Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper (July 19-25, 2021)

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July 19-25, 2021

U.S. Navy photos show USS Tulsa (LCS 16) and crewmen while conducting maritime operations in the Philippine Sea.

U.S. warns China against attack on Philippine forces READ STORY ON PAGE 2 ARMM

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The Mindanao Examiner

July 19-25, 2021

U.S. warns China against attack on Philippine forces

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, President Rodrigo Duterte, and Chinese President Xi Jinping.


HE UNITED States reaffirmed its strong support to Manila against any aggression in the South China Sea, saying, that an armed attack on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft would invoke U.S. mutual defense commitments under the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty. Beijing claims territo- dom of navigation in this stability, uphold freedom rial sovereignty and mar- critical global through- of the seas in a manner itime rights and interests way,” Blinken said. consistent with internain the South China Sea, Five years ago, an Ar- tional law, maintain the including its islands, reefs, bitral Tribunal constituted unimpeded flow of comand waters; and Chinese under the 1982 Law of the merce, and oppose any militias and China Coast Sea Convention delivered attempt to use coercion Guards have repeatedly a unanimous and endur- or force to settle disputes. harassed Filipino fish- ing decision firmly reject- We share these deep and ermen and vessels, and ing Beijing’s expansive abiding interests with our encroached inside Philip- South China Sea maritime many allies and partners pine territories. claims as having no basis who have long endorsed a But despite all of these in international law. rules-based international incidents, President RoThe Tribunal stated order,” he said in a statedrigo Duterte has down- that China has no law- ment released on July 13, played the incidents and ful claim to the area de- 2020. even defended China and termined by the Arbitral “These shared interPresident Xi Jinping. And Tribunal to be part of the ests have come under unone time said: “I simply Philippines’ exclusive precedented threat from love Xi Jinping. He under- economic zone and conti- the People’s Republic of stands my problem and nental shelf. China. Beijing uses intimhe’s willing to help. And “The United States idation to undermine the I’d like to say, thank you, reaffirms its July 13, 2020 sovereign rights of SouthChina.” policy regarding mari- east Asian coastal states However, U.S. Sec- time claims in the South in the South China Sea, retary of State Anthony China Sea. We also re- bully them out of offshore Blinken has flatly rejected affirm that an armed at- resources, assert unilaterChina’s claims and said tack on Philippine armed al dominion, and replace the freedom of the seas forces, public vessels, or international law with is an enduring interest of aircraft in the South Chi- “might makes right.” Beiall nations and is vital to na Sea would invoke U.S. jing’s approach has been global peace and pros- mutual defense commit- clear for years. In 2010, perity. He said the inter- ments under Article IV of then-PRC Foreign Minnational community has the 1951 U.S.-Philippines ister Yang Jiechi told his long benefited from the Mutual Defense Treaty,” ASEAN counterparts that rules-based maritime or- Blinken said, referring to “China is a big country der, where internation- the statement made by and other countries are al law, as reflected in the his predecessor, Michael small countries and that UN Law of the Sea Con- Pompeo, last year. is just a fact.” The PRC’s vention, sets out the legal Blinken called on Chi- predatory world view has framework for all activ- na to abide by its obliga- no place in the 21st centuities in the oceans and tions under international ry,” Pompeo further said. seas. He said China has no law, cease its provocative “This body of interna- behavior, and take steps legal grounds to unilattional law forms the basis to reassure the interna- erally impose its will on for national, regional, and tional community that it the region. “Beijing has global action and cooper- is committed to the rules- offered no coherent legal ation in the maritime sec- based maritime order that basis for its “Nine-Dashed tor and is vital to ensur- respects the rights of all Line” claim in the South ing the free flow of global countries, big and small. China Sea since formalcommerce. Nowhere is Pompeo said Bei- ly announcing it in 2009. the rules-based maritime jing’s claims to offshore In a unanimous decision order under greater threat resources across most of on July 12, 2016, an Arbithan in the South China the South China Sea are tral Tribunal constituted Sea. The People’s Republic completely unlawful, as is under the 1982 Law of of China (PRC) continues its campaign of bullying the Sea Convention – to to coerce and intimidate to control them. “In the which the PRC is a state Southeast Asian coastal South China Sea, we seek party – rejected the PRC’s states, threatening free- to preserve peace and maritime claims as having

no basis in international law. The Tribunal sided squarely with the Philippines, which brought the arbitration case, on almost all claims,” he said. Pompeo said as the United States previously stated, and as specifically provided in the Convention, the Arbitral Tribunal’s decision is final and legally binding on both parties. “We are aligning the U.S. position on the PRC’s maritime claims in the South China Sea with the Tribunal’s decision. Specifically: • The PRC cannot lawfully assert a maritime claim – including any Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) claims derived from Scarborough Reef and the Spratly Islands – vis-a-vis the Philippines in areas that the Tribunal found to be in the Philippines’ EEZ or on its continental shelf. Beijing’s harassment of Philippine fisheries and offshore energy development within those areas is unlawful, as are any unilateral PRC actions to exploit those resources. In line with the Tribunal’s legally binding decision, the PRC has no lawful ter-

ritorial or maritime claim to Mischief Reef or Second Thomas Shoal, both of which fall fully under the Philippines’ sovereign rights and jurisdiction, nor does Beijing have any territorial or maritime claims generated from these features. • As Beijing has failed to put forth a lawful, coherent maritime claim in the South China Sea, the United States rejects any PRC claim to waters beyond a 12-nautical mile territorial sea derived from islands it claims in the Spratly Islands (without prejudice to other states’ sovereignty claims over such islands). As such, the United States rejects any PRC maritime claim in the waters surrounding Vanguard Bank (off Vietnam), Luconia Shoals (off Malaysia), waters in Brunei’s EEZ, and Natuna Besar (off Indonesia). Any PRC action to harass other states’ fishing or hydrocarbon development in these waters – or to carry out such activities unilaterally – is unlawful. • The PRC has no lawful territorial or maritime claim to (or derived from) James Shoal, an

entirely submerged feature only 50 nautical miles from Malaysia and some 1,000 nautical miles from China’s coast. James Shoal is often cited in PRC propaganda as the “southernmost territory of China.” International law is clear: An underwater feature like James Shoal cannot be claimed by any state and is incapable of generating maritime zones. James Shoal (roughly 20 meters below the surface) is not and never was PRC territory, nor can Beijing assert any lawful maritime rights from it.” Pompeo said the world will not allow Beijing to treat the South China Sea as its maritime empire. He said America stands with its Southeast Asian allies and partners in protecting their sovereign rights to offshore resources, consistent with their rights and obligations under international law. “We stand with the international community in defense of freedom of the seas and respect for sovereignty and reject any push to impose “might makes right” in the South China Sea or the wider region,” he said. (Mindanao Examiner)

A U.S. Navy photo shows the Mk 110 57mm Gun Weapons System aboard the Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Charleston (LCS 18) as it fires during a regular operational exercise in the South China Sea.


The Mindanao Examiner

July 19-25, 2021

Where are the vaccines?


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OVER 33 million people have registered with their local governments to get vaccinated against Covid-19, but majority of them have not been inoculated due to the lack of supplies. But Interior Secretary Eduardo Año said local governments are innovating and seem to be outperforming each other in encouraging their constituents to get jabbed through perks and incentives such as raffle prizes of motorcycles and even a house and lot for those who have had their anti-COVID-19 doses. He said the large number of people who registered for vaccination was due to the joint government and private sector information and advocacy campaign, including the creative ways devised by the local government to persuade them to sign up for vaccination. “Nakakatuwa ang mga paraan at pakulo ng mga LGUs para lang maeng-ganyo ang lahat na magpa-rehistro at magpa-bakuna. Only through vaccination will we reach that certain level of population protection that will allow us to transition into the new normal and completely recover from the pandemic,” he said. Año said he is pleased that vaccine hesitancy is continuously decreasing as seen in the increasing number of people who have enlisted for vaccination because of the government vaccination campaign. “Instead of vaccine hesitancy, we would prefer vaccine envy among LGUs and the public so that they would be more motivated to increase their vaccination

efforts,” he said. He even cited the raffle scheme of Las Piñas Rep. Camille Villar where vaccinated persons have a chance to win motorcycles and a brand-new house and lot. He also lauded the initiative of Mayor Jesus Bueno Jr., of Santa town in Ilocos Sur who offers house and lot as a prize to vaccinated locals. Año said some local governments in Abra also offer drive-thru vaccination, fast lanes for persons with disabilities, free antipyretics, and free rides to vaccination sites, free meals, and snacks. In Davao Region, he added, malls were tapped as vaccination sites in the cities of Davao and Tagum and free transportation was provided. Zamboanga City Mayor Beng Climaco also offered free rides to vaccination centers to all senior citizens and people with disabilities. The Department of Health also continues to encourage the public to get inoculated against the deadly respiratory disease, but the government cannot provide the needed vaccines to everybody and this is aggravated by reports of preferential treatment where other provinces or regions get more than what others are receiving. Across Mindanao, residents are flocking to vaccination sites, but many of those who registered with health centers or through the Internet have not received any schedule for their inoculation. Some have waited for months, but until now did not get any reply from the government. And others had claimed unequal distri-

bution of the vaccines or favoritism, nepotism and undue influence and even bribery in the mass vaccination program. Vaccine czar Carlito Galvez Jr. said the government is eyeing to administer 8-10 million vaccine doses this July. He said over 13.3 million doses of various vaccines are expected to be delivered to the country this month. He said some 10 million vaccine doses have been administered nationwide with more than 2.5 million getting the full dose. The Philippines has over 110 million populations and is lagging behind some Southeast Asian countries in vaccine procurement. According to a report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes, with vaccines being approved for use in different parts of the globe, the scale and complexity of their manufacture, allocation and distribution globally will be unprecedented. It said this will also present corruption risks that may threaten vital public health goals. These risks include the entry of substandard and falsified vaccines into markets, theft of vaccines within the distribution systems, leakages in emergency funding designated for the development and distribution of vaccines, nepotism, favouritism, and corrupted procurement systems. “These corruption risks must be identified and mitigated by public institutions to help advance access to safe and effective Covid-19 vaccines by the population, including the most vulnerable and marginalized groups,” it said. (Mindanao Examiner)

Villamero’s Enterprises For all your newspaper publications or subscription to The Zamboanga Post and The Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper, please call or text Villamero’s Enterprises at these numbers Vaccine czar Carlito Galvez violates the health protocols for not using face shield while being interviewed by press people wearing face masks and face shields. (Mindanao Examiner)

(062) 955-8677 and 0917-1223496. Located at Campaner Street, Zamboanga City and serving Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi.


The Mindanao Examiner

July 19-25, 2021

Sulu Pictures in the News Sulu provincial government at work. This is where your taxes go. (Photos from the Office of the Provincial Governor, Jaques Tutong, Task Force Covid-19, and Jolo Municipal Government, Rep. Shernee Tambut)


The Mindanao Examiner

July 19-25, 2021

Senators want to investigate ‘troll farms’ THE SENATE is seeking an investigation into allegations that government funds are being used or oiling the operation of troll farms that spread fake news and misinformation on social media. Twelve senators wan an investigation into reports and among them were Senate President Vicente Sotto III, Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph Recto, Minority Leader Franklin Drilon, and Senators Nancy Binay, Leila de Lima, Richard Gordon, Risa Hontiveros, Panfilo Lacson, Emmanuel Pacquiao, Francis Pangilinan, Grace Poe and Joel Villanueva. They signed proposed Senate Resolution 768 asking the appropriate committee to conduct an inquiry on the alleged state-backed and state-funded spreaders of fake information that affect millions of Filipinos. “Filipinos should know why government spends public funds on troll farm operators disguised as public relations practitioners and social media consultants who sow fake news rather than on Covid-19 assistance, health care, food security, jobs protection, education, among others,” the resolution reads. The probe coincided with the release of a report by the Commission on

Audit which questioned the Presidential Communications Operations Office under Secretary Martin Andanar for hiring 375 contractual personnel for public relations work last year. The COA report said the PCOO spent over 70.6 million for the salaries of these so-called social media specialists which outnumbered regular employees by more than 200 percent. PCOO denied accusations it hired trolls. The Department of Finance also earlier awarded a P909,122 communications strategy consultancy contract to a public relations practitioner who was tagged by Facebook itself as the “operator behind a pro-Duterte fake account network which Facebook took down in March 2019.” Pangilinan stressed that misinformation and fake news do harm to the country grappling with the Covid-19 pandemic. “Hindi natin pwedeng hayaang ginagamit ang pera ng taumbayan para manira at mang-harass ng mga taong pumupuna sa gobyerno. Masama ito sa demokrasya, lalo na sa papalapit na halalan sa susunod na taon,” he said. “Pa g s i s i n u n g a l i n g ang trolling. Masama ito lalo na dahil sa darating na halalan. Kung mahalal ang bagong presidente at

ibang opisyal dahil sa pekeng impormasyon, magkakaroon tayo ng pekeng presidente at opisyal,” he said. Lacson also alleged that a government undersecretary has been organizing internet troll farms across the country to target political rivals or those not aligned with President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration. Advertising firms “We are Social” and “Hootsuite”, in their 2020 annual report, found that Filipinos spend an average of four hours and 15 minutes each day on social media - topping the world rankings for the sixth straight year. The Philippines is also highest in the world in internet usage with an average of 10 hours and 56 minutes. A social media troll is someone who creates conflict on sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit by posting messages that are particularly controversial or inflammatory with the sole intent of provoking an emotional response from other users. Villanueva said the allegations of public funds financing troll farms to sow misinformation in time for the coming elections in 2022 must be investigated thoroughly. “Organized trolls are weapons of mass distraction. The seeds of false-

(Mindanao Examiner) hood they plant ripen into hate ready to be harvested by those who are harmed by the truth,” he said. According to the senate resolution, these messages from trolls distract and take focus away from the subject at hand, sending a rational discussion down a rabbit hole of obscenities, personal attacks, and jokes. “Most trolls also post misleading statements or outright lies on the internet to manipulate public perception of issues or persons. Usually, trolls would set up fake social media accounts in order to retain their anonymity and escape prosecution,” it said. The resolution further stated that the public should know why government funds were allegedly spent on troll farm operators disguised as public relations practitioners and social media consultants who sow fake news. Lacson also urged the public and social media users to resist the urge to engage the trolls and report or block their accounts and pages. “Resist the urge to engage them, report them, and block them – these are the three-point habit that ordinary Filipinos can develop against internet trolls, while waiting for Facebook and other social media platforms to crack down on them,” he said. “We know trolls are financially and emotionally fuelled by agitating and getting a response from their targets. Denying them that fuel is a good first step,” he added. Lacson said he also encountered and dealt with trolls on social media and blocked over 2,000 accounts. He also gave some tips on how to spot online trolls: “The person’s main Facebook profile has no activity; and usually has a generic or unidentifiable profile photo; Overly aggressive and condescending behavior, with targeted offensive messages instead of reasonable arguments; Use

of ‘copy-paste’ or distinguishable patterns in their comments. They also use fake news and, or twisted logic, and have a sudden surge of ‘like-minded’ comments targeting and attacking one who does not share their views.” Lacson also backed Senate President Vicente Sotto III’s call to Facebook Philippines to act against troll farms supposedly being set up for the 2022 elections. “As we wait for the companies concerned to take appropriate action, it would be better for us to develop the habits that will deny these trolls their prize,” he said. Mudslinging UCAN or the Union of Catholic Asian News also reported on June 23 that Father Norberto Garido, a parish priest from Lucena Diocese, south of Manila, has condemned what he called an online mudslinging campaign allegedly instigated by Duterte against Robredo. The priest said recent Facebook posts by trolls calling Robredo an “inutile” and “worthless” leader were likely funded by the Duterte administration. “Now that election time is getting nearer, trolls are once again active to try and destroy those who speak against or criticize President Rodrigo Duterte. Trolls are responsible for spreading fake news. Let us all be standard-bearers of the truth, not lies,” he said. “Trolls have victimized not just the vice president, but many other individuals who criticize Duterte policies such as extrajudicial killings. Every time a person criticizes this administration, trolls flood social media with derogatory remarks to bully them,” the priest added. The report said opposition lawmakers are pushing for an investigation into alleged government involvement in troll farms or groups of internet trolls that seek to influence political opinions and decision-making. Not Us Last September, Pres-

idential spokesman Harry Roque disputed allegations that Duterte admitted using Facebook trolls. “I dispute that the president admitted to using trolls. He never ever admitted to using trolls. I stand by that as the Presidential Spokesperson. We do not run troll farms. It was the administration in the past that used these,” Roque said. Roque said he was also a victim of black propaganda after a video clip appeared on social media showing him criticizing Duterte in 2016. “Lumabas na naman sa social media ang isang lumang video, where I criticized then Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Roa Duterte. Talagang desperado na ang mga kritiko at mga kalaban. Pero may kasabihan nga, ang punong hitik sa bunga ay binabato. Public knowledge naman na hindi ko sinuportahan ang kandidatura ng Pangulo nang siya ay tumakbo noong 2016. Ngunit hindi ibig sabihin nito ay magiging kritiko na lang ako ng Pangulo – just for the sake of criticizing,” he said. Roque continued to say that when he ran and won a congressional seat, Duterte supported many of his bills, among them are the Universal Health Care, Free Irrigation, HIV and AIDS Policy Act, and Balik Scientist Program. “Patunay na hindi hadlang ang aming pagkakaiba ng pananaw para isulong kung ano ang mabuti sa ating mamamayan. In addition, I am a vocal supporter of the President’s independent foreign policy. This likewise shows that the President has walked the talk. PRRD’s promise of real change is not just mere empty campaign rhetoric. Nakita at naramdaman ko at ng taumbayan ang tunay na pagbabago. At ito ang nagkumbinse sa akin na suportahan ang Pangulo at kanyang administrasyon na may tunay na malasakit sa tao kaakibat ang matapat na serbisyo sa bayan,” he said. (Mindanao Examiner)


The Mindanao Examiner

July 19-25, 2021

Zamboanga, Davao sign sisterhood accord

ZAMBOANGA CITY – The local governments of Davao and Zamboanga City have signed a sisterhood accord on Thursday six years after Mayor Beng Climaco and then Davao City Mayor and now President Rodrigo Duterte pledged to the agreement. Climaco and Duterte’s daughter, Sara Carpio who is now the mayor of Davao City signed the accord. “The significant event seals the pledge signed by former Davao City Mayor and now President Rodrigo Duterte and Mayor Climaco on April 15, 2015. The signing took place

in Davao City during the visit of Mayor Climaco and other city officials,” a statement released by City Hall said. It said the sisterhood agreement intends to create and fortify an open communicative atmosphere to induce a heightened exchange of ideas, particularly in the fields of tourism and culture, agriculture and trade and commerce. The event was limited to representatives and assistants of both Climaco and Carpio due to the strict health protocols in Zamboanga City. The signing of the accord came ahead of the

national polls next year where Carpio is reportedly gunning to replace her ageing father. The sisterhood agreement is the 4th for Zamboanga City under the Climaco administration. The other sister cities are Guigang in China which was signed on October 24, 2016; Puerto Princesa City signed on October 11, 2018 and Isabela City in Basilan province on October 11, 2017. Zamboanga City is also set to sign similar agreements with Dezhou City in China and Manado City in Indonesia. (Marilou Cablinda)

Lala crab farmers get help

CEBU CITY ADVERTISING For all your ADVERTISING and PUBLICATION needs, please call our CEBU CITY office at this phone number:

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ZAMBOANGA PENINSULA ADVERTISING (CSIRO ScienceImage) ILIGAN CITY – In an effort to help crab farmers in Lanao del Norte’s Lala town boost their productions, the local government purchased an amphibian backhoe to speed up the desilting operations in crab farms to enhance river channels and improve the flow of water. Lala Mayor Angelo Yap said the crab population in the municipality has declined due to the siltation caused by previous typhoons.

“Tinamaan kami ng mga bagyo kaya naging silted na yung area namin,” he said, adding, the decrease in crab productions was can also be attributed to chemical pollution and contamination of brackish waters and fishponds in Panguil Bay. “Malaki yung rice land namin, meron kaming 6,200 hectares tapos yung mga chemical doon napupunta doon sa Panguil Bay. Hindi totally ma-drain out. So pag

For all your ADVERTISING and PUBLICATION needs, please call our ZAMBOANGA PENINSULA office at these phone numbers: mag high tide, mayroong papasok na sea water tapos ma-retain ang mga chemical doon,” Yap said. The town is famous for its crabs and even holds the annual “Alimango Festival” every March 22 to showcase the Crustacea that provides livelihood for residents. During this festival, around 1.5 tons of steamed or cooked mud crabs are given to the public for free. (Apipa Bagumbaran)

JENG FERNANDEZ 3/F, JLC Building, Don Alfaro Street, Tetuan, Zamboanga City Phones: (062) 9555360, (0915) 3976197

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July 19-25, 2021

The Mindanao Examiner

Sulu Pictures in the News



The Mindanao Examiner

July 19-25, 2021

Across : 1. Stairs 6. First woman 9. Lawn material 12. Midwest airport 13. Edge 14. Horse food 15. Sophia ___ 16. Separate 18. Deposes 19. Corroded 20. Conger 22. Two cubed 25. Marooned 30. Tint 31. Tear apart 32. Pub 33. Discount event 34. Puma, e.g. 35. Johann ___ Back 37. Group of rooms 39. Bring to court 40. Australian dog 43. Homes for birds 47. Conductor ___ Bernstein 49. Mushroom “seed” 50. Picnic pest 51. Bind 52. Macaroni shape 53. Miniature 54. Navy officer (abbr.) 55. Exams

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Marilou Cablinda

NORTH COTABATO KIDAPAWAN CITY CENTRAL MINDANAO COTABATO CITY Rhoderick Beñez (0927) 4757936 Answer to last week’s crossword:


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Richard Suarez Down : 1. Fly alone 2. Biblical “you” 3. Corn units 4. Make believe 5. Perceived 6. Pennsylvania port 7. Passport endorsement 8. Showed feelings 9. Chinese seaport 10. Edible grain 11. Color 17. Luau garland 21. Earring site 23. Hawaiian dance 24. Juvenile 25. Circle segments

26. Sweetheart 27. Poison remedy 28. Arrest 29. Important times 33. Church spire 35. Lawmaking body 36. Dusk’s start time 38. soft metal 41. Smile 42. Lyric verses 44. Wails 45. Pony’s gait 46. Bastes 47. Legal rule 48. Compass dir.

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The Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper is published weekly in Mindanao, Philippines.


ZAMBOANGA CITY OFFICE: 3/F, JLC Building, Don Alfaro Street, Tetuan Phone & Fax: (062) 9555360 Mobile: (0915) 3976197 DAVAO CITY OFFICE: Door 2, 402 Nidea Street, Barrio Obrero Phone: (082) 2841859 Mobile: (0925) 7621914 URL: mindanaoexaminer.com E-mail: mindanaoexaminer@gmail.com

Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper

DAVAO CITY OFFICE Door 2, 402 Nidea Street, Barrio Obrero, Davao City, Philippines (082) 2841859 / (0932) 4323301 / (0997) 3172021

is published weekly in Mindanao, Philippines


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ZAMBOANGA CITY OFFICE: 3/F JLC Building, Don Alfaro Street, Tetuan Phone & fax: (062) 9555360 Mobile: (0915) 3976197

July 19-25, 2021


The Mindanao Examiner

Philippines joins WHO Solidarity Trial THE PHILIPPINES has agreed to be part of the Covid-19 Solidarity Trial launched by the World Health Organization and its partners. This was also confirmed by Undersecretary Rowena Cristina Guevara, of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). “The LOA indicates the support and participation of the Philippines in the trials, to determine the most effective Covid-19 vaccines suitable for the Filipinos, and the effective number of doses,” she said, referring to the letter of agreement the government signed with WHO. Guevara said the study also aims to determine which among the Covid-19 vaccines could provide the longest protection, and which could be easily administered and manufactured in the country. The clinical trials would start once all the legal documents are signed, according to Guevara, saying, at present the Philippines is preparing the hospital sites and the target communities in selected cities in the National Capital Region where the trials will be conducted. Guevara said qualified participants would undergo the initial screening of a local vaccine team or a doctor assigned at the trial site, following the WHO protocol. With regard to the study on using mixed brands of Covid-19 vaccines, she said the country has started the preparations. She said some 3,000 individuals are being eyed to participate in this study. “To ensure the consistency and uniformity in the trials, we will only include those who are not yet inoculated with Covid-19 vaccines,” she said. The cities of Manila, Pasig, Antipolo, Marikina, Makati, Pasay, Muntinlupa, Cebu, and Davao are being proposed for the mix and match study, according to Guevara. “Clinical trials have a Phase 2 and 3, just like the solidarity vaccine trial, and other privately-funded trials. These vaccines could not yet be used in the national vaccination program because these have yet to pass the Phase 3 satisfactory results,” she said. “When the vaccine passes the Phase, this can be included in the country’s options for deployment in vaccination programs. The clinical trials will not affect the global scarcity in vaccine supply.” Guevara noted that clinical trials are being conducted to assess the safety and efficacy, and immunogenicity of the vaccines. “The positive outcome of these studies will be based on data and evidence needed for registration and approval of vaccines for commercialization,” she said. Solidarity is an international clinical trial to help find an effective treatment for the deadly respiratory disease and it is one of the largest international randomized trials for Covid-19 treatments, enrolling almost 12 000 patients in 500 hospital sites in over 30 countries. The Solidarity Trial is evaluating the effect of drugs on 3 important outcomes in Covid-19 patients - mortality, need for assisted ventilation and duration of hospital stay. The Solidarity Trial compares treatment options against standard of care to assess their relative effectiveness against Covid-19. By enrolling patients in multiple countries, the Solidarity Trial aims to evaluate whether any of the drugs improve survival or reduce the need for ventilation or duration of hospital stay. Other drugs may be added based on emerging evidence. In general, until there is sufficient

An old woman from Zamboanga City gets vaccinated against Covid-19. (Christine Lim) evidence, WHO cautions against physicians and medical associations recommending or administering unproven treatments to patients with Covid-19 or people self-medicating with them. The Solidarity Trial published interim results on October 15, 2020 and it found that all 4 treatments evaluated (remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir and interferon) had little or no effect on overall mortality, initiation of ventilation and duration of hospital stay in hospitalized patients. The Solidarity Trial is considering evaluating other treatments, to continue the search for effective Covid-19 therapeutics. So far, only corticosteroids have been proven effective against severe and critical Covid-19. Previously, on July 4, 2020, WHO had accepted the recommendation from the Solidarity Trial’s International Steering Committee to discontinue the trial’s hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir arms. The International Steering Committee formulated the recommendation in light of the evidence for hydroxychloroquine vs standard-of-care and for lopinavir/ritonavir vs standard-of-care from the Solidarity Trial interim results, and from a review of the evidence from all trials presented at the July 1-2 WHO Summit on Covid-19 research and innovation. These interim trial results showed that hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ ritonavir produce little or no reduction in the mortality of hospitalized Covid-19 patients when compared to standard of care. Solidarity Trial investigators interrupted the trials with immediate effect. For each of the drugs, the interim results did not provide solid evidence of increased mortality. There were, however, some associated safety signals in the clinical laboratory findings of the add-on Discovery trial, a participant in the Solidarity Trial. These will also be reported in the peer-reviewed publication. This decision applies only to the conduct of the Solidarity Trial in hospitalized patients and does not affect the possible evaluation in other studies of hydroxychloroquine or lopinavir/ritonavir in non-hospitalized patients or as pre- or post-exposure prophylaxis for Covid-19. (Maria Cristina Arayata, Mindanao Examiner)

U.S. donates ICU beds

A U.S. Embassy photo released to the regional newspaper Mindanao Examiner shows Chargé d’Affaires John Law and Health Secretary Francisco Duque III standing beside one of the ICU beds donated by the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command. THE UNITED States on Thursday donated 420 intensive care unit (ICU) beds to the Philippines which will support regional, city, and municipal hospitals and medical centers in every region to effectively manage critical Covid-19 patients. The donation, provided by the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, is worth P23.9 million ($498,000). U.S. Embassy in the Philippines Chargé d’Affaires John Law turned over the donation to Health Secre-

tary Francisco Duque III. He said an additional 180 ICU beds will be delivered in coordination with Philippine partners in the coming months to support the critical care capacity in rural provinces across Mindanao and Luzon. “We are honored to be able to support our Philippine partners with this ICU bed donation, which will directly support medical facilities across the country. The United States will continue to stand with our Filipino allies as

we together confront the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic,” Law said. The United States has worked closely with Philippine stakeholders throughout the pandemic to protect public health and support the local response to Covid-19. To date, the United States has provided more than P1.38 billion ($27.5 million) to support the Philippines’ Covid-19 response. (Rhoderick Beñez and Malou Cablinda)


The Mindanao Examiner

July 19-25, 2021

July 19-25, 2021

The Mindanao Examiner


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July 19-25, 2021

Duterte as VP is against spirit of Constitution


RESIDENT RODRIGO Duterte’s potential run for vice president next year would go against the spirit of the Constitution that clearly prohibits a second term for the President, according to Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon. “This is because a vice clear that the President shall Constitution. He said Aquino president can become Presi- not be eligible for any re-elec- refused because it would condent anytime in case of resig- tion. “The spirit of the provi- travene the spirit of the Connation, impeachment, death, sion is to allow only one term stitution which only allows one and permanent incapacity of for the president and to pro- term for the President. the President,” Drilon said. hibit two terms. No person can “Hindi lumusot ang “While the wording of occupy the highest position in Cha-cha kaya susubukan nilthe Constitution does not the land for two terms,” Drilon ang mag-tango. The Filipinos prohibit the President to run emphasized. should not allow this clear cirfor any elected position, to Drilon recalled that when cumvention of the spirit of the run for vice president would he was executive secretary of Constitution. We should opcontravene the spirit of the the late President Cory Aqui- pose any attempt to circumvent Constitution and could pose no, certain quarters wanted our Constitution,” Drilon said. a serious problem of succes- the Aquino to run as president Drilon warned that Dutesion to the presidency later again on the theory that the rte’s possible vice-presidential on,” he added. Constitution was not applica- run will create a serious probHe said Article VII, Sec- ble to her since she was elect- lem of succession to the prestion 4 of the Constitution is ed under an interim Freedom idency if he runs and wins as

IT-BPM sector resilient’ amid pandemic CEBU CITY – Cebu’s Information Technology-Business Process Management (IT-BPM) industry has proven itself to be among the resilient sectors here even as the economy continues to reel from the Covid-19 pandemic. According to Aseem Roy, the Country head of Wipro Philippines, the pandemic is a litmus test to what Cebu has to contribute and how well it can cope with adapting to the global trends. He said the health crisis transformed a lot of industries and pushed the IT-BPM sector in particular to widely adapt flexibility as to how it operates. He said a number of BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) companies have since allowed their employees to work from home and offer more flexible work arrangements, as the pandemic has significantly changed how industries operate. Roy said they are confident that Cebu has the capability to outshine with the top outsourcing hubs in the world. “The Cebu IT-BPM industry has become stronger and more resilient,” he said, adding, that Cebu, being the


country’s key top IT-BPM investment destination outside Metro Manila, has the capability to transform and lead as the stakeholders bring collective efforts to further push the industry forward. Despite the challenges, the IT and Business Process Association of the Philippines (IBPAP) said the outsourcing sector still posted employment growth in 2020 of about 23,000 people, bringing the total to 1.32 million. According to property consultancy firm, Colliers International Philippines, this was primarily due to more jobs created by resilient industries such as e-commerce and healthcare, in Metro Manila as well as Cebu. In Cebu, the IT-BPM industry employed about 180,000 to 190,000 workforce as of last year, up from 170,000 two years ago, according to estimates made by CIB.O president Pert Cabataña. Colliers said Cebu remains a preferred business destination outside Metro Manila due to its competitiveness in terms of manpower, infrastructure, and cost of doing business. Based on the results of Tholons’ 2021 survey, three of the 100 most attrac-

tive outsourcing sites in the world, Cebu ranked 52nd. Among Tholons’ criteria are talent, skill and quality, business catalyst, cost and infrastructure, and innovation and capital. “In our view, Metro Cebu will likely remain a viable destination for firms looking to open space outside of Metro Manila beyond this Covid-affected period, even for higher-value outsourcing services such as healthcare and technology firms,” said Joey Bondoc, associate director for research at Colliers Philippines, when sought for comment. Among the firms operating knowledge process outsourcing in Metro Cebu are Google, Tech Mahindra, and Kuehne+Nagel. In the first quarter of 2021, Cebu recorded notable office deals, which came from outsourcing and traditional companies including 24/7 InTouch Philippines, Aldesa BPO, Nokia and the Philippines Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development, based on data from Colliers. The bulk of these transactions were in Cebu Business Park in Cebu City. (Carlo Lorenciana)

Eastern Mindanao

vice president in the national elections. “In case of resignation, impeachment, death, and permanent incapacity of the President, the Vice President is first in the line of succession to the presidency. Can Duterte assume the role of the president again?” Drilon asked, adding, “It will create a big question mark in an otherwise clear and

established presidential line of succession. It will destroy the equilibrium.” Drilon said he agreed with former Commission on Election chairman Christian Monsod, one of the framers of the Constitution, who had earlier said that the President’s possible vice-presidential run could be a “backdoor to the Presidency”. He said: “Attorney

Monsod, being among the framers of the Constitution, is in the best position to interpret the meaning and purpose of the prohibition.” Duterte’s daughter, Davao City Mayor Sara Carpio, who was recently in Cebu to court supports from politicians, is reportedly gunning to replace her ageing father. (Cebu Examiner)

Dried fish vendor wins award CEBU CITY – An elderly dried fish vendor from the town of Medellin is hailed as “Micro-entrepreneur of the Year” by the City Savings Bank. It said Luzviminda “Nanay Luz” Sunit, who started to venture into dried fish business with an initial capital of P4,000, was among the 10 Filipino micro-entrepreneurs honored during the bank’s 18th Citi Micro-entrepreneurship Award. “I would take the basin full of fish and peddle it around town to make a sale and in 1975, I eventually ventured into making dried fish or buwad with an initial capital of P4,000,” Nanay Luz remembered well. Nanay Luz’s determination, optimism, and confidence brought her to different people and institutions that helped her to get a loan from the First Agro-Industrial Rural Bank (FairBank) - an affiliate of City Savings Bank - in Bogo City to expand her dried fish business. With the help of the bank, Nanay Luz’s business became successful with her products now available in the public markets of Medellin and Bogo City, as well as in Leyte. Nanay Luz now has over 20 workers, including some who lost their regular jobs because of the pandemic. “We had to shift to delivering directly to our customers to make better sales,” she said. She also advised aspiring entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams and there are individuals like her and institutions like FairBank who will lend a helping hand.

Western Mindanao

Luzviminda ‘Nanay Luz’ Sunit. (Minerva Newman) “Ang ganahan mag-negosyo atong tabangan ug tagaan nato og puhunan,” Nanay Luz said. Despite her success, she never fails to look back to where she started and express her gratitude to FairBank, the institution that guided and supported her for the past 17 years. FairBank on the other hand cited Nanay Luz as a testament to the achievement of its corporate pursuit of better lives and brighter future. The City Savings Bank underscored the Nanay Luz’s resilience that even in crisis, she remains unperturbed and became even more innovative in her business approaches. Nanay Luz’s journey becomes an inspiration to other small and medium enterprises and brought pride to small traders in the Visayas and has received the distinction from Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Governor Benjamin Diokno and Citi Philippines Chief Ex-


ecutive Officer Aftab Ahmed. “We take this occasion to recognize our micro-entrepreneurs who, despite the odds, have shown great resourcefulness, courage, and resilience to flourish amid the Covid-19 pandemic,” Diokno said. FairBank President and Chief Executive Officer William Amado Castaño said: “It is a distinct privilege for FairBank to have been a part of the success of CMA National Awardee Luzviminda Sunit in growing her microenterprise over the years. She was able to nurture a dried fish backyard venture into a prosperous trans-island operation” The Citi Micro-entrepreneurship Awards is a nationwide search for outstanding micro-entrepreneurs in the country since 2002. It is organized by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, Citi Philippines, and the Microfinance Council of the Philippines, Inc. (Minerva Newman)


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