The Zamboanga Post (Sept. 28-Oct. 4, 2020)

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Founded July 2019

ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, PLEASE CALL (062) 9555360 or (0995) 5202358


Sept. 28-Oct. 4, 2020

Se necesita disciplina para combatir el virus


A APELA otra vez el alcaldesa Beng Climaco na publico que segui con el community quarantine guidelines, especialmente en estos momentos criticos, y ayuda y coopera con el Gobierno de la Ciudad en la lucha contra el enfermedad del coronavirus (Covid-19). El alcaldesa expreso ciente oleada de casos de a temerarias reuniones su alarma de que la re- Covid-19 se pueda atribuir Leer mas pagina 3

USAID praises Mayor Beng

THE UNITED States Agency for International Development (USAID) praised Mayor Beng Climaco for her contin-

ued collaboration on its various projects and programs here and even cited her “visionary leadership” that resulted in many ac-

complishments. “We are confident that our continued collaboration, building from what we already have in Zamboanga, and the visionary leadership of Mayor Beng and all of our key partners in the city, we will surpass all of our previous accomplishments,” said USAID/ Philippines Office of Education Chief Dr. Thomas LeBlanc. LeBlanc led the Continue on page 2

Zambo launches ‘Tiene Cuidao’ campaign THE LOCAL Task Force Covid-19 recently launched the “Tiene Cuidao” campaign, an information drive against the coronavirus pandemic in an effort to eliminate or slow down the spread of the deadly respiratory disease. Mayor Beng Climaco said the campaign - of the task force’s Risk Communications Team - highlights minimum health standards and

personal responsibility in protecting self, community and city from the virus. “When we say tiene cuidao, it is an expression of love and affection. I am telling you that I care for you, that I am thinking of you, that I am waiting for your return, happy and safe,” Climaco said. “Living in the time of Covid-19, tiene cuidao applies to our new normal where everything we do for ourselves and for

others must be done with utmost care. Because I protect you and you protect me. So, we say tiene cuidao to the people of Zamboanga City. Tiene cuidao, Sir Chief. Tiene cuidao, Auntie. Tiene cuidao, Manong. Tiene cuidao, Bossing. We will get through this together,” she said. The campaign also encourages social media users to use the Continue on page 3

Zamboanga City advances in PCCI’s awards event

Mr. Jose Alejandro, PCCI Director for Energy, giving the closing remarks at the closing of a business summit in this file photo from the Climate Change Commission.

FOLLOWING LAST year’s special citation by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), the local government of Zamboanga City will advance to the final judging of the prestigious “2020 Most Business-Friendly Local Government Unit Awards.” Continue on page 3

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The Zamboanga Post

Sept. 28-Oct. 4, 2020

USAID praises Mayor Beng Continued from page 1 launching here of a new project that will support the education, employment, and livelihood needs of at least 180,000 out-of-school youth

across the Philippines. The program launch featured Climaco and other Filipino government officials and over 30 key local agencies that participated in the

virtual event, including other regional agencies, the academe, training institutions, local entrepreneurs, business associations, and youth groups.

Climaco thanked Washington and USAID, and the American people for the continued support and various programs and projects that largely benefit the people of Zamboanga. “I am very, very eager and excited (with the project) as we give our young people an opportunity to be transformed. Let the transformation begin,” she said, expressing elation over the Opportunity 2.0 project. The five-year, P1.9 billion ($35.5 million) Opportunity 2.0: Second-Chance Opportunities for Out-ofSchool Youth program will work with the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) to augment their on-going programs and provide relevant education, employability skills, and work experience. These include the DepEd’s enhanced Alternative Learning System and TESDA’s skills training programs.

And LeBlanc said the Opportunity 2.0 has prepared an initial package of interventions for Zamboanga City, such as a youth grants program that will support local-led innovations and initiatives that help the youth access learning and earning programs during the coronavirus pandemic. The program also will continue its support to the Zamboanga City Youth Network civic engagement activities, and the post-training activities for the youth accessing TESDA Online Programs (TOPS). USAID has previously reached almost 4,000 youth in Zamboanga, and a total of 25,000 out-ofschool youth in Mindanao. This resulted to at least 6,000 of youth having new or improved employment. LeBlanc also highlighted that partnership is the key element in the youth’s journey of transformation. “The partnerships we have built with local governments,

DepEd, TESDA, other national agencies, local businesses, non-governmental organizations, schools, and the youth themselves – under the banner of the Youth Development Alliance – have led to some amazing results,” he said. He said USAID will work with local governments in 12 cities across the country to set up Youth Development Alliances that mobilize resources to help their out-ofschool youth. The program will also work with over 2,200 employers and at least 50 education or training institutions, including major hubs like Metro Manila, Metro Cebu, and Davao. The program is implemented by the U.S.-based Education Development Center with partners Accenture, Philippine Business for Education, Catholic Relief Services, Voluntary Services Overseas, and SEAMEO-Innotech. (Zamboanga Post)

Zambo bus terminal upgrades security THE ZAMBOANGA City Integrated Bus Terminal upgraded its security with the installation of a Smith Heimann baggage X-ray machine as the local government prepares for the new normal. Rafael Derick Garcellano Evangelista III, the supervising transportation and regulation officer, said the machine is the same being used at the passenger terminals of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila. He said highly-trained technicians are expected to arrive here soon to conduct a comprehensive and step-by-step training to local operators of the X-ray machine. The acquisition of the X-ray machine was recommended by security

A photo released by the Zamboanga City Integrated Bus Terminal shows workers looking at the huge Smith Heimann baggage X-ray machine. forces and also part of the local government’s priority, according to Evangelista, who thanked Mayor Beng Climaco for the upgrade. Evangelista said they expect another baggage X-ray machine by next year since the bus terminal is a vital installation

here. Just recently, the Regional Mobile Force Battalion 9 of the Philippine National Police also conducted a briefing on bomb awareness for employees, security guards and bus drivers and their conductors at the bus terminal. (Zamboanga Post)

Donde aprender español en Filipinas MIENTRAS EL Covid-19 obliga a las escuelas y universidades a cerrar, puede que te preguntes cómo puedes conseguir tus objetivos de aprendizaje de idiomas. Pero por mucho que la pandemia ponga freno a todos nuestros planes, la vida tiene que continuar. Si estás considerando dónde estudiar español después de que todo esto termine, aquí hay una lista de escuelas que ofrecen clases gratuitas y de pago: Instituto Cervantes de Manila Esta puede ser la opción preferida por muchos, es creada por el mismo gobierno español, y no es difícil ver por qué. El Instituto Cervantes cuenta con una amplia red de estudiantes y ex-alumnos con los que puedes practicar. También tienen una biblioteca que puedes usar para ayudarte en tu aprendizaje. Sin embargo, las clases pueden ser un poco caras. Comienzan con unos 5,000 pesos filipinos para el nivel de principiante.

Si no puedes esperar para empezar tu viaje de aprendizaje del español, ahora puedes inscribirte a sus clases por videoconferencia a través de Zoom. Berlitz Philippines Berlitz es un fuerte contendiente en este campo. Su método de enseñanza de idiomas es amplio, así que también vale la pena considerarlo. En la actualidad, tienen tres sucursales alrededor de Metro Manila. Pero debido a la pandemia, también han cambiado a las clases en línea. Academia Language and Review Center Este es otro centro de idiomas con sede en San Juan. Enseñan idiomas extranjeros como el español entre otros. Puedes hacerte con sus clases de español por sólo 999 pesos filipinos (en lugar de 12,000 pesos filipinos) a través de su continua promoción en Metrodeal. De acuerdo con los términos y condiciones de la promoción, la clase de 30 sesiones dura 45 minutos. UP – Diliman (Department of European Lan-

guages) Si estás en la cuidad de Quezon, UP Diliman ofrece clases de español para no estudiantes. Es mucho más barato que los dos primeros, ya que sólo cuesta alrededor de 3,640 pesos filipinos. Las clases se dan los sábados, y duran hasta tres horas cada una. TESDA Si no tienes dinero para pagar tus clases, no te preocupes porque TESDA las ofrezca gratis. Sin embargo, las clases sólo se dan entre semana. No tienen clases por la noche ni los fines de semana. Para una documentación completa sobre cómo asegurar su puesto, visite este recurso. Si aprender español está en tu lista de cosas para hacer antes de morir, entonces no hay excusa para no aprender más. Con muchos recursos a mano, desde gratuitos a pagados, en línea y en persona, estoy seguro de que serás un hispanohablante competente en poco tiempo. Buena suerte! (Por Arvyn Cerezo – La Jornada Filipina)


The Zamboanga Post

Sept. 28-Oct. 4, 2020

Se necesita disciplina para combatir el virus

masivas donde los asistentes se han olvidado de cumplir con las medidas de salud prescritas. “There are people who are enjoying a relaxed quarantine and have forgotten social distancing protocols,” segun la alcaldesa. Dijo el alcaldesa Beng, advirtiendo de nuevo a la gente que quita con la face mask es como estar desnudo y permitir que Covid-19 entra en el espacio de uno y el de su familia. En particular, la alcaldesa Beng llamado a los zamboangueños para que proteja a sus seres queridos al abstenerse de reunirse fuera de sus hogares para celebrar eventos familiares.

“La semana pasada yan celebró su cumpleaños, pero no tuve la oportunidad de saludar a la gente como solía hacerlo. Tengo que disciplinarme porque tengo que sacrificarme y ser modelo. Ayer, un tío mío, cumplió 99 años, pero nadie de la familia fue excepto uno porque tenemos que proteger a nuestros seres queridos,” la alcaldesa dijo. “Sabe ustedes el tiempo bien dificil. So, I am asking everyone this time, na diatun maga celebracion, that we just stay at home. That is the best gift you can give to yourself and your family,” segun na alcaldesa. La alcaldesa destaco

que la falta de disciplina lo expone a mas riesgos de contaminacion. Ademas, narro que varios edificios, asi como familias enteras, recintos y comunidades habian sido clausurados debido a los llamados “super esparcidores” o personas sin disciplina que transmiten el virus y que no se preocupan por la pandemia. “We are experiencing challenging times. In the midst of the Covid pandemic, there are the security threats and the risks of natural disasters. We can confront all of these and emerge victorious is we help each other and cooperate. More importantly, we need to have discipline,” dijo la alcaldesa.

Zambo launches ‘Tiene Cuidao’ campaign

Continued from page 1 #TieneCuidaoZC profile picture frame by following this URL: w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / p ro f i l e p i c f ra m e s / ? s e lected_overlay_ id=3103666386422568 in support to the local government’s efforts in defeating the pandemic. Climaco has repeatedly appealed to residents to always follow the community quarantine guidelines and observe physical distancing. But despite her appeals, many continue to defy health protocols. “Protect yourself the best way you can. Stay home, if possible, but if you need to go out, then wear your face mask properly, and wash your hands often with soap and water, or with alcohol, and stay at least one meter apart from others. These are simple steps, but they are very important because they pro-

tect you, your family, our community, and our city. If everyone is taking care, we can beat Covid together,” Climaco said. The mayor also cautioned the public against mass gatherings of any sort, stressing that parties and celebrations are among the new sources of coronavirus transmission here. She said there were reports that mass gatherings take place in private venues and in government offices in complete disregard of health protocols. “In one of the parties held recently, several guests were tested positive of coronavirus while others are now considered Covid-19 suspects and are under quarantine,” Climaco said. Dr. Cathy Garcia, of the City Health Office (CHO), said parties or celebrations are found to be the cause of recent Covid-19 cases.

Climaco directed the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office and the CHO to investigate these mass gatherings to determine appropriate actions that may include temporary lockdown of buildings where the social gatherings took place. She also disallowed local government department heads and other officials to hold parties and gatherings to celebrate special occasions, adding: “We cannot let our guards down and we should not take the situation very lightly.” Expressing her dismay, Climaco said people continue to ignore the deadly pandemic and disregard minimum health protocols, thus, contributing to the surge of the virus in the community. “The lack of discipline exposes one to more risks of contamination,” she said. (Zamboanga Post)

Zamboanga tiene mas de 400 casos acti-

vos de Covid y el numero de muertos es mas de

70. (Claudine Uniana and Zamboanga Post)

Zamboanga City advances in PCCI’s awards event Continued from page 1 Mayor Beng Climaco said she was informed by Jose Alejandro, the chairman of the PCCI LGU Awards, that Zamboanga is among those in the list. She said the City Investment Board, in collaboration with the different local business groups, is gearing for the event. She said they will present to PCCI the significant initiatives introduced by the local government to address major challenges currently being faced in order to successfully restore and increase the business operations within the locality. In 2019, PCCI cited Zamboanga City and recognized the local government’s efforts in streamlining business processes. And because of that, PCCI awarded the local government with a “special citation” during the 45th Philippine Business Con-

ference and Expo held at the Manila Hotel. Zamboanga City Administrator Apple Go represented the local government during the awarding ceremony. She said the special recognition exemplifies the commendable initiatives of the Climaco administration towards good governance reforms that promote trade and investments and significantly contribute to local economic development. The PCCI also noted the efforts of the local government which resulted to a significant increase in new business enterprises in Zamboanga. From 2018-2019, Zamboanga City posted a 74% increase in the number of approved business permits for new business applications and also recorded a 182% increase in the number of approved business renewals. Climaco said the local

government is pursuing business-friendly strategies aimed at further improving business sector confidence. Commissioner Aileen Lourdes Lizada, of the Civil Service Commission, also praised Climaco during an unannounced inspection last year to check on compliance of civil service rules in government offices. Lizada, who also visited other regions in the country, noted a number of “best practices” at City Hall during her group’s inspection. One of them is the wearing of identification cards by civil workers with Climaco as the best example. She also said the Public Assistance Desk at the main entrance of City Hall is very responsive to the public and the presence of an institutionalized human resource department at City Hall, among others. (Zamboanga Post)


The Zamboanga Post

Sept. 28-Oct. 4, 2020

Zamboanga Pictures in the News Local government of Zamboanga City at work. This is where your taxes go. (Photos by Bong Serondo, Eugene Elnar, Carlo Ezer Camins, and Giana Andrion)

Sept. 28-Oct. 4, 2020

The Zamboanga Post


Zamboanga Pictures in the News


The Zamboanga Post

Sept. 28-Oct. 4, 2020

Across : 1. Famous boxer 4. Dry, as wine 7. Purple flower 12. Jog 13. Retiree’s acct. 14. Innocent 15. Food service 17. Fork features 18. Fling 19. Renter 20. Chicago trains 22. Chair 23. Intolerant of delay 26. Toupee, Slangily 29. Hawaiian necklace 30. Entertain 31. Compass pt. 32. Chap 33. Thin ray of light (2 wds.) 35. Wooden fasteners 36. ___ Diego 37. On fire 40. Slipped 43. Heidi’s cousin 44. Not indoors 47. Principle 48. To and ___ 49. Visualize 50. Stockholm resident 51. Explosive inits. 52. Driveway sealer

The Zamboanga Post

An Edition of the Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper

Maritess Fernandez

Publisher/Executive Producer (On Leave)

Al Jacinto

Acting Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

Graphics/Video Editor

Mindanao Examiner Productions Web Master

REGIONAL PARTNERS Mindanao Daily Business Week Mindanao Star

ADVERTISING Jeng Fernandez (0917) 7930652 Zamboanga Peninsula

Answer to last week’s crossword:

Down : 1. Curved doorway 2. Hawaiian cookout 3. Fearless 4. Respectful title 5. Browning’s “before” 6. Station wagon 7. Aardvarks 8. Canonized person 9. Songstress ___ Turner 10. Equal 11. Musical symbol 16. She, in Valencia 19. Anxious 21. Chess tie 22. Author Dr. ___ 23. Not healthy 24. “Oh, give ___ home...”

Reynold Toribio

(2 wds.) 25. Appearance 26. Sign up again 27. UN member 28. Jewel 34. Game fish 35. Whittled down 37. Performs onstage 38. Took a plane 39. Path 41. Notion 42. Forest creature 44. Frequently, in poetry 45. Coffee vessel 46. Toddler

Weekly Sudoku:

Richard Suarez

(0910) 7348600 Kismet Cable TV, Aquino cor. Cabrera sts., Gatas District, Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur

The Zamboanga Post

is published weekly in Mindanao, Philippines.


3rd Floor, JLC Building, Don Alfaro St., Tetuan, Zamboanga City Phone & Fax: (062) 9555360 Mobile: (0995) 5202358 URL: E-mail:

Answer to last week:

CEBU CITY G/F Dreamfield bldg, Sanciangko Street, Kamagayan (0923) 1670009

Rodil P. Ybañez

DAVAO CITY Door 2, 402 Nidea Street, Barrio Obrero, Davao City, Philippines (082) 2841859 / (0932) 4323301 / (0997) 3172021

Marilou Cablinda



Kismet Cable TV, Aquino cor. Cabrera st., Gatas District, Pagadian City, Zamboanga Del Sur (0910) 7348600

Richard Suarez


3rd Floor, JLC Building, Don Alfaro Street, Zamboanga City (062) 9555360 / (0995) 5202358 / (0917) 7930652

Jeng Fernandez


The Zamboanga Post

Sept. 28-Oct. 4, 2020

Mag-hilamos at Maligo Araw-Araw



Ni Dr. Willie T. Ong


AY MGA Pilipino ang ayaw maghilamos o maligo. May maling paniniwala sila na mapapasma daw sila kapag naghilamos o maligo. Ayon sa survey, 50% ng Pilipino ay hindi naghuhugas ng kamay pagkatapos gumamit ng banyo (umihi o dumumi). Sana po ay maituwid na natin ang mga maling paniniwala. Heto ang dapat niyong gawin. 1. Maligo araw araw. (Iwas sipon, trangkaso, galis at pigsa.) 2. Maghilamos sa umaga at sa gabi. (Para gumanda ang balat at iwas pimples at kuliti.) 3. Mag-sipilyo 2 o 3 beses bawat araw. (Iwas sa sirang ngipin.) 4. Maghugas ng kamay pagkagamit ng banyo, umihi o dumumi. (Iwas sa sore eyes,

tuberculosis at pulmonya.) Wala pong excuse na pasmado, pagod, puyat, bagong gising, bagong tulog, may regla, nag-computer, nag-cellphone, nanahi at iba pa. Kahit pa sinabi ni Lola o Nanay. Puwedeng magpahinga ng 15 minutos kung pagod. Pero dapat pa rin maligo at maghilamos araw-araw. Maging malinis sa katawan. Ang sabon at tubig ang iyong proteksyon laban sa sakit. Maghilamos sa Umaga Para Gumanda: Kailangan maghilamos ng mukha sa umaga at bago matulog sa gabi para malinis ang mukha. Hindi po tunay ang kasabihan na masama maghilamos. Maraming naiipon na dumi, muta at bacteria sa mukha. Napaka-oily din ng mukha sa umaga. Kapag hindi tayo

maghihilamos, puwede magkaroon ng pimples, kuliti (impeksyon sa mata), at pamumula ng mata. Ang pag-dami ng Muta ay isang senyales na maraming mikrobyo na ang iyong mata. Ang payo ko: Maghilamos ng mukha sa umaga at sa gabi. Puwede po maghilamos kahit puyat, walang tulog, bagong gising o galing sa pagbabasa sa computer o cellphone. Puwedeng magpahinga ng 15 minutos muna. Pero huwag papasok sa trabaho o matutulog sa gabi nang hindi naghihilamos ng mukha. Walang koneksyon ang paghilamos ng mata sa paningin. Sa katunayan, mas lilinaw ang iyong paningin kapag natanggal ang muta at dumi sa mata. Take care po.

Chicken Adobo INGREDIENTS : • 2 1/2 lbs. chicken cut into serving pieces • 1 piece Knorr Chicken cube • 2 cups lemon lime soda

INSTRUCTIONS : 1. Combine chicken, soy sauce, and 1 cup lemon lime soda. Mix. Marinate for at least 30 minutes. 2. Heat oil in a pan. Pan-fry marinated chicken for 1 minute per side. Remove from the pan. Set aside. 3. Using the remaining oil, sauté garlic until it browns. Put the panfried chicken back into the pan. Add remaining marinade, lemon lime soda, whole peppercorn, and

• • • • • •

1/4 cup soy sauce 1/2 cup white vinegar 5 pieces dried bay leaves 1 head garlic 2 teaspoons whole peppercorn 3 tablespoons cooking oil

4. 5. 6.


dried bay leaves. Let boil. Pour-in vinegar. Let the mixture boil. Stir. Add Knorr Chicken Cube. Cover and reduce heat between low to medium. Cook for 20 minutes. Remove the cover of the pan. Adjust heat to medium. Continue cooking while stirring every few minutes until the sauce evaporates. Transfer to a serving plate. Serve. Share and enjoy!


The Zamboanga Post

Sept. 28-Oct. 4, 2020

Sept. 28-Oct. 4, 2020

The Zamboanga Post


Founded July 2019

ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, PLEASE CALL (062) 9555360 or (0995) 5202358


Sept. 28-Oct. 4, 2020

ZamboEcoZone disinfected ‘2 employees tested positive for Covid-19’

Photos from the Zamboanga City Special Economic Zone Facebook account show workers from the W.H Cleaning Products Trading and Services disinfecting offices.

SUNDAY REFLECTION 25th Sunday Matthew 20:1-16 “Do not compare” that is what Fr. John Chambers, S.J., used to teach us in the Ateneo High School Department. If we compare ourselves to others, we might end up bloated with pride thinking of ourselves as “mas bueno compara na otro” or being jealous because we think others have more than us. Fr. Louis Catalan, S.J., shared a difficult to understand Gospel, warning that we must not compare, compete, judge and expect. The laborers in the Gospel who agreed to work earlier, expected to be paid more since they worked longer hours compared to those who worked at a later time. If our mentality is limited to “wages” and being paid, the computation is only based on the amount and effort we exerted. This mentality will always be based on merit. But God’s yardstick is different. It is based on His magnanimous love and generosity. Jesus taught us about God’s boundless grace and providence. We do not deserve what we have because ALL is grace after all. Sitting on the same chapel at the Church of the Sacred Heart, I recall how I struggled in my early days as a classroom teacher and moderator wanting to giveup in 1990. I recall with gratitude how God saved me


and I prevailed on to teach more than 10 years. His generosity led me to where I am today, tasked to shepherd Zamboanga City in this global pandemic. It not because of what I have earned, but it is about God’s invitation and my willingness to answer the call to work in God’s vineyard. Similarly, Fr. Francis Alvarez, S.J., differentiates the attitude of a daily wage earner, a job order, who is dependent to earn daily. The attitude of gratitude vs. entitlement. Having the latter attitude is dangerous and discouraging and we can never be satisfied. I have to check on myself to rely on God and not on what I think I should have. It also calls to mind of “complaints” I get from people undergoing quarantine and getting free board and lodging in hotels courtesy of the local government. I had someone complaining why the other person could go home already when they arrived at the same period. And another

situation where a relative was demanding how come their “pariente” is still in quarantine after 14 days. Questioning, belittling the frontline staff as having “little knowledge” in holding their relative in quarantine. The demand and sense of entitlement made us fail to notice that these are gifts instead, that we need to be grateful for the protection against Covid. They fail to realize that the government cares for them so they go home safely to their loved ones. There are many stories on how entitlement led us to failure of having a heart full of gratitude. In this pandemic, I am reminded to count on our blessings; to breathe freely without a ventilator is God’s gift. May we get down on our knees: “Dear Lord, you are a most generous Father and provider. May I see the goodness in my heart as your gift, and like Mary, generously respond to your call in the rich harvest of your vineyard! Amen.”

Eastern Mindanao


HE ZAMBOANGA City Special Economic Zone (ZamboEcoZone) underwent a 7-day lockdown after 2 of its employees were tested positive for the deadly coronavirus disease. The City Disaster Risk protection and welfare of tion and germ-proofing Reduction and Manage- the employees and their are conducted routinely ment Office (CDRRMO) families, and the locators to ensure that the Zamand the City Health Office at the ZamboEcoZone. boEcoZone will main(CHO) ordered the temThe ZamboEcoZone tain its healthy and clean porary closure last week said the lockdown in its atmosphere for business and disinfected the ad- premises from September transactions for both the ministration building and 21 until 27 was to give way employees and its clientire complex. for its routine disinfection ents. The CHO also began and germ-proofing and ZamboEcoZone contact tracing to ensure following the guideline said professionals from to ensure the virus will not protocols of the Covid-19 W.H Cleaning Prodfurther spread. ucts Trading and SerInter-Agency Task Force. CDRRMO head El“Rest assured that the vices conducted the meir Apolinario encour- ZamboEcoZone strictly germ-proofing process. aged ZamboEcoZone abides and observes the “The company used a Administrator Raul Re- prescribed health pro- top of the line antimicrogondola to send employ- tocols and ensures that bial coating that adheres ees - particularly those maintaining a safe and to all sorts of surfaces with direct exposure with healthy workplace is a top most especially to offices the two employees - for priority,” it said without supplies and commonly Covid testing by the CHO. mentioning about its em- used areas such as desks, Apolinario said lock- ployees who contracted tables, knobs, switches, down measure was im- the virus. and office electronics,” it posed primarily for the It said the disinfec- said. (Zamboanga Post)

Good news for real property owners!

A sign is displayed prominently at City Hall announcing amnesty for real property owners in Zamboanga City. (Eugene Elnar) THE LOCAL government urged real property owners to avail of the 100% real property tax relief on penalties, surcharges and other interests for all unpaid taxes covering the period 2020 and prior years and

Western Mindanao

this shall run until end of the year. The City Council also approved Ordinance 541 granting amnesty on the payment of penalties on transfer tax of real property for the period May 31 this


year and prior years. This amnesty is until November 30. The City Treasurer’s Office said these offers are rare opportunity granted by the local government to help delinquent owners settle their accounts at a lower cost. The amnesty forms part of the local government’s Covid-19 Recovery and Rehabilitation Plan. Real property is land and any property attached directly to it, including any subset of land that has been improved through legal human actions. Examples of real properties can include buildings, ponds, canals, roads, and machinery, among other things. (Zamboanga Post)


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