The YANSON Group of Companies
RURAL TRANSIT BACHELOR EXPRESS “First in Service, Foremost in Fleet Maintenance”
Cagayan de Oro City
May 18, 2012
‘We are one-year-old today’ By ALLAN MEDIANTE, Editor In Chief, BWM Magazine
THIS paper is celebrating its first anniversary today, May 18, 2012. The forerunner of this newspaper was a magazine size bilingual (English and Bisayan) daily which has earned the raves of grass-
roots readers that come mostly from B,C and D categories. While the paper enjoyed initial popularity, publisher Dante Sudaria thought it more appropriate to elevate its stature by coming out
with a bigger (tabloid size) to give more service opportunities to advertisers and more public service through a wider range of stories. “Indeed, Mindanao Daily News has metamorphosed into a tabloid daily which ONE YEAR/PAGE 14
Message from the Publisher
The new home of BusinessWeek Mindanao, Mindanao Daily News, Mindanao Bisaya and BWM Magazine, above, is located at Tanbeh Bldg, along Abellanosa St., Cagayan de Oro City. (Photo by Arjay Felicilda)
Labor groups demand 90-peso wage increase L ABOR groups h a v e r e i t e r at e d their call for a P90 across-the-board wage increase in the National Capital Region (NCR), citing the recent spate of increases in costs of oil products and basic commodities.
In Thursday’s public consultation of the Regional Tripartite Wage and Productivity Board-National Capital Region (RTWPB-NCR), Trade Union Congress of the Philippines Assistant Secretary-General Hernan Nicdao said a rise in cost of commodities, tuition and electricity can be considered as “supervening events” to warrant an acceptable wage increase. “There is a rampant increase in the prices of oil, basic commodities, electricity. Ang problema dito, ang presyo ba ng kuryente bumababa?” Nicdao said. He said the average wage increase that the NCR wage board had approved ranged from P15 to P20. “This is not enough. It’s not really acceptable,” he said. On March 16, the TUCP filed a petition to increase LABOR/PAGE 15
For more details, contact Tel. No.: 309-5276 HERMILINO VILLALON Manager
To All Partners and Readers of Mindanao Daily News: I am in deep gratitude of your support and continuing patronage to this paper, the Business Week Mindanao, and Mindanao Bisaya. Our existence in the media community would not have been possible without your grace and blessings. Thank you so much that you have accepted the service of this newspaper. We assure you that Mindanao Daily News will always be a tool for truth and justice, and in furthering the cause of press freedom, and advocacy for Mindanao development. Toward this end let me also thank all the men and women behind the daily grind of Mindanao Daily News. Without you, our task of responsible newspapering would not be realized. DANTE M. SUDARIA Publisher
ILLEGAL REPEATERS: Actual images of illegal repeaters installed on top of houses and buildings.
Globe files complaint with NTC against use of illegal repeaters GLOBE Telecom has formally filed a complaint with the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) against the use of illegal repeaters as part of its intensified efforts to track down users and sellers of the equipment that cause network interference for subscribers in a specific area. Illegal repeaters come in the form of indoor or outdoor antennas and wireless adapters that boost network coverage and sig-
nal by means of hogging bandwidth from a legitimate Globe network infrastructure. They are installed in between trees, building windows, toilet areas, rooftop areas and building spaces, making them increasingly hard to locate. As a result, Globe subscribers experience dropped calls as well as a significant dip in call quality and clarity. Monitoring reports from Globe Network Group revealed that there was a sigGLOBE/PAGE 15
Davao Oriental media deplore another killing DAVAO Oriental––The killing of media man Nestor Libaton and other attacks on the Davao Oriental media has prompted the National Union of Journalists of the Pphilippines (NUJP) to issue unity statements, yesterday. The statements according to Jeffrey M. Tupas, NUJP director, urged all members of the working press representing various media organizations in the Davao region, to strongly condemn the recent murder of Libaton last May 8. “The killing of Libaton has put media workers in this province in more peril as they risk their profession and their very lives in their duties as journalists,” the statament said. Media attacks in Davao Oriental have intensified in the past years. On 2010, there was the murder of radio blocktime announcer Jesiderio Camangyan, known for his hard-hitting commentaries against illegal logging. GRENADE/PAGE 15