The Minaret 9/04/14

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THE Vo l u m e



Local Lawyer Offers Legal Advice See NEWS Page 2


A Sit Down With Sweet Lou




Advice and anecdotes with legendary baseball player and manager, Lou Piniella

The Ritz Ybor Hosts 7th Ave. Band Slam See A&E Page 7

ISIS Growing Bolder As Attacks Continue See OPINION Page 10

Second Ranked Spartans Look to Capture Title

Alex Jackson/The Minaret

Lou Piniella is a former player for the New York Yankees and is the former manager of the Mariners and Tampa Bay Rays. He has three World Series titles. By PHIL NOVOTNY JORDAN LLANES & GRIFFIN GUINTA Sports Editor, Asst. Editor and Columnist

See SPORTS Page 16

Alex Jackson/The Minaret

Many know Lou Piniella as a prominent former New York Yankee with three World Series rings and a wildly successful manager of the Mariners and the Tampa Bay Rays. But before he was any of those things, Piniella was just a kid from Tampa playing ball with his friends. “I grew up in West Tampa--everybody played baseball. Living here in Florida you play baseball year round. We played at Macfarlane Park, West Tampa Heights, we would even play at the Boys and Girls Club,” Piniella said. “Baseball was played by everybody in the ‘50s here in Tampa. It helped that Al Lopez really got the ball rolling as far as major leaguers coming out of this area.”

After immersing himself in America’s pastime throughout his childhood, Piniella was hungry for the next level. Instead of jumping straight from high school to the professional level like several of his contemporaries, Piniella opted to attend the University of Tampa to further his training. However, there were no high rise Vaughn Centers or on-campus Dairy Queens. In Piniella’s day, UT was a relatively small university and was surprisingly dominant in one sport that no longer exists here: football. There was no refurbished Bob Martinez Athletic Center to train in and the baseball team had no field to use. “We had a good team my freshman See PINIELLA Page 4

Race Continues to be Center of Ferguson Conflict By CAITLIN MALONE

Opinion Writer

“Everyone is biased, but an officer is equipped with a weapon that can turn bias into death,” Lisa Thurau told The Huffington Post. Thurau is an attorney who works for Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Strategies for Youth, an organization that trains police nationwide in how to interact with young people, particularly dealing with communities of color. On Saturday, August 9, 2014, Michael Brown was shot to death by police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown was 18 years old and was unarmed, according to USA Today. That night Wilson had received a call about a robbery at a convenience store, and that the suspect described was walking

toward another convenience store. Ten minutes after receiving that call, Wilson came across Brown and his friend walking down the street. He confronted them, which ended fatally for Brown. Wilson told sources that Brown physically assaulted him and also tried grabbing his weapon, according to USA Today. In response, Wilson fired six shots at Brown, four of which made contact with his arm and the other two with his head, according to USA Today. Following the day of Brown’s death, his parents hired attorney Benjamin Crump to represent their son in court; Crump also represented Trayvon Martin’s family. This event has caused major disturbance in the town of Ferguson, Missouri, the main source being violent protests in support of Wilson and

Brown. When events like this occur, the issue of racism is brought up every time, and the violent actions of the officer are questioned. Situations such as the Trayvon Martin and the Brown case make it hard to say who was in the right and who was in the wrong, especially since I was not there along with many other people. All we have to go onare witness testimonies. I urge people to keep an open mind with issues like this instead of jumping to assumptions as disturbing as racism. However, the fact that Brown was unarmed and was fired at six times does raise questions in my mind. I understand that Wilson said he was physically assaulted by Brown and that he reached for his weapon, and that may warrant one shot or two, but definitely not six.

Richard Perry/The New York Times

See FERGUSON Page 12






Local Lawyer offers Legal Advice: How to Avoid Sticky Situations




Justine Parks


Katherine Lavacca, Editor

Zoe Fowler, Asst. Editor

ARTS + ENTERTAINMENT Jackie Braje, Editor

Selene San Felice, Asst. Editor


Jack Whitaker, Editor

Avery Twible, Asst. Editor


Phil Novotny, Editor

Jordan Llanes, Asst. Editor


Doha Madani, Editor

Savanna Blackerby, Asst. Editor

PHOTOGRAPHY Casey Budd, Editor


Tiffini Theisen


Khadijah Khan, Head Copy Editor

Tess Sheets, Copy Editor

Caitlin Malone, Copy Editor

Kai Miller, Copy Editor

Graphic by Katherine Lavacca


Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Unfortunately, reality does not offer any “get out of jail free” cards. The best thing college students can do is learn how to avoid trouble instead of waiting until it is too late. I sat down and spoke with Frank Kerney, a lawyer with the firm Taracks Gomez & Rickman, who pinpointed the most common legal issues that college students run into along with some helpful tips. “I just thought maybe we could bring some exposure to issues, so hopefully students take precaution to make sure they don’t get in any trouble this semester,” Kerney said. “One of the biggest charges we see is DUI’s,” Kerney said. “In Hillsborough County alone, there are close to 5,000 DUI arrests every year and so, obviously, the number one precaution is that students should save the number [of], you know, local cab companies or Über or Lyft so they can get a safer ride whenever possible.” Luckily, local taxi companies have an agreement with UT to keep cab fares to a low flat rate of $3 per student. Rest assured that you can have a safe ride home by keeping a few bucks in

STAFF WRITERS Bianca Lopez Bianca Kwasnik Madison Irwin Connor Anthony James Belluscio Andrew Stamas Tess Sheets Ed Kerner

COLUMNISTS Marcus Mitchell Caitlin Malone Terry Preston

MORE INFORMATION THE MINARET is a weekly student-run publication at the University of Tampa. Letters to the Editor may be sent to editor@ To reach THE MINARET call 813.257.3636. Your first two copies of THE MINARET are free. Each additional copy is $1.00

Graphic by Lauren Richey

your pocket and a cab number in your phone. If you happen to be walking around like the average, broke college student you can pay low fares with Lyft or Über which operate through apps. Although they are not included in the $3 flat rate agreement, these are great companies to use outside of Tampa. The Bobby Fuller Four said it best when they sang, “I fought the law and the law won.” Despite one’s best efforts and intentions, trying to talk an officer out of a ticket or an arrest can result in a much worse outcome. “The best thing you can do is keep your mouth shut and get yourself an attorney when you get out of jail – if you are taken to jail,” Kerney said. “Nobody talks their way out of it. Keep your mouth shut and hire an attorney the next day.” As stated in your Miranda Rights, a person has the right to remain silent. This is a measure that protects a person from self-incrimination. “Don’t call attention to yourself, don’t get to the point where you’re going to call out the police to come over and pay attention to you,” Kerney said. Underage drinking in Florida comes attached with the possibility of jail time of up to 60 days for a first-

time offender. Kerney also wants to let college students know that although a minor possessing an open container of alcohol is no longer considered a criminal offense, it still carries a $75 fine and can result in police searches. “If you don’t instigate a fight, if you don’t call attention to yourself, you’re not going to suffer the consequences,” said Julie Minevich, a graduate student in the master of science exercise and nutrition science program. The most important thing to remember is: while partying is a part of the college experience, students need to stay out of easily avoidable and dangerous situations that could jeopardize future job interviews and relationships. “You just have to know your limits,” said Kristian Givens, a freshman with a major in Secondary Education Social Studies. “Just don’t do [the] one little thing that can ruin many things in your future.” Kerney wants to let students know that if they find themselves in need of legal assistance, they can call 813951-8278 for a free and confidential consultation. Bianca Lopez can be reached at




Spartans are Spartans are COMPASSIONATE By ZOE FOWLER AND KHADIJAH KHAN Asst. News Editor and News Writter

“When I was in 7th grade, I began to realize how terribly inefficient the public show system is. I would sit in mandatory classes, bored out of my mind due to the lack of difficulty,” said sophomore and entrepreneurship, international business & management major, Jasper Davis. He has been in approximately 15 organizations, learned to play seven instruments, became fluent in spanish, and still maintained a 4.0 GPA. Davis’s passion for education led him to being a Pathways to Honors Mentor. He utilizes his personal experiences to educate students that the traditional school system isn’t necessarily the path that was meant for them. “Before I came to UT, I spent hours and hours investigating the course catalog gaining a true understanding of how everything works,” Davis said. “I’m now able to transfer that expertise on to my mentees and help them achieve their exact educational and professional goals.” On a heavily bulleted list of Davis’s active leadership roles is the Alternative Breaks Coordinator at the P.E.A.C.E. Volunteer Center as well as Chief-of-Staff and Founding Father of The Orti Oricellari Intellectual Circle (OOIC). The main goal of the OOIC is to encourage intellectual discussion with the younger generation where it can be seen as rare, according to the OOIC page on the UT website. “Because of my extreme connectedness with many groups and organizations on campus, I am also able to connect my students with a plethora

of event and group opportunities that a lot of people simply don’t know about,” Davis said. In May, Davis went on an alternative summer break with students from P.E.A.C.E. Volunteer Center. The mission of the social service trip was to empower women through education. He saw a new way of life there, the value of education and a gender divide. “There are certain jobs that women would do and watching girls pursue an education probably made a number of people uncomfortable at first.” The young Peruvian women that Davis encountered didn’t have the luxury of driving to school. They commuted to college in taxis which lasted up to an hour. As Davis said, education in Peru is a privilege and sometimes thought of as something only a male should pursue. “The girls seeking a college education for the first time in all of the generations of their families had parents and grandparents that were beyond supportive,” Davis said. “I met the tearyeyed fathers and grandfathers of young female learners and was thanked profusely for helping their daughters achieve their dreams.” Davis is also invested in environmental issues. He went to the Florida Keys Wild Bird Center to help with wildlife preservation and rehabilitation. He has been able to form some opinions about what needs to change in order to live well. “The corporations with a vested interest and a lot of money (oil companies, for example)

Photo Courtesy of Jasper Davis

Jasper embracing one of the young women he was able to help on his trip to Peru.

From the August 25 to September 1 Reports

Student government is reviewing SG fees for the first time in 11 years. They are considering raising them from $96 to $100.

Weak Petty Theft On August 26, a bicycle was found unsecured and unattended at Vaughn bike rack.

Same Old Same Old On August 28, a student reported her textbook was stolen from a classroom.

Shock On August 28, a student was found to be in possession of a stun gun in her residence hall room.

That’ll Fool ‘Em On August 28, an intoxicated, underage student failed to comply with a university official’s directives and provided a false name.

What an Amateur On August 29, a student was found in possession of marijuana, drug paraphernalia, and two fraudulent driver’s licenses.

Reports compiled by Zoe Fowler

Lunches with Stephanie Krebs, the Dean of Students, are Fridays at noon in the cafe.

The fall leadership retreat will be Sept. 9 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Check in is at 8:30 a.m. to 8:50 a.m. There is a refundable $10 deposit, sign up at OSLE. There is a breakfast and lunch included.

There is a free Bike Safety Course on Sept. 8 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Brevard community room.

4 SEPTEMBER 4 2014 | THE MINARET From PINIELLA Page 1 year but it was hard because we had to train at Macfarlane Park. We had no facilities whatsoever. We played all our home games offcampus as well,” said Piniella. Piniella still managed to carve out an impressive season as a Spartan, earning a spot as an All-American and finishing the season primed to head to the big leagues. Sitting down with the baseball legend, was an opportunity The Minaret could not pass up. The security guards at the gate had to call to confirm that three nervous college guys in ties could be admitted into Lou’s house. We then simultaneously dropped our jaws upon our arrival at the house appropriately built for a legend. Lion statues gilded in gold, a carport full of luxurious cars and two dog fluffs named Sushi and Patches greeted us as we pulled up. Though his house was extravagant and lavish, the man who greeted us in a faded blue Tommy Bahama Tshirt and grey shorts was anything but pretentious. He had an affable demeanor and treated us like we were his former players stopping in for a visit. On the field, you’ll probably recall him clashing with umpires and hurling bases, but off the field he operates with

a spirit of humility and friendliness. Players throughout the years, including former Tampa Bay Ray Carl Crawford have raved about the wisdom and values of hard work that Piniella instilled in them. "He just put that in me, that go-play-hard stuff all the time. Every play, go all out. Don't take no time off," Crawford told the Tampa Bay Times in 2010. "And at the end of the year, you're tired as hell but you look back and you're like, 'I'm glad I played for Lou because he gets everything out of you.'” After his first season at UT, Piniella decided to sign a minor league contract with the Cleveland Indians at the age of 18 for $25,000. Since UT did not have baseball scholarships during Piniella’s playing days at the university, he had to rely on his contract with the Indians to pay for his education. Regardless, Piniella’s deal with the Tribe ended his tenure at UT after one season. This choice made by Piniella began his 48-year career in baseball. Over that span, Pinella won Rookie of the Year at age 25, an All-Star Game appearance, Manager of the Year, and three World Series titles during his playing and managerial career. Piniella’s playing and managerial careers

NEWS + FEATURES were full of people he admired and feared, as well as moments of triumph and tough times. “I liked a lot more players than I disliked,” said Piniella. “I enjoyed playing with a lot of personalities. [When I was with the Yankees] I liked playing with Mickey Rivers because he was a funny guy who could get stuff done on the field. ‘Catfish’ Hunter was very professional, and Thurman Munson was tough as nails. When I managed, I enjoyed working with Eric Davis and Barry Larkin in Cincinnati, Alex Rodriguez and Ken Griffey Jr. in Seattle, and Derrek Lee when I was with the Cubs.” Even though he won three World Series titles during his career, he says his second one with the Yankees was the sweetest. “That second ring was the most rewarding because we were 14.5 games back at one point,” said Piniella. That second ring came in 1978, when the Yankees beat the Red Sox in a playoff game at Fenway that clinched a playoff berth for the Bombers. Boston was his favorite team to beat as a player, but the team he always looked forward to beating while managing was the team from the Bronx. “I always put my best effort in whenever my teams faced the Yankees because Mr.

Steinbrenner was the only man who ever fired me,” he said with a chuckle. After reminiscing about his playing and managerial days, Piniella gave some words of advice to UT ballplayers who are pursuing a Major League career: “Get your college education first; you can always fall back on it. The odds are stacked against you.” Baseball is a game that has become globalized in the 21st century, which lowers the probability of making it to the leagues, Piniella said. He added some more on-the-field advice to ballplayers: “Pay attention to your coaches; you learn from your coaches. Practice like the way you play. Get something out of those practices.” After a career that almost spanned half a century, Piniella still had plenty to teach and share. It seemed fitting that one of the greatest molders of baseball talent in the history of the game still had a few lessons up his sleeve. Even though he has left behind the game he loves, the game hasn’t left Sweet Lou. Phil Novotny can be reached at phil. Jordan Llanes can be reached at jordan.

Alex Jackson/ The Minaret

Lou Piniella gave our reporters a tour of his house and took them down memory lane. He showed the old jerseys, trophies and memorabilia. All part of his personal collection.

How to Start Your Year Off Right: Advice from an Upperclassman


Freshman are often left to their own devices. Upperclassmen often laugh when they see a freshman doing or saying something embarrassing, as they pretend they have never been in the same predicament. However, the greatest thing about time, is once a little passes, your embarrassment turns to nostalgia and hilarity. In good Spartan spirit, the upperclassmen lent their wisdom to make the freshman experience just a little bit easier, and save you the trouble of learning their lessons the hard way. -It’s not Morsani, it’s always Stadium. -Don’t walk back from the pool in your bathing suit, no one wants to see that, especially professors. -Don’t eat in Stadium more than once per day and breathe between bites of your Salsa Rico burrito. -Go to class and appreciate the fact that they’re still easy. -Join clubs and avoid the ones in Ybor. They’re kind of sketchy. -Walk in groups as much as possible when

walking at night even if you’re just going from Straz to Stadium. -Don’t take the elevator to or from the second floor. People will hate you with the passion of 200 fiery suns. -Don’t be the kid who walks into class 45 minutes late. It’s rude and yes, the professor notices. -Don’t have sex in the laundry room or anywhere else public. Stick to the bedroom area. -Having a class in Plant Hall is a full body workout, it’s OK to be winded after three flights of stairs. -It is always a good idea to reward yourself with Dairy Queen. Doesn’t matter what you did. -Befriend your neighbors. You share a bathroom so you might as well be friends. -Don’t park in the upperclassmen or commuter parking spots. It’s the quickest way to earn a 2 for 1- ticket, and a fight. -Be smart when dealing with older guys or all guys for that matter. -Don’t knock on random doors at 4 A.M. It’s not funny, and you’re no longer 12 years old. -Don’t go to class hung over. -It doesn’t matter how cool you might have been in high school, the way people think of you is determined by how you carry yourself.

-Be nice to Tony. -Do not ride around campus blasting music. We get it, you have a car. It plays music. Turn it down. -Pick up your laundry on time. Other people need the machines, people are not above putting your clothes on the floor. -Don’t let Tony find your next boyfriend. Spoiler alert: it will be the guy next to you. -Be nice to maintenance. They will save your life many times over throughout the year. -Clean up after yourself in the cafeteria, you don’t have a maid. -No one cares what kind of car you drive, just make sure you park it between the lines. -Remember why you’re here, hint: it’s not to waste $37,000 per year of your parents’ money. -Drink the chocolate milk. It’s the first thing to go from Jazzman’s and the grocer. There’s also some in the cafe! -Don’t walk by the train tracks, or over the bridges at night. It’s just not safe and the Hillsborough River is not the cleanest thing to swim in. -There is no pool in Vaughn...only a hot tub. -If you have a question, don’t be afraid to ask. Not all of the upperclassmen are snarky. -Don’t ever try to take a 20 minute nap before class. You will oversleep.

-If you are a commuter make sure you leave with enough time to find a parking spot. At least 45 minutes. -Take advantage of the career center. They can really help you land a job and create a killer resume. -Don’t be afraid to eat meals alone. Only you think people are judging you. -Take CLEP tests to get out of some classes. It’ll make your life a lot easier. -Make friends with your professors. You may need their help at the end of the semester. -Join an organization. -Take other classes outside your major. You may learn something new. -Balance fun and school. You will need to stay sane. -Take advantage of the fitness classes at McNiff fitness center. -Go to the dock to clear year mind. -Take walks in Plant Park. -You will have to dodge skateboarders when you’re walking to class. -Don’t put Bob Marley posters on your bedroom wall. -Go to Panache at least once. Brianna Kwasnik can be reached at brianna.



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All programs accepting applications now! Request more information at or call (813) 258-7409.

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Diversions ON CAMPUS






Rock The Park

Bike Smart Class

Thriller Workshop

Art of the Roast




Comedian: Tracy Ashley

Loomis Bros. Circus

Oxford Exchange Book Club




GEICO Employment Table

Kings of Leon

Fitz and the Tantrums





NFL at The Outpost

Own Your Career

Steve Martin & Martin Short

North Tampa Market

Come to New Student Meetup: Rock the Park in Curtis Hixon Park at 7 p.m. to enjoy free live local music and get to know your fellow classmates.


Panhellenic Recruitment

Formal Recruitment is finally commencing. Registration closes on Wednesday and you can register at www. Contact Jordan Fink for details at SEPTEMBER 6

Nature Hike Trip

The first of Campus Recreation’s hiking series. Beginning at 9 a.m. on Saturday morning, you can join your classmates on an early nature stroll. Contact McNiff Fitness Center more info.

Meet up at The Outpost at 12:45 p.m. for Sunday lunch and the NFL ticket game. Students admitted free with the UT I.D.

Learn about bicycle safety and crash avoidance techniques and receive free safety gear from 5 to 6 p.m. in Brevard Community Room.

Come watch the semi-finalist on NBC’s Last Comic Standing Season 5 for FREE at Reeves Theater. Be sure to bring your student ID.

Representatives from GIECO will host an information table from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for students who are interested in career opportunities. Contact Holley Nordman at

A workshop to teach you how to set yourself apart from other talents in the career world. Located in Riverside room 102 from 5 to 5:45 p.m.

Attend a dance class in downtown St. Petersburg to learn the moves from Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” This Friday at 5:30 p.m. for only $5.

Proceeds from this circus’ sales will benefit the Florida International Teaching Zoo. Located at the Hernando County Fairgrounds. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Adult tickets are priced at $20.

The alternative rock group will perform at MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheater with openers Young the Giant and Kongos. Starts at 7 p.m. with admission ranging from $29.50 to $59.50.

Steve Martin & Martin Short in a Very Stupid Conversation will hit the Mahaffey Theater at with a night of Q&A, singing, and banter. Show time is 7 p.m. and admissions range from $89 to $165.

Join The First Annual Joffrey’s Art Show in Ybor to celebrate Joffrey’s award-winning art and creative coffee concoctions.

This takes place on the second tuesday of every month. The September selection is Heather Seller’s You Don’t Look Like Anyone I Know. The Chef’s selection of light food and refreshments will be

Indie pop group, Fitz and the Tantrums is playing at the USF Sundome at 8 p.m. Admission is $25.00 - $29.50.

Held on every second Saturday of each month. This market supports 70-100 local vendors. Free to the public. 10 a.m.- 2p.m. Located at the Carollwood Cultural Center.

CONTACT US Want to include your event on our diversions page? Email the details to

The Minaret


@minaret Comic by Connor Droll

Want to be our comedy cartoonist? Email us at

The Minaret

Arts + Entertainment



The Ritz Ybor Hosts Seventh Avenue Band Slam By MADISON KAZAR

Arts + Entertainment Writer

The Seventh Avenue Band Slam is arguably one of the most unusual events to ever be held at the Ritz Ybor. The crowd managed to have fun with the looming intrigue of these predominantly male bands covering Beyonce’s biggest hits. This year’s Band Slam, held on Aug. 2, consisted of a divers lineup; from heavy metal, to indie rock, to even a band with an island feel. This event succeeded in capturing the amount of talent hidden in and around the greater Tampa Bay area. To kick off the competition the heavy metal long-haired Jacksonville natives, The Artilects, opened with an incredibly entertaining spin on Destiny Child’s “Bootylicious.” To see three men simultaneously head banging to “Bootylicious” was a sight the crowd will not soon forget. Truthfully just hearing the lead singer, Josiah Baker, say the title of that widely loved classic from the nineties brought a smile to the all the fans watching. Opening to a parent-led chant, StoneGrey took the stage next. The Land O’ Lakes natives were well represented by their hometown, and scanning the crowd, a wide amount of cowboy hats were visible which meant one thing: they were obviously far from home. The young men that collectively form StoneGrey were part of the Band Slam the previous year and returned in hopes to claim the grand prize, which includes $4,500, paid gigs, and recording opportunities. Since they were Band Slam

The Ritz Ybor hosted the Seventh Avenue Band Slam on Aug. 2.

veterans, StoneGrey appropriately chose the Destiny Child hit “Survivor” and did a rather progressive rock take on the tune. SoneGrey’s lead singer, Eric Whitener, has a voice similar to a young David Grohl. The ultimate winners of this year’s Seventh Avenue Band Slam were the Supros. From their hipster style to their upbeat and lively sound, the Supros captured my full attention for the duration of their entire set. This indie band opened with their take on Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams” and ended with their spin on Beyonce’s “Crazy in Love” and were able to impress the crowd and obviously the judges with both covers. Following the Supros were One Mile Final who possessed an island feel and a relaxing sound and style

similar to that of Jack Johnson. One Mile Final did not seem to capture the attention of the audience quite as much as Supros, mainly due to the fact that they did not seem to be having as much fun on stage. Despite the fact, their take on Beyonce’s “Independent Woman” was both entertaining and quite frankly humorous to watch a grown man singing about how he is an independent woman who does not need a man. To end this year’s line-up was The Best Day Ever, a band that included the only female performer of the whole night. From her multiple wardrobe changes to her elaborate dance moves, the lead singer held the crowd’s attention for the duration of their entire set. To wrap up the evening’s festivities

last year’s Band Slam winners Dropin Pickup made a surprise performance of their original songs which were an incredibly soulful and relaxing sound that included a trumpet and violinist to accompany the lead singer’s soothing vocals. The night ended with a screaming match of sorts. Each band was called to the stage and their fans now had the spotlight on them; they were to applaud and scream until their favorites emerged the winner. In the end the Supros’ fans prevailed and they were granted that magnificent grand prize. Madison Kazar can be reached at

Actor on the Rise: Sinqua Walls By SAMMI BRENNAN

Arts + Entertainment Writer

Sinqua Walls is making a name for himself. Currently, the actor has a role in the Starz crime-drama Power, however, Walls is set to make audiences laugh in the comedy Believe Me coming out in early September. Although originally born in Louisiana, Walls studied Theater and Film at the University of San Francisco. In 2007, he landed his first role in the film Choose Connor. One year later, Walls earned a spot on the Panthers football team as Jamarcus Hall in the Emmy-winning series Friday Night Lights. In 2011, Walls starred in the horror-thriller Shark Night 3D. Throughout his career, he made many appearances on popular shows such as Chuck, Californication, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Necessary Roughness, and Grey’s Anatomy. One of his most recognized parts was his role as Daniel in The Secret Life of an American Teenager alongside Shailene Woodley. In the fantasy series Once Upon a Time,

Walls was cast as Lancelot, and his portrayal was one of very few performances in television and film history in which Lancelot was played by a black man. Walls recently appeared in 15 episodes of MTV’s Teen Wolf as Boyd, a lonely high school teenager bitten by a werewolf. In an interview posted on the website Just Jared Jr., when Walls was questioned about how the make-up effects his character, Walls said “As soon as you see the teeth come in and the contact lenses, I just feel that carnal really brings it out in you.” In the Starz series Power, a wealthy New York night club owner doubles as a drug kingpin. Walls plays the role of Shawn. In Believe Me, releasing Sept. 26, four desperate college seniors organize a fake charity in order to pay off their tuition. Walls will star as one of the schemers. Clearly, Walls is finding his place in both the television and film industry. Sammi Brennan can be reached at

LEFT: Teen Wolf/Facebook, RIGHT: Sinqua Walls is established as promising actor after appearances in Game of Thrones, Teen Wolf, Believe Me, and more.



Tampa Theatre Commemorates Robin Williams By KATHERINE LAVACCA, JACK WHITAKER, and DOHA MADHANI Editor


News Editor

Robin Williams, the man of many voices, had a profound effect on audiences throughout his career. In particular his portrayal of the cross dressing, beloved Mrs. Doubtfire is something that can always lift my spirits when I’ve had a terrible week. I always felt that Williams was a man who let his characters’ spontaneity and light-hearted nature follow him off screen and into his daily life. Williams was a truly gifted man who inspired me with his extraordinary ability to persevere through his struggles with depression and still provide joy to people he had never met. To commemorate this amazing man the Tampa Theatre gave a special free screening of The Dead Poets Society. I was immediately struck by the serene atmosphere of the theatre itself, it was almost like stepping into the 1920’s, when the theatre was first built. Not only was I able to remember Williams’ by watching what I feel is his best performance, I was also able to give a close friend, Jordan Walsh, the opportunity to see the movie for the first time. The movie has always had a special place in my heart since I first watched it in an American Literature class in high school, and it was a treat being able to share such a meaningful movie with someone who also cherished Williams’ films.


News Editor

There are few times in life where I would fully advocate going to a movie alone after your friends cancelled, but as I rushed down the street towards Tampa Theatre all I could think was about how much I love Robin Williams. My mother always told me people who sat alone at the movies were weird, but commemorating one of my favorite actors one last time seemed more than worth being a stereotype. Despite being in Tampa for over ten years, this was my first experience at the Tampa Theatre and I was almost overwhelmed with the classic beauty of the old architecture. Unfortunately for the building, I forgot about the setting as soon as the lights dimmed and I heard the familiar voice that seemed to follow me through my childhood. This was not my first time watching this particular film, but something about the experience felt new. Maybe

As John Keating, a freethinking professor at a prestigious boys’ school, Williams connected with audiences on a new level in the film The Dead Poets Society. The movie follows a group of young men who are in the process of being molded into societies finest doctors and lawyers, even if their own aspirations are different from their parents’. Everything is thrown on its head when professor Keating decides to give the boys access to something they’ve never had: the freedom to think for themselves. Professor Keating drops major knowledge bombs for his students, which resound for audience members as advice they can learn to live by: “Boys, you must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all. Thoreau said, ‘Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.’ Don’t be resigned to that. Break out!” Although we may never experience a new Robin Williams performance, there are still numerous lessons we can learn from his extraordinary performances, and his humble and truly inspirational life. As Williams once said, “You’re only given one little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” Let his legacy live on and guide you to always keep that little spark of madness alive. Katherine Lavacca can be reached at


News Editor

Like many others, I was disheveled when I discovered the great Robin Williams had died. Also like many others I found it appropriate to seek out a Williams’ film to watch and reminisce on simpler times. However, unlike many people I was graced with the opportunity to view one of them, The Dead Poets Society, at the beautiful Tampa Theatre… FOR FREE! It was an incredible opportunity made possible by an organization that truly cares about the Tampa film-lover’s community and their affection for Hollywood legends such as our beloved Williams. I showed up to a line that stretched around the corner of the theatre. Rather than the usual emotion evoked by the sight of lines --rage-- I found myself quite happy at the turnout. It was magical to sit around and listen to people whisper to their friends early memories of Robins as the Genie, Peter Pan, and of course, Jumanji’s Alan Parrish. I quickly equipped myself with a cold Yuengling, a bag of popcorn and a comfortable seat. As always at the Tampa Theatre,

a member of the Central Florida Theatre Organ Society (CFTOS), an elderly fellow, played his jam for the last thirty minutes following up to the start of the film; he was on key that night as a packed house waited eagerly to see an old friend on the screen. Soon the film began and the crowd was showered with the beautiful advice of a man giving an incredibly deep and insightful view of life to a group of boys. His words touched me deeply, as I’m an english major and one who thinks himself a literary legend like the Ole’ Captain. As the movie progressed people laughed, cried, and forgot about life for a couple of hours; such is the power of Williams. He will be missed for the rest of our days, but he will be remembered for his films. This is the message the theatre wished to convey to the viewers that night: that although Williams may be gone, his work has made him an immortal source of beauty, laughter, and enlightenment that we’ll treasure until the end of time. Jack Whitaker can be reached at

I was clouded by nostalgia, but I was hanging on every word alongside what had to have been 200 other people. We laughed together, cried together, and scoffed at the drunken idiots in front of us getting up every few minutes together. There was something odd about watching Robin Williams’ character mourn a boy’s suicide knowing the actions he took. It was enough to make me pull my knees to my chest in order to quell the ache in my heart. He was a teacher that had been a part of my life since before I could sing along to Aladdin, and now he is gone. Part of me didn’t want to get up out of my seat as the credits rolled, as if it was going to be the last magic moment that Robin Williams would gift me with. No matter how many movies I watch, or how many actors make me smile, I have to think that there will never be a friend like Robin Williams. Doha Madani can be reached at

On Aug. 18, the Tampa Theater payed homage to the late Robin Williams by screening Dead Poet’s Society for free.

LEFT: RIGHT: Dead Poets Society/Facebook




Guardians of the Galaxy Jets Marvel Into New Territory By CLAIRE FARROW

Arts + Entertainment Writer

Unlike all the other Marvel films released thus far, Guardians of the Galaxy takes place in the far out part of the galaxy that the people of Earth are blissfully unaware of. Except, of course, for the occasional invasions that take place in New York City and alien abductions that seem to take place quite frequently. Guardians is a fresh addition to the Marvel universe, taking a decidedly lighter tone with the pacing and humor of this film. However, don’t be fooled; it is definitely chalked full of spectacular fight scenes and entrancing special effects. Also, the groovy soundtrack allows audiences to jam along with Peter Quill during his adventure. Quill, played marvelously by Chris Pratt (Parks and Recreation, Moneyball), is the pseudo-legendary outlaw StarLord, who, as a child, was abducted from Earth by bounty hunters. Now grown, Quill has adopted the outlaw life as his own, though he still holds onto influences and few items from the 1970s and ‘80s era of Earth that he had with him at the time of his abduction, namely a Sony Walkman tape recorder that houses and plays the “Awesome Mix Vol. 1”. In fact, the pop culture references made by Quill throughout the film is one of the most enjoyable parts of the film. In this film, Star-Lord comes to possess (in typical, outlaw/thieving ways) a mysterious orb that makes him the prime target of some very dangerous people who covet the orb. Immediately after putting this orb into his knapsack, things go awry for Quill. He is hunted down by two separate parties—the bounty hunting duo Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper, Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle) and Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel, Fast & Furious 6, The Pacifier), and Gamora (Zoe Saldana, Avatar, Star Trek: Into Darkness), adopted daughter of Thanos—but when all four individuals are arrested by the Nova Corps and taken to a desolate spaceship prison, they decide to band together and escape. Aided by Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista, WWE Smackdown!, Riddick), they succeed with their escape plan. Before they are able to disband following


their newfound freedom, the quintet collectively become a target of Ronan’s (Lee Pace, Pushing Daisies, The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug) wrath due to the fact that they have the mysterious orb, the object of the main villain’s obsession. What ensues are many dazzling starship chases and stylized fight scenes, all culminating into a climax that has you laughing, crying, and cheering at the same time. While this movie is definitely geared toward comic book and Marvel/ superhero movie fans, Guardians has a lot to offer viewers who are unfamiliar with the majority of the Marvel universe. In fact, Guardians should prove to be

a good introduction/starting point for anyone wishing to become acquainted with the sub-culture Marvel and its fans have created. Great pop culture references (Footloose was a personal favorite), music (“Hooked on a Feeling” is permanently seared into my brain), and talented actors (film geeks should go wild with glee, just as I did) are all major pluses to this film. Speaking of actors, it is simply amazing how many actors typically associated with completely different genres make appearances in Guardians. Glenn Close (Fatal Attraction, 101 Dalmatians), John C. Reilly (Chicago, Wreck-It-Ralph), Karen Gillan (Doctor

Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana, among many others, give stellar performances in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy.

Who, We’ll Take Manhattan), Benicio Del Toro (Traffic, The Usual Suspects), along with many other familiar faces of film and television. Despite looking like a mish-mosh of plot points and actors on paper, this movie works; it succeeds in producing an enjoyable two hour diversion for most people, and a full-on geek-fest for casual and hardcore fans. Claire Farrow can be reached at

4 out of 5 stars

Guardians of the Galaxy /Facebook


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ISIS Growing Bolder as Attacks Continue; Western Interference Imminent

By CAMERON GILDEA Opinion Writer

Al Qaeda is no longer America’s primary enemy . There is a new jihadist regime that is steadily becoming a major power within the Middle East. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), has made headlines this summer with their reported violence and brutality of civilians and prisoners, like for instance the recent cold blooded beheading of American Journalist James Foley. ISIS’s cruelty is so extreme that Al Qaeda publicly released a statement on the third of February cutting ties with any affiliation of the regime, according to the Washington Post. The United States government and European Union are suddenly scrambling to come up with a solution to this particularly ruthless organization. Time is running out as ISIS grows even more bold, publicly declaring plans to attack a western country in the near future. If we as a nation have learned anything since that solemn eleventh of September, 13 years ago, it is that terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda and ISIS must be dealt with swiftly and effectively. We previously made the mistake of allowing Al Qaeda the time to plan to attack our country, we must not allow ISIS to have the same capabilities. What should be done with ISIS is not only our government’s most pertinent concern, but also the American people’s. President Obama has made it clear there will be no significant troop deployment to fight ISIS, but he has recently authorized airstrikes in northern Iraq and is now debating to continue them in eastern Syria as well. Airstrikes may have proved effective in past conflicts, but will they solely be enough to stop ISIS’s determination? Considerable troop deployment like we witnessed with our enduring conflicts in

CNN/ YouTube

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is quickly becoming the United States primary enemy within the Middle East.

Iraq and Afghanistan will also prove to be a pointless endeavour. Our government needs to support the people of Iraq who are every bit as determined as we are to rid ISIS of their power. I do not recommend that we remain faithful in the Iraqi defense forces, who dishonorably retreated when ISIS invaded the northern Iraqi city of Mosul in June, allowing an easy victory for ISIS. Instead we should heavily arm and fully support the native Kurdish Iraqis, who have proven to stand and fight against ISIS in these past few weeks alone. The Kurds are currently fighting ISIS from their homeland of Northern Iraq with dated weaponry, according to multiple reports from NBC’s Chief Foreign Correspondent, Richard Engel. The United States government needs to arm these determined citizens with elite weaponry, technology and most

importantly training while continuing with airstrikes on ISIS-concentrated locations. There are an estimated 300 American Special Forces members currently in Iraq operating as military advisors for the Iraqis. It would be reasonable to increase this number significantly, as long as these highly specialized soldiers continue to operate in advisor roles. Lars Tangen, a Norwegian International student at UT, would like more combat involvement from Special Forces. “Special Forces are the most expert soldiers our nations have to offer,” Tangen said. “They have extreme capabilities and skills that could set ISIS’ plans back months if not years. This added time could be crucial, particularly when you consider Al Qaeda’s freedom to plan in the years leading up to 9/11. Military action must be taken against these ruthless terrorists, and right now that

seems like an ideal option.” The handling of ISIS also presents an interesting diplomatic situation for the United States government. Since every Middle Eastern country has denounced ISIS, there is potential for a joint military operation between countries. These combined military operations could open the door for further diplomatic relations in the Middle East, and would also conceivably suppress the ISIS regime. Whatever the final decision may be by our government on how to handle ISIS, time is not on our side. Retired CIA Director Michael Hayden stated that a western attack from ISIS will come “sooner rather than later” in an on air interview with CNN. Even the Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, stated in a Pentagon briefing that ISIS “is beyond anything [we’ve] ever seen”. In the past week alone, an estimated 150 Syrian soldiers were executed by ISIS militants, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human rights and multiple media outlets. Propaganda images are now being displayed on social media sites of the ISIS flag being shown in front of the White House with the simple message: “you are our goals anywhere.” Unfortunately history tends to repeat itself and we as a nation should not make the same mistake we made prior to 9/11. ISIS needs to be stopped immediately and forcefully before a western country is attacked. We need to seek out those who are just as motivated to protect themselves against ISIS; the governments and citizens of the countries within the Middle East. The United States and European Union should seek an active supporting role in aiding these governments because as stated above, ISIS is coming for the West next. When it is all said and done, it is their homelands we are helping to protect. It is ultimately their responsibility to ensure this group gains no further momentum and is eliminated appropriately. Cameron Gildea can be reached at abcNEWS/ YouTube Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) display their heavy weaponry in a video as they receive heavy arms training.



Ferguson’s Heated Controversy Continues FERGUSON from Page 1 This issue stems from the way black males are perceived by some members of the police force. Some law enforcement officers may feel threatened during interactions with black males.“What some of the research has shown is that black skin color -- and you also think about other types of physical characteristics associated with blacks -- tend to be more closely associated with negative concepts so it would be more closely associated with fear, more closely associated with negative personality traits,” said Thurau, according to The Huffington Post. Unfortunately there are people who still see people of color in a different light and that is not fair, but what is also not fair is accusing Wilson of killing Brown just because Brown was not white. What about the white men who face unnecessary brutality from the police? We hardly ever hear about those cases in the news, and in fact, they are more common. If we are going to focus on this issue of questionable brutality by the police force, then it should be focused on as a whole. From 1999 to 2011, 2,151 white people died in police shootings compared to 1,130 black people, according to However, it is important to also note that there is a much higher population of white men than black men making the probability of white men being killed in a confrontation with a police officer much higher. “More whites are killed by the police than blacks primarily because whites outnumber blacks in the general population by more than five to one,” said Brian Forst, a professor in the Department of Justice, Law, and Criminology at American University, according to The leading cause of death for black men is murder, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Forty percent of black men between the ages of 15 and 34 who died in 2011 were murdered compared to 3.8 percent

of white males who died. Experts came to the conclusion that this had to do with poverty and geography, according to The Huffington Post. The differing social structures, lack of access to jobs and educational opportunities, and many other factors between impoverished black neighborhoods and others is often a matter of life and death, said Eli Silverman, a professor emeritus at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. If anything, in some cases police help prevent the deaths of black men rather than increasing them. A focus on improving poverty-stricken areas would most likely help decrease those numbers as well.

Criminologist James Allen Fox of Northeastern University said that there has been a 39 percent increase in black men being killed by police since 2000, but he also said that there has been a 55 percent increase in the number of whites being killed by police, according to The Huffington Post. If we would only open our eyes, we would see that this was a widespread problem among all races. But too often incidents such as Brown and Wilson get blown out of proportion by the media, and the issue of race comes into the spotlight. It is unfortunate that a young man had to die no matter the color of his skin, and the

actions of Wilson can be brought into question seeing that Brown was unarmed and six shots were fired. But we as civilians are not in any place to make accusations concerning something we know nothing about; that is something for the courts to decide. The police reserve the right to use deadly force when they feel it is necessary, and Wilson might have thought six shots were necessary. For all we know Wilson felt his life was threatened by Brown and did what he had to do regardless of the color of his skin. Caitlin Malone can be reached at caitlin.

The Huffington Post/ Facebook

Law enforcement coupled with the Mississippi National Guard worked tirelessly to prevent a catastrophic revolt in Ferguson.

Sophia Vergara Objectified on Pedestal at Emmy’s By ELIZABETH ROCKETT Opinion Columnist

Television programs continuously cast actors and actresses who are above average in the looks department. Many famous entertainers such as Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting from The Big Bang Theory, as well as Stephen Amell from Arrow can even considered to be sex symbols. The 2014 Emmy’s, which took place on August 25, crossed the line of sexism by developing and performing a short skit involving Sofia Vergara being spun around on a pedestal for viewers to gawk at. Vergara stood on the slowly rotating platform to “spruce up” the chairman of the Television Academy, Bruce Rosenblum’s, yearly speech, according to The idea that it takes an attractive female to make an audience want to pay attention to a short speech is extremely degrading to women. Rosenblum ended his speech by saying “What truly matters is that we never forget that our success is based on always giving the viewers something compelling to watch,” meanwhile Vergara continued to slowly rotate on the pedestal for all to see. The Emmy’s skit was immediately criticized for being sexist. “’Modern Family’ wins every award it’s ever nominated for but apparently that’s not enough for Sofia Vergara to be treated as more than a prop,” said Twitter user @samala_prosser. While it is sad to think of a human being as a prop, the writers of this

particular skit essentially showcased Vergara solely because she is hot. The public outrage is definitely understandable, however, Vergara did not consider the skit to be sexist in any way. “I think its absolutely the opposite. It means that somebody can be hot and also be funny and make fun of herself,” Vergara said. Paul Erlic, junior and marketing

an unrealistic sense of self as well,” Erlic said. In response to Rosenblum’s comment about compelling visions for the viewers, Erlic stated that this comment clearly targeted Vergara’s level of sex appeal and good looks. Women could take a statement like this as a compliment, empowering them to be confident in their beauty;

Emmy Awards 2014/ YouTube

Sofia Vergara put on a rotating pedestal at the Emmy Awards while chairman gives speech.

major felt the skit may have been sexist, but did not see a problem with it because he doesn’t feel as though it is wrong to showcase human beings who are as close to perfection as you can get. “There is a basic difference between men and women, and so what if they show it on TV? Men get put on pedestals too; Male models promote

alternatively, women could be very offended and interpret Rosenblum’s speech in a way that idealizes the looks of beautiful women, while disrespecting and belittling women who cannot uphold these standards of beauty. However, Erlic also felt as though the skit could have been rewritten in order to make it less

sexist. “I thought it was funny, but it could have been rewritten. They could have put the other guy on another pedestal or something,” Erlic said. While sexism is the primary concern involved with this skit, I feel as though the media regularly exposes the bodies of women, which in turn sexually influences the viewers. Media viewers include many more age groups and audiences than a television station may intend to target. This means children are being influenced at a very young age, depending on what they have access to on their televisions at home. Viewers who pay constant attention to the perfect bodies and other appealing characteristics of Hollywood’s stars could be idealizing an image that is unattainable for the majority of people in the world. Without Photoshop and personal makeup artists, there is no way that a completely average citizen of the U.S. would be able to emulate the images we see on television today. Clearly this skit was not received how Vergara and the producers of the Emmy’s intended. Instead of being a funny skit, it was perceived by many as sexist and degrading to women. Hollywood and media in general should strive to lessen their focus on gender and sex appeal as a whole, and attempt to bring new values to the table that can affect viewers in a more positive light. Elizabeth Rockett can be reached at




White Gay Men Accused of Stealing Black Culture

Nicki Minaj/

Women like Nicki Minaj and Beyonce Knowles have become role models for many gay men due to the lack of powerful feminine gay males in the media today. By TERRY PRESTON Opinion Columnist

Scrolling through my news feed on Facebook, I came across an article that called out to me—“Dear White Gays,” the title read. Without hesitation, I clicked, and the full title of the article unfolded. “Dear White Gays: Stop Stealing Black Female Culture.” Sierra Mannie, a senior at the University of Mississippi and author of the article, has had it with white gay men impersonating black females. My fingers tensed and I slammed on the down arrow of my keyboard and raced through the article. Mannie states that white gay men impersonate black females, referring to themselves as “strong independent black women” with “weaves,” and big butts, and essentially create a caricature of what it is to be a black woman. Offended by Mannie’s article, I reached out to my close friends from home, who are female, black, and gay—an appropriate middle ground for the discussion—to have them join in my venting against Mannie. There was no harm or foul in referring to my hair as a weave, right? Their responses were not what I expected. “While the author of the article is aggressive, I do believe she made a variety of accurate points” said Alyssa Hester, a recent graduate of the University of Virginia. “These men know nothing about weave, or the cultural forces that have shaped weave

culture. They don’t understand that in the workplace, for most AfricanAmerican women to wear their natural hair are seen as unprofessional and unattractive, and are forced to fit white-formed aesthetics.” Her words pushed me to reconsider my anger against Mannie. There is, however, a specific portion of Mannie’s argument that is entirely hurtful and invalid. Mannie states that gay men are privileged because they


of people share. There is always a part of us that is never entirely sure of our safety. “I think people are too quick to pull the race card instead of finding the root of the problem,” said Kiara Thomas, freshman criminology major. “No white or black gay will ever understand what it’s like to be a black woman, but surely no black woman will ever know what it’s like to be a gay man, either.”


“Beyonce and Nicki Minaj emulate what many gay men strive for: the ability to express femininity, sexuality and power ”

have the ability to hide their sexual orientation, giving them the ability to retain their white privilege. This is in no way a luxury. Being forced to hide who you are in fear of personal safety, job security or for the sake of healthy social interaction is not an easy task. Rather, it instills the idea that it is not appropriate for individuals to be true to themselves. We can “hide” our homosexuality, but we cannot hide the pain and suffering associated with living in fear and shameful of whom we are. This is a plight that both gays, black females and many other groups

Ultimately, the problem is not that white gay men are stealing black female culture. The issue is that there are almost no positive gay role models in media. The few that do exist, such as Neil Patrick Harris and Matt Bomer, often play the roles of straight men. This is because it is not socially acceptable for men to be viewed as both feminine and powerful. Rather, feminine gay men are dismissed from being men altogether, and are instead placed in a subcategory of humans: “gay men.” For homosexuals that have more masculine personalities, excuses

are often made—“He’s gay, but don’t worry, he’s totally normal. He’s one of the guys.” This is where the appreciation for black female super stars takes place. Beyonce and Nicki Minaj emulate what many gay men pine for: the ability to express femininity, sexuality and power—without remorse. These celebrities do not apologize for the empowerment of their sexualities. They do not see their own beauty through the eyes of the rest of the world. Instead, these women embrace their bodies, their desires and their talents to form a supreme level of comfort in their own skin. In a culture filled with “bottom shaming,” the practice of belittling those who act as the receiving partner during intercourse, gay men are forced to apologize for their sexuality. If there is anything that our world has learned in recent years, it should be that the events of another’s bedroom in no way concern anyone but the specific parties involved. It shouldn’t be difficult to let an individual explore their sexual liberties without hassle. The impersonation of black, female celebrities is as empowering to black women as it is to gay men. There is more to the appreciation of culture than twerking and weaves. Their message is to overcome adversity in a world dominated by hyper-masculinity, and that is an ideal with which we can relate. Terry Preston can be reached at


Miley Makes a Positive Impression at VMAs; Homeless Date Accepts Award

Miley Cyrus/ Facebook Miley Cyrus brings homeless date to the 2014 VMAs and sends him to accept her award in an attempt to spread awareness on the issue of homlessness, particularly promoting My Friends Place charity. By EMILY SILVERMAN Opinion Writer

Last Sunday night, MTV hosted their annual Video Music Awards (VMAs.) Over eight million people gathered in front of their TVs to watch their favorite celebrities, decked out in designer dress, take the stage and be praised for their success. Beyoncé, Lorde, Katy Perry, and the likes accepted awards for their work. However, even with all of the other talent in the room that night, Miley Cyrus managed to steal the show - by not accepting her VMA for Video of the Year. When her video, Wrecking Ball, was named Video of the Year, Cyrus, well known for her recent radical switch from Disney Channel nice-girl to Bangerz Tour wild-child, sent her date up instead of accepting the award herself. Introducing himself as Jesse, Cyrus’s date spoke about the issue of homelessness among young people in the United States, and also mentioned some of his own experiences with being homeless. He then accepted the award on behalf of the Los Angeles based charity, My Friend’s Place, which “assists and inspires homeless youth to build self-sufficient lives,” according to their mission statement which can be

read in full at Jesse Helt captivated the audience and brought the issue of homelessness among our nation’s youth into the eyes of the public. In the United States, about 3.5 million people experience homelessness each year; 25 percent of those people are children under the age of eighteen, according to the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness. Young people are on the streets, alone, hungry and scared, with minimal access to assistance. We often tend to think about homelessness as something that happens in other places, the streets of New York City, or in underdeveloped countries; we may not think of it as being a problem that has an affect on us, but right here in Tampa there are over two thousand people with no place to call home, according to the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative. Being a student here at UT, I feel I am surrounded by people who are driven to succeed in life, and who have the opportunity to achieve that success. Every person deserves to have that same opportunity, regardless of where they come from. It is so important to bring attention to youth homelessness so that we can find the solution and bring opportunity to every child in the country. Our youth

is our future; by helping to end youth homelessness, we also help to ensure a successful and positive tomorrow. With a vast population of our country’s youth sleeping on beds of cold cement, begging for spare change, and never knowing when their next meal or shower will be, we should be spending our time and money dealing with this major problem. Huge sums of money are funneled into award shows like the VMAs, while major social issues like youth homelessness go without adequate funding, leaving more and more children alone on the streets. High-profile celebrities have huge


does it for publicity,” said UT freshman Antonia Haley. Sophomore, Grace Fleming, also saw Cyrus’s stunt to be “really insincere.” Despite her possible ulterior motives, Miley Cyrus took advantage of an incredible opportunity to show the country that youth homelessness is a problem that is happening here and now. Even if Cyrus hoped to use this to benefit herself, she still managed to shed light on a very pressing issue in our society. Because of Cyrus’ small yet powerful gesture, donations are pouring into My Friends Place, and awareness of youth homelessness is on the rise.


“Right here in Tampa there are over two thousand people with no place to call home.”

followings of people who respect and value their opinions. These stars should feel an obligation to use their influential power to create a better world. Often, however, stars feel a stronger desire to improve their public image than to actually make a difference. “Cyrus

Even though many raise an eyebrow at her twerking spectacles on tour, Cyrus deserves nothing but praise for her important role in raising awareness of youth homelessness. Emily Silverman can be reached at

Franco Folini/ Flickr

Homeless youth and young adults are in the streets of every city and town in the United States, but through awareness we can alleviate this tragedy for future generations.



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Second Ranked Spartans Look To Capture Title By TESS SHEETS Sports Writer

After a summer of personal training, the UT volleyball team is quickly getting back on the court and in tip top shape. They are preparing for a difficult preseason tournament, and for the season that follows. Hosted in Colorado, the preseason tournament beginning on Sept. 5 will require the team to hit the ground running as they face seven out of the top 25 teams in the preseason ranking in their first eight games. “In all honesty, I have never, in all my 30 years of experience, played or seen a schedule like this,” said women’s volleyball coach, Chris Catanach. “For this tournament in Colorado, you usually tell them the teams that you want to play and they schedule maybe one or two of those teams. This time, they gave us all of the teams we requested.” Despite this ambitious schedule, the team finds value in the fact that they will have the ability to see early on what they need to work on in order to succeed in the conference this year. “This is a heavily experienced team with a lot of returning players,” Catanach said. “Our goal is to know where we are compared to the best teams in the country, and what we need to do to win this national championship.” While much of the team consists of returning players, seven new players have been added to the roster: transfers Ana Maria Pagan and Kim Valverde, as well as freshmen Molly McAlvany,

Kasey Reynolds, Kelsey Watts, Savannah Oaks and Jen Aprile. These players pose a promising addition for the team as they head into the season seated number two in the preseason polls. “The freshmen and transfers have been working very hard in practice to challenge us older players and make us better,” said Berkley Whaley, junior outside hitter. “They will benefit our team because they are filling some gaps in the roster that we lost the previous year.” With their sights set high on a national championship, the team is looking to take one step at a time and focus first on being the top team in the region. To do this, they must hold their own in the conference play; which shouldn’t be difficult as they have remained undefeated in the conference tournament for two years. “Our goal is to win a national championship, but first, we want to host the regional tournament,” Catanach said. “To do that, we need to be the top team in the region. As soon as we finish this preseason tournament, we go right into conference play. Our goal is not to remain undefeated, but we do have to watch out for the teams who make it their goal to knock us off.” The team is not expecting anything to be handed to them in their pursuit for a national championship. In fact, they hold every game in the same regard: as a new challenge that they must overcome through hard work and persistence. “Tampa volleyball has been a force

Photo courtesy of Tom Kolbe

Senior Berkley Whaley and the volleyball team look to capture another title for UT this year.

for many years, so we always have a target on our back,” Whaley said. “There are no ‘easy games’ for us to just slack off and relax. We have to play each opponent the same, no breaks.” With the obvious skill and drive to succeed, the ultimate challenge will be to create a team bond that can withstand the pressures of heavy competition. “Our goal is a big one, but I wouldn’t

say it’s a goal if it wasn’t possible,” Whaley said. “We have a ton of talent, we just need to put it all together. I think this year more than ever, we all understand the ultimate goal, and we’re all on the same page about what to expect and what we have to put into the program.” Tess Sheets can be reached at

Volleyball Coach Brings Impressive Resume to UT By ANDREW STAMAS Sports Writer

While it can be very exciting to celebrate the achievements of UT studentathletes, the achievements of UT’s coaches deserve recognition as well. Brian Imperiale is the new assistant coach for the women’s volleyball team, but this past summer, he took on a different role. He coached for the USA Volleyball Florida Region that took home the bronze medal in Oklahoma at the 2014 High Performance Championships. “It was a great experience,” Imperiale said. “I coached the best youth players in Florida. I got to be the head coach, and it was fun. We did

Photo courtesy of Tampa Spartans

This is Imperiale’s first season here at UT.

better than expected. We were very happy [to win bronze].” The team he led consisted of 12 players from all over the state of Florida. After tryouts held in the spring, the pool of players was narrowed down to 24. In June, those 24 girls had a twoday training camp and from this camp, a final roster of 12 girls were chosen to play in Oklahoma. There, they competed against other highperformance teams from the United States and Puerto Rico. The process of selecting and working with those players before the tournament was not like the way it worked at UT. “[They are] totally different. [At UT, we are] building a team over a large period, every day,” Imperiale said. This will be Imperiale’s first season here at UT and Head Coach Chris Catanach knows how important it will be to have him on the staff this year. “He’s been a tremendous addition to our program here. We have a strong coaching staff. He did a great job with the High Performance team for Florida, which is not easy to do,” Catanach said. “His experience that he’s gained will help us grow.” Imperiale also has experience being an assistant coach for other schools and club teams, including two seasons at the University of South Florida and three at Florida Southern College. In

Photo courtesy of Tom Kolbe

The volleyball team has experience in big moments, and Imperiale will only add to that.

2010, he was even named the Florida Region Male Coach of the Year. Expectations are high for the Spartans this year as they prepare for their new season. “We want to play for the national championship. That is our ultimate goal. We want to win the Sunshine State Conference, host the NCAA regional event, and then win that,” Catanach said. He also recognized that last season they were very close to reaching those goals, but fell short. With a very young team this year that features only three seniors, they are hoping for an even better season than the last. Perhaps the addition of Imperiale to the

coaching staff can give the Spartans a huge boost. Imperiale’s role on the All-Star team may also help bring in new recruits in the future. “For sure we’ve got some things in the works. [We are] always looking to recruit the best players in Florida,” Imperiale said. The Spartans will start their season as they host four other schools in the Tampa Classic from Sept. 4 to 7. They will then travel to Denver the following weekend, where they will face off against four different schools in two days at the Colorado Premier Classic. Andrew Stamas can be reached at




Men’s Soccer Looks To Take It To The Next Level 2014 Season Could Be The Year For Elusive Title

By ED KERNER Sports Writer

Rosters are being finalized, finishing touches are being worked on in practice, and the soccer players are filled with excitement for the season ahead. If last season could be described in one word, that word would be streaky. The Spartans looked hot out of the gate. After a 2-2 draw with Clayton State in double overtime, they would go on to pick apart Coker and Florida Memorial each 4-0. Keeping the momentum going they would beat Barry in overtime 2-1. The Spartans biggest win of the season came against Eckerd at home with a dramatic score line of 5-1. Halfway through the season the Spartans record stood at a pretty nice looking 4-2-2. In the second half of the season, things started to go downhill. Tampa would lose two straight to Florida Tech and Lynn. Things would get much better for the Spartans though as they began to turn things around on the road versus Nova Southeastern and Eckerd. The Spartans would win with a score line of 3-1, and 3-2 respectively only to come down to lose the next three matches each by the score of 3-1. The Spartans finished out the season with a 2-0 loss versus Lynn in the SSC Tournament. The final record stood at 6-8-3. A season that started out so well was completely lost in the second half of the season. Tampa will look to rebound this year and show its dominance after making it all the way to the Sunshine

State Conference Semifinal match two seasons ago. The season ahead looks promising. The Spartans who traditionally are great playing at home open the season with their first seven games at home. Tampa only plays five games on the road this season, with two of them back to back with Lynn and Saint Leo. These are crucial games for the Spartans as they are both conference matches and should be a good determinant of where our team stands. Saint Leo is placed first in the latest preseason poll, with Lynn placed in third. Our Tampa Spartans are placed fifth and will look to change that once the season comes around. Tampa is lead by head coach Adrian Bush who is entering his 10th season in charge. Bush played for the Spartans from 1990-1994, and after graduating became an assistant coach. In 2005 he would get his chance to lead as head coach. In 2008 he had his best season as a head coach leading the team to an unbelievable 18-4-1 record and reached the NCAA Final Four. In 2009 he lead the team to a very similar record of 17-3-1 and reached the NCAA Quarterfinal. After a down season last year, Coach Bush thinks that UT can regain its dominance in the Sunshine State Conference. When asked about what will be done different this season, Coach Bush pointed out the fact that the team now has seven returning seniors, as compared to one last season. Coach made it very clear to me that he

Photo courtesy of Tampa Spartans

Coach Bush and the men’s soccer team looks to improve on the shaky 2013 campaign.

showed no disrespect to the team we had last season, but says that we are much improved and show more maturity. When asked about his expectations for this upcoming season Coach Bush said, “Our expectations are the same as every year. First and foremost we want to graduate our players, then we want to win championships.” Jason Collister, a sophomore forward on the team shares similar expectations as his coach. Talking about the upcoming

season, Collister said, “We have high team spirit and morale and are able to overcome our preseason losses as a team. We have very high expectations. Our main goal is to maintain high intensity throughout the season and reach the NCAA tourney.” The Spartans will look to get things underway when the season begins on September 4th versus Carson-Newman here at UT at 7:30 under the lights. Ed Kerner can be reached at

Much Needed Diversity Brought To Little League By PHIL NOVOTNY Sports Editor

In the past twenty years, there has been a huge decline of African-American participation in baseball. According to the Boston Globe’s examination of MLB records, in 1975, 27% of professional MLB players were African-American. In the 2013 player diversity report, only 8% of players identified as African-American. The topic of diversity has been such a problem, that Major League Baseball created a diversity task force to tackle the issue in April 2013. These findings discovered that regional baseball has been hurting the

most in urban areas because equipment is not affordable; there is not enough exposure to youth leagues and training facilities, and fewer scholarships are available to baseball players, according to the Chicago Trbune. Right now, initiatives are being taken by RBI (Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities) programs to expand and increase marketing in low income urban neighborhoods. Notable African American ballplayers like Andrew McCutchen, David Price, and Adam Jones are at the forefront of the desperate efforts being made by Major League Baseball to boost the

game’s popularity. Despite the harsh reality found in Major League Baseball’s study, there is hope for the future and it was found in the small town of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Every year, Williamsport is the home of the Little League World Series where teenage ballplayers from all over the world battle for supremacy on the diamond. Even though this event is nationally broadcasted on ESPN, sports fans and viewers worldwide do not pay too much attention to it. This year, the story is different after being introduced to pitcher Mo’ne Davis. Davis is an African-American female from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Furthermore, Davis opened many viewers’ eyes with her performance and poise on the pitcher’s mound and off. She is only the fourth AfricanAmerican girl to ever play in the Little League World Series. In addition, Davis was the first Little League baseball player to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated. But her story gets even better. On August 15, 2014, Davis was the first female in Little League World Series history to earn a win and a shutout as the Philadelphia Little League team won 4-0. In that game, Davis struck out eight batters and only gave up two infield hits. After her shutout, she received Twitter messages from sports celebrities Brett Carlsen/New York Times Mo’ne Davis pitches during an elmination game against Las Vegas in last month’s LLWS. Kevin Durant and Mike Trout offering

praise for her historical achievement on the mound. Unfortunately, the Philadelphia Little League team was eliminated by Las Vegas putting an end to the team’s magical run. Luckily, the Mo’ne Davis story was the not the only headline of the Little League World Series. Chicago’s all-black Little League squad called Jackie Robinson West won the hearts of millions as they brought the United States championship to Chicago after defeating Las Vegas in the U.S title game. Crowds chanted “U-S-A! U-S-A!”, after the South Siders clinched a spot in the world championship. Eventually, the team lost in the title game 84 against South Korea but not without a late rally in the final inning. Nevertheless, the common denominator between these two stories goes beyond skin color. Both of these stories involved teenage ballplayers who brought their passion, poise, and respect for the game onto the field. Hopefully, the exposure of Davis and Jackie Robinson West will set a precedent to bring a new demographic of African-American and maybe female ballplayers to the sport. Phil Novotny can be reached at philip.



Pro Sports

Alvaro Campo/Flickr , Calcio Mercato/Flickr Manchester United acquired Angel Di Maria from Real Madrid for an English Premier League record fee, while Liverpool signed Italian star Mario Balotelli from AC Milan.

Balotelli And Di Maria Headline Premier League Transfers By MARCUS MITCHELL Sports Writer

Around this time last year, the soccer world was focused on one man and one man only: Gareth Bale. The Welsh winger broke the transfer record after Real Madrid purchased him from Tottenham, and he proved to be worth the cost as he gave Real the crucial goal to win the UEFA Champions League. However, this summer has featured plenty of big names being swapped from league to league. And while the juggernauts of Spain have still spent big this transfer season (Luis Suarez and James Rodriguez to FC Barcelona and Real Madrid, respectively), most of this year’s attention has been spent in the English Premier League as nearly every contending team has spent a good amount of money to win the title this year. The EPL is littered with quality teams that could win the league and each has made considerable signings to put them ahead of the competition. Among them is Everton, who officially signed former Chelsea striker Romelu Lukaku for 35 million euros and free addition Samuel Eto’o to bolster their attack. On the quieter end of the spectrum is perennial favorites Arsenal, who signed Chilean winger Alexis Sanchez from Barcelona and Mathieu

Debuchy from Newcastle to help strengthen their defense. League contenders Chelsea have been incredibly busy this year, improving their attack by purchasing Diego Costa from Spanish champions Atletico Madrid for a fee around 40 million euros and fellow Spaniard attacking midfielder Cesc Fabregas from Barcelona. But the most intriguing move that the Blues made this summer is the resigning of Didier Drogba, who will be returning to the club for the first time since leaving after 2012. The most active club this summer has undoubtedly been Liverpool, as they have spent over 130 million euros in total signings. And most of Liverpool’s signings have been to address the hole left after Suarez departed. Among them are English attacking pieces Adam Lallana and Rickie Lambert, but the whole soccer world held its breath when Italian superstar Mario Balotelli announced he would be leaving AC Milan for Liverpool. Balotelli is the biggest personality in the sport and is finally returning to the Premier League after leaving Man City for Italy two years ago. The Italian striker has the potential to be one of the greatest players to ever grace the sport, but also comes with an attitude that is every fan’s dream and every manager’s

worst nightmare. He has been known to quit in matches and is a liability in some cases as he collects yellow cards often. But his passive aggressive celebrations and careless demeanor makes him a favorite among fans of the sport. His inclusion on Liverpool takes the squad from a contender to a league favorite and even a dark horse in this year’s Champions League. He is the definition of a gamebreaker and his sheer ability can put the fate of the match on his feet. Balotelli will also likely be working as a second striker with English phenom Daniel Sturridge. On a note beyond just the sport, both have faced racist chants and comments from fans, and the two together will be one of the first black tandems in England, which could be a turning point as racism runs rampant among European soccer. If they can work alongside each, the two could easily become the most feared duo in all of England and even one of the most important in history. And then there’s Manchester United. They are looking to rebound after a disappointing season last year under David Moyes, but this year Dutch mastermind Louis Van Gaal agreed to take over the squad. Van Gaal has reworked the entire squad and shifted to a formation of only three centerbacks, a rarity

in the Premier League. Things were rough for the Red Devils as they failed to sign any of the big name players that they were seeking in July and August, including the likes of Mats Hummels, Arturo Vidal, and Marco Reus. But Venue Information relief came when talks of adding Angel Di Maria from Real Madrid became official. Di Maria had one of the best World Cups of any player in the tournament in the games in which he played, including scoring the game winner against Switzerland in extra time. The Argentinian can also be attributed to the success of Real Madrid last season, and Man United fans are likely chomping at the bit to see the triad of Rooney-Van Persie-Di Maria along with the likes of Juan Mata and Luke Shaw. With an attacking force as strong as that, there is no reason that United should end up goalless in any match and averaging two goals a match would not be totally out of the question. As the season gets rolling, there are plenty of new faces in the Premier League this year and a few that are nice to see back. Talent is overflowing in the Premier League and there are hardly any matches that won’t be intriguing to watch this year. Marcus Mitchell can be reached at



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Revis, Patterson Highlight NFL Players To Watch in ‘14

By JORDAN LLANES Asst. Sports Editor

As with every start of the NFL season, there are a ton of players that we look forward to seeing each year, such as bounce back candidates, rookies and established stars. Let’s take a look at one player from each division that could stand out this season. AFC East: Darrelle Revis, CB, Patriots After losing most of the 2012 season to a torn ACL with the Jets, Revis rebounded last year with another Pro Bowl season in Tampa Bay. However, the new Bucs regime released him due to his high salary. The Patriots immediately pounced on the former All-Pro corner, signing him to a one-year, $12 million deal with an option for a second year. At his best, Revis can be the top corner in the league over the likes of Richard Sherman and Patrick Peterson. His new home in Foxboro and playing for an annual championship contender led by quarterback Tom Brady and coach Bill Belichick should inspire the man called ‘Revis Island’. AFC North: Andy Dalton, QB, Bengals Despite three highly successful seasons to begin his NFL career, Andy Dalton still has plenty of critics. Those critics are not unwarranted, as Dalton’s play in the playoffs has been subpar to say the least. However, the Bengals still see Dalton as their quarterback of the future, as evidenced by the six year, $115 million contract extension they gave him last month. To prove worthy of that mega deal, Dalton has to go out and win some playoff games. No pressure. AFC South: Blake Bortles, QB, Jaguars The third overall pick in this year’s draft, Bortles was regarded as the draft’s most physically gifted quarterback, but its least proready among the top prospects. Coach Gus Bradley and General Manager Dave Caldwell

had come out and said publicly that this year would likely be a redshirt year for Bortles so he could adjust to the pro game and learn the offense behind veteran Chad Henne. Well, that plan might go out the window after Bortles’ play this preseason. He has looked every bit the part of a franchise signal caller, so only time will tell if Bradley allows him to show his skills sooner rather than later. AFC West: DeMarcus Ware, DE, Broncos After eight largely successful seasons in Dallas, Ware was cut by the Cowboys following an injury-plagued 2013 season. The Broncos hope he can recapture the form that made him one of the league’s most feared pass rushers after inking a three year, $30 million deal this offseason. If he can bring that form back to

Denver, opposing offensive coordinators won’t know whether to stop him or his young protege, Von Miller. NFC East: Eli Manning, QB, NY Giants Manning went through arguably his worst season as a pro last season, so head coach Tom Coughlin and GM Jerry Reese went out this offseason to ensure that Manning comes back strong. They hired Ben McAdoo from Green Bay as offensive coordinator, signed running back Rashad Jennings and guard Geoff Schwartz in addition to drafting wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. and center Weston Richburg in the draft’s first two rounds to help with that goal. Now it’s time for Manning to bring the Giants back to the playoffs. NFC North: Cordarrelle Patterson,

Rick Burtzel/Flickr

Corrdarrelle Patterson will be the X-factor for Norv Turner’s offense during the 2014 season.

WR, Vikings In former offensive coordinator Bill Musgrave’s system, Patterson was limited as a rookie. That won’t be the case under new coordinator Norv Turner. Turner is known to turn athletically gifted wideouts into top targets. Just look at Josh Gordon last year while Turner was in Cleveland. It wouldn’t be surprising to see Patterson take off to those heights within the next couple seasons. NFC South: Josh McCown, QB, Bucs Last season, McCown went from journeyman backup to efficient starter in Chicago under Marc Trestman. New Bucs coach Lovie Smith saw that performance and decided to give McCown a two year, $10 million deal to be the starter here. With towering targets in veteran Vincent Jackson and Mike Evans, the seventh overall pick in this year’s draft, McCown could replicate last year’s performance in offensive coordinator Jeff Tedford’s scheme. After all the new additions made this year by Smith and new GM Jason Licht, this one is the most important. If McCown can come close to last year’s stellar stint, the Bucs can make the playoffs again. NFC West: Tyrann Mathieu, FS, Cardinals Mathieu has the ability to be one of the league’s best defensive playmakers in defensive coordinator Todd Bowles’ scheme. If he can stay healthy, the Cardinals’ defense will be once again among the league’s elite, and we could possibly see another defensive superstar in the Arizona secondary. Mathieu’s versatility and knack for making big plays could make him a transcendent star. They didn’t call him the “Honey Badger” at LSU for nothing. Jordan Llanes can be reached at jordan.

Stastny & Miller Signings, Spezza Trade Highlight An Eventful NHL Offseason By DOMINICK FALCO Sports Writer

Is it time for hockey to start yet? It has felt like an eternity since the Los Angeles Kings hoisted the Stanley Cup all the way back in June. The wait will come to an end soon as preseason hockey is just a few weeks away. Before we start looking at the beginning of the season, we need to look back at the busy offseason. Many familiar faces are now in new places. These players will be looking to make a big impact that will help contribute to a Stanley Cup run. Possibly the biggest offseason acquisition came in the way of a trade. The Ottawa Senators sent center Jason Spezza to the Dallas Stars in a five player trade. Spezza adds another great veteran presence to an already talented Dallas team. Adding Spezza to a team that already boasted great scorers like Tyler Seguin and Jamie Benn will make the Stars a team that could contend immediately in a competitive Western Conference. A team that was a big surprise last season seems to have added another weapon to their arsenal. The St. Louis Blues were able to sign free agent center Paul Stastny. Stastny will add another potential 30-goal scorer to a Blues team that was already fourth in the Western Conference in scoring. Look for the Blues to make another jump this upcoming season with Stastny now on their side. The Vancouver Canucks made some clever shuffling this offseason.

It looked like the team was bound to go through a tough rebuilding period, but was able to make some moves to make that process faster. After going from having two good goalie options in Corey Schneider and Roberto Luongo in 2013, to having a combination of Jacob Markstrom and Eddie Lack at the end of this past season, it looked like they were going to struggle in goal. The Canucks solved that problem by signing the best goaltender on the free agent market, Ryan Miller. The team was also able to free up some flexibility for the future by unloading big contracts for Ryan Kesler

and Jason Garrison for young assets and draft picks. The Colorado Avalanche lost Stastny to free agency but was able to replace him with veteran scorer Jarome Iginla. Coming off a 30-goal season, Iginla will look to continue his stellar career in Colorado. Colorado should get the production that they paid for after signing Iginla to a three year deal worth $16 million. The New Jersey Devils have been cautious about giving about long term, big money contracts ever since the Ilya Kovalchuk experiment went horribly

Bridget Samuels/Flickr

Jason Spezza will be a valuable asset for the Dallas Stars during this season.

wrong. Now, they are a team that has been in the middle of the pack since the departure of Kovalchuk and Zach Parise. Moreover, New Jersey had to make some moves to be more competitive. They did just that by signing former Calgary Flames star Mike Cammalleri. Cammalleri adds a consistent goal scorer to a Devils team that finished 27th in the league in scoring last season. The Tampa Bay Lightning may have had the best offseason of any team in the NHL. They were extremely active throughout the summer, making over twenty different transactions. It started with locking up Calder Trophy finalists Tyler Johnson and Ondrej Palat to three year deals, and extending breakout goaltender Ben Bishop for two more seasons. The Lightning were also able to re-sign Ryan Callahan, whom they acquired in the trade deadline deal that sent Martin St. Louis to the Rangers. The Lightning made many smart moves to shed some cap room to set them up in free agency. They took advantage of that extra money by signing defenseman Anton Stralman, forwards Brian Boyle and Brenden Morrow, and back-up goalie Evgeni Nabokov. Overall, Tampa Bay had a great offseason by adding experience and depth to an already young and very talented team which will look to improve on their 101 point effort in the 20132014 season. Dominick Falco can be reached at


Men’s Soccer [17]



NFL Players [19]

AFC Preview: Broncos, Patriots Lead The Charge

Football Schedule/Flickr

Julian Edelman and the Patriots offense will have to step up in order to become AFC champs. By CONNOR ANTHONY Sports Writer

While it has been nearly a seven-month wait following Super Bowl XLVIII, football will be back for good starting September 8th. The one impending question is what the heck is going to go on in the AFC? After his pitiful Super Bowl performance, Peyton Manning will once again lead the AFC preseason favorite Denver Broncos in their quest to avenge their blowout loss to the Seahawks. Denver was aggressive in the offseason by signing defensive end DeMarcus Ware, safety T.J Ward and cornerback Aqib Talib. Denver enters with the best offense in the game, but clearly needing to strengthen their vulnerable defense. The defending AFC West Champion will once again hope to prevail in the newly crowned best division in the AFC.

With the emergence of Andy Reid as the head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs and the new look San Diego Chargers starting to take shape, the AFC West will most likely get three teams into the playoffs once again. While the Raiders did have a decent draft by grabbing linebacker Khalil Mack and quarterback Derek Carr, they are still not quite good enough to contend. The Chargers addressed their secondary help by getting corner Jason Verrett from TCU and signing Pro Bowl corner Brandon Flowers from the rival Chiefs. As a result, Kansas City had a rough offseason, losing Flowers, running back Dexter McCluster and tackle Branden Albert to free agency. Also, starting quarterback Alex Smith and Pro Bowl linebacker Justin Houston both had stalemates in their extension talks with the team. Therefore, the Chiefs might not have that magical 9-0 start that they

recorded last year. Generally speaking, the AFC West will be the division to watch and while the other divisions will have interesting players and rookies to follow, they will not be anywhere as entertaining. Rookies will help highlight the AFC South in 2014. The Houston Texans and Jacksonville Jaguars both drafted in the top three in May with Houston taking Jadeveon Clowney number one, and the Jags taking UCF quarterback Blake Bortles at number three. With Jacksonville trying to figure themselves out, and Houston trying to be more like the 2012-13 Texans, this is going to be the Colts’ division to lose. Indianapolis is easily the favorite to win the division again, and their biggest challenge will be making it further in the playoffs. Andrew Luck is looking like the second coming of Peyton Manning and is already playing like a ten year pro. While the Titans should finish second, they haven’t done much to separate themselves from the team that they were last year. This will probably be the last chance Jake Locker has to prove himself as a starting NFL quarterback and if he has another down season, expect to see him looking for a new job. The AFC North is an intriguing division, not only because Johnny Manziel and all his shenanigans but also because both Pittsburgh and Baltimore seem to be on a decline. All the while, Andy Dalton and his new $116 million dollar contract have made the Cincinnati Bengals the team to beat in the North. The Ravens will be without running back Ray Rice after he was suspended the first two games by the league for domestic abuse against his fiancée. While Manziel will be having to

live up to expectations in Cleveland, he will be without receiver Josh Gordon, who was suspended for the entire 2014 season for violating the NFL’s substance abuse policy once again. With Pittsburgh starting to show their age and salary cap issues, it looks like it might be time for a change in the Steel City. How could an AFC preview be complete without mentioning Tom Brady? Despite turning 37 this past year, Brady and the Pats are coming off a year when they fell just short of the Super Bowl by losing to the Broncos in the AFC Championship Game. Brady and Co. look to be the favorites to return to the championship game and get their shot at redemption. The rest of the AFC East will once again beat up on each other but no team will come out on top. The Jets finally cut ties with Mark Sanchez and signed Michael Vick, and also managed to add wide receiver Eric Decker and running back Chris Johnson to give their offense a new look. Many believe Johnson is nearing the end of his career. Hopefully, a new change of scenery can bring back the old CJ2K. The Dolphins will be the Patriots’ biggest competitor and one of the Jets peskiest opponents. After blowing their chance at a playoff berth last year, the Dolphins are ready for their second chance to not make the same mistake. The Bills will once again finish at the bottom of their division, despite Sammy Watkins and all the excitement that he brings coming to upstate. The Bills are hoping E.J. Manuel can continue to grow as a quarterback and become worthy of the first round pick that they spent on him a year ago. Connor Anthony can be reached at

NFC Preview: Is This The Start of a Seattle Dynasty? By JAMES BELLUSCIO Sports Writer

Many believe the San Francisco 49ers and Seattle Seahawks are the best teams in the NFL going into the 2014 season, and for good reason. Therefore, do not expect much fallout from the defending champion Seahawks. Minus a few missing parts in their world-class secondary, the team has the pieces to repeat as the NFL’s champions. The NFC West will go to either the Niners or the ‘Hawks, but the Cardinals will hang around for a while. Their defense is only getting better, and Andre Ellington has shown flashes of becoming a feature running back. The NFC is stuffed with championship caliber teams. No division in the conference has an obvious favorite to win. In other words, making predictions is somewhat of a guessing game. In years past, the NFC East was widely considered the league’s most competitive division. After a terrible year for the four teams, expect another vintage NFC East dogfight that goes down to the very last couple of weeks. The Giants made vast improvements on their offensive and defensive lines, but this is the first year of Eli Manning’s career on a new offensive system. They may make a run in the second half of the year, but it is hard to see them win more than nine games. With inconsistency problems in Dallas and the new scheme in Washington, up and down years for both teams are likely. The Redskins have once again changed their offense, and that

will affect RGIII. The favorite in the East is the Philadelphia Eagles. Don’t think Coach Chip Kelly and quarterback Nick Foles will be another flash in the pan with beginner’s luck. The Eagles will maintain their offensive creativity with some raised defensive intensity. Which will allow them to pull a rare repeat in the East. The NFC North may be the league’s most intriguing division this season. The Packers have Aaron Rodgers back healthy. The Bears have possibly the best wide-receiving duo in the NFL with Alshon Jeffery and Brandon Marshall. Outside of Adrian Peterson and Cordarrelle Patterson, the Vikings lack in players that can make plays to win football games, so a possible disaster season could be coming for Minnesota. This pick is an outside of the box prediction but the Detroit Lions will win the North. With the new acquisitions of Golden Tate and Eric Ebron, it will be difficult to shut down the many weapons Detroit throws at you. Reggie Bush, Calvin Johnson, Brandon Pettigrew, Ebron, Tate and a quarterback in Matthew Stafford that can get the ball to all of them, the Lions will be a tough team to beat. If new Head Coach Jim Caldwell can finally provide the discipline the Lions desperately lacked in years past to get over the hump, Detroit has the talent to take the league by storm. Considering Drew Brees is the quarterback for the Saints, you have to put them on the top of the list for Super Bowl contenders. But the Falcons are just two years removed from playing in the NFC

Scott Iwata/Flickr

The Seahawks celebrate with the Lombardi Trophy after their Super Bowl 48 victory.

Championship game. Don’t forget they lost Julio Jones for basically the entire season, and Roddy White missed time with ailing injuries. If they can return back to form, and Steven Jackson can stay on the field, the Falcons could return to NFC dominance. The Bucs have a new logo, new brand, and new man in charge. Still, it will take another year of getting the players to fit in Lovie Smith’s scheme

to be a successful team. The team that fans should expect to have the most fallout is the Carolina Panthers. Their defense is led by middle linebacker Luke Kuechly, but Cam Newton’s injury problems in camp and inconsistency lead fans to believe that they will struggle out of the gate and never recover in the competitive South. James Belluscio can be reached at

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