“The next couple years, the next couple months will go a U.S.-UKRAINE BUSINESS FORUM, Washington DC, USA 13 July 2015
long way to telling the tale. If you do what I believe you will, your country will owe you, Europe will owe you, and we will owe you. Because the cumulative impact of Ukraine economically secure and sound will have a profound impact.” - Joe BIDEN, US Vice President
“Ukraine has a good basis for economic development. Worthy salaries, high professional skills combined with UKRAINIAN-GERMAN fairly large domestic market create good prerequisites BUSINESS FORUM Berlin, Germany for that. Ukraine has a number of developed sectors. I 23 October 2015 mean agrarian sphere, engineering, aircraft industry in particular.” - Angela MERKEL, German Federal Chancellor
“Structural reforms in Ukraine will be ongoing and
FRANCE-UKRAINE BUSINESS FORUM, will create the unique opportunities for French 28 October 2016 businesses and investors .” - Michel Sapin, Minister
of the Economy and Finance of France
National Export Strategy
Trade Missions & VIP Visits Made in Ukraine Brand Network abroad