Through the Diplomatic Looking Glass

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Stefano Baldi Pasquale Baldocci

THE AUTHORS Stefano Baldi (CittĂ della Pieve, 1961), a career diplomat, is also a scholar of issues related to the use of information and communication technology in international relations. He teaches an online course on cyberdiplomacy at the Diplo Foundation in Geneva for the post-graduate programme in diplomacy. He has also taught demographics and has published numerous essays on population issues. He has served in the Italian Embassy in Dar es Salaam and at the Permanent Missions of Italy to the United Nations in Geneva and in New York. He has also served as head of the Statistics Office of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Currently, he is First Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the European Union in Brussels. His writings have appeared in various reviews. (

THROUGH THE DIPLOMATIC LOOKING GLASS Books Published by Italian Diplomats Since 1946

S. Baldi, P. Baldocci

Pasquale Baldocci (Tunis, 1931), a career diplomat, has served in Zagreb, Paris (Mission to the OECD), St. Louis, Bucharest, Copenhagen, Basle, Ankara, and Bern. He has negotiated bilateral development cooperation programs with various African and Asian countries. Ambassador to Tanzania in 1989, he later became General Director of the Italian-African Institute. Since 1992, he has taught Diplomatic Style and History of European Integration in the degree program in International and Diplomatic Studies at the Gorizia campus of the University of Trieste. He is president of the Institute for Forecasting Studies and International Research (ISPRI). A specialist in the various forms of diplomatic language, he teaches at the Diplomatic Institute and contributes to various reviews, including the Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali, Nuova Antologia, and Futuribili.


The current study presents and analyzes books published by Italian diplomats from the post-war period to today. The more than seven-hundred and fifty titles listed give a broad and varied picture of diplomats and the diplomatic world. This volume evokes not only the talent for describing situations and characters, but also the broad, diverse interests that distinguish the members of this profession. Diplomats are born with a pen in their hand. They write countless reports, analyses, and memos during their 35 to 40 years of service, and are forced to acquire a certain familiarity with the pen or the computer. Therefore, writing becomes a daily activity. This continuous engagement with writing sometimes sparks a desire to compose something more permanent and deep than the usual fleeting report likely read only by a close circle of colleagues. The books that diplomats publish are scarcely known sides of diplomats. This study also takes a broader view of relations between diplomacy and literature, examining the primary moments and protagonists of this relationship. This book should prove useful not only to researchers and international policy scholars, but also to all those interested in knowing more about the world of diplomats.

Diplomats as Writers Ministero degli Affari Esteri Istituto Diplomatico

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Through the Diplomatic Looking Glass by DiploFoundation - Issuu