La Quinta June 2012 Newsletter

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Division 4 North l Issue 3 June 2012 Edition

New Beginnings/Summer! The last words of the ‘11-’12 term, a farewell goodbye and a bright future.

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Message from VP 3 Banquets 4-5 Past events 6-7 K Kidfs 8

10 OTC 11 MTOM 12 T-shirts 14-17 Upcoming Projects 19 Calender 20 Contact

} Salutations La Quinta Key Clubbers! It’s finally here: Summer. I know it’s been a heart-wrenching experience as we watch the year end with our fellow goodbyes and memories of laughter, service, pains, and growth to look back on. This month of June has been an exciting and difficult one; facing farewells and new beginnings. And although the sun is out, and the beach is calling, we’re always up for some service wherever, whenever! I’m proud to announce we have accumulated 340 hours in June! In this issue, just in case you missed it, you will get the chance to read about new announcements such as our Divisional T-shirt, MOTM, and events. Summer is the chance we get to fundraise, fundraise, fundraise! So expect bake sales coming up around the corner. One exciting event I’m looking forward to working with is Relay For Life, one of Key Club’s biggest summer event. Read more about it in this issue! Other events we will be participating in are beach clean ups, concerts in the park, and BBQ Bonanza, and don’t worry, we’re going to have our new website launched by your Tech. Editor, James Tran, to keep you well-updated during the summer! Also, all members are encouraged to attend Kiwanis meetings, which are a great way to know what’s going on in your community and to access information.

“Yes, I did get totally owned by a pie in the face at our Kiwins/Key Club Bonfire Social.”

Relay For Life this year will be held at FVHS on July 14th so don’t miss it! It will be our biggest event of the summer. I can’t wait to see you guys there!

Although this year has come to an end, another bright year awaits for us all. A new beginning filled with big goals and amazing key clubbers who can accomplish anything, who are ready for another year packed with service and spirit. La Quinta Key Clubbers, I commend you to troop on and tackle a new year. So tell me Key Clubbers, HOW DO YOU FEEL?! Service is key, Mindy Vo 2012-2013 President La Quinta High School


Hey Otters! This is Vincent here, and I would just like to say that I hope you’re all enjoying your summers! I know I am! But I’ve been wondering how I can enjoy my summer even MORE! And guess what? We can all have even greater summers by performing some service! That’s right, the key to an even better summer is just dishing out some service, and I can give you the opportunity to do just that! We will be having a beach clean-up at Huntington Beach on July 7th and Concerts at the Park at Mile Square Park every Thursday! Please check our group page or contact any of our outstanding officers for further information regarding these events. Thanks for reading and I look forward to seeing you guys soon!

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June 25th, 2012–

Article By Baron Nguyen

The end of each year for our organization is both relieving and depressing. While few will not return for the following year, there is one event, a final gathering, that all our members look forward to: the Banquet. This year's banquet was one of the greatest. We shared laughs, enjoyed exquisite food, and stood watch as one of the most memorable members of our club graced us with his final closing speech. Daniel Huynh was legendary within Key Club; he led us though a sea of service, he kept us "party rockin" rain or shine, and none could match the spirit he had to offer. As we lose our great former president, we are rewarded with the arrival of newer members, each with the potential to be a board member, if not, the next president. Let's not make this all about Daniel, we must also remember our past Seniors. They all devoted themselves to this club, each and every one of them. To devote themselves to a club for 4 years is truly an astonishing feat that they all accomplished. So as we wipe our tears for our seniors, we must not forget that this is not the end of an era, but the dawn of a new one. This following year, we will make all of our seniors proud by restoring Key Club to its former glory. As we recover from the tears of this banquet, we welcome the new year. We welcome each challenge, each opportunity, and we say:

Bring it on.

Divisional Banquet FAREWELL TO A GOOD YEAR June 27th, 2012–

Article by Jacqueline Letu

To end off their year of service, Division 4 North held a fundraising dinner at Kiwanis Land. These hungry otters arrived in semi-formal attire and stuffed themselves with pasta, salad, bread, and desserts. After an hour of devouring Corner Bakery’s delicious food, the key clubbers began watching the first performance. These performers impressed the audience by showing off their energy and dancing skills. Next, Kevin Le, the former lieutenant governor of Division 4 North, introduced the past presidents of 2011-2012 to deliver their speeches. Each president gave meaningful words about their experiences in Key Club. They all reflected on memories of the past years and expressed their passion for the club. These presidents were acknowlLa Quinta won FIVE awards! Most Distinguished President goes to Daniel Huynh, Most edged for their dedication and commitment devoted to Crazy Otter goes to Christian Do, Most Helpful Otter goes to Mindy Vo, Distinguished Key Club. After each president gave out their speeches, Treasurer goes to Caesar Phan, and MOST SPIRITED CLUB GOES TO LA QUINTA! Donald Truong introduced the second performance. Covering “Showstopper” by AJ Rafael, Daniel Huynh amazed the crowd with his ukulele and beautiful singing voice. Kevin Le then gave out awards to certain clubs and individuals. With a description given out to each person or club, awards were given to: Most “Crazy” Otter Most Helpful Otter Most Caring Most Spirited Club Most Articles Written Most Membership Growth Biggest Underdog Club Distinguished Club Website Most Service Hours Overall & Per Member Distinguished Club

For the third performance, Jackson Nguyen and Dat Tran covered “By Your Side” by Tenth Avenue North and blew the crowd away with their wonder- 4 North otter-ly outrageously cute otters gather for ful vocal and guitar skills. After their a last and final picture. WE LOVE 4 NORTH!!! performance, Kevin Le continued giving out awards. The last sets of the awards were: Division 4 North Most Improved Club Division 4 North Club of the Year Division 4 North Member of the Year Distinguished Treasurer Distinguished Secretary Distinguished Vice-President Distinguished President

As the sun was setting down, Donald Truong introduced the last performance. Rachael Yi, Division 4 North executive assistant, sang an acapella cover of “Chasing Pavements” by Adele. Her phenomenal voice left everyone speechless. To close the night, Helen Nguyen and Kevin Le delivered their speeches. Sharing his Key Club journey, Kevin Le said his final words to the division, Daniel Huynh looking pretty sharp as he delivers his speech. Winning the most prestigious award of the Divireminding them to reach for sion, Most Distinguished President, he truly has served his term well. We will miss you so much! their goals and remember Helen Nguyen, your new LTG!, is always so cute and quirky. She will be serving us for our new term so don’t where they came from. Helen forget to say hi! Nguyen then adjourned the Division 4 North Fundraising Din- Kevin Le, L-O-V-E WE LOVE OUR LTG!<3 stands at the podium giving his last epic speech as LTG. Thank you ner of 2011-2012. for a wonderful year! Wish him luck at ICON where he will be running for trustee!

SummerFest! Summerfest: LQ key club members gathered at Fountain Valley Rec center for THREE DAYS STRAIGHT! Pretty nice job LQ!

Summerfest Article by Jacqueline Letu

“These otters jumped back into service a week later by volun- Christian Do, on trash teering at Summer- duty at Summerfest. fest. This annual three-day event was held at the Fountain Valley RecreaDanny Nguyen lugs trash bags too clean grass areas and empty bins. tional Center in Mile Square Park. La Quinta Key Clubbers collaborated with other TEAMWORK! schools and worked all day to keep Summerfest With Baron Nguyen and Christian Do running smoothly. They proudly wore bright, yellow volunteer shirts and facilitated the event. Whether it was taking a shift early in the morning or late at night, these volunteers were willing to come out to run booths, pick up trash, clean tables, and complete parking lot duty. “

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June 2ndIt was gloomy. Cloudy day at the Angel’s Stadium, but that didn’t stop LQ Key Clubbers! We were prepared to take on the Vision Walk of 2012! We received breakfast, lunch, t-shirts, and even a free angel’s ticket! Volunteers were stationed all around the walk, assisting with handing out water, holding up signs, passing out flyers, working game booths, and doing what key clubbers do best: energizing the walkers with SPIRIT!

June 30thFor this month’s project favors, our club did service locally by volunteering at Heritage Park. We met up at a Fountain Valley senior center early on June 30th with a Kiwanis advisor named Lila. Afterwards, we were transported to the park, where we met several other people spending their morning tidying up the park. La Quinta was the only Key Club there, with four of our members. It was a fairly small project, but that just gave us more of an opportunity to work together. We spent three hours scrubbing away huge stacks of white chairs for the park. The stench of spray cleansers were deeply imbedded into our fingers by the end of the day. However, the tranquility of the park and hospitality of all the people there made the project worth it. Every white chair was sparkling by the time we were done! Not to mention, the slices of moist coffee cake and crumbly cookies were more than enough reward for our work.

Article by Tanya Ngo

K kids


We finally finished K Kids!!! Ending the year with a big party full of game and food! Everyone played games, charades, board games and more After 3 months of crafts and mini community projects, we hope to see you guys again next year! Don’t miss out this cute video of our K Kids>


es e.

summary, goals v=Bzr-HyzXWb4&feature=plcp

Letters to Troops Mothe r’s Day Frames Relay f or Life

Earth Day Flowers posters

CHOCBracelets Valentines CUPCAKES!

r ’s Day Teache Flowers Vases rive Book D


Senior Brace lets Memorial Da y windsocks Games game s games!


Check out t hese adora ble pictures our K Kids made for Relay for Lif e! Don’t for get to sign up for R elay For life this July 14th!

Past Events: Officer Training Conference

Tanya Ngo , James Tran, Jimmy Phung, and Vincent Tran play fun icebreakers as we wait for OTC to start!

Do you know what OTC is? Well it stands for Officer-Training-Conference, but don’t let the name scare you: it’s an informative and fun event for everyone interested in running for office next year, OR, just want to learn more about Key Club and our Region in general! OTC is a time of year where all our schools in our Region (Region 3!) converge to learn more about leadership roles, community service, public speaking, key club, officer positions, and much, much more. Each LTG from each school represents a different workshop that everyone attends throughout the day. This year, OTC was held at Costa Mesa Highschool! From 12-5pm, different divisions crammed together in spirit battles, pictures, workshops, and lunch! La Quinta brought 18 members to OTC, so we hope you had a good time! We attended two workshops in the afternoon, as well as attending our Divisional Conference Meeting (DCM). Just in case you missed it, our T-shirt design $ was due, and we learned more about Relay For Life and our DCM/ Water fight! (Read into issue for more info). We also have a new Regional Cheer and upcoming events!: Beach Boomba Region 3 Cheer! OC Children’s Book Festival CHOC Walk in the Park Hold up Wait A Minute, RTC Orange County is all up in it Fall Rally Serving so fantastically CTC WHO ARE WE?! Rose Float REGION 3! DCON

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Christina Tran, James Tran, and Tanya Ngo get warmed up for a workshop.

Quick group picture as OTC ends as we gather around to eat boxes of leftover pizz, whoo!


{ Tommy Dang Congratulations Tommy Blakely Dang! You are our member of the moth! Tommy has displayed excellent Key Club spirit for as long as we can remember. He is always high in enthusiasm for service and Key Club for the past two years and has never failed to lend a helping hand by providing rides to almost every event! Christina Tran, Our Spirit Coordinator and Tech. Assistant says “He attends almost every event and he went to OTC. Although OTC was ideal for only officers, he still attended. He's motivated, dedicated, friendly and spirited ! “

Tommy Blakely Dang Upcoming Junior, Key Club member for 2 years Loves living in South Carolina Likes musicals, baking,, etc.


Designed by Danthanh Nguyen


wea d a e op d r d y l tter o e for? b g o n t i t i t t for n a s w u j Wa u s t r o i y er t d t-sh a e c W a f ! ? h fres some g ! n i l l e ! therine h y a ll s C a r s i o ll t t fa ur $ otter a 4 North n in yo m? =0 an odd here, and tur heet/viewfor e b t MQ#gid ’ 6 s n E d le F a Do a W s e L r e 0SXN for Pr om/sp Y0VkU k Sign Up S o V do lJNG h t t p s : / / dGNYcjNvV0 y= formke


Upcoming Projects!


r: o F y d a e R Get 012 July 14th, 2

: July 14th : :

Fountain Valley High School (Track) 17816 Bushard Street, Fountain Valley, CA

Start 3 pm Saturday — 9 am Sunday (This is an overnight event, but you can leave early if you would like!)


You have the choice of camping there overnight while walking with other teams to walk/ camp around the track while food, games, and activities provide entertainment and fundraising opportunities. At night, walkers will light the luminary bags for a beautiful night filled with glittering lights filled with hope. Divisional Event* so you will see/meet/greet with our other schools! This is a really big and fun event so try to convince your parents to let you go!


Bring a sleeping bag/tent/games/ lantern/snacks if you would like! visit this video!* v=yavQAQXPZMg&feature=player_embedded

: viewform?formkey=dEpXazlzM2RsVU9WTllxTzZEZllJS0E6MQ#gid=0

Every Thursday,

All Month Long~ July 5th— Hey Otters! We will be having Concerts at the Park on July 5th at the FV Rec. Center! There will be free live concerts and picnics, and they need our help! We will help set up, facilitate, and clean up! All of our FV Kiwanis will be there also so you get to meet new people! There will be two shifts, one at 3-7pm and one at 710pm. Sign up Here: pli=1&formkey=dFJJbFNSTEZRVko5TnlQQnFBclpPLVE6MQ#gid=0

July 19th: — Calling all otters! We need about 10 volunteers to work at the Kiwanis Food booth, helping grill hamburgers, picking up trash, working the cashier, putting up signs, and so on.

July 26th — Last chance to come out and enjoy the free


music and assist with clean up and facilitation, as well as meeting others. We need again about 10! *Check the Website for July 19th and 26th shift times and sign up sheets*


July 5th: Shift 1: 3-7 pm Shift 2: 7-10 pm July 19th: All day, Shifts TBA July 26th: All day, Shifts TBA *Keep checking our website for updated shift times!*

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/ Who doesn’t love the beach? Well let’s keep Huntington Beach clean and tidy by picking up trash, cigarette butts, plastic bags, and more. Let’s have some fun in the sun! Fountain Valley will also be joining us as well, so come on out to have some fun!

:July 28th : 9am-11am : bucket/bag/gloves : Clean up our beachs and hang out with FV Key clubbers!

Love Sprinkles Cupcakes? Watch Cupcake Wars? Well look no further because we have BAKE SALES! Made by your own LQ Officers with lots of love<3 Come down to Albertsons for some cupcakes, brownies, and cookies!

Stay tuned for more information on our website/fb group!

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When: July 21st Location: Albertsons Time: All day long!

ABSOLUTELY FREEE! But with donations appreciated(:<3


July DCM




Division 4 North will be having a water

Water balloons and water soakers will be provided. If you can, bring your fight social at the next DCM!

Division 4 N

Water Fight Social

Say hello to your Divisional Board: Jimmy Fung, Rachel Yi, Helen Nguyen, Henry Quach, and Donald Troung!

own water soaker! More de-

scription about this social will be provided soon, so please check on our Division Facebook group for further notice! Please come join us as we soak up the summer fun! You don’t want to miss out because this is definitely going to be a

BRING 3 $$$$$$$!!!!

: Friday, July 13, 2012

: Bolsa Grande Park : DCM starts at 12 PM


KEY CLUB l Calender 2011-2012 KEY CLUB l Calender 2011-2012

Sun. 1.





Thurs. Fri.



4. July 4rth!



New Website unveiled!

Concerts in the Park (FV Rec Center)


12. Kiwanis




Meetings (Fountain Bowl at 12pm) 16.




Concerts in the Park






26. Concerts


in the Park




Member of the Month:

Beach Clean up 7.

DCM/ 14. RELAY Water fight FOR LIFE! Social (@FVHS) (BGHS @ 12pm)

15. (Cont.)



Bake Sale 21.

28. Beach

Clean Up/ Social with FV KEY CLUB

Mindy Vo Vincent Tran Christian Do Catherine Nguyen James Tran Baron Nguyen Tanya Ngo Christina Tran Jacqueline Letu Jimmy Fung Matthew Vu Vy Dao Duy Le Jennifer Do Christine Le Kelly Nguyen Darold Trinh

FV Kiwanis Meetings Looking for more info in your community? Join us at Kiwanis meetings this summer! What: Free delicious food, meet your adult Kiwanis and other schools, listen to guest speakers, find out more about upcoming projects.

When: Every Thursday Time: 12pm- 1-2pm Where: Conference room at FV Bowling

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