f you consider yourself successful, chances are, somewhere along your journey there were people who encouraged or pushed you towards your potential. It may have been a parent, a teacher, a relative, or a mentor.
Unfortunately, many of today’s urban youth lack this positive guidance. Shortly after the civil unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, school district leaders invited Elevate St. Louis to establish meaningful relationships with its students and create opportunities and experiences that shape them into thriving contributors to their community. Elevate St. Louis employs a holistic approach to meet each young person’s needs. Teacher-Mentors take a long-term relational approach to youth development. They establish relationships with students in our accredited middle and high school classes designed to develop character and life skills. From there, they guide students through deep mentoring experiences after school, on weekends and during the summer. Outdoor adventure pushes students to explore life beyond their comfort zones through new and challenging experiences while developing teamwork and leadership skills. College and career readiness training ensures each student graduates high school with a post-secondary education plan that includes enrolling in higher education or a tech/ trade school, joining the military, or securing living-wage employment. To learn more about Elevate St. Louis, visit or call Frank Bell (Executive Director) at 314-913-4136. You may schedule a video call or in-person meeting to discover how you may invest in a growing movement to raise generations of thriving urban leaders.
Our Mission Building long-term, life-changing relationships with urban youth, equipping them to thrive and contribute to their community.
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