MindScope Issue 8

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Editor-in-Chief Kristen Doucette Managing Editor Christina Sun Secretary Brooke Lucier Treasurer Alex Kemna SGA Representative Kristin Meader Communications Manager Gabriela Taslitsky Androssenko MindScope Senate President Sophie Streimer Head Copy Editor Mackenzie Farkus Graphic Designers Olivia Hart Alexa Figureoa MindScope Senate Members Etta Covert Grace Wilson Kolby Shaw Taryn Lipiner Faculty Advisor Dr. Rich Gurney Contributing Writers Alex Kemna Ariana Infanti Brianna Desharnais Brooke Lucier Christina Sun Emily Buttafuoco Gabriela Taslitsky Androssenko Hannah Rice Kainat Altaf Kristen Doucette Kristin Meader Maddie Karod Manal Riadi Najat Mannoun Perry Mitchell Shaniah Prosper Sophie Lawsure Sophie Streimer Vivian Le Contributing Copy Editors Cheeznah Milford Emily Buttafuoco Emma Harrison Kainat Altaf Kristin Meader Mehbooba Tamanna Perry Mitchell Shaniah Prosper Sophie Lawsure Printing Copy/Mail Center, Simmons University 300 Fenway Boston MA 02115


Letter from the Editor

Courtesy of Diana Levine Dear Mindscopers, In our 8th issue of MindScope magazine, you’ll read articles relating to our theme of “The Future.” There are articles focused on the controversy behind genetically modifying babies, the possibility of cryogenically freezing our bodies, and the future of Boston as climate change transforms our city. The idea behind the theme of this magazine was to highlight what’s to come next in science, as well as to think about the journeys that we will go on as graduates of Simmons University. With graduation almost here, I’ve had time to reflect on the past four years of MindScope. One of the best things about being a part of MindScope is all of the interesting science I’ve gotten to learn about thanks to the incredible articles our writers have given us over the years. With the help of these talented writers, it was easy for me (and all of our readers) to stay up-to-date on exciting new scientific discoveries, read about the seminars students have attended, and find out about the internship opportunities students were offered in Boston and beyond. Most importantly: we all learned something new that we wouldn’t have thought to investigate further had it not been for this platform and the passionate students at Simmons University. As one chapter ends, another begins—there’s always something more to learn about a biochemical pathway or a synthetic reaction— that is what makes science so incredible. As Alex, Brooke, Sophie, Kolby, Taryn and I move onto our next adventures, a new executive board for MindScope will begin their roles and continue to give students an outlet to share their love of science with the Simmons community. I’m happy to welcome Christina Sun as our new Editorin-Chief, and I’d also like to welcome Gabriela Taslitsky Androssenko, Ariana Infanti, Vivian Le, Shaniah Prosper, and Sierra McCaffrey as they take on their new executive board positions. I wish the new e-board members luck and can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future of MindScope magazine. I hope you enjoy the new issue of MindScope magazine, which wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work of our amazing team of writers, editors, and designers, as well as the executive board! Make sure to check out our website, mindscope.org, for new content throughout the year. Sincerely, Kristen Doucette Editor-in-Chief

Table of Contents The Future Of...


Could “The Simpsons” Be Predicting This? 3 Convolutions and Controversy 4 Build-A-Baby 5 The Future of Renewable Energy 7 The Future of Farming 9 63 Degrees in February: Boston’s Climate Future 10 The Future of Veterinary Prosthetics 11 The Future of Space Travel 13 Cellular Senescence 14 Connectomics 15

Health Sciences


Healthy Workplaces 17 The Future of Maternal Mortality 19 Neuroinflammation 21

SIMScenes 22 A Cultural Break Away From My Scrubs The Future of You: Graduate School The Beauty of Science Nursing Student in the House Meet Professor Luth Boston APS Conference

22 23 24 25 27 29


Could “The Simpsons” Be Predicting This? in a large Dewar container that still exists today in Scottsdale, Arizona.4 Currently, bodies are frozen immediately after being legally pronounced dead by using liquid nitrogen to replace the blood.3 The procedure is then completed by putting the person in a solid state through a process called vitrification.5


by Manal Riadi From historic political events to iconic pop culture moments in our lifetimes, The Simpsons has been controversially and notoriously known for predicting the future. But could they be right about cryogenics? The reference to the act of physically freezing and reviving bodies can be recognized from season twenty-three of The Simpsons, where the ninth episode took place thirty years into the future. During this episode, Homer Simpson visits his father Abe Simpson in a cryogenic facility where Abe was supposedly “frozen” to prolong his life after an incurable disease.1 Some may assume that the act of freezing bodies is purely science fiction, but in reality, similar practices are being done today and may advance future medical procedures. Cryopreservation is the freezing of tissues at low temperatures in order to preserve them for longer periods of time with the goal of using them again in the future.2 Cryogenics is the physical process of preserving a “dead” body with liquid nitrogen.3 Currently, slow freezing techniques like cryopreservation are used to freeze embryos for in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. However, cryogenics are highly criticized in relation to bioethics, since scientists are still trying to find successful ways to thaw whole tissues or organs without the formation of ice crystals that damage the cells, thus making those tissues, organs, and bodies unusable.2 Although this practice may sound like a modern idea invented within the last decade, the idea of freezing bodies for reanimation has been around since the 1960s. Scientists wanted to freeze individuals with incurable illnesses right before their deaths in hopes of reviving them in the near future where a possible cure may exist. On January 12, 1967, Dr. James Bedford was the first person to commit his body to this idea. He was frozen moments after he died from liver cancer that had spread to his lungs. His body was submerged in liquid nitrogen


As of 2017, there are 250 individuals who followed Bedford’s destiny by being in suspended animation at cryonic facilities across the United States that cost $28,000 minimum per person. Aside from the United States, Russia is the only known country in the world that offers facilities with human cryopreservation.4 Some facilities even offer neuro cryopreservation, which is a procedure that separates the head from the body. That head is then frozen until a new body can be cloned, regenerated, or donated in the future for reattachment. In 2002, this was famously done by a former Boston Red Sox baseball player Ted Williams. Shortly after losing his battle with leukemia, he had his head separated and sent to a facility called Alcor.4 Many from within and outside of the medical community are skeptical about the benefits of cryogenics. Some people, like Professor Barry Fuller of England’s University College, say that reanimation of the body is a possibility but it is far from our time period. Professor Fuller believes that this inspiration could be a major step towards preserving human organs for transplantation.4 Others say that the human body is simply not designed to be frozen and defrosted due to the formation of ice crystals in the cells. The formation of these ice crystals takes up space in cells, which then tear the cell membranes — making the bodies mushy once thawed out because the cell’s three-dimensional shape and structures would otherwise be destroyed.5 Theoretically, sometime in the future—30 years from now or an entire century—cryopreservation could bring advancement to the future of medicine. As stated before, one idea is that this could help aid the challenges that are found in prolonging the life of donated organs for transplantation. Surprisingly, organ shortages are not caused by the lack of donors, but are instead due to the fact that they do not last very long outside the body during transportation from one individual to another. Some organs, like hearts, can only be on ice for four hours before the tissue starts dying. Due to this problem, over half of donated hearts and lungs are thrown out each year.6 Hopefully, we can see the cryopreservation of human organs for transplantation happen within our lifetime. Maybe one day The Simpsons’ prediction will come true, just like the many other accurate predictions they’ve made over the years. 1. Springfield Cryogenic Facility. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/Springfield_Cryogenic_Facility 2. Scientists Have Made a Huge Breakthrough In Cryogenics. (2017, March 2). Retrieved from https://futurism.com/4-scientistshave-found-a-way-to-rapidly-thaw-cryopreserved-tissue-without-damage 3. Smith, R. (2016, November 18). What is cryogenics and how does freezing bodies work? Retrieved from https://www.express. co.uk/news/science/733717/What-is-cryogenics-how-does-freezing-dead-body-work 4. Here’s how far cryonic preservation has come in the 50 years since ‘Bedford Day? (2017, January 17). Retrieved from https:// www.nbcnews.com/mach/innovation/preserving-bodies-deep-freeze-50-years-later-n707856 5. Devlin, H. (2018, October 6). Cryonics: does it offer humanity a chance to return from the dead? Retrieved from https://www. theguardian.com/science/2016/nov/18/cryogenics-does-it-offer-humanity-a-chance-to-return-from-the-dead 6. Challenges in Organ Transplantation. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3678939/

Convolutions and Controversy The Complex Relationship Between CTE and Football by Perry Mitchell The brain is one of the most complex parts of the human body. This can make things complicated for neuroscientists as they attempt to unravel the mysteries of how certain brain diseases work and what we can do to prevent and treat them. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, is an example of a mystery that has yet to be solved. CTE is a neurodegenerative disease of the brain caused by repeated trauma to the head. What may begin as a traumatic brain injury, such as a concussion, can develop into CTE over time. While any injury to the brain is cause for concern, major blows to the head are not the main problem; it is small, repeated hits that likely lead to CTE. In the skull, the brain floats in cerebrospinal fluid, so when something hits the head, the brain rebounds and hits the skull. As the brain moves around, it compresses and stretches. This stretching can cause tau protein, a protein that stabilizes microtubules, to break off and become hyperphosphorylated.¹,² If enough stretching occurs over time, the tau can build up and form tangles of protein that disrupt normal brain functioning. Victims of this disease can suffer from many long-term effects such as mood changes, depression, suicidal thoughts, and even dementia. These symptoms can be discrete or show up later in life, making diagnoses difficult. Currently, CTE can only be diagnosed postmortem with an examination of the brain. One of the world’s leading CTE research labs is located at Boston University. Their research on the cause of CTE has sparked controversy with the NFL. When it comes to contact sports, players must be educated on the risks they face every time they step onto the field; however, for a while, people were unwilling to believe that playing football could lead to CTE despite evidence from numerous research studies. In one research study of 202 former football players, 177 (87 percent) were diagnosed with CTE, and 110 out of 111 professional NFL players (99 percent) were diagnosed with CTE. ³ These findings indicate a strong correlation between playing football and developing CTE. Despite the initial skepticism and pushback from the NFL, new rules and protocols have since been put in place to limit the number of injuries and reduce the risk of CTE. Neurotrauma consultants have been hired to attend games and players are encouraged to report any head injuries.4 The amount of direct contact has also been limited. According to Madeline Uretsky, a research assistant at the Boston University CTE Center, it is especially important to limit contact in practices to decrease the number of head impacts. For further protection, most contact sports require some type of helmet to protect the brain. Unfortunately, while helmets have certainly improved over the years, there will never be a helmet that completely eliminates the risk of concussions or CTE. Helmets can only reduce the impact; they can’t stop the brain from hitting the skull.

Sections of brain tissue stained for tau protein tangles. Ann McKee, Boston University

There is no doubt that these rule changes are a step in the right direction; however, more research needs to be done to see if they actually make a difference in the number of CTE cases. Furthermore, these sports-related prevention strategies don’t help those in military combat or victims of domestic abuse. While CTE is often associated primarily with football, CTE has also been found in the brains of many others. Uretsky mentioned that they have found CTE in the brains of former boxers, wrestlers, MMA fighters, ice hockey players, rugby players, soccer players, extreme sports athletes, and military veterans. Anyone exposed to repeated head trauma is at risk, even victims of domestic violence. With researchers working hard to learn more about this devastating disease, it’s possible that CTE will soon be able to be diagnosed before death and even treated. In the meantime, prevention and education are key. Special thanks to Madeline Uretsky for answering questions about her work in the Boston University CTE Center. 1. SMandelkow, E. M., & Mandelkow, E. (2012). Biochemistry and cell biology of tau protein in neurofibrillary degeneration. Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine, 2(7), a006247. 2. Griesbach, G. S., Masel, B. E., Helvie, R. E., & Ashley, M. J. (2018). The Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury on Later Life: Effects on Normal Aging and Neurodegenerative Diseases. Journal of Neurotrauma, 35(1), 17-24. doi:10.1089/neu.2017.5103 3. Mez J, Daneshvar DH, Kiernan PT, et al. Clinicopathological Evaluation of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy in Players of American Football. JAMA. 2017;318(4):360–370. doi:10.1001/jama.2017.8334 4. Mortensen, C. (2017, December 24). NFL adds neurotrauma consultants as part of revised concussion protocol. Retrieved from https://abcnews.go.com/Sports/nfl-adds-neurotrauma-consultants-part-revised-concussion-protocol/ story?id=51979198



National Post

by Vivian Le What is CRISPR?

Fast, cheap, and precise. These three words accurately describe CRISPR-Cas9, a genome editing tool generating a lot of buzz in the science world for its promising uses in genetic engineering. In some bacteria, there is a naturally occurring genome editing system.1 The bacteria creates DNA segments called CRISPR arrays by obtaining pieces of DNA from invading viruses. The bacteria use an enzyme to cut the viral DNA, effectively disabling it.1 CRISPR-Cas9 was adapted from this biological system in 2012 and consists of two key components: an enzyme and an RNA.2 The piece of RNA in a CRISPR-Cas9 system acts as a guide, giving it its name—guide RNA (gRNA). This gRNA makes up a small piece of a pre-designed RNA sequence that is found within a longer RNA scaffold.2 The role of Cas9, the enzyme, in the system is to cut DNA at the specific location the gRNA guides it to. As a result, scientists can use DNA repair machinery to either delete or add pieces of genetic material or replace existing segments of DNA with a customized DNA sequence.


What is its significance?

The various research and exploration of CRISPR-Cas9 give hope to great advancements in gene therapy, an experimental technique that uses genes to treat or prevent diseases. It has already been used in treating human diseases, especially in single gene mutation disorders such as cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, Fragile X syndrome, muscular dystrophy, and Huntington’s disease.1 The treatment or prevention of these diseases can be targeted with CRISPR-Cas9, as the gRNA can be programmed to find the exact gene mutation that causes the disease. Then, the gRNA guides Cas9 to cut that mutation out, so it can be replaced with different genetic material. The implementation of CRISPR-Cas9 also holds promise in the research of treating more complex diseases like cancer, HIV, and mental illnesses.

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Why is there a concern?

While there has been little controversy in the use of CRISPR-Cas9 in the treatment of somatic cells, or non-reproductive cells, speculation regarding reproductive cells, like sperm and egg cells, gives rise to many ethical concerns. The main controversy over reproductive cell editing stems from the fact that modifications in the genes of these cells will result in the passing of those genes on to future generations.3 Furthermore, there are still safety issues regarding CRISPR-Cas9 experiments and studies. There are cases where the RNA guides the Cas9 to the wrong DNA sequence, causing a mutation to be introduced in the wrong location, which may affect an important gene in the genome. These results are called off-target effects. Another safety concern is mosaicism, when some cells integrate the genetic changes while other cells in the body do not. As a result, health disorders can arise. Reproductive cell editing can lead to unpredictable changes that may be detrimental to the health of future generations. Another ethical issue with reproductive cell editing is that there is no informed consent because the subjects are embryos.3 Thus, parents would make crucial decisions that would affect the traits their child has. This leads to another problem — the possibility of choosing traits for one’s child, sometimes referred to as creating “designer babies” or a new iteration of eugenics. If reproductive cell editing becomes common in the future, what would stop people from wanting to edit the genes of their unborn child so they would have more desirable traits? There are currently 29 countries that have outright bans on editing human embryos, but in other countries, the rules are not so clearly defined.4 One of those countries is China, which has bans that are not legally binding. Due to an announcement that shocked the scientific world late last year, China’s President Xi Jinping called for new regulations on gene editing.5

Recent Controversy

In November 2018, it was revealed that a Chinese scientific team, led by scientist He Jiankui, created the first documented genetically edited babies. The CCR5 gene was deleted from the human embryos using CRISPR-Cas9 technology with the goal of making the babies immune to HIV. 6 What started off as just embryos in a petri dish are now twin girls, who both have

no risk of being infected with HIV. However, by deleting the CCR5 gene it is likely that the twins are enhanced in other ways as well. In experiments using mice, the deletion of the CCR5 gene has also resulted in improved intelligence.6 Additionally, studies on humans who lack the CCR5 gene show that these individuals recover more quickly after strokes compared to those who have the gene.6 With these results in mind, it is suspected that the babies born through the team have enhanced abilities in learning and forming memories. Much of the controversy regarding the experiment comes from the known risk factors in carrying out the procedure. CRISPR-Cas9 technology used in reproductive cell editing potentially produces many unexpected outcomes. What if the procedure introduced mutations in the twins’ DNA and were passed onto future generations? Can the girls even be considered willing participants when they were not able to give consent? Questions like these make the scientific community wonder if He Jiankui ever considered the consequences that could come from editing human embryos. If this practice becomes available to the general public, will rules and regulations be enough to prevent gene editing from exploitation? A concern that is brought up in normalizing genetically edited babies is the possibility of being able to choose specific qualities and traits for one’s baby. Most people want the best for their children, but is being able to choose the levels of intelligence, attentiveness, athleticism, and other desirable qualities the most ethical way to ensure a bright future for their offspring? Many scientists see a clear problem with this practice as it will bring about a whole new distinction between humans, another hierarchy that goes above race and social class. So, what is the significance of these genetically edited twins to the future of gene technology? Is it possible for us to live in a world where genes could be deleted or added in embryos to build the ideal baby? 1.

“What Are Genome Editing and CRISPR-Cas9? - Genetics Home Reference - NIH.” U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, www.ghr.nlm.nih.gov/primer/genomicresearch/genomeediting 2. “What Is CRISPR-Cas9?” Stories, The Public Engagement Team at the Wellcome Genome Campus, 19 Dec. 2016, www. yourgenome.org/facts/what-is-crispr-cas9 3. “What Are the Ethical Concerns about Genome Editing?” National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), www. genome.gov/27569225/what-are-the-ethical-concerns-about-genome-editing/ 4. Loria, Kevin and Gould, Skye. “This Map Shows Where Researchers Might Design the First Genetically Engineered Baby.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 20 Oct. 2015, www.businessinsider.com/what-countries-allow-researchers-to-edit-human-embryos-2015-10 5. Schmitz, Rob. “Gene-Editing Scientist’s ‘Actions Are A Product Of Modern China’.” NPR, NPR, 5 Feb. 2019, www.npr. org/2019/02/05/690828991/gene-editing-scientists-actions-are-a-product-of-modern-china. 6. Regalado, Antonio, and Antonio Regalado. “China’s CRISPR Twins Might Have Had Their Brains Inadvertently Enhanced.” MIT Technology Review, MIT Technology Review, 22 Feb. 2019, www.technologyreview.com/s/612997/the-crispr-twins-


The Future of Renewable Energy

EDS News

by Kristin Meader In 2018, the UN released a report stating there are twelve years before the effects of climate change are irreversible.1 The temperature will be 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels by 2030 if it continues at its predicted rate. Certain regions are even experiencing warming at rates higher than predicted. In the Arctic, warming rates are two to three times higher than the predicted global average.1 At 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the effects are severe. These effects are permanent, such as the disappearance of entire ecosystems. Innovation in renewable energy is more important than ever. A study done at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) found that it is possible to power the 80 percent of the United States on renewable energy.3 Of that 80 percent, wind and solar are the most promising. The NREL’s plan gathers half its energy from wind and solar power.3 Energy would be 50 percent wind and solar, 30 percent other renewable energy sources, and 20 percent non-renewable energy.  This prospect excited many engineers and scientists. Many chose to research something that could contribute to this future. There are thousands of projects throughout the world focusing on renewable energy. Scientists around the world are working to create a solution before the damage is irreversible. Wind energy is one of the most effective sources of renewable energy, yet, in recent years, the increased use of wind energy started to plateau.2, 3 This is because wind energy comes with


many unique challenges. Wind turbines are large and heavy, needing specialized trucks and wide roads to transport the parts. Trucks must often shut down sections of roads in order to make wide turns.2 The assembly of wind turbines is also costly and timely. Additionally, their maintenance is difficult because of their height.2 The Spanish company Vortex Bladeless is finding a solution to these problems. They developed a bladeless cylinder that harnesses energy from the spinning motion of the air.2 The air’s spinning motion creates kinetic energy which the windmill harnesses.2 The cost to produce a bladeless windmill is half of what a regular windmill costs, but creates roughly ten percent less energy.2 The bladeless windmill is easier to maintain because all of the maintenance is done at ground level.4 Bladeless windmills pose no threat to birds and can operate in heavy rain and snow.5 Currently, these windmills are not mass produced or available to the public, but over the next few years, Vortex Bladeless wishes to industrialize the production process and increase the amount of energy harnessed. Finally, they wish to include bladeless windmills in large architecture projects and urban planning.5 While Vortex Bladeless is focusing on developing better wind power, the German company Gehrlicher is working on bringing down the costs of solar power. Like wind energy, one of the biggest issues with solar power is cost. The cost of developing solar panels has decreased, but paying for the labor to install them is still costly. The cost of installation makes solar power less accessible and less appealing. Gehrlicher thinks the solu-


tion to this problem is robots.6 They developed a robot that installs solar panels. The robot operates day and night, and through all types of weather.6 This allows for an assembly of solar panels that is eight times faster than human labor. The use of robots requires a tenth of the normal amount of human workers to supervise. This means the same number of workers, given the same amount of time, can install eighty times more panels.6 These robots are not cheap, costing around $900,000. Yet, they pay for themselves in less than a year because of the increased production.6 These new innovations in solar and wind power are essential to creating a future run on 80 percent renewable energy. Professor Donald Sadoway from MIT is thinking even bigger. He is aiming at the possibility of a 100 percent renewable energy future. Inconsistent production is one of the biggest concerns about renewable energy. The amount of energy produced must meet the amount of energy needed. If a building relies on wind power and there is low wind, a generator kicks in to fill that gap. That generator runs on non-renewable power.7 Sadoway wanted to create something that could store renewable energy for later use. His idea is a liquid battery that can “draw energy from the sun, even when the sun doesn’t shine”.6 When creating the battery, Sadoway knew that he needed it to be cheap to produce, high power, and have a long lifetime. Inspiration struck when he toured an aluminum factory. The process of aluminum production is incredibly cheap, costing less than fifty cents a pound to produce. Additionally, aluminum can hold high electrical currents.7 Sadoway’s battery uses the same physics principles as an aluminum factory. It layers a low-density liquid metal, molten salt, and a high-density liquid metal in that order. The low-density liquid loses two electrons to become an ion, which migrates address the molten salt. The ion accepts two electrons from the high-density metal and mixes to form an alloy. Then,

power from a renewable energy source reverses the current. This forces the metal to de-alloy and returns to the top.7 This process creates a battery. The idea that Sadoway is working towards is forty-foot shipping containers filled with stacks of these batteries. One forty foot shipping container would produce enough power to meet the daily electricity needs of 200 households.6 That would be 200 households, powered 100 percent on renewable energy, all from a shipping container. These batteries operate silently, with no emissions, no moving parts, and are cheap to produce.7 Renewable energy is more important now than ever with only twelve years until climate change is long-lasting and irreversible. Scientists must focus on making renewable energy efficient and accessible. They have already shown that it is possible to run most, if not all, of the country on renewable energy. Now what scientists must do is make it workable for everyday citizens to power their needs on renewable energy. This means lowering costs and creating easier access to sources of renewable energy. The work that Vortex Bladeless, Gehrlicher, and Sadoway are doing helps to set the path for the future. Their work shows people that a future completely powered by renewable energy is attainable. More importantly, they demonstrate to people that renewable energy can be accessible and exciting. 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

IPCC, 2018: Summary for Policymakers. In: Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty [Masson-Delmotte, V., P. Zhai, H.-O. Pörtner, D. Roberts, J. Skea, P.R. Shukla, A. Pirani, Moufouma-Okia, C. Péan, R. Pidcock, S. Connors, J.B.R. Matthews, Y. Chen, X. Zhou, M.I. Gomis, E. Lonnoy, Maycock, M. Tignor, and T. Waterfield (eds.)]. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 32 pp. McKenna, P. (2015, May 27). Why the Bladeless Wind Turbine Has Its Skeptics. Retrieved from https://www.technologyreview.com/s/537721/bladeless-wind-turbines-may-offer-more-form-than-function/ NREL. (n.d.). Renewable Energy Can Provide 80 Percent of U.S. Electricity by 2050. Retrieved from https://www.ucsusa.org/ clean_energy/smart-energy-solutions/increase-renewables/renewable-energy-80-percent-us-electricity.html TED. (2012, March 26). Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Sddb0Khx0yA Vortex Bladeless Turbine - Reinventing wind energy! (2012, January 30). Retrieved from https://vortexbladeless.com Richard, M. G. (2018, October 11). 9 Energy Innovations that Make the Future Brighter! Retrieved from https://www.treehugger.com/renewable-energy/9-energy-innovations-make-future-brighter.html Richard, M. G. (2018, October 11). Grid-Scale Metal Liquid Batteries Could Revolutionize Renewable Energy Use. Retrieved from https://www.treehugger.com/renewable-energy/grid-scale-metal-liquid-batteries-could-revolutionize-renewable-energy-use.html


The Future of Farming by Ariana Infanti

Agriculture has sustained human life for thousands of years, but we are now at a crossroads. The current methods of producing food are not going to fulfill the world’s needs due to an increasing global population, limited natural resources, climate change, and food waste.1 Luckily, newly-developing innovations may be able to save us from a future of infertile farmlands and food insecurity, but the world must act fast to adapt its agricultural systems. The world’s population will reach about 10 billion people by 2050, which means that food production will have to increase by 70 percent.2,3 Simultaneously, rural populations are shrinking as more individuals are choosing to live in urban areas and farmers are aging.1 In order to grow all of that food, farmers need to increase crop yields, gain access to more arable, or suitable, land, and access larger amounts of water. Crop yields are projected to keep increasing; however, the rate of increase itself is currently declining due to the degradation of suitable farmland.1 A similar situation is happening with the world’s water supply — on a global scale, there is enough water to irrigate all the crops we need to grow, but it is unequally distributed.4 Agriculture is a leading producer of greenhouse gases, particularly methane and nitrous oxides. These emissions contribute to climate change, affecting the variability of rainfall, frequencies of droughts and floods, groundwater depletion, and soil degradation. All of these effects impede crop yield and overall food production.1 It creates a sort-of vicious cycle — we need to produce more meat and crops to meet the growing demand, but the production itself contributes to climate change, which in turn impacts farmers’ ability to grow food. In order to meet these challenges, a number of innovations have been developed. Start-ups and university teams are looking into new methods of growing food like seawater hydroponics, which combines desalination, solar power, and agriculture together, and other ventures like desert farming, which involves genetic engineering and increasing plants’ stress tolerance with microbes.1 Futuristic vertical farms utilize stacked layers to grow food indoors, a solution that can be used to grow food all year round and in areas without available land, a perfect solution for cities. This innovation has allowed the Netherlands to produce 35 percent of their vegetables in greenhouses that occupy just one percent of the country’s farmland.1 Scientists are also using gene editing technologies like CRISPR to produce foods with higher crop yields, improved nutrient density, and resistance to harsh weather conditions, viruses, and herbicides. A company called Syngenta has created drought-resistant strains of corn, and in Africa, the NextGen Cassava Project is engineering cassava plants to resist viruses, yield more produce, and contain a higher percentage of starch, which yields an increased nutrient density.5 Genetically altering plants so that they can adapt to the changing climate is especially important nowadays, and higher crop yields are a step towards meeting the 70 percent production increase that will be required by 2050. In addition to these revolutionary methods of farming, there are ways to bring technology into the average farmer’s field in order to automate labor and use resources more effectively. Soon, farms will begin to use more robots in place of human laborers, performing tasks like weeding, picking fruits and vegetables, and fertilizing.5 Detectors and sensors will start collecting data about weather patterns, soil quality, crop


Permaculture Research Institute diseases, moisture levels, and nutrient and fertilizer concentrations so that the farmers have access to more information about what is happening with their crops, and then can make better decisions based on that knowledge.1 Drones in particular are another great way of collecting data for large farms, because they’re able to assess crop health and efficiency, plant seeds, spray crops, judge irrigation needs, and analyze soil.1 Once farmers have the information about nutrient and fertilizer needs of their crops, they can use another new development called nanotechnology precision farming. This system delivers nanoparticles containing nutrients and chemicals that are slowly released over time, resulting in more precise dosing of fertilizer.1 Another advantage is that these nanoparticles can target individual plants and can be adjusted to fit the exact needs of those plants, so that farmers aren’t wasting water or fertilizer on plants that don’t require extra nutrition.1 The more data that farmers can collect, the more accurately farmers can allocate resources and prevent waste. The future of agriculture seems bleak if people focus on how the current farming practices are affecting the world. However, with new farming methods and advancing technology, farmers will be able to accomplish the huge task of producing more food with fewer resources. Transitioning the agriculture industry into the future is a daunting endeavor, but it is no match for the power of human innovation. 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

De Clercq, M., Vats, A., & Biel, A. (n.d.). Agriculture 4.0: The Future of Farming Technology (pp. 1-30, Rep.). World Government Summit & Oliver Wyman United Nations. (2017, June 21). World population projected to reach 9.8 billion in 2050, and 11.2 billion in 2100 | UN DESA Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Retrieved from https://www.un.org/development/desa/en/news/ population/world-population-prospects-2017.html Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. (2009, September 23). 2050: A third more mouths to feed. Retrieved from http://www.fao.org/news/story/en/item/35571/icode/ How to Feed the World 2050 (pp. 1-4, Rep.). (2009). Rome: FAO. The Future of Agriculture. (2016, May 11). Retrieved from https://www.economist.com/technology-quarterly/2016-06-09/factory-fresh

63 Degrees in February: Boston’s Climate Future

Sasaki Associates

by Gabriela Taslitsky Androssenko It was supposed to be a typical, cold February morning. Without looking at the weather, I wrapped myself in my favorite lilac scarf and bundled myself in my thick coat, ready to bear the cold. I didn’t realize that it was actually 63 degrees and sunny. Why was February starting to feel like a spring day? Over the past few years, Boston has faced a drastic increase in temperature. Weather station records of the United States Historical Climatology Network indicate that the northeast’s annual average temperature has risen about 2.4°F since 1970, with winter temperatures exceeding 4.4°F.1 Additionally, extremely hot days are on the rise; we now experience about five to twenty days of temperatures over 90°F each year. Due to the higher ambient temperatures, annual average sea surface temperature has risen by 1.3°F from 1970-2002.2 Precipitation patterns have also changed — a recent 50-year review reveals an increase in total precipitation by approximately 10 percent, with more of this precipitation falling during the winter months in the form of rain due to increased temperatures.2 Predictions made by scientists indicate that these weather changes will only get worse over time. The Union of Concerned Scientists anticipates that by the end of the century, Boston’s sea level will rise close to seven feet, putting 89,000 Massachusetts coastal homes worth $63 billion at risk from tidal floods.3 Temperatures are predicted to increase by 2.1° to 2.9°F by mid-century, and by 2.9° to 5.3° F by the end of the century, with greater increases in winter compared to summer. In addition, the frequency with which heat waves (three or more consecutive 90°F days) occur are expected to increase. These changes can have subtle, but devastating effects on the people, infrastructure, and natural systems of Boston. The predicted increases in temperature would cause a rise in the severity of viruses, insects, and pests, decimation of sensitive crops and plants, and a decline in air quality that can increase asthma and other human health effects.2 Rising sea levels will intrude on productive aquifers situated in permeable sands and gravels, and drinking water could be contaminated due to saltwater intrusion.

The greater the levels of precipitation, the higher the risk for flooding, which can create public health concerns from both sewage overflows and hazardous waste leaks. Flooding in Boston could also have an effect on both public transportation and local businesses. The anticipated effects of climate change will be felt by all Bostonians, but scientists and policy makers are working together to prepare for these changes and make the effects less devastating. In December 2016, Mayor Marty Walsh and city officials published a report titled “Climate Ready Boston,” offering 11 strategies for reducing Boston’s vulnerability to climate change. Some strategies include maintaining up to date projections of future climate change, training workers for jobs that will arise from climate adaptation projects, creating a coastal protection system to address flood risk, coordinating investments to adapt infrastructure to future climate conditions, updating zoning and building regulations to support climate readiness, and promoting appropriate flood insurance for property owners.4 The Boston Living with Water Design Competition is a challenge created to find innovational ideas for infrastructure that will be adaptive to the climate change, and has announced one of their winners, a design firm called Architerra. Architerra’s proposal welcomes the increase in water by repurposing the outer streetscapes to a new urban seashore that has a focus on recreation and ecological reclamation.5 The proposal also involves elevating Boston 12-15 feet to protect from rising tides. Unfortunately, these new projects come at a high price, and Boston may not be able to implement their new proposals fast enough. However, if people in the community can become more sustainable and mindful of the waste they produce, we may be able to buy some time and still enjoy a snow day in February. 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Impacts of Climate Change in New York. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.dec.ny.gov/energy/94702.html Climate Change in Massachusetts and Its Impacts. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.mass.gov/service-details/ climate-change-in-massachusetts-and-its-impacts New Study Finds 89,000 Massachusetts Homes Worth $63 Billion will be at Risk from Tidal Flooding. (2018, June 18). Retrieved from https://www.ucsusa.org/press/2018/new-study-finds-89000-massachusetts-homes-worth-63billion-will-be-risk-tidal-flooding Climate Ready Boston: Outline of Actions. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.boston.gov/sites/default/ files/20161207_outlineofactionsroadmap_digital_final.pdf Boston Living with Water. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://architerra-inc.com/web/boston-living-with-water.html


The Future of Veterinary Prosthetics

Wildlife Alliance

by Hannah Rice Prosthetics is a relatively new field in veterinary medicine as compared to human prosthetics, which has been around since before the Middle Ages.1 There are a growing number of pets receiving prosthetics to correct a disability, usually caused by the partial loss of a limb, neonatal injuries, trauma, or tumors.1 Owners want their pets to have a good quality of life and mobility is an important aspect of that, although many different factors go into deciding if an animal is a good candidate for a prosthetic.1 Some of these factors include age, size of the animal, the amount of residual limb and the health of that limb, soft tissue coverage, how the limb is innervated, and whether the partial limb is affecting the range of motion in neighboring joints. Even the pet’s personality and the client themselves are factors, because the pet needs to be easy to work with. The doctors will analyze how the pet has adapted to the loss of a limb, and also evaluate the owner’s commitment to help their pet.1 The future of prosthetics in veterinary medicine relies on greater knowledge and education about veterinary prosthetics and further development of the devices and procedures.


Through greater knowledge and education, veterinary prosthetics could become a standard option for owners if their pet needs an amputation.1 Dr. Patrice Mich, a senior veterinarian at Wheat Ridge Veterinary Specialists in Colorado, states, “A quick search of the internet will reveal a number of companies offering veterinary orthotic and prosthetic devices. In truth, a lack of thorough understanding of the differences between human and veterinary species in terms of anatomy, biomechanical and common pathologies can easily lead to inappropriate treatment and even injury.”2 This is one reason education is so important, because not only are humans anatomically different from their animals, but there are also many different species of animals that veterinarians deal with on a daily basis. Animal prosthetics are typically a collaboration, since veterinarians do not always have specialized training in prosthetics.1 Veterinarians need to work with human prosthetists because they have the specialized training on how to build the devices and make them fit well, while veterinarians have the


knowledge of the animal’s biomechanics and how they want the prosthetics to work for the animal itself.1 The collaboration does not stop here, however. The team can also include orthopedic surgeons, oncologists, rehabilitation specialists, and the family veterinarian.1

an important device used in prosthetics because it creates a more detailed picture of the limb, makes for a better prosthetic fit, and could even make veterinary prosthetics cheaper in the future.1 3D printing is continuing to advance and will be used mainstream in this field of work.2

More research and published data on the use of prosthetics in veterinary medicine is needed to progress the field because specialists need more training on how to do prosthetics, from the assessment and diagnosis, to prescriptions, fittings, adjustments, and follow-ups.2 Making sure the animal’s case is set up correctly from the start is critical, or else it can cause injury.2 Moreover, with increased education and knowledge comes advancements in the devices and procedures used in prosthetics.

Prosthetics is a life-changing field, and the future of prosthetics in veterinary medicine is not only necessary, but exciting. Dr. Jamie Peyton considers the value of prosthetics to be two-fold, as he states, “One, it helps prevent more chronic changes that could cause pain for the patient long term as it compensates for the missing limb, such as the development of arthritis and spinal issues. And two, it allows the animal to be more functional. Dogs and other animals want to have independent movement. Providing that support allows them to resume activities they may not have been able to do as much, such as running and playing.”1 A lot of the progress that has been made in the field of veterinary medicine can be attributed to growing client interest due to increased awareness. Veterinarians are able to find more published studies than ever before and find opportunities to educate themselves about prosthetics in veterinary medicine.2

Even though most aspects of human medicine tend to trickle down into veterinary medicine, veterinary medicine has taken the lead in a procedure called transdermal osseointegration.1 This procedure includes inserting a titanium rod into the bone at the end of the limb that has been affected, and attaching a prosthetic foot directly to the protruding rod.1 Not many animals have had this procedure done, but according to Dr. Denis Marcellin-Little, who consults on close to 200 prosthetic veterinary cases across the nation every year, the procedure shows considerable promise.1 Along with this procedure, there has been further advancement of the sockets of prosthetics to make them fit appropriately.1 Some of the recent advancements in materials used in prosthetics include carbon fiber and silicone padding, which is better than the traditional foams used in the past.2 Carbon fiber is a strong and relatively lightweight material, two factors that can help restore life back to the animal’s limb.2 3D Printing is

Furthermore, with this knowledge, prosthetics can continue to expand to different species besides common household pets to animals like horses, ducks, elephants, and even Komodo dragons.2 However, with the expansion to different species can also come the expansion to different injuries including the thorax, spine, knee, and hips.2 Continuing the awareness about this field is important to continue the evolution of prosthetics in veterinary medicine.2 1.


Vaughan, D. (2017, June 29). Pets and Prosthetics: Growing Interest, Advancing Technology. Retrieved March 4, 2019, from https://www.americanveterinarian.com/journals/amvet/2017/june2017/pets-and-prosthetics-growing-interest-advancing-technology. Chebat, S. (2017, June 28). How Orthotics, Prosthetics Help Restore Pet Lives. Retrieved March 4, 2019, from https:// www.veterinarypracticenews.com/how-orthotics-prosthetics-help-restore-pet-lives/.


The Future of SpaceTravel by Kristen Doucette As we approach the 50th anniversary of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) moon landing, it is important to note how far human space travel has come. Since that historic accomplishment, NASA has continued to make important strides in space travel by researching complex astrophysics topics, launching robotic spacecrafts to explore distant planets, and sending a great number of astronauts on space missions. Once thought of as just a far-off dream, a new research experiment called “The Twins Study” is being conducted through NASA to help make a mission to Mars a reality. For the first time in history, scientists have been able to explore the small changes of the human molecular profile that occur during space travel in comparison to being on Earth.1 Identical twin astronauts, Mark and Scott Kelly, were used in this “nature versus nurture” study to directly compare how an immense change in environment can impact the human body over the span a one year.1 One of the goals of NASA’s Twins Study was to investigate the possibility of long-term space travel, like the estimated three-year journey to Mars, since the typical length of time spent in space is only up to six months.2

Singularity Hub

The Twins Study

An integrated research team composed of scientists from both NASA laboratories and universities around the United States has shared data with one another to launch ten separate scientific investigations.2 Data collected from before, during, and after the Kelly twins’ year apart was crucial to this study, which started in 2015. The ten individual investigations in the Twins Study were related to studying the changes in human physiology, behavioral health, microbiology and the microbiome, and molecular omics of both identical twins. The initial part of the study used research techniques, like gene sequencing and whole-body scanning, to obtain baseline data for both participants.1 After the initial data collection was finished, the experiment officially began— Scott traveled to space and stayed in the International Space Station (ISS), while Mark remained on Earth as a control.3

while on the ground.4 The lengthening of Scott’s telomeres was surprising to scientists because usually, telomeres shorten with age. Although scientists don’t know what this means for space travel, the majority of Scott’s telomeres shortened within 48 hours of being back on Earth.4 Preliminary research suggests that the lengthening of Scott’s telomeres could be due to his “rigorous exercise regime and restricted caloric intake” on the ISS.5 Researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine analyzed the whole-genome sequencing data and looked into the possibility of space travel chemically altering Scott’s RNA and DNA. While each twin was shown to already have hundreds of unique mutations in their genome preflight, some of the mutations were only found post flight.5 The stress of space travel on the body is thought to be the culprit of these changes, which can lead to abnormal differences in cell signaling and protein syntheses involved in some biological pathways.5 While 93 percent of Scott’s genes returned to their normal expression state after landing on Earth, seven percent remained changed in expression after six months back on the ground. The affected genes are associated with biological pathways relating to the immune system, DNA repair, bone formation, and conditions relating to a lack of oxygen in tissues and a higher concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood.4 The seven percent of genes having different expression levels does not mean that Scott’s genes were altered, only that they were expressed, or “turned on or turned off” differently from their preflight state. One factor that didn’t fluctuate between the twins was their cognitive performance. Dr. Mathias Basner at the University of Pennsylvania found that the numerous tests performed before, during, and after spaceflight indicated no change in cognition, even with an increase of the usual spaceflight time by six months.5 Another scope of the research study investigated the twin’s microbiomes. A team led by Dr. Fred Turek at Northwestern University concluded that while there were differences in the twin’s microbiomes, this finding was not unexpected due to the change in “diet, environment, and levels of individual immunity between the brothers”. 5 Although this study is groundbreaking, one limitation remains: Scott was the only subject studied in space. Scientists cannot confirm with certainty that these changes were from spaceflight alone, or if they are due to other factors, such as another year of aging.

Continuing to Make Strides

An official integrated paper will be released later in 2019 to provide more insight into the results of this study. The Twins Study was able to investigate the possibility of long-term space travel, while also showing the importance of interdisciplinary and collaborative science. Without cooperation from the hundreds of scientists in different labs in various fields across the country, these multiple, very different investigations would have been impossible to complete.

Preliminary Findings

Although the study is not complete, some noteworthy data has been released by the scientists involved. Research conducted at Colorado State University by Dr. Susan Bailey found that Scott’s telomeres, which are the “endcaps” of chromosomes, became longer while in space, while Mark’s did not change


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Mars, K., Edwards (2017, March 23). Twins Study | About. Retrieved from https://www.nasa.gov/twins-study/about Mars, K. Twins Study | The Research. Retrieved from https://www.nasa.gov/twins-study/research Mars, K. (2018, February 01). Meet the Researchers. Retrieved from https://www.nasa.gov/twins-study/meet-the-researchers/ Mars, K. (2018, December 18). NASA Twins Study Confirms Changes to Mark Kelly’s Genes. Retrieved from https:// www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-twins-study-confirms-preliminary-findings/ Mars, K. (2019, February 25). NASA Twins Study Investigators to Release Integrated Paper in 2019. Retrieved from https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-twins-study-investigators-to-release-integrated-paper-in-2019

Mayo Clinic

Cellular Senescence Our Modern Fountain of Youth?

by Kainat Altaf What if there was a way to live a longer and healthier life, one in which the different diseases and conditions that are attributed to aging were eliminated or reversed? The good news is that scientists may have just discovered a way to make that possible. Although external factors such as diet, exercise, and our exposure to harmful chemicals can all contribute to the deterioration of our cells, there are certain processes that naturally occur in our body that program us for death.1 When cells divide and DNA is replicated, the ends of the chromosomes, the structures in which DNA is compacted, are skipped over. Therefore, in order to make sure that all of the important parts of our DNA are copied, sections of repeated DNA sequences, called telomeres, are located at the ends of the chromosomes. Thus, when DNA replicates, no important information is lost. However, over the years, as the cells continue to replicate, these telomere sections become shorter and shorter.1 Once the telomere section is completely lost, the cell is no longer able to divide. These cells are called senescent cells, and are seen as as one day being able to aid in stopping cancerous cells from dividing.2 Although this field is compelling, recent studies conducted by Mayo Clinic found that the buildup of senescent cells over time can lead to a negative impact on the aging process. These cells can impact aging and strength, and can also trigger diseases and conditions ranging from osteoporosis, diabetes, muscle weakness, cancer, heart diseases, and pulmonary fibrosis.3 Scientists believe that once these senescent cells have done their job in the body, it may be beneficial to remove them.4

In 2016, Dr. van Deursen and his coworker Darren Baker published research that found that mice were healthier with better kidney function, stronger hearts, reduced inflammation in tissues, and had less chance of growing tumors when they were “genetically modified to have self-destructing senescent cells”.4 Additionally, the mice with self-destructing senescent cells had “an increased lifespan of 25 to 30 percent compared to other mice.”4 According to their studies, the long term removal of senescent cells had no negative impact on the mice. An article published by the Mayo Clinic states that research on senescent cells will be transitioning to human trials to help treat idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a progressive and fatal condition.3 While the future of cellular senescence may seem farfetched at first, scientists may be closer to discovering a way to live longer healthier lives. The question of whether senescent cells drive different conditions that are associated with aging and death can lead to future implementation of drugs that remove these cells and increase the human lifespan.



3. 4.

NatureWorldNews, & Vila, A. (2017, March 29). Pill of the Future: Age-Reversing Drug Shows Success in Mice, Human Trial Up Next. Retrieved March 11, 2019, from https://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/36867/20170329/ pill-of-the-future-age-reversing-drug-shows-success-in-mice-human-trial-up-next.htm Fox, M. (2018, September 13). Unity Biotech CEO: We can ‘absolutely’ create drugs that slow, halt or reverse diseases of aging. Retrieved March 11, 2019, from https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/13/unity-biotech-we-can-createdrugs-that-halt-or-reverse-aging-diseases.html Nellis, B. (2019, January 7). Senescent cell research moves into human trials. Retrieved March 11, 2019, from https:// newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/senescent-cell-research-moves-into-human-trials-2/ Sparks, D. (2018, September 1). Science Saturday: Following up on senescent cells and aging. Retrieved March 11, 2019, from https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/science-saturday-following-up-on-senescent-cells-and-aging/



Connectomics Mapping the Nervous System

by Najat Mannoun Why do minds differ from one individual to another? That question is as old as consciousness itself, and the answer has and continues to elude us. This is because the human brain is protected like a fortress, and up until recently, we did not have the ability to monitor the activity of the rest of the central nervous system (CNS). The advent of technology to monitor brain activity and to determine structural and functional differences in brains will help resolve this question and that of the nature versus nurture debate. Are differences in personalities a product of our genes, or a product of the environment?

Nerve cells (neurons) and glial cells (support cells) are the two main classes of cells in the human brain.1 Neurons communicate within the brain by transmitting electrical impulses through their axons, which allows them to send and receive information. This communication enables us to breathe, regulate basic homeostatic functions, perceive, think, and accomplish all of the feats we sometimes take for granted. The study of individuals with neurodivergent brains has shown that differences in personalities, along with perception, reasoning, and memory are due to structural and functional differences in our brains and in the rest of the nervous system. Genomes and environmental factors determine these neurophysiological differences, but to what extent is at the heart the nature versus nurture debate.1 There is currently a great unmet need for drugs that effectively treat disorders of the nervous system, especially the brain, for the aforementioned reasons. Many disorders of the CNS, including neuropsychiatric disorders and mental illnesses, are not associated with neuropathologies, which makes finding targets for drug discovery enormously difficult.1 To study differences in neurotypical and neurodivergent brains, neuroscientists invoke differences in brain volumes in specific areas of the brain and then compare activity levels in those areas. However, this doesn’t explain some observed differences in brain structure or in the behavioral differences seen in neuropsychiatric disorders, because in these cases, the volume of different brain regions is not an accurate measure of functionality.1 This distinction highlights the importance of defining and quantifying brain differences more rigorously. In quantify-

ing these differences, we may finally know the underpinnings of complex human experiences, including perception, reasoning, and memory. How will scientists accomplish that? The answer is through connectomics, or the production and study of connectomes.2 A connectome is a comprehensive map of the connections of the CNS. The underlying differences between neurotypical and neurodivergent brains may be in the nature and strength of the connections between their neurons. There are two classifications of connectomes: neuronal connectomes and regional connectomes. Regional connectomes are maps of the connections of different brain regions. By associating different brain regions with elementary functions and determining the connections between those regions, the neural foundations of more complex actions and functions can be determined. Neuronal connectomes are maps of neurons and their connections to one another. The advantage that finding neuronal connectomes has over finding regional connectomes, is that neuronal connectomes enable scientists to distinguish neurons based on type. The journey to finding and producing neuronal connectomes is mostly a computational one currently and is thus practically more useful in smaller brains with fewer connections. Due to their versatility, the Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), more commonly known as a nematode, is often used as an animal model in scientific studies. Because of their small size, the C. elegans was the first connectome to be produced by scientists.3 Their nervous system is comprised of 302 neurons — but the sum of synapses, or connections between those

Splice Bio

The Developing Human Connectome Project

neurons, amounts to seven thousand.3 Compared with the 86 billion neurons in the average human adult brain, and the estimated sum of 0.15 quadrillion connections between those neurons, the C. elegans connectome is a perfect model.4 Imaging the amount of data in a connectome is in the league of petabytes — a petabyte is equivalent to one million gigabytes. For reference, imaging one cubic millimeter of neurons produces 1.4 petabytes of images.5 As intimidating as the data acquisition is, it does not pose nearly as much of a problem as the data analysis does.6 There are some promising techniques that have been established to produce comprehensive connectomes. Prominent neuroscientist Sebastian Seung is optimistic that the first human connectome will be produced within a century. Resolving nervous tissue connections requires imaging techniques.7 Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) is a form of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy that uses the random activation of fluorophores (tagging molecules) to achieve images with stunning temporal and spatial resolution.7 This technology is more effective for imaging fewer neurons and capturing finer details. A different technique, called BrainBow, relies on color-coding individual neurons to trace longer pathways that interconnect different brain regions. Brainbow is currently best for finding rodent and non-primate connectomes.8 Another way of producing neuronal connectomes is through the use of electron microscopy (EM).5,9 First, nervous tissue is embedded in a substance akin to a resin and then cut into 40 nanometers slices with ion beams. EM is used to image those

slices, then the images are virtually reassembled, stacked, and reconstructed three-dimensionally on a computer screen. The process of segmenting neurons will likely need some human intervention because neurons are irregular, branched, and intertwined, which makes relying on automatic image segmentation nearly impossible. The degree of human intervention required in generating these connectomes will decrease over time by optimizing machine-learning.10 Anyone with a desire to help can participate in this machinelearning process because it is open to the public. A citizen science game called Eyewire enables people with internet access to help computers learn to recognize and segment neurons and generate connectomes.11 Since its launch in late 2012, internet users have been instrumental in mapping 700 neurons. With help from the internet, we will soon understand the diversity of connectomes and how brains differ from person to person.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11.

Seung, S. (2013). Connectome: How the brains wiring makes us who we are. Boston: Mariner Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Human Connectome Project-About. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.humanconnectomeproject.org/about/ Jabr, F. (2012, October 02). The Connectome Debate: Is Mapping the Mind of a Worm Worth It? Retrieved from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/c-elegans-connectome/ The Synapse-A Primer. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.dana.org/News/Details.aspx?id=43512 Science Temp. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://science.eyewire.org/science-mapping-neurons Lichtman, J. W., Pfister, H., & Shavit, N. (2014, November). The big data challenges of connectomics. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4412267/ N-STORM | The principle of STochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www. microscope.healthcare.nikon.com/products/super-resolution-microscopes/n-storm-super-resolution/the-principle-of-stochastic-optical-reconstruction-microscopy Brainbow. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://cbs.fas.harvard.edu/science/connectome-project/brainbow Atlum. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://cbs.fas.harvard.edu/science/connectome-project/atlum ScienceC. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://science.eyewire.org/science-artificial-intelligence.html Explore. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://eyewire.org/



Healthy Workplaces Increasing Nurse Morality and Decreasing Patient Mortality

by Brianna Desharnais & Professor Cherie Lynn Ramirez According to registered nurse Kathleen Colduvell, 85 percent of nurses in the United States have experienced lateral violence, also known as workplace bullying. This raises the concern of hospitals maintaining a healthy work environment.1 Furthermore, this incivility adds stress to a nurse’s already stressful career, where workplace conditions often involve 12+ hour shifts, minimal meals and breaks, managing multiple patients at once, and coping with trauma.1 This additional stress from lateral violence is enough to impose severe psychological and emotional trauma on the nurses, patients, and doctors alike. In this article, strategies to address and identify workplace bullying are described.

Lateral Violence Lateral Violence is behavior considered malicious and negative at someone’s place of employment and can be both physical and emotional in nature.2 The process of workplace bullying is not completely random - bullies usually target individuals who are more competent than they are, which makes them feel more secure about themselves. Many targets also have appealing traits, including high emotional intelligence and good social networking qualities.3 Lateral violence can be difficult to solve, especially since most of the bullies have connections higher-up in the organization, making it nearly impossible for


a target to speak up. This not only creates a toxic environment for the employees affected, but it also isolates workers, induces fear, and stops communication on the hospital floor.3 This bullying can also lead to health problems, including increased stress, cardiovascular disease, alcoholism, depression, anxiety, accidents, family problems, and even certain types of cancer for employees who are affected.2On top of these issues, innocent employees can be left with a large stack of medical bills and a lack of paycheck if they can no longer continue with their jobs. Among the multiple types of lateral violence, horizontal bullying is the most common. Specifically in healthcare, this means nurse-to-nurse bullying. According to University of Pennsylvania researchers Cheryl Dellasega and Rebecca L. Volpe, one of the biggest reasons for horizontal bullying with nurses is the perceived difference in experience.4 For example, a young nurse right out of school might try to implement new techniques learned in college, yet they might not be listened to because of their inexperience in a professional healthcare setting.4 Another big issue in nursing and virtually all careers is the difference in the mindsets of multiple generations. Baby boomers are starting to work with millennials, who each have different ways of approaching technology, job investment and even family life. It may be difficult for a baby boomer to adapt to

the new medical technology that a Generation X (born mid-1960s to early 1980s) or Y nurse (born mid-1980s to early 2000s) learned in college. Older nurses might be resistant to change or even worried about their job security in the face of new workers and technologies, causing tension between different generations of workers in a hospital setting.5 Many times, these tensions can lead to horizontal workplace bullying, putting more stress on all workers involved. Vertical bullying is another form of lateral violence in which someone of a higher rank intimidates someone in a lower position. Although it is not as common as horizontal bullying, it can still have detrimental effects on one’s career. Vertical bullying is especially difficult because it can often be hard to reach out to an advisor when the individual is the bully. A manager exhibiting bullying behaviors can also exacerbate the problems in the different units of the hospital, exponentially increasing the stress experienced by both nurses and patients in the hostile workplace environment.

Affecting Patient Outcomes Patients are affected by workplace incivility in more ways than one. Over 75 percent of unhealthy workplace behaviors at hospitals lead to medical errors.6 For instance, in a study by the Institute for Safe Medicine Practices, it was found that 40 percent of nurses do not voice their concerns about a patient’s medications because of a doctor who acts as a bully.7 This both prevents the nurse from doing their job well and causes harm to patients. There can also be situations where the patient is the bully. To address this, nursing managers need to make sure that difficult patients are split up between multiple nurses, so one nurse is not overly stressed. In addition to horizontal and vertical bullying, one of the biggest reasons for a hostile environment in nursing is the understaffing of employees, causing additional stress among nurses from working multiple double-shifts in a short period of time. This can cause burnout in nurses and affects both employee morality and patient mortality.8

Protecting Yourself From Workplace Incivility So what can you do to protect yourself from lateral violence? Many hospitals set up employee hotlines that allow for the anonymous reporting of problems in the workplace. This creates an environment where a zero tolerance policy can be enforced.9It can also be important to have senior mentors in other departments whom you trust, especially if you need to navigate in an environment where your own manager is a bully. Mentors can be nurses or doctors that can help you figure out what steps to take and can also serve as advocates if your manager is a bully. While in college, you can take classes to educate yourself on leadership to prepare for a managing position in the future in which workplace bullying is not tolerated.10

Quality Patient Care

thing to do. According to the American Nurses Association’s incivility position statement, all systems related to health care must be free of workplace bullying, including academia and clinical practice. It also states that nurses are to be treated with respect and dignity, and that the zero tolerance policy must be abided by at all times.10 At the organization level, managers higher up in the hospital need to make sure that they reward their workers for good behavior, which can help minimize negative and unwanted behavior. This can include addressing cliques and alliances in hospital units, as well as adhering to the zero tolerance policy.11 They can also educate their workers about workplace bullying and the resources that are available to employees who are affected by bullying.12 Another mindset that needs to be taught in healthcare is that the main goal of a hospital unit is to provide effective treatment for patients and to maintain well-functioning floor. Healthcare is a field that requires teamwork in a healthy environment. Although one cannot solve workplace bullying with just a few tips, these ideas will help nurses and other healthcare workers create a safer and healthier work environment for all employees and patients.

1. 2. 3. 4.


6. 7. 8.


Don’t be afraid to implement your own ideas around patient care and quality service that you learned in college. Speak with your nurse manager before you bring the idea to the rest of your coworkers, as your manager should be able to support you in putting your ideas into practice.4 Lastly, remember that you have a voice, and that your opinion matters. Stand up for yourself and your coworkers, even if it may not be the easiest

10. 11.


Colduvell, K. (2017, April 14). Nurse Bullying: Stand Up And Speak Out. Retrieved February 8, 2019, from https:// nurse.org/articles/how-to-deal-with-nurse-bullying/ Fisher-Blando, J. L. (2008). Workplace Bullying: Aggressive Behavior and its Effect on Job Satisfaction and Productivity. University of Phoenix. Needham, A. W. (2003). Chapter Three: What and who are Targets? In Workplace Bullying: The Costly Business Secret (pp. 34-39). New York, NY: Penguin Books. Dellasega, C., & Volpe, R. L. (2013). Chapter One: The Newbie: Mistreatment of New Nurses. In Toxic Nursing: Managing Bullying, Bad Attitudes, and Total Turmoil (pp. 9-11). Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Dellasega, C., & Volpe, R. L. (2013). Chapter Thirteen: Take Charge of Your Life! In Toxic Nursing: Managing Bullying, Bad Attitudes, and Total Turmoil (pp. 159-161). Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Fink-Samnick, E. (2018, June 18). The Side Effects of Workplace Bullying in Healthcare. Retrieved February 8, 2019, from https://www.icd10monitor.com/the-side-effects-of-workplace-bullying-in-healthcare Gordon, S. (2018, February 28). Is Your Doctor Bullying You? Retrieved February 8, 2019, from https://www.verywellhealth.com/is-your-doctor-a-bully-4152017 Dellasega, C., & Volpe, R. L. (2013). Chapter Nineteen: Data Limited - a Best-Practice Company. In Toxic Nursing: Managing Bullying, Bad Attitudes, and Total Turmoil (pp. 225-234). Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Gooch, K. (2018, October 12). 7 Healthcare Leaders Share Best Ways to Combat Nurse Bullying. Retrieved February 8, 2019, from https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/hospital-management-administration/7-healthcare-leaders-share-best-ways-to-combat-nurse-bullying.html “American Nurse Association Position Statement on Incivility, Bullying, and Workplace Violence.” American Nurses Association, 22 July 2015. Dellasega, C., & Volpe, R. L. (2013). Chapter Eighteen: Experiencing Good Leadership. In Toxic Nursing: Managing Bullying, Bad Attitudes, and Total Turmoil (pp. 205-206). Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Rigby, K. (2002). Chapter Eleven: What is to be Done About Bullying? In New Perspectives on Bullying (pp. 234-262). Philadelphia, PA: Jessica Kingsley.


The Future of Maternal Mortality in Boston

Columbia Journalism Review

by Brooke Lucier Black women in Boston are disproportionately dying from pregnancy and birthing-related complications compared to white women. The health disparities that black women face in Boston are directly related to racism, racial bias, and discrimination. To improve maternal health for black women in Boston, nursing professionals need to acknowledge the disparities that exist in society. Only then can they provide competent, empathetic care for patients from different racial backgrounds. In order to create a knowledgeable workforce of nurses, educating people about the racial disparities that exist in maternal health outcomes need to start at the undergraduate level. Maternal and infant mortality are key indicators that predict the quality of healthcare that is provided in a community. The U.S. has the highest maternal mortality rate compared to any other developed country in the world—with a rate of approximately 23.8 deaths per 100,000 births—and the rate is still rising.1 In separating the rate of maternal mortality by race, the data shows that the rate of maternal mortality is highest among black women, with a rate of 43.5 deaths per 100,000 births.2 Compared to white women, black women in the U.S. are three to four times more likely to die from pregnancy related complications, which is a health disparity that has been directly linked to racism.3 Even when factors such as gestational age, income, prenatal care, and education are controlled, research shows that non-Hispanic black women still have a significantly higher maternal mortality rate than white women.4 Incidences of racial bias and discrimination increase stress levels in the patient, which then increases their blood pressure, causing a cascade of life-threatening maternal health outcomes such as preeclampsia, eclampsia, and hemorrhage.1 Maternal mortality rates are not genetically linked to a specific race, but is linked to the systemic racism that women of color experience.


Self perception is a functional health pattern that exhibits how a person’s self image can greatly impact their health outcomes. One major component of self perception is racial identity; therefore, a person’s experiences with racism can lead to negative health outcomes. The connection between racism and negative health outcomes is substantially evident when analyzing health outcomes of pregnant women of color and their infants in Boston. As a racially diverse city in America, the level of priority given to health equity in Boston must be critically examined. It is especially important to look at racial disparities in maternal health outcomes for black women because the black population makes up the second largest racial group in Boston.4 The maternal and infant morbidity and mortality is worse than what may be expected for a city known as a “medical mecca.”5 In 2015, Boston had a higher rate of low birthweight births, 9 percent, when compared to the state, 7.5 percent, and nation as a whole, 8.1 percent.4 In Boston, the black population in 2015 had a low birthweight rate of 12 percent, approximately double that of the white population which had a low birthweight rate of 6 percent.4 The rates of low birthweight, preterm births, and infant mortality in the black population are staggeringly high in the city of Boston.4 This indicates that black maternal and black infant morbidity and mortality is a public health crisis that needs to be addressed at the local, state, and national levels. A problem area that needs to be addressed is the unconscious biases that affect the quality of care within the medical field. Black mothers often experience feelings of being devalued and disrespected by medical providers; a recent survey found that 33 percent of black women felt that they have been discriminated against by a healthcare professional.6,7 These negative feelings experienced by expecting black mothers greatly impacts their self perception, and thus their health outcomes.

A challenge to improving health equity for women of color is that racism and bias are so fundamentally ingrained in society. The first place that racism and bias should be addressed is during the educational preparation for healthcare professionals. Creating a nursing curriculum that educates future nurses about the racial disparities that exist in maternal health outcomes will create a healthcare workforce that is culturally competent, racially sensitive and empathetic, and able to provide quality care. In the Simmons University nursing program, there is a lack of education in the current curriculum that focuses on racial disparities in maternal health. After completing the nursing course in maternity, I realized that the curriculum is lacking education about the racial disparities that exist in maternal health outcomes. I chose my maternity nursing professor, Dr. Colette Dieujuste, to be a key informant. As a black woman herself, and a nursing professional who has worked in maternity health for decades, she was the perfect key informant to provide me with additional information on the black maternal health crisis in the Boston area. She discussed the fear that black women may face when seeking care, due to the discrimination and bias they may face by the healthcare professional. She believed educating student nurses was a smart and proactive choice to prevent the continuation of racial disparities within the healthcare field. An entire course on racism in the healthcare field would be hard to fit into the nursing program curriculum currently, and making it an elective would mean that the information would not reach all nursing students. Therefore, creating a lecture specifically in the maternity nursing course about how racism impacts maternal health outcomes is a solution that reaches the most students and doesn’t require an unreasonably large amount of resources. Once student nurses are aware of the way racism impacts health outcomes, they will hopefully be able to provide proficient, empathetic care for women of color. A challenge of improving health equity for women of color is the fact that racism and bias are fundamentally ingrained in society. Creating a nursing workforce that is knowledgeable about racial disparities in maternal health outcomes is a significant step to take towards addressing the maternal mortality crisis in Boston. By incorporating a lecture that addresses racial disparities in maternal health, the nursing curriculum at Simmons University will be preparing future nurses to be culturally and racially sensitive, empathetic, and able to provide competent quality care.

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4. 5. 6.


Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Sep; 128(3): 447–455. doi: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000001556 Harper, M. A., Espeland, M. A., Dugan, E., Meyer, R., Lane, K., & Williams, S. (2004). Racial disparity in pregnancy-related mortality following a live birth outcome. Annals of Epidemiology, 14(4), 274-279. doi:10.1016/s10472797(03)00128-5 NewsHour, P. (2018, April 18). Why are black mothers and infants far more likely to die in U.S. from pregnancy-related-causes? Retrieved from https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/why-are-black-mothers-and-infants-far-more-likelyto-die-in-u-s-from-pregnancy-related-causes Doyle, F.J., Lupi, M.V. (2017) Health of Boston 2016-2017. Boston, Massachusetts: Boston Public Health Commission, Research and Evaluation Office. Edwards, S. P. (2014, March 03). Boston Hospitals. Retrieved from https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2012/11/ boston-hospitals Martin, P. N., & Montagne, R. (2017, December 08). Black Mothers Keep Dying After Giving Birth. Shalon Irving’s Story Explains Why. Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/2017/12/07/568948782/black-mothers-keep-dying-after-giving-birth-shalon-irvings-story-explains-why NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, (2017) Discrimination in America: Experiences and Views of African Americans. Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/assets/img/2017/10/23/discriminationpoll-african-americans.pdf


Neuroinflammation by Shaniah Prosper When we step on a LEGO, bash our foot against a chair, or cry out in pain when that drop of hot oil makes impact with our skin while frying food, our body reacts. In the area of injury, the blood flow increases, your blood vessels dilate, and leukocytes, white blood cells, race to the site of damage. These leukocytes are responsible for why our cuts and burns turn red and have a warm and swollen sensation. This emergency repair mechanism is known as “inflammation,” and is the immune systems’ initial response to infection and injury in the human body.1 Most individuals are familiar with inflammation occurring with sprained knees, sore throats, or anywhere in the body where there is damage to the skin, but many people don’t know that the brain can undergo inflammation as well. Neuro inflammation works very similarly to how inflammation works in the rest of our body. The main differences between these two emergency response mechanisms are the cell types used for these repairs, how our body reacts to inflammation and the overall severity of the inflamed area. Unlike the rest of the body, the brain does not contain white blood cells. Instead, the brain shelters two types of inflammatory response cells that work almost exactly like white blood cells. These cells are called microglia and astrocytes, and are cells only found in the central nervous system (CNS).2 The other difference with these two types of inflammation is how we experience it in the body compared to the brain. Other than the fact that you cannot actually see the inflammation in your brain, you can’t feel it either. The brain does not get hot and red like our skin does in response to injury because it does not contain pain receptors.3 Bodily inflammation only affects the area of injury and the surrounding areas. However, the brain is the “center of command” in the body. The brain control our personality, emotions, motivation, movement, speech, memories, and everything else that makes us who we are. For the brain to undergo neuroinflammation, it means more than just that area of the brain being affected—it also has implications for the rest of the body. Other than the differences stated above, neuroinflammation is the same as bodily inflammation. If someone were to get a head injury, or concussion, their brain’s immune system would respond with neuroinflammation, fighting off any infections and aiming to heal injuries.4 It should be mentioned that inflammation is not inherently bad; short-term inflammation is considered a good thing. Inflammation repairs damage and fights off infection. However, inflammation becomes problematic when it lasts for an extended period of time, as seen in neurodegenerative diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer’s disease, age-related dementia, and other suspected neuroinflammatory disorders.When neurons become inflamed for a long period of time, they affect all of the surrounding healthy neurons along with them, causing the healthy neurons to degrade in quality and become damaged.


University of BaselU This concept of neuroinflammation was introduced to me when I attended a research seminar during spring break. The Harvard Brain Science Initiative organized an event titled “Neuroinflammation in Disease: Strategies and Targets Toward a Way Forward,” where a neuroscientist named Dr. Rita BaliceGordon presented her ongoing research of Neuroinflammation in CNS diseases. Dr. Balice-Gordon is currently the Global Head of Rare and Neurologic Diseases Therapeutic Area at Sanofi, a pharmaceutical company. Her lab focuses on developing therapeutic interventions for patients with MS, as well as other neurological disorders and diseases. In her presentation, Dr. Balice-Gordon explained the multiple research projects taking place in her lab. One of her projects was about gene therapy in the systemic periphery of the nervous system. In the future, her lab is also looking to understand tissue barriers, specifically the blood brain barrier, and how to break past it in order to get drugs into the brain. The major research going on in Dr. Balice-Gordon’s team comprise of two main programs: BTK inhibition in MS, and RIPK inhibition in MS, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and in Alzheimer’s disease. These inhibitors are particularly interesting to Dr. Balice-Gordon because of how they affect the intersection of the peripheral immune dysfunction and the CNS innate immune dysfunction. Her lab hopes to have the first robust assessment of these mechanisms in the aggregation of neuroinflammation in the brain, making it possible to answer whether or not this intervention is helpful in treating MS and other neurological diseases. With more research underway, and further collaboration with like-minded companies, Dr. Balice-Gordon’s mission is to develop better therapies and treatments to the millions of people suffering from neuroinflammatory diseases. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Szalay, J. (2018, October 19). What Is Inflammation? Retrieved from https://www.livescience.com/52344-inflammation.html Younger, J., Dr. (2016, April 04). Retrieved March 15, 2019, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ijlkRwORfM Muench, K. (2015, November 10). Pain in the Brain. Retrieved from http://www.neuwritewest.org/blog/pain-inthe-brain Younger, J., Dr. (2016, April 04). Retrieved March 15, 2019, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ijlkRwORfM

A Cultural Break Away From My Scrubs by Sophie Lawsure I’m finally back from a semester of making Granada, Spain — and a few other countries along the way — a part of my unique Simmons experience. I left for Spain feeling very grateful to be able to take an entire semester away from Boston, especially as a nursing student with a demanding schedule. Now, as I’m back in Boston, I can confidently say I would not trade my study abroad experience for anything. I stepped out of my comfort zone by switching from Simmons scrubs into my new scrubs from my nursing internship at the San Juan de Dios Nursing Home (Residencia de Mayores San Juan de Dios), located in the heart of Granada. There, I shadowed numerous nurses that lived all around southern Spain. From this experience, I gained insight into the Spanish healthcare system and nursing positions in Spain, which is beyond what I could have ever pursued by staying in Boston. I had the opportunity to give flu shots to people, help translate English to Spanish for an Englishonly speaking resident, and administer albuterol via inhaler to a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patient. I now understand the importance of a nurse’s communication with healthcare personnel and their patients, the benefits and setbacks of universal healthcare in Spain, and cost barriers of the system. Yet most importantly, I was able to identify and appreciate the privileges in both education and experience that I have as a nursing student in the United States and in Boston. Granted that that was the most inspiring aspect of my study abroad being a healthcare fanatic, I also took advantage of the other learning opportunities while in Spain and Europe. For one, my roommate Colleen and I stayed with a Spanish host mom that was nothing like my mom in the United States, besides all of the cooking and cleaning she did for us. I personally could not even have a conversation without her being frustrated with what Spanish I was taught in the past and how different it translated to her fastpaced speech. At many times I felt defeated when she would ask Colleen in frustration, who was far more fluent than I was, to translate the conversation for her and I. I also can admit to barely knowing any vocabulary of household items and asking Colleen at least once a day for the first couple weeks. However, through the trial and error and many days where I just could not think and speak in Spanish anymore, I learned. She forgave me for all the grammar mistakes and the vocabulary I never retained, for my first night in Granada without the cell phone service to tell her I was coming home late, and for all the shower water spilled on the bathroom floor. I could not have had a more loving mom and sympathetic roommate in that small non-insulated Granadian apartment.

Lastly, was the travel. I took nursing classes that incorporated cultural differences and how to respect other cultures besides your own. I originally began to travel around the southern coast of Spain, to places like Cordoba and Seville, but eventually went as far south as Morocco and as far north as Denmark. In every new place I visited, I went through a small period of culture shock, even in some countries, like Portugal, that had similar customs to Spain. By the end of my trip, I was able to observe and adapt to different cultural norms. There were certain moments when I felt completely out of place, but there were also moments where I couldn’t picture myself anywhere else.


The Future of You: Graduate School by Maddie Karod Determining the next steps in your career can be overwhelming, to say the least. As college students, we are expected to make these important decisions in our early twenties, and it can be challenging to set aside the time to research the many opportunities you may have after graduation. At Simmons, we have the Career Education Center (CEC) to help us, as well as faculty members who all have achieved graduate degrees. I began my journey of applying to Ph.D. programs in Environmental Engineering in May 2018 and submitted my applications in December and January of my senior year. It took several months and a few great mentors to fully understand and complete the process of applying for graduate school, I hope what I learned can help inform your decision on what the next steps are in your career. If you are a student in the health sciences, your next degree may be fairly straight-forward if you are applying for professional degrees such as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Physician’s Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Medical School, and other degrees Each school will have information on their website listing exactly what would make you a great candidate, whether it be a certain number of hours in a clinical setting, leadership experience, or your cumulative GPA. As a student in the STEM field, there are several paths that can be taken. If you are looking to be qualified as a higherranking professional in your field, you may be interested in obtaining your master’s degree. This is generally a one or two year program that involves taking classes with an option to write a master’s thesis. This is very much a continuation of your undergraduate career in a more rigorous setting and is a degree that you pay for, as is done with your bachelors. This degree is flexible; you may choose to be a full-time master’s student directly after receiving your bachelor’s, or take a few years to work in your field before returning to school full-time. In some cases, if you are employed, your employer may allow you to take masters classes at night and provide some financial aid for your degree. Some jobs may even provide funding to offset the cost of obtaining a master’s degree while you continue to work part- or full-time. For example, if you were to take a job at an academic institution after graduation, such as a research position at Harvard Medical School, you would be permitted to obtain your master’s degree at night through the Harvard Extension School for nearly free (but this does not include textbooks and other miscellaneous education costs). If you’re interested in these options, your advisor or faculty in your department can aid you in weighing your options based on your career goals. The second option for someone interested in pursuing an advanced degree is the option to achieve a doctorate in your field, a Ph.D. If you are someone who truly loves research, enjoys leadership positions and communicating science, you may be interested in applying for these degrees, which take about five years to complete. You get paid to get your Ph.D.! It’s true! Students are paid all five years by grants and departmental fellowships in the range of $25-30k/year, depending on the department.


Shutterstock Typically, students enter Ph.D. programs with a bachelor’s degree and the first semesters are spent taking classes to complete a master’s degree as well as getting a feel for research either in one lab or rotating through many labs to determine what lab and PI (principal investigator, the faculty member who runs the lab) are the best fit. After your master’s degree is complete, your next three years are spent proposing and executing research that culminates in a written thesis, which is orally presented and defended. To begin applying for graduate school, particularly Ph.D. programs, one of your first steps should be studying and taking the GRE’s, the graduate school exam. The exam costs $200, so taking it more than once can be a financial burden on students; however, there are sometimes fee waivers. Studying and taking practice exams are your best bet to success. You should then set aside time to find schools that have the specific program you are hoping to apply to. Within each school, it is important to read through the research interests of the faculty members and find at least two faculty members whose research groups you could see yourself joining. Begin to email these professors in August and September, expressing interest in their group and ask if they are taking on students in the next year. This is important, as your PI is your source of funding and you will only be allowed to join a group if your PI is able to pay you. If you’re lucky, you will hear back from these professors and begin to make connections at your schools. During this time, you should also be writing your personal statement. This is an approximately 1000 word essay that discusses your experiences and why they make you a strong candidate for the program you’re applying to. It’s a time to brag about yourself and convince the department that you belong there. A graduate school generally requires a minimum of three letters of recommendation (LOR). Personally, I had four advisors write my LORs and submitted all four to most schools when possible. Deadlines will begin to pop up on December 1 and are usually done by January 15. The December 1 deadlines can be stressful, as that is a busy time of the school year, so plan your time wisely. Applications can cost between $60-100, which is important to keep in mind as you plan your finances for the fall semester. You may hear back as early as February or as late as early April. If you are still in need of resources, there are many online guides for a standout application. Good luck!

The Beauty of Science purposes. The demographics of “heavy buyers” of beauty products tend to be women aged 18-34 who are likely to purchase more than ten products a year.1 Over the past 70 years, the use of industrial chemicals has increased 15-fold; this equates to over 85,000 chemicals used in commerce today.2 Many of these chemicals are known to be harmful, but some of these chemicals’ long-term health impacts are still unknown. Even in small amounts, exposure to harmful chemicals can lead to health problems including lupus, early onset puberty, and breast cancer.2 These health effects put individuals at risk and can have generational consequences. Consumers have become more aware of what ingredients are in the products they are buying and, over the past decade, have become more environmentally conscious when shopping. This is when I joined the clean beauty movement. I don’t believe clean beauty is a trend, rather a conscious decision by consumers and the beauty industry to change what’s in the products we put in, on, and around our body.

Honest Company

by Sophie Streimer My interest in beauty and science sparked when I was in high school. I had an untraditional high school experience; I went to school on a small island off the coast of Connecticut called Fishers Island. Every day, I was surrounded by water and I was fascinated by nature. In high school, I excelled in chemistry; it was my favorite class because I could be analytical and creative simultaneously. Outside of my interest in chemistry, I love personal care and beauty products. I found products to be a tangible conduit for conversation. Every time I try a new product I love, I tell everyone I know that would also enjoy that product. I was curious about what made those products special and what makes some products stand out amongst the hundreds on the shelf. I had no idea what I wanted to do after graduation, which stemmed from not knowing what I was passionate about. All I knew was that I wanted to combine my love for beauty with my love for science and the environment. During my first year at Simmons, I shared my passion for beauty and chemistry with a professor. He recommended I take the course Toxic Consumables. This course focused specifically on learning about the toxic ingredients in and the minimal industry regulations for everyday products. This opened my eyes to a whole new world that I didn’t even know about. I began reading labels, learning what effects parabens, heavy metals, and other common ingredients have on our bodies. This then led me to start questioning the “norm”; why are these chemicals allowed to be in our products even though we know they are bad, and why are we not using safer alternatives? The beauty industry is estimated to be valued at $400 billion globally.1 Consumers buy and use personal care products for various reasons including aesthetic, hygienic, and cultural

Over the past four years, I have had the opportunity to intern at three beauty companies all working towards creating effective products while simultaneously disrupting the beauty and personal care industry. My first internship was at The Honest Company in Los Angeles, CA as a Claims & Clinical Intern. Founded by Jessica Alba and Christopher Gavigan, The Honest Company is a mission-driven industry leader in the green consumer products market. They sell products ranging from diapers and cleaning products to cosmetics and hair care products. My job was to analyze data to support claims made for various products. My next internship was with the brand Living Proof in Cambridge, MA. Living Proof is a hair care brand focused on using science to solve the toughest beauty problems and spark innovation. There I was a discovery chemist, which meant I was working on projects relating to the characterization of raw materials that will eventually be used in the formulation of their products. Currently, I am a product development intern at Follain, a clean beauty retailer in Boston. Follain’s mission is to create change in the beauty industry and act as a platform for innovative makers in the beauty space to meet conscious consumers. Follain makes it simple for consumers to find the highest quality clean beauty products. I am following my passion for creating safe, accessible and efficient alternatives to the toxic ingredients that are in many of the products on the market today. I want to make a difference to make the world healthier and a safer place for everyone through the products we use every day.

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Zota, A. R., & Shamasunder, B. (2017). The environmental injustice of beauty: Framing chemical exposure from beauty products as a health disparities concern. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 418-422. Beautycounter. (2015). Environmental health and people of color: Unequal exposure to toxic chemicals. Retrieved March 4, 2018, from https://phx-cdn.beautycounter.com/DocumentLibrary/Images/Environmental_Health_and_People_Of_Color_EN_20160708.pdf


Nursing Student in the House Union of Concerned Scientists

by Alex Kemna and Brooke Lucier After the tumultuous debate in Fall 2018 over Ballot Question 1 in Massachusetts, it became evident that there was a significant need for more healthcare professionals to be involved in the legislative process. Legislation and policies determine the way the healthcare system functions and how medical professionals practice. Ballot Question 1 is an example of legislation that would systematically impact nursing practice by setting a strict nursing to patient staffing ratio. Nurses, however, were not involved in creating this piece of legislation and their professional opinions were never taken into account. Although there is a need for nursing staffing ratios, the proposed ratio in the ballot question would have not benefited patients or nurses. Ballot Question 1 ultimately failed with 70 percent of the votes favoring no.1 If nurses had been involved in writing the legislation, and used their background in healthcare to guide the policy change, the proposed staffing ratios would have been more favorable for nurses and patients, and the outcome of the ballot question may have been different. Legislation that impacts healthcare has historically been created only by politicians who have no formal knowledge or training in medicine or healthcare. This is why more healthcare professionals need be be involved in the legislative process. When Brooke Lucier, a senior nursing student at Simmons University, heard about the Barbara Lee Family Foundation Fellowship Program, she was determined to apply.


What is the Barbara Lee Family Foundation (BLFF) Fellowship Program? It is a program for undergraduate students at Simmons, from all majors, to intern at the Massachusetts State House. Each student accepted into the program is placed into an office of a female state legislator, who acts as a mentor. The internship is an incredible opportunity to experience and learn about the Massachusetts political leadership. The program also provides a $2,000 stipend as well as eight course credits.

Nursing students are not the typical applicants for this program. What motivated you to apply? Throughout the nursing program, I have learned about the various roles of a nurse; one of which is being an advocate for patients. This could mean advocating at the bedside, or by creating policies that directly impact patient care. Last semester, I took a healthcare policy course through the nursing program and it introduced me to the field of community nursing. I learned how policies impact patients and I realized there is a significant need for nurses to take on the role of advocator.

So when I came across the application for the BLFF Fellowship Program, I thought it would be a great way to tailor my education and learn more about political leadership and the process of creating healthcare legislation.

What skills have you learned in the nursing program that are applicable to this internship program? Throughout my time in the Simmons nursing program, I have become a critical thinker, developed my communications skills, and grown as a leader. I have also learned patience and empathy. I believe I was able to be successful with this internship program because of my strong communication skills, professionalism, and my ability to work with a large caseload. All of these skills apply to nursing as well as working at the State House because both involve working with the public and improving the community.

Whose office were you placed in, and what does your legislator work on? I was placed into Representative Liz Malia’s office. She represents the 11th Suffolk District which includes Roxbury, Roslindale, Jamaica Plain, and Dorchester. She is one of the first openly gay representatives in the Massachusetts State Government and is passionate about LGBTQIA+ rights. She has worked in the House of Representatives since 1998, and she is a very well respected member of the House. The legislation that she works on is related to addiction recovery services, behavioral health services, criminal justice reform, education, healthcare, and housing, which all pertain to nursing in some way. I feel very lucky have been placed in this office and learn from Representative Malia and my Chief of Staff, Natalie.

Can you describe a typical day at the state house as an intern?

I start my day by dressing in professional attire, making a coffee, and hopping on the Green Line to Park Street. I arrive at the State House and make my way up to the office, where I work closely along with the Chief of Staff who will have a list of projects and tasks for me to complete throughout the day. There are always briefings and hearings about various topics happening all over the State House. I like to go to the ones that relate to healthcare, topics such as Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, shelter for the homeless population, addiction recovery services, Hepatitis C, and much more. After attending a briefing, I will write a recap about important takeaways and the next steps my office can take. I also attend meetings in the office with our constituents, which is where

my strong communication skills that I’ve learned in nursing come in handy. Through these constituent advocacy meetings, I’ve had the opportunity to meet important healthcare professionals. Communicating with constituents and hearing about problems in the community that they are passionate about is one of my favorite parts about this internship.

Why is it important to see more nurses and other stem majors in the BLFF Fellowship Program?

Historically, this program has only had political science/international relations majors involved. I am the first nursing student who has ever applied and been accepted into this program, even though this program is technically open to all majors. I think there is a belief that this internship at the State House would only be applicable to students studying political science. From STEM majors to sociology majors, legislation and policy impacts every single discipline. I think it’s really important for the BLFF Fellowship Program to have a diverse group of interns from all different majors. I hope this article will inspire more students from various majors to apply to this program in the future. If more people from different academic disciplines become involved in the legislative process, then hopefully our state and federal government will begin to reflect the population and academic interests it represents.

What is your overall takeaway from this experience and where do you go from here?

Interning at the State House through the BLFF Fellowship Program has been one the most incredible and educational experiences of my undergraduate career. I have learned a lot about government, legislation, public service, and advocacy. When I graduate in May with my BSN and become a Registered Nurse, I will take what I have learned from this program and apply it to my nursing practice. I think being a new nurse with experience in legislation is a very unique background and I am immensely grateful to the BLFF Fellowship Program for giving me this opportunity. I hope to be a strong advocate for my patients and remain involved in legislation in the future.


Massachusetts Question 1, Nurse-Patient Assignment Limits Initiative (2018). (n.d.). Retrieved from https://ballotpedia.org/Massachusetts_Question_1,_Nurse-Patient_Assignment_Limits_Initiative_(2018)


Meet Professor Luth by Christina Sun For as long as he can remember, Assistant Professor of Biology Eric Luth has been fascinated by animals. That fascination turned into an interest in animal behavior when starting college. Early on, his professor recommended the neuroscience class she was offering, and from then on, he was hooked. “I thought it was amazing that complex behaviors could arise from a bunch of electrical activity in our head,” Luth said. The following summer, he worked in his professor’s lab studying circadian rhythms in fiddler crabs, where his interest in research was born. Luth focused on organismal biology throughout college but ended up becoming a research technician at Boston Children’s Hospital studying the cell biology of muscular dystrophy after graduating. While pursuing a Ph.D. in neurobiology, he investigated protein aggregation and mitochondrial dysfunction as it relates to Parkinson’s disease pathogenesis. Since then, he has switched subfields within neuro and returned to his roots — now working with an invertebrate system and using animal behavior as a readout for the activity of specific neuronal circuits. Initially, Luth had no intention of teaching and thought that he would focus on doing research and seeing where that led him. Toward the tail-end of grad school, he gave teaching a shot and worked as an adjunct lab instructor. “I immediately loved it,” says Luth. Coupled with his experiences mentoring undergraduate students during grad school, he decided to shift career plans. He applied to a postdoctoral program at Tufts that was designed to train postdocs in all aspects of academic careers, with a heavy emphasis on teaching and pedagogical training. During this time, Luth developed new scientific interests and found a wonderfully versatile research model (C. elegans) that was well-suited for the kind of school where he wanted to teach: a small school with an emphasis on teaching and training scientists. With colleagues who had great experiences working at Simmons in the past, and his own experiences working alongside a few talented and motivated Simmons students in his graduate lab at Harvard, Luth jumped at the opportunity to apply to the open professor position. Additionally, Luth is able to stay connected to his graduate and postdoc departments in Boston, which is great for collaborations and helping students connect to research opportunities during or after their time at Simmons.

Current Research

Professor Luth’s current research investigates how neurons form and maintain connections with each other. The number and strength of synapses changes over time both as the brain develops and in response to experiences, like learning, later in life. Most of the synapses use a neurotransmitter called glutamate as a chemical messenger for one neuron to talk to another. Many neurological or neurodegenerative disorders are associated with problems forming or maintaining the appropriate number of glutamate synapses. In order for a neuron to receive the glutamate message sent out by its neighbor, it needs to have the right amount of sensor proteins, called glutamate receptors, on its cell surface right across from where the message is being sent. Changing the number of glutamate receptors at the synapse plays an essential role in how we learn and remember things at the cellular level. Luth’s lab


Courtesy of Paige Burns explores how these glutamate receptors get to the right place at the right time. They aim to identify genes important for this and figure out how they work together to ensure strong neuronal communication. Knowing more about this process could lead to new drug targets for neurological disorders and will help better understand cellular processes underlying learning and memory. Professor Luth is also collaborating with Dr. Saitow in the Biology Department to study how certain environmental contaminants, called Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), found in Teflon and other chemicals routinely used in carpets, clothing, and fabrics, harm cells and organisms. Exposure to PFOA and PFOS are associated with a number of health problems, but currently, there is not a comprehensive understanding of how this occurs at the cellular level. Luth’s lab is looking at the developmental, reproductive, and neurological effects of these toxins, and they have found some interesting results so far. For all of these studies, his lab uses the microscopic roundworm, C. elegans, an amazing organism for neurobiology research.Their relatively simple nervous system, with 302 neurons versus the 100 billion in humans, allows studies of nervous system function and behavior at the level of an individual cell. Also, C. elegans are transparent, making the expression and movement of proteins visible in living animals. Interestingly, this animal model can use genetic tricks to insert light-responsive proteins into individual neurons to trigger changes in behavior with the flip of a switch. For those interested in learning more about his research or getting involved, Luth encourages students to email him (eric.luth@simmons.edu) to find a time to stop by the lab.

“Perched” Eric Luth Beyond science, Luth is an avid nature photographer, and has a website that both he and his dad contribute to. Luth also enjoys coaching T-ball, playing board games with his kids, and going on walks in the woods with his family.

On the Future of Neuroscience

Advice for Students

“There are discoveries that seem to come out of nowhere that really shift that pace of neuroscience research or the types of questions that we can ask,” Luth said. One example of this is optogenetics (the ability to activate or silence neurons on demand using light) which transformed the ability to study the function of neuronal populations.

Professor Luth said the following when it comes to advice: “Simmons students, you are in one of the best places in the world for neuroscience research and life science research in general.” He suggests taking advantage of all the opportunities, such as Longwood Ave. seminars and symposia, opportunities for research within the Biology Department at Simmons and at nearby labs, and your network of professors, advisors, bosses, or PIs.

Researchers have recently developed another technique, called expansion microscopy, that could potentially change how we study the brain. It uses the polymer found in the gel of disposable diapers to physically magnify (rather than optically magnify) cells when water is added, allowing them to be imaged at incredible resolution on standard light microscopes. This technique is being applied to map synapses, cells, and circuits of mammalian brains, making the idea of mapping the human brain more realistic than ever. Another way Luth sees the field progressing is through the development of improved brain-computer interfaces that translate neuronal activity into signals that control prostheses. Recently, the development of an implantable chip that records brain activity in spinal cord injury patients and sends a signal to other chips implanted in the limbs effectively reroutes motor commands around the injury site. As decoding patterns of neuronal activity progresses, this technology might even be used to transmit the thoughts of one person to another.

Luth recommends volunteering in the lab if they aren’t able to pay you—even if it’s just for a couple of hours a week—work to get your foot in the door and keep pushing it open. For people interested in applying to Ph.D. programs, he recommends getting some full-time research experience first to make an informed decision. Luth also shared the new Research Experiences in Biology courses that the Biology Department is offering. Starting this fall, students will have a way to get 0, 1, or 2 credits and official transcript recognition for pre-senior independent research projects both on or off campus.


Boston APS Conference


by Emily Buttafuoco When I was growing up, my dad would go to conferences and would come home to tell my family about all of the cool things he learned and the interesting people he met. This past spring break, I finally had my own opportunity at a large-scale conference, which was the American Physical Society (APS) conference here in Boston. The APS conference was a five-day conference packed with presentations, poster sessions, and workshops. At the conference, students had the opportunity to present their research in a formal setting. Representing Simmons and the Brigham and Women’s Focused Ultrasound Lab, Talisi Meyer (‘20) presented during one of the fifteen-minute undergraduate research sessions. Her research is based on using focused ultrasound for non-invasive endodontic therapy. Meyer’s research is investigating the possibility of removing the bacteria from the infected tooth without the need for a painful root canal procedure. After some questions from the audience, Talisi was able to get great feedback on her presentation from the judges that attended. Another opportunity to present student research was through poster sessions. Senior Kristen Doucette had the chance to present her thesis research on day two of the conference. Her research is concentrated on using focused ultrasound as a therapy to treat Port Wine Stain birthmarks. Not only did she have the opportunity to share her research with other undergraduate students, but she also got to have great conversations with scientists in both academia and industry. Poster presentations at any conference are a great way to share your research and network at the same time. Other interesting presentations that were held throughout the week were titled “Climate Physics: Feedbacks in the Earth System” and “Life, the Universe, and Everything: Teaching Biology to Physicists and Physics to Biologists”. In the presentation about climate physics, the audience had the opportunity to learn more about the fundamental physics that regulate the climate system, including how the oceans, atmosphere, and climate interact with each other. Ariel Morrison, a Ph.D. candidate from the University of Colorado, Boulder, described in detail how the Arctic Ocean loses sea ice cover due to clouds’ radiative impacts, which will soon lead to a seasonally ice-free ocean.


In the “Life, the Universe, and Everything: Teaching Biology to Physicists and Physics to Biologists” presentation, Georgetown Biophysics professor Dr. Rhonda Dzakpasu had the floor. Dr. Dzakpasu spoke to the audience about the importance of biophysics being offered as a course, in order to tie aspects of both biology and physics together, a connection that is often ignored in undergraduate programs. She also stated that even though most students on a pre-med track study biology, a major in biological physics will help students apart from others when applying to medical school. Many of the workshops offered at the conference were focused on leadership, increasing diversity in physics, how to run an effective physics department (which was not only aimed at professors, but students too!), and an LGBTQ+ roundtable discussion. While I did not have the opportunity to go to all of these workshops, it was great to see that an organization as large as the APS is trying to not only create a more accepting and diverse workplace for physicists, but also seeing that physics departments across the U.S. are getting the support they need. The APS conference also had a lot of events other than presentations for undergraduates, including college and job fairs, information sessions, and career events. The college and jobs fairs provided a great setting to network with others and to find out what you can do with a Bachelor of Science in Physics. My favorite part of the conference was the information sessions, which were small discussions hosted by professors and researchers. I had the opportunity to go to an information session specifically geared towards undergraduates, with the topic of careers in physics outside of academic research. At this discussion, there were about ten undergraduates and three professionals sitting in a circle, discussing different paths a physicist can go down, including engineering, medical research, material sciences, and data analysis. Overall, attending the APS conference was a great opportunity and allowed me to see the world of physics outside of Simmons. I highly recommend attending a professional conference in your field if the opportunity comes around!

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