Mimou 2016 fall web

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We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart. För oss på Mimou är det självklart att alla våra produkter är både vackra och tillverkade på rätt sätt. Vi arbetar med ytterligheter. Å ena sidan jobbar vi med högteknologisk produktion av tyger (metervara) i stora effektiva fabriker med hög teknisk kompetens och fortlöpande investering i forskning och hållbar utveckling. Samtliga våra tyger är Oeko-Tex 100 certifierade. Å andra sidan producerar vi många av våra accessoarer extremt lågteknologiskt och så handgjort och resurssnålt som möjligt. I denna produktion vill vi bevara traditioner och hantverkskunskap. Vi lägger enormt mycket tid och energi på att hitta rätt människor och rätt material att applicera vår moderna design på. Vi arbetar främst med enskilda hantverkare och mycket små företag som vi personligen kopplar samman för att åstadkomma en fantastisk slutprodukt. Hampan, bambun, sjögräset och sidenet vi använder i dessa produkter är antingen vildvuxet eller odlas på samma sätt som det gjort i hundratals år utan bekämpningsmedel. Vi har lärt känna och vet att Joes familj har vävt korgar i generationer, att Pui har lärt sig allt om keramik från sin svärfar och att människorna som handväver våra Blissplädar hämtar garnerna hos grannen som har färgat dem med bark från träden som växer runt huset, precis som man alltid har gjort i generation efter generation.

We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart. For Mimou it’s essential that all our products are beautiful and produced in a good way. On one hand we work with high tech production of textiles in large and efficient factories that invest in research and sustainable development. All our fabrics are Oeko-Tex certified. On the other hand, many of our accessories are manufactured by hand, using as little resources as possible. In this production we want to preserve tradition and craftmanship. We put a lot of effort in finding the right people and materials to apply our modern design to. Mainly we work with individual craftsmen and very small companies that we personally connect in order to create a fantastic end product. The hemp, bamboo, bulrush and silk used in these products are either grown wild or cultivated in the same way as it has been for hundreds of years without using pesticides. We have become friends with and know that Joe’s family have made baskets for generations and that Pui learned all she knows about ceramics from her father in law. We know that the people who hand weave our Bliss blankets get the yarns from their neighbour who dyes them with bark from the trees surrounding their house, just like they always have done, generation after generation.


www.mimou.com instagram @mimou.se Mimou ab Gamla landsvägen 2 372 31 Ronneby Sweden Phone: +46 457 19070 Fax: +46 457 27075 E-mail: info@mimou.se

We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Inspiration 2 Bath 26 Baskets 26 Bed linen 30 Bedspreads & blankets 31 Cushions 33 Ceramic 42 Kitchen 46 Carpets 47 Paper 48 Lamps 49 Furniture 51 Wallpaper 52


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.


Tea mug PURE white and silk paper. Dinner plate, serving spoon, cocktail spoon, teaspoon and salt jar PURE white. Blanket Nagano grey. Wing bowl PURE black, small lamp Dribble black, cushion Siam Box bleach, large jar Tweed black, round basket Bliss natural and poster New York Peace.

We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Lamps Khom Loy small, medium & large, medium jar Flow white and carpet 200x300 cm Flow grey.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Poster New York Peace, cushion Siam Box bleach, large lamp Dribble black, basket Bliss round natural and carpet Roppongi black.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Large lamp Khom Loy, paper sheet unbleached, wing bowl PURE white, large jar Flow white, towles Devon white and hemp, wallpaper Nagano and Dribble natural, cushion Siam Box pearl, square basket Bliss natural, note book Flow white, salt jar PURE white, plates and bowls PURE white, cushions Dragonfly white and Tabby natural, shawl blanket Classic natural, tea pot PURE white, bedspread Bliss natural and garland natural.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.


Wallpaper Windflower jade, dim out curtain Los Angeles natural, basket with lid Bliss black. Dinner plate and small bowl PURE mat celadon blue, fabric Grace pewter. Salad bowl, serving spoon and small bowl PURE Stain black. Shawl blanket pinstripe multi, cushions Tweed rose, terracotta, brass, natural & large lamp Flow indigo.

We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Wallpaper Windflower jade, large lamp Brush black. dim out curtain Los Angeles natural, basket with lid Bliss black, cuhsion Lea mist, bed linen Osaka white and bedspread Bliss walnut.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Wallpaper Mayfair grey, large lamp Tweed indigo, note book Lovely Words, cushions Tweed natural and rose, bed linen Marais silver, cushion Siam Box ice, velvet cushion Beverly tangerine and shawl blanket Pinstripe multi.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Cushion Tweed natural, basket with lid Bliss black, clothing rack Pipe vintage grey, towels Devon cement and denim, wallpapers Mayfair and Tweed denim, poster Colour Smudge grey, bowls PURE Stain black, blanket Azabu white, shawl blanket Dip Dye natural/navy, plate PURE mat celadon grey, bottle PURE white, note book Lovely Words, cushions Roppongi black, Nelly denim and Bevery mist, large lamp Splash black, jars Flow, Tweed and Ginza indigo.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.


Medium jar Flow green, large lamp Ginza green. Wallpaper Mayfair camelia, cushions Siam Box terracotta and nude, cushion Lea blush, velvet cushion Beverly candy. Black out curtain Chicago rose, large lamp Flow white, bed linen Osaka gold, cushions Siam Box nude, light rose , terracotta and bedspread Bliss rose.

We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Shawl blanket Pinstripe multi, velvet cushions Beverly bottle, gold and barolo and medium jar Flow green.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Black out curtain Chicago rose, large lamp Flow white, pillows Osaka gold, duvet cover Marais gold, cushions Siam Box nude, natural, light rose, terracotta, bedspread Bliss rose, poster Paris Love and basket round Bliss rose.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Cushion Paint nude, wallpaper Tweed nude, medium jar Flow white, round basket Flow rose, towels Devon flamingo and terracotta, wallpaper Nagano rose, pillow Osaka gold, bowl PURE mat celadon green, bowl and plate PURE white, placemat Bliss natural, bottle, mug and cocktail spoon PURE white, cushions Siam Box nude and Lea blush, blanket Nagano blush, small lamp Flow white and oval baskets Bliss natural.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Medium jar Ginza black, plates, bowls, jar with spoon, wing bowl, spoons Pure black. Plates and bowls Pure mat celadon green. Wallpaper Windflower night.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Bowls and plates PURE black and PURE mat celadon green. Mug, wing bowl and spoons PURE black, medium jar Ginza black, fabric Scotland cherry and cushion Lea celadon.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Dinner plate PURE mat celadon green, serving spoon, cocktail spoon, teaspoon and wing bowl PURE black.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Large lamp and medium jar Flow black, wallpaper Strings celadon, plate PURE mat celadon green, serving spoon and cocktail spoon PURE black, towels Devon pepper and celadon, wallpaper Tweed brown, cushions Beverly bottle, Tokyo multi and Lea celadon, blanket Tokya multi, cushions Beverly barolo, black, fudge and bottle, tea pot, teaspoon, plates and bowl PURE black and round baskets Bliss houndstooth black.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Cushions Zoe indigo, Lea hemp and mist, Dragonfly indigo, Honey natural, and bedspread Bliss indigo stripe. Bowls and serving spoon PURE Stain blue. Bedspread Bliss rose, natural, walnut and indigo.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Bowls and plates PURE mat celadon grey and serving spoon PURE Stain black.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Wallpaper Poppy deep, Set of 4 bamboo boxes, Penny Pad small, basket Khom Loy natural/indigo, cushions Honey natural, Zoe indigo, Lea mist and hemp, bedspread Bliss indigo stripe, bedlinen Vintage Flower natural and carpet Roppongi black.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Basket Khom Loy natural/indigo, cushion Paint navy, small jar Dribble black, towels Devon natural and midnight, wallpaper Spry deep, poster London Mood grey, silk paper, bowl PURE Stain blue, shawl blanket Classic denim, blanket Nagano grey, cushions Dribble and Dragonfly indigo and Lea hemp, carpet Roppongi black, braided string and mortar in clay.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.


Large lamp Tweed black, wing bowl PURE black and Penny Pad small. Basket round Bliss yellow, cushions Circle, Paint and Dragonfly yellow. Cushions Honey natural, Beverly and Tweed dijon, Dragonfly, Circles, Paint and Dribble yellow, Siam Box Sunflower and Beverly candy, bed linen Marais gold, and bedspread Honey natural.. Basket round Bliss yellow, poster Paris Love, large lamp Tweed black, Penny Pad, basket round Bliss natural and carpet Flow black.

We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Towel Devon natural and basket round with lod Bliss yellow.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Wallpaper Lotus Lake dawn, basket round Bliss yellow, mug PURE white, cushions Honey natural, Beverly and Tweed dijon, Dragonfly, Circles, Paint and Dribble yellow, bed linen Marais gold, and bedspread Honey natural.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Cushions Dragonfly yellow, Murray black, plates and bowls PURE mat celadon green, placemat Bliss yellow, napkins Murray black. Wallpaper Diagonal natural, Tweed wheat, poster New York Peace, jar medium and small lamp Dribble black, wing bowl PURE black, blanket Tabby, cushions Paint mustard, cloud, brown and linen, tea pot, plates and bowl PURE white and round baskets Bliss yellow.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Towel Devon TWS towel 30x50 cm TW towel 50x70 cm TWM towel 70x140 cm TWL towel 100x150 cm 100% Egyptian cotton wash: E

001 white

002 cement

005 natural

006 aqua

007 blue

008 lollypop

009 orange

012 hemp

013 celadon

014 denim

015 flamingo

017 pepper

018 midnight

016 terracotta

Mix and match our fantastic egyptian cotton towels - an easy way to renew your bathroom. We have worked very hard to achieve this wonderful quality. It is soft to handle and still super absorbent, it is thick but not heavy and it comes in 11 colours making it fun to match.

Basket Khom Loy Small H: 23 cm W: 18 cm L: 18 cm Medium H: 35 cm W: 23 cm L: 23 cm Large H: 50 cm W: 30 cm L: 30 cm Handwoven basket in bulrush grass


natural S: SP 2270 M: SP 2277 L: SP 2284

pink S: SP 2271 M: SP 2278 L: SP 2285

black S: SP 2272 M: SP 2279 L: SP 2286

terracotta/red S: SP 2274 M: SP 2281 L: SP 2288

pink/yellow S: SP 2275 M: SP 2282 L: SP 2289

natural/indigo S: SP 2276 M: SP 2283 L: SP 2290

We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Basket with lid Bliss Small: H 37 cm ø30 cm Medium: H 43 cm ø37 cm Large: H 48 cm ø44 cm Handwoven baskets in bulrush grass 3-pack

Basket round Bliss

SP 2233 natural

SP 2234 zick zack

SP 2235 houndstooth SP 2236 yellow

SP 2237 brown

SP 2238 red

SP 2264 pink

SP 2239 natural

SP 2240 zick zack

SP 2241 houndstooth SP 2242 yellow

SP 2243 brown

SP 2244 red

SP 2267 pink

SP 2239-0 natural

SP 2240-0 zick zack

SP 2241-0 houndstooth SP 2242-0 yellow

SP 2243-0 brown

SP 2244-0 red

SP 2267-0 pink

SP 2265 terracotta

SP 2266 black

XXS: H 18 cm ø19 cm, XS: H 20 cm ø21 cm S: H 25 cm ø25 cm, M: H 31 cm ø27 cm L: H 34 cm ø33 cm, XL: 38 cm ø36 cm XXL: H 43 cm ø39 cm, XXXL: H 47 cm ø43 cm Handwoven baskets in bulrush grass 8-pack

SP 2268 terracotta

SP 2269 black

Basket round Bliss XXS: H 18 cm ø19 cm, XS: H 20 cm ø21 cm S: H 25 cm ø25 cm, Handwoven baskets in bulrush grass 3-pack

SP 2268-0 terracotta

SP 2269-0 black


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Bag Bliss

H: 34 cm + handels 19 cm W: 50 cm Handwoven bags in bulrush grass.

SP 2223 natural

SP 2224 zick zack

SP 2225 houndstooth SP 2226 yellow

SP 2227 brown

SP 2262 pink

SP 2263 black

Bag Bliss

H47 cm + handels 17 cm W54 cm Handwoven bags in bulrush grass.

SP 2228 natural

SP 2229 zick zack

SP 2230 houndstooth SP 2231 yellow

SP 2232 brown

SP 2310 pink

SP 2311 black

SP 2221 natural

SP 2222 zick zack

SP 2306 pink

SP 2307 black

Bag Bliss

Small H:38 cm W:27 cm Laptop H: 30 cm + leaather handels W: 35 cm D: 6 cm Handwoven bags in bulrush grass.


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Bread basket Bliss Small: H12 cm ø19 cm Medium: H12 cm ø22 cm Large: H13 cm ø26 cm, Handwoven baskets in bulrush grass 3-pack

SP 2251 natural

SP 2252 zick zack

SP 2255 brown

SP 2256 red

SP 2245 natural

SP 2246 zick zack

SP 2249 brown

SP 2250 red

SP 2253 houndstooth SP 2254 yellow

Basket oval Bliss

XXS: H12 cm W33 cm L20 cm XS: H14 cm W35 cm L23 cm S: H15 cm W39 cm L27 cm M: H19 cm W41 cm L30 cm L: H20 cm W44 cm L33 cm XL: H22 cm W47 cm L36 cm XXL: H24 cm W50 cm L40 cm XXXL: H24 cm W55 cm L45 cm Handwoven baskets in bulrush grass 8-pack

SP 2247 houndstooth SP 2248 yellow

Basket square Bliss H: 20 cm W: 30 cm L: 35 cm

Handwoven basket in bulrush grass

SP 2305 natural


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Bed linen

300 TC double pick combed cotton sateen with embroidery wash: E PC pillowcase 50x60 cm PCM pillowcase 50x70 cm PCL pillowcase 65x65 cm DC duvet cover 150x210 cm DCL duvet cover 220x220 cm

1100 Vintage Flower white

1115 Harlow

1153 True Luxury white

1156 True Luxury black

1101 Vintage Flower Black

1102 Vintage Flower multi

1103 Vintage Flower green

1000 Marais gold

1001 Marais silver

Bed linen

300 TC single pick longstaple cotton sateen with embroidery wash: E PC pillowcase 50x60 cm PCM pillowcase 50x70 cm PCL pillowcase 60x60 cm (Marais only) DC duvet cover 150x210 cm DCL duvet cover 220x220 cm

1002 Kyoto natural


1005 Osaka gold

1004 Osaka white

We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Bedspread Milano striped taffeta wash: A

TH - single size 160x265cm THL - double size 260x265cm special size available upon request 261 white

259 natural

274 brass

265 sand

271 walnut

255 brown

256 aqua

272 navy

262 turquoise

263 purple

273 ruby

260 red

270 raspberry

266 passion

268 gold

269 lime

267 emerald

279 light grey

277 dark grey

264 black

TH 2280 natural

TH 2281 denim

TH 2282 walnut

TH 2283 nude

Milano is our most popular bedspread and has been with us from the start. It is light weight, easy to wash and of course looks stunning in any bedroom. It comes in a vast array of colours and you can also get it made to measure.

Bedspread Bliss 180x240 cm Handwoven cotton with jute braid wash: B

TH 2284 denim stripe

Bedspread Honey 140x240 cm Jaquard linen wash: B

TH 1059 natural


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Shawl blankets

130X180 cm Dip Dye: 100% wool, dip dyed by hand Pinstripe: 100% wool with a silk border Classic; 100% wool with a silk border wash: B

We love everything that is both practical and beautiful. This is why our luxurious wool blankets are as light weight as a shawl, but still as warming as a chunky blanket. Drape it, wrap it or simply bring it on a trip and this blanket will be your long time companion. TH 1220 natural/navy

TH 1221 TH 1223 natural/candy natural/green

TH 1222 natural/multi

TH 1224 grey/black

TH 1225 natural/red

TH 1226 blue

TH 1227 off white

TH 1228 petrol

TH 1229 green

TH 1232 multi

TH 1239 linen

Blanket Nagano, Tokyo & Tabby 130X170 cm Handwoven Nagano blush and Tabby: linen/silk Nagano grey and Tokyo: wool/silk wash: B

Our blankets are handwoven in natural fibers - in silk/wool or silk/linen - all yarns handspun. As all things natural they age with grace.

TH 1230 blush


TH 1231 grey

We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Blanket Azabu 130X170 cm 100% silk wash: B

Our Azabu blanket is handwoven in natural fibers handspun 100% silk yarn. As all things natural it ages with grace.

TH 1233 white

Cushion Siam Box

TH 1234 tangerine

CUB 003 pearl

CUB 002 bleach

CUB 001 brass

CUB 004 natural

CUB 006 nude

CUB 007 terracota

CUB 012 gold

CUB 016 strawberry

CUB 014 red

CUB 015 ruby

CUB 020 pomegrant

CUB 017 lollypop

CUB 018 petal

CUB 026 pale

CUB 005 plum

CUB 031 oyster

CUB 025 ice

CUB 024 blue

CUB 027 peacock

CUB 011 yellow

CUB 009 sunflower

CUB 008 pomelo

CUB 010 lime

CUB 029 verbena

CUB 028 emerald

40x60 cm Front: Handwoven silk. Back: 100% unbleached linen, wash: B


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Cushion Paint 50x50 cm handwoven and handprinted 100% cotton, wash: A

CU 1930 white

CU 1931 cloud

CU 1932 linen

CU 1933 black

CU 1934 brown

CU 1935 denim

CU 1936 rouge

CU 1937 cognac

CU 1938 nude

CU 1939 mustard

CU 1940 celadon

CU 1941 forest

CU 3000 white

CU 3002 white

CU 3001 black

CU 3003 black

CU 3004 white

CU 3004 white

CU 3005 black

CU 3005 black

CU 3006 indigo

CU 3006 indigo

CU 3007 celadon

CU 3007 celadon

CU 3008 yellow

CU 3008 yellow

Cushion Flow 50x50 cm and 30x50 cm handwoven and handprinted 100% cotton, wash: A

CU 3000 white and CU 3002 white

Cushion Dribble 40x60 cm handwoven and handprinted 100% cotton, wash: A




We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Cushion Dragonfly 50x50 cm handwoven and handprinted 100% hemp, wash: A

CU 3013 white

CU 3014 black

CU 3015 yellow

CU 3016 indigo

CU 3018 white

CU 3019 black

CU 3020 yellow

CU 641 mineral

CU 643 plum

CU 644 rose

CU 645 gold

CU 646 green

CU 647 apricot

CU 648 brown

CU 649 red

CU 652 white

CU 654 garden

CU 656 lightblue

CU 3017 celadon

Cushion Circles 40x60 cm handwoven and handprinted 100% hemp, wash: A

Cushion Colorado 50x50 cm heavy linen look 100% polyester, wash: A


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Cushion Valencia 50x50 cm classic velvet, wash: A

CU 840 magenta

CU 841 green

CU 842 black

CU 845 blue

CU 846 silver

CU 848 lilac

CU 849 brass

CU 851 gold

CU 852 creme

CU 853 rose

CU 854 celadon

CU 857 mineral

CU 858 natural

CU 859 red

1800 grey

1801 charcoal

1802 deep

1803 mist

1804 silver

1805 white

1806 pearl

1807 chocolate

1808 natural

1809 dijon

1810 fudge

1811 green

1812 sage

1813 bottle

1814 emerald

1815 peacock

1816 rose

1817 barolo

1818 candy

1819 tangerine

Cushion Beverly 50x50 cm and 30x50 cm classic super soft velvet, wash: A

50x50 cm: CU + colour

30x50 cm: CUS + colour Velvet front and linen backside

1820 gold


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Cushion Judy 48x48 cm velvet with linen backside wash: B

CU 1762 pink

CU 1763 red

CU 1764 tangerine

CU 1765 turquoise

CU 1766 lime

Cushion Nelly

48x48 cm "water coloured" velvet with linen backside wash: B

CU 1700 white

CU 1701 offwhite

CU 1702 natural

CU 1705 denim

CU 1707 passion

CU 1709 red

CU 1703 rose

Cushion Deena 32x60 cm velvet with linen backside wash: B

CU 1755 fuchsia

CU 1756 red

CU 1757 purple

CU 1759 turqouise

CU 1760 natural

CU 1752 green

CU 1758 blossom


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Cushion Story

40x60 cm handprinted & embroidery cotton, linen backside linen/cotton, wash: A

CU 2127 black

CU 2127 black

Serendipity, which means “happy accident”, is about our Thai stray dog Sven who had cancer when we found him a few years ago. If he hadn’t been sick, we wouldn’t have met him and he wouldn’t be the adorable mimou office pet here in Sweden. Glorious friends is the story of true friends always being there for you, in both good and bad times.


CU 2128 blue

CU 2128 blue

Amazing life is all about being able to pat yourself on the back, to see things from a larger perspective and to find strength within, instead of seeking the approval of others. CU 2129 brown

CU 2129 brown


Cushion True Luxury 30x50 cm embroidery 1000 TC cotton, wash: B

True Luxury: Give a bit more than you take. Dance like nobody is watching. Sing like you do in the shower and sleep in the arms of your great love.

CU 139 natural

CU 153 white

Cushion Rain 4

0x60 cm handprinted front, words of wisdom embroidery on the backside. 100% cotton, wash: A

CU 2134 candy

CU 2134 candy

CU 2135 black

CU 2136 green


You are the wind beneath my wings, please don´t drop me darling. I forgot my parachute in the other handbag and I do tend to break when I fall. Just like flowers follow the sun even on a cloudy day, you should remember to move forward even when you are moving through shit.



CU 156 black

CU 2135 black

CU 2136 green

There is a crack in everything, that is how the light gets in, so you see honey, it´s thanks to my dysfunctions not despite of them you are the light of my life.

We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Cushion Lea

30x50 cm handwoven silk with hemp backside silk and hemp, wash: A

CU 3030 sky

CU 3031 yellow

CU 3032 hemp

CU 3033 emerald

CU 3034 blush

CU 3035 leaf

CU 3036 cobalt

CU 3037 celadon

CU 824 black

CU 826 lime

CU 827 white

CUL 1085 white

CUL 1086 dijon

CUL 1087 rose

CUL 1088 terracotta

CUL 1089 natural

CUL 1090 black

CUL 1091 brass

CU 3038 gold

Cushion Rania

50x50 cm handwoven silk with stripes in recycled yarn 100% silk, wash: B

CU 823 natural

CU 828 seashell

Cushion Tweed 60x60 cm jaquard front with linen backside polyester and linen, wash: A

CUL 1092 aqua

CUL 1093 sage


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Cushion Nagano

Cushion Nagano

CU 1230 blush

CU 1231 grey

CU 1232 multi

Cushion Azabu

Cushion Azabu

Cushion Nikko

CU 1233 white

CU 1234 tangerine

CU 1235 blush

50x50 cm handwoven linen/silk, wash: B

40x60 cm handwoven 100% silk, wash: B

Cushion Shibuya 40x60 cm hand embroidery wool, wash: B

CU 1236 black

Cushion Eternity 50x50 cm handprinted cotton with silk backside cotton and silk, wash: B

CU 2130 black


40x60 cm handwoven linen/wool, wash: B

40x60 cm handwoven 100% silk, wash: B

Cushion Tokyo 50x50 cm handwoven linen/wool, wash: B

40x60 cm handwoven linen/silk, wash: B

Cushion Roppongi Cushion Ginza 50x50 cm hand embroidery wool, wash: B

CU 1237 black

Cushion Diagonal Dot

30x50 cm handprinted cotton with silk backside cotton and silk, wash: B

CU 2132 black

50x50 cm hand embroidery wool, wash: B

CU 1238 black

Cushion Tabby 50x50 cm handwoven linen/silk, wash: B

CU 1239 linen

We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Cushion North

Cushion Zoe

CU 3022 mixed. All cushions are different and will vary in colour and design

CU 1248 indigo

40x60 cm handwoven 100% cotton, wash: B

40x60 cm handwoven 100% cotton, wash: B

50x50 cm handwoven 100% hemp, wash: B

40x60 cm hand embroidery & handwoven l100% cotton, wash: B

Cushion Zoe

40x60 cm hand embroidery & handwoven l100% cotton, wash: B

CU 1249 indigo

Cushion Murray

Cushion Murray

Cushion Murray

CU 3023 denim

CU 3024 rose

CU 3026 black

Cushion Murray 50x50 cm handwoven 100% cotton, wash: B

CU 3025 black

30x50 cm handwoven 100% cotton, wash: B

Cushion Murray 60x90 cm handwoven 100% cotton, wash: B

CU 3027 black

Cushion Honey 60x90 cm jaquard linen, wash: B

CUL 1059 natural


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Ceramic jars small





PO 2300 black

PO 2301 black

PO 2302 black

PO 2303 black

PO 2320 indigo

PO 2321 indigo

PO 2323 indigo

PO 2322 indigo

PO 2340 green

PO 2341green

PO 2342 green

PO 2343 green





PO 2304 black

PO 2305 black

PO 2307 black

PO 2306 black

PO 2324 indigo

PO 2325 indigo

PO 2327 indigo

PO 2326 indigo

PO 2344 green

PO 2345 green

PO 2347 green

PO 2346 green





PO 2308 black

PO 2309 black

PO 2310 black

PO 2311 black

PO 2328 indigo

PO 2329 indigo

PO 2330 indigo

PO 2331 indigo

PO 2348 green

PO 2349 green

PO 2350 green

PO 2351 green

height 12 cm ø17,5 cm hand painted ceramic

Ceramic jars medium height 21 cm ø15 cm hand painted ceramic

Ceramic jar large height 35 cm ø15 cm hand painted ceramic


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Ceramic jar small h12 cm ø17,5 cm medium h 21 cm ø15 cm large h 35 cm ø15 cm hand painted ceramic



PO 2360 natural

PO 2365 black

PO 2361 natural

PO 2366 black

PO 2362 natural

PO 2367 black

Mug 8 cm SP 2208

Jar with spoon 10 cm SP 2212

Bottle 9,5 cm SP 2214

Bottle 10 cm SP 2216

Bottle 12 cm SP 2218

Jar with spoon 6 cm SP 2187

Teapot 17 cm SP 2210

Wing bowl 10 cm SP 2186

Plate 22 cm SP 2204

Plate 27 cm SP 2206

Mug 8 cm SP 2209

Jar with spoon 10 cm SP 2213

Bottle 9,5 cm SP 2215

Bottle 10 cm SP 2217

Bottle 12 cm SP 2219

Jar with spoon 6 cm SP 2195

Teapot 17 cm SP 2211

Wing bowl 10 cm SP 2194

Plate 22 cm SP 2205

Plate 27 cm SP 2207

Ceramic Pure white hand casted ceramic with a mat glaze

Ceramic Pure black hand casted ceramic with a mat glaze


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Small bowl Pure

12 cm hand casted ceramic with a mat or celadon glaze

CE 8000 mat celadon green

CE 8007 mat celadon blue

CE 8021 mat celadon white

CE 8028 mat celadon grey

CE 8035 celadon stain black

CE 8040 celadon stain blue

SP 2180 mat white

SP 2188 mat black

CE 8001 mat celadon green

CE 8008 mat celadon blue

CE 8022 mat celadon white

CE 8029 mat celadon grey

CE 8036 celadon stain black

CE 8041 celadon stain blue

SP 2200 mat white

SP 2201 mat black

CE 8002 mat celadon green

CE 8009 mat celadon blue

CE 8023 mat celadon white

CE 8030 mat celadon grey

CE 8037 celadon stain black

CE 8042 celadon stain blue

SP 2202 mat white

SP 2203 mat black

Soup bowl Pure

15 cm hand casted ceramic with a mat or celadon glaze

Medium bowl Pure

18 cm hand casted ceramic with a mat or celadon glaze


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Salad bowl Pure

23 cm hand casted ceramic with a mat or celadon glaze

CE 8003 mat celadon green

CE 8010 mat celadon blue

CE 8024 mat celadon white

CE 8031 mat celadon grey

CE 8038 celadon stain black

CE 8043 celadon stain blue

SP 2260 mat white

SP 2261 mat black

CE 8004 mat celadon green

CE 8005 mat celadon green

CE 8011 mat celadon blue

CE 8012 mat celadon blue

CE 8025 mat celadon white

CE 8026 mat celadon white

CE 8032 mat celadon grey

CE 8033 mat celadon grey

SP 2181 mat white

SP 2182 mat white

SP 2189 mat black

SP 2190 mat black

SP 2185 mat white

SP 2193 mat black

CE 8039 celadon stain black

CE 8044 celadon stain blue

SP 2184 mat white

SP 2192 mat black

SP 2183 mat white

SP 2220 mat black

Plate Pure

Small 20 cm Large 28 cm hand casted ceramic with a mat or celadon glaze

Spoon Pure

Serving spoon 22 cm Tea spoon 12 cm Cocktail spoon 10 cm hand casted ceramic with a mat or celadon glaze


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.


Height 20 cm ø22 cm, stick 31 cm in natural clay with wooden stick

SP 2259

Placemat Bliss 31x43 cm Handwoven in bulrush grass.

SP 2257 natural

Placemat Bliss 31x43 cm Handwoven in bulrush grass.

SP 2258 zick zack

Table cloth Murray Towel/napkin Murray 90x250 cm handwoven 100% cotton, wash: A

KI 3030 black

Placemat Bliss

42x60 cm with elastic string handwoven 100% cotton wash: A

KI 3031 black

31x43 cm Handwoven baskets in bulrush grass


SP 2299 natural

SP 2300 yellow

SP 2301 red

SP 2302 pink

SP 2303 terracotta

SP 2304 black

We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.


80x200 cm handwoven 100% jute or 100% cotton wash: A

MA 1900 Flow black 100% jute

MA 1903 Flow grey 100% cotton

MA 1906 Roppongi black 100% jute

MA 1909 Roppongi grey 100% cotton

MA 1901 Flow black 100% jute

MA 1904 Flow grey 100% cotton

MA 1907 Roppongi black 100% jute

MA 1910 Roppongi grey 100% cotton

MA 1902 Flow black 100% jute

MA 1905 Flow grey 100% cotton

MA 1908 Roppongi black 100% jute

MA 1911 Roppongi grey 100% cotton


170x230 cm handwoven 100% jute or 100% cotton wash: A


200x300 cm handwoven 100% jute or 100% cotton wash: A


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.


50x70 cm Hand printed on handmade paper white 100% bamboo

PP 7007 London Mood grey

PP 7008 New York Peace grey

PP 7009 Paris Love grey

PP 7010 Colour Smudge grey

PP 7011 Dragonflies black

PP 7012 Moby black

PP 7014 New York Peace white

PP 7015 Paris Love white


50x70 cm Hand printed on handmade paper unbleached 100% bamboo

PP 7013 London Mood white

PP 7016 Colour Smudge white


PP 7017 Dragonflies white

PP 7018 Moby white

We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Penny Pads


Notepads/sketchbooks in handmade bamboo paper in 2 colours - white and unbleached mixed randomly in each pad. The paper is a classic calligraphy paper that is thin and takes ink very well.

PP 7000 7,5x7,5 cm 400 sheets

PP7001 10,8x15,7 cm 40 sheets

4 pcs/set Handmade 100% bamboo

PP7002 19x28 cm 20 sheets

PP 2308 natural

Note books

14x19 cm. Cover in handprinted hand made paper with insert of 40 pcs of plain pages in handmade paper of 100% bamboo.

PP 7003 Flow white

PP 7004 Flow black

Paper sheet

76x142 cm Handmade paper sheet with raw edges 100% bamboo 3 pcs/pack

PP 7019 white


in box Handmade 100% bamboo App.200 cm

PP 2309 natural

PP 7020 unbleached

PP 7005 Lovely Words grey

PP 7006 Dribble black

Silk paper


PP 7022 unbleached

PP 7023 natural

64x94 cm Handmade paper sheet with raw edges. 25 pcs/pack

Lamp Khom Loy

App.5 mm Hand braided ribbon in grass. App.10 m/pack

S 35x44 cm M 50x44 cm L 70x44 cm Hand made paper and frame. The construction fit any cord with a E27 lampholder. 100% bamboo

LAS 7020 unbleached

LAM 7020 unbleached

LAL 7020 unbleached


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Ceramic lamp small





LA 2312 black

LA 2313 black

LA 2314 black

LA 2315 black

LA 2332 indigo

LA 2333 indigo

LA 2334 indigo

LA 2335 indigo

LA 2352 green

LA 2353 green

LA 2354 green

LA 2355 green

height 31 cm ø17,5 cm hand painted ceramic with brass E27 fixture.


Ceramic lamp large

LA 2363 natural

LA 2368 black





LA 2316 black

LA 2317 black

LA 2319 black

LA 2318 black

height 45 cm ø15 cm hand painted ceramic with brass E27 fixture

LA 2336 indigo

LA 2337 indigo

LA 2339 indigo

LA 2338 indigo

LA 2356 green

LA 2357 green

LA 2359green

LA 2358 green


LA 2364 natural


LA 2369 black

We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Headboard Random lacquered metal, height 160 cm HB S 90 cm HB M 120 cm HB L 140 cm HB XL 160 cm HB XXL 180 cm

5000 vintage grey

5006 white

5000 vintage grey

5006 white

Clothing Rack Pipe lacquered metal. CR Low model: Height 130 cm, width 110 cm

CRH High model: Height 145 cm, width 110 cm

Round Tables Wire lacquered metal RTS small: RTM medium: RTL large:

diameter: 35 cm height: 45 cm diameter: 45 cm height: 55 cm diameter: 55 cm height: 65 cm

5000 vintage grey

5006 white


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Wallpaper Lotus Lake

vertical repeat: 53 cm halfdrop nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2400 dusk

WP 2401 dawn

WP 2402 emerald

WP 2405 grey

WP 2406 denim

WP 2409 aqua

WP 2410 sorbet

WP 2403 deep

Wallpaper Mayfair

vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2404 rose

WP 2407 camelia

Wallpaper Poppy

vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2408 deep


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Wallpaper Spry

vertical repeat: 53 cm halfdrop nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2411 oasis

WP 2412 deep

WP 2413 white

WP 2414 blush

WP 2415 jade

WP 2416 night

WP 2170 grey

WP 2172 celadon

WP 2173 rose

Wallpaper Windflower

vertical repeat: 53 cm halfdrop nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

Wallpaper Nagano

vertical repeat: 53 cm halfdrop nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2174 white


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Wallpaper Flow Left & Flow Right

vertical repeat: 53 cm halfdrop nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2175 natural right

WP 2177 grey right

WP 2179 black right

WP 2176 natural left

WP 2178 grey left

WP 2180 black left

WP 2162 black

WP 2163 white

WP 2164 natural

WP 2006 black/grey

WP 2007 black/multi

WP 2009 natural/green

Wallpaper Diagonal vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

Wallpaper Hudson vertical repeat: 0 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Wallpaper Dribble

vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2181 natural

WP 2182 natural/black

WP 2184 grey

WP 2185 denim

WP 2192 black

WP 2193 natural/black

WP 2194 natural

WP 2195 rose

WP 2196 grey

WP 2197 celadon

WP 2186 black

WP 2187 brass

WP 2188 rose

WP 2189 natural

WP 2190 grey

WP 2191 celadon

WP 2183 black

Wallpaper Strings

vertical repeat: 0 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2198 denim

Wallpaper Ginza

vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Wallpaper Dragonfly

vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2165 white

WP 2166 natural

WP 2167 pink

WP 2168 celadon

WP 2169 mineral

WP 2171 jade

WP 1049 white/brass

WP 1050 bronze/white

WP 1051 white/white

WP 1052 fuchsia/gold

WP 1053 grey/white

WP 1093 white/multi

WP 1094 white/black

WP 1095 white/white

WP 1096 white/brass

WP 1097 rose/brass

WP 1098 bronze/multi

Wallpaper Trellis vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

Wallpaper Butterfly

vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 1099 brass/multi


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Wallpaper Rainbirds

vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2100 white/black

WP 2101 natural/black

WP 2102 natural/pink

WP 2103 natural/turqoise

WP 2104 grey/gold

WP 2105 black/navy

Wallpaper Tweed

vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2150 black

WP 2151 wheat

WP 2152 white

WP 2153 nude

WP 2154 grey

WP 2155 suit

WP 2156 brown

WP 2157 mineral

WP 2158 celadon

WP 2159 peach

WP 2160 denim

WP 2161 sienna

Wallpaper Rain

vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2106 white

WP 2107 natural

WP 2108 grey


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Wallpaper Origami

vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2109 white

WP 2110 pencil

WP 2111 multi

WP 2112 night

WP 2113 blush

WP 2114 white

WP 2115 black

WP 2116 natural

WP 2117 pink

WP 2118 turqoise

WP 2119 navy

WP 2013 white

WP 2014 emerald

WP 2015 turquoise

WP 2016 candy

WP 2017 yellow

WP 2018 green

Wallpaper Dot vertical repeat: 0 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2120 green

Wallpaper Nippon vertical repeat: 13,25 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2019 brown


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Wallpaper Metropolitan vertical repeat: 10,6 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 1031 silver

WP 1032 bronze

Wallpaper Garden vertical repeat: 53 cm paper width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 1003 gold/bronze

WP 1006 silver/pewter

WP 1017 natural/white

WP 1001 black/pewter

WP 1011 natural

WP 1013 white/white

Wallpaper Marais vertical repeat: 13,25 cm paper width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Wallpaper Poinsettia

vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2047 multi

WP 2048 fuchsia

WP 2050 turquoise

WP 2051 graphite

WP 2040 multi

WP 2041 bronze

WP 2042 black/pearl

WP 2043 fuchsia

WP 2044 denim

WP 2045 natural

WP 1034 blue

WP 1035 brass

WP 2049 green/lilac

Wallpaper Toile Mesdames vertical repeat: 53 cm halfdrop nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2046 aqua

Wallpaper Rose vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 1033 black

WP 1036 multi


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Wallpaper Chelsea vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2000 white

P 2001 brass

WP 2002 celadon

WP 1041 white

WP 1042 sky

WP 1043 rose

WP 1044 grey

WP 1002 bronze

WP 1007 black

WP 1046 sky

WP 1047 rose

WP 2004 red

Wallpaper Kyoto vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 1008 gold/fuchsia

Wallpaper Falling Flowers vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 1045 white

WP 1048 grey


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Wallpaper Vintage Flower vertical repeat: 53 cm halfdrop nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 1087 white/brass

WP 1088 natural/fuchsia

WP 1089 natural/orange

WP 1090 fuchsia

WP 1091 orange

WP 1092 grey/white

WP 2052 red

WP 2053 fuchsia

WP 2054 bronze

Wallpaper Cyclamen vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2055 graphite

Wallpaper Nagoya vertical repeat: 53 cm halfdrop nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m


WP 1026 yellow

WP 1027 white

WP 1029 black

WP 1030 grey

WP 1028 natural

We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Wallpaper Deia vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

WP 2010 grey

WP 2011 natural

WP 1024 white

WP 1025 multi

WP 1021 green

WP 1023 candy

WP 2012 black

Wallpaper Pompidou vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m

Wallpaper Ashbury vertical repeat: 53 cm nonwoven, wallsmart width: 53 cm, length 10,05 m


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.


Printing by hand, PURE bowls waiting to go into the oven, paper factory, hand dyed yarns drying, bamboo fiber for paper, hand casting jars, molds for ceramic, painting our jar Tweed, mud bath for the grass in our Bliss products before drying in the sun, paper for our posters drying, harvesting the bulrush grass, screens for our hand printed fabrics.

We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.

Mimou är ett svenskt varumärke med en inspirerande produktportfölj av tyger, sängkläder, kuddar, korgar, överkast, keramik, tapeter, mattor, papper och plädar tillverkade i noga utvalda material, som uttrycksmässigt står för en fusion mellan skandinavisk enkelhet och kontinental lyx.

Mimou is a Swedish brand with an inspiring array of proucts such as fabrics, wallpaper, bed linen, ceramics, paper, cushions, blankets, baskets and rugs. We are passionate about quality, playful products, good production and slow fashion. For us it is all about creating items with love.

Photo: Hans-Peter Bloom and a mere few by Malin Karstensson. Styling: Malin Karstensson and Anki Johansson

www.mimou.com instagram @mimou.se Mimou ab Gamla landsvägen 2 372 31 Ronneby Sweden Phone: +46 457 19070 Fax: +46 457 27075 E-mail: info@mimou.se


We highly belive in items designed and produced with heart.


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