The Minaret

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TheM naret Florida’s Top College Paper

Vol. 76 No. 19

February 12, 2010

SG President and VP Recount Once in a Lifetime Experience

Obama’s Plan to Enhance Higher Ed By Charlie Hambos Editor-in-Chief

During President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address and the town-hall meeting at The University of Tampa he layed out a plan to make college more affordable and accessible to the future. On Monday, President 2EDPD UHOHDVHG KLV ÂżVcal budget, which, according Secretary of Education Arne Duncan’s conference call with college journalists, includes historic increases for education across the board. “But it’s not just about getting students to go to college,â€? Duncan said. “Obama wants students to stay there and be

By Cara Marzilli Reporter

Altough Kelsie Huth missed more than two weeks of classes this semester, she isn’t exactly a slacker. The UT Senior is the Student Government president, an international business major and minor in Spanish. This semester she took a trip to South Africa. This trip was no vacation VDIDUL +XWK KHOSHG SODQ WKH ÂżUVW stock car race in South Africa with ASA Racing. “We were getting three to six hours of sleep a night, and I was at the track planning the logistics of everything from 7 a.m to 7 p.m. everyday. It was crazy,â€? said Huth. Huth worked hard from Jan. WR )HE ZLWK $6$ UDFLQJ marketing, event planning and logistics of the large-scale event. “I was even helping with the preparations for the U.S. Ambassador to South Africa’s arrival at the race,â€? says Huth. “It was a once in a lifetime experience... just unbelievable.â€? Her trip left Student Government Vice President Chris McCarthy in charge in her absence. McCarthy assumed the responsibility to greet the executive guests in Huth’s place when President Obama and Vice President Biden paid a visit to UT’s campus

See “Experiences� [2]

Valentine’sDay Gift Ideas See Page 6

See “Obama� [4]

Alex Vera/The Minaret

Alumnus Kicks His Way to Success with Determination By Sarah Wickham Reporter

He earned his black belt in 1986 and continued studying many different martial arts, UT alumnus, Stephen Del eventually forming his own Castillo has had some great acschool in the art of Krav Maga. complishments. Del Castillo had many acHe remembers his times complishments outside of marhere at The University of Tamtial arts as well. pa, where he double majored He joined the Army where in philosophy and communicahe earned the Green to Gold tions, was in the ROTC program scholarship to attend UT. and ran a Taekwondo class in After completing his douthe McNiff Center. ble-major, Del Castillo went to His love for martial arts Germany to continue his trainEHJDQ DW DJH ZLWK $PHULFDQ ing in martial arts. karate. While there he worked on

his masters degree in counseling and psychotherapy. Following three years in *HUPDQ\ 'HO &DVWLOOR VSHQW ÂżYH years in Bayonne, NJ. He served as a Military Planner for the Military TrafÂżF 0DQDJHPHQW &RPPDQG DQG later as the Chief of Operations IRU WKH VW 0DMRU 3RUW &RPmand. Out of his many accomplishments, Del Castillo says that his greatest accomplishment was the opening of his school, Premier Martial Arts.

Shihan Stephen Del Castillo, as most know him, opened KLV VFKRRO LQ .UDY 0DJD LV WKH ÂżJKWLQJ system of the Israeli Defense Forces. 'HO &DVWLOOR ÂżQGV WKDW WKLV art, out of the many he studied, is the most practical and direct. At his school, Krav Maga is taught to the adults and a system called “Daimyoâ€? is taught to kids. This system is one that Del Castillo formed himself. “Alumniâ€? [4] feaItSee contains different

Flood of Freshmen Lead to School Restructuring and New Jobs By Jeffrey Palmer Reporter

Despite the projected 11 percent decrease in student enrollment this upcoming fall semester, the burgeoning University of Tampa population can no longer be ignored. Dennis Nostrand, vice president of enrollment at the University, and Eric Cardenas, director of public information and publications, assert that schools nationwide are struggling with attaining accurate enrollment predictions in these troubled economic times.

The price of attending college will rise or fall according to the IXOÂżOOPHQW RI WKHVH SUHGLFWLRQV Âł,I WKH ÂżQDO QXPEHU RI VWXdents deciding to attend UT is more than our planned number it will be because UT is in greater demand and that demand also would be exceeding our historic yield levels,â€? said Cardenas. “To keep the cost of college as reasonable as possible, it is the ÂżVFDO GXW\ RI HDFK FROOHJH WR EH on full capacity on the average for a full academic year. If the college can’t accomplish that balance it puts the institution in the

position of having to raise costs VLJQL¿FDQWO\²VRPHWKLQJ WKDW 87 has worked very hard not to do over the years. Apart from monetary woes, other growing pains are being felt by the University in the form of classroom and dormitory overcrowding. .U\VWDO 6FKR¿HOG GLUHFWRU of residence life at UT, maintains that the precise number of required dormitories for incoming freshman and continuing students will remain uncertain until the school-wide completion of the housing selection process. Any

RYHUĂ€RZ RI KRXVLQJ DFFRPPRGDtions at that time will be designated to the nearby Howard Johnson hotel. In terms of academic pursuits, UT Provost Janet McNew asserts that classrooms are fast RYHUĂ€RZLQJ SDUWLFXODUO\ WKRVH devoted to the disciplines of science and chemistry. “We are very squeezed for classroom space in general,â€? said McNew, “but especially for our science courses.â€? She attributes this uneven growth of colleges within UT to the amount of lab space required

SG President in South America [2]

Inside ...

Invisible Children [3] A “Wicked� Performance [13] The Stylist/ Winter Wardrobe 12]

Valentine’s Day [17] JD Salinger [15]

Bulls Brings Smile [18]

‘Pinging Away’ [19]

“At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.�

WR IXOÂżOO WKH QHHGV RI VFLHQFH UHlated courses. To meet the growing needs of UT students, numerous renovation projects are being performed to expand preexisting buildings on campus. In addition, WKH VFKRRO LV VHDUFKLQJ WR ÂżOO additional faculty positions, 15 of which are new and 19 of which are replacements. “We’re honored to have so many brilliant new students want WR DWWHQG 87 ´ 0F1HZ DIÂżUPHG “And now we seek to maintain and improve upon our existing accommodations.â€?

News...................[1-7] A&E ..................[8-13] Travel Series.....[10-12] Editorial.............[17] Commentary.....[15-17] Sports................[18-20]




The Minaret | February 12, 2010

P.E.A.C.E. Spreads Word About Invisible Children Program By Coryn Doncaster Reporter

Editor-in-Chief Charlie Hambos

Asst. Editor-in-Chief Layout/Design Editor Mel Steiner

A&E Editor Mike Trobiano

Commentary Editor Derrick Austin

Sports Editor Kyle Bennett

Online Editor Alex Vera

Head Photographer Abby Sanford

Adviser Stephanie Tripp, PhD.

Staff-At-Large Jeffrey Palmer, Reporter Mandy Erfourth, Reporter Sarah Gottlieb, Reporter Coryn Doncaster, Reporter Zach Fraser, A&E Max Roberts, Artist Austin Daniels, Cartoonist Emilse Alvarado, Layout Scott Silvestro, Photographer Kara Wall, Photographer Brenton Burkett, Sports Ryan Burkett, Sports Daniel Feingold, Sports Laura Theobald, Copy Editor 1HZV DQG $ (

Heather Gromley, Copy Editor 6SRUWV DQG &RPPHQWDU\

It’s easy to take for granted all that we have if we are not informed about what others lack. The People Exploring Active &RPPXQLW\ ([SHULHQFH 3($&( Center is now working with the Invisible Children Program to inform students of issues going on outside of our country. “Invisible Children is a nonSURÂżW RUJDQL]DWLRQ WKDW LV ZRUNLQJ with children and children soldiers in Uganda,â€? said Christine Merry, coordinator of the Invisible Children Program. Âł7KHUH DUH RYHU FKLOdren soldiers in Uganda, so Invisible Children puts on this huge tour, where teens normally speak,â€? Merry said. “We’re actually going to be bringing back people from Uganda to speak about their personal experiences.â€? As of yet, no students from The University of Tampa are going to be visiting Uganda to help, according to Merry. However, PEACE is very determined to inform students. Âł:HÂśUH SXWWLQJ XS Ă€LHUV DQG banners and hopefully when we email professors they will be able to tell their students about the event,â€? Merry said.

The event will be held on March 2 in Martinez Sports CenWHU IURP S P XQWLO S P Âł:HÂśG OLNH WR JHW RYHU students from campus to come check it out,â€? Merry said. “There ZLOO EH D UHDOO\ LQWHQVH PRYLH ÂżUVW and Ugandans will speak based on personal experiences.â€? For more information on the cause that is rarely touched upon, students can go to and click on Legacy Ugandan children. Tour.

While Huth was thousands of miles away experiencing the event of a lifetime, McCarthy on Jan 28. was having his own unique expe“Kelsie left on Thursday rience. and I got a call Saturday morn“I was waiting with President ing telling me I was getting a Vaughn and saw the motorcade background check, and no other pull up. That's when it hit me that details other than someone was this was really happening.â€? visiting the school,â€? McCarthy Reality set in when President said. Obama walked through the door The UT junior had a hunch and spoke to McCarthy. something big was in the works. “He asked me about my ma“I Googled ‘Obama Tampa’ jor and we talked. I mentioned and saw the headlines about his Kelsie being in Africa. He said slated visit. I walked into Stepha- Âľ2K UHDOO\" $QG , >VDLG@ <HDK QLH +ROW] V RIÂżFH DQG WROG KHU , so I’m your guy,'â€? McCarthy said ÂżJXUHG LW RXW ´ 0F&DUWK\ VDLG laughing. smiling. Originally, McCarthy was “Experiencesâ€?: Front

Photos courtesy of

assigned to sit next to President Vaughn during Obama’s speech, but through a seating change he was moved to the audience next to the White House Staff. “I asked one of them what it ZDV OLNH WR Ă€\ RQ $LU )RUFH 2QH and the guy smiled and said ‘it doesn’t suck.’ That was so much cooler than being on stage,â€? McCarthy said laughing. In South Africa, Huth’s trip wasn’t all work and no play. She was able to visit the Savannah Cheetah Foundation through one of ASA Racing’s business partners. “I saw giraffes out in the range, and the cheetahs while

they were being fed. That’s when it really felt like I was in a different country.� At the end of her trip, the organization had a Zooloo party, with children from a local daycare performing a traditional song. “Their voices were really the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard. It was such a fun way to end one of the most memorable experiences of my life.� Huth and McCarthy have worked hard for UT student community, implimenting new programs such as the Blockbuster Express and Connect by Hertz for students all over campus to access.

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The Minaret is a weekly student-run publication of the University of Tampa. As a student organization, The Minaret invites all students to take part in its production. Inquiries and comments may be sent to

Check out for up-to-the-minute information on top stories and breaking news. <RXU ÂżUVW WZR FRSLHV RI The Minaret are free. Each additional copy is

6* 5HSRUW ,QWHUHVWHG LQ UXQQLQJ IRU 6* 2IÂżFH IRU QH[W \HDU" Packets will be available starting March 2nd. Check utampasg. org for more information -The Hertz Car Rental website will be up this Thursday to RSHQ WKH FDU UHQWDO SURFHVV WR VWXGHQWV 4XHVWLRQV" ( PDLO VJ# -Interested in being an SG Senator for the remainder of the VHPHVWHU" :H KDYH WZR FDPSXV ZLGH 6HQDWRU SRVLWLRQV DQG D 6RSKRPRUH SRVLWLRQ RSHQ ( PDLO VJ#XW HGX EHIRUH 0RQGD\ night. Finance Bills: &LUFOH . IRU D FRQIHUHQFH 6LJPD $OSKD 3L IRU DQ LQWURGXFWLRQ HYHQW -Asian Student Organization $1216 for a cultural event &ULFNHW FOXE IRU DQ LQWURGXFWLRQ HYHQW

By Cara Fetzer The Minaret

students were referred to the judicial board.

The Cookie Monster strikes again A vendor reported the theft of merchandise from the Smiley Hall vending machine.

Must have been for Bob Marley’s birthday‌ Security responded to a call DERXW VPRNH RQ WKH WK ÀRRU RI $XVWLQ +DOO DW D P RQ Feb. 6.

Business brawl? $W S P RQ )HE D VWXdent made a report of an injury that happened in Sykes Building. UT Fight Club $W S P RQ )HE VHFXULW\ UHVSRQGHG WR D ÂżJKW LQ the Brevard Hall Lobby. The

Triple threat At 11:55 p.m. on Feb. 7, students from Austin Hall were referred to the judicial board for: theft of property, personal integrity, and under 21 alcohol possessions. )URP WKH UHSRUWV RI WR


The Minaret | February 12, 2010

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell at a Dead End

By Journalism 1

Calling it the “right thing to do,â€? President Barack Obama and his top military advisers want to repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tellâ€? law that prohibits homosexuals from serving openly in the armed forces. “This year, I will work with &RQJUHVV DQG RXU PLOLWDU\ WR Âżnally repeal the law that denies gay Americans the right to serve the country they love because of who they are,â€? Obama pledged last month during the State of the Union address. This proposal has stirred strong – and mixed – feelings throughout Washington, the country and here at UT. “In my opinion, being gay has nothing to do with how capable you are of being able to serve in the military,â€? said UT freshman Jess Bernard. “I have gay friends here at school who are tough as hell and could easRight Right across across the the riverriver fromfrom UT UT

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ily handle a straight guy, so why does the military have to know if WKH\ÂśUH JD\"´ Sophomore Brendan Milliken, a midshipman in the USF-UT Naval ROTC program, said the president has “good intentions,â€? but said he worries about potential consequences for openly gay members of the military. “Disclosing military members’ sexuality could potentially RSHQ XS WKH Ă€RRG JDWHV IRU PRUH discrimination to occur in the future,â€? he predicted. Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Feb. 2, a few days after Obama’s state of the union, to promote the proposal. “I cannot escape being troubled by the fact we have in place a policy which forces young men and women to lie about who they are in order to defend their fellow citizens,â€? said Mullen, who ZDV ÂżUVW DSSRLQWHG E\ IRUPHU President George W. Bush. Longtime Arizona Sen. -RKQ 0F&DLQ 5HS H[SUHVVHG his disapproval for the recent push to repeal the policy. McCain, a decorated veteran, said the current policy does not need Âż[LQJ “It is well understood and predominately supported by our military at all levels,â€? he said in a news release. Gates wants to conduct a

yearlong study on the policy change, followed by a year of transition, according to The New York Times. Obama promoted gay rights throughout his campaign, but even with a Democratic-led Congress, experts predict he may face stiff opposition. “Voters may feel better about the idea of openly gay soldiers and sailors but that doesn’t mean the process of trying to change the policy doesn’t have enormous political risks for Obama,â€? said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. Still, plenty believe the difÂżFXOW\ RI WKH FKDQJH VKRXOGQÂśW stop it from happening. “I feel that all types of lifestyles should be able to serve in the Army. Sexual preference shouldn’t be an issue when it comes to protecting our country,â€? said junior Samantha Gant. However, others fear that if the changes happen too soon, it will breed animosity. “I feel as though those who admit openly to being homosexual will end up being tortured through insults, violence and any other means by our military personnel,â€? said sophomore Abby Ray. “I do think that sometime this policy should be repealed, but I agree that at this time with the war and tension already present, this is a bad idea.â€?


UT Prof Presents at AFGLC Conference By Charlie Hambos Editor-in-Chief

This year Dr. Marios Stephanides, a UT adjunct lecturer in sociology will take part in the 15th annual Greek American Conference organized by the Greek Federation of Greek Language and &XOWXUH $)*/& Stephanides presentation is entitled “The Legacy of the Greek ,PPLJUDQWV :LOO LW (QGXUH"´ +H has published two books on the sociology of Greek-Americans and a number of papers, and was the Director of Sociology/Anthropology program at Spalding University in Louisville, Kentucky for 27 years. Other conference speakers include Congressman Gus Bili-

rakis who will speak on his own experiences as a second-generation Greek American. It will be held on the USF Campus on Feb. 19 Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Marshall CenWHU URRP ZLWK D OHFWXUH DQG reception to follow at the Embassy 6XLWHV 2Q )HE 6DWXUGD\ WKH Conference will continue at the St Petersburg College on the Tarpon Springs campus and a reception with a piano concert at The Tarpon Spring Spanos-Pappas Center. The Conference is free except for the Saturday night event that cost $15 for the reception. The forum is open to everyone. If you have any questions please contact RU FDOO

Right across the river from UT


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The Minaret | February 12, 2010 News Obama’s New Plan Looks to Educate Our Way to a Better Future “Obama�: Front

successful, to graduate and pursue their dreams.â€? Secretary Duncan said Obama’s plan is for America in WR KDYH WKH KLJKHVW SHUFHQWage of college graduates in the world. “We’re convinced we have to educate our way to a better econRP\ ´ 'XQFDQ VDLG Âł>3UHVLGHQW 2EDPD@ VHHV LW DV a key to our economic future.â€? Duncan believes encouragement is needed to educate U.S.’s citizens so that Duncan they can have the skills to compete in the global economy. Duncan said in order to meet 2EDPDÂśV JRDO E\ PLOOLRQ students will need to graduate from FROOHJHV LQ WKH QH[W \HDUV To make this happen, the EXGJHW KDV ELOOLRQ LQ ORDQV JUDQWV LQFOXGLQJ 3HOO JUDQWV work study programs and tuition tax credits which will be enough WR VXSSO\ DLG WR WKUHH RXW RI ÂżYH students in the country, according to Duncan. The plan will include an inYHVWPHQW RI ELOOLRQ LQ 3HOO grants to increase the scholarship WR LQ DQG WR E\ “This constitutes as the biggest investment in higher education since the G.I. bill,â€? Duncan said. The G.I. bill was instated in DQG RIIHUHG FROOHJH DVVLVtance to millions of World War II veterans. Duncan said the G.I. bill fueled the longest economic expansion in the nation’s history. Obama is also proposing PLOOLRQ RYHU WKH QH[W GHFDGH to improve online courses and to make those courses free. But the President not only wants more people going to college, he wants to improve the education environment for students. +H LV SURSRVLQJ D ELOOLRQ LQvestment to improve the quality of community colleges, which act as gateways into the workforce, offer PDQ\ FHUWLÂżFDWLRQ SURJUDPV DQG pave the way for students to move on to four-year institutions. Despite all the numbers, Duncan said Obama’s proposal will not increase the national debt;

rather, the funding will come from banks who won’t be able to subsidize loans. The plan will also call for D WD[ FUHGLW FDOOHG WKH American Opportunity Tax Credit IRU D \HDU IRU IRXU \HDUV Currently, the tax credit is only applied for two years. Currently, Student Aid and )LVFDO 5HVSRQVLELOL\ 6$)5$ bill, which carries the details of Obama’s plan for education, has passed in the House and is awaiting action from the Senate. Obama’s plan and UT Even before President Obama unveiled his plan for higher education, Dennis Nostrand, vice president of enrollment, says that UT has done several things to keep the cost of tuition down through in-house scholarships and ÂżQDQFLDO DLG ZKLOH WU\LQJ WR NHHS up with the educational demand of the students. “We’re trying to keep up with WKH HGXFDWLRQ >VWXGHQWV@ GHVHUYH ´ Nostrand said. Nostrand said the national average for tuition increase is eight to 11 percent, but at UT the average tuition increase each year is three to four percent. He said the school has also UDLVHG PLOOLRQ LQ DLG HDFK year. This year UT has stepped up the endowment efforts, which are hard to cultivate due to the economy. “The president at UT is constantly raising funds,â€? Nostrand said. UT also has a close relationship with the Indepdent Colleges and Universities of Florida, a group of lobbyists that make the ÂżQDQFLDO DLG SURJUDP HDVLHU 1RVtrand also says the group of lobbyists make sure private universities like UT don’t lose their case for aid. “Sometimes it’s easy for people to say that private schools should not get any aid,â€? he said. “If public universities had to absorb all the students attending private schools, the cost would be off the charts.â€? Florida offers many of its students aid such as the Florida Resident Access Grant and Florida Bright Futures. Nostrand said that Florida and many other states across the country do this to keep the “brain powerâ€? in their states.

Abby Sanford/The Minaret President Obama reiterated his plan for education at the town-hall meeting held in the Martinez Sports Center on Jan. 28. The plan will be the largest investement in higher education since the GI Bill which was instated in 1944.

Loans and the “IBRâ€? Income Based Repayment Plan Obama also wants to make repaying loans easier. 2Q -XO\ &RQJUHVV passed the Income Based Repayment plan, which allows students to repay their loans based on their LQFRPHV 2IÂżFLDOV VD\ RQH PLOOLRQ people will take advantage of the plan. ,Q WKH SODQ D PD[LPXP RI percent of people’s income will go toward their school loans, versus the 15 percent that is applied today. The plan also calls for debt IRUJLYHQHVV DIWHU \HDUV +RZever, for people who choose to go into public service or become a WHDFKHU RU SROLFH RIÂżFHU ORDQV ZLOO EH IRUJLYHQ DIWHU \HDUV Obama said this will help bring talent into the public sector. He also said this would bring in one million new teachers over the QH[W ÂżYH WR HLJKW \HDUV Jackie Latorella, UT interLP GLUHFWRU RI ÂżQDQFLDO DLG VDLG Obama’s plan will indirectly affect the school. “It will decrease the likelihood that students will default on their loans, which means that they don’t pay it. Then the University looses money,â€? Latorella said. ,Q 87ÂśV GHIDXOW UDWH ZDV SHUFHQW ,I WKLV UDWH KLWV SHUcent, the insitution will be at risk of losing federal funding.

UT Financial Aid $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH ÂżQDQFLDO DLG RIÂżFH DSSUR[LPDWHO\ SHUFHQW of all UT undergraduate students currently receive some kind of DLG SHUFHQW RI WKHVH VWXGHQWV use federal Stafford loans, 22 perof these students receive cent are recipients of the federal 87 *UDQWV DQG Pell grant and 86 percent of these 6FKRODUVKLSV students receive UT grants and scholarships. /DWRUHOOD VDLG WKDW WKH Âżnancial aid staff is always available to help students. When it comes to loans, they are trying to educate students against the misuse of loan money. Financial aid of all UT undergraduate works with students on an individual basis. students currently receive 2IÂżFLDOV DUH FXUUHQWO\ some kind of aid SURJUDPPLQJ D ÂżQDQFLDO aid “calculatorâ€? that is being required by federal regulations. This calculator, which is expected to be complete sometime soon, ZLOO KDYH WKH WRROV WR ÂżJXUH RXW monthly payments. The Department of Educaof these students take tion has a calculator already in federal Stafford loans place at more information on the SAFRA bill, visit blog/2009/07/student-aid-andÂżVFDO UHVSRQV VKWPO. Also check DUH UHFLSLHQWV RI WKH out For UT’s )HGHUDO 3HOO *UDQW available resources go to www. XW HGX ÂżQDQFLDODLG Statistics courtesy of UT Financial Aid








Alumnus Remembers His UT Days and Wants to Help Students “Alumniâ€?: Front tures from the many arts that he has studied over the years. The school’s mission is to empower the lives of adults and kids through the martial arts. This is one mission with two parts. 7KH ÂżUVW LV WR DOORZ VWXdents to build self-esteem, form the ability to focus and other life skills that will empower them to become contributors to our world The second part, of course, is selfdefense. “Those that come to learn WR ÂżJKW DOVR JHW ÂżW DQG WKRVH ZKR

FRPH WR JHW ¿W DOVR OHDUQ KRZ WR ¿JKW ´ VD\V 'HO &DVWLOOR Del Castillo remembers his experience teaching martial arts at the McNiff center very clearly. He and his lifelong friend Paul Baumann were partners in teaching Spartan Taekwondo. Following graduation, Baumann went off to pursue a career in a counting. Baumann, also in the area, looked up Del Castillo and the two reconnected. Baumann had suggested to Del Castillo that they should open a school. With the FRPELQHG ¿QDQFLDO DGYLFH RI %DXmann and vision of Del Castillo, the two were able to open Premier Martial Arts.

Our UT alumnus has had many accomplishments and doesn’t forget the values he has learned along the way. Shihan Stephen had some words of wisdom for today’s members of the ROTC program: “Really enjoy the great years at UT. The values you learn will help tremendously, whether it be in your career or in the military.The leadership training in ROTC is the most important training a student will ever receive.� There has been talk of Del Castillo bringing Krav Maga to the Spartans, but as of right now it is only talk. Until then students can visit

Students put their Krav Maga skills to the test. for more information and sign up for a free trial lesson.

The Krav Maga Logo

Photos Courtesy of


The Minaret | February 12, 2010

" $ ' # '

#" " "" " ' # $ " ' # " #! "

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!"# " #! ' ( " (

$ " $ 2 for 1 Valentine’s Day Special Share the $250 leasing fee with your Valentine




The Minaret | February 12, 2010

The space shuttle endeavor blasted off at DP RQ WXHVGD\ 7KLV LV WKH ODVW VFKHGuled night launch for all space shuttles. Photo courtesy

Office of Residence Life

Log on to

Housing Selection 2010-2011 Step by Step Instructions

Step One: Log on to SpartanWeb and pay your deposits!

Step Three: Select your space

Feb 2 by Noon: $175 Non-refundable Housing and Damage Deposit deadline

March 1&2 Option 1 Selects March 16 Option 2 Selects March 26-31 Option 3 Selects

Step Two: Log on to SpartanWeb and select your option Feb 9 by 11:59 pm Option 1a: Group-of-4 Applications due. Option 1b: Special Needs Applications due. Feb 23 by 11:59 pm Option 2: Singles Application due. March 26-31 Option 3: General Lottery

Step Four: Cancellation options June 1 Deadline to Cancel Deadline to be terminated for excessive damage Deadline to register for classes

Step Five: Check in Welcome Back! August 27, 9:00 am Residence Halls open

Valentine’s Day

The Minaret | February 12, 2010


Simple cards and gifts that get to the heart of the matter from FamilyFun magazine 7KLV SDSHU DLUSODQH FDUG à LHV LQFUHGLEO\ ZHOO and is so easy to make. Simply print our airplane template and the folding instructions from (search for ´SODQH DZHVRPH¾ :ULWH \RXU PHVVDJH DV VKRZQ UROO ERWK printouts into a scroll DQG WLH WKHP ZLWK D ULEERQ


YOU WILL NEED: Tape (14-inch) pieces of string l 2 mini peanut butter cups l 1 (1-ounce) box of conversation hearts l 2 (4-inch) circles of aluminum foil l 4- by 7-inch strip of pink paper l Glue stick l Sheet of white printer paper or printable scroll wheel and playlist from l


A box of conversation hearts and two mini peanut butter cups in disguise hit all the right notes for a tune-loving babysitter or pal. The idea comes from Grand Island, Neb., mom Lisa Toner, whose daughters, Anna, 14, and Maria, 10, wanted a new way to tell friends, “You rock.� 1. Tape each end of a piece of string to a peanut butter cup. Tie on the other piece of string midway between the candies, then tape the loose end to the candy box. 2. Wrap each peanut butter cup in a circle of aluminum foil. 3. Wrap the pink paper strip around the candy box and secure it with a glue stick. 4. Cut paper shapes and write text for the scroll wheel and playlist (or download from FamilyFun. com), and use a glue stick to attach them to the box. Write a valentine message on the back of the box.

Show Grandma you care with this NHHSVDNH 7KH UHG ZLUH LV YHU\ ÀH[ible, so she can extract the note and treat while keeping the ornament to remind her of her sweetheart. To make the heart, bend a 16-inch length of 20-gauge silver craft wire around a pencil to form a loop 4 inches from one end. Center the loop atop a 2-inch heart-shaped cookie cutter, and wrap the wire around the heart, pressing to shape it. After you’ve made 2 loops, twist the ends together and trim the excess with wire cutters or nail clippers. Remove the cookie cutter, then secure one end of a 3-foot length of red craft wire (24 gauge or higher) to the heart. Run the red wire across the heart’s front and back, wrapping it around the silver wire at each pass. Enclose a heart-shaped note and treat as you go. Tuck in the end of the red wire and tie a ribbon through the loop for hanging.

Double the fun with a pair of sweet treats. Using double-sided tape, secure one end of two individually wrapped treats inside a piece of folded card stock. Write your message with PDUNHU RQ WKH RXWHU ÀDS

SUGGESTED MESSAGES: “You’ve met your match!� “We’re two of a kind!� “You’re two cute.�

Look who lumbered out of hiber-

SUGGESTED MESSAGES: nation to offer sweet greetings! “You’re unbearably cute!â€? To make a bunch for all your “Bag of bear hugsâ€? IDYRULWH FXEV ÂżOO VPDOO SODVWLF “I can’t bear being bags (we found ours in the without you!â€? candy aisle of a craft store) “Join the cub!â€? with a mix of Teddy Grahams

and Gummi Bears. Write your message on card stock, use a hole punch to make a hole and tie the tag on with ribbon.

On Feb. 14, 6-year-old Quinlan Adams of Scottsbluff, Neb., gives his teachers a big round of applause and a little luxury: a tube of hand lotion. To make a gift like Quinlan’s, trace your hand on card stock. Cut out the traced hand and use it as a template to make a second hand. Write a message with PDUNHU $I¿[ WKH KDQGV WR D WXEH of lotion and add card stock hearts with double-sided tape.

SUGGESTED MESSAGES: “Hands down, you’re the best.� “I’ve got to hand it to you!� “You deserve a hand!�

SUGGESTED MESSAGES: “Valentine, I a door you.� “Peek-a-boo! I like you!� “House it going, bud?�

Knock, knock, valentine! For an easy peek-a-boo card that makes an open-and-shut case for your affection, simply cut a square base from card stock. Next, cut a roof, chimney and windows from conWUDVWLQJ FRORUV WKHQ DI¿[ WKHP ZLWK D JOXH VWLFN &XW D ÀDS WR PDNH WKH door and glue a school photo behind it. Draw pane dividers on the windows and write your message on the inside of the door with a marker.

Pencil in your sentiments with this super-easy — and practical — valentine gift. To make one, cut a 4 3/4- by 11/2-inch strip of card stock, roll one end around the top of a pencil and secure it with double-sided tape. Draw on hearts or tape SUGGESTED MESSAGES: on card stock “Write on, valentine!� ones, then “You’re all write.� write your message with “You’re so sharp!� marker.

Arts & Entertainment


The Minaret | February 12, 2010

;/, ;= *96::>69+ by Jacqueline E. Mathews

Scott Silvestro / The Minaret This photo of one of UT’s famous minarets highlights the Moorish architecture found throughout the building. It is considered by many to be the best example of Moorish design in North America. 1 4 7 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

33 Hawaiian ring of flowers 34 Summer coolers 35 ““Love __ Many-Splendored Thing”� 36 Actress Teri 38 Small insect 39 Family card game 40 ““The __ Loser”� 44 O’’Neill and Begley 45 Actress Arden 46 Zoey’’s dad on ““Cybill”� 47 Unwanted skin spot 48 ““__ and Stacey”� 49 __ King Cole

ACROSS __ Longoria Parker Crime drama series Herman Munster, to Eddie __ Zeppelin ““__ Haw”� Actress Lupino Former Kelsey Grammer series Role on ““The Mary Tyler Moore Show”� Atlas page Rob Reiner’’s dad Carney or Linkletter ““Two and a __ Men”� ““Not __ Stranger”�; Frank Sinatra movie One of the Three Stooges In the past Role on ““Roseanne”� ““Chariots of the __”�; film about the world’’s ancient mysteries Slangy denial Bartok or Lugosi Make a mistake Triumphant card player’’s cry Author Stevenson’’s monogram

Horoscopes By Linda C Black / Tribune Media Services

DOWN 1 Movie for Bob Newhart and Edward Asner 2 Bible chapter division: abbr. 3 Actor on ““CSI: Miami”� 4 One of the boys on ““My Three Sons”� 5 ““We’’re off to __ the Wizard...”� 6 Suffix for rain or wind 7 Rice dish 8 Smell 9 Actor on ““Private Practice”� 14 Quenches 17 Chuckles and Bozo 18 ““That’’s __”�; Dean Martin signature song 19 Airplane shelter 20 ““Once and __”�; Sela Ward series 22 Tortilla chip dip 23 Ortiz of ““Ugly Betty”� 27 Become firm 29 __ up the rear; come in last 34 British interviewer David __ 37 ““The King __”�; Yul Brynner film 38 Matured 40 Stiller or Affleck 41 ““__ Got a Secret”� 42 Mrs., in Mexico 43 Tit for __

Solution to Last Week’’s Puzzle

(c) 2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Top tracks

( ) Last week’s ranking in top five

United States


Imma Be s "LACK %YED 0EAS

(2) 1

Need You Now s ,ADY !NTEBELLUM

(1) 2

TiK ToK s +E HA

(3) 3

Hey, Soul Sister s 4RAIN

(4) 4

I Gotta Feeling s "LACK %YED 0EAS

(5) 5

United Kingdom Everybody Hurts ‡ +HOSLQJ +DLWL Fireflies ‡ 2ZO &LW\ If We Ever Meet Again ‡ 7LPEDODQG +RSH IRU +DLWL 1RZ 9DULRXV $UWLVWV

1 (1) 2 3

Empire State ... Broken Down ‡ $OLFLD .H\V

(5) 4

Don’t Stop Believin’ ‡ *OHH &DVW

(3) 5



Meet Me Halfway s "LACK %YED 0EAS

(1) 1

TiK ToK s +E HA

(2) 2

Bad Romance s ,ADY 'A'A

(4) 3

Que Nadie s -ANUEL #ARRASCO I Gotta Feeling s "LACK %YED 0EAS Source: iTunes

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) There is tremendous power electrifying the home environment. Someone has an idea that cannot wait to be put into motion. Use tools with caution.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Build on past experience and effort now. You see ways to get more mileage from the energy you expend. It’s all about working smarter.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Everything points toward a vacation. Even if you travel for work, it provides the break you need from the routine. Surprisingly, you’re also very productive.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Bring all your talents to the table as you forge ahead with a new task. But don’t push so hard that you exhaust your body and mind.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Logic takes over. You’ve been held captive by the desires of others. Now it’s time to make your wishes known. No need to argue. Just ask for what you want.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) Fresh figures land on your desk for consideration. Verify that they mesh the data you already have. Check a team member’s work carefully. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Revive an idea that you put on the back burner long ago. Now is the time to look it over, test its validity and restore it to active duty. Talk it up now.

Week ending Feb. 9, 2010

#1 Album

Aries (March 21-April 19) Rally your best friends behind you early today. You need support as you reveal your plans. Face opposition squarely and with full disclosure.

4 (5) 5 Š 2010 MCT

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Use quiet time early in the day to formulate a plan. Written communication stimulates movement and documents your input. Keep the goal in sight.

Urban t i w T and by Austin Daniels

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) 3XW WKH ¿QLVKLQJ WRXFKHV RQ D GRFXPHQW e-mail or other correspondence. Today \RX ¿QG MXVW WKH ULJKW ZRUGV DQG WKH\ ¿W the available space. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) It’s not too late to change your tune. Coworkers may demand an explanation. But you have one ready, in the form of a new dream that everyone can embrace. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) A passionate discussion could easily become an argument if you allow it. You might need a referee. Plan your strategy ahead of time and stick to your agenda.

Arts & Entertainment

The Minaret | February 12, 2010


Lil Wayne is Born Again Though His New Album, Rebirth By Zach Fraser Staff Writer

Lil Wayne has sold millions of records, collaborated with the world’s top musicians, pushed Drake, his protĂŠgĂŠ, to the forefront and is always up on the next big thing in music. Whether his success comes from sheer motivation or his druginduced haze is up for you to decide. But, of all his escapades and controversies, the release of his latest album might take the crown. Rebirth is Lil Wayne’s seventh studio album in addition to an assortment of mixtapes and EPs. What makes Rebirth so different from all of Wayne’s other DOEXPV LV WKH IDFW WKDW LW LV KLV ÂżUVW attempt at a rock n roll. It is quite admirable to think WKDW VRPHRQH ZLWK VR PXFK LQĂ€Xence in the rap scene would go against the grain and release a rock album. His experiments with guitar and drums and his profound love of all kinds of music (Wayne has cited Nirvana as a favorite band) have resulted in the self proclaimed “best rapper aliveâ€? venturing into this new territory. Rebirth features numerous A-list cameos accompanying Wayne’s guitar playing and punk rock vocals. While The Carter III may have received critical acclaim and

Album Artwork

“so i pick the world up and i’ma drop it on your F---ing head,â€? sings wayne. sold millions of copies, Rebirth has a lot to live up to, and quite IUDQNO\ IDOOV Ă€DW LQ FRPSDULVRQ What’s so interesting about Rebirth is its constant “hot and coldâ€? musicianship. The album features some great tunes, like Drop the World and On Fire, but at the same time features songs like Get a Life and The Price is Wrong, which come off as feeble attempts not only of rock songs, but songs in general. Lyrically speaking, Rebirth has ditched nearly all the one-liners that most people have grown accustomed to in Lil Wayne

songs. But at the same time, the lyrics may be one of the most punk rock aspects of this album. “So I pick the world up and I’m a drop it on your f---ing head,� sings Wayne. “And I could die now. Rebirth mother f---er.� While this album will surely segregate devout fans, the risk seems to be the least of Lil Wayne’s worries. He’s repeatedly stated that he really doesn’t care if it does. Wayne wants to make this album because... well, he wants to. Rebirth may feature tons of

auto-tune vocals and weak guitar riffs and will probably go down DV D Ă€RS EXW LI \RX RQO\ IRFXV on that than you have missed the whole point. Rock ‘n roll is a lifestyle. Rebirth is an attempt at exactly what the name describes. The album may fall on deaf ears, but the angst and “I’m going to do what I wantâ€? attitude that Lil Wayne possesses on Rebirth is as punk rock as it comes. And, in this respect, his new album can be seen as a success. To contact Zach Fraser, email him at

Photos from

Will You Love ‘Valentine’s Day’? a movie. Few of this crowded cast (I’ve left many out) make much of an impression. Marshall could have made a cute movie out of the Kutcher-Alba-DempseyGarner-Hathaway and Grace characters, keeping high school goofs Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift for their doe-eyed silliness. The laughs are thin and might have been bigger had this emphasized the crankier characters overcoming their cynicism, maybe retitling this “I Hate Valentine’s Day.� But that’s been taken by an earlier botched romance set on a day that never seems to host a decent Hollywood romantic comedy.

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Jessica Biel plays a publicist who throws “I Hate Valentine’s Dayâ€? parties and Jamie Foxx is a cynical Garry Marshall emptied TV sports reporter sent out his Facebook for Valentine’s to gather “What Valentine’s Day, calling in favors, overDay means to youâ€? thoughts VWXIÂżQJ WKLV RYHUORQJ RGH WR from Angelinos. love with Oscar winners, up“Love is the only shockand-comers and top internet ing act left on the planet,â€? the bikini searches. Ă€RULVW WHOOV KLP It’s an American Love Queen Latifah is an Actually without the warmth agent whose new assistant that writer-director Richard (Anne Hathaway, having the Curtis stuffs into his all-star time of her life) doubles as a confections, without the wit, phone sex operator who serwithout much love, actually. vices clients with a dazzling A chaotic cluster of interarray of accents. connected characters court, Topher Grace is the new collide and crack-up in Los man in her life who doesn’t Angeles in this Crash-forknow how she pays the bills. Chocoholics. On a plane, Julia Roberts There’s no real overarchis a soldier headed home on ing theme, with most charone-day leave, with Bradley acters reaching an obvious Cooper as her handsome and conclusion to their dilemma, too-curious seatmate. though Marshall’s cast (KathLong-married grandparerine Fugate scripted) still ents (Shirley MacLaine, Heclands a few one-liners. tor Elizondo) are raising their Ashton Kutcher plays young grandson, who deals D Ă€RULVW ZKR SURSRVHV WR KLV ZLWK KLV ÂżUVW FUXVK ZLWK WKH “too goodâ€? for him girlfriend help of a teen nanny (Emma (Jessica Alba). Roberts), who plans to lose He spends the day moonher virginity to her beau on ing over her to his employee that romantic day. (George Lopez) and his best Subtle. friend (Jennifer Garner). Quaint LA settings (a The best friend is all cemetery outdoor movie gooey-eyed for her ValenVFUHHQLQJ WKH /$ Ă€RZHU tine, a heart surgeon (Patrick market), roses, adorable Dempsey) who is always out moppets, moist-eyed leading of town on business and can’t ladies and don’t-forget-thewalk by fruit without picking GXFNOLQJV ÂżOO WKH IUDPH RI LW XS DQG MXJJOLQJ LW this gaudy Hallmark card of Subtle. By Roger Moore The Orlando Sentinel, MCT Campus

813 258 2TAN (2826) 1417 S. Howard Ave $FURVV IURP &HYLFKH¡V 2 blocks from Bayshore 5 Minutes from UT!


Travel Series

The Minaret | February, 12, 2010

For A Vacation That Has It All, Photos and Article By Erin Palmer Staff Writer

When choosing a vacation spot there were so many things for me to consider: did I want to go to the beach or the mountains? Did I want to sight-see all day or party all night? Did I want a spot with a rich history? Will it have unique architecture? For a place where culture and partying meet, head to Barcelona. The architecture is a marvel. The buildings by Antonio Gaudi, like La Sagrada Familia, mix Gothic and Nouveau styles to create structures so interesting that I could spend hours gazing at them. Las Ramblas is a street that cuts through the center of the city and includes many shopping and dining options. Performance artists costumed as vampires and angels act as living statues that come to life for a small donation. Seeing them remain so still is awe inspiring, but watching a gargoyle on break chatting and smoking is even better. Don’t forget to take a siesta, because the city comes to life at night. Dinner usually isn’t served until 9 p.m. or later and many of the bars stay open until the sun rises. Tarragona is a great place to relax after all of those late nights. I was so mesmerized by an amphitheater that stood in front of the Mediterranean Sea that I lost P\ IRRWLQJ DQG IHOO GRZQ D ÀLJKW RI VWDLUV :DWFKLQJ an elderly Spanish woman laugh at my expense reminded me of one of my favorite parts of traveling: that some things are universal. The beaches look like postcards with their mountainous backgrounds and clear water. Most of the restaurants that line the shore have a menu of the day that makes a three course meal easily affordable. Roman remains are prominent in this region. Catalonia, Spain has a mixture of art, nature and nightlife that makes for an exceptional vacation. When I visited I couldn’t believe so many experiences could come from one location.

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Travel Series

The Minaret | February 12, 2010

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Arts & Entertainment Minaret writer & fashion contributer, Daniella Fusari, gives tips to UT’s fashion forward students.

WKH LGHDOLVW ÀLFNU FRP Trying to stay dry with all this wet weather? Pick up some Hunter Boots and keep those toes out of the puddles.


rta Spa

The Stylist Winter Wardrobe

wind chill is high and our normal sundresses and sandals just don’t VXI¿FH Fashion is fun, but not when you’re freezing. Here are a few items to pick up at the mall and keep on hand until our sunshine state returns to normal. Pea coat: A black pea coat is


I never thought I would have to write an article on winter fashion while going to school in Florida. These past few weeks have been frigid for our normally warm climate. We aren’t suffering like the majority of the east coast, covered in blankets of snow, but the

The Minaret | February 12, 2010

the perfect jacket to buy. You can wear one with jeans, skirts and dresses, and it always looks stylish while keeping you warm. Try for a classic long pea coat on sale for $67.90. I also love the “fabâ€? double knit jacket, available at Forever21. com. It isn’t necessarily a pea coat, but it looks just as warm and is even more stylish. The price is a mere $17.50. Leggings: You must buy a pair of black leggings. You can tuck these into boots, wear them with sandals, wear them under dresses or with a tunic. However you want to sport WKHP \RX ZLOO GHÂżQLWHO\ JHW \RXU money’s worth. Though they are selling in almost every store right now, if you want a quality pair get American Apparel’s winter legging, for $38. Tights: If you want to continue wearing your short dresses, I suggest buying a good pair of tights to keep your legs warm. Tights with a dress are still sexy; you don’t need to show off your bare legs to look good. 8UEDQ2XWÂżWWHUV FRP has the best selection of tights that I have seen. My personal favorites include the sheer opaque diamond full-



Brandon Christopher Warren / ÀLFNU FRP Patterned tights with dresses will instantly dress up your look. IRRW WLJKW ODUJH VFDOH ÀRUDO tight ($14) and the Victorian lace full-foot tight ($14). Rain boots: Soggy Uggs are not fun. The rain lately has been ruining all my shoes and I am not to pleased. Hopefully more of you are better prepared for these moodwrecking downpours. If not, invest in a pair of hunter boots available at most department stores for $115. These boots come in many different colors and will save you

from getting sopping wet during your walk across campus. If you don’t want to splurge, try Chooka’s posh-dot rain boot for $65, available at Nordstrom. com. Although none of us are too pleased with the cold weather, try and enjoy it by experimenting with your fashion choices. 3UHWW\ VRRQ RXU RXW¿WV ZLOO narrow back down to shorts and dresses. Have fun with the variety while you can. To contact Daniella Fusari, email her at


cia e p S


“Valentine’s Day� Rated: PG-13 Time: 123 mins An all star cast comes together on a journey of love and loss on Valentine’s Day.

“Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief� Rated: PG Time: 120 mins Percy discovers that he’s a demigod and he must save the world.

“The Wolfman� Rated: R Time: 125 mins Lawrence Tablot sets out to find the werewolf that is killing villagers and save his love. While on the hunt he discovers something primal in himself.

The Minaret | February 12, 2010

Arts & Entertainment


A ‘Wicked’ Performance Arrives at the Straz Center for the Arts By Mike Trobiano Arts & Entertainment Editor

Almost seven years after its premiere in 2003, Wicked continues to mesmerize sold out audiences with its unique perspective of the classic story, The Wizard of Oz. Based on the novel by Gregory McGuire, Wicked is presented from the perspective of two young women: Elphaba, the forthcoming wicked witch of the West, and Glinda, the good witch of the North. The production has prolonged LWV ¿UVW QDWLRQZLGH WRXU DQG UHturned to its permanent home in San Francisco—for good reason. After remarkable reviews, 10 Tony nominations, and a Grammy for best musical album, Wicked has not only lived up to its soaring expectations, but has reintroduced a generation to the phenomenon of the musical spectacle. When I attended the show at the Straz theater for my second time last Thursday, not only was I awestruck once again, but I also recollected how the show had drawn me in a year before. As I took my seat in the packed house for the company’s second performance in Tampa, I opened my program and began down the cast list, stumbling across a few familiar names. I recognized Donna Vivino, who played the lead role of the wicked witch, Elphaba, and who originated the role of young CoVHWWH LQ WKH ¿UVW %URDGZD\ SURGXFtion of Les Misérables at the age of eight. Then there was Richard H. Blake as Fiyero, who derived the role of Warner Huntington III in Legally Blonde: The Musical on Broadway back in 2007. And playing the role of the wonderful Wizard of Oz was Richard Kline, best known for his work on Three’s Company. Needless to say I was in for quite a stellar performance. Before I could continue read-

Elphaba: The Wicked Witch of the West played by:

Donna Vivino Stage Credits:

Les Misérables, Hairspray, Legally Blonde

Glinda: The Good Witch of the North played by: Photos: © Joan Marcus

Chandra Lee Schwartz

“And nobody in all of Oz No Wizard that there is or was Is ever gonna bring me down!” - Elphaba ing, the lights dimmed and the orchestra began the overture. I was immediately transportHG EDFN WR P\ ¿UVW WLPH VHHLQJ WKH show, when I was yet unaware of this additional story aside from the movie I grew up watching. If you’ve never had the opportunity to witness this exhibition, the best way I can describe Wicked is as a series of deleted scenes from the movie. While I have not read and, therefore, cannot truly argue McGuire’s intentions for his written story, I feel there is an instant continuity between the original 1939 movie staring Judy Garland

Stage Credits:

Disney’s HSM, Hairspray, Gypsy

and his production. It’s literally as if you left Dorothy and took a different journey down the yellow brick road. While I don’t intend to ruin the show for those of you who have not attended a performance, I hope you have the chance to see it in the near future. From the costumes to the music and visuals seen in the production, the quality of the musical blends seamlessly with that of the movie. It is certainly a must-see show for any fan of the movie or theater lover.

- Watch the Opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games on Friday at 7:30 p.m. - Come support our baseball team on Saturday at 1 p.m. when we play Southern Arkansas.

Wonderful Wizard of Oz


played by:

Richard Kline TV Credits:

Three’s Company, NYPD Blue, L.A. Law, Maude

$1 Burgers

Mondays 5-10pm

- Go see writer Paul Lisicky on Monday at 8 p.m. in the Music Room at Plant Hall. -Visit the campus bookstore Wednesday for a book signing with Jeff Knott from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Cook for your Valentine this Valentine’s Day. - Try to snag a ticket to see Wicked. - Take a stroll through the new Curtis Hixon Waterfront park.

*NOW DELIVERING TO UT* 1 block from campus

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The Minaret | February 12, 2010

The Minaret | February 12, 2010



In Class, Students Aren’t Tuning In, They’re Zoning Out

By John Jacobs Columnist

So much more takes place in the classroom than just learning and paying attention to the teacher. Students struggle to survive those four hour classes by doing anything they can besides paying attention. They use whatever’s around them to distract themselves. They use their cell phone, laptops and, when it gets to a certain point, their imaginations. You convince yourself: “Ok, I’m going to pay attention in class. I’m going to do well this semester. I’m actually going to OHDUQ VRPHWKLQJ ´ $QG IRU WKH ÂżUVW ten minutes of class this usually happens! As the teacher shows a 3RZHU3RLQW WKH\ÂśOO JHW DERXW ÂżYH slides in before you recognize a few keywords like “economyâ€? and “stock market.â€? Then you think, “Hey, I already know this stuff! I don’t really need to pay close attention now. I’ll just look back up every few minutes, make eye contact with the teacher and nod my head as if to say, ‘Oh, I understand now!’â€? After that realization, the process of trying to distract yourself starts. You’ll pull out your cell phone and see that it’s only 6:09; class started at six o’clock, and you hate yourself for getting there six minutes early because that’s an

extra six minutes you’ve spent in this class. One of your friends sits a few rows over from you, so just for fun you text him. “Hey buddy how’s class going? ;) â€? Then you watch as your friend looks down in his lap at his phone then turns to you, shakes his head DQG JLYHV \RX WKH PLGGOH ÂżQJHU He’s no fun. You now go through your cell phone looking at games to download and see one called “Surviving High School.â€? It has D IUHH ÂżYH PLQXWH GHPR VR \RX download it and play. Ironically, you’re having a lot of fun being in a virtual high school classroom instead of paying attention in a college one. After the demo ends mid-game you think about how sad it is that people actually buy these games and live a second life through a cell phone game. Five minutes later you decide to buy it. After successfully “surviving high schoolâ€? you check the time and its only 6:48 leaving three hours left in the class and you have to hold back from crying. Now that you’ve gotten bored with your phone, if you brought your laptop a whole new world of entertainment and random time consuming activities has just been opened up. You start by checking your e-mail and there’s nothing exciting, just 18 different construction announcements from the school informing you that your power and water will be shut off at random

times throughout the rest of the semester. You check your Facebook, but there’s nothing good there either besides numerous invites to stupid groups like “PHONE BROKE, GIMME DEM NUMBERS,â€? “Justin Bieber is amazing! <3â€? and “If this group reaches 1,000,000 I’ll eat broken glass on camera!â€? You only join the last one. Bored on Facebook, you decide to change your status to: “Bored in a 4 hour class. I hate my OLIH ´ :LWKLQ ÂżYH PLQXWHV SHRSOH “likeâ€? this. This is when you can’t stop yourself from zoning out and daydreaming for the rest of class. Just thinking about anything that comes to mind, what you’re doing later, what you want to do with your life, and just ridiculous situations you think about to entertain yourself. “What if when I met Derrick Jeter last weekend at The Kennedy he just invited me into VIP then just decided ‘wow you’re the coolest kid I’ve ever met!’ then he gave me a million dollars. That’d be nice. I hope I become rich and successful in life.â€? You start looking at the people around you in class and notice your sitting next to an attractive girl. “I wonder what would happen if I just passed that girl a note that said ‘I love you’. That’d probably freak her out. Maybe she’d pass the note back with the response ‘I love you too’. That’d be pretty cool. God I wonder what she’d think if she knew I was thinking about this right now. She’d probably move seats.â€?

We all know that nobody pays attention in class.

<RX ÂżQDOO\ VQDS RXW RI \RXU daze to see the clock is at 9:50, and your teacher is wishing you a good night. You get back to your dorm to realize you have the rest of the night to do the exact same nonproductive activities you were doing in class and that maybe you

Jonathan Pobre / Flickr

could’ve devoted those four hours out of your day just to pay attention and listen to the teacher. You don’t listen to your own advice and the next day you do the exact same thing. John Jacobs can be reached at

Salinger Wrote the American Teen By Conner McDonough Special to The Minaret

If you haven’t been too caught up in the Grammy fallout, you probably know that famed The Catcher in the Rye novelist and notorious recluse, J.D. Salinger, has died. However, that’s as far as I’m going to get into his biography because every major publication in the country beat me to it, and they’ve done a far better job than I could. Granted, his name doesn’t sit with most people like other writers of postwar America. He wasn’t what you would call a socialite, so many remain completely oblivious to his existence, but what Salinger accomplished in the latter half of the twentieth century holds more sway than your hardback volumes of depressed French romantics. Salinger gave a voice to the young people of America at a time when the nation was still licking its wounds from World War II. With his seminal work, The Catcher in the Rye, Salinger laid the foundation for what would EHFRPH SRSXODU WHHQ ¿FWLRQ That’s right, believe it. Those books that are always selling madly at bookstores about sassy teenagers who live fast, rebellious lives and take guff from no one can all be traced to Salinger DQG KLV FUHDWLRQ +ROGHQ &DXO¿HOG

(though in my opinion, none of WKHVH WHHQ ÂżFWLRQ DXWKRUV FDQ FRPH close to Salinger.) By writing for the disaffected youth, Salinger appeals to the alienated child in us all. T h e c h i l d w h o d o e s n ’t XQGHUVWDQG RIÂżFLDO UXOHV QDUUDWLYHV and guidelines, hates hypocrisy and would rather live an unrestrained life. In a sense, what Salinger accomplished in his writings was the American Dream in its most basic form: pure, unadulterated freedom. His writing style alone is enough to reach readers today with direct messages, casual language and an appeal to mental and emotional anguish. Now, I’m not going to comment on some decline of readership for Salinger’s work over the past few years, and I’m not going to step up too high on my literary soapbox, but chances are if you weren’t assigned this book sometime within your academic career, you’re probably going to leave Salinger untouched. This is a mistake. By allowing that copy of Franny and Zooey or Nine Stories to collect dust on the shelf of your local bookstore, you’re closing the door on one of the few American writers who was able sit down behind his typewriter and say, “I know what the youth think, and now I’m going to write a book for

Salinger wrote archetypal story of every American teenager. Lotte Jacobi / Wikipedia

them.â€? Though Salinger’s gone—and it will probably be years before his unpublished writings are released to the public—we still have a duty to him to get in touch with that alienated child in all of us and avoid becoming the “phoniesâ€? Holden &DXOÂżHOG UDLOHG DJDLQVW ZLWK WHUVH eloquence. If Salinger could have left one thing for the world to remember, it would be the individualistic and FRQIRUPLW\ EDVKLQJ ÂżQDO WKRXJKWV RI +ROGHQ &DXOÂżHOG Âł'RQÂśW HYHU tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.â€? Conner McDonough can be reached at



The Minaret | February 12, 2010

Remember There Is More Than One Type of Love

By Derrick Austin Commentary Editor

On Valentine’s Day, I intend to tell my friends that I love them. I’ll call home and say “I love you� to my mom, and perhaps to my annoying little brother. Centuries of traditions align the holiday with lovers, but it’s a celebration of love at its core. I think college students would appreciate it more, if they thought about it in broader terms. Most of my Valentine’s Days have been miserable affairs—from the elementary school parties where we were forced to give everyone a valentine even if we didn’t like them to high school when people

dressed in red, carrying roses and giant teddy bears, reeking of chocolate; and now, college where everyone plans dinners and a night on the town. I’ve been a bitter single on Valentine’s Day, depressed about being alone. Yet, I realize twenty years late, hilariously enough I’ve never been alone. Sure, this may sound cheesy, but my friends and family have always loved me. If you think about it, whom do you love the most consistently: a friend, a family member or a lover? A lover may be the most passionate, but there’s nothing like family and friends are the family we’re blessed enough to choose. As college students, there’s nothing more unpredictable than a boyfriend or girlfriend. A relationship could end at any

moment. But your family will be there to console you, and your friends to glue your shattered self back together. I’m delightfully suffering a bout of unrequited love at the moment, and it’s my friends who listen to my moaning and tolerate my wild mood swings. They prevent me from dissolving into syrupy goo. Though my crush may not care for me the way I’d like, he still loves me. Valentine’s Day consecrates love, but what is it? We’re all young and in love with something or someone, or thinking we’re in love with something or someone. We all want love. Yet, a lot of my friends— single or attached—want it, but FDQœW GH¿QH LW There’s such a narrow view of love in popular culture; it’s always

associated with couples—either getting married or in the throes of passionate sex. But, interestingly enough, linguistically speaking, the ancient Greeks were more generous in their concept of love. There is eros (erotic love, more like popular culture’s depiction of love), philia (friendship, fondness or loyalty) and agape (in a religious sense, the love of God for humanity; generally, an unconditional love). I could tell my crush: I love you; I can tell my mom: I love you; or I can say, I love poetry. All the same word, different types of love, but love nonetheless. In “Ball and Chain,� Janis Joplin says: “I don’t understand why half the world is still crying, man, when the other half of the world is still crying too.� Our desire for connection haunts us from birth to the grave, but we can’t simply

limit it to sweet nothings between lovers. I’d like to think that there are very few people who are truly alone, who don’t love or aren’t loved. This Valentine’s Day, if you’re a single in need of cheering up, remember your friends, call you family and remind yourself of the things you love: music, books, ÂżOPPDNLQJ GDQFH²DQ\WKLQJ I can’t stand to see someone cry. If, like Joplin says, half the world is sobbing then I say we remind each other how wide love is, its scope like arms. Call home. Eat dinner with friends. Do what you love. Reach out; let everyone you care for know how much you love them this Valentine’s Day. Derrick Austin can be reached at

Forget Roses and Gifts this Valentine’s Day, Express Affection

By Philippa Hatendi Columnist

With Valentine’s Day coming up this weekend I feel a certain lump rising up in my throat. I’m not choked up on sentimentality; I’m choked up on bile. I despise Valentine’s Day. Why? These days the pursuit and display of love has become far too materialistic and corporate, and the worst thing about it is people don’t seem to care. I feel bad for a lot of the men here; there seems to be a lot of pressure on a man to be wealthy, to provide his girlfriend with pretty things: take her out to fancy places, buy her the latest designer shoes and show her the good life. Whoever said that love was about a pretty penny? Then again, the gents themselves are not completely

off the hook. If you’re all about promoting your pocket to women instead of your heart, are you really surprised that at the end of the day that’s all that she wants from you? Valentine’s Day epitomizes the blatant consumerism of modern love. It’s all about appearances. What will your friends say if your boyfriend does nothing for you? Back in the day, men bought their ladies flowers to show DIIHFWLRQ QRZ PHQ EX\ Ă€RZHUV because their loves will scratch their eyes out if they don’t. I’ve heard plenty of girls say, “If my boyfriend doesn’t do anything for me on Valentine’s Day, he’s such a jerk!â€? What a VXSHUÂżFLDO WKLQJ WR VD\ If you really love someone, everyday is Valentine’s Day. It shouldn’t have to be about a material gesture.Plus how unfair is that? Our romantic partners are there for us 364 days a year; there for all our tantrums, Playstation marathons, mood swings, sicknesses, tragedies and victories.

Just because one day went Are you sure you want to be with a stranger? awry you’re willing to throw in the towel and disregard everything else they do for you? Why don’t we try and return to the heart of Valentine’s Day: the celebration of the individual love of two people through the things that are special in their relationship. )RU H[DPSOH UHFUHDWH WKH ÂżUVW day you met, do an activity that you both love (if you’re outdoorsy, you can go hiking or camping). A simple “I love youâ€? is worth more than anything anyone could ever make or sell!This is a day for lovers, for kisses, laughter, whispers, sweet nothings and love making with your amore. To be in love, is to be lucky; don’t forget. If you’re valentine didn’t carve “I love youâ€? into Mount Rushmore don’t worry because you have what’s most important: a heart to love, spilling over with love for you, regardless of what the calendar says. Philippa Hatendi can be reached at

We need to return to the roots of Valentine’s Day.

Knivesout. / Flickr

ana.be18 / Flickr

Ours Is A Class with No Class By Narisa Imprasert Columnist

Here is my elegy to a generation lost in the realm of Jersey Shore and Britney wannabes—again. 2010 is a generation full of anything but class. A time jampacked with drug addicts, hitand-runs, abusive personalities, and alcoholics. Tagging along is deception embedded with uncomfortably irresponsible incidents that continue to plague the 21st century. The evolution of maturity/ GLJQLW\ VHHPV WR SRVVHVV D VFLHQWL¿F half-life; with each year societal credibility plummets. This semester, I saw fights unfold, heard of a woman enduring a Snookie-like sucker punch, and tasted the cruel intentions of fabricated Obama tickets. A devilish deal was made upon Gasparilla’s return: in exchange for malicious behavior, we’re given colorful beads and camel-backs

full of liquor. And as the obnoxious frat boys trot down Bayshore like hyenas chanting random obscenities DQG ÂżVW SXPSLQJ , DGPLUH WKHLU outlandish behavior—how do they sip vodka straight through a funnel? The only other time I see this rare breed of classy is at a “CEO’s and Corporate Hoesâ€? themed party. At least it’s a false pretense of professionalism before they pass out behind the keg. Looking back, boys were shirtless and girls ran DURXQG Ă€DVKLQJ WKH XQQHFHVVDU\ It was like a scene pulled directly out of “reality TV.â€? I can’t even fathom this vain collection of immature party-goers still existing. I guess wishful thinking allows me to overlook that laying out a woman is as classy as it gets. This “Jersey Shoreâ€? nonsense imprisons the mind set of this inopportune category of fools. I still adore UT because its

cobble-stoned theme is the ideal booby-trap for the dim-witted. Drunken girls tip toe over cracks in pavement, stumble around gaps of brick, and slide on slippery ÀRRUV %XW RI FRXUVH WKH ELJ \HOORZ FRQH ZDUQLQJ \RX WKDW WKH ÀRRU LV splattered with unmentionables is irrelevant. This is the sad truth: I have a bad taste in my mouth, a tainted experience with a plethora of these hooligans, and I’m a little bias when it comes to stereotyping this undesirable breed of humanity. They could be a race of their own. Could go down in history and make a name for their selves like the Beat Generation. My advice: show a little class if you can, pretend to at least. And just remember, pinkies up when guzzling down that $26 bottle of Captain! That way you at least look classy! Narisa Imprasert can be reached at

The Minaret | February 12, 2010



Editorial: Will Obama’s Education Plan Could Affect UT?

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During President Obama’s State of the Union address and in his opening comments during the Town Hall meeting here at The University of Tampa, he set out a plan to make higher education more affordable. He also challenged university presidents across the country to do what they could to lower tuition prices. The Minaret has watched over the years as the tuition rate at UT has increased annually, but RI¿FLDOV VD\ WKDW RXU LQFUHDVHV DUH lower than the national average. Additionally, UT provides $35 million in in-house scholarships that have been secured by President Vaughn. The team of university staff continues to struggle to meet the demand for incoming students and the economy has made it harder to cultivate the resources to meet the demand. However, The Minaret has also read countless comments that

voice student concern about how our money is being spent. Landscaping seems to be one of the major complaints. Students see how the University installs palm trees all over campus and some of them see this as money being wasted. It is indeed a waste if the trees do not need to be replaced, but the aesthetics of UT has always been one of its major selling points for students who travel from across the country to study here. The Minaret has questioned the salary of many of UT’s administrators. A staff editorial in the April 10, 2009 edition of The Minaret listed the salary of UT President Ronald Vaughn. According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, Dr. Vaughn’s pay for the 2006-2007 year was LQFOXGLQJ EHQH¿WV While Dr. Vaughn works very hard and is responsible for turning the institution around in the early

‘90s, his large salary is still questionable. Now that President Obama has made his challenge, The Minaret can only wonder how President Vaughn will react. For now, UT students and students across the country will wait to see if the exhorbent amount of money alloted to higher education LQ 2EDPDÂśV ÂżVFDO EXGJHW ZLOO be approved. If the budget passes, DepartPHQW RI (GXFDWLRQ RIÂżFLDOV EHlieve that we will not have seen a higher percentage of students given the opportunity to go to college since the passing of the G.I. bill after World War II. While some believe UT’s tuition is high, many graduates this spring will see the impact UT has made in their lives, have a sense of pride in the fact that this is where they chose to study and where they FKRVH WR WDNH WKH ÂżUVW VWHS WRZDUGV their future.

The V Words: Valentines, Vanity, and Vendettas By Heather Gromley Columnist

1. “V is very, very extraordinary.� Extraordinary can have either a positive or sometimes negative connotation, but no matter what it means going beyond the norms. Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, and it can be quite an “extraordinary� holiday. We created this holiday to honor the ones we love. However, if you’re not with anyone or you don’t have a valentine then you will be one of many on “Single’s Awareness Day.� But hey, for some it will be nice to think of love and have some candy during the cold month of February. I just wish we could love each other everyday and show our appreciation not just one day of the year. 2. Va n i t y i s a l s o q u i t e extraordinary. Girls put way too much time into to their appearances. I admit I never go anywhere without eyeliner.

But is this good or bad? One of my friends says guys should realize how much work we put into making ourselves look good for them. Another friend mentioned how it’s ridiculous how much time we take getting ready for a night out that usually ends with us going home with our girlfriends anyway. Vanity, ladies, is not something I think we should pride ourselves on. Upkeep is clearly essential and you should have enough pride to take a shower and put on a clean shirt, but why all the hubbub about looking good? Well, Hollywood and the need to feel wanted are key to this. We may wear a pushup bra and a little extra lip gloss in hopes that the boy in class will ask us out this weekend. 7KRXJK VXSHU¿FLDO SK\VLFDO attributes are usually what catches most people’s eye first. I like to think I can pride myself on choosing personality over looks, but there are definitely certain things we are all attracted to. I guess I’m saying that it’s a shame that girls think they need to look a certain way to be liked, why not being liked and valued because of minds and beliefs or our character? 3.

This leads us into Va-jayjays. I will be honest and say I’m no expert on sex or love, but my mother is a gynecologist, and I understand enough. First of all there is nothing wrong if you are a virgin. I also don’t think there is anything wrong with us expressing our love in a physical way if you really love and care for someone. I’ll be honest that I’m not a KXJH IDQ RI UDQGRP ÀLQJV RU WKLV need to quickly lose one’s virginity. I think sex is something deep and meaningful, not something you just have to have. One night stands do fill a temporary void and you may be SK\VLFDOO\ VDWLV¿HG ZH DOO KDYH needs, but I know that I couldn’t do that without a deeper connection. I’m not going to harp on you whether you want to wait till marriage or not to have sex with someone, but I hope it’s with someone who respects you. Feeling used is never a good situation, trust me. Ladies, be proud of your vaginas and be proud if you’re a virgin. There is nothing wrong in respecting yourself and standing up for it, that’s actually quite extraordinary. Look at The Bachelor, one of the girls made it clear that she was a virgin and

Paul Gonzales / MCT Campus

proud of it—needless to say she did not receive a rose that night. Same goes for you guys. Just because it may seem like something you have to do to be a man, it’s not. I would much rather have a guy respect me and his own values, than take advantage of the situation. A guy like that is quite extraordinary. 4. Now vendettas are quite interesting. We come up with revengeful ideas and issues extremely quickly in our culture. One thing doesn’t go our way and we’re on the war path

to take that sucker out. This , ¿QG KDSSHQV D ORW with relationships, whether it’s when someone cheats, lies or does something else extraordinarily stupid. Vendettas—though they make us feel a bit better or stronger, and give us something to work for—probably aren’t the healthiest habit to pick up. I hope you have an extraordinary Valentine’s Day without the need for vanity, vexing your va-jay-jays and vendettas! Heather Gromley can be reached at



The Minaret | February 12, 2010

Former USF Bull Brings Continuous Smile to Tampa’s Game By Arturo Uzcategui Sports Writer

If you have attended any of the UT women’s basketball games you've probably seen number 12, Caitlyn Mitryk always smiling and giving her best in every game. Mitryk, a native from Lake Mary, Fla., is a big part of the 20-2 (10-1 SSC Conference) Tampa squad that is on its way to a season to remember. However, Mitryk was originally recruited by USF and played there for two years. “ M y initial decision was to go there." said Mitryk. "A big reason was because my sister went Caitlyn Mitryk there." Mitryk also commented that when things did not work out at USF she decided to stay in the Tampa area and play for UT. For most of the student-athletes, balancing school and sports FDQ EH D GLIÂżFXOW WLPH FRPPLWment. Mitryk said that most of the time professors are accommodating. “You really have to know what’s going on and there’s no time to forget what your assign-

ments are, because at the end of the day you’re missing class and you have to be accountable for whatever you miss.� Mitryk said. As a sports management major, Mitryk thinks she ended up in the perfect place. She also commented that she has a little ritual she practices most of the times before a game. “I usually take a nap," Mitryk said. "Time goes faster before the game and then I’m ready to play.� Her teammates have played an important role in her game and time at UT. Mitryk was friends with Gianna Messina, who also transferred from USF to UT. She thinks that sharing that experience made the transfer easier. Angela Guiu and Mitryk played together in high school and on club teams. But besides friendship the senior refers to UT as a great place to come and play, and get a great academic experience as well. “Playing here I’ve been a lot happier," said Mitryk. "Team wise I feel that we’ve really progressed from last year to this year; I think our program in general has gotten better." She also enjoys the small class sizes and interactions with her professors in the sports management program. With big numbers offensively and defensively and as a regular

starter for coach Jessee, Mitryk explains that this year has represented a greater growth in herself as a leader and she continues to smile at every game. "Sometimes I don’t even notice that I’m smiling," Mitryk said. "When you’re winning like we are now it is easy to smile, I guess. I don’t know I always smile.� Hopefully she will keep her smile and keep motivating her team. ,Q KHU ¿UVW VHDVRQ DW 7DPSD as a junior, Mitryk led the squad in blocks and was second on the team in assists, steals and minutes per game. She played in all 32 games, while starting in 29. Mitryk was also named to the SSC Commissioner’s Honor Roll. She was a D-II ADA Academic Achievement Award Winner. As a senior Mitryk is second on the team with 31.5 minutes per game and ranks second with 30 three-point shots. Mitryk ranks fourth on the team with 122 total rebounds, avHUDJLQJ ¿YH DQG KDOI ERDUGV SHU game. As if these contributions are not enough Mitryk ranks third on the team with 29 total steals. Arturo Uzcategui can be reached at juzcategui.gomez@ Caitlyn Mitryk working behind the arc. Mitryk has hit 30 three-pointers. Abby Sanford/The Minaret

Blogger Breaks Down Super Hoosiers By Sam Gerb Sports Blogger

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So I guess I really got this one wrong. Congrats New Orleans Saints, you really did deserve this win. In my last article, you could say I went on a rant about how great Peyton Manning is and how the Colts would win convincingly. While I was watching the game, I was not watching the same Colts that I grew to love over the regular season and post season up to the point. I blame the Colts loss solely on head coach Jim Caldwell. I have watched and listened to the repetitive coverage of the Super Bowl and I have not heard one person blame Caldwell. You know why the Colts lost, because Caldwell played 75 percent of the game like a scared, conservative baby. Honestly, every time the Saints did something good he looked like a deer in headlights on camera. And I say 75 percent for a YHU\ VSHFLÂżF UHDVRQ ,W VHHPHG like within a blink of an eye the Colts were up 10-0 on the Saints.

I thought this might turn into a blowout quicker than anticipated. $IWHU WKH ¿UVW TXDUWHU ZKHUH Peyton Manning was moving WKH EDOO GRZQ ¿HOG ZLWK HDVH KH didn’t pass the ball for another 70 minutes. Are you kidding me? When the Colts failed to run out the clock in the second half, they should’ve been putting the pressure on the Saints by marchLQJ GRZQ WKH ¿HOG DQG DW OHDVW making it a two score game going into halftime. Peyton is so effective in the two-minute drill; I just couldn’t understand why they thought the run was the best option. The Saints made them pay by FRPLQJ GRZQ WKH ¿HOG NLFNLQJ D ¿HOG JRDO DQG PDNLQJ LW D game at the half. I know that Drew Brees won Super Bowl MVP, but the real MVPs of the game, yes plural, have to go to Kicker Garrett Hartley and rookie Punter Thomas Morstead. Never in a million years would I have thought two special teams’ players were deserving of the Super Bowl MVP award. Both Hartley and Morstead SHUIRUPHG WZR 6XSHU %RZO ¿UVWV +DUWOH\ LV WKH ¿UVW NLFNHU LQ Super Bowl history to make three kicks of 40 yards or more. Mind you he is used to kicking indoors for the most part and it is only his second

year in the league. And Thomas Morstead arguably was responsible for the execution of the biggest play in the game; maybe one of the gutsiest plays in Super Bowl. To start the second half, head coach Sean Payton, had the onions to call an onside kick. The perfect call for the moment. It caught the Colts, and I’m pretty sure all of America, off guard. For those who don’t know, Morstead is a rookie kicker. 7KLV ZDV WKH ¿UVW WLPH DQ onside kick had been performed outside of the fourth quarter of a Super Bowl. Regardless of all that, Morstead kicked the ball with perfection off the tee and in one of the most passionate scrums for the ball the Saints came out victorious with the ball in hand. Overall, the game was a complete success. The Saints seem to be America’s new team and the whole experience was one big feel good story. I still stand by my statements from before that Peyton Manning is the greatest quarterback of all time, but it is apparent that Brees is climbing up the ranks as well. I think we will see more good things from the Saints in the future, possibly another Super Bowl in the next couple of years. Sam Gerb can be reached at

The Minaret | February 12, 2010



Lefty Pitcher Chooses Tampa Over Other Conference Rivals Daniel Feingold Sports Writer

Although he currently plays baseball for The University of Tampa, this Spartan pitcher already has a history in the MLB. “My dad played professional baseball. He got drafted out of high school and signed with the [Houston ] Astros right then,â€? UT senior John Wiedenbauer said. Born in Daytona Beach, Fla., Wiedenbauer has been playing baseball ever since he was hitting the ball off of a tee at the age of ÂżYH He also played a variety of other sports, but his enjoyment of the game and the encouragement from his father kept him playing baseball. Âł>0\ GDG@ KDG D ORW RI LQĂ€Xence on me playing baseball,â€? Wiedenbauer said. “I just really liked it. I had success with it when , ZDV \RXQJHU VR , ÂżJXUHG ,ÂśG continue with it.â€? Wiedenbauer attended Seabreeze High School. Being a lefthander, he not only pitched, but ZDV XWLOL]HG DW ÂżUVW EDVH DQG WKH RXWÂżHOG DW WLPHV During his senior season at Seabreeze, Wiedenbauer went ZLWK D HUD ZKLOH DOVR notching 93 strikeouts. He decided to sign with UT

in the fall before his senior year. Wiedenbauer was also scouted by Rollins and Florida Southern, schools both within Tampa’s conference. Wiedenbauer said that the UT coaches, Joe Urso and Sam Militello, played an important role in his decision to become a Spartan. “The biggest thing was their coaching experience. They’ve both played professional baseball, they both have really good knowledge of the game and they seemed like they knew what they were talking about at the time,â€? said Wiedenbauer. “[So], I came here and I couldn’t have been happier.â€? Before attending UT WiedenEDXHU ÂżUVW KDG WR FKRRVH EHWZHHQ going to college or going pro, an opportunity he never expected. When he was drafted in the 24th round by the Houston Astros, the unexpected became a reality. “I was pretty set on coming WR VFKRRO EXW , GHÂżQLWHO\ WKRXJKW about [joining the Astros]. It was an honor being drafted,â€? said Wiedenbauer. “There’s not that many people that get that privilege, and I was really lucky to get drafted.-â€? After sitting down with his parents and weighing out his options, Wiedenbauer felt it more appropriate that he go to college. Âł, ÂżJXUHG WKDW , FRXOG GR D ORW

of growing up at college. I was still young. There was a lot of stuff I still wanted to learn and I just felt like college was a good choice,â€? Wiedenbauer said. “I want to get a degree. I want to get a college diploma. I’ve always been academLFV ÂżUVW UHDOO\ ´ In Wiedenbauer’s sophomore campaign as a Spartan, he had a record of 4-0 with a 4.30 era through over 29 innings. Last season, as a junior, Wiedenbauer led the Spartans with 12 VWDUWV +H ZHQW VWULNLQJ RXW while only walking 18. Wiedenbauer is now academically in his senior year at UT. As an athlete, he is a red-shirt junior because of an injury he suffered his freshman year. After this season, he will have another year of eligibility, but he says he is not yet sure whether or not he will return. “We’ll see how the season JRHV EXW , GHÂżQLWHO\ ZDQW WR FRQtinue playing baseball after the season,â€? said Wiedenbauer. Despite having to battle back from a partially torn MCL in his elbow as a freshman, Wiedenbauer described his biggest accomplishment as being achieved that same year. “[My greatest accomplishment was] probably going to the NCAA Championship my fresh-

man year and winning it. That was a lot of fun, even though I didn’t get to play in it,â€? Wiedenbauer said. He said he enjoyed traveling with the team during their 2007 title run, when they were named NCAA Division Two National Champions for the second consecutive year. As a senior who has been in the same system for his entire college career, Wiedenbauer hopes to be one of the leaders on the Wiedenbauer throwing in the 2009 season for Tampa team this season. Andy Meng/Sports Information “I hope that I can teach a lot of these newer kids and my other the 27th ranked bobcats and tossed teammates some leadership and 3.2 innings giving up three runs on hope that we can make another four hits, while striking out two run at this National Champion- and walking four. ship,â€? said Wiedenbauer. Wiedenbauer was recently :LHGHQEDXHU PDGH KLV ÂżUVW chosen to represent the Spartans appearance of the 2010 season as a blogger for “Ping! Baseballâ€?. against in the second of a three He will be providing readers with game set against Georgia College insight on the Spartans’ 2010 sea& State as part of a three-game son. road series. To follow Widenbauer’s blog, He came on in relief against visit:

Women’s Novice Rowing Team Seeks Coxswains to Steer Spring Season By Kyle Bennett Sports Editor

The University of Tampa women’s crew team is less than three weeks away from kicking RII LWV VHDVRQ LI LW FDQ ¿HOG D team. As of now the novice rowing team has no coxswains and without this vital part of the squad the

team will not be able to compete in the upcoming spring racing season. For those unfamiliar with the sport, the coxswain is in charge of steering the boat, keeping the rowers aware of the race progressions and having overall control of the crew throughout the race. The coxswain is the one position in crew requiring little to no

athletic ability and is not physically straining. Most importantly the coxswain must have both leadership skills and a competitive nature about them. Those interested are encouraged to contact Bill Dunlap at, Sam Burns at or come by boat- The 2008-2009 Crew team on the Hillsborough River. house at 4 p.m. on weekdays. Scott Silvestro/The Minaret

Tampa Basketball Lacks Execution in Tough Overtime Conference Loss Ryan Burkett Sports Writer

The University of Tampa men’s basketball team suffered two more conference losses last week, losing to Nova Southeastern and Lynn. With the losses, the Spartans fell to 9-11 with a 3-8 SSC record. The Spartans began their week by traveling to Fort Lauderdale Feb. 3 to face Nova Southeastern in SSC play. Tampa never led during the game, as NSU jumped out to a 50-40 halftime lead. The Sharks never relented and sent UT below the .500 mark for the season by a 97-88 score. Junior Rashad Callaway led the Spartans with 25 points, nine assists and three steals. Senior Anthony LaBruno chipped in with 22 points while senior Mounir Benzegala returned to the team and scored 15. UT was RXWVKRW KRZHYHU WR percent. The Spartans returned home following the setback and set their sights on Lynn. 7KH ¿UVW KDOI ZDV D FORVH DI-

fair, with Lynn leading by as many as nine points during play. Still, 87 KXQJ RQWR D OHDG KHDGing into the break. Callaway, Callum Townsend and LaBruno each had 10 points at the break. UT led by as many as nine points in the second half, but the Fighting Knights battled back and KHOG D OHDG ZLWK VHFRQGV left. The Spartans were able to tie the game when Rashad Callaway drained four free throws in the ¿QDO PLQXWH WR VHQG WKH JDPH WR overtime. Lynn scored early and often in overtime, never trailing. An 8-2 run sealed the deal for the Fighting Knights, who went on to win 91-85. Lynn improved its record WR LQ WKH 66& ZLWK WKH victory. &DOODZD\ ZDV MXVW IURP WKH ÀRRU DQG IURP WKUHH SRLQW range, but shot 14-17 from the IRXO OLQH WR DPDVV D JDPH KLJK points. Callaway also led all players with three steals. Townsend posted a doubledouble off the bench with 21 points and 12 rebounds while LaBruno contributed 18 points. Lynn had two 20-point scorers, as Chris Hall scored 22 and Jovan

Robinson turned in 20. The loss is UT’s eighth straight defeat in conference play after a 3-0 start. “Unfortunately, our defense and rebounding is subpar,� assistant coach Justin Pecka said. “The lack of rebounding allows our opponents second chance points.� Both Pecka and head coach Richard Schmidt have recently cited the loss of Mounir Benzegala during winter break as another reason for the team’s struggles. In 14 games and 12 starts this season, Benzegala has averaged SRLQWV DQG PLQXWHV SHU game. Despite returning against NSU, he played only six minutes and turned in one assist in the overtime loss to Lynn. As the team continues its trek through conference play, it’s about staying focused and getting back on track. “These guys know what they have to do to win,� Pecka said. “It’s just a matter of executing.� The Spartans play two away games before returning home Wednesday, Feb. 17. UT will take on Eckerd at Rashad Callaway working against numerous Barry defenders. 7:30 p.m. at the Martinez Center. Abby Sanford/The Minaret


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Road Sweep

Baseball: The Spartans opened its 2010 season with a three-game sweep, on the road, against Georgia College & State. 7DPSD DFFXPXODWHG ÂżYH long balls en-route to out scoring the bobcats by a total score of 32-23. Scott Bierman, Josh Bowman and Jake Lowe each earned a win during the series.

Player of the Week W. Basketball: Gianna Messina was selected as the Sunshine State Conference Player of the Week, as announced Monday. This is the fourth time in her career she has earned the honor as she most recently helped guide the Spartans to two conference wins.

Honor Roll Athletes: 378 studentathletes were named to the Commissioners Honor Roll list in the Sunshine State Conference. Tampa was well repreVHQWHG DV LW KDG VWXGHQWV DWKOHWHV QDPHG )RXU RI WKH students earned a 4.0. To be eligible for the award the students must have a minimum 3.20 GPA. Students participating in men’s and women’s cross country, men’s and women’s soccer and volleyball were eligbile to win the award.

Former Player Sharing Knowledge as Assistant Coach By Brenton Burkett Sports Writer

Running the fast break and EUHDNLQJ GRZQ JDPH ÂżOP 3DVVLQJ the ball and passing on wisdom It doesn’t matter to Hailee Sullivan, just as long as she’s a Tampa Spartan. 6XOOLYDQ LV LQ KHU ÂżUVW \HDU as a women’s basketball assistant coach after playing at UT from 2005-09. She came to Tampa from Skokie, Ill., for “weather, academics and basketballâ€? and started just RQH JDPH LQ KHU ÂżUVW WZR \HDUV 6KH ÂżQLVKHG KHU SOD\LQJ FDUHHU last season by being named to the All-South Region Tournament Team. She is the only Spartan ever to receive this honor. Sullivan helped UT head coach Tom Jessee coach kids in his summer camps. Now she is teaching her ex-teammates the IXQGDPHQWDOV VKH ÂżQH WXQHG DV D Spartan. “It’s different because I played with them less than a year

ago,â€? Sullivan said. “But looking back at those times when I really wanted to say something to coach, now I see it from the other side and say ‘oh, I was wrong.’ I saw some things on the bench [as a player], but it’s still different seeing it from a coach’s perspective.â€? Jessee called Sullivan the most-improved player that he has coached in Tampa. He cited her character, discipline and basketball knowledge as reasons she can transition into a good coaching career. “We can use her as a walking, talking, tangible example that our recruits can see,â€? Jessee said. “She has a great understanding of how to become a good player. She got where she got through hard work. Those are the people who typically make your best coaches.â€? Jessee says his newest assistant is “right on parâ€? with where VKH QHHGV WR EH DV D ÂżUVW \HDU coach. As she learns the basics of coaching, Sullivan handles such GXWLHV DV SXWWLQJ WRJHWKHU ÂżOP

Hailee Sullivan coaching the 2009-2010 Tampa Spartans. Andy Meng/Sports Information

scouting and fundraising – as Jessee calls them, “the jobs nobody wants to do.� She is also used in practice, often using her playing skills in the role of an opposing player. Sullivan, who teaches children during the week, gives her

free time to the Spartans after school and on weekends. “I’m pretty busy,� Sullivan said. “But I like to come here and put some time in. It lets me see everything from the other side of the fence. It’s really helpful and I enjoy it a lot.�

Big Swinging Spartans Set to Host Fifth Ranked Bobcats By Kyle Bennett Sports Editor

The University of Tampa Spartans baseball team swept the No. 27 Georgia College & State Bobcats in a three-game road series. Tampa came out swinging DV WKH\ SRVWHG UXQV ÂżYH KRPH runs and 15 total extra base hits combined in the three games. With the sweep of GCSU Tampa was ranked no. 4 in the ÂżUVW Collegiate Baseball Newspaper NCAA Division II Regular Season Poll. Transfer senior Brad Roberts led Tampa with nine hits and D EDWWLQJ DYHUDJH LQFOXGLQJ a pair of doubles and three RBI. Jared Simon smacked two home UXQV DORQJ ZLWK ÂżYH 5%, DQG D team best 12 total bases. Simon went 5-12 on the weekend compiling a .417 batting average. Tampa is now in the midst of a six-game home stand as they take on Southern Arkansas in a -DUHG 6LPRQ EDWWHG ZLWK WZR +5V DQG ÂżYH 5%, LQ WKH RSHQLQJ VHULHV Abby Sanford/The Minaret four-game set. SAU comes to

No. 14 W. Basketball

M. Basketball

at Rollins

Feb. 13 @ 4 p.m. at Rollins

>>> Tampa notched two conference wins and remained at No. 14 in the USA Today ESPN Divsion II Top 25 Coaches Poll. UT holds a commanding two game lead in the SSC.

>>> Following an away match against Saint Leo University Tampa will take on Rollins College. Tampa currently holds a 9-11 overall and a 3-8 SSC record.

Feb. 13 @ 2 p.m.

Tampa ranked right behind Tampa at No. 5. The Southern Arkansas Mule Riders bring a 2-1 record to UT as they took two of three from the No. 8 ranked Missouri Southern State University. Last season the Spartans could not shake the then ranked No. 19 Bobcats as they fell twice E\ D VFRUH RI DQG UHspectively. In both losses last year Tampa fell behind early as SAU ZDV DEOH WR VFRUH ÂżUVW LQ WKH RSHQing frame. In the opening game of the four-game set against SAU John Wiedenbauer will start for Tampa. Wiedenbauer has seen 3.2 innings of work in the 2010 season thus far. He came on in relief in the second game against GCSU. 7KH VHQLRU OHG WKH WHDP ZLWK VWDUWV DV D MXQLRU +H ÂżQished with a 5-1 record and tallied 52.2 total innings pitched. Wiedenbauer allowed six KRPH UXQV ZKLOH VWULNLQJ RXW batters en-route to a 7.01 ERA.

No. 4 Baseball


Feb. 12 @ 6 p.m. vs. Southern Arkansas

Feb. 13 @ 10 a.m. at Nova Southeastern

>>> Following its home opener, UT will host the No. 5 Southern Arkansas Mule Riders. Last year, UT dropped two games against SAU by a combined score of 18-10.

>>> After an away match against Saint Leo the Spartans will take on the No. 20 ranked Nova Southeastern Sharks. Tampa dropped its home opener against Rollins.

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