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Regional News

Steag holds medical, dental News In Focus clinic

Foreign volunteers enjoying the ride


WFP officials with PNoy in Iligan Regional News




VOL. 1, No. 214

Cagayan de Oro City


January 28, 2012


3 kids snatched in Butuan, one escaped By OBET SAMONTE with SARAME WAGAS Caraga News Bureau

BUTUAN City––An eight-year-old girl managed to escape from her abductor four days after her captivity. In an exclusive interview, the victim identified only as Lorna said she was abducted on January 20 in a car-for-hire terminal in Butuan City. Lorna said that she was brought to Kitcharao town in Agusan del Norte where she was treated like a slave––and deployed to the town’s busy district to beg for money. She identified his abductor as a certain “Tata.” “Kung dili gani mo mamalik pamatyon ta gyud mo,” Lorna quoted Tata as saying whenever she and other kids are sent to beg for money. Missing Prior to Lorna’s daring escaped, Anna and Malyn, the parents of Lorna and Michelle, sought the help of Mindanao Daily-Caraga office after their children failed to go home since the eve of January 20. The Mindanao Daily immediately posted the photos of the missing children on

Facebook, a social networking site, photocopied the photos and posted them on walls, and reported the matter to Police Station 2 in Langihan with the parents. Lorna, however, arrived home on the afternoon of January 24 unharmed but not Michelle. The real story Lorna came to tell her sad ordeal with her abductors. S h e c l a i m e d Ta t a snatched her on January 21 at 6 p.m. at Langihan van terminal and was subsequently brought to Kitcharao town in Agusan del Norte. Aside from Lorna, the girl said Tata also snatched another kid identified only as “Migs” at gunpoint. They arrive before noon in a woody area in Kicharao town where she saw eight other children [aged eight to 11 years old] inside the house. They were met by a lady ESCAPED/PAGE 11

MINDANAO Daily agency correspondent Sarame Wagas interviews Lorna, the eightyear-old girl who managed to escaped from her abductors Tuesday. Below, nine-year-old Michelle Anne Curato of Purok 3A, Ressurection, Butuan City has been declared missing by her parents since January 21, 2012. Photo by Obet Samonte

WEATHER UPDATE Diffused tail-end of a cold front affecting Visayas and Northern Mindanao. Visayas and Mindanao will experience mostly cloudy skies with scattered rainshowers and thunderstorms. Elsewhere, winds will be moderate coming from the East and Northeast with moderate seas. source: pagasa

Amreco opposes hike in power generation rates By ALLAN MEDIANTE, Executive editor

CAGAYAN de Oro City–– The just-held Mindanao Congress of Advocates on Renewable Energy Development (MinCARED) ended with resolutions agreed by member cooperatives of Amreco (Association of Mindanao Cooperatives) reiterating its position opposing an increase in power

generation rates should the privatization of Pulangi and Agus Hydro-electric plants push through. Led by Amreco Chairman Sergio Dagooc and Executive Director Clint Pacana, the members submitted their resolutions to Mindanao Development Agency (MDA) Chairman

Lualhati Antonino expressing anew their position on issues as part of the Pulangi and Agus advocacy campaign: 1) That in privatizing Pulangi and Agus plants, conditions must stipulate their stand of “no increase of generation rates of the plants’ output for 20 years; 2) Creation of a multisectoral group with techni-

cal capacity to monitor the out put of Agus and Pulangi HEPPs as recommended by the 1st MinCARED; 3) Creation of the Mindanao Power Corporation through legislative action. Discussions with civil society representatives have been mostly centered on the cause of the ordinary consumers. Media speakers espoused also the stand

that in case of privatization, electricity rates should not be higher than what is being charged presently by power distributors and electric cooperatives. In its previous pronouncement the 27-member cooperatives of AMRECO said they are vehemently opposed to the Electric Power Industry Reform Act RATES/PAGE 11

For more details, contact Tel. No.: 309-5276 HERMILINO VILLALON Manager

Displaced workers in Oro, Iligan to get aids THE Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) yesterday announced the release of P6.912-million fund for the emergency employment and livelihood assistance of workers who were displaced after tropical storm Sendong struck the cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan. Labor and Employment Secretary Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz said that the P6.912 million is composed of P3.839 million for the Emergency Employment Program (EEP) and P3.073 million for livelihood assistance in the form of jigs and tools as starter kits. The EEP and livelihood programs are emergency interventions of the Department. Both programs are aimed at helping displaced workers cope and recover from emergencies and other natural calamities. “Through these DOLE programs, we want to strengthen the morale of our workers and help them move forward with their lives,” said Baldoz. The labor chief added that the said amount covers the P3.225 million wages of the displaced workerbeneficiaries. The displaced workers, who will be paid the minimum wage rate at P215 per day for eight hours work, will be engaged in community and rural rehabilitation work in the affected areas, specifically in de-clogging, clearing, and cleaning of communities, schools, and evacuation centers for 15 days. Aside from the wages, the amount will also be used for the purchase of working tools and other personal protective equipment. The EEP is expected to benefit 1,000 displaced workers. The qualified beneficiaries will come from the AIDS/PAGE 11

Editorial: 74-53-80, e-mail: mindanaodailynews@gmail.com • Advertising: 0917-7121424, e-mail: mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com

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