The Minaret 09/11/14

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Student Files Lawsuit Against City of Tampa: Crisis Response Takes a Turn for the Worse


Jason Turk, 37, a Navy veteran and UT senior double majoring in government and world affairs and philosophy, filed a lawsuit on Aug. 12 against the city of Tampa and Officer Timothy Bergman. Turk was shot twice in the face in the driveway of his home on Peninsular Street where police found Turk sitting in

his car after they responded to a call about a potential suicide. Due to the fact that the lawsuit is still pending, Turk has been advised by his attorney not to comment. The lawsuit claims that the police neglected to send officers who had received proper crisis intervention training. The suit also accuses Officer Bergman of using excessive force to handle the situation.

“Members of TPD approach[ed] his vehicle and rather than treat him as a mentally distressed individual who has committed no crimes while possessing a firearm he is licensed to have, instead engag[ed] him as if he is a criminal in possession of the firearm,” the lawsuit filed by Jason Turk stated. The incident occurred after midnight on Jan. 9. Amanda Turk, Jason’s estranged

wife, called the Tampa Police Department to express concern about her husband’s immediate safety, stating he was possibly suicidal, according to a letter from the State Attorney’s Office. Earlier in the evening, over a phone call, Turk had reportedly told her that he couldn’t live anymore and was To TURK Page 4

An Inside Look at Rushing As a Freshman

See NEWS Page 4

Drake and Lil Wayne Dominate Tampa Stage See A&E Page 7

Ebola “Window of Opportunity” About to Close See OPINION Page 11

Kahley Patrick Anchors Volleyball Team’s Fall Debut See SPORTS Page 20

Casey Budd/The Minaret

Hundreds of the homeless population in Tampa is in distress over new city ordinances that prevents them from sleeping in public.

City of Tampa Lacks Viable Resources for Homeless Population By THERESA STANTON News Writer

Guy and Anthony, two homeless men, sat under a tree on a wooden bench to escape the scorching Florida heat last week. Sweat trickled down Anthony’s tan, sunken cheeks, passed his shaggy white beard and splattered onto the white skull on his black shirt. Guy pursed his lips as several people passed, as if he was holding back a question that he wanted to ask for a while. A third man named Amilo approached them on a green bike, and they began to talk. None of them had bags or asked for money like other homeless people you might encounter. Each morning before the lights come on, these men and many other homeless people have to find a safe place to stay for the day. There are 2,243 homeless men, women, and children just in Tampa alone who are forced to find shelter on the streets, according to the Homeless Coalition of Hillsborough County. On July 18, 2013, Tampa placed further

restrictions on panhandling and asking drivers for money in downtown and Ybor City. The only exception to the ban are those selling newspapers and waters at intersections. “The city doesn’t help us, but the churches do,” Guy said. Unable to ask for money, many have to rely on the Metropolitan Ministries for food. On Sundays, the organization gathers to serve thousands of the homeless. Another church involved in helping the homeless is Sacred Heart. Its ministry the “Hands of Hope” partners with another local church to hand out meals every Saturday. The homeless are sometimes given five free evenings to stay at a shelter, along with vouchers. For those struggling to pay bills, the St. Vincent Paul ministry helps raise money to keep them off the streets. Friar Frank Critch describes the purpose of the church. “Pope Francis called for the Church to be a Church of the poor for the poor and we are answering this call within the

community,” said Critch. Tampa’s panhandling restrictions resulted in 281 arrests, according to a Tampa Police Department official who addressed the City Council in January. In addition, the ordinance prohibits storing property, urinating, and sleeping in public. Due to this law, many homeless people have to sleep behind buildings, under highway bridges, and in abandoned buildings if they can’t find a shelter with room. If caught sleeping in a public area a homeless person is given an order for trespassing and can end up in jail. If they can’t afford to stay in a shelter or find somewhere to stay hidden, it leaves many with no choice but to go to jail. Norma Winston, a sociology professor at UT who has studied and worked with Tampa’s homeless community, said, “I understand why cities like Tampa do it. It looks bad when people come into the city and see homeless To HOMELESS Page 2






Homeless Situation Not Far from Campus From HOMELESS Page 1




Justine Parks


Katherine Lavacca, Editor

Zoe Fowler, Asst. Editor

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Richard Whitaker, Editor

Avery Twible, Asst. Editor


Phil Novotny, Editor

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Doha Madani, Editor

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PHOTOGRAPHY Casey Budd, Editor


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Khadijah Khan, Head Copy Editor Tess Sheets, Copy Editor

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STAFF WRITERS Bianca Lopez Brianna Kwasnik Michelle Konik Madison Irwin Connor Anthony James Belluscio Andrew Stamas Tess Sheets Ed Kerner

COLUMNISTS Marcus Mitchell Caitlin Malone Terry Preston

MORE INFORMATION THE MINARET is a weekly student-run publication at the University of Tampa. Letters to the Editor may be sent to editor@ To reach THE MINARET call 813.257.3636. Your first two copies of THE MINARET are free. Each additional copy is $1.00

Casey Budd/ The Minaret

people lying around, but if you are homeless what choice do you have?” The biggest problems homeless people face are getting jobs, keeping clean and having a place to stay. “It’s hard to get a job and it’s hard to get cleaned up,” Anthony said. “I lost my ID and I can’t get a new ID because I don’t have an address to get it,” Guy said. Without an ID, Guy admitted to having a hard time finding a shelter and has faced difficulty in finding a job. Many shelters require the homeless to show an ID or social security card to spend the night, according to the National Coalition for the Homeless. Michael LaForgia and Will Hobson, both Tampa Bay Times reporters, received the Pulitzer Prize this year for their investigative reporting in the series of articles titled “A Home, But No Help.” Their reporting uncovered squalid conditions in Hillsborough County’s homeless-recovery housing. In “A Home, But No Help” the reporters revealed that the agency — created in 1989 to provide transitional housing for the poor — “funneled millions of public dollars to slumlords and placed families in unsafe living conditions,” according to the Times. When the reporters went to see the mobile homes, they found many “crawling with insects and

rank with the smell of human waste.” “They were not places you would want people to live in,” Hobson said. Since LaForgia and Hobson published their work, social workers are no longer sending the homeless to these locations. Eight out of a dozen of Good Samaritan Inn buildings were found to be decaying. They had mold outbreaks, crumbling walls, cockroach infestations, bedbugs and rats, according to the articles. Homeless Recovery had allowed caseworkers to send clients to stay in rooms like this with another tenant for $11 a night. There are several shelters that have remained in excellent condition. Metropolitan Ministries offers arrangements for people to choose to sleep in a bed “under the stars” or indoors. Donations made by private companies and the public help pay for their stay or items they need such as medication, according to the organization’s website. Another nonprofit organization, Homeless Helping the Homeless, has six facilities: one for battered women, one for children, two for men, and two six-month transitional housing. The nonprofit offers jobs to those who have difficulty finding them due to issues such as not having a license, an education, or having a chronic disability inhibiting them from obtaining a job. The company has been able to expand its capacity from 25 beds to 89 through funding. Each resident is required to pay $10 a night, but they can receive three nights free. The homeless can also live in transitional housing like the Salvation Army’s house for women, men and families. The two facilities hold up to 44 residents, and clients pay based on income. Along with job search assistance, residents are able to shower, eat three meals a day and receive clothing and counseling. Housing First, a program that helps homeless find places to live, has partnered with a company to build housing for the homeless. They are unable to disclose much information yet. Winston is doing research for the company that is involved with Housing First, which bought an apartment complex in Tampa in partnership with the program. They

plan on housing 23 homeless veterans who will have their own bedroom, living room, and kitchen. They hope that with time these individuals will be capable of providing for themselves. The business is working toward remodeling the building to make it suitable for the future veterans. Shelters can only take on a certain amount of people, so many are left to sleep on the hard ground, under bridges, or in other hidden areas out of sight. “We need bigger shelters [because] there’s lots of overcrowding,” Guy said. Compared to last year the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative found there were only 32 fewer homeless people as compared to the previous year. “I think society has a bigger commitment than we actually make to the homeless,” Winston said. Theresa Stanton can be reached at theresa.

Casey Budd/ The Minaret

Homeless men and women have to wander the streets of Tampa so they don’t get fined for loitering.




The Rundown on ISIS: Why College Students Should Be Aware


The ongoing war in the Middle East may not seem important to you as you are getting to know your roommates and back into the school groove. But, it might be more vital than you think. College students have plenty to say about pop culture, media and financial struggles, but when asked about foreign policies and government affairs, most are clueless. In a growing integrated world, where more countries are trying to acquire nuclear weapons and terrorist strikes come without any warning, acquiring the knowledge of international relations is more essential than ever before. It is becoming increasingly important that students know and understand international relations and more about the world in which they will have to live. As long as the Islamic State (ISIS) remains in power, there will be neither reconciliation nor ongoing stability in the Middle East. In the United States, where you aren’t affected by the violence and devastation of war, it’s easy to overlook world events that influence the lives of people on a global scale. The current problems caused by ISIS are worth a great deal of attention. Here is why: The Islamic State does not hesitate to use extreme violence to achieve its goals. This deadly extremist group will do anything to establish a caliphate, also known as an Islamic State unified by one religious and political leader. ISIS’s radical and ruthless strategy against civilians include mass public killings, such as beheading those who oppose their views. ISIS also regularly sells women and children into slavery, according to The Guardian. It is the most heavily armed Islamist

radical group in history, having captured military equipment in Iraq and Syria, according to The National Post. ISIS uses social media as a tool of terrorism and get the attention of civilians with videos, and tweets. Along with videos of brutal beheading, ISIS’s tweets and Facebook pages endorse expanding their goal of creating its Islamic state. “#AmessagefromISIStoUS #US #USA We say to the U.S. Government and swear to God that we will enter the White House and come to your cities.” ISIS released two videos of the execution of American journalists, James Wright Foley and Steven Sotloff. Foley, 40, was kidnapped in Syria on Nov. 22, 2012. This wasn’t the first time Foley was kidnapped. In 2011, Foley was abducted while covering the Libyan Civil War by forces loyal to Muammar Khadafy. After he was freed, he went back to the Middle East to cover the Syrian civil war. Sotloff, 31, was abducted in northern Syria last year, he was last seen in August 2013, according to The Washington Post. The execution of Sotloff preceded a blackmail video from the Islamic State showing the horrifying murder of James Foley. The video was a warning to the U.S. to stop interfering and sending air strikes in Iraq. On Sept. 2, ISIS uploaded a new video showing the execution Steven Sotloff. The militant who executed Sotloff, sent another viral message via Youtube to the US. “I’m back, Obama. I’m back because of your arrogant foreign policy towards the Islamic State. Just as your missiles continue to strike our people, our knife will continue to strike the neck of your people.”

Graphic Courtesy of Wendy French

On Sept. 3, President Obama issued a statement: “Their horrific acts only unite us as a country and stiffen our resolve to take the fight against these terrorists,” he said. “And those who make the mistake of harming Americans will learn that we will not forget and that our reach is long and that justice will be served. Our objective is clear, and that is to degrade and destroy ISIS so that it’s no longer a threat — not just to Iraq, but also the region and to the United States,” according to The Washington Post. The ultimate question: Why should we,

American college students, care about ISIS? The answer is ISIS is now the biggest terrorist group, the new face for international terrorism and is slowly receiving more recruits every day. Foley’s and Sotloff’s execution and ISIS’s threats to continue killing brings to light the topic of terrorism for people around the world.We’re going to be the next generation to face these problems so we need to start being aware of them now. Michelle Konik can be reached at michelle.

From the September 1 to September 7 Reports

You Have Entered the Twilight Zone On September 5, campus safety responded to a report of a person trapped in an elevator.

Burnin’ Down the House On September 5, the fire alarm system at the Howard Johnson Hotel was activated due to an electrical malfunction.

Don’t Operate Heavy Machinery On September 6, a student operated a motor vehicle on campus while intoxicated.

Student Government’s new website has been launched. Visit for updates. If you need appropriation forms or need to vote for a student government position follow the link above. #Party too Hardy On September 7, The Tampa Police Department arrested five students at an off-campus party.

Rude...That Stuff is Historic! On September 7, damage was found to university property in Plant Hall.

Reports compiled by Zoe Fowler

Voting for campus-wide senators and freshman senators opened on Tuesday at 8 p.m. Voting closes on Sunday and is opened from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Go to OrgSync to cast your vote.

Organizations can now ask for up to $2500 for off campus events.

Make sure you have a representative attend the 2014 Fall Leadership Retreat on Saturday Sept. 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If you don’t attend, your organization will not be able to use facilities or ask for funds for off from Student Government. There is a $10 deposit that is reimbursed at the end.



Jason Turk’s lawsuit claims Tampa Police Department did not handle crisis call correctly From TURK Page 1

constructing a suicide note. He sent her a three minute video of himself reading her the note, which prompted the phone call. According to the State Attorney’s Office letter, she heard him open his gun safe and load a handgun during their phone conversation. His wife told the emergency operator handling the call that Jason didn’t have the nerve to pull the trigger, but believed that if police arrived and he refused to drop his gun, it might not end well. Upon arrival, Bergman found Turk sitting in a black BMW and as he approached the vehicle, he noticed Turk armed with a black handgun, according to the State Attorney disposition. The disposition describes that loud verbal commands were made for Turk to put his gun down but stated that he did not comply. It also states that Turk refused negotiations and on two separate occasions pointed his gun at officers. The officer fearing for his life and fired two shots, one of which hit Turk in the face, according to the disposition. On the other hand, the lawsuit filed by Turk states that he had never lost consciousness and could hear the officers asking one another if any of them had actually seen a gun. Turk claims in the suit that all of the officers on scene confirmed

they had seen no other gun besides the one in the hands of Bergman. Liv Coleman, UT government and world affairs professor, had Turk in a few of her classes. After hearing the news, she wrote a letter to Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn, in attempts to raise awareness about the training she believes the police department requires.

trained officers will then be able to play a facilitating role in their communities, deescalating crises and connecting people in distress to the health services they need.” Turk’s lawsuit claims his fourth amendment rights were violated and that Amanda Turk had never said Jason planned to use the police to facilitate suicide.

“Rather than treat him as a mentally

distressed individual who has committed no crimes while possessing a firearm he is licensed to have, instead engage him as if he is a criminal in possession of the firearm.”

- From Turk’s lawsuit

“Police are in a difficult position themselves because they are first responders in communities that don’t provide enough mental health care services to meet psychiatric needs,” Coleman said. “Police departments can play their role by providing better crisis intervention training to their officers to respond to mental health crises. Properly

The lawsuit states that Amanda told law enforcement “he has expressed in the past that he doesn’t have the nerve to kill himself but he [knew] if cops [came] and he [wouldn’t] put the gun down they [would] shoot him.” She declared she doesn’t know if that’s the case, but she felt the need to say it. He told police if he was a danger to anyone that night, it was

only himself. The lawsuit also claims that four minutes after officers arrived on the scene, Bergman opened fire. The family claims that given that amount of time, Bergman would not have been able to properly assess the situation. The Minaret was not able to get a hold of the Tampa Police Department for comments regarding the case after multiple phone calls and emails. “That kind of warning, I would have hoped, had a different response. Maybe sending multiple officers, sending a more trained person, maybe sending a police psychologist, but who knows? It’s so fast,” said UT psychology professor Joseph Sclafani. “Ideally, if the officer can buy time and get a professional there, it’s possible nobody could get hurt.” The case was evaluated by the State Attorney’s Office, which found the act of using a deadly firearm to be justified. The captain of the Special Operations Bureau, Eli Vasquez, found Officer Bergman’s acts were justified and did not violate any department policies. The State Attorney General did not file any charges against Turk. The Minaret made multiple attempts to get in touch with Turk’s attorney, Michael Maddux, but he made no comment. Brianna Kwasnik can be reached at

An Inside Look at Rushing As a Freshman By BIANCA LOPEZ News Writer

With wide eyes and tired feet, over 500 young women dedicated their weekend to a series of “speed dating” style rounds to find their soul mates – their sisters. Initially, the idea may come off as a tad skewed – basing an opinion of another girl off of a simple conversation about high school activities and future goals. However, after the first few days, it becomes clearer that everything works out as it should. This past weekend, I strapped on some blister-causing heels, painted on prom-level makeup, stretched out my toothy grin and went out on a search for the perfect sorority. Now, I will be the first to admit that I didn’t always see myself doing the whole “sorority thing” – from the outside looking in I regarded them as the typical “popular girl” groups from cheesy television shows. They seemed untouchable. Over the summer, I interned with two sorority girls. They had nothing but amazing things to say about their experiences with Greek life. Their passion convinced me to at least try out recruitment. My roommates and Rho Gammas, sorority women who temporarily “give up their letters to help you find yours,” helped pump me up and convinced me that, if nothing else, I would enjoy the recruitment experience. Open house began on Friday. I felt overwhelmed in a sea of Potential New Members (PNMs). Latching onto my trusty PanHellenic Recruitment guidebook, I waited in lines to meet and greet all six of the sororities that UT offers. The thing that worried me most was the looming possibility of not getting asked to return for the following day. As the recruits enter the rooms, current members sing their sororities’ songs as a way to welcome PNMs - some loud and energized, others soft and warm. I visited sorority after

sorority, crowd after crowd of singing girls, trying my hardest to connect with everyone I spoke to. With some people, conversation came pretty easily; with others, I had a list of prepared questions in my head to fill dead air. I only felt the conversation flow naturally with two sororities, so when ranking time came, I placed them highest on my list – my top choice being the sorority where I felt most welcomed, the place where I was able to act silliest. When Saturday came and I had not received the dreaded phone call telling me that I would not continue on, I started to feel a bit less anxious – excited even. My Rho Gammas gave me a slip of paper with the names of sororities that a computer decided on, based off of mutual rankings between both the PNMs and the sororities themselves. No one I spoke to knows how this computer system works, but it is allpowerful – much like the sorting hat from Harry Potter– so you kind of just go with it. I felt thrilled to read that my top choices picked me back. That mutual acceptance is very comforting. It made me feel as if I had done something right. Maybe the system worked for me. Unfortunately, other girls did not feel so lucky. It touched me to see the recruitment groups joining together to help fellow PNMs who contemplated leaving. Maybe the system had not worked for them or maybe it just knew something that they did not. Regardless, I continued on, grateful and hopeful – still worried that these “Survivorstyle” eliminations would catch up with me. It may seem silly that I cared so much and felt so anxious about this whole process, but I got very attached to the idea of having this solid sisterhood – a group of girls that cared about me and accepted me. On Sunday, Preference Day, I had no idea what to expect. Again, we received slips of paper with the names of mutually decided sororities – this time only up to

Raeshaad Long/ The Minaret

Sorority sisters and initiates gather on the lacrosse field for Bid Day as the final step of the rush process.

two. The sororities’ rituals usually include a ceremony for the PNMs and a ceremony to honor the seniors. Each ceremony differs based on the sorority you visit. After visiting my first Preference Day ritual, my mind was set. They made me feel like royalty – like they were honestly excited about my return. During the senior portion, I almost cried for sisters that I had never so little as exchanged glances with before. That was the moment Rho Gammas and other Greeks talk about, when you just know. I had decided which group I wanted to spend my years of college and beyond with. I ranked my remaining sororities for a final time and I felt really good about my decision. On Bid Day, I could barely sit still through my classes. I just wanted to see which letters adorned my tank top and run into the arms of my new sisters already. It was all very out of character for me. When

I finally saw the letters that I wanted most, a smile spread across my face and has yet to fade. I realize that not all girls received bids from their dream sororities, not all girls continued through every round and not all girls believe in what sororities stand for. However, in this past week, I have seen how Greek life can affect so many people positively and how many friendships have blossomed because of it. I searched for the perfect sorority but I realized that none of them are perfect. They are simply groups of girls with common bonds who all found a place to fit in. While I may never find the perfect sorority, I believe that I found the perfect sorority for me. I only hope everyone who went through recruitment took something similar back from their experience. Bianca Lopez can be reached at bianca.



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All programs accepting applications now! Request more information at or call (813) 258-7409.

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Diversions ON CAMPUS






Spartans After Dark

Red Bull Pic Up

Taco Takeover

Balance and Composure

Join fellow students in the Vaughn lobby from 9 to 11 p.m. for some late night football entertainment.

Red Bull will host an online scavenger hunt with mobile photo clues and potential prizes. Go to for more info.

The OE Market, at the Oxford Exchange, will now be serving gourmet tacos at affordable prices.

Playing at The Orpheum at 7 p.m. Ticket prices range from $13-$15.





Spartan Paintball Event

FMA Filmmaker Series

Rascal Flatts & Sheryl Crow

Yoga in the Park





Brueggers Bagels

Musician: Austin Refroe

Tampa Theater Wine Fest

Bill Murraython II





Drum Circle

Legal Business for Artists

Tampa Tattoo Arts Convention

Demi Lovato

A tournament for new and new players hosted by UT’s Paintball Team. Open to teams of five for $35 a person. Contact Alan Quterial at ala.quterial@spartans.

Take a 9:30 a.m. walk to Brueggers Bagels as part of the New Student MeetUp. For more info conact Katie White at hosted by the Mcniff Fitness Center.

Experience the UT rhythm with drums and hula hoops in Plant Park from 5 to 7 p.m.

Hillsborough film and digital commissioner Dale Gordon and casting director Rose Rosen will speak from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in Reeves Theater.

This quick-on-the-rise artist will perform at Morsni Hall from 8 to 10 p.m. Students go for free.

Anne Dalton from Esquire will discuss and answer questions about legal matters concerning creator rights in Reeves from 1 to 3 p.m.

7:30 p.m. at MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheater. Tickets are priced as low as $29.

The Tampa Theater presents Monty Python and the Holy Grape. Premium tasting tickets are $85 while Grand Tasting tickets are $50. 7-10 p.m. For more info call (813) 221-3686.

This three day event will feature several celebrity tattoo artists as well as artists from Ink Master, Best Ink, and LA Ink. Tickets are $20 per day and $40 for a three day pass.

Hosted by Yoga Downtown Tampa in Curtis Hixon Park. every Sunday from 67 p.m. The event is free but a $5 donation is encouraged. For more info go to

Held at the Independent Bar and Cafe every Monday at 8 p.m. until September 22. This week’s features are The Man Who Knew Too Little and Rushmore.

Christina Perry and MKTO will be opening up for the pop star at the Amway Center in Orlando. Event starts at 7 p.m. Ticket prices range from $27.50$37.50. For more information call (407) 440 7000.

CONTACT US Want to include your event on our diversions page? Email the details to

The Minaret



Want to be our comedy cartoonist? Email us at

The Minaret

Arts + Entertainment



Drake And Lil Wayne Dominate Tampa Stage


Arts + Entertainment Writer

In a rap battle for the ages, Drake and Lil Wayne went toe-to-toe Thursday night, Sept. 4, in Tampa during the latest stop of their joint tour. In their 21st appearance together, Drake and Lil Wayne set the MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheater ablaze with their catalog of hits, competitive edge, and pyrotechnics. Although Drake walked away with victory, his mentor left quite an impression on the nearly 14,000 fans in attendance. “I got hits from back when your boy was in a wheelchair,” Lil Wayne quipped right before he tore through a set full of well-seasoned tracks like “Go DJ”, “Pop Bottles”, and “Going In”. Reveling in his ‘Mixtape Weezy’ years, the prolific New Orleans rapper established early on in the show that this was more than just a “friendly” competition. The Drake vs. Lil Wayne tour was not only adversarial in nature but also interactive, allowing concertgoers to take part in the showdown. Through an iPhone app developed by iam8bit Inc., fans were able to indulge in a bit of Street Fighter nostalgia while casting votes on who opened the show and ultimately choose the victor of the night. The centuries-old tournament to determine the greatest rapper was briefly introduced via the giant digital projection screens in the form of a Street Fighter-style animated video. The video featured cartoon depictions of both Drake and Wayne as skilled martial artists.

Out of the gate, fans got a chance to choose who took the stage first. However, the speed at which the veteran rapper was declared the show’s opener called into question if they ever really had a choice. As he rose onto the 10-foot platform that served as a second stage, cheers and screams could be heard echoing throughout the Amphitheater. Lil Wayne quickly ran through a set of his most recent hits before landing on “Steady Mobbin,’” often times lending his mic to the crowd to recite their favorite one-liners. In response, Drake took the stage and performed a three-song set that included “Draft Day,” “We Made It,” and “The Language.” Although the Canadian native acknowledged Wayne as being the main reason why he was on stage, he didn’t hesitate to issue a fair warning to his mentor. “Tampa, I’m about to roast this n---- out here,” Drake exclaimed with a smirk before leaving the stage for Lil Wayne to return. However, the back-and-forth came to a head when Drizzy slowed down his set for the ladies as he put his vocals to use for ballads like “Find Your Love” and “Marvin’s Room.” Things got even more personal when the Grammyaward winning artist strapped himself onto a motorized platform, which hovered over the crowd, and gave shout-outs to the most enthusiastic fans he could see. A singing competition eventually ensued at the end of “Hold On We’re Going Home,” as Wayne outdid Drake by holding the final note, extremely off key, for longer. Mr. Carter was out

to prove that he had lots of love for the ladies as well when he began his own slow set that included fan favorites like “Mrs. Officer,” “How To Love,” and “Lollipop.” It wasn’t until the finale, in which Drake was proclaimed the winner of the night, and confetti was spewed everywhere that the two lyrical beasts would share the stage. The entire show built to this climactic moment and the Young Money duo did not disappoint. To the crowd’s delight they performed “The Motto” as well as “Believe Me” and closed out the show with “HYFR,” which left nearly 14,000 fans on their feet chanting the modern day anthem. Drake and Wayne ended the night on a more personal note, thanking

their fans for their unwavering support and relentless energy throughout their 50-plus-song dueling sets. “My favorite part of coming out here to Tampa is that me and my bro came out here to do what we were born to do,” Drake revealed to the audience before exiting the stage. As Drake and Lil Wayne continue to wrap up their tour throughout the remainder of the month, fans should rest assured that the Young Money frontmen have more music in store. Lil Wayne is slated to release Tha Carter V album on October 28 and Drake’s fifth studio album, Views From the 6, has an anticipated spring 2015 debut Kai Miller can be reached at Kai.

Photos by Casey Budd

Drake prevailed over Lil Wayne at the MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheater on September 4.

Over 14,000 fans came out to see Lil Wayne and Drake perform hits like “HYFR” and “Lollipop.”



UT Dreams A Dream With Les Miserables


Arts + Entertainment Writer

This year’s production of Les Miserables has UT’s theater director Paul Finocchiaro both “excited and freaked out”. It is completely evident that his enthusiasm and copious amount of hard work will shine through in the musical that is premiering this November. When beginning the vital search process that is casting, Finocchiaro looks for students who exude confidence and a strong stage presence. Aspects also on the musical theatre professor’s checklist are the ability to act while singing (which is no simple feat) and the possession of a strong voice. This year’s cast is made up of a very diverse crowd; ranging from freshmen students to Senior students, and voice majors to classical piano majors. Possessing as much enthusiasm and vigor as Finocchiaro, these students will be attending rehearsals every Sunday through Thursday at 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. beginning September 23 until the show’s premiere on November the 20th. When searching for the newest UT theater production, Finocchiaro attempts to present an “eclectic mix of theatre experiences”. With his musical debut at the University of Tampa last year of Thoroughly Modern Millie, Finocchiaro strived for more of a Golden Age appeal with the Broadway classic that took place in New York 1922, and followed the story of a small town girl from Kansas

looking to start a new life in the city. Taking on Les Miserables this coming fall will be no walk in the park, but with his impressive record of directing more than thirty plays and musicals, and having a seventeenyear-run in a professional musical career working alongside stars like Michael Crawford and David Cassidy, Finocchiaro is a shoe-in for the job. As far as taking on the role of director of Les Miserables Finocchiaro expressed that it was the outcome of a conversation with the speech, theater, and dance chair member, Michael Staczar, who asked him how he would like to direct the musical. Finocchiaro‘s response was riddled with excitement saying: “I’m down with that!’, in my best calmly controlled voice.” According to, the widely loved classic is the world’s longest running musical and has been seen by over 70 million people. Therefore, when Finocchiaro expresses his nervousness it is well justified, but if anyone can put an exciting and refreshing spin on this classic, it’s Finocchiaro and the eager cast of Spartan students that he has hand selected. Finocchiaro expressed that although this musical is such a massive one, the key to success will undoubtedly be communication. “I am in charge of this ship!” Finocchiaro said. The enthused professor stressed the importance of ensuring that his vision for this musical is fully understood by all involved in the production of the

play. Going as far to say “all of these people have to trust me and my artistic vision in order to have a successful production. In turn, all of these people need to get on my ship so that we can all take the audience on the journey they came to see.”

Les Miserables will be running at Falk Theater on Nov. 20-23. Tickets are free for all University of Tampa Staff and Students. Madison Kazar can be reached at

Les Miserables/

Les Miserables will premiere at Falk Theater with UT’s theater department on Nov. 20.

Good Graeff Performs At Streetcar Live By CLAIRE FARROW Arts + Entertainment Writer

Twin sisters Brit and Brooke Graeff make up the dynamic folk/indie pop duo Good Graeff. This past Saturday their unique mix of musical and vocal prowess was on full display for two hours on, of

all places, an Ybor City streetcar. In partnership with the Gasparilla Music Festival, the TECO Line Streetcar System has launched the Streetcar Live Concert Series. Every first Saturday of the month, from 7-9 p.m., the series will showcase different up-and-coming local artists. The ride begins in Central Ybor, at stop No. 1 Centennial Park, and continues

Photo by Ray Roa

Indie-Folk duo Good Graeff performed as part of the Streetcar Live concert series on Sept. 6.

through to Channelside and Downtown, stop No. 11 Whiting Station, eventually circling its way back to Ybor. This is a truly one of a kind experience—not only does one gain exposure to great talents at an insanely low price (one-way trolley fare is only $2.50, and round trip is $5.00), but also the concert takes place in an intimate, distinctive setting found only in Historic Ybor. While all of these upcoming concerts will undoubtedly be wonderful and entertaining, few will compare with the honest, authentic performance Good Graeff gave Sept. 6. It is hard to believe both sisters are self-taught musicians. Brooke’s heartfelt lyrics, strikingly beautiful voice, and smooth guitar chords, along with Brit’s melodious, hauntingly splendid cello wielding and vocal harmonies instantly convinces the listener that the sisters must have been born knowing how to craft melodies and lyrics together into beautiful, unique songs. One of the most distinct parts of this performance was the wide age and demographic range throughout the audience—young children, teenagers, college students, the middle aged, and even the elderly were all in attendance, which only added to the diversity and appeal of the concert. The fact that so many people were packed onto a trolley to hear this music, makes it all the more clear the effect Good Graeff’s style and sound has on an audience. The fact that they debuted many new songs to the audience was an added treat, making the concert an even more special occasion.

Not surprisingly, the duo’s back story is just as amazing as their music. After getting their start on street corners in Sarasota, FL during their teenage years, the two sisters split up. While Brooke travelled up to Canada, exploring Toronto and Vancouver as a foley artist, Brit went across Europe and India, eventually settling in Hanoi, Vietnam. In 2012 the two reunited there, and again on a street corner, Good Graeff was begun anew. According to their website, they still have a strong fan following in Vietnam. Now that they are back in the States, they have been touring around the country nonstop, promoting their EP Better Half all the while creating new music. This concert series should prove to be a hit with fans of local music groups and music lovers in general. This particular combination of a beautiful, cozy setting and an awesome, enigmatic band, a music-filled evening like the Streetcar Live Concert Series creates the desire for a repeat session. One would be hardpressed to leave concerts like this on a bad note. Streetcar Live provides a funfilled diversion from everyday life. I was simply blown away by the amount of fun I had listening to two talented artists, and I will most definitely be in attendance at another Streetcar Live performance in the future. For those who didn’t get a chance to hear Good Graeff or would like to see them again, the band will be back in Tampa on Oct. 25 to perform at the Midflordia Amphitheater Coral Skies music festival. Claire Farrow can be reached at



Hollywood Icon Joan Rivers Remembered



Arts + Entertainment Writer

Joan Rivers was always a polarizing comedian—either you loved her or you hated her. To some, she was a legend who delivered candid, un-sugarcoated truths about people and the world; to others, a comic who stirred up controversy with her jokes. Despite all of that, however, it is true that Rivers was a unique woman who endured a lot of obstacles to get where she was in life, and a female comic who helped pave the way for other funny women who followed. Since her start in the 1960s, Rivers was always self-deprecating and unabashed in her stand-up routines, and basically any appearance she made, she set herself apart from other comediennes. She wore simple conservative clothing, unlike her few counterparts-namely Phyllis Diller--who resorted to more outlandish costumes to make themselves appear as a joke, so to be seen as being funny. Rather, Rivers let the content in her jokes speak for themselves. For example, while Diller was making cracks about her ineptitude as a domestic housewife, Rivers made fun of the social stigma put on single women, using her life as a backdrop. In an interview with Yael Kohen, author of We Killed: The Rise of Women in American Comedy, Rivers said about her start in comedy, “I was talking about things that were really true...I was talking about having an affair with a married professor and that wasn’t a thing a nice Jewish girl talked about. And I was talking about my mother, desperate to get my sister and me married. I was talking about my gay friend Mr. Phyllis, and you just didn’t talk about that. It sounds so tame and silly now but my act spoke to women who weren’t able to talk about things. How nice it was to have a girl that’s fairly attractive stand up and say, my mother wants me to get married but I don’t want to.” She was unlike the women who came to stand-up and television shortly after she started as well—female comics who ushered in a slightly different


Joan Rivers (1933-2014) is warmly remembered after her death at age 81.

feminist view on life, one that focused more on the suburban lifestyle and the working and/or stay-at-home moms. Rivers remained as a reflection of how those who grew up in her era felt, lived, and were taught. Although she did constantly change her image to a certain degree to stay with the times, she was never afraid to make satirical social commentary, regardless of the sensitivity of the issue. Up until the day she died, she was making people laugh and cringe with her jokes. Of her many critics she would say, “If you laugh at it, you can deal with it, and if you don’t, you can’t deal with it. And don’t start telling me that I shouldn’t be saying

Joan Rivers worked in comedy and television for over 50 years.

it. That’s the way I do it. I would have been laughing at Auschwitz.” Whether you criticized her for her vulgar jokes or hailed her for comic creativity, she is a legend. Her name will forever be mixed with praise and chagrin. As Washington Post writer Stacia Brown notes, “How do we who are alive and remain reconcile the deaths of those who lived

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Joan Rivers in 1995 on E! Network coverage.

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‘unapologetically’?” Ultimately, Joan Rivers is a comedienne who remained a staple of pop culture, Hollywood, and television for over 50 years. That is worth remembering. Everything else, can be debated. Claire Farrow can be reached at

Joan Rivers/



Max & Chz Is Easy, Cheesy, and Cheap


Arts + Entertainment Writer

It’s time to put down your Easy Mac and get yourself a real bowl (or in this case, pan) of mac and cheese at Max & Chz; no microwave necessary. Everyone knows that macaroni and cheese is a classic comfort food that has become a staple to the typical college student’s diet, but after awhile it can get boring. If you love mac and cheese but crave more variety, then this place will blow your mind. Located on 117 South Hyde Park Ave., Max & Chz is just a short walk across from campus. This tasty new joint, which opened on Aug. 14 of this year, specializes in gourmet mac and cheese with a fun twist. The owner, Vincent Russo, has been a big fan of mac and cheese ever since he was a kid. “I grew up eating it [mac and cheese] when I lived in New York City and wanted to bring it with me after moving to Tampa, so I guess that’s how it all started,” Russo said. The abbreviated name, Max & Chz, was inspired by text message syntax. Although Max & Chz is more of a fast food place, all of the food is freshly prepared from the time that the customer orders it, to the time that they get it. “We don’t pre make anything,” Russo said. “Every morning, we go to the market to buy our ingredients.” Their menu offers 12 different varieties of mac and cheese. From The Classic, with just Velveeta and noodles, to other bolder flavors, like The Philly (shredded beef with provolone cheese and onions) and The Italian(seasoned ground beef with

ricotta and mozzarella cheese), Max & Chz caters to your every craving. Their most popular dishes are The Southwestern and The Alfredo. They are served in seven or nine-inch pans with prices ranging from $4.50 to $7.75 so that customers get a lot for their money. Customers can also get extra toppings on their mac and cheese, like bacon and panko bread crumbs, for an extra 50 cents. Besides macaroni, Max & Chz serves a variety of other foods. Chips and jumbo soft pretzels are offered as side options and wings and loaded nachos are served after 5 p.m. The restaurant is small with limited seating, but there is a sense of welcome and home. The walls are decorated with a ton of family photos and paintings, including a painting of the University of Tampa’s iconic minarets. I myself am not a hard core mac and cheese fan, but I love anything different and spicy, so I ordered The Southwestern. The Southwestern consists of seasoned ground beef, max (that’s what they call the noodles), monterey jack, cheddar cheese, jalapenos, and a tortilla crumble on top. If the description didn’t already have me hooked, the first bite definitely did. I ordered the smaller pan, but it was still enough to feed two people, and my meal was ready within ten minutes. Each ingredient complimented the dish very well. To start off, the noodles were cooked to perfection, and the cheese was so mouth-watering and gooey. I’ve never tried seasoned ground beef in mac and cheese before, but I’m going to have to make that from now on, because it was simply delicious. The jalapenos added a nice spicy

kick to the meal, but I think my favorite part was the tortilla crumble on top because it gave it an awesome crunch. It beats any kind of nachos I’ve ever had before. Although, some guacamole on top would be even better. Just be warned: you will need some water close by because of the savoriness. Also, be prepared to eat a lot. By the time I finished, I was completely full and satisfied; and I had only eaten half of my dish. The meal was the ultimate comfort food. I have to admit that it was the best mac and cheese that I have ever eaten. I was not expecting to like this place as much as I did, but there is no doubt in my mind that I will be returning or ordering for

delivery. I give Max & Chz four out of five stars for their unique and outstanding selections. This place is convenient, inexpensive, and delectable. Max & Chz is primarily a takeout and delivery restaurant, but the quality of the food is Grade A. Madison Irwin can be reached at

Max & Chz offers over 12 different mac n’ cheese selections for under $8 each.

4 out of 5 stars

Mac n’ Cheese/




Ebola “Window of Opportunity” About to Close Need for vaccine increases as virus spreads

By REBECCA TURNER Opinion Writer

In recent months, news of the Ebola virus has spread quickly-- much like the disease. While the headlines have made their way around the world, the virus is currently contained to Africa. However, Dr. Tom Frieden of the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has declared that the “window of opportunity” to contain the virus in West Africa is closing rapidly, and something monumental needs to be done before it’s too late. Ebola attacks the body and does not respond to antibiotics like other non-viral diseases would. This is a major concern with Ebola because as of right now there is no recognized cure. The virus “has a mortality rate usually between 50 and 90 percent,” according to University of Tampa Associate Professor of microbiology Dr. Ann Williams. People become infected with viruses all the time, such as the common cold, but you don’t see a 90 percent death rate from it; Ebola is clearly in a league of its own. Williams also mentioned that the effect of the virus largely depends upon the strain. This then begs the question of which strain we are currently dealing with, which has killed approximately 1,900 of the 3,500 Ebola patients, according to BBC. It is the most deadly form of the virus, the Zaire strain, and has a firm grip on West Africa, spreading more every day. The most intriguing aspect of Ebola research, currently, is perhaps the treatment. To date, Ebola patients have only been given treatment to help alleviate symptoms, and the immune system had been relied upon to do the

rest, according to CNN. That is not an effective treatment plan considering the high mortality rate. This method of treatment amounts to the same level of idiocy as putting a bandage over a bullet wound and calling it a day. In hopes of ditching this illogical method, new experimental drugs and the potential development of a vaccine have begun. These new medications may actually be the only hope to contain its spread, according to CNN. An American biotechnology firm


was set in motion, but at this stage we can only work towards a solution to the already uncontrolled problem. That is where pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline comes into play. The company is set to begin human trials of the vaccine in the following week, according to CNN. They should have started years ago before an outbreak, but their work will hopefully prevent more death in Africa. Now, nearly everyone has heard of animal testing for something like


It is the most deadly form of the virus, the Zaire strain, and has a firm grip on West Africa, spreading more every day.

based in San Diego developed a drug called ZMapp to treat Ebola. While it is still considered an experimental treatment, it appears to have aided in the recovery of the ill Americans, doctors Rick Sacra and Ken Brantly, as well as missionary Nancy Writebol, The Los Angeles Times reported. The medication’s preliminary use is risky considering it has not been used in previous Ebola outbreaks, but it needs to happen. The drug has also been shipped to various locations in the area primarily affected by this outbreak in hopes of combating the disease, according to CNN. It is crucial that the drug be shipped to the area most affected to prevent further unnecessary death, because the drug appears to be effective in interfering with the virus. It is unfortunate that this outbreak of the Ebola virus had to become an epidemic before the need for a vaccine


The above image is an extreme close up of a cell being attacked by the infamous Ebola virus.

this, but to test on humans? It seems downright ludicrous…at first. Then, we discover that the drug has already been tested on chimpanzees, one of the closest human relatives biologically, NBC reported. Whatever your feelings about animal testing may be, it does certainly come as a relief that humans are not the initial guinea pigs of a vaccine against such a lethal virus. Even still, Dr. Williams says that this “altered version of the Ebola” in the vaccine will be used as a preventative measure if effective during the trial phase. It will likely be distributed like an influenza vaccine in high risk areas. Williams says it will be used to promote “immunity to the virus” and cannot infect those that receive it with Ebola. Therefore, it is completely ethical to test the vaccine on people, especially those who have a high risk of Ebola exposure. So many questions still remain

unanswered: for example, how is the disease spreading so rapidly? Could it be airborne? Is it mutating? In its current state, CDC has said Ebola transmits “from direct contact with the blood and/or secretions of an infected person,” not through the air. However, the American doctors Brantly and Sacra, and missionary Writebol, still became ill while volunteering in West Africa, even while wearing medical equipment regarded by the CDC as satisfactory. They were brought back into the US for treatment which was risky, but it was, and is, essential that they receive the best available medical care. If only the African patients could be getting the same level of treatment, the death statistics might be significantly lower. Why did Brantly, Writebol and Sacra contract the Ebola virus while they were supposedly properly protected? This may be because Ebola is considered a hemorrhagic disease, meaning infected individuals bleed from every orifice of their bodies. It is quite possibly the worst way to die or to watch someone die. In these cases, transmission is understandably much more likely because of unintentional exposure to bodily fluids. This is often exacerbated by lack of funding which can prevent the use of ideal precautionary measures. Ebola is a major issue today, but ideally with this vaccine and drugs like ZMapp, it will be all but forgotten in the years to come. To procure an Ebola-free future, however, it will take human trials and experimental drugs to contain and crush the horrific and even terrifying monster that Ebola is today. Rebecca Turner can be reached at

Daniel Berehulak/The New York Times

Workers wearing hazmat suits work with extreme caution and safety when confronting Emola victims.



ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Funds And Where They Go By EMILY SILVERMAN Opinion Writer

Over the past couple of weeks, a media phenomenon has swept over our Facebook profiles: The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is a “progressive, neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord,” according to Participants of the challenge dump a bucket of ice water over their heads and then nominate some of their friends to either complete the challenge and pass it on to raise awareness, or to donate $100 to the cause. The internet challenge has spread like wildfire; with celebrities and professional athletes participating, it comes as no surprise that the ALS Association, the recipient of donations, has raised over $100 million due to the Ice Bucket Challenge, according to While we may find the deluge of videos on our Facebooks and Instagrams annoying, the challenge has raised a huge amount of donations. But where exactly does that money go, and are its recipients handling it properly? Speculations have been raised that donations from the challenge are not actually going towards research. The Ice Bucket Challenge, however, is no scam. gives the ALS Association a four star rating

and 97 percent “accountability and transparency.” Seventy-three percent of their budget is spent directly on the programs and services they offer, about 10 percent on administrative expenses and just under 18 percent on fundraising expenses. While many protestors of the challenge claim that the ALS Association has been misusing donations, reports on their spending discredit those allegations. Those who question the legitimacy of the association have no real basis for their claims. A junior at UT, Madison Kenney, thinks that “it’s ridiculous that people are hating on it.” People should not be criticized for choosing to donate their time and money to a good cause. Just around the time that the Ice Bucket Challenge went viral, ALS researchers in Boston came across new discoveries that “have left scientists more optimistic than they were a decade ago about potential new treatments that could significantly slow or halt the progression of the disease,” according to The Boston Globe. The Boston Globe also quotes chair of neurology at UMass Medical School, Dr. Robert Brown, saying “The most exciting, high-risk, high-gain projects are often funded by private agencies like the ALS Association rather than the federal government.” Brown’s comments prove the importance of the donations raised from the Ice Bucket

Challenge. Unfortunately, even with all of the success the Ice Bucket Challenge generated, it does have some drawbacks. People tend to have a limit on the amount of money they’ll donate throughout the year, so when the majority of of the population gives the amount they’re willing to donate to the same charity, others suffer, according to www.theguardian. com. The Guardian explains that “different charities have different cost-effectiveness,” and it has been argued that ALS fundraising has taken away from more cost-effective organizations, such as one that donates

bed nets to reduce malaria cases. Using social media has become second nature to most of our generation; we are always liking, favorite-ing and retweeting at lightening speed. With the constant slew of cat videos and Kardashian memes, it’s refreshing to see a good cause, like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, in the spotlight. However, there are countless charities that could also use some attention. Hopefully the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge will inspire people to become more involved and excited about helping those in need. Emily Silverman can be reached at

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Jimmy Fallon and crew do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge on the air to spread awareness.

CeeLo Green Tweets Atrocious Opinion on Rape By ELIZABETH ROCKETT Opinion Columnist

CeeLo Green has shaken up quite a bit of controversy of late. Between the court case regarding furnishing a woman with ecstasy, fighting off an alleged rape accusation, and tweeting inappropriate and disrespectful comments about rape, Green has gained a lot of unwanted negative attention from the media. The Huffington Post reported that Green was sentenced to three years of probation and 45 days of community service on Aug. 29 due to his one felony count of furnishing ecstasy to a woman.

Two days later, Green turned to Twitter to blow off some steam. Allegedly, Green made some atrocious comments about rape, such as “If someone is passed out they’re not even WITH you consciously! so WITH implies consent” he tweeted, according to Buzzfeed, as well as tweeting “People who have really been raped REMEMBER!!!” Green should have thought a lot more about these tweets before he sent them. It’s interesting that he chose to say that real victims of rape remember the event, when so many people are given drugs and excessive amounts of alcohol to interfere with their memory in order to make them

more accessible as rape victims. Christine Bertinetti, a senior psychology major at UT stated that she was disgusted by what Green said. “I don’t know how he could think that someone being unconscious would imply consent”, said Bertinetti. Having sex with a woman or man while she or he is unconscious cannot imply consent in any way--no more than being asleep or unconscious while someone robs your house implies that you wanted them to do so. While that seems painfully obvious to me, apparently Green does not feel the same way. Sexual assault is not something that


CeeLo Green has grown his fame with his strange look and unconventional form of hip hop, but is likely to fade into obscurity after his latest lapse in judgement.

should be taken lightly, never mind completely disparaged on a popular social networking site like Twitter. The fact that Green found it appropriate to tweet about such a traumatic event for both women and men is disturbing. Bertinetti feels as though Twitter can be a useful tool to get a point across or raise awareness for something you are trying to discuss. In this situation, however, “It was unnecessary. Especially someone who has been accused of rape, you probably shouldn’t put that out there,” said Bertinetti. The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) states that one out of every six American women have experienced rape, while one out of every 33 men have experienced rape. With rape being so common in the U.S., we should not be referring to it in a disrespectful manner due to the vast amount of people who have been and still are being effected by rape. Green later utilized Twitter to apologize to his followers for his tweets on Monday, Sept. 1. After making such controversial comments, I feel as though Green should be apologizing much more officially than a simple tweet. On the other hand, Bertinetti felt as though Green’s Twitter apology did the trick, considering that’s where he made the comments in the first place. While Twitter is an extremely useful tool that has allowed Green to reach millions of followers, he should make a much more personal attempt at apologizing so that people know he is sincere. I, for one, do not feel that Green has taken any appropriate steps towards making amends for what he said to the world. Elizabeth Rockett can be reached at




Massive iCloud Hack Causes Huge Celebrity Nude Leak

By CAITLIN MALONE Opinion Columnist

“Even worse than seeing women’s privacy violated on social media is reading the accompanying comments that show such a lack of empathy,” Emma Watson tweeted on Sept. 1 in response to the hacking of a number of female celebrities’ private nude photos, according to The Huffington Post. The photos were allegedly retrieved from iCloud and posted online on Sunday, Aug. 31. Some of the celebrities whose photos were taken are Jennifer Lawrence, Ariana Grande, Victoria Justice, Kirsten Dunst, Kate Upton, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and Mckayla Maroney, according to Fox News. Some of the women have claimed that the photos of them are fakes and some have acknowledged that theirs are in fact real. Ariana Grande was quick to say hers were fake in this statement she made, “to every1 going on about my ‘nudes’ & my ‘m&g prices’ neither are real! my lil ass is a lot cuter than that lmao & tour details r comin soon,” according to Fox News. Whereas a representative for Jennifer Lawrence confirmed that the pictures of her were real and made the following statement to Fox News, “The authorities have been contacted and will prosecute anyone who posts the stolen photos of Jennifer Lawrence.” Fake or not, the FBI is taking this issue very seriously and has already launched an investigation in hopes of finding the person or people responsible, according to The Huffington Post. A popular response to this obvious invasion of privacy has been that if these ladies did not want their nude photos leaked they never should have taken them. Peggy Drexley, a writer for CNN commented, “Certainly, the surest way to avoid ever having your most private photos shared publicly is to not take them in the first place,” according to The Washington Post. What an absurd reaction to such a serious issue. That’s like saying if you don’t want to get in a

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The Apple iCloud was hacked and over one hundred celebrities had private personal images stolen.

car crash then don’t get in a car and drive. There are plenty of men and women, including myself, that have exchanged nude photos with their significant other or their spouse. It’s a completely normal thing to do, and it is legal. What is not legal is hacking into someone’s personal space and taking things that were intended to stay private. These women did nothing wrong and should not be blamed for the hacking of their private photos. Natalie Kerris, a spokeswoman for Apple Inc., said that the company is in the process of investigating whether any iCloud accounts had been tampered with. “We take user privacy very seriously and are actively investigating this report,” she said to The Huffington Post.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead was one of the celebrities that also confirmed that her photos were real. “To those of you looking at photos I took with my husband years ago in the privacy of our home, hope you feel great about yourselves,” Winstead posted on Twitter. Winstead continued to share that she had destroyed those photos years ago, and that she could only imagine the “creepy effort” that went into finding them. Security Researcher Ken Westin posted in his blog on Monday saying, “It is important for celebrities and the general public to remember that images and data no longer just reside on the device that captured it,” according to The Huffington Post. “Once images and other data are uploaded to the cloud, it becomes much

more difficult to control who has access to it, even if we think it is private.” This statement is very true and should serve as a warning to those of us that do share nude photos, but it still doesn’t make these women responsible for the hacker’s actions. Of course, this is not the first time that private photos of celebrities have been hacked. The FBI has investigated previous leaks involving Scarlett Johansson, Mila Kunis, Christina Aguilera, and a video of television sports reporter Erin Andrews in a Tennessee hotel room. All of those cases resulted in the conviction of those responsible. As they should have. The kind of emotional damage that such a major invasion of privacy can do to someone is enormous and should in no way be taken lightly. Some have suggested that Jennifer Lawrence specifically should just shrug it off and own her nude pictures. “What’s tight about Jennifer Lawrence is she’ll own it, make some funny comment, destigmatize the nude leak and keep getting money,” Ernest Baker posted on Twitter, according to The Daily Beast. I have a question for you Baker, would you just want to shake it off after someone invaded something in your life so private as nude photos? I didn’t think so. The fact that these females are taking action is showing that this kind of invasion of privacy will not be tolerated. That is the kind of message that needs to be sent. Shrugging it off would not be “tight,” and it would do nothing to prevent things like this from happening in the future. I look forward to the conviction of the person or people responsible for these horrible actions. These celebrities, just like any female or male, have every right to share their body with whomever they want, but what makes that so sacred is that it should be their choice and no one else’s. To the hacker that took that choice from them, I hope you’re the one that’s ashamed after leaking these photos because you’re the only one that should be. Caitlin Malone can be reached at caitlin.

Burger King to Take Headquarters to Canada

By CAMERON GILDEA Opinion Writer

The Hamburger, a staple in America’s diet since the turn of the 20th century, does not seem so patriotic following the past weeks’ events. Burger King is in serious talks to buy Canadian coffee and doughnut maker, Tim Horton’s according to The Wall Street Journal. The deal is a tax inversion, which means Burger King will subsequently move its headquarters from Miami to Ontario, allowing them to save an estimated ten percent annually on corporate taxes. To add fuel to the fire, the distinguished American investor Warren Buffett, has organized the deal and will also see a large percent of profit from it, if finalized. It’s no surprise that this potential move is leaving a bad taste in the mouth of the American government and public. ‘Boycott Burger King’ is now making its rounds on social media sites. A simple search of Burger King’s official Facebook page will find a comment section ladened with angry messages. Burger King released a statement on their Facebook page in regards to the public’s outcry stating “We hear you. We’re not moving, we’re just growing and finding ways to serve you better.” We as a nation find it easy to point fingers and lay blame, but this antiAmerican merger may ironically be our fault. According to The Washington Post, since 2009, 35 other companies have taken the tax inversion route prior to

Burger King. Why are all of these companies skipping out on calling the United States home? The answer is simple. Our government taxes companies more than of any other country in the world, an astounding 39 percent, according to the The Wall Street Journal. Furthermore, our government taxes international companies like Burger King on not only their domestic revenue within the United States, but their global revenue as well. Rule number one of any publicly held company is to maximize shareholder revenue. A solution to this tax evading problem is far more complex than it seems. The first step is to challenge our government to propose new legislation against these steep taxes. Alex Hance, a Junior Information Systems major believes the Burger King deal highlights the need for a major overhaul to our tax system. “Since Burger King is a widely known consumer brand, this issue is finally being addressed by the media and public. We must now come up with a better solution to our tax structure because it is clearly not designed appropriately” Hance said. In the coming weeks, Democrats and Republicans will begin debating this tax issue. According to John McKinnon of The Wall Street Journal, Democrats will begin proposing bills that “restrict companies from performing tax inversions, whereas Republicans will propose bills to see a comprehensive tax code rewrite”.

Graphic by Lauren Richey

BK plans to buy Tim Hortons, possibly moving headquarters to Canada, saving them money on taxes.

Whatever the collaborated decision may be, we as a nation should redirect part of the blame from Burger King and use it to motivate a tax change within our government. Burger King does not have our nation’s best interest economically, yes. But our relatively powerful economy was founded on

capitalism and if a company has the ability to increase profits legally, then they are allowed to do so freely. Let’s continue to show our patriotism, but let’s also make sure this does not become a more frequent issue. Cameron Gildea can be reached at


By TERRY PRESTEN Opinion Columnist

I, like many of my peers, have dated a variety of people that I would never, ever, ever consider spending the rest of my life with—and at 18 years old, that is completely acceptable. However, as the end of my college education approaches and with it the certainty of my actual adult life, my mind has pondered—how does a couple survive the transition from a college relationship to a functional grown-up couple? Relationships are like lab partners. There will be plenty of failed experiments, there will be differences in preferred methods, and there will be times when you wish you had chosen a different one. But the most important aspect of this partnership is to ensure that both members are working toward the same desired results. After college, your significant other is not just the source of guaranteed physical interaction and endless man crush Mondays or woman crush Wednesdays on Instagram. They are your life partner, and you must rely on one another for support through whatever life may throw your way. Much like lab partners, if both parties are not pulling their own weight, it will put a strain on the relationship and may result in failure; each individual will suffer. “Any relationship needs communication, trust, and mutual encouragement,” says Mary Palmer, a senior public health major and December 2015 graduate. “If you are contemplating moving forward in a relationship post-college, then you need to ensure those three aspects are present and thriving.” The unfortunate truth is that a relationship outside of college is more than sex and formal dates. It is vital that you and your partner share the same goals in life. As actual adult life approaches, there are three specific areas in which an individual should discuss with their partner: Finances: After College, you hopefully will become financially independent from your parents. In the event that you and your partner choose to live together, finances will likely become a focal point in your daily interactions—hopefully they are conversations, not arguments. At this time, one should study their partner’s spending habits. Sure, we’ve all had a couple of high bar tabs, but really pay attention to where they focus their spending. This can range from how much they are willing to spend on an apartment, to how much they desire to spend on groceries (because not all of us can afford to shop at Whole Foods on a Trader Joe’s budget). If you and your partner can agree upon where to spend your money, your partnership will flourish. If not, you may be in for trouble when bills are due every month. Make sure you can share a shopping budget before you share a bank account. Location: Your partner and you have to support each other’s wants and desires. After graduation, there will be nothing tying you down to a residency in Tampa. Every couple should discuss where they would like to go after college, because the most


For Now or Forever? Making the Switch from a College to an Adult Relationship

Graphic by Lauren Richey

As relationships continue past college they become increasingly more complex and at times, difficult, but that is not to say that not all couples are up to the task of making it.

important time to make life decisions is right now. What if you dream of the west coast and your significant other refuses to settle outside of the north east? Enter this discussion as an open dialogue with an open mind. However, if it is impossible to reach an agreement, remember to act in your own interest. Making a decision entirely because of your partner’s desires can lead to resentment, and if you’re going to end up apart, it’s easier if you’re alone in a city where you wanted to live, anyway. Family Planning: This is not only the awkward name of the aisle where you find condoms and tampons in your local grocery store. Though it may seem years—or even decades— off the radar, the subject of kids is still a serious part of a relationship that needs to be discussed. It is not that the specific number of children, their genders, and their full names needs to be figured out by graduation, but instead both parties should agree on whether or not they do or do not want to have children one day. If one is dead-set on having a family, he or she should not waste their time with someone who is entirely uninterested. There are plenty of other people to reproduce with, so if it isn’t in the cards, move on to a new deck. Above all, you should always act in your own best interest. Though a relationship may be perfect in college, it may not hold through the stresses that come with growing up—and that’s okay. Break-ups help us align with what it is we truly want in a partner, and with each failed attempt, we get one step closer to finding the partner for us. Terry Preston can be reached at

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To Reproduce, or Not Reproduce

Not all women place motherhood as priority in lives

By SENIA EBANKS Opinion Writer

“On Labor Day, American Idol winner and country singer Carrie Underwood took to twitter to announce her first pregnancy with hockey player husband of four years, Mike Fisher. Today, Underwood and other celebrities such as Shakira, Mila Kunis, and Kourtney Kardashian are proud to announce their pregnancies, while some celebs don’t see the need to become pregnant and start a family. Even though Underwood has looked to the direction of motherhood, there are several famous women that have made the decision not to have children, which is their right and they shouldn’t be judged for their choice. With baby diapers and strollers rolling into the near future for Underwood and her husband, it is hard not to ponder how it will affect the future of her musical career. With this being her first pregnancy, it is possible that she will take some time off and focus on raising the new addition to her family. Country music might not be ready to release their queen and vocal powerhouse just yet. Having a baby will surely rock Underwood’s world, but it certainly isn’t the only thing that can bring happiness or satisfaction to a woman’s life. The truth is, motherhood just isn’t for every woman. Not having children doesn’t necessarily make a woman’s

life less fulfilling. Women should not be judged for deciding to have children or not, as it is a personal choice either way. UT senior and psychology major, Chardene Williams, has known she didn’t want children since she was 18. “Fulfillment in my life is travel. I want to travel and spend time just me and my husband. And I always make sure that I date someone who also doesn’t want children because I don’t want to be pressured into something I


her acting role in the popular sitcom Friends, starring in films like Marley & Me, and Bruce Almighty, as well as her philanthropic effort with working with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. One could say that Aniston is a hardworking and independent woman. However, Aniston is one of the few celebrities that doesn’t have kids or even the thoughts of having any. In an interview with People magazine last


Creating substance and purpose within our daily lives means much more than reproducing.

don’t want. And I don’t want to settle down and live that “normal” life with kids because that’s what society says I should do and then never give them all my love because I never really wanted them,” she says. Her ideals may be blunt, but they’re honest, and make a lot of sense; children deserve to be loved, which is why having children should be a very thought out decision, and one not lightly made. Take a look at the flawless beauty Jennifer Aniston. At age 45, Aniston is known for many things including her very public split from Brad Pitt back in 2005, but more memorably

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Jennifer Aniston, among other female celebrities, do not feel they need to have children to feel fulfilled.

month, Aniston addresses the topic. “I don’t have this sort of checklist of things that have to be done and … if they’re not checked then I’ve failed some part of my feminism, or my being a woman, or my worth or my value as a woman. I’ve birthed a lot of things, and I feel like I’ve mothered many things. And I don’t think it’s fair to put that pressure on people,” she said. Cameron Diaz and Chelsea Handler have been open about their similar decisions not to have children, saying it’s just not something they want. In reality, not all women place motherhood as a priority in their

lives. It doesn’t mean that a woman’s life depreciates if she doesn’t have a child and it shouldn’t be perceived that making the decision makes them a bad person. Creating substance and purpose within our daily lives means much more than reproducing, just take a look at Aniston, Diaz, and Handler. These successful women were able to accomplish their dreams, develop their careers, and feel fulfilled without having a baby, just as many women who have made the choice to have children have as well. Sure, the everyday female feels pressured by society to reproduce before reaching their mid-thirties, but that in no way means choosing to do so is wrong either. Aniston, Diaz, and Handler have just chosen a different route to display their personal, true strengths and determination as successful women. In regards to Carrie Underwood, she, too, is a positive role model. Reported by USAToday, in a recent survey iHeartRadio listeners voted Underwood as the best role model in music. Regardless of their decision on childbearing, none of these women have a void to fill in their lives; they are perfectly content with who they are and where they are heading in life and are great examples of ideal role models for young women today. Senia Ebanks can be reached at

Digitas Photos/

Kourtney Kardashian, soon to be mother of three, enjoys the combination of hollywood and motherhood,



Pro Sports

Suspensions Raise Questions About NFL’s Disciplinary Policy

By CHANCE SMITH Sports Writer

The recent suspensions of three star NFL players–Josh Gordon, Ray Rice, and Wes Welker–has rocked the sports world and conquered the headlines. The suspensions have been largely criticized by the public for the manner in which they were handed out, as well as the magnitude of the punishments. Gordon, who led the NFL in receiving last season with 1,646 yards, was suspended for the full 2014-2015 season after violating the league’s substance abuse policy for marijuana for the second time. Welker, one of the star receivers for the Super Bowl runnerup, the Denver Broncos, was suspended on Sept. 2 for the first four games of the season after testing positive for amphetamines. Rice, a Super Bowlwinning running back for the Ravens, on the other hand, was suspended just two games for his widely-publicized domestic assault lawsuit. Was the longevity of the two players’ suspensions who violated the NFL’s drug policy warranted in relation to Rice’s domestic dispute? That is the question that NFL fans everywhere have been debating these past few weeks. “It’s insane. I hate to make comparisons honestly,” said former University of Kentucky star and former New York Giants back-up quarterback, Jared Lorenzen. “Two games for Rice is an absolute joke. I was brought up to believe that you never lay hands on a woman. The suspension should be half a season at least.” After watching the video of Rice dragging his unconscious wife out of an elevator in Las Vegas, it’s hard to argue with Lorenzen. Gordon smokes a little marijuana every once in a while and

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Ray Rice has been suspended indefinitely by the NFL and released by the Baltimore Ravens.

loses an entire season of football while Rice slides by after unleashing his inner Mike Tyson on his wife. It just doesn’t seem right. Due to the criticism that league commissioner Roger Goodell has received from the media and public, he has worked to correct the problems with the domestic violence and street drug policies. Now, for a first-time offense regarding domestic violence, players receive a six-game suspension. For a second offense, they receive a lifetime ban.

Now that’s all fine and dandy, but it still doesn’t explain why street drugs that are not performance enhancing still hold such a severe penalty. That’s why the NFL Player’s Association (NFLPA) is fighting for a more consistent disciplinary action of drug violations. The crazy thing about the new policy that the NFL is looking to finalize, is that Welker and Gordon could have potentially avoided suspension altogether if it was instilled. The NFL’s current drug test policy requires 15 mg/

ml of cannabis to result in a positive test, which is extremely low. In comparison, the MLB and military require 50 mg/ml in order to test positive and the Olympic testing committee requires 150 mg/ml. Also, the amphetamines, or molly, that Welker tested positive for would not be readable at all. “[The drug test policy] was somewhat similar when I was in the league,” Lorenzen said. “It was independent contractors who ran the tests. You knew the date ahead of time and you knew you were going to get tested the first day of training camp every year.” Lorenzen has been out of the league for about six years, so the manner in which players are tested could possibly have changed somewhat. However, it’s hard to sympathize with Gordon knowing that he probably knew when he was going to get tested and still failed multiple times. This guy was set to make roughly $1.5 million this year to do two things: play football and not fail drug tests. It seems crazy that an athlete couldn’t, at the very least, quit smoking long enough to pass the drug test that they know is coming no matter how much they might love marijuana. Bottom line, all three players were wrong for doing what they did. However, the way that the NFL handled each of the cases was extremely wrong. Yes, commissioner Goodell and the NFLPA are working to correct the mistakes they made, but the NFL players needs more consistency from their leaders. By handling the cases the way they did, they set a precedent for all future infractions regardless of new policies. Chance Smith can be reached at

Three Things Every CFB Fan Needs to Know for 2014 By JORDAN LLANES Asst. Sports Editor

Two weeks down, and no major upsets to speak of thus far in the college football season. Texas A&M absolutely crushed South Carolina on the road without Johnny Manziel, Jake Matthews or Mike Evans. Quarterbacks Blake Sims, Jacob Coker and the rest of the Crimson Tide relatively cruised to a season-opening win over West Virginia in the Georgia Dome. As for the defending champion Seminoles, they barely squeaked by an Oklahoma State squad at Jerry World, in addition to only beating The Citadel at home, not obliterating them. That could be foreboding for the Noles’ chances to repeat their title. Let’s take a more in depth look at the champs’ repeat hopes, plus a few more burning issues in the world of college football. 1. Can Florida State repeat as champs? It’s the question that’s on everyone’s mind. With a schedule that has most of their tough games (vs. Clemson, Notre Dame and Florida) at home, the Seminoles could definitely go undefeated. Furthermore, Jimbo Fisher’s squad returns almost all of their starters from last year, including wide receiver Rashad Greene, tight end Nick O’Leary, left tackle Cameron Erving, defensive end Mario Edwards Jr. and of course, Heisman winning quarterback Jameis Winston. However, there are a couple of potential roadblocks in their way. First is

a Halloween matchup with Louisville on the road. Under the returned Bobby Petrino, the Cardinals had a great ACC debut in their win over Miami last Monday, and crushed Murray State at home. They are the only tough road test the Seminoles will face. Secondly is the maturity of Winston. Despite his electrifying Heisman season last fall, he is still very much a work in progress, especially off the field. His multiple transgressions with the law do not bode well for the potential first round pick. Whatever happens this season, Florida State is

the prohibitive favorite. 2. Who will make the first College Football Playoff? Well, the Noles should make it to the dance. The next choice should be Oregon. Behind quarterback and preseason Heisman hopeful Marcus Mariota, the Ducks’ offense is still its usual, high-powered machine. They probably have the best chance to defeat the defending champs, especially after dispatching Big Ten title hopeful Michigan State in Eugene. Out of the SEC, look for the Auburn Tigers to

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Oregon signal caller Marcus Mariota returns as one of college football’s top players this season.

make an appearance for college football’s best conference. They returned almost all of last season’s squad, including quarterback Nick Marshall and an innovative coaching staff led by head coach Gus Malzahn. As for the fourth team, Baylor will probably have the best chance to escape the Big 12 undefeated. Despite having to travel to Austin to play the Longhorns and Norman to take on the Sooners, the Bears get the majority of their tough conference games at home. Look for quarterback Bryce Petty to light up the scoreboards this fall in coach Art Briles’ lightning-paced attack. 3. What team could crash the Playoff? Despite a 4-8 season last year and a coach on the hot seat, the Gators could definitely make some noise this fall. Florida has their two toughest games on the road this year against the Alabama and Florida State, but the rest of the schedule is quite manageable. The inhabitants of the Swamp play SEC foes LSU, South Carolina and Missouri at home. Head coach Will Muschamp hired offensive coordinator Kurt Roper from Duke to bring out the best in returning quarterback Jeff Driskel by installing the spread. The defense returns most of its starters, including defensive end Dante Fowler Jr. and cornerback Vernon Hargreaves III, who might be the best defensive player Gainesville has seen since Joe Haden. Jordan Llanes can be reached at jordan.




Five Must-Watch CFB Matchups For This Season By GRIFFIN GUINTA Sports Columnist

Thousands of college football games will be played this season, but unless you really have nothing better to do, you’re likely to only catch a few. For your personal convenience, we’ve scoured the internet for the most intriguing, can’t-miss matchups of the season. Most of these matchups are in conference, and they are among the most important games to be played. The new College Football Playoff selection committee places emphasis on strong scheduling. No.5: Army vs. Navy (Dec. 13) I know what you’re thinking: “How did a matchup between two unranked teams not known for football make this list?” In the simplest of words, this game is an absolute classic. These two schools are service academies and therefore are playing for pride, not future NFL careers. The rivalry has been around since 1890 (this will be the 116th inception of the game) and always seems to be filled with fanfare. Army will certainly be seeking revenge this year after being trounced 34-7 in last year’s contest--their 58th loss of all time against the Midshipmen. Regardless of the skill level of either team, this game is a genuinely fun watch. Interesting tidbit: the game will be played in Baltimore for the first time since 2007. No.4: Notre Dame vs. Florida State (Oct. 18) Traveling to Tallahassee to take on the defending champs will be no easy feat for Notre Dame, but don’t count them out just yet. Fighting Irish quarterback and Heisman-hopeful Everett Golson is back after a yearlong hiatus and has looked mighty impressive thus far.

In last Saturday’s game against Michigan, Golson was near perfect, throwing over 200 yards and three touchdowns. If Notre Dame wants to pull off the upset, they’ll (at the very least) have to outmuscle FSU’s imposing defense. Given how impressive ND’s offensive line has looked thus far, it should be a manageable task. Stopping Heisman quarterback Jameis Winston? Now that’s a different story. No.3: Baylor vs. Oklahoma (Nov. 8) If you enjoy high scoring, explosive offenses, this game has you covered. This past weekend, Baylor and Oklahoma put up a combined 122 points and 1,304 total yards. Quite simply, these teams are fun to watch. Baylor has played the majority of its season without stud quarterback Bryce Petty, but barring any major setbacks he should be playing in this game. This makes for an interesting duel between Petty and OU’s Trevor Knight. Knight, if you remember, torched the Alabama defense in the Sugar Bowl last year and has shown no signs of slowing down. Petty’s name, meanwhile, has been circulated in and out of Heisman discussions since the start of the season. Don’t be surprised if this game ends up with a final score of 70-63. No.2: Oregon vs. UCLA (Oct. 11) Fear not PAC 12 fans, we weren’t about to exclude you from this list. Oregon is currently ranked higher than UCLA, but that means relatively little in this matchup. UCLA is an up-and-coming program and would love to cement a win on their home field against a quality opponent to continue their torrid winning pace. Oregon, meanwhile, is looking to buck the trend of falling apart midway through the season after starting with

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UCLA Quarterback Brett Hundley looks to lead the Bruins to a berth in the College Football Playoff.

high expectations. The Ducks haven’t reached the title game since 2011 and are hungry to reclaim their spot. Like the Baylor-OU matchup, this game features another exciting quarterback duel between established star Marcus Mariota (Oregon) and the ever powerful Brett Hundley (UCLA). Tune in to see if UCLA can defend its home turf against their West Coast rivals. No.1: Alabama vs. Auburn (Nov. 29) Nothing beats good old Alabama football. After all, these two teams have appeared in the last four national championships and brought three of them back home to the Dixie state. Beyond that though, there are so many things to love about this game. First of all, it’s the Iron Bowl, one

of the greatest rivalry games extant in the modern college football world. (Let’s not forget the epic ending to last year’s Iron Bowl; a 109 yard touchdown return by Auburn’s Chris Davis to seal the Team of Destiny’s place in the SEC Championship.) Secondly, the road to the BCS playoffs will almost certainly hinge on this game. Alabama is currently ranked second, while Auburn sits at number five. It’s a long way from now, but these teams could easily be ranked No. 1 and No. 2 by the time the 79th annual Iron Bowl rolls around. Lastly, these teams just play fantastic football. This is the closest you’ll get to an NFL type game at the college level. Griffin Guinta can be reached at

Winston, Mariota Lead Heisman Watchlist By DOMINICK FALCO Sports Writer

The Heisman Trophy is college football’s most prestigious individual accolade. Past winners include greats Roger Staubach, Barry Sanders, Tim Tebow, and Johnny Manziel. With each season comes a new chance for one player to insert themselves as one of the greats in college football history. It may only be September, but it is never too early to look forward to who will hold up that heavy bronze trophy. The front runner for the 2014 Heisman Trophy has to be Oregon quarterback Marcus Mariota. Since taking over as the Ducks’ signal caller in 2012, Mariota has had great success in Oregon’s rapid paced offense. Coming off a season where he totaled over 4,300 yards of total offense and 40 total touchdowns, Mariota is primed to have another big season. If Oregon is able to win a much improved Pac-12, then look for Mariota to be in New York City for the Heisman ceremony. Reigning Heisman Trophy winner Jameis Winston is at it again with No. 1 ranked Florida State. Winston will look to become the first two-time

Heisman winner since Archie Griffin back in 1974 and 1975. The stage is set for Winston to do it too. With a bevy of weapons at his disposal and a more than manageable schedule, all Winston has to do is perform well and he will have a chance to hold the trophy again. This time may be more difficult as Winston has already established himself as the best player in college football last season. He may have to out-do his numbers from last season to prove himself worthy of a second Heisman in the eyes of voters. Another layer on top of this is the ongoing investigation stemming from a 2012 sexual assault accusation. In order for Winston’s Heisman chase to ensue, there has to be no looming suspension or case findings that could potentially end his season. The University of Georgia has a track record of having some of the best running backs in the nation. This season may feature the best back that the program has had since Herschel Walker in Todd Gurley. Gurley is a punishing runner with blazing speed. Georgia is transitioning from Aaron Murray to Hutson Mason, so the team will rely heavily on Gurley to carry the offense. The team’s performance

always plays a part in the candidates’ chances to win the award. If Gurley can lead the Bulldogs to a strong season, then he will have a great chance to be the first running back to win the award since Alabama’s Mark Ingram in 2009. Coming into the season, Texas A&M fans didn’t know what to expect from the quarterback position after Manziel bolted for the NFL. In week one of the college football season, newly starting quarterback Kenny Hill had fans saying “Who is this Johnny

Football?.” Hill torched South Carolina for 511 yards and three touchdowns. Hill went from possibly being on the bench to winning the starting job and then bursting onto the scene putting up incredible numbers. Sound familiar? The last player who did this went on to win the Heisman Trophy that season and is now in Cleveland. Hill has a chance to do the same as his star predecessor if he can continue to play as he did in week one. Dominick Falco can be reached at

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2013 Heisman Trophy winner Jameis Winston will look to be the second repeat Heisman winner.



Who Will Win The National League MVP?

Clayton Kershaw “ If Kershaw can win three more games,

of the most appreciated stats in the game.

he will be at 20 wins for the season, one

are 59-58. Despite not playing everyday, it is hard to say that one player has more of an impact on his team than Kershaw. In the history of the MLB, no pitcher If Kershaw didn’t lose six starts to has ever won three Cy Young awards injury at the beginning of the year, there is before turning 27. The Cy Young award is no doubt he could have unanimously won given to the best pitcher in the league, and the MVP award, but there’s no dwelling on Clayton Kershaw might be the first player the past. The MVP race is much different to ever win a third Cy Young in four years than a year ago. Paul Goldschmidt and after the season is over. early MVP front-runner Troy Tulowitzki Hopefully, he adds a World Series ring are both out for the year following to his trophy case as well. Despite missing injuries. Cardinals catcher Yadier Molina six starts at the beginning of the season due missed a good chunk of the season, and to a back injury, Kershaw is still leading Pirates centerfielder Andrew McCutchen the entire MLB in wins. Kershaw’s earned just came off the disabled list. Right now, run average (ERA) sits at 1.70, which is Kershaw’s main competition is Marlins lower than Sandy Koufax’s best year (1.73 slugger Giancarlo Stanton. ERA). This will be Kershaw’s second Stanton is having a tremendous year: straight season with an ERA under two 36 home runs and 102 runs batted in and his fourth year in a row leading the (RBI’s) as of September 4, and he leads MLB in ERA. the league in on base percentage, slugging With the Cy Young guaranteed pending percentage, home runs, RBI’s, extra base an absolute collapse during the last month hits, walks, and total bases. If he was of the season, he will be setting history. playing on any other team in the league he The question on the minds of baseball would be the favorite to win, but the thing fans, writers, and players alike is can he has going against him is playing for the Kershaw win the MVP? A pitcher winning Marlins. the MVP is a very gray area. Justin Going back to the controversial 2011 Verlander became the first pitcher since MVP race, the voters made it known that 1992 to win the award when he took home they favor a player on a playoff team, the Cy Young and MVP in 2011. even if he didn’t have the best numbers. A National League pitcher has not While Stanton does have the best numbers, won the award since Bob Gibson’s record playing for a team that could possibly setting year in 1968. Winning the award finish in 4th place doesn’t do much to help is achievable, but it has become very rare. his case. The argument against pitchers is that they Jonathan Lucroy of the Milwaukee have their own award (Cy Young), and they Brewers was also a thought to be a frontdon’t play enough. A pitcher will play in runner for the MVP award. He started the only 35 games during the season opposed All-Star Game for the National League due to 140 or more. Every day, players have to Yadier Molina’s injury. He leaders all more impact on the team day to day, but a catchers with a 5.6 WAR and 46 doubles. pitcher can be just as valuable. The Brewers recent eight game losing Right now Kershaw’s WAR (wins streak has dropped them three games above replacement), which tracks how behind St. Louis and a half game ahead many wins a player is worth to his team, of Atlanta for the second Wild Card spot. is leading the MLB with a 7.4 WAR. In Their recent struggles mixed with his games that Kershaw pitches, the Dodgers recent struggles no longer have him as one are 19-4, while games he doesn’t pitch they of the favorites. If Kershaw can win three more games, he will be at 20 wins for the season, one of the most appreciated stats in the game. Though his lack of innings pitched could hurt him, his numbers should be the only thing that stands out. Kershaw is the best player on one of the best teams in the league. It is hard to say that one single player has more of an impact on his team than Clayton Kershaw does. Cardinals ace Adam Wainwright has a rough past few starts. The Nationals’ Stephen Strasburg hasn’t put together a 200+ inning season yet. Miami’s Jose Fernandez and the Mets’ Matt Harvey have been hurt all season. Philadelphia’s Cole Hamels has pitched for one of the worst teams in baseball all season. If Kershaw is able to close out the season with four or five more strong outings, it will be hard to argue with him being the first National League pitcher in Kent Kanouse/ 46 years winning the MVP award. Dodgers ace Clayton Kershaw leads the Connor Anthony can be reached at National League’s best team towards the postseason.


Corn Farmer/

The Marlins have stayed in the playoff hunt due largely to Giancarlo Stanton’s efforts.

Giancarlo Stanton steals bases, hits bombs, plays a “solidHe outfield, and has an ear-to-ear smile


Sports Writer

As the race for the playoffs heat up, the chase for the National League Most Valuable Player (MVP) looks to be a lock. Usually in September, each league has two or three players that are in the discussion for MVP. It is very different this season. Miami Marlins outfielder Giancarlo Stanton’s batting average has climbed to .299 entering Tuesday. He leads the majors (among those hitters who have enough plate appearances to be considered “qualifiers”) in RBIs, intentional walks, on-base percentage and OPS (on-base percentage plus slugging). But more importantly, he provides stability in the middle of the Marlins lineup that cannot be matched. He does not just hit home runs, he hits long, cartoonish-looking bombs. Thanks to Stanton’s offense, the Marlins are a surprising 65-65 and sit only three games behind the San Francisco Giants for the last Wild Card spot in the NL. Without Stanton, it could be argued the Marlins would be in the bottom third of teams in all of Major League Baseball. The Marlins do have a young and electric pitching staff but many injuries have led to inconsistency and lack of innings produced. So, if the Marlins can rally and make the playoffs, Stanton becomes a shoe-in for the award. If the Marlins don’t make the playoffs, the award turns into a twoman race between Stanton and Dodgers pitcher Clayton Kershaw. Kershaw has taken over as the league’s best pitcher and the Los Angeles Dodgers are in first place.

while doing it game in and game out.

Being the ace of a first place staff always persuades fans to give the pitcher the MVP, but there’s already an award for pitchers: it is called the Cy Young award. Think about it, how can a player get the MVP award when they are on the field once every five games? Justin Verlander is the only pitcher in recent memory to be awarded both the MVP and the Cy Young. Stanton has carried his team all season long with timely hitting and more importantly, unlike Kershaw, Giancarlo plays every day. He steals bases, hits bombs, plays a solid outfield, and has an ear-to-ear smile while doing it game in and game out. Some perceive this race as a battle with Milwaukee Brewers standout defensive catcher Jonathan Lucroy. He has had a nice season on defense, throwing out 25 percent of those attempting to steal — but 13 homers and 60 RBIs, with a .302 average entering Tuesday does not strike the kind of fear representative of an MVP, especially when Stanton in on pace for 40+ home runs and 100+ RBIs. After losing the top few pitchers in their rotation early on, and having struggled with consistency throughout the summer months, the fact that the Marlins are even in the race in late August is a success itself. Hypothetically, if the Marlins lose every game in September, Stanton will still probably be awarded the MVP. He has clearly been the National League’s best players all season long. In a season where offensive numbers are almost an all-time low, Stanton helps the Marlins draw crowds to the spaceship that is Marlins Park. And in reality, isn’t that the job of a true Most Valuable Player? James Belluscio can be reached at



A Beginner’s Guide To Fantasy Football


Your brother is doing it. All of your friends are doing it. Your girlfriend is doing it during your Skype dates. Your professor does it while he checks attendance. Your psychotic ex who still tweets about you is doing it. So what is it? Fantasy football. Still lost? Well, that’s what this guide is for. So seriously, what is it? “Isn’t it just like people in T-shirts who run in the grass and tackle each other like crazy?” asks freshman marine science and biology major Janae Sweet. Sadly no, that isn’t the reality of fantasy. ESPN fantasy analyst (yeah, it’s a real job), Matthew Berry defines fantasy football as “The closest thing to owning a franchise. By playing fantasy football, you can become the owner, the general manger, and the coach of your team.” The most confusing thing about fantasy football is that it isn’t a football fantasy. You aren’t playing the role of a football player, but instead you are playing the role of a football franchise owner. As owner, you decide your team name, logo, and even a team fight song if you really feel like it. So once that’s done you can start, right? Wrong. In order to play fantasy football, you need to register your team in a league. These are generally free but prize money leagues exist and yield high profit if won.

Mike Morbeck/

Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers will most likely be one of the top fantasy players this year.

But considering this is a beginner’s guide, let’s just keep it basic for now. The number one mistake that owners at this stage make is choosing a league that they do not understand. You’re going to see things that will require an Advil after reading. Abbreviations like PPR (points per reception) and IDP’s (Independent Defensive Players) can change the whole dynamic of a league. A league that features head coaches as a position may look fun, but if you don’t know their relevance or importance, then you’ll be lost. Find a solid league, do some research on the settings that you don’t know and join. So you have a team and a league,

now you just need some players. Players are generally selected in a backyard style draft. The best way to understand a fantasy football draft is to go out to Pepin Stadium and imagine every player in the NFL sitting in the stands. Hundreds of athletes just waiting to be selected by you and the other owners. In a random order, the owners will select players to fill out their roster. Standard rosters include a quarterback, two running backs, two wide receivers, a tight end, a kicker, a team defense, a utility (AKA Flex) position, and bench spots. There is little structure in what order you can make picks. Nothing


dictates that you have to select a quarterback first, and there is no rule that you have to fill out your roster before choosing bench spots. So everything is squared away as far as your team is concerned, and you are ready to start winning some matchups. So how do you win a fantasy football matchup? “You just compare stats and outfootball the other guy,” said junior communications major Gabriel Disselkoen. For the most part, yes, your players just have to put up better stats than your opponents, and you will win. Players receive points for whatever stats they produce each week. Despite the confusing jargon, the scoring is actually simple. Receiving and rushing players are rewarded one point for every ten yards collected, and given six points for every touchdown. For example, if Marshawn Lynch gets 138 total yards and two touchdowns, then he will score 25 points for your team. Those points will be added to your weekly total, and whoever has the higher total at the end of the week will win the matchup. However, obeying this guide does not guarantee a title in your league this year. These are just the basics. There is much more to learn to become a fantasy football junkie. The season has already started, but there is still time to join in the fun. Make rivalries, win games, and just be active and this season will be fantastic for you. Marcus Mitchell can be reached at

MLB Pennant Race Heats Up As October Nears By PHIL NOVOTNY Sports Editor

The American League playoff race has been heating up for some time now. Since late August, two new teams have entered the Wild Card race: the Seattle Mariners and the Cleveland Indians. Even though the Detroit Tigers and the Oakland A’s have controlled those two Wild Card spots, the Mariners’ 3727 road record and the Indians’ 39-26 record at Progressive Field have kept themselves in the race. With that said, each team has to put their foot on the gas if they want to overthrow the A’s and the Tigers for the top two Wild Card spots in September. Unfortunately, there has been less excitement in the AL division race. Granted, as of Sept. 2, the Tigers are only a half game back of the surprising Kansas City Royals in the AL Central. Therefore, the odds look favorable for the Royals to break their 29-year postseason drought as they have the easiest strength of schedule for the rest of the season. However, the AL East seems to be in the bag. The Baltimore Orioles have a towering 8.5 game lead on the second place New York Yankees entering September. The Orioles are anchored by their solid bullpen which includes Darren O’Day, Tommy Hunter and Zach Britton. Unless, if the Orioles collapse down the stretch, then they are a shoe-in for the AL East title. In the AL West, the Los Angeles Angels have begun to separate themselves from the Oakland A’s for the division title. The Angels have a

4.5 game lead entering September and are lead by AL MVP front-runner Mike Trout and first baseman Albert Pujols. The Oakland A’s are falling behind in the race after a lackluster 12-13 record in August. Newly acquired pitchers Jon Lester and Jeff Samardzija have to put the team on their back if the A’s want to repeat as AL West champions. When it comes down to the National League, the race for October seems to be more intense, with the exception of the National League East. The Washington Nationals have a seven game lead in the NL East entering the month and seem to be coasting to the division title. The Nats are lead by their formidable starting rotation which is lead by Gio Gonzalez, Stephen Strasburg, and Doug Fister. Also, outfielder Bryce Harper is finally producing the star power that he is capable of since coming off thumb surgery in mid July. In the end, there seems to be no debate that the Nats will conquer the NL East. The NL Central has the most wide open race for the division title with three teams battling it out to the finish: the St. Louis Cardinals, Milwaukee Brewers, and the Pittsburgh Pirates. The Cardinals have a one game lead over the Milwaukee Brewers, who have struggled during the second half of the season after a surprising first half. St. Louis is lead by their an infield that consists of catcher Yadier Molina, first baseman Matt Adams, second baseman Kolten Wong, third baseman Matt Carpenter, and shortstop Jhonny Peralta. The third team that is

still in the race is Pittsburgh Pirates. The Pirates are only three games back of St. Louis and by no means are out of the race just yet. Starting Pitchers Gerrit Cole and Francisco Liriano must rev up their performance when it matters most. Overall, expect a Wild Card team to come out of the NL Central. Last but not least, there is the NL West. In September, the NL West will be a two team race between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the San Francisco Giants. L.A has a two game lead in the division and is led by Cy Young and MVP candidate Clayton Kershaw. Kershaw anchors a pitching staff that includes Zach Greinke and Hyun-Jin Ryu. Also, the Dodgers have one of the league’s best outfields: Yasiel Puig, Andre Ethier, and Matt Kemp. In addition to winning the NL West, the well-rounded Dodgers are the favorite to take home the National

League pennant. The only team in their way is the San Francisco Giants. While they lost ace starting pitcher Matt Cain, the Giants are still in the hunt for a playoff spot. They are tied with the Milwaukee Brewers for the top Wild Card spot, but the Giants pitching staff will qualify them for October baseball. Tim Hudson, Ryan Vogelsong, and Madison Bumgarner’s performance will be imperative to stopping the Los Angeles Dodgers quest for a title. In other words, look for the Giants to make some noise come playoff time. Philip Novotny can be reached at

Keith Allison/

Angels first baseman Albert Pujols has assisted his team in their chase for October.


Heisman Watch [17]



Fantasy Football [19]

Ladies Lead Spartan Athletics

Kahley Patrick anchors volleyball team’s fall debut

By TESS SHEETS Sports Writer

For some college athletes, it takes months, even years, to earn the respect of your coach, and a position on the court. Senior setter Kahley Patrick, however, was a show stopper from the first time she stepped on to the court as a freshman. “Her freshman year, first game of the season, we were like ‘wow,’” head coach Chris Catanach said. “She set her hitters so well, they were really confident and we played an unbelievable match. I don’t think she played her best match then, but right then and there we knew we had something good.” Playing on the team as early as her freshman year has given Patrick an obvious advantage over her younger teammates: experience. As a setter, she uses this, and the skill she has gained from it, to help her lead the team through every play of the game. “I kind of ‘quarterback’ plays,” Patrick said. “I call all the plays, so when we’re in serve receive, I tell each hitter what to hit and tell the liberos so they know who’s hitting. And then I try to put them in good situations.” Aside from her skill and athleticism during games and practices, Patrick brings something else to her team that is crucial to their success. Her stable and confident attitude is something that her teammates look to her. During tight games, it helps them calm down and stay consistent. “She has a great personality to play with,” Catanach said. “She’s not a great encourager, doesn’t have to be,

Photo courtesy of Tom Kolbe

Kahley Patrick’s leadership skils have anchored the Spartans to success during her tenure at UT.

but kids enjoy playing with her. That’s not a personality trait, but that’s a rare thing. She makes the decisions with the ball, but the team looks to her to be very stable and not freaked out if we’re not playing well. She’s someone that stabilizes and gives everybody around her confidence, ‘I’ve got my job, just go do yours.’” With the obvious goal of the season being to win the national championships, this year Patrick and

her teammates are first looking to dominate a team that they have lost to for six years in a row. They believe that this year, they have the leadership and mental preparedness to finally be victorious. “Concordia is just that one team that I feel once we figure out how to beat them, we can beat anyone,” Patrick said. “It’s really just a mental block that we just need to overcome. I just feel

like working together and beating them once just to prove it to everyone else and to ourselves that we can beat them, will bring us closer as a team.” In challenging, tight games against strong teams like Concordia, the team looks to Patrick to lighten the mood and keep everyone relaxed, while still being competitive. It is important to her and her teammates that they can collect themselves, even in close matches. “Last year when we played West Florida, Kahley’s thing was, after every single point, she would turn around and say ‘Bye West Florida! Bye!,’” junior right side hitter Marissa Lisenbee said. “It was the funniest thing ever. It was a very tight game but everyone played more relaxed because it was so funny.” With experience, personality, and a drive for success, the team should have little trouble working their way to the national championships behind the leadership of Patrick. However, they know that they must be prepared to work harder and harder during every match up until that point, and the team looks to Patrick to guide them through it. “The ultimate goal is to get a ring,” Lisenbee said. “But we have to get better throughout the season. We have a really tough schedule to begin with; just having that tough schedule in the beginning forces Kahley to make good plays, to come up with different scenarios to put us in to score us points. She’s very smart as a setter, she makes good plays and she just runs our team very well.” Tess Sheets can be reached at tess.

Russo Continues Stellar Career With Women’s Soccer By GRANT PAWLAK Sports Writer

As soccer season is now underway, forward Gabby Russo continues to play at the top of her game starting out her senior year. With so many awards and countless scored goals under her belt, Russo is looking to finish her final year strong. With over 75 hours on the field, Russo has proven herself to be a prime offensive starter after ending her first three years with a total of 16 goals and 32 assists. During the season opener against the Carson-Newman University, Russo helped score a goal with an assist to Chelsea Martin, adding yet another to her name. Russo came to UT already a veteran soccer player, with over four years of field time. She attended Masconomet Regional High School in Massachusetts, where she played for coach Paula Yanakakis and earned many awards such as All-State honors Player of the Year (MVP of Cal League) and Cal All-League player among others. She also played club soccer for the New England Aztecs. Coaches Eric Slack and Dushaune Simpson, went on to qualify for

Raeshaad Long /The Minaret Gabby Russo looks to finish her senior year at UT strong after her performance to start the 2014 season.

states and was chosen to play in the All-Star game. “I hope to get a lot of assists and win the same awards that I’ve won in the previous years,” Russo said. If Russo’s history is any indicator towards the future, then when can expect even more great things.

Like most players, Russo is continuously looking to improve and expand her skill set. While the number of assists Russo has been credited with is staggering, she is always looking to improve and increase the number she can get. “If I’m playing a good game, I think the other players look up to that. But I’m kind of

a little class clown off the field,” Russo said. Senior forward Jenny Karl also chimed in on playing with Russo.“It’s always fun playing with Gabby, we like to compete against each other a lot at practice and everything. We make each other better,”said Karl. Hopes soar high this year as the Spartans started off the season with an incredible shut out, ending with a score of 5-0 against Carson Newman. “I want to win the Sunshine State Conference (SSC), and I think that we have a good team with a lot of depth to go all the way this year,” Russo said. A close loss last year at the Sunshine State Conference tournament ended with a final score of 1-0 against Florida Southern University. “I think that we do have a lot of depth coming off the bench, so when our players get tired we have fresh legs who are ready to go in and at a high level,” Russo said. With her main focus being set on winning the Sunshine State Conference, Russo sees her future after college as undetermined. “I just take it day by day. I don’t know yet, I haven’t thought that far,” Russo said. Grant Pawlak can be reached at grant.

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