The Zamboanga Post (August 16-22, 2021)

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Founded July 2019

ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, PLEASE CALL (062) 9555360 or (0915) 3976197


August 16-22, 2021

Delta variant rapidly spreading


HE DELTA variant of the Covid-19, which was first detected in India, is fast spreading in the Philippines and has already affected more than 130 countries, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). It said new data from past versions of the contagious, spreading shows Delta is different virus — it is much more Continue on page 2

‘Best City Police Office’ award goes to Zamboanga THE ZAMBOANGA City Police Office (ZCPO) has been awarded the “Best City Police Office” in West-

ern Mindanao region. Mayor Beng Climaco lauded the members of the ZCPO led by Col-

onel Rexmel Reyes and praised them again for their dedication and Continue on page 2

UN hands over project to siege victims

Volunteers of Al-Markazul Islami carry a Covid-19 infected dead body for final rituals. (M Hossain OPU/ICRC)

Zambo requires Covid test, S-PASS THE ZAMBOANGA City government reminded travellers anew to present their S-PASS aside from negative Covid-19 test results every time they

The inauguration of the UNCHR project at Masepla transitory site in Barangay Mampang. HUNDREDS OF local residents have benefited from the quick impact project here of the Unit-

ed Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) which provided water, sanitation and hy-

Y lo hemos recibido a pesar de que los medicos especialistas de todo el mundo, liderados por la

Zamboanga Peninsula

and Technology which is being used across the country upon order of the Department of the Interior and Local Continue on page 3

Vaccination continues in Zambo

giene facilities to the beneficiaries, mostly victims of the 2013 deadly siege by Continue on page 3

Noticias falsas y desinformacion, otra pandemia del coronavirus: Naciones Unidas TODOS HEMOS recibido algun mensaje con alguna cura milagrosa contra el coronavirus Covid-19.

come here. S-PASS is short for Safe, Swift, and SmartPassage (S-PaSS) Digital Travel Management System developed by the Department of Science

Organizacion Mundial de la Salud, aseguran que de momento no hay Continue on page 2


Canning and fishery workers pass through medical assessment process before getting the Covid-10 jab. (Christine Lim) THE LOCAL government continues its Covid-19 mass vaccination program benefiting thou-

sands of residents in an effort to stop or slow down the spread of the deadly respiratory disease.


Mayor Beng Climaco, head of the local Covid-19 task force, citing the Continue on page 3



The Zamboanga Post

August 16-22, 2021

Delta variant rapidly spreading

Continued from page 1 60% faster than previous variants. While rare, some vaccinated people can get Delta in a breakthrough infection and may be contagious. Of the four Covid-19 mutations that WHO has designated “variants of concern”, it said that the Alpha variant is present in 182 countries, Beta is in 131, Gamma in 81 and after reaching eight new countries in the past weeks, the Delta variant is now in 132 countries. Although Zamboanga City remains free from the Delta variant, Mayor Beng Climaco has warned the public about the grave danger posed by the Delta variant and urged residents anew to strictly follow the health protocols and quarantine guidelines to help fight the spread of

the deadly virus. “Residents need to always wear their face mask and face shield when outside their homes and in public places, observe physical distance from one another and frequently wash hands with soap and water,” Climaco said. The mayor has been reminding the public since the start of the pandemic last year to always follow the health protocols, but many residents are hard-headed and complacent. Climaco encouraged residents to register with their barangay health centers or online at to get vaccinated and protect themselves and their families and friends from Covid-19. The Department of Health (DOH) has noted

an increase in Covid-19 cases in the country across all age groups. The highest increase was observed among the 3039 age group and lowest among those 80 years-old and above. It said the national vaccination program is following priority groups to allocate Covid-19 vaccines to those who need them the most due to the global scarcity of vaccine supplies and the government has fully vaccinated only 11.2 million people or roughly 10% of the country’s population. DOH also reminded those eligible to get inoculated and at the same time warned that even vaccinated individuals should continue to follow the minimum public health standards. (Zamboanga Post)

‘Best City Police Office’ award goes to Zamboanga Continued from page 1 hard work, especially at this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, for keeping Zamboanga and its residents safe from harm. Brigadier General Genaro Ylagan awarded the ZCPO during the culmination ceremony of the 26th Police Community Relations Month in July at Camp Colonel Romeo Abendan in Barangay Mercedes. Reyes received the prestigious award. The ceremony was also attended by lawyer Alexis De Lima, the Officer-in-Charge of the local office of the National Police Commission. Reyes said the award was the result of strengthened community participation and support, and stronger partnerships in peacekeeping and public safety programs of the po-

lice. He also thanked Climaco and the public for supporting the peace keeping efforts of the local police force, and also cited similar support of other government agencies; and praised policemen for their unselfish dedication in carrying out their duties. The mayor recently cited the police force and thanked National Police Chief General Guillermo Eleazar - who was in Zamboanga City last month - for their exemplary performance in maintaining peace and order here. As a response to the mayor’s praises, Eleazar also thanked the Climaco administration for its full support to the police – from logistics to infrastructure projects, and equipment, including

weapons and ammunition, safety gears and allowances among others that greatly helped the police force in achieving its mission. Just this month, Climaco commanded the police for confiscating some P11.2 million worth of smuggled cigarettes being transported separately by two motorboats with 12 crew members off Barangay Tumalutap. The confiscation of the contraband was the result of intensified anti-smuggling operations launched by the 2nd City Mobile Force Company in coordination with the Bureau of Customs’ Intelligence and Investigation Service and Enforcement and Security Service, and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency. (Zamboanga Post)

Noticias falsas y desinformacion, otra pandemia del coronavirus: Naciones Unidas Continued from page 1 tratamiento ni vacuna contra esta enfermedad. Este fenomeno de la desinformacion esta poniendo en riesgo vidas, ya que hay personas con sintomas de estar enfermos por el coronavirus que prueban remedios no comprobados con la esperanza de “curarse” a si mismos. El miedo es el caldo de cultivo de la desinformacion, los rumores y las falsas esperanzas. Sin embargo, la informacion veraz y fiable puede darnos una vision de la realidad en la que puedan nacer esperanzas ciertas. La Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas para la Educacion, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO) lidera los esfuerzos para contrarrestar las falsedades y promover los hechos sobre el virus. No existe tema sin tocar por la desinformación Mucho antes del brote del virus, esa Orga-

nizacion, tambien conocida por sus siglas como UNESCO, advirtio sobre el impacto que la transformacion politica, tecnologica, economica y social ha tenido en la forma en que intercambiamos informacion en los ultimos años y especialmente de la contaminacion que causan algunas campañas de desinformacion orquestadas. Esas campañas representan una amenaza para el periodismo basado en los hechos y, particularmente durante la pandemia actual, para la vida de las personas. Guy Berger, director de Politicas y Estrategias sobre Comunicacion e Informacion de la UNESCO, y uno de los principales expertos de esa agencia de la ONU en materia de desinformacion explica que las falsedades relacionadas con todos los aspectos de Covid-19 se han convertido en algo comun.

“Parece que apenas hay un área que no haya sido afectada por la desinformacion en relacion con la crisis Covid-19, desde el origen del coronavirus, hasta la prevencion y ‘las curas’ no comprobadas, incluidas las respuestas de los Gobiernos, las empresas, los famosos y otros”. Agrego que “en un momento de grandes temores, incertidumbres e incognitas, existe un terreno fertil para que las fabricaciones florezcan y crezcan”. El gran riesgo es que cualquier falsedad que gane fuerza puede anular la importancia de un conjunto de hechos verdaderos: “Cuando la desinformacion se repite y amplifica, incluso por personas influyentes, existe el grave peligro de que la informacion basada en hechos verdaderos, termine teniendo un impacto marginal”. (Zamboanga Post, ONU)


The Zamboanga Post

August 16-22, 2021

Vaccination continues in Zambo

The first day of the vaccine roll out for canning and fishing workers under A4 Priority Category held at the Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic University. Present during the vaccination were Cora Pagotaisidro, of the City Health Office; Jaydrick Johnson Yap, of the Zamboanga Chamber of Commerce and Industry Foundation Inc.; Dr. Mamat Cham, of the World Health Organization; and Dr Roy Valesco, of the the Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic University. (Christine Lim)

UN hands over project to siege victims Continued from page 1 Moro National Liberation Front rebels here. The UNHCR facilities at the Masepla transitory site in Barangay Mampang were turned over recently to the City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO). The project is also supported by the Australian Government in partnership with the Integrated

Resources Development for Tri-People and in collaboration with the local government. Maria Socorro Rojas, the CSWDO head, said some 130 families will benefit from the humanitarian project. She said Mayor Beng Climaco also ordered the CSWDO to distribute food aid to the beneficiaries of the UNHCR project. “Mayor

Beng thanked the UNHCR and all those who are part of the project. This will greatly benefit the victims of the siege,” Rojas said. Photos released by the CSWDO also showed inauguration of the facilities which include a water pump and communal latrines and attended by the beneficiaries. (Zamboanga Post)

Zambo requires Covid test, S-PASS Continued from page 1 Government during this pandemic period. It was institutionalized this year as a onestop-shop application or communication for travellers. The local government also started random rapid antigen tests among travellers, including those under essential services, at all entry points here to help curb the spread of Covid-19, especially the Delta variant. In Basilan province. Isabela City Mayor Djalia Turabin said the strict

health protocols and quarantine guidelines imposed by Climaco are for the safety of everybody. She even thanked Climaco for her strict implementation of the public health protocols. Isabela is a sister city of Zamboanga. “Thank you to our sister city Zamboanga, for your strict implementation of protocols, resulting in the prevention of possible transmission from the Delta index case. It is these protocols, unpopular they may be, that are proven effec-

tive,” Turabin said. “With Covid-19, the impact of protocols are realized and felt weeks after. Like in this case, when we are all able to sigh with relief and gratitude that despite this Delta news (sic), we are assured it has been taken care of by Zamboanga City. Yung pag iistrikto nila, buongrehiyon ang nakinabang. Kaya maraming salamat. Muchas Gracias especialmente namaga frontliners de ciudad de Zamboanga!” she added. (Zamboanga Post)

Continued from page 1 latest report from the City Health Office, said more than 84,000 residents have been fully vaccinated and over 100,000 people received their first dose of the vaccine. Among those who were inoculated are hundreds of bank employees and members of the Zamboanga City Bankers and Financiers Association, Inc., (ZCBFA) and canning and fishing workers. Climaco said the local government recognizes the efforts taken by the banking sector and those working in the fishery sector. The ZCBFA expressed its gratitude to Climaco for exerting efforts to include those working in banks in the mass vaccination program. Inocente Locson, the ZCBFA president, said at least 400 bank employees had been vaccinated against the Covid-19. He thanked Climaco for prioritizing those working in banks since they are exposed to people and money, and could potentially infect or expose them to the deadly respiratory virus. There had been a number of bank employees who were infected with the Covid-19 which

forced some of the commercial banks to temporarily close during the duration of the quarantine period of those who got the virus. Even security guards and messengers and janitors from the different banks were also vaccinated. “Mayor Beng, on behalf of the Zamboanga Bankers and Financiers Association, Inc., muchisimas gracias gayot kay ta pwede ya man vaccine el banking community. God bless you always,” Locson said in his text message to the mayor. Climaco said the local government is exerting all efforts to get more vaccines to be able to vaccinate at least 70% of the population to achieve herd immunity. Last month, some 11,800 doses of Covid-19 vaccines purchased by the Climaco administration from the British-Swedish multinational pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca arrived in Zamboanga City and benefited thousands of residents. Climaco signed a $2 million (or roughly P100 million) deal with AstraZeneca early this year. The initial P200 million for the purchase of the vac-

cines are included in the P4.38-billion 2021 Executive Budget of the local government, according to Climaco, who is also a member of the Committee on Vaccine Availment of the League of Cities of the Philippines. Zamboanga is one of the first cities that entered into a multilateral agreement for the purchase of vaccines through the League of Cities. Climaco said the local government’s vaccination program will cover almost 700,000 residents or 70% of the nearly one million inhabitants. The local government’s mass vaccination program is based on the Department of Health’s (DOH) prioritization - A1 (Medical frontliners), A2 (Senior citizens) and A3 (People with comorbidity) and recently the A4 (Frontliner personnel in essential sector). The mayor has repeatedly urged residents - especially the elderly sector and those with comorbidity - to register online. She said residents who are 18-years old and above are also encouraged to register online - or by visiting the nearest health center. (Zamboanga Post)

Bank employees listen to a briefing prior to their vaccination.


The Zamboanga Post

August 16-22, 2021

Zamboanga Pictures in the News Local government of Zamboanga City at work. This is where your taxes go.

August 16-22, 2021

The Zamboanga Post


Zamboanga Pictures in the News Photos by : Bong Serondo, Christine Lim, OCENR, ZCPO, and CSWDO.


The Zamboanga Post

August 16-22, 2021

Across : 1. Stockpile 6. Mont Blanc, e.g. 9. Wrestler’s pad 12. Green sauce 13. Actress ___ Farrow 14. Refreshing drink 15. Speedy 16. Toy dog breed 18. Worker 20. Mother ___ (missionary) 23. Rich cake 27. Tavern orders 28. Elite police squad(2 wds.) 31. Pea case 32. ___ Witherspoon of “Legally Blonde” 33. English tavern 34. Incidents 36. Catholic leader 37. Auto type 38. Thrilled 40. ___ status (single or not) 43. Los ___, California 46. Spaghetti, e.g. 50. Favorable vote 51. HST’s successor 52. Patriot ___ Allen 53. Electric fish 54. NNW’s opposite 55. Suspicious

The Zamboanga Post

An Edition of the Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper

Maritess Fernandez

Publisher/Executive Producer

Al Jacinto


Graphics/Video Editor

Mindanao Examiner Productions Web Master

REGIONAL PARTNERS Mindanao Daily Business Week Mindanao Star

ADVERTISING Jeng Fernandez (0917) 7930652 Zamboanga Peninsula

Answer to last week’s crossword: Down : 1. Tax mo. 2. “Cry ___ River”(2 wds.) 3. Venomous viper 4. Actress Julia ___ 5. Soft drinks 6. Bullets, for short 7. Pinocchio, e.g. 8. Artist’s board 9. Hollywood’s ___ West 10. Commercials 11. Kickoff gadget 17. Horse’s gait 19. Stationed 20. Cassettes 21. Secretly marry 22. Remodelled 24. Plant again 25. Brownish gray

Reynold Toribio

26. Implant 29. Very tiny 30. Plus 32. Reagan and McDonald 35. Alike 36. Roof of the mouth 39. Coat part 41. Nail polish shades 42. “___ dead people!”(2 wds.) 43. Affirmative vote 44. Born as 45. Guy’s companion 47. That gal 48. Paving goo 49. Whichever oneb

Weekly Sudoku:

Richard Suarez

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The Zamboanga Post

is published weekly in Mindanao, Philippines.


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Kismet Cable TV, Aquino cor. Cabrera st., Gatas District, Pagadian City, Zamboanga Del Sur (0910) 7348600

Richard Suarez


3rd Floor, JLC Building, Don Alfaro Street, Zamboanga City (062) 9555360 / (0915) 3976197 / (0917) 7930652

Jeng Fernandez


The Zamboanga Post

August 16-22, 2021

ZAMCELCO: New management, same problems DESPITE ITS rebranding from “OLD ZAMCELCO” to “New ZAMCELCO,” the same problems continue to hound the Zamboanga City Electric Cooperative – from poor customer service to dilapidated electric meters, and the usual voltage fluctuations and power outages, remain the major complaints of the consumers. Many street poles still have old electric meters and worse, a number of these do not have covers or broken and pose grave hazards to the public. Many light poles are also dangerously leaning with television and telecommunication cables hanging like a thick industrial cobweb. Electric consumers have been complaining about the daily voltage fluctuations, saying not a single day passes without a glitch. And all these problems add up to the stress caused by the Covid-19 pandemic to the residents. The frequent voltage fluctuations and the surge in electricity had destroyed their appliances. Since 2019 after Crown Investments Holdings, Inc. and Desco Inc. took over and bailed out the heavily-indebted and poorly-managed

ZAMCELCO for P2.5 billion, the problems are still the same and residents continue to suffer as they did the past several decades. ZAMCELCO has been blaming the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines and sometimes the electricity supplier Western Mindanao Power Corporation (WMPC) which is being run by Alto Power Management Corporation. The ZAMCELCO Customer Service Department is the worst, according to cooperative members, who said that nobody was answering their phone calls. Residents also complained that ZAMCELCO billed them more than what they are supposed to pay. Electric consumers resorted to social media in airing their complaints; many angry over what they claimed were over billing or overcharging imposed by the electric cooperative. The ZAMCELCO Consumers Complaint Page, a community page on Facebook, was flooded with photos of electric bills showing unreasonable increases in charges. One resident said the local electric cooperative overbilled them not once, but twice after a meter reader

Dilapidated electric meters and a broken concrete light pole along San Jose Road. (Zamboanga Post) deliberately and falsely misread their actual power consumption in December 2020 and January 2021. One consumer, Jed Amilasan, wrote: “Good evening normal lang po ba na nagfa-fluctuate lagi? Sunod-sunod na araw po kasi nasisira na mga appliances namin. Ano po pwedeng gawin about sa problemang ganito?” Danval Bernard has posted this on the ZAMCELCO Consumers Complaint Page: “Apa-

ga sindi man gayot todol noche..cuando se para? Lehos pa el pascua..ligar tiempo nuway mas ya kame gamit na casa... hasta bombilya ta rebenta, hende el abaho ha, el na kisame akel ta sindi ta dale claridad.” Another cooperative member, Romeliza Espinosa Capitanea, com-

plained about a leaning wooden light pole in Doña Felisa Subdivision in Mercedes, but no action had been taken by the ZAMCELCO. Capitanea said she had been complaining about this since the time of the previous administration. “#Inclinedpost. To the management,

I already complained (about) this (problem) 7 years ago. Still NO ACTION was made. Anticipating for your immediate action on this,” she wrote. Even prayers have no effect on the problems being faced by the ZAMCELCO members. (Zamboanga Post)

U.S. donates Covid-19 vaccines

A U.S. Embassy photo released to the regional newspaper Mindanao Examiner shows the donated Moderna vaccine.

Dilapidated ZAMCELCO electric meters and leaning street poles along Don Alfaro Street in Barangay Tetuan. (Zamboanga Post)

THE UNITED States, through the COVAX facility, donated some 3 million doses of Moderna vaccine to the Philippines as part of its worldwide effort to help end Covid-19 pandemic. COVAX refers to Covid-19 Vaccines Global Access facility, a global initiative to support equitable access to Covid-19 vaccines. This is Washington’s second bilateral vaccine donation to the Philippines, following its July delivery of 3.2 million one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccines to the country. The vaccines arrived early this month at the Villamor Air Base. The donation came at a time that

the country has reported a spike in Covid-19 cases due to the Delta variant which was first detected in India and quickly spread around the globe. “Recent outbreaks in the region remind us all this pandemic is not yet over, but the science is clear – the best way to stay healthy, to keep your loved ones safe, and to bring this pandemic to an end is to get vaccinated,” said U.S. Embassy Chargé d’Affaires John Law. “The United States is working, and will continue to work, with the Philippines to make safe, effective vaccines widely available throughout the country,” he added. The Philippines has

now received more than 13.3 million vaccine doses through the COVAX Advance Market Commitment (AMC), a global initiative run by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance to support equitable access to Covid-19 vaccines. The U.S. is the largest monetary contributor to Gavi, having already provided nearly P100 billion ($2 billion) to the Alliance. The U.S. has worked closely with Philippine stakeholders throughout the pandemic to protect public health and support the local response to Covid-19. To date, total U.S. government Covid-19 assistance to the Philippines amounts to over P1.37 billion ($27.5 million).


The Zamboanga Post

August 16-22, 2021

August 16-22, 2021

The Zamboanga Post


Founded July 2019

ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, PLEASE CALL (062) 9555360 or (0915) 3976197


August 16-22, 2021

Fake RT-PCR holders stopped at airport M

A Cebu Pacific plane flies above a traffic along Governor Camins Avenue. (Zamboanga Post)

Sunday Reflection by Mayor Beng Climaco 1 Kings 19:4-8, Psalm 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, Ephesians 4:30-5:2, John 6:41-51 and Eph 4:30-5:2 BROTHERS AND sisters: Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with which you were sealed for the day of redemption. All bitterness, fury, anger, shouting, and reviling must be removed from you, along with all malice. And be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another as God has forgiven you in Christ. So be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us and handed himself over for us as a sacrificial offering to God for a fragrant aroma. A Covid-19 survivor called me apologizing for fear I might have misunderstood him because of someone influential who “posted” an activity with them together. Rather than paying attention to this concern, I went beyond and focus on the miracle of God in curing him from Covid-19 after being administered 10 vials of Remdisivir. He recounted being in the aisle witnessing patients dying, with cries. I told him how a generous friend shared two vials only to have his fatherin-law die from Covid-19. In those moments of uncertainty, God has provided in the midst of impossibility, granted him the miracle of life! For me that life changing miracle leads to imitating Jesus our Savior who gave His life to save us. Our complaints, negativity, disappointments, belittling, backbiting, backlash, criticism and bashing have NO PLACE in a world where JE-

SUS reveals HIS SALVATION. We have enough! Too much danger, doom, disaster! We need to FOCUS on the opportunity God is giving us in the face of pain and pandemic. Jesus answered and said to them: “Stop murmuring among yourselves. No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draw him, and I will raise him on the last day. It is written in the prophets: They shall all be taught by God. Everyone who listens to my Father and learns from him comes to me. Not that anyone has seen the Father except the one who is from God; he has seen the Father. Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life. “ In our rice distribution, we reach out to families as they try to survive the Pandemic. They are able to count God’s blessings with a house built from the fires in Camino Nuevo last December 25, 2017. I met a grandmother concerned about her grandchild’s chemotherapy because of cancer and neighbors also asking help for the child afflicted with cancer. The Spirit of Concern in the community is reflected with caring neighbors. We listen to Mark’s dream of taking up Criminology as he sells “merienda.” His Dad, a champion singer in the urban poor community, met an accident. In the midst of hunger, Jesus tells us “GOD WILL MAKE A WAY!” Even if the situation is bleak, y deficil, el Dios pan de Salvacion dale Vida canaton todo! Ayaw mu balaka! Kapit sa Panginoon. (MBC)

Zamboanga Peninsula


AYOR BENG Climaco has lauded airport authorities for intercepting at least 23 people with fake RT-PCR test results the past weeks while trying to enter Zamboanga City from Manila. She said 8 passengers passenger boat who arrived passengers, whether APOR arrived by plane on August 7 from Sabah was tested pos- (Authorized Persons Outand were sent back to Manila itive last month and had re- side Residence) or private the following day; and two covered from the deadly re- individuals, regardless of more arrived August 8 and spiratory disease. reason or purpose of entry, were ordered to go back to The Delta variant was including transit travellers Manila the next day after the first detected in India, but to present negative RT-PCR duo - who are natives of Sulu quickly spread around the test result within 5 days province - spent the night at world. from date of specimen cola local hotel. All those interThe Department of lection and their valid idencepted were also issued cita- Health reported the pres- tification cards before they tion tickets and fined P5,000 ence of Delta variant Davao can enter Zamboanga City. each. region, Northern Mindanao, The mayor said these are Climaco said at least 23 National Capital Region, Ilo- temporary measures depeople had been stopped at cos Region, Central Luzon signed to curb the sudden the airport the past 2 weeks. and Calabarzon or Cavite, spike in Covid-19 cases in The mayor issued an Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and order to promote the health executive order making it Quezon provinces. and safety of the general mandatory for all travelClimaco ordered a strict welfare of the citizens. lers - whether they are fully border control and impleZamboanga, which has vaccinated or not - entering mentation of the health pro- a long coastline, is dotted Zamboanga to present their tocols in Zamboanga. She by over two dozen islands negative RT-PCR test result, said travellers must have and islets which makes it especially now that there negative Covid-19 test re- extremely difficult for sehave been hundreds of cases sults, whether by Saliva RT- curity forces to guard. The of the highly transmissible PCR test or nasopharyngeal city is near the provinces Delta variant of the Covid-19 RT-PCR test, before they en- of Basilan, Zamboanga Siin the country. ter Zamboanga. bugay, Zamboanga del Sur Zamboanga City has She previously issued and Zamboanga del Norte. recorded one case of Delta Executive Order 651-2021 (Zamboanga Post) variant after a crewman of a that mandates all inbound

LGUs, hospitals to get more PPE

Personal protective equipment requested by the RPOC from the IATF-MEID are distributed to various recipients in Zamboanga Peninsula. (Images: Mayor Beng Climaco FB) MAYOR BENG Climaco said more hospitals and local gov-


ernments are expected to receive their share of personal protective equipment which the Regional Peace and Order Council (RPOC) has requested from the national government’s Inter-agency Task Force on the Management of Infectious Diseases (IATF-MEID). Climaco, who is currently the RPOC chairperson, said representatives from the provincial governments of Basilan and Zamboanga Sibugay have already received their PPE. She said other cities and provinces in the region will also get their share of the PPE from the IATFMEID. The PPE provisions for Zamboanga City were also distributed to the local members

of the Private Hospitals Association of the Philippines led by Dr. Maritess Maxino. Among the recipients were Zamboanga Puericulture Hospital, Zamboanga Peninsula Hospital and Ospital de Zamboanga. The PPE were provided to the local government through the Office of the Civil Defense and the Department of Health. Climaco thanked President Duterte and the ITAFMEID and also the OCD and DOH for the PPE which the RPOC requested in an effort to ensure the safety of medical frontliners and healthcare workers as the country continues desperately battling the pandemic. (Zamboanga Post)


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