製作成影片來模擬 使用流程。
After design, make a short film by AfterEffect to simulate the using procedures.
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!"#$"#%&$#% '()*+,' 以少年熱情的擁抱為意象,象徵著初次奮不顧身栽進愛情這個世 界。當一切夢碎了之後,無法承受第一次的失敗而倒地不起。 The first time teenagers fall in love, and they hug enthusiastically. However, the first time when they face to disappointment in love, they can’t stand the broken-heart experience.
!"#$"#%-./ 藉由旋轉酒杯的動作,找出相合的缺口。象徵中年尋找伴侶時, 對經濟能力、地位等等的多方考量。也有著「轉了好多圈,終於 找到了」的意象。
The action of spinning wine glasses implies that after looking for love for a long time, they finally find their mates. Also the action express that people have to consider lots of things like stutation when looking for mates in their middle of age.
酒杯設計 | Glassware Design
!"#$"#%-0*'' 23+456)7
2011 / 06 玻璃 / 胡桃木 Glass / Hickory 500x300x220 mm
喝悶酒? 「嘲諷」一詞具有正面與負面的語意,正面的玩笑與負面的嘲 笑。人類則藉由這樣的一種本能,對自己、對社會、對世界開玩 笑,以另一種幽默的方式面對一些尷尬、負面的窘境。 Crystal Drama以這種手法,將人生的愛情樣貌呈現在餐桌上, 何苦要喝悶酒呢?我們也不過只是處於其中一種人生百態之中 罷了。 Crysral Drama play a joke to those people who want to recover from the disappointment in love by drink. Those wine glasses play roles in the relationship of different stage of love, telling people that you are just in one of the stages, so do not need to be so depressed.
以駝背的老人為意象,看似重心不穩,需要互相扶持。象徵最後 找到能相伴一生的依靠。 The image of two elder people supporting each other. It means that people finally find mates who are reliable in their life.
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!"#$"#%&$#% '()*+,' 以少年熱情的擁抱為意象,象徵著初次奮不顧身栽進愛情這個世 界。當一切夢碎了之後,無法承受第一次的失敗而倒地不起。 The first time teenagers fall in love, and they hug enthusiastically. However, the first time when they face to disappointment in love, they can’t stand the broken-heart experience.
!"#$"#%-./ 藉由旋轉酒杯的動作,找出相合的缺口。象徵中年尋找伴侶時, 對經濟能力、地位等等的多方考量。也有著「轉了好多圈,終於 找到了」的意象。
The action of spinning wine glasses implies that after looking for love for a long time, they finally find their mates. Also the action express that people have to consider lots of things like stutation when looking for mates in their middle of age.
酒杯設計 | Glassware Design
!"#$"#%-0*'' 23+456)7
2011 / 06 玻璃 / 胡桃木 Glass / Hickory 500x300x220 mm
喝悶酒? 「嘲諷」一詞具有正面與負面的語意,正面的玩笑與負面的嘲 笑。人類則藉由這樣的一種本能,對自己、對社會、對世界開玩 笑,以另一種幽默的方式面對一些尷尬、負面的窘境。 Crystal Drama以這種手法,將人生的愛情樣貌呈現在餐桌上, 何苦要喝悶酒呢?我們也不過只是處於其中一種人生百態之中 罷了。 Crysral Drama play a joke to those people who want to recover from the disappointment in love by drink. Those wine glasses play roles in the relationship of different stage of love, telling people that you are just in one of the stages, so do not need to be so depressed.
以駝背的老人為意象,看似重心不穩,需要互相扶持。象徵最後 找到能相伴一生的依靠。 The image of two elder people supporting each other. It means that people finally find mates who are reliable in their life.
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Yummy Head 餐具設計 | Dinnerware Design 2010 / 10 ABS塑料 / 皮革漆 ABS / Fluff paint 300x300x230 mm
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Yummy Head 餐具設計 | Dinnerware Design 2010 / 10 ABS塑料 / 皮革漆 ABS / Fluff paint 300x300x230 mm
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旅行 x 設計 談到英國,不能不提到皇家衛兵與英式下午茶。這兩樣傳統結合 是否能激盪出新的點子? Yummy Head將皇家衛兵的熊帽部份比例拉大,如此三顆大球所 交集的空間,形成一個點心 水果盤。而外層的表面以皮革漆處 理,使之更接近真實熊帽的質感。 We all know that the royal guards and afternoon tea are widely renowned in British but how interesting could it be while putting these two elements together? Yummy Head, a bowl for light snacks and fruits, blends these two famous British elements. It is composed of three royal guards, and the parts of bearskin caps are extremely enlarged. Moreover, the skin is sprayed with the fluff paint to keep the quality of bearskin caps.
使用說明 上蓋可輕易的打開,置入小點心或水果。當要食用時,小衛兵的 槍可當成小叉子;平時除了易收納之外,需要使用叉子時也不必 再另外尋找。 Half of the combined bearskin parts are the lid of Yummy Head which can be taken off easily. Light snacks like cookies, candy, sandwiches, scones and fruits, can be put into Yummy Head with large space inside. The guns of guards are not only ornaments but snacks forks. We can enjoy snacks immediately with the forks inserted under. Also, it provides a new way of storing forks. Within a new concept, Yummy Head creates another life experience during the afternoon tea time and brings more pleasure to people.
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旅行 x 設計 談到英國,不能不提到皇家衛兵與英式下午茶。這兩樣傳統結合 是否能激盪出新的點子? Yummy Head將皇家衛兵的熊帽部份比例拉大,如此三顆大球所 交集的空間,形成一個點心 水果盤。而外層的表面以皮革漆處 理,使之更接近真實熊帽的質感。 We all know that the royal guards and afternoon tea are widely renowned in British but how interesting could it be while putting these two elements together? Yummy Head, a bowl for light snacks and fruits, blends these two famous British elements. It is composed of three royal guards, and the parts of bearskin caps are extremely enlarged. Moreover, the skin is sprayed with the fluff paint to keep the quality of bearskin caps.
使用說明 上蓋可輕易的打開,置入小點心或水果。當要食用時,小衛兵的 槍可當成小叉子;平時除了易收納之外,需要使用叉子時也不必 再另外尋找。 Half of the combined bearskin parts are the lid of Yummy Head which can be taken off easily. Light snacks like cookies, candy, sandwiches, scones and fruits, can be put into Yummy Head with large space inside. The guns of guards are not only ornaments but snacks forks. We can enjoy snacks immediately with the forks inserted under. Also, it provides a new way of storing forks. Within a new concept, Yummy Head creates another life experience during the afternoon tea time and brings more pleasure to people.
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Sketch & Markers 2011 ~ 2013
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Sketch & Markers 2011 ~ 2013
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建模 |
3D Rendering
Software: Alias, Keyshot, ProE 2011 ~ 2013
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建模 |
3D Rendering
Software: Alias, Keyshot, ProE 2011 ~ 2013
產品攝影 |
Product Photography
Camera: Canon500D 2013
ISO: 100, f/11, 1/125
ISO: 100, f/23, 1/125
Team Work by: 李雨珊、吳雅雅、敖璟、蔡宇婷、范貞文 ISO: 100, f/8, 1/125
產品攝影 |
Product Photography
Camera: Canon500D 2013
ISO: 100, f/11, 1/125
ISO: 100, f/23, 1/125
Team Work by: 李雨珊、吳雅雅、敖璟、蔡宇婷、范貞文 ISO: 100, f/8, 1/125
UAL Graphic Design Summer Course Central Saint Martins Date: 2012/07/31 ~ 2012/08/24 Tutors: John Cash & Belinda Chen
Project 1: Illustration Project 課程從基本手繪訓練開始,觀察一隻筆作為起頭,畫出最原始的 16格圖像。從16個的圖像相互合併、重複、循轉、變形等,重複 這步驟直到完成最終的4格圖像。 A hand-drawing practice. Started from observing and drawing a pan on 16 frames paper. Then we combined, rotated, repeated the images on the first paper to draw the second paper. We repeated the steps until finished the final 4 frames.
UAL Graphic Design Summer Course Central Saint Martins Date: 2012/07/31 ~ 2012/08/24 Tutors: John Cash & Belinda Chen
Project 1: Illustration Project 課程從基本手繪訓練開始,觀察一隻筆作為起頭,畫出最原始的 16格圖像。從16個的圖像相互合併、重複、循轉、變形等,重複 這步驟直到完成最終的4格圖像。 A hand-drawing practice. Started from observing and drawing a pan on 16 frames paper. Then we combined, rotated, repeated the images on the first paper to draw the second paper. We repeated the steps until finished the final 4 frames.
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Project 2: Typography Project
Project 3: Image Text Project
用描圖紙描繪電腦印刷字體,以各種手法去創造自我風格的字 體。
從雜誌上剪下人臉之後,用白色顏料移除原本的影像內容,用畫 或拼貼的方式再次創作。之後與其他影像疊合成圖層,在拿到輸 出店去印出原色版和負像版。
Copied the computer print-out typography on a tracing paper to create your own typography.
We cut faces on magazines and use white paint to move away their original faces. After that, we drew back and combined with other image to create layers. Then we went to the printstore to make our works printed out in positive or negative.
A Dizzy World, 2012 colorpencil
Depressed in “Blue Drunk”, 2012 colorpencil, watercolor
Real Name of Princess “Snow White” is Nico?, 2012
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Project 2: Typography Project
Project 3: Image Text Project
用描圖紙描繪電腦印刷字體,以各種手法去創造自我風格的字 體。
從雜誌上剪下人臉之後,用白色顏料移除原本的影像內容,用畫 或拼貼的方式再次創作。之後與其他影像疊合成圖層,在拿到輸 出店去印出原色版和負像版。
Copied the computer print-out typography on a tracing paper to create your own typography.
We cut faces on magazines and use white paint to move away their original faces. After that, we drew back and combined with other image to create layers. Then we went to the printstore to make our works printed out in positive or negative.
A Dizzy World, 2012 colorpencil
Depressed in “Blue Drunk”, 2012 colorpencil, watercolor
Real Name of Princess “Snow White” is Nico?, 2012
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Conversation between Two Women (positive), 2012
Conversation between Two Women (negative), 2012
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Conversation between Two Women (positive), 2012
Conversation between Two Women (negative), 2012
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Final Project: Advertising Project “The Brick Lane in a Cup” 我們幫一家位於倫敦Brick Lane的個性咖啡店設計它們的外帶紙 杯。他們希望它們的杯子是帶有Brick Lane的故事–讓人一眼就 知道這是來自Brick Lane。另外他們希望它們的杯子可以被消費 者收藏,而不是喝完即丟。
We designed a cup for an individualized cafe in Brick Lane. They wanted their cups are special, telling the stories of Brick Lane, and people would collect their cups rather than throw them away.
Observe in Brick Lane
Concept Brick Lane最著名的便是牆上的塗鴉,而我們可以想成在這裡有 兩個世界並行著:我們的真實世界以及牆上塗鴉們所生活的世 界。而這些塗鴉存在許久,因此他們知道Brick Lane裡的大小 事,無論是展覽、表演、店家等等資訊。 There are many graffiti faces on walls in Brick Lane. So we can explain like there are two worlds in Brick Lane, one is our world and another is the world graffiti live. Because those graffiti have lived for a long time in Brick Lane, they know many informations about Brick Lane including art, exhibitions, music performances, stores and so on.
Gods and the World, 2012
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Final Project: Advertising Project “The Brick Lane in a Cup” 我們幫一家位於倫敦Brick Lane的個性咖啡店設計它們的外帶紙 杯。他們希望它們的杯子是帶有Brick Lane的故事–讓人一眼就 知道這是來自Brick Lane。另外他們希望它們的杯子可以被消費 者收藏,而不是喝完即丟。
We designed a cup for an individualized cafe in Brick Lane. They wanted their cups are special, telling the stories of Brick Lane, and people would collect their cups rather than throw them away.
Observe in Brick Lane
Concept Brick Lane最著名的便是牆上的塗鴉,而我們可以想成在這裡有 兩個世界並行著:我們的真實世界以及牆上塗鴉們所生活的世 界。而這些塗鴉存在許久,因此他們知道Brick Lane裡的大小 事,無論是展覽、表演、店家等等資訊。 There are many graffiti faces on walls in Brick Lane. So we can explain like there are two worlds in Brick Lane, one is our world and another is the world graffiti live. Because those graffiti have lived for a long time in Brick Lane, they know many informations about Brick Lane including art, exhibitions, music performances, stores and so on.
Gods and the World, 2012
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Coffee sleeve
住在Brick Lane的塗鴉們告知在Brick Lane的相關資訊。
來Brick Lane的人們。
Graffiti who live in Brick Lane telling the information of Brick Lane.
People who come to Brick Lane.
Collections 買一杯咖啡,即獲得一張Brick Lane的臉。 Buy a cup of coffee and you will get a face of Brick Lane.
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Coffee sleeve
住在Brick Lane的塗鴉們告知在Brick Lane的相關資訊。
來Brick Lane的人們。
Graffiti who live in Brick Lane telling the information of Brick Lane.
People who come to Brick Lane.
Collections 買一杯咖啡,即獲得一張Brick Lane的臉。 Buy a cup of coffee and you will get a face of Brick Lane.
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International Workshop: “How to come up with meaningful new products, services and policies?”
Group 5 “Shopping in the Future World” — 李雨珊 Mimi Lee、陳鎔 Rong Chen、敖璟 Ching Ao
實踐大學 | Shih-Chien University Date: 2012/12/15 ~ 2012/12/19
Tutors: Prof. Matthijs van Dijk
Matthijs van Dijk教授以其設計公司在業界所進行的設計流程為基礎,為這為期五天的工作營規劃了一套簡化後的流程,各組學生依循該 程序一步一步地完成設計。 Step01. 分析未來人類的行為與心理:擬定一主題後,各組觀察3-5年後的未來,人類在該主題之下有什麼樣的行為模式與心理狀態;並 分析、歸類至“Trend, Development, Principle, State”四大類別。
—網購的便利性與快速性 State(由於文化、環境等的影響,台灣人的行為)
Step02. 整合成關鍵群組:精簡合併“Trend, Development, Principle, State”的內容,濃縮成核心的敘述與形容,形成多個Clusters,並試著 找出彼此的關聯性。
Step03. 建構未來的世界:將歸納出的結果視覺化,以製作模型的手法整合呈現在42x42x42cm的方盒內。
Step04. 擬定核心設計目標:已推估出在主題之下,人類的行為發展走向, 那設計師能為他們做什麼?在此步驟中所擬訂的Statement, 即是設計成果的核心基礎。
Step05. 找出既有的相關手法:提出與設計核心相似,且為現今存在、並成功運行的手法或系統,來比擬設計發展。比較各組想做的設計 與現有的案例,會發現有某些相同的本質,而找出這本質就是這個步驟的關鍵。
—未來50歲以上的中老年人為較富裕的一代,因此將會成為不可 小覷的消費主力
—台灣人喜歡與親朋好友分享資訊 —喜歡揪團購買,賣家也會提供超過某價格免運費等優惠 —台灣特有的「夜市文化」、台灣傳統市場
Step06. 進行設計:基礎建立在Step04的Statement之上,以Step05的本質為目標著手設計。 Prof. Mattijs van Dijk uses the design process made by his company as a foundation to project a set of simplified process within five days. Therefore, the students in each group follow up his process to achieve designs step by step. Step01. Analyzing future human behaviors and psychology: After setting a theme, each group observes how people will react and think under such subject within 3-5 years. Then the group analyzes and sums up in four categories --- Trend, Development, Principle, and State.
Step02. Integrating into key groups: Organize the contents in “Trend, Development, Principle, State” and sum up with core statement and interpretations; from different Clusters and find relations of one another.
- People want to get something that benefit to themselves.
—快速、生活壓力:現代人工作繁忙、精神壓力大,因此都希望 能快速得到自己所需的商品。
- Fast, Life pressure: Due to the pressure of work and life, people want to shop quickly.
—虛擬商品:科技的發展,造就虛擬商品的存在價值;或是追求 更高的生活品質,購買服務。
- Inexistent Products: Virtual products have their own value. People satisfy themselves by getting virtual products.
Step03. Building future world: Visualize organized contents and make prototypes integrated in 42x42x42cm cube. Step04. Setting main design goals: After assuming development for human activities, what can designers do? The statement made in this step is the basis for the final design work. Step05. Finding similar existing patterns: Find existing systems or designs in the market and compare with the main design purpose of each group to develop the final design. Compare concepts of each group with existing cases and discover the similar characters is the key of this step. Step06. Proceeding the final design: Based on the statement in Step04, and use the characters in Step05 tp design.
- The risk in shopping causes different decision in consumer’s mind.
—利他的行為:基於喜歡分享的習性,或自己以也能從中獲得相 應的利益。
- Benefit to others: All for one, one for all.
- Ability of consuming: Ability of consuming decides the way of shopping.
- The relationship between people will be estranged.
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International Workshop: “How to come up with meaningful new products, services and policies?”
Group 5 “Shopping in the Future World” — 李雨珊 Mimi Lee、陳鎔 Rong Chen、敖璟 Ching Ao
實踐大學 | Shih-Chien University Date: 2012/12/15 ~ 2012/12/19
Tutors: Prof. Matthijs van Dijk
Matthijs van Dijk教授以其設計公司在業界所進行的設計流程為基礎,為這為期五天的工作營規劃了一套簡化後的流程,各組學生依循該 程序一步一步地完成設計。 Step01. 分析未來人類的行為與心理:擬定一主題後,各組觀察3-5年後的未來,人類在該主題之下有什麼樣的行為模式與心理狀態;並 分析、歸類至“Trend, Development, Principle, State”四大類別。
—網購的便利性與快速性 State(由於文化、環境等的影響,台灣人的行為)
Step02. 整合成關鍵群組:精簡合併“Trend, Development, Principle, State”的內容,濃縮成核心的敘述與形容,形成多個Clusters,並試著 找出彼此的關聯性。
Step03. 建構未來的世界:將歸納出的結果視覺化,以製作模型的手法整合呈現在42x42x42cm的方盒內。
Step04. 擬定核心設計目標:已推估出在主題之下,人類的行為發展走向, 那設計師能為他們做什麼?在此步驟中所擬訂的Statement, 即是設計成果的核心基礎。
Step05. 找出既有的相關手法:提出與設計核心相似,且為現今存在、並成功運行的手法或系統,來比擬設計發展。比較各組想做的設計 與現有的案例,會發現有某些相同的本質,而找出這本質就是這個步驟的關鍵。
—未來50歲以上的中老年人為較富裕的一代,因此將會成為不可 小覷的消費主力
—台灣人喜歡與親朋好友分享資訊 —喜歡揪團購買,賣家也會提供超過某價格免運費等優惠 —台灣特有的「夜市文化」、台灣傳統市場
Step06. 進行設計:基礎建立在Step04的Statement之上,以Step05的本質為目標著手設計。 Prof. Mattijs van Dijk uses the design process made by his company as a foundation to project a set of simplified process within five days. Therefore, the students in each group follow up his process to achieve designs step by step. Step01. Analyzing future human behaviors and psychology: After setting a theme, each group observes how people will react and think under such subject within 3-5 years. Then the group analyzes and sums up in four categories --- Trend, Development, Principle, and State.
Step02. Integrating into key groups: Organize the contents in “Trend, Development, Principle, State” and sum up with core statement and interpretations; from different Clusters and find relations of one another.
- People want to get something that benefit to themselves.
—快速、生活壓力:現代人工作繁忙、精神壓力大,因此都希望 能快速得到自己所需的商品。
- Fast, Life pressure: Due to the pressure of work and life, people want to shop quickly.
—虛擬商品:科技的發展,造就虛擬商品的存在價值;或是追求 更高的生活品質,購買服務。
- Inexistent Products: Virtual products have their own value. People satisfy themselves by getting virtual products.
Step03. Building future world: Visualize organized contents and make prototypes integrated in 42x42x42cm cube. Step04. Setting main design goals: After assuming development for human activities, what can designers do? The statement made in this step is the basis for the final design work. Step05. Finding similar existing patterns: Find existing systems or designs in the market and compare with the main design purpose of each group to develop the final design. Compare concepts of each group with existing cases and discover the similar characters is the key of this step. Step06. Proceeding the final design: Based on the statement in Step04, and use the characters in Step05 tp design.
- The risk in shopping causes different decision in consumer’s mind.
—利他的行為:基於喜歡分享的習性,或自己以也能從中獲得相 應的利益。
- Benefit to others: All for one, one for all.
- Ability of consuming: Ability of consuming decides the way of shopping.
- The relationship between people will be estranged.
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我們用3C產品擬人化,意指未來購物行為與3C科技和網路關係 密切以及孤離。人物的身上配有一條「金錢領帶」,顯示該人物 的經濟能力。中間有個可以藉由繩子來轉動的地球,代表外來忙 碌的世界。地球上販售著實體商品,天空則有虛擬商品的代表圖 示,箱子內交錯的繩子代表著互動關係,紅色的線為利己的消費 行為,白色的線則為利他的消費行為。經濟能力與風險導致人們 選擇如何消費,為了降低風險,而先選擇了利他的方式,譬如: 分享、團購、得到評價,但最終這些還是都是為了自己的利益。 人是自私的,人購物都是為了滿足自己,而人滿足了自己,自私 的心態,導致人與人之間的孤立與疏離。
The images of 3C products represent the future people. It means the relationship between people will be estranged due to the development of 3C products. The tie with “money images”in each character shows the ability of consuming of that person. A rotatable line control the“earth” in the middle of box create a busy future world. Products printed on the image of earth means “real products”, on the other hand, products floating in the sky means “inexistent products”. Moreover, the crossing lines in the box tell the interaction of people, for instance, the red lines are the action of benefiting to self, on the contrary, the white one are the action of benefiting to others. The ability of consuming of each character cause the situation of lines crossing.
消費系統:我們成立了一個Green Bazaar品牌,販售低炭里程數 的環保食材與蔬果。消費者購買時,根據商品會有不同百分比數 的捐贈回饋到我們的基金會,這些捐款將被作為環保活動或相關 議題的基金,去幫助我們的地球或是更多需要幫助的人。 System of shopping: We create a new brand, called “Green Bazaar”, which sells foods and fruits are “low foodmiles”. People buy our goods would cause different percentage of money feedback to our foundation, and the amounts of feedback are according to the foodmile of goods. These money will become the funds to hold activities which are good to earth or able to help people in need.
店門口顯示今日捐贈的百分比數,以及販售一些促 銷商品。四周的牆面貼有當期受捐贈的活動海報。 A signboard above tells the green activity and the percentage of donation at present, also the seasonal products and special sales will be settle by the entreance. Posters outside show the detail of recent green
activities we are going to donate.
我們希望在未來的購物中,能夠創造一個循環系統,去平衡利己 以及利他的行為。 我們發現「教會」運作的方式極符合我們的循環系統;我們的 系統該有的相似特質:「永恆的希望,正向的」、「關心他人 的、溫暖的、通滿愛的」、「對社會有益的」、「可以持續運 作的」。 We want people in the domain of future shopping can create a circulatory system of shopping to balance the selfishness and the benefit to others. The relationship between the users and our future design is like the relationship between religion and believer. The characteristic of our system should be: “Hope of Eternal, Positive”, “Care, Warm, Love”, “Good to society”, “Work sustainably”.
店裡有個電視牆面,播放著當期捐贈活動的宣傳影片。上方顯 示目標金額,以及目前得到多少金額;下方的時間軸說明曾經 舉辦過的活動。 A TV screen plays the video of current activities. Above of the screen shows the prospective amounts and how much we get now; the timeline below the screen tells the activities that we have ever held.
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我們用3C產品擬人化,意指未來購物行為與3C科技和網路關係 密切以及孤離。人物的身上配有一條「金錢領帶」,顯示該人物 的經濟能力。中間有個可以藉由繩子來轉動的地球,代表外來忙 碌的世界。地球上販售著實體商品,天空則有虛擬商品的代表圖 示,箱子內交錯的繩子代表著互動關係,紅色的線為利己的消費 行為,白色的線則為利他的消費行為。經濟能力與風險導致人們 選擇如何消費,為了降低風險,而先選擇了利他的方式,譬如: 分享、團購、得到評價,但最終這些還是都是為了自己的利益。 人是自私的,人購物都是為了滿足自己,而人滿足了自己,自私 的心態,導致人與人之間的孤立與疏離。
The images of 3C products represent the future people. It means the relationship between people will be estranged due to the development of 3C products. The tie with “money images”in each character shows the ability of consuming of that person. A rotatable line control the“earth” in the middle of box create a busy future world. Products printed on the image of earth means “real products”, on the other hand, products floating in the sky means “inexistent products”. Moreover, the crossing lines in the box tell the interaction of people, for instance, the red lines are the action of benefiting to self, on the contrary, the white one are the action of benefiting to others. The ability of consuming of each character cause the situation of lines crossing.
消費系統:我們成立了一個Green Bazaar品牌,販售低炭里程數 的環保食材與蔬果。消費者購買時,根據商品會有不同百分比數 的捐贈回饋到我們的基金會,這些捐款將被作為環保活動或相關 議題的基金,去幫助我們的地球或是更多需要幫助的人。 System of shopping: We create a new brand, called “Green Bazaar”, which sells foods and fruits are “low foodmiles”. People buy our goods would cause different percentage of money feedback to our foundation, and the amounts of feedback are according to the foodmile of goods. These money will become the funds to hold activities which are good to earth or able to help people in need.
店門口顯示今日捐贈的百分比數,以及販售一些促 銷商品。四周的牆面貼有當期受捐贈的活動海報。 A signboard above tells the green activity and the percentage of donation at present, also the seasonal products and special sales will be settle by the entreance. Posters outside show the detail of recent green
activities we are going to donate.
我們希望在未來的購物中,能夠創造一個循環系統,去平衡利己 以及利他的行為。 我們發現「教會」運作的方式極符合我們的循環系統;我們的 系統該有的相似特質:「永恆的希望,正向的」、「關心他人 的、溫暖的、通滿愛的」、「對社會有益的」、「可以持續運 作的」。 We want people in the domain of future shopping can create a circulatory system of shopping to balance the selfishness and the benefit to others. The relationship between the users and our future design is like the relationship between religion and believer. The characteristic of our system should be: “Hope of Eternal, Positive”, “Care, Warm, Love”, “Good to society”, “Work sustainably”.
店裡有個電視牆面,播放著當期捐贈活動的宣傳影片。上方顯 示目標金額,以及目前得到多少金額;下方的時間軸說明曾經 舉辦過的活動。 A TV screen plays the video of current activities. Above of the screen shows the prospective amounts and how much we get now; the timeline below the screen tells the activities that we have ever held.
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價格牌上有詳細的產地、碳里程數、二氧化碳排放量等說明。 The price card shows the place of origin, foodmile and the amounts of CO2.
店內櫃台設計成傳統風格的獨立攤位,每個攤位都有專屬服務員,顧客有任何問題都能馬上得到協助。 Each counter would have a seller standing nearby. Therefore, consumers can get assistance immediately.
攤位的招牌顯示本攤位商品為多少百分比的捐贈,以及受惠的活動名稱。 The signboard of counter shows the percentage of feedback, and the activity which is donated.
結賬時,收據會條列每個項目各捐贈了多少,以及捐贈總金額。並顯示會員號碼、會員名稱,作為行善的證明與累積。 The receipt shows the amounts of each donation and the member information, as a certification of donation.
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價格牌上有詳細的產地、碳里程數、二氧化碳排放量等說明。 The price card shows the place of origin, foodmile and the amounts of CO2.
店內櫃台設計成傳統風格的獨立攤位,每個攤位都有專屬服務員,顧客有任何問題都能馬上得到協助。 Each counter would have a seller standing nearby. Therefore, consumers can get assistance immediately.
攤位的招牌顯示本攤位商品為多少百分比的捐贈,以及受惠的活動名稱。 The signboard of counter shows the percentage of feedback, and the activity which is donated.
結賬時,收據會條列每個項目各捐贈了多少,以及捐贈總金額。並顯示會員號碼、會員名稱,作為行善的證明與累積。 The receipt shows the amounts of each donation and the member information, as a certification of donation.
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攝影 |
Camera: Pentax Spotmatic, Mini Dinan, Canon500D 2012 ~ 2013
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攝影 |
Camera: Pentax Spotmatic, Mini Dinan, Canon500D 2012 ~ 2013
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插畫 |
Software: Photoshop, SAI, colorpancil 2010 ~ 2013
Mermaid, 2010
Fight or Not?, 2013
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插畫 |
Software: Photoshop, SAI, colorpancil 2010 ~ 2013
Mermaid, 2010
Fight or Not?, 2013
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One Fine Day, 2012 colorpancil, water
Three Old Friends of Mine, 2012 colorpancil, water
Memory of the Brick Lane, 2012 colorpancil, water
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One Fine Day, 2012 colorpancil, water
Three Old Friends of Mine, 2012 colorpancil, water
Memory of the Brick Lane, 2012 colorpancil, water