Just BE You!
By Marilyn Eagen
Welcome to Spring of 2022! The new year has certainly proven to be very interesting. We know there are new possibilities, new opportunities and limitless space held for us to grow and change. We also have no idea what to expect in the next few years. When entering times of change, we really have no idea what is in front of us. The only things that feels sure for us right now, is that things will continue to change. As I see it, we have two choices, we can carry fearful thoughts and live life defensively, or we can choose Love. We can learn to trust life, using our discernment and awareness. This sounds simple and easy to say, could it possibly be that easy to do? Maybe, it can! 64
MindBodySoul.media | Spring 2022
What if we quit “trying so hard” to be perfect and to make it big, or to impress others, and start being honest about what is really important in our own heart. Maybe moving into a space of “being” rather than “doing”, could be even more valuable to us and to the rest of the world. Put more simply, by “Being” in your heart center and approaching all things in a state of Love, you will also support everyone else as well. (without doing anything!) If our thoughts go to “the highest good”, then we are serving ourselves and everyone else. You will never make everyone else happy, nor should you. Everyone is responsible for their own happiness and they will make their own choice. That’s not our business at all. What is important, is