DAR-IX Chronicles (July-September 2020)

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Volume 18 No. 3

July - September 2020

3rd Quarter

DAR turns over P32.4-M worth of farm-tomarket road project under Project ConVERGE


HE DEPARTMENT of Agrarian Reform (DAR) and the municipal government of Godod in ZamboThe event was undertaken anga del Norte held the ceremonial ribbon-cutting and turn-over of the completed farm-to-market through Project ConVERGE road (FMR) in two adjoining barangays on August 13, 2020. which is a joint-project funded by the Government of the Philippines (GOP) and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) with DAR as the lead implementing agency. Continue on page 7

DAR 9 Regional Director Atty. Ramon E. Madroñal Jr (4th from right) and Godod Mayor Abel M. Matildo (4th from left) during the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the FMR project

DAR, BJMP Region 9 ink Memorandum of Understanding on EPAHP THE DEPARTMENT of Agrarian Reform (DAR) and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) in Region 9 have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in a virtual conference for the Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty program. DAR IX OIC-Regional Director Atty. Ramon E. Madroñal and BJMP IX Regional Director JSSupt Johnson M. Calub convened with DAR Sec-

retary Atty. John R. Castriciones and Cabinet Secretary Hon. Karlo Alexei B. Nograles on July 21, 2020 through a video conference hosted by DAR Region 9 via Zoom. A simultaneous virtual signing of marketing agreements also took place between the 15 agrarian reform beneficiaries organizations (ARBOs) and BJMP Wardens of Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga del Norte and Zamboanga Sibugay.

Continue on page 7

RD Atty. Ramon E. Madroñal Jr (right) and ARDO Agnes Y. Maata (left) during the virtual signing ceremony on EPAHP

Agrarian Reform Chronicles


July - September 2020

PARPO II Judith P. Mantos (5th from left) leads the ribbon - cutting ceremony of the turned-over farm machineries

Zambo Sur ARBOs receive P5.2-M worth of farm machineries under Project ConVERGE “AFTER THE long process, challenges and now the pandemic that we are facing, we are now able to facilitate the turnover of the four delivery/hauling trucks to four of our DAR ConVERGE Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Organizations (ARBOs). Through this initiative, the ARBOs will be given the chance to optimize their rice production and marketing activities, improve market access and competitiveness in the market through clustering approach.� These were the words of Atty.Judith P. Mantos, PARPO II of DAR Zamboanga del Sur during the turn over and blessing of the P5.2 million worth of hauling/delivery trucks to the four ARBOs in the province on July 28, 2020. Mantos disclosed that the DAR -Project ConVERGE has been around since the year 2016 engaging ARBOs MAFAMCO of Mahayag as Consolidator, GARBENCO of Tambulig, CIVCABEMCO of Ramon Magsaysay and MANTILIBA FIAMCO of Dumingag as Integrators into participatory value chain development approach through intensified Rice Production, Milling and Market-

ing project. The project supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has allocated P18.4 million for value chain equipment facility and development and P52.1 million for rural infrastructure - which involves the provision of necessary and appropriate production and post production interventions. PARPO II Mantos commended the four ARBOs operating as one for being involved in the implementation of Component D (provision of Essential Food and NonFood packs) under the PaSSOver: ARBold Move in response to the COVID 19 pandemic. Through clustering approach, the ARBOs came up with 645 cavans of rice distributed to the 3,225 agrarian reform beneficiaries affected by the pandemic. She said that the four ARBOs have maximized the viability of intensified rice production and marketing by also collaborating with government agencies, local government units, businesses, private and market sectors and other ARBOs coming out resilient and stable even in this trying time. PARPO II Mantos is hopeful that the three hauling trucks

worth P3.6 million and the delivery truck worth P1.6 million will be maximized to good use in their rice production, milling and marketing activities. They may engage into another income generating enterprise for their respective cooperatives but they are enjoined to work as one and operate as one, strengthening value chain development approach. She also mentioned the embarkment of the corn as minor crop and organic rice as an upgrade on the rice production, milling and marketing of the project in the province. This will cater to the need for assistance of the minor corn growers from production to the marketing aspect of their produce. The Local Chief Executive of Mahayag, Hon. Manuel Saladaga congratulated the four ARBOs and spoke of unity amongst them. He said that we are only strong as we are united. He has high hopes for the project converge ARBOs to channel the necessary opportunities and assistace to the local farmers in the locality. Engr. Nabor Pepito (Project Converge Engr) and Engr. Emeri-

ta Fuerzas (Gender and Instittutional Development Coordinator) laid down the responsibilities of the four ARBOs to the common service facilities as stipulated in the Sustainability MOA inked on the same day. Engr. Fuerzas emphasized that the common service facility (CSF), which is the primary asset of the organization, will serve the needs of the ARBs and non-ARBs. For this purpose, it shall authorize the DAR to provide policy, systems and procedures (PSP) to ensure that the ARBOs shall use the CSF optimally and sustainably. The ARBOs are enjoined to manage, operate, and maintain the CSF in an efficient and economical manner and ensure its profitability. They are also obliged to be responsible for the maintenance and operation of the CSF including replacement of the worn-out parts, secure the insurance and cost of premium which can form part of their equity. Lastly, they must comply with the terms and conditions for the use and maintenance of the CSF as provided for by the manufacturer/supplier within the warranty period.

July - September 2020 HEROES ARE often depicted as having an exceptional or superhuman powers donning a shiny red cape with the ability to fly and sweep people off their feet in times of trouble. But what most of us don’t know is that being a hero is more than that. Heroes are endowed with bravery and selflessness. Heroes make courageous acts and are willing to face adversities amidst the imminent danger. But who exactly are these heroes? Can anyone be a hero? It turns out, the answer is relatively simple. That’s right- anyone can be a hero. With our current situation, it is apparent that there are heroes working behind the curtains doing selfless acts out of compassion and empathy. And perhaps many that are fit to be called our present heroes are the frontliners all around the country. In the province of Zamboanga del Sur, we also encounter a set of inspiring heroes in their own certain ways. With the lockdown being implemented in the province, several establishments and opportunities were put to a halt. Most people often find it hard to make ends meet because they only rely on the government’s support. Which is why, various agrarian reform beneficiary organizations (ARBOs) took the initiative to provide the needs of the communities being heroes in their own ways. These ARBOs are being supported by the Project Convergence on Value Chain Enhancement for Rural Growth and Empowerment (ConVERGE) which has also been on the move in helping them in their production during the pandemic. These ARBOs have been stepping out to promote bayanihan in their own innovative ways to be the bridge to those in need. Among the initiatives that these ARBOs took involved: 1. GABUNON AGRARIAN REFORM BENEFICIARIES COOPERATIVE (GARBENCO) Stepping up to provide support, GARBENCO in the municipality of Tambulig responded to the needs of their farmers and members by providing relief goods. They distributed 2 kilograms of rice and other relief goods to their members and those who availed their fertilizers/farm inputs, along with some 70 farmer-members belonging to the poorest sector in their area. Due to the implemented quarantine, access to food is limited in certain areas. With the harvest season of rice still a long way to go, GARBENCO has stepped in to provide the support that their community needed. “We provid-

Agrarian Reform Chronicles


Heroes Rising: How ARBOs stepped out to be their community’s support amid pandemic

GARBENCO’s act of generosity providing support and hope among its farmer-members ed our members some rice and relief goods to help them get by while we are waiting for harvest season”, said GARBENCO’s manager, Mr. Gilbert Batoctoy. “GARBENCO has looked for ways to help those who are currently in need”, he added. Of course, all their support for others gave them blessings in return! GARBENCO had recently expanded their business! They were given a slot in their barangay (called Bagsakan sa Barangay Hall) for their store after signing the Contract of Agreement. Their business expanded from selling Agricultural Supplies with the addition of a Sari-Sari store. Soon when harvest season comes, our cooperative can include the harvest for buying and selling.” Batoctoy said. 2. CAMPO IV AGRARIAN REFORM BENEFICIARIES AND FARMERS’ COOPERATIVE (CIVCABEFAMCO) Being heroes in their own way, CIVCABEFAMCO responded to the community’s needs by continuing milling operations. They have delivered 25 sacks of well-milled rice for the Provincial Agrarian Reform Employees Multi-Purpose Cooperative (PAREMCO) in Pagadian City last April 22 amounting to P26,250 and another 55 sacks of rice for the same cooperative amounting to P55,000 last May 13. These sacks of rice were then to be redistributed by PAREMCO DAR and provided for each employee-member affected by the pandemic.

When asked why they had to continue their milling operations, Rosevilla Salceda, Manager of CIVCABEFAMCO explained, “It would be a waste if we stopped our operations. There are buyers like PAREMCO-DAR who are currently relying on us in milling, and our harvest is ongoing.” She also added that there are times where palays are given to them by their farmers as a form of payment for their loans, which they then mill to be sold. “If no one pushes through in times of crisis, then we’d all be sitting ducks. Our cooperative steps in to help in our own ways.” Rosevilla added. “In this way, we get to be the bridge for those who need rice, which is a staple food for all Filipinos. And if we have it, we can definitely provide it. Continuing our operations has brought good so far, not just for us, but also for others.” 3. MAHAYAG FARMERS MULTI-PURPOSE COOPERATIVE (MAFAMCO) MAFAMCO pushed through with business to support the community by distributing well-milled rice and delivered food packs for the front-liners on April 17. A total of 34 bags were sold to 20 individuals in their neighboring barangay, amounting to P27,880, with one bag sold at P820. As for their Bayanihan movement, MAFAMCO aims to distribute rice after their harvest this coming August and September to support their farmer-members. The rice will be distributed to prioritized members.

In addition to this, MAFAMCO has worked DAR Provincial Office ZDS as the consolidator of the bigger portion of their well-milled rice in support to the ARBOLD Move to Heal as One, a project developed by DAR to provide support to its Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries whose livelihood were heavily affected by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 645 sacks were distributed, totaling to the amount of P677,250. On another note, MAFAMCO had also extended their help for their farmer-members by giving them a 30-day grace period for their loans falling on the ECQ days, with no penalties and additional interest. Christopher Reselosa, MAFAMCO’s Manager, considered this to be one of MAFAMCO’s assistance to their members for them to be able to focus on providing for their families without worrying about their loans. “We are currently facing hard times due to the COVID-19 crisis, some people don’t get to have any income at all. This is our way of supporting our members.” He also added that the cooperative is hopeful of God’s provision in times like these. “We are praying and hoping for God to provide for us, helping us in the cooperative’s needs, its operations, as well as its members.” Truly, in these tough times, new heroes are rising. Kudos to these ARBOs, and for all the brave heroes fighting for us in this pandemic!


Agrarian Reform Chronicles


Sector 3, Zamboanga City, Meeting and Problem Solving on the Parcelization of covered Landholdings with Co DAR Sibugay Operations Chief Perlidita Engalla, Legal Chief Atty. Johnald Salomon, PCAO Reynaldo Mantos, Pl nel attended the activity. The distribution of copies of the original appointments for the Sector 3 personnel we Lloyd Cababat and graced by Regional Director Atty. Ramon M

Sector 1 Meeting and Problem Solving on the Parcelization of covered Landholdings with Collective CLOAs under Administrative Order 2, Series of 2019. The activity, spearheaded by PARPO II Mohammad Dassan Adju inspired everyone to continue their hardwork in delivering the mandates of DAR to its Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries. CARPO for LTI Perlidita Engalla, Chief Legal Atty. Johnald Salomon with DARAB Representative Edgar Lamatan and Planning Officer Eufrecina de Guzman facilitated the said activity.

Joint consultative meeting between stakeholders and Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries of Marcelo Cooperative (ARBEMCO) at Poblacion Kalawit Covered Court, Kalawit, Zamboanga del Norte on July 29, 2020. The DAR invited knowledgeable guests to attend the said meeting to know thesStatus and to give advice and resolution to the crisis that ARBEMCO is facing right now.

DAR Zamboanga del Sur del S ARB in the province. The proje Situation is the third compone Provincial Agrarian Reform Off P75,000 per livelihood u

195 ARBs and 25 others received Farm Productivity Assistance and Essential Food and Non-food September 16, 2020 in Vincenzo Sagun, Zamboanga del Sur. PARPO II Atty.Judith Patriarca Beneficiaries (ARBs) affected


July - September 2020


ollective CLOAs under Administrative Order 2, Series of 2019. lanning Officer Eufrecina de Guzman and other DAR Personere also distributed and facilitated by Personnel Officer John Madroñal, Jr.

Sur distributed 3 Egg Machine Livelihood Kits to 15 women ect, which is a Livelihood Support for ARB Women in Crisis ent of The PaSSOver: ARBold Move Project. According to the ficer II Atty. Judith Pariarca – Mantos, the support allocates undertaking per ARBO using the clustering approach.

Coaching Session on Crafting the Production Module and Product Supply Plan cum Sustainability Planning for Existing Sites of the Farm Business School (FBS) Project done last August 6, 2020 at Nanan, Payao and August 7, 2020 at Mabuhay, Buug, Zamboanga Sibugay Province. The 40 FBS Participants came from Nanan Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Mabuhay Integrated Farmers Association and Mabuhay Women’s Association in Buug.

d packages during the Kickoff and Launching of Component B under ARBOLD Move Project on a Mantos said that the PaSSOver: ARBold Move Project is in support to the Agrarian Reform d by the COVID 19 pandemic.

PROJECT ConVERGE in Zamboanga del Sur held the Blessing of Tagolalo CIS Phase 1 in Lintugop, Tugaya River dam site and the ceremonial turn-over at Aurora Municipal Hall, on August 25, 2020. The project amounting to 10 million is set to benefit 62 ARB-farmers, servicing 94 hectares of farmland and areas from the dam site in Barangay Lintugop to Barangay Tagolalo, Aurora. The project, turned over to the Tagolalo Farmers Irrigators Association (TARFIA) is the first of the two-Phase project funded under the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

Agrarian Reform Chronicles


July - September 2020

DAR-ZDN launches organically grown vegetable cum rice production under CRFPSP THE DAR provincial office in Zamboanga del Norte conducted the Orientation/Launching and Memorandum of Agree-

ment (MOA) signing of organically grow vegetable cum rice production under the department’s climate resilient farm

PARPO II Arturo N. Soria (seated, second from left) with other DAR-ZDN officials during the MOA signing with OSARBECO and the LGUs of Labason

productivity support project (CRFPSP) in Bayangan Hotel, Labason last August 11, 2020. DAR-ZDN provided 2 multi-tilling machines to the Osukan Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative (OSARBECO) to enhance their production and improve the income of the cooperative. To assure the continuity of the implemented DAR projects, a MOA signing was conducted among DAR, the LGUs of Labason Zamboanga del norte and OSARBECO. A short program attended by several guests, officials and representatives of OSARBECO was solemnly done to properly document the said event. Provincial Agrarian Reform Program Officer II Arturo N. So-

ria and Municipal Agrarian Reform Program Officer Jennelyn Magaway attended the said activity together with other DAR municipal and provincial staff of Zamboanga del Norte. Also present in the activity were Hon. Rogelio J. Ganabe Sr., Barangay Chairman and OSARBECO Chairman Fr. Mac Arthur B. Laviña. Chief Agrarian Reform Officer Alfonso A. Tan together with the hired technicians gave their insights and demonstrated the proper way to operate the tilling machine. The farmers were thankful for the equipment they have received for this will be of big help for them to be able to cultivate their farms easily.

DAR-LBP-LRA conducts Problem Solving Session “THE COVID-19 Pandemic that came about will not deter DAR Region 9 from selflessly serving our farmer beneficiaries, implement the DAR mandate and increase our accomplishments,” said OIC-Regional Director Ramon E. Madroal, Jr. in his message during the DAR-LBP-LRA Problem Solving Session at Sibugay Plaza Hotel, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay last July 7, 2020. The activity aimed to find a common ground with its partner agencies, the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) and the Land Registration Authority (LRA), in solving issues and concerns for the completion of

requirements to generate CLOAs that will be distributed to our farmer-beneficiaries. Assistant Regional Director for Operations, Engr. Agnes Y. Maata in her message said that the Land Tenure Sustainability Program may be very challenging but can be solved with the help of our partner agencies. DAR Provincial Office head, Mohammad Dassan Adju believed the same as he urged for teamwork among DAR and partner agencies to which LBP and LRA both agreed on. The successful whole day activity was also attended by Regional OIC-CARPO for LTS, Suzette Lota, Sibugay Provin-

RD Ramon E. Madroñal, ARDO Agnes Y. Maata and PARPO II Mohamad Dassan Adju during the problem solving session with LBP and LRA cial CARPO for LTS, Perlidita Engalla, Engr. Carlos Alcazar of the Survey Team alongside Planning Officer Eufrecina de Guzman, Chief Legal Atty. Johnald Salomon, DARAB Representative Edgar Lamatan and MARPOs of the DAR Municipal Offices of Zamboanga Sibugay

Province. The LRA teams of Zamboanga City and Zamboanga del Sur were headed by Jayvee Baguinda and Atty. Samrollah Dekire respectively. AOC Engr. Romeo Fernando Cabanial represented the LBP team of Zamboanga City.

July - September 2020

Agrarian Reform Chronicles


Women ARBs receive livelihood projects from DAR-Sibugay

PARPO II Mohammad Dassan Adju (left) distributes the farm inputs to the recipient agrarian reform beneficiary

THE DEPARTMENT of Agrarian Reform Provincial Office of Zamboanga Sibugay headed by PARPO II Mohammad Dassan Adju distributed gardening tools, equipment and other agricultural inputs such as seeds and fertilizers to 15 women agrarian reform beneficiaries in the municipalities of Tungawan, R.T. Lim and Titay. This activity, dubbed as

Component C: Livelihood Support for Women in Crisis Situation, is one of the four components of DAR’s the PaSSOver: ARBold Move for Deliverance of our Farmers from the COVID-19 Pandemic; a project in response to the Bayanihan to Heal As One Act (Republic Act No. 11469). The 15 women-ARBs shall be provided with the agricultural inputs amounting to P15,000

each amounting to a total of P225,000. The distribution was also attended by PCAO Reynaldo Mantos, CARPO for PBDD Anthony Teves, MARPO Nicolas Pameron Jr. for the municipality of Tungawan and R.T. Lim, MARPO Ana Marie Calonia for the municipality of Titay along with representatives from the LGUs.

DAR turns over P32.4-M worth of farm-tomarket road project under Project ConVERGE Continued from page 1 The project, which covers 5.28 kilometers from Barangay Poblacion to Barangay Baluno, completed its third and final phase on July 14, 2020. Zamboanga del Norte Provincial Agrarian Reform Program Officer II Arturo N. Soria stated that the total contract cost is P32.4 million which was sourced out from the DAR-IFAD funds with counterpart from the municipal local government of Godod.

Among the recipients of the farm to market road are the 1,653 agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) of barangays Poblacion and Baluno along with the 3,920 ARBs from the neighboring barangays. The project aims to provide access of agricultural goods to the market, as well as to support the establishment of agri-business enterprises by promoting linkages between and among the agrarian reform communities of the two barangays. DAR IX Re-

gional Director Atty. Ramon E. Madroñal also emphasized that the project would be able to facilitate the efficient transport of their goods to improve their productivity and ultimately uplift the quality of their lives. Atty. Madroñal was joined by ARDO Agnes Y. Maata, PARPO II Arturo N. Soria, Godod Mayor Abel M. Matildo, and Godod Vice Mayor Ferdinand J. Caboverde in handling over the project to the officials of the two recipient

barangays. Mayor Matildo expressed his gratitude to DAR saying that the project would greatly benefit their farmers and will have a positive impact on their municipality. The event was also attended by Project ConVERGE Rural Infrastructure Specialist Engr. Joseph Labang, CARPO Florinda S. Depamaylo, CARPO Engr. Alfonso A. Tan, and other DAR Zamboanga del Norte provincial and municipal staff.

DAR, BJMP Region 9 ink Memorandum of Understanding on EPAHP Continued from page 1 The signing of the MOU between the two parties marks their collaboration for the Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (EPAHP) program in support to the zero hunger target by 2030 program of the government. The EPAHP, which was initiated by Cabinet Secretary Nograles, aims to strategically reduce hunger and poverty in targeted beneficiaries/clients of participating agencies and LGUs. He said this program would contribute to the provisions for institutional feeding

programs while also supporting agrarian reform beneficiaries organizations (ARBOs). Under the MOU, the ARBOs would be able to directly market their produce and provide a steady supply of food items for the BJMP. This sustainable partnership shall allow the farmers to get better returns of their investments while the BJMP will have access to relatively cheaper quality food products and substantially meet the daily nutritional needs of persons deprived of liberty (PDLs). Ronald G. Diaz, chairperson of

Magsaysay Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries’ Cooperative (MARBENCO) in Zamboanga del Sur asserts, “Makakaasa po kayo na patuloy po kaming magsusumikap sa aming pagtatanim at pagsasaka upang mapagtibay ang kasunduan namin sa BJMP kasama na rin po ang DOH. Sila po ngayon ang aming pangunahing mamimili at nararapat lang na unahin namin ang kanilang pangangailangan ayon sa aming napagkasunduan.” (You can expect that we shall continue our commitment in farming to strengthen our partnership with BJMP and DOH. Currently,

they are our primary buyers therefore our main priority will be their needs in conformity with our agreement). Secretary Castriciones is optimistic that the program will also be implemented within other regions. The signing was witnessed by ARDO Agnes Y. Maata and other officials from the DAR IX provincial offices. Other key officials who attended the virtual conference were Usec. Emily O. Padilla, Usec. Virginia N. Orogo and BJMP Headquarters-Deputy Director for Welfare and Development JSSUPT. Felly Atienza-Cebuma.

Volume 18 No. 3

July - September 2020

DAR installs Financial Information Management System in Zambo Norte


NDER THE Project Convergence on Value Chain Enhancement for Rural Growth and Empowerment (ConVERGE), the Department of Agrarian Reform 9 turned over the Financial Information Management System (FIMS) to the Cabong Tampilisan Multi-Purpose Cooperative (CATAMCO) at Cabong, Tampilisan, Zamboanga del Norte on September 3, 2020. After series of deliberations, gathering of financial information and preparation of the finacial status of Cabong Tampilisan Multi-Purpose Cooperative (CATAMCO), finally, the system was successfully installed thanks to the DCSI developer Group who effortly made the system functional and useable to the cooperative. PARPO II Arturo N. Soria, in his inspirational message, emphasized teamwork and involvement of all coop members to achieve success in their rubber trading business. Aimed specifically to the officers of the organization, PARPO Soria sited important lessons learned from other cooperatives in the province which are under the auspices of the department. On the other hand, this milestone in the life of the lead ARBO, the CATAMCO was witnessed by Margarita R. Flores, Gender and Institutional Development (GID) Coordinator from the CPMO. Ms. Flores explained the reasons behind the idea of installing the FIMS. Further, she elaborated the importance of the financial and other reports that can be generated from the system. These documents are relevant

3rd Quarter

EDITORIAL STAFF Editors-in-Chief


Contributing Editors


Editorial Consultants ATTY. RAMON E. MADROĂ‘AL JR. Regional Director ATTY. RAMON E. MADROĂ‘AL, JR. ARD for ADMIN. & Legal Services ENGR. AGNES Y. MAATA, CESO IV ARD for LTS/TASS

PARPO II Arturo N. Soria leads the turn-over ceremony of the FIMS to CATAMCO for monitoring and for sound decision making on the part of the coop management. Also present during the turnover were Luzuela R. Culanculan, Regional GID Coordinator and Pamela Joy B. Nandu, Regional GID Specialist, both representing RPMO IX. The FIMS, comprising of a customized accounting system and a CBU system for CATAMCO was accepted by its chairman, Erlie P. Han-

dumon. On the same activity, the LGU of Barangay Cabong, received a Barangay Information System (BIS) from the DCSI Developer Group as part of their corporate social responsibilty. The system was gladly accepted by its Punong Barangay, Renato L. Roales. The DCSI Developer Group composed of 8 programmers and web developers is led by Jaime B. Vanguardia, Jr.

For inquiries, please write or call the DAR Regional Office IX, Veterans Avenue Extension, Zamboanga Telephone No. (062) 955-2155 Email add: dar_reg9@yahoo.com

Finally, the program was closed by the words of encouragement from CARPO Alfonso A. Tan, the Provincial Project Coordinator. Engr. Tan instigated the officers and members to Sustain, Improve, Record their transactions and Protect their assets (SIR P) to eventually achieve the most sought for success in their rubber trading business.

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