The Zamboanga Post (December 6-12, 2021)

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Picked from the wild, in the highlands of North Cotabato and Bukidnon. Available in 250g packs - roasted whole beans or fine ground. Cup to Go (16 oz.) also available and comes with 2 packets of brown sugar, one plastic stirrer, one drip bag and 12g of Civet coffee powder. Wholesaler, Retailer, Reseller are welcome.

Founded July 2019

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December 6-12, 2021

Zamboangueños praise ‘Congresswoman Beng’ THOUSANDS OF Zamboangueños who received financial aid from the local government has praised and thanked Mayor Beng Climaco for always prioritizing the poor and the needy, including the vulnerable sectors in the community. Nearly 4,000 residents from different barangays have received their cash assistance recently under the Local Social Amelioration Program (LSAP). Tens of thousands of residents from different sectors

have already received not only financial aid, but food aid as well, the past years, especially with the Vida Programs. Those who received the aid lauded Climaco, who is now on her third and last term and is running for congresswoman in District 1 in next year’s elections. Many of them, including her supporters and followers have started campaigning for her to ensure Climaco’s pro-poor programs con-

tinues even after she wins the polls. They are now addressing Climaco as “Congresswoman Beng.” Climaco vowed to continue her various pro-poor programs which she started even before she became mayor, and she pledged to Continue on page 2

Mayor Beng Climaco hands over an envelope containing cash aid to a beneficiary of the Local Social Amelioration Program. (Bong Serondo)


‘New COVID-19 variant sparks global panic’


HE WORLD Health Organization has urged people to strictly follow public health protocols following the emergence of a new COVID-19 variant in Botswana in South Africa called “Omicron.” Continue on page 2

Mayor, doctor in U.S. commemorative book Read Story on page 7

Health workers prepare to get swab samples of residents in Zamboanga City. (Zamboanga Post)

Que significa el color rosa en psicologia? EL SIGNIFICADO que la sociedad le ha dado al color rosa ha ido cam-

biando con el paso de los años. Hoy queremos dedicarle un articulo a este

Zamboanga Peninsula

bonito color, desde la psicología. Continue on page 3





OMICRON The Zamboanga Post

December 6-12, 2021

‘New COVID-19 variant sparks global panic’ Continued from page 1 The spread of the new variant sent countries and territories into high alert after Omicron variant was detected in more than a dozen countries – Australia, Austria, Belgium, Botswana, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, and Island of Reunion. WHO said the most effective steps individuals can take to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus is to keep a physical distance of at least one meter from others; wear a well-fitting mask; open windows to improve ventilation; avoid poorly ventilated or crowded spaces; keep hands clean; cough or sneeze into a bent elbow or tissue; and get vaccinated when it’s their turn. The Omicron has been designated a “Variant of Concern,” and there are several actions WHO recommends countries to undertake, including en-

hancing surveillance and sequencing of cases; sharing genome sequences on publicly available databases, such as GISAID; reporting initial cases or clusters to WHO; performing field investigations and laboratory assessments to better understand if Omicron has different transmission or disease characteristics, or impacts effectiveness of vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics or public health and social measures. “Countries should continue to implement effective public health measures to reduce COVID-19 circulation overall, using a risk analysis and science-based approach. They should increase some public health and medical capacities to manage an increase in cases. WHO is providing countries with support and guidance for both readiness and response. In addition, it is vitally important that inequities in access to COVID-19 vaccines are urgently addressed to ensure that vulnerable groups everywhere, including

health workers and older persons, receive their first and second doses, alongside equitable access to treatment and diagnostics,” WHO said. Omicron has several mutations that may have an impact on how it behaves and how easily it spreads or the severity of illness it causes. WHO said researchers in South Africa and around the world are conducting studies to better understand many aspects of Omicron and will continue to share the findings of these studies as they become available. It is not yet clear whether Omicron is more transmissible compared to other variants, including Delta. The number of people testing positive has risen in areas of South Africa affected by this variant, but epidemiologic studies are underway to understand if it is because of Omicron or other factors. According to WHO, it is not yet clear whether infection with Omicron causes more severe dis-

ease compared to infections with other variants, including Delta. Preliminary data suggests that there are increasing rates of hospitalization in South Africa, but this may be due to increasing overall numbers of people becoming infected, rather than a result of specific infection with Omicron. “There is currently no information to suggest that symptoms associated with Omicron are different from those from other variants. Initial reported infections were among university students—younger individuals who tend to have more mild disease—but understanding the level of severity of the Omicron variant will take days to several weeks. All variants of COVID-19, including the Delta variant that is dominant worldwide, can cause severe disease or death, in particular for the most vulnerable people, and thus prevention is always key,” WHO said. But WHO explained that preliminary evidence suggests there may be an increased risk of reinfection with Omicron (people who have previous-

ly had COVID-19 could become reinfected more easily with Omicron), as compared to other variants of concern, but information is limited. More information on this will become available in the coming days and weeks. WHO said it is working with technical partners to understand the potential impact of this variant on our existing countermeasures, including vaccines. It said vaccines remain critical to reducing severe disease and death, including against the dominant circulating variant, Delta. Current vaccines remain effective against severe disease and death. “The widely used PCR tests continue to detect infection, including infection with Omicron, as we have seen with other variants as well. Studies are ongoing to determine whether there is any impact on other types of tests, including rapid antigen detection tests. Corticosteroids and IL6 Receptor Blockers will still be effective for managing patients with severe COVID-19. Other treatments will be assessed to see if they are still as ef-

fective given the changes to parts of the virus in the Omicron variant,” it said. At the present, WHO said it is coordinating with a large number of researchers around the world to better understand Omicron. Studies currently underway or underway shortly include assessments of transmissibility, severity of infection (including symptoms), performance of vaccines and diagnostic tests, and effectiveness of treatments. WHO encourages countries to contribute to the collection and sharing of hospitalized patient data through the WHO COVID-19 Clinical Data Platform to rapidly describe clinical characteristics and patient outcomes. “More information will emerge in the coming days and weeks. WHO’s TAG-VE will continue to monitor and evaluate the data as it becomes available and assess how mutations in Omicron alter the behaviour of the virus,” it said, adding WHO will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available. (Zamboanga Post)

Zamboangueños praise ‘Congresswoman Beng’

Mayor Beng Climaco distributes cash aid to beneficiaries of the Local Social Amelioration Program. (Bong Serondo)

Continued from page 1 aggressively pursue them if she becomes congresswoman. “This is our commitment to the poor. El Curada, Comida y Busca la Vida este tiempo de pandemia remains our thrust in our COVID-19 response efforts,” she said. The mayor said the beneficiaries passed the stringent assessment of the City Social Welfare Office to ensure families most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic get the needed aid. The distributions of LSAP benefitted residents of Barangay Ayala, Talon-Talon, Cabatangan, Pasonanca, Tumaga, San Roque, San Jose Gusu, Dulian in Upper Pasonanca, Zone IV, Calarian, Campo Islam, Canelar, Santa Maria, Putik, Mampang, Boalan, Arena Blanco, Rio Hondo, Kasanyangan, Mariki, Divisoria, Pangapuyan, Santa Barbara, Santa Catalina, Tetuan, Tigtabon, Tugbungan and Baliwasan. (Zamboanga Post)


The Zamboanga Post

December 6-12, 2021

God sends sign; Bong Go withdraws from presidential election

Que significa el color rosa en psicologia? Continued from page 1 El significado del color rosa es emocional, pues trae a la mente sentimientos como la dulzura, el afecto y la ternura en su forma más pura. Además, para muchos es el símbolo del amor romántico y la felicidad. Si bien se asocia a la feminidad en el mundo occidental, lo cierto es que esta concepcion es reciente. Hasta hace poco más de 100 años, el color rojo era el color masculino por excelencia, belicoso y fuerte, que se transformaba en rosa cuando los tejidos desteñían. No fue hasta los 70 cuando se asoció con las mujeres. En este articulo podras descubrir mas datos interesantes sobre esta tonalidad. Los colores tienen el poder de suscitar emociones, tanto positivas como negativas, y su estudio es apasionante. Caracteristicas del color rosa: El rosa es un color que puede describirse como un rojo aclarado, es decir, rojo mezclado con blanco en el caso de los pigmentos. Su nombre, como adivinaras, viene dado por la flor del mismo nombre y empezo a usarse en español en el siglo XIII. Este vocablo tiene raíz original protoindoeuropea, wrdho–, que significa “espino.” Los científicos parecen estar de acuerdo en que el rosa no forma parte del espectro electromagnetico, pues nada emite luz rosa ni refleja una longitud de onda acorde. Cuando nuestro cerebro crea esta tonalidad en nuestra vista, en realidad se trata de una mezcla de 2 colores opuestos en el espectro: el rojo y el violeta. El significado del color rosa: Como pudiste leer en la introduccion, el color rosa estuvo muy asociado a la

masculinidad hasta los años 70, momento en que empezo a asociarse a la suavidad del caracter y la maternidad. Tambien es un color cuya preferencia cambia con la edad, pues, al ser un color juvenil, parece que a las personas mayores les sirve para estar conectadas con esta etapa. Por lo general, es un color que evoca sentimientos positivos relacionados con la ternura, la delicadeza, lo infantil y, en el ámbito adulto, el amor romántico, sin tintes sexuales. No obstante, dependiendo de la claridad del rosa puede tener connotaciones diferentes: Rosa claro: a medida que el color se acerca al blanco se relaciona más con la inocencia y lo infantil. Rosa oscuro: en este punto, la tonalidad se acerca más al violeta, que insinúa toques de erotismo y sensualidad. Este color tiene tambien una connotacion negativa en cuanto a la suavidad e inocencia que transmite, pues algunas personas lo asocian con lo cursi, lo barroco y lo empalagoso. Quienes no tienen gusto por este color suelen aludir a esta faceta concreta para justificarlo. Usos del color rosa: Los colores tienen un efecto sobre la mente que no siempre es consciente, hecho que el marketing aprovecha a fondo para mejorar las ventas. En el neuromarketing, el significado del color rosa se orienta hacia la suavidad, el afecto, la maternidad y la belleza. El color rosa induce calma, combate el estrés y reduce la agresividad. Por esto que se utiliza en hospitales, oficinas donde se desarrollan trabajos creativos e incluso prisiones. No obstante, dada la asociación que tiene con

los roles de género, puede crear rechazo en ciertos sectores de la poblacion. El rosa en diferentes culturas: El significado del color rosa varía dependiendo de la region donde te puedas encontrar. Factores como la cultura, historia del pueblo o la propia fauna y flora de la región pueden influir en el simbolismo de los colores, como puedes ver a continuacion: Catolicismo: representa la alegría y se emplea en las misas del cuarto domingo de la Cuaresma. Japon: el rosa se asocia con lo erotico y lo intimo. Tambien es el color de la primavera, pues es cuando florecen los cerezos. Feng shui: se vincula a un amor mas estable y duradero, así como a vinculos afectivos familiares y el matrimonio. Budismo: la flor de loto rosa representa el símbolo terrenal de Buda. Se relaciona con la pureza del alma y el camino hacia la liberación del materialismo. Hinduismo: para los hindues, el rosa esta reservado para las grandes divinidades. Lakshmi, la diosa de la riqueza, se sienta sobre una flor de loto rosa. Sureste de Europa: en paises como Albania, Grecia, Turquia e Iran, el rosa se asocia con la proteccion y la curacion. La dicotomia azul-rosa como representacion de la masculinidad y la feminidad esta fuertemente arraigada en occidente. Sin embargo, el avance del pensamiento colectivo ha hecho que este color este cada vez más habitual en los productos que van destinados al publico masculino, como la ropa. (Sara Gonzalez Juarez / La Mente Es Maravillosa)

SENATOR BONG Go, who is running for the presidency in next year’s polls, has withdrawn his candidacy on Tuesday, saying it is not yet his time to seek the top post. His withdrawal from the elections has left the ruling PDP-Laban with no official candidates in both the presidency and the vide presidency, although Go filed his candidacy under the political party called Pederalismo ng Dugong Dakilang Samahan where President Rodrigo Duterte is also running for a Senate seat. Go said even his family does not want him to run for the presidency. “Ayaw rin talaga ng aking pamilya kaya naisip ko na siguro ay hindi ko pa panahon sa ngayon. Diyos lang ang nakakaalam kung kailan ang tamang panahon. Ayaw ko ring maipit si Pangulong Duterte higit pa sa tatay ang pagmamahal ko sa kanya–matanda na po siya at marami na rin siyang naibigay para sa bayan, ayaw ko na pong dagdagan pa ang kanyang problema. Nananatili akong tapat sa kanya at nangako akong sasamahan ko po siya habambuhay,” he said. “Talagang nagre-resist ang aking katawan, puso, at isipan. Tao lang po ako na nasasaktan at napapagod din at sa ngayon, yun ang mga rason ko. That is why I am withdrawing from the race. I am willing to make the supreme sacrifice for the good of our country and for the sake of unity among our supporters,” he added. Just recently, lawyer Melvin Matibag, the secretary general of PDP-Laban, said Go was not backing out. “No, Senator Bong Go is not backing out from the presidential race at tuloy na tuloy ito,” Matibag told the regional newspaper Mindanao Examiner. There were talks that Go may slide down to give way for Bongbong Marcos, whose running mate is presidential daughter and Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte. The Partido Federal ng Pilipinas, Lakas-Christian Muslim Democrats, Hugpong ng Pagbabago and Pwersa ng Masang Pilipino have forged an alliance and are behind Marcos-Duterte tandem. Go previously said he was willing to “make the su-

President Rodrigo Duterte with Senator Bong Go. preme sacrifice for the good of our country, and for the sake of unity among our supporters and leaders.” Go, a member of the PDP-Laban, told reporters on November 24 that he was waiting for a sign from God whether to pursue his candidacy or not after saying that he still cannot believe that he is running for the presidency. Duterte pushed Go to run for the presidency and even endorsed his daughter to be Go’s vice presidential, but not Marcos. Matibag said dozens of provincial governors are supporting Go’s candidacy following a meeting at the Presidential palace on November 24. Go also issued a statement on November 25 and below is the full text of his pronouncement: “Running for the Presidency is something I have never dreamed of. Iniiwasan ko ang posisyon na ito, but fate -- as I said -- has a way of turning things around. Nagdesisyon ang partido at si Pangulong Duterte and I accepted the challenge. At present, I continue to seek guidance from the Divine Being for I believe that the Presidency is a matter of destiny. Kung para sayo yan, para talaga sayo yan. Nakakataba ng puso yung suporta at hindi po namin kakalimutan yan pero totoong tao po ako at sinasabi ko lang ang totoong nararamdaman ko.” “Naging kandidato na ako as Vice President for about 40 days hanggang sa nangyari po ang hindi natin inaasahan. At dahil sa mahal ko at ayaw kong masaktan si Pangulong Duterte at ang kanyang pamilya ay kinailangan ko pong magpaubaya. But in the past few days po, I realized that my heart and mind are contra-

dicting my own actions. Tao lang po ako na nasasaktan at napapagod din. O baka dahil sadyang napakarumi at ganun kainit lang talaga ang pulitika. Talagang nagreresist po ang aking katawan, puso at isipan. Pati po ang aking pamilya ay nahihirapan.” “Ako naman po ay isang probinsyano lamang na binigyan ng pagkakataon ng Panginoon at ng mamamayang Pilipino na makapagserbisyo po sa inyo. Hindi po ako isang pulitiko. Hindi ako nanggaling sa malaki o kilalang pamilya. I am only a simple public servant from the province na walang ibang hangad kundi ang magserbisyo po sa aking kapwa tao. Pero sa ngayon, baka hindi ko pa po panahon. Ako yung taong handang magsakripisyo para wala nang maipit, masaktan at mamroblema. Ayoko na pong mahirapan si Pangulo at yung mga supporters natin. Mahal ko po si Pangulong Duterte. Matanda na rin po siya at ayaw ko siyang bigyan pa ng dagdag na problema.” “Having said this, I leave my fate to God and the Filipino people as I vow to do my best every day to serve selflessly and tirelessly. I am willing to make the supreme sacrifice for the good of our country, and for the sake of unity among our supporters and leaders. Marami namang paraan upang makatulong sa ating kapwa Pilipino. Ako naman, kahit saan man ako ipadpad ng aking tadhana, patuloy po akong magseserbisyo. Kung anuman ang aking magiging desisyon, ipapasa-Diyos ko na lang ang lahat alang-alang sa kung ano ang makakabuti sa bayan.” (Mindanao Examiner)


The Zamboanga Post

December 6-12, 2021

Zamboanga Pictures in the News Local government of Zamboanga City at work. This is where your taxes go.

December 6-12, 2021

The Zamboanga Post


Zamboanga Pictures in the News Photos by : Bong Serondo, CMO-PIO., Yosh Rodriguez, Christine Lim, MBLT11, ZCPO, BION Ron Aballe, BION Rey Javier, and Marco Florentino.


The Zamboanga Post

December 6-12, 2021

Across : 1. Pond amphibian 5. Not well 8. Atop 12. Dwell 13. Talk amorously 14. Bridge’s headpiece 15. Baking need 16. Respected 18. Enjoy a book again 20. Ripped 21. Natural reduction in staff 23. Fri. follower 26. Summer drinks 27. Golfer’s woe 29. Agreement 32. Swiss mountain 34. Understood! (2 wds.) 35. Concur 37. Love god 39. One of us 40. Aardvarks 45. Achy 47. Musician ___ Wonder 48. Runaway herd 51. California wine valley 52. Ocean movement 53. Seducer ___ Juan 54. Genesis location 55. Preacher’s word 56. However 57. Lions’ homes Down : 1. Plant life 2. Metal bolt 3. Public 4. Produce 5. Summer drink (2wds.) 6. ___ Alamos 7. Game of chance 8. Finished 9. Arch enemy 10. Gift for Dad 11. Not new 17. Eternities 19. Help 22. Tiny landmass 24. Crack pilot 25. Golf peg

The Zamboanga Post

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The Zamboanga Post

December 6-12, 2021

Mayor, doctor in U.S. commemorative book

New school building, park for Boalan BARANGAY BOALAN officials and teachers, especially school children, have all the reasons to be happy and excited once faceto-face classes resume because of a new two-storey, 8-classroom school building and a huge playground with a giant chess board complete eight pawns, two bishops, two knights, two rooks, one queen, and one king on each side. All those were turned over by Mayor Beng Climaco to Education officials and teachers of the Boalan Elementary School. The mayor said the new school building will further benefit school children and encourage more parents to enrol their kids. “Of course, it is not all schooling and that’s why we have this beautiful play park for our children which they can use during breaks,” the mayor said, adding the project is part of her S.H.E. program, referring to her priority programs on “Security, Health and Education” which she started a long time ago and remains her battle cry. “Este un regalo para del maga bata, el futuro del Ciudad de Zamboanga y entero pais.” Education officials and faculty members thanked the mayor for the benevolent project. Last month, Climaco also turned over the newly-constructed, two-storey school building to the Southcom National High School and was received by Education officials and Elena Balan, the school principal. The mayor also inaugurated in September three climate-resilient school buildings in Barangay Tetuan, Canelar and Pasobolong. In Tetuan, the mayor turned over a four-storey, 20-classroom building to the Zamboanga City High School. Climaco also led the handover of the new school buildings at

Mayor Beng Climaco turns over the new school building and a play ground to Education officials and teachers of the Boalan Elementary School. Canelar Elementary School and Pasobolong Elementary School. All the ceremonies were also attended by faculty members who thanked the mayor for continuously prioritizing education and other literacy programs that benefit the students. Notably, it was only during Climaco’s administration that the new schools have no initials of the mayor unlike in the previous administration of Mayor Celso Lobregat where virtually all window grills had CL welded on it and roofs painted with “Adelante Zamboanga.” But in Climaco’s administration, only the “love for Zamboanga City” - I love ZC - are emblazoned in many infrastructure projects. Education officials led by Dr. Victoria Mangaser previously praised Climaco and thanked her for donating 32 printing and digital hubs intended for different schools in Zamboanga City to help teachers cope with the demands of mass production of printed materials and modules needed for “blended learning” which combines both traditional classroom and online classes or courses. The printing and digital hubs are complete with Acer Veri-

ton S desktops which provide high reliability and a long lifespan due to its 100% solid capacitor and Acer V7 Series computer monitors that provide professional performance with a 4K resolution screen. All the hubs also come with Risograph, a brand of digital duplicators manufactured by the Riso Kagaku Corporation that are designed mainly for high-volume photocopying and printing. Mangaser praised the mayor for the continuing and overwhelming support the local government has provided the Department of Education since becoming mayor. Climaco is now on her third and last term and running for Congress in next year’s polls. Just this year, the mayor also turned over the newly-constructed two-storey barangay hall to the officials of Barangay Tolosa and Barangay Ayala. The buildings have a brick façade and stainless hand rails and ramp for people with disabilities. The two buildings also have their own covered terrace in the front. The mayor said the new barangay hall is the commitment of her administration to the barangays and its residents. (Zamboanga Post)

Zamboanga veterinarian Anton Lim joins Mayor Beng Climaco in the commemorative book "Faces of Exchange" recently launched by the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines. (Zamboanga Post) From page 1 PRAISES CONTINUE to pour in for Zamboanga City Mayor Beng Climaco who is among the 50 Filipinos exchange alumni of the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) featured in a commemorative book “Faces of Exchange” launched recently by the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines in celebration of the IVLP’s 80th year. Climaco thanked the U.S government for recognizing her efforts and being included in the book. She also lauded Washington’s continued support in various programs and projects through the U.S. States Agency for International Development and the U.S. Embassy in Manila. “Thank you so much for this (recognition) and we value so much (the) magnanimous support and assistance of the U.S. government to Zamboanga and our people,” she said. Another Zamboangueño, veterinarian physician Anton Mari Lim, is also included in the list. The IVLP is the U.S. Department of State’s premier professional exchange program. Through short-term visits to the U.S., current and emerging foreign leaders in various fields of experience the U.S. firsthand and cultivate lasting relationships with their counterparts. And throughout the program’s 80-year history, more than 225,000 people have participated in the IVLP, each with a story to tell. The “Faces of Ex-

change” features the Filipino alumni who promote rights, nurture communities, and redefine service. Each story narrates how the IVLP alumni, and their exchange experiences, help shape the Philippines by capitalizing on their knowledge and skills, these alumni promote rights by ensuring justice, equality, freedom, and representation; and are committed to improving quality of life, these alumni devote their lives and work tom help shape and nurture communities into inclusive, sensitive, and empowered institutions and dedicated to improving their communities, these alumni redefine service by expanding access, creating solutions, and introducing innovations. The U.S. government exchanges in the Philippines started in 1948 with the launch of the Fulbright program. Today, approximately 300 Filipinos participate in U.S. government exchanges annually. There are currently more than 9,000 Filipinos and Americans who are alumni of U.S. government-sponsored exchanges between the Philippines and the United States. These alumni include youth, mid-career professionals, and senior officials who represent all sectors from both countries. The connections forged between Filipinos and Americans through these exchange programs have helped build mutual understanding and strengthened a robust bi-

lateral relationship. Upon their return, exchange program alumni have contributed to the development of the Philippines and continued to connect and work with alumni from around the globe. As part of the U.S. Department of State’s commitment to this “global community,” alumni of U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs are invited to join the exclusive global network, State Alumni. Alumni leverage the community to stay in touch with fellow alumni and with the U.S. Embassy in Manila, so that their exchange experience continues when they return home. Another unique attribute of U.S. exchange alumni in the Philippines is the dynamism of the Filipino exchange alumni associations. Through 30 alumni associations, alumni actively leverage their exchange experiences to develop programs and projects to address some of the Philippines’ most pressing needs and our shared goals. These include improving the quality of education, promoting inclusive economic development, advancing rule of law, promoting peace and security, and enhancing environmental resource management. Exchange alumni may engage in these projects by getting in touch with their respective associations. Last year, the U.S. exchange alumni associations generated 158 projects that engaged more than 3,800 people. (Zamboanga Post)


The Zamboanga Post

December 6-12, 2021

December 6-12, 2021

The Zamboanga Post


Founded July 2019

ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, PLEASE CALL (062) 9555360 or (0915) 3976197


December 6-12, 2021

Beng signs land use plan, zoning law ‘Zambo to get P100 million in grants’


AMBOANGA CITY Mayor Beng Climaco has recently signed the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) 2016-2025 and the Zoning Ordinance. The Department Eduardo del Rosario approved ument prepared by local govof Human Settlements and the CLUP and the Zoning Or- ernments to rationalize the alUrban Development (DH- dinance in October. location and proper use of land SUD) headed by Secretary CLUP is a planning doc- resources. It also projects public

Sunday Reflection OPINION

by Mayor Beng Climaco

‘Primer Domingo de Advento’ TODAY WE lit the candle of HOPE and Healing as we were devastated by the Delta virus that caused a surge of more than 2,500 cases and deaths. We have been recovering with God's mercy and grace. Yet, a new variant Omicron or B.1.1.529 with risks of "reinfection" per WHO is now challenging nations across the globe. We were blessed to witness shared friendships with the Special Operations Task Force and the Marines’ birthdays from the US to the Philippine Marines. In gratitude, I gifted Major Scott Holub with a beautiful handmade Parol made by Persons Deprived of Liberty in the City Jail. This lantern symbolizes the Light of Jesus, our hope in life. Na luz del Parol di aton esperanza con Dios Emmanuel entra na di aton maga casa, na familia, na vida y na di aton corazon. I recall with gratitude the opportunity to find my voice with my High School education in the US because our Mommy sought the best for us under our two Titas who called me last Sunday on Viber. So much gratitude to God at 14 years old and the blessings of US State Department Scholarships. The latest was the IVLP with Mayor Inday Sara, Mike Saavedra, Gen. Yecla and Team. Together with Dr. Anton Lim, Chris Kingco, Eng. Don Loong and Atty. Laisa Masuhud, we were featured recently. Indeed, God's boundless opportunity to learn from the US and work harder to implement in the Philippines. After the celebration, I visited Our Lady of Fatima chapel. The advent wreath is prepared and the colors of Christmas are just around. I was thankful yet I was fearful because of the impending threat of another Covid surge. No sabe mas que manera actua no hay "masks". Bien otro el mundo. Any time we will be infected with Covid just by removing our face masks, eating and enjoying each other's presence. I was sad for the children who should enjoy Christmas with the family and play in the parks. We have the beautiful Christmas Winter Wonderland in the City Hall to honor the Holy Family.

As the darkness covered the chapel , the colorful flowers surrounded the ceiling, I prayed to Mary, our Mother, for our families. We have limited our joyful celebrations because of Covid, which brings the family together. I remember it was around October of 2003, I saw the first Parol lit in Camp Enrile in Malagutay after my meeting with Gen. TP Salazar. Now, I am Mrs. Salazar, worried for my husband who went home to his beloved Indang to spend the cold night in the Bukid. Bien miedo as my Dad and his died at 73. The Gospel: “Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap. For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth. Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man.” We do not get drunk with temporary pleasures neither should we be worried and anxious, but be vigilant and pray for God's presence. God is more powerful than the Covid Virus. I need to grow in faith and allow Jesus to take command of life. With worries and fears of failure my migraine attacks due to lack of sleep. And so in this first Sunday of Advent, what might my disposition be for Jesus? I am led to Love. 1 Thes 3:12—4:2 Brothers and sisters: May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, just as we have for you, so as to strengthen your hearts, to be blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his holy ones. Amen. Finally, brothers and sisters, we earnestly ask and exhort you in the Lord Jesus that, as you received from us how you should conduct yourselves to please God and as you are conducting yourselves you do so even more. For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus. (MBC)

Zamboanga Peninsula


and private land uses in accordance with the future spatial organization of economic and social activities. Following its approval, the DHSUD is expected to release some P100 million in financial grants and assistance for a housing project and an evacuation center here. This was also confirmed by Climaco, who said the DHSUD will provide financial grants and assistance worth P60 million and P40 million for the site development of a housing project and evacuation center, respectively. She said DHSUD will also lobby for the transfer of the Cabatangan property owned by the Muslim autonomous region to the City Government, among others. The 72-hectare property was formerly under the Lupong Tagapagpaganap ng Pook or LTP in Region IX or Western Mindanao which was purchased by the local government. When the LTP was abolished upon the creation of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, the sprawling Cabatangan property was placed under the jurisdiction of the ARMM.

Climaco stressed the importance of the CLUP and highlighted Zamboanga’s efforts to maximize land resources in cognizance with the needs of the various sectors of the population. The DHSUD also recommended to the local government to focus on high density public housing and to establish an operations center to monitor changes in the land use and zoning at the barangay level, and also to encourage preparation of barangay development plans anchored on the CLUP and to establish livelihood centers within resettlement areas, and resist reclamation projects. In 2015, Palafox Associates was awarded the contract to prepare Zamboanga’s CLUP. A draft CLUP was submitted to the local government in 2016 and was submitted to the Regional Land Use Committee for further improvement and refinement. On October 15, 2019, the City Council passed Resolution No. 1384 approving the CLUP for 2016-2025 and was submitted to the DSHUD. According to Palafox Associates, the CLUP, Zoning Or-

dinance or ZO and Comprehensive Development Plan or CDP are aimed at rehabilitating and reconstructing Zamboanga City. It said the CLUP is a guide to address and sustain the overall growth and development of the city in line with its Local Climate Change Action Plan and Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan. On the other hand, the CDP identifies priority sectoral programs (social economic, land use, transportation, infrastructure and utilities, environment, DRRM, and local governance and finance) and projects in accordance with the Department of the Interior and Local Government guidelines and will be within the framework of the CLUP. Both the CDP and the CLUP, ZO guide Zamboanga City’s growth and development in the next five to 10 years. The priority areas identified for Zamboanga City were Barangay Rio Hondo, Paseo del Mar, Zamboanga Fish Port Complex, Santa Cruz Island and Taluksangay Village. (Zamboanga Post, Jasmine Mohammadsali)

Kampung Islam inaugurates new barangay hall MAYOR BENG Climaco, who is running for a congressional seat in District 1, inaugurated the newly-constructed Kampung Islamic barangay hall with officials thanking her for the building. Climaco said her administration is committed to serving the people through various infrastructure projects such as barangay halls, schools and even road projects among others. “These (projects) remain


my top priority to better serve my constituents. I want to leave a legacy that will benefit my people, improve their welfare and I am deeply committed to public service and serving Zamboanga,” she told the Zamboanga Post by phone in a brief interview. Climaco, accompanied by Councilor Pinpin Pareja, joined barangay officials led by Kampung Islam Chairperson Faizal Jamlul in the recent inauguration of the building.

“The project has been our commitment to the barangay council and forms part of the 2020 Executive Budget. It was a subject of consultation with the people of Kampung Islam. More power to the barangay council, may this new barangay hall pave the way for enhanced delivery of services to the people of Kampung Islam,” the mayor said in a separate press statement. (Zamboanga Post)


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