DAR-IX Chronicles (January-March 2023)

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DAR distributes land titles in Zamboanga Sibugay, Zamboanga del Norte

The Department of he of Agrarian Reform IX Reform IX (DAR IX) awarded a to- awarded a total of 665 Certificates of Land Ownership Award (CLOAs) to Award (CLOAs) to the 629 agrarian reform benefi- the 629 reform beneficiaries (ARBs) for the prov- ciaries (ARBs) for the provinces of Zamboanga del Norte inces of del Norte and Zamboanga Sibugay last and last March 9 and 10, respectively. March 9 and 10,

The two separate activities, under the Support to Parcelization Continue on page 3 Continue on page 3

ZAMPEN Region garners highest in LTSP Accomplishment and Second Highest weighted performance in ARBDSP

The DAR Central Office Management acknowledged and recognized its regional and provincial offices who achieved exemplary performance in land valuation, registration, distribution, installation, documentation and survey and performed admirable works on providing trainings, enterprise development, farm inputs, access to credit and other support services to the agrarian reform beneficiaries and agrarian


The year 2022 was indeed a banner year for the Department of Agrarian Reform IX as the region emerged the Highest in terms of Accomplishment for the Land Tenure Security Program (LTSP) and the second highest performance in all the four major indicators of the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development and Sustainability Program (ARBDSP)

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Volume 21 No. 1 January - March 2023 1st Quarter
USEC Kazel Celeste and USEC Amihilda Sangcopan together with RD Ramon E. Madroñal, Jr. and Assistant Regional Director Agnes Y. Maata, and other dignitaries pose with Zamboanga del Norte and Zamboanga Sibugay Agrarian Reform beneficiaries with their individual CLOAs. DAR Region IX contingent headed by Regional Director Ramon E. Madroñal, Jr. receives the awards during the 2022 National Summative Assessment and 2023 Direction-Setting Conference held at Widus Hotel in Clark, Pampanga.

Last March 6, the Department of Agrarian Reform Zamboanga Sibugay Provincial Office welcomed its new head in a simple turnover ceremony spearheaded by DAR IX Assistant Regional Director for Operations, Engr. Agnes Maata, Assistant Regional Director for Adminisration and Legal Services, Atty. Marcelino Maata, and Regional Agrarian Reform Adjudicator Jessica Agagon at the DAR Provincial Office in Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay.

By virtue of Special Order No. 67 issued by DAR Sec. Conrado M. Estrella III, PARPO I Rolando M. Libetario, Jr., was designated as the OIC PARPO II of the DAR Zamboanga Sibugay Provincial Office, while the outgoing head, PARPO

II Mohammad Dassan J. Adju, will continue to serve DAR IX as the Special Assistant of the Office of the Regional Director.

ARDO Maata welcomed Libetario and relayed the support of the regional office to his administration. Likewise, Adju expressed his backing for the new provincial head and assured his continued support for the DARPO.

Meanwhile, ARDA Marata noted that the addition of Libetario to the DAR IX workforce is a welcomed development in the province as he could contribute to the holistic development not only of DARPO Sibugay but of Region IX as a whole, which would translate to the betterment of the lives of the

agrarian reform beneficiaries.

For his part, Libetario committed to doing his best to continue what had been started by the leadership of PARPO II Adju and to working with the DAR Zamboanga Sibugay workforce in one direction, as one organization.

DAR Zamboanga Sibugay welcomes New Provincial Head ARBO Receives P3.5-M Hauling Truck From DAR under SuRe-ARC Project

Prior to his assignment in Zamboanga Sibugay, Libetario served as PARPO I of DARPO Misamis Occidental.

The activity was witnessed by the OIC PARPO I,

Salera, Division Chiefs, and other DAR Sibugay officials.

An Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries’ Organization (ARBO) in Zamboanga del Norte received a hauling truck from the Department of Agrarian Reform worth P3.5 million during the organization’s 25th General Assembly at Marcelo, Kalawit, Zamboanga del Norte last March 29.

PARPO II Rizzel Villanueva of DAR Zamboanga del Norte, turned over a Farm Machinery and Equipment (FME) to the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Multipurpose Cooperative (ARBEMCO), comprising one brand new FUSU Hauling Truck under the Sustainable and Resil-

ient Agrarian Reform Communities (SuRe-ARC) Project.

The provision of the said FME was intended to be used primarily for the transport of agricultural products by the agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) in its rubber production and other business enterprises in order to improve the cooperative's economic potential and income.

Prior to the official turnover ceremony, the parties signed the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) and ARBEMCO in conformity on the terms and conditions. The signing was facilitated by SuRe-ARC point person, ARPO I Engr. Ryan Monleon.

PARPO Villanueva congratulated the ARBO and shared his hopes that the said equipment could be of great support in raising ARBEMCO’s revenue. “Unta nga kini sakyanan makatabang para madugangan inyong

income ug manghinaot ta nga aduna pay dugang kay atong paningkamotan nga ma recommend ang concreting sa inyong dalan,” (Hoping that this hauling truck will help in increasing your income, and for more projects. We will also recommend for the concretion of your road,”) he stated. He also encouraged the cooperative's beneficiaries to be humble, considerate, and supportive for the community's success.

ARBEMCO Chairman Hector Igot expressed gratitude on behalf of the beneficiaries and the organization as a whole for the FME received. “This FME is going to be invaluable in enhancing ARBEMCO’s financial performance and status. Our huge thanks to DAR for their support — we assure you that your interventions in our office will not be in vain, as we will maximize using it,” he said.

2 Agrarian Reform Chronicles January - March 2023
Lorna Outgoing PARPO II Mohammad Dassan Adju turn-over key of responsibilities to incoming OIC PARPO II Rolando Libetrio, Jr. (From left – ARPO II Edgardo Lamatan, CARPO for PBDD Anthony Teves, OIC PARPO I Lorna Salera, ARDA Atty. Marcelino Marata, RARAD Jessica Agagon, OIC PARPO II Rolando Libetario, Jr., PARPO II Mohammad Dassan Adju, ARDo Engr. Agnes Maata, PCAO Reynaldo Mantos, ARPO II Jocelyn Umbina representing Chief Legal Atty. Carrie Nizva Refugio, ARPO II Cherry Ann Rasonable representing CARPO for LTID Perlidita Engalla and PHRMO John Lloyd Cababat) PARPO II Rizzel B.Villanueva turns over to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Multipurpose Cooperative (ARBEMCO) Chairman Hector Igot the signed Memorandum of Agreement alongside the P3.5 million hauling truck at Marcelo, Kalawit, Zamboanga del Norte.

DAR Zamboanga del Norte Welcomes NewlyPromoted and Appointed Personnel

DAR Zamboanga del Norte recently conducted oath taking ceremonies for the newly promoted and appointed DAR personnel and the graduates under the Supervisory Management Program (SMP) Phase I and III last March 30 at Top Plaza Hotel, Zamboanga del Norte.

The oath taking ceremony was administered by no less than the DAR IX Regional Director, Atty. Ramon E. Madroñal, Jr. for the Supervisory Management Program (SMP) Phase I and II who successfully completed the course program. The seven newly promoted and fifteen newly appointed DAR personnel took their oaths for the commitment to uphold their duties and responsibilities to the best of their abilities.

RD Madroñal expressed the same joy and fulfillment as the new appointees. He further affirmed that those who had not yet been appointed should be the first priority in the following deliberation. “To those who were not appointed, they were not discriminated

against; it’s just that only few items are available for appointment that’s why we have to decide,” he conveyed. He also reminds them that their appointment carries with it a big responsibility to contribute to accomplishing the province’s deliverables.

PARPO II Rizzel Villanueva also acknowledged Assistant Regional Director for Operations (ARDO), Engr. Agnes Y. Maata and Assistant Regional Director for Administration (ARDA), Atty. Marcelino S. Marata for their dedication and hard work as members of the Regional Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board.

Meanwhile, PARAD Avito Zamora expressed his heartfelt congratulations to the newly appointed and promoted staff and hoped that they would deliver the tasks they were appointed to. “Government service is not about numbers and accomplishments but also touching the hearts and uplift the lives of our farmer beneficiaries”, Zamora said in his closing remarks.

DAR distributes land titles ...

Continued from page 1 Continued from page 1 of Lands for Individual Titling (SPLIT) Project, was able to distribute a total of 1,192 hectares of land to the ARBs, giving them ownership to the lands they have been toiling for so long.

In line with Secretary Conrado Estrella's promise of bringing the government closer to the people, the distribution was graced by the presence of USEC Atty. Kazel Celeste, USEC Amihilda J. Sangcopan of Mindanao Affairs for Rural Development Office (MARDO), DAR

9 Director Atty. Ramon Madroñal, Assistant Regional Director Agnes Maata, officials from the partner agencies along with other regional

and provincial officials and staff.

USEC Kazel Celeste congratulated the beneficiaries present and assured that the department will continue to support the farmers to make their land more productive through DAR's support services. "Sana alagaan po natin ang mga lupa natin, huwag po nating ibebenta dahil makakaasa po kayo na kasama ninyo ang DAR para magbigay ng suporta sa ating mga ARBs," (“We hoped that you will take care of the lands awarded to you and will not sell them. Rest assured that DAR is your partner in providing support services to our ARBs”) she said.

Further, USEC Amihilda J. Sang-

copan of the MARDO acknowledged and expressed gratitude to the local government unit and the line agencies for the support that they have given for the program of the department. “I hope that our efforts, as support offices, continue to further provide support and interventions for our beloved farmers,” she said.

Meanwhile, RD Madroñal provided encouragement to the farmer beneficiaries and emphasized the importance of continuing the productivity of their awarded lands.

“As this is part of the government’s appreciation to our farmers’ hard work, DAR hopes that the land titles you have received

will be of help to all of you, and that we continue with our work in agriculture,” he said.

It was evident from the smiles on the faces of the ARBs that they were happy as they received their individual titles.

Their excitement even increased when USEC Celeste announced the approval in the third and final reading of the Agrarian Emancipation Bill. Senate Bill 1850, the bill is expected to condone all loans, including interest, penalties, and surcharges arising from the awards of agricultural lands under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP).

3 Agrarian Reform Chronicles January - March 2023
RD Ramon E. Madroñal, Jr. administers the oath taking of the Supervisory Management Program graduates last March 30 at Top Plaza Hotel, Dipolog City. The newly-promoted DAR Zamboanga del Norte personnel during the Oath Taking Ceremony.

A Mother’s Love Saves It All: The Story of GARBEMCO’s Rise

Heroes do not always have to be clad in a superhero costume and fly up high, manifesting their super powers. More so, one does not need to sacrifice his or her life and be buried in the "Libingan ng mga Bayani" in order to be honored as a hero. Sometimes, a hero can be a normal mortal with a pure heart willing to give his or her best in the service of his or her fellowmen.

Driven by a mother’s heart, Mrs. Lilia Gregorio Manuel took on the challenge of leading GARBEMCO during the time when the coop was in turmoil and in its darkest state way back in 2010. Manager Neneng, as they fondly called her, inherited lots of problems: debts, unavailable funds for the operation of the cooperative, and the cases filed against her and the cooperative by some of its members. Indeed, the cooperative was on the brink of closure, and only a magical hand could save it from extinction.

At first, Manager Neneng was hesitant to take on the responsibility considering the situation, but looking into the eyes of the starving children, she was determined to make a better change for the cooperative. "Makita man gud naku ang mga bata maghilak kay gigutom, walay makaun, ang uban magsakit, walay ipaospital ang ginikanan. So didto ko nagkuha ug kusog sa ilaha. Maningkamot jud ko para maka eskwela sila, para sa maayong future nila." (I saw children crying because of hunger; some were sick, but their parents could not afford to take them to the hospital due to poverty. From them, I took the strength and courage to strive for them to be able to study and have a brighter future," manager Manuel recalled.

"Dili lalim ang akuang naagian pag manager naku, naa koy life threat pati akong mga anak, walay kwarta ang cooperative ug left and right, ang

mga kaso nga akong giasikaso" (What I have experienced when I started as manager was not easy; I have life threats and even my children; there is no fund for the operation of the cooperative, and I have to attend to numerous cases filed against the cooperative), she related.

One of the notable innovations introduced by the new management to cope with their financial dilemma is the Members Savings Operation (MSO) to help their members who are in need of financial assistance. The cooperative deducted P50 from each member along with the P10,000 initial capital from the cooperative as their initial strategy to collect funds. From this, two members can avail themselves of a P5,000 loan from the cooperative. Slowly but surely, with good leadership and strong support from the members, the cooperative’s business was getting back on track.

Evidently, after two years, along with the rise of the rubber price, the cooperative was able to stand back on its feet. Along with the other business ventures of the cooperative, its lending business improved. With an additional P1 million in capital from the cooperative, its members as well as its workers were able to avail of a loan worth P25,000. Though the amount was minimal, its lending business has touched the lives of not only its ARB members but also those non-ARB members who were able to avail of the services.

"Dako and tabang sa among lending sa mga ginagmay nga problema sa among miyembro, labi na sa mga emergencies like naay mamatay or madisgraya sa ilaha nga nagkinahanglan ug dinaliang kwarta." (Our lending service is of great help to our members, especially during emergencies like the sudden death of a family member or an accident that

requires immediate money), relayed Ms. Manuel.

She added that some of the cooperative's members were able to send their children to school while others availed of additional livelihood projects. "Ang usa sa among miyembro, nag loan sila dri para sa ilang studyante, kalooy sa Ginoo, nakahuman jud. Karun nakatrabaho na sa abroad ug napahimuan sila’g balay." (One of our members borrowed money from our cooperative to send his child to school. "By God’s grace, he was able to graduate, land a job abroad, and now build them a house," she happily narrated.

Personally, Manager Neneng was also able to renovate her house and purchase a lot after availing of their coop’s lending business. Her hard work and dedication indeed paid off. Currently, the cooperative also offers tricycle loans aside from their cash offerings. Further, they also cater loan services to barangay officials in the entire municipality. She admitted that their income from the lending business played a big role in financing the day-to-day expenses of the cooperative.

Aside from their MSO and on top

of their rubber production, GARBEMCO also ventured into fisheries, abaca production and abaca handicraft, rice production, water refilling stations, and eco-tourism business through their hot spring swimming pool under the able leadership of Manager Manuel.

From their difficult beginning, GARBEMCO has already made a name for itself in the ARB cooperatives and in the rubber industry not only in the province, but nationwide. Thanks to the strong-willed mother whose only dream is to give the best for her children, notwithstanding the challenges along the way. With her commendable accomplishments as head of the cooperative for more than a decade, from the numerous awards received—an additional feather in their cap is the recognition as the most progressive ARBO in the island of Mindanao awarded during the ARBO Leaders' Summit last June 2022—to the increased total asset, Mrs. Manuel is nurturing a legacy that will remain in the pages of GARBEMCO’s history. Mrs. Manuel proved that indeed, a mother’s love conquers even the biggest storm. Truly, a woman can lead, and she can lead better.

4 Agrarian Reform Chronicles January - March 2023
Goodyear Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Multipurpose Cooperative Manager, Ms. Lilia G. Manuel

DAR-DENR-NCIP Coordination Meeting

A regional coordination meeting initiated by the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) with the National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP) and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) was conducted on March 23, 2023 at Roxan Hotel, Pagadian City relative to issued CLOAs that may have overlap with Ancestral Domain Claims.

The meeting aims to clarify and identify areas of submitted applications of Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT) and Certificate of Ancestral Domain Claim (CADC) to the Land Registration Authority (LRA) by NCIP that may present possible over-

lapping of jurisdiction between DAR and DENR. This is also to coordinate with NCIP counterparts on the delineation of landholdings issued with title under the Agrarian Reform Program including those landholdings issued with Notice of Coverage.

Moreover, the discussion and threshing out of policies and proper procedures with regards to the implementation of each agencies mandate were tackled and had come up with agreements to the identified problems, issues and concerns related to overlapping jurisdiction.

Regional Director Ramon Madroñal, Jr. emphasized the necessity for these government

agencies to convene as he cited Joint Administrative Order 01, series of 2012 which addresses the juris-

dictional and operational issues

and among the agencies.

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DAR Zamboanga Sibugay celebrates Women’s Month with female Persons Deprived of Liberty of BJMP Ipil District Jail

As part of its Women's Month culmination activities, DAR Zamboanga Sibugay visited the female dormitory of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)

Ipil District Jail to give simple tokens to the 24 female Persons De-

prived of Liberty (PDLs) in the facility on March 30, 2023.

OIC PARPO II Rolando M. Libetario, Jr. noted that despite their circumstances, the female PDLs in the facility also have the right to commemorate this special

month for women; hence, the DARPO Zamboanga Sibugay made the effort to commemorate women's month with them to make them feel the spirit of the celebration.

To somehow entertain the PDLs, a simple program was also conducted by DARPO Zamboanga Sibugay personnel headed by Provincial Accountant Connie Alingayao and GAD Focal Point System representative Carol Credo. The PDLs eagerly and enthusiastically participated in the activity and also showcased a dance number, much to the delight of the DAR personnel and inmates.

MARPO Noemi Ampong of DARMO Ipil, who was also present at the activity, delivered a heartfelt and motherly message to the PDLs. On behalf of DAR Zamboanga Sibugay, she expressed her gratitude for giving DAR the opportunity to make such activity happen. In

response, JO3 Luisa Dayrit, on behalf of the female dormitory warden SJO3 Asea Nasiad, relayed their appreciation to DAR for spending time with the PDLs and choosing them to take part in their Women's Month celebration.

The activity, though simple, leaves a mark in the hearts of each and every participant. The gifts, though insignificant in amount, brought smiles to the faces of the PDLs. And the program, though short in duration, added color and excitement to their rather normal and dull day. The smiles and happiness evident in their faces as they danced and clapped after every presentation and message offered to them made the activity even more special and worthwhile. Indeed, the true essence of being an empowered woman is empowering another woman, regardless of her status in society, color, or religion.

5 Agrarian Reform Chronicles January - March 2023
Regional Director Ramon E. Madroñal, Jr in conversation with NCIP Community Development Officer III Edgar Gumanas between MARPO Noemi G. Ampong together with Connie Alingayo and Carol Credo distributes simple tokens to the female Persons Deprived of Liberty at BJMP Ipil District Jail.

Renewal of Marketing Agreements Between BJPM and Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Organizations Successfully


To continue the partnership between the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries’ Organizations (ARBOs) and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, DAR Zamboanga del Sur conducted a Kumustahan Session cum Renewal of Marketing Agreements between the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Organizations and the BJMP last March 06 at Hotel Guillermo, Pagadian City. The activity is in support of the Enhance Partnership Against Poverty and Hunger Program.

The forging of marketing agreements aims to secure a steady market of the ARBOs for their organic vegetables and poultry products through institutional buyers such as the BJMP who also needs healthy food supplies for Persons Deprived of Liberty.

Prior to the signing of agreements, a presentation of learnings and insights from the previous transactions was discussed, which paved the way for a better

ZAMPEN Region garners ...

Continued from page 1 Continued from page 1 during the recently concluded 2022 National Summative Assessment and 2023 Direction-Setting Conference held at Widus Hotel, Clark, Pampanga with the theme “One Heart, One Voice: The New Agrarian Emancipation Legacy.”

Aside from the two major awards, DAR IX also obtained the recognitions as the Land Acquisition and Distribution (LAD) Highest Achiever in Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) Installation, LAD Highest Achiever in Emancipation

Patent/ Certificate of Land Ownership Award Distribution and other Land Tenure Improvement, Champ-Distributed But Not Yet Paid and Distributed Not Yet Documented (DNYP/ DNYD) for attaining the highest percentage of accomplishment in DNYP/DNYD Landholdings.

DAR Secretary Conrado Estrella III commended DAR IX for the exemplary performance for the year 2022 and mentioned that the gains of the region should inspire everyone in the DAR to do their best for the agrarian reform beneficiaries.

Meanwhile, Undersecretary Kazel C. Celeste of the Field Operation Office encouraged the DAR IX officials and employees to celebrate the milestone and urged them to keep doing what is best for the agency and for the ARBs.

Lastly, DAR IX Regional Director Atty. Ramon E. Madroñal, Jr. expressed his gratitude to all the field officials and personnel for all the contributions to the outstanding performance of the region in all the major programs.

Likewise, RD Madroñal

service delivery to both parties. Then, the signing of the renewal of marketing agreements was conducted between the ARBO Chairmen and BJMP Wardens and was witnessed by DAR Provincial Head OIC PARPO II Engr. Jena Salaug, Program Beneficiaries Development Division Chief Engr. Josephine Sisican, Provincial Marketing Assistance Officer Marilou Santarin, and DAREA President Micheline Apao.

These marketing ties are between Balugo Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association and the Male and Female Dorm of Pagadian City Jail, Mag-uuma sa Lower Bogo Calabat ARB COOP and Tambulig and Molave Municipal Jail, Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries United Manguiles Farmers Cooperative and Mahayag and Dumingag Municipal Jail, and Marbenco and Ramon Magsaysay Municipal Jail.

With these marketing agreements in place, ARBOs are assured of marketing connections.

also acknowledged the indispensable contributions of the DAR’s partner-agencies such as the Land Registration Authority-Registry of Deeds, Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Land Management Service, Land Bank of the Philippines and the Local Government Units which have shown their utmost cooperation for the success of the agency’s mandates.

Congratulations to all the men and women behind the DAR IX’s admirable performance. Nowhere to go but up!

6 Agrarian Reform Chronicles January - March 2023
The Renewal of Marketing Agreement between BJMP and ARBOs.

DAR Zamboanga Sibugay links farmer groups to NGAs for possible funding support and assistance

Representatives from different Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries’ Organizations (ARBOs) in the municipalities of Alicia and Imelda, Zamboanga Sibugay, enthusiastically participated in the two-day ARBOs Linkaging with national government agencies (NGAs) cum Project Resource Mobilization activity held last January 31–February 1.

The activity was spearheaded by Municipal Agrarian Reform Program Officer (MARPO) Romulus Perez of DARMO Imelda and Alicia personnel with the support of his staff.

Recognizing the fact that DAR could not possibly provide all the necessary assistance needed by these associations, MARPO Perez initiated the activity to link these farmer groups to different partner agencies and stakeholders in the province for possible accreditation and access to the different programs and services offered by the different national government agencies (NGAs) and institutions.

"As development facilitators and catalysts, it is our prime duty and responsibility to establish strong linkages and partnerships between our ARBOs and develop-

paila kanamo sa nagkalain laing ahensya sa gobyerno, natagaan mi ug giya asa ug kakinsa muduul arun mapalambo ug mapalahutay ang among mga asosasyon, sumala sa among mga panginahanglanun. Naghinaut mi nga kaning mga ahensya nga gibisita namo makahatag ug saktong assistance arun mapalambo pa ang among mga asosasyon" (We are very grateful to DAR for promoting this event. By introducing us to various other government agencies, we were given guidance on where and whom to approach to develop and sustain our associations, according to our needs. We hope that these agencies we visited can provide proper assistance to further develop our associations,)" Mr. Manliguez said.

DAR Zamboanga Sibugay Provincial Head PARPO II Mohammad Dassan Adju commended this brilliant initiative, as he believes that it will boost the morale of the ARBOs and propel them to perform better knowing that there are different agencies that could assist them in becoming self-sustaining and progressive organizations. He also hopes that it could be replicated by other municipal offices.

OIC PARPO I Lorna Salera, likewise, expressed her appreciation for the realization of the activity. "We are happy that DARMO Alicia and Imelda were able to come up with this one-of-a-kind activity.

ment providers," MARPO Perez said.

The initiative is the first of its kind in the province, where leaders of the different ARBOs get to tour the provincial offices of partner agencies of DAR that provide developmental assistance, such as the Department of Science and Technology, Philippine Coconut Authority, Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Labor and Employment, Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, National Irrigation Authority, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Office of the Provincial Agriculturist, Office of the Provincial Governor, and Office of the First District Representative, Atty. Wilter Palma.

Around 20 ARBOs, and 15 from the municipality of Alicia, and five from Imelda were represented in the said activity, most of them were newly organized.

Mr. Nemuel Manliguez, President of Dumpok Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries and Farmers Association and one of the participants, expressed his joy at being part of the activity. "Dako kaayo among pagpasalamat sa DAR sa pagpasiugda niining kalihukan. Pinaagi sa pag-

Likewise, Punong Barangay Elma Penaflor of Barangay Bolungisan in Imelda, Zamboanga Sibugay, conveyed her gratitude for the chance to be a part of the activity. After touring the different agencies, the participants also took the opportunity to visit one of the most successful ARBOs in the province, GARBEMCO (Goodyear Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Multi-Purpose Cooperative) in Kabasalan Zamboanga Sibugay, to listen and learn from their struggles and experiences that paved the way for the successful operation of their cooperative.

This is indeed a great opportunity for our ARBO leaders to personally hear the different services of other agencies and assess the assistance that would fit the needs of their respective organizations," she noted.

With the successful conduct of the activity, MARPO Perez could not help but appreciate and express his immense gratitude to the different agencies for the warm accommodations afforded to the farmers during their short visit and for their commitment of support to the ARBOs.

He also acknowledged the effort of the PESO Manager of LGU Alicia Judith Tilog for accompanying the participant for the whole duration of the activity.


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Present in the coordination meeting were from DAR-IX headed by Regional Director Ramon E. Madroñal, Jr. with Assistant Regional Director for Operations, Engr. Agnes Maata, Assistant Regional Director for Administration, Atty. Marcelino Marata, the Provincial Agrarian Reform Program Officers from the three Provinces of Zamboanga Peninsula, PARPO II Rizzel Villanueva, OIC PARPO II Rolando Libetario, Jr and OIC PARPO II Engr. Jena Salaug along with their staff from Land Tenure Improvement Division and Legal

Services Division.

From DENR-IX, the Geodetic Engineers from the Survey and Mapping Division in the person of Engineer IV Rubi K. Guldam and Engineer II Karlo Ylarde, while from NCIP, Community Development Officer III Edgar Gumanas and Mr. Ross Sanggayan.

The coordination meeting has come to an agreement to course through all the identified issues and concerns to the Provincial level of DAR-DENR-NCIP in order to address them in a more specific discussion in terms of areas/location of jurisdiction.

Agrarian Reform Chronicles January - March 2023 7
Participants of the ARBOs’ Linkaging activity with the National Irrigation Authority personnel.

Volume 21 No. 1

January - March 2023

Project SPLIT Adapts New Technological Innovations in Survey and Mapping

Selected personnel from the Land Tenure Improvement elected from the Land Tenure Division of DAR Zamboanga del Sur under went a five-day Division of DAR del Sur underwent a hands-on training in operating the Geomax Zenith 60, a hands-on in the Geomax Zenith 60, a Global Navigation Satellite System-Real Time Kinematic sur vey- Global Satellite Time Kinematic surveying technology, which relies on satellite, radio positioning, which relies on satellite, radio positioning, and communication data that provides centimeter-level accu- and communication data that centimeter-level accuracy, thereby giving a more efficient, precise, and accurate result racy, a more efficient, and accurate result in conducting land sur veys. in land surveys.

1st Quarter



Ma. Socorro C. Reambonanza

Suzette T. Lota

Contributing Editors

Leilani Vic S. Valdez

Jullienne Tuazon

Rosemary Perez

Sariba A. Alam

Jovilyn B. Taghoy

Editorial Consultants

Atty. Ramon E. Madroñal Jr.

Regional Director

Atty. Marcelimo S. Marata

Assistant Regional Director for Admin. & Legal Services

Engr. Agnes Y. Maata, CESO IV ARD for LTS/TASS

For inquiries, please write or call the DAR Regional Office IX, Veterans Avenue Extension, Zamboanga

Telephone No. (062) 955-2155 Email add: dar_reg9@yahoo.com

This training commenced on March 20 at Three Guest House which thoroughly capacitate the personnel in using the survey instrument for a faster parcelization of collective titles.

Engr. Ronald Y. Gadaingan, the Project Engineer of Project Support to Parcelization of Lands for Individual Titling (SPLIT) expressed his delight as personnel of DAR is now in transition of using innovative

technologies particularly in the implementation of Project SPLIT.

OIC PARPO II Engr. Jena Salaug thanked everyone for their interest and dedication in keeping up with technological

advancements in order to give better services especially in the Land Tenure Improvement Division.

Attendees were immediately put into hands on training right after the orientation on how to operate the instrument.

Hands on training on Geomax Zenith 60 survey and mapping instrument

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