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Dear Colleague, On behalf of Latin Markets, it is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the Peru Energy Summit 2014 in Lima, Perú. This is the first Energy Summit in a series of high-level Energy Summits Latin Markets will host in Peru, Colombia and Mexico in 2014. The Summit will feature New Energy Projects in Perú: Planning,Investment,Operations, Technology and Construction” Features of the Summit:

A two day forum providing insight into the investment and development opportunities and challenges across Oil&Gas, Mining, Petrochemicals, Electricity, Renewables, Technology, Financial, Risk and Legislative sectors.

More than 65 speakers from the most important Energy project developers, concessionaires, investors and local and international energy regulators and authorities.

Opportunities for more than eighteen hours of networking with delegates and speakers from more than twenty countries including Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Brasil, Chile, The United States, Canada, Spain.

We have put together a program which takes into consideration the needs of energy developers, concessionaires, financiers; private equity firms, investment banks, engineering, construction and procurement companies, consultants, legal service providers, auditing service providers, operators and government actors and will continue to strive to provide the most updated topics in energy investment & development. We look forward to hosting you at the conference. Regards, Carolina Gomez-Lacazette, Energy & Infrastructure Group

Energy Series Colombia Energy Summit

México Energy Summit

May 28-29, 2014-JW Marriot Hotel-Bogotá Bogotá, Colombia

Sept. 10-11, 2014 Four Seasons Hotel-Mexico Mexico City, Mexico

Contact Information Sponsorship & Registration Ken Bauco +1-212-561-8926

Daniel Para Mata +1-212-213-3271

Project Manager Carolina Gomez-Lacazette +1-646-688-5056

Aaron Wheatley +1-646-201-9438

Confirmed Speakers: Carlos E. Galvez Pinillos, Vicepresidente de FInanzas y Administracion, Compania de Minas Buenaventura Ernesto Cordova, CEO , Fénix Power Peru Ricardo Ferreiro, Gerente General, Transportadora de Gas del Perú Julio Carrasco, Finance Manager, Odebrecht Energía Luis Rafael Zoeger Nuñez, Presidente Ejecutivo, BPZ Exploración &Producción S.R.L. Ricardo Cornejo Corrales, Director General Corporativo, Grupo Cobra Luis Miguel Lazo Velarde, Gerente de Negocios, Red de Energía del Perú S.A. José Estela Ramirez, Energy Manager, Volcán Compañía Minera S.A.A. Juan Antonio Rozas, Gerente Comercial, SN Power David Lemor, Director de Asuntos Corporativos, Peru LNG Sandra Stella Fonseca Arenas, Presidenta, Empresa Energía de Bogotá, Grupo de Energía de Bogotá Alessandra Marinheiro, CEO, ContourGlobal LATAM Gabriel Quijandria Acosta, Viceministro de Desarrollo Estratégico de los Recursos Naturales, Ministerio del Ambiente Carlos Echevarria, Senior Regional Specialist IDB’s Energy Division, Inter-American Development Bank, IADB Luis Velasco Bodega, Gerente General, Red Eléctrica del Sur-REDESUR Daniel Petrie, General Manager, Century Energy Corporation Telmo Paz Sáenz , Gerente Relaciones Institucionales, Pacific Rubiales Energy Cesar Butron, Presidente, Coes-Sinac Héctor Rene Rodríguez, Director de Promoción de Inversiones, Proinversión Jesús Tamayo Pacheco, Presidente Consejo Directivo, Osinergmin Jorge Paulino, Gerente de Finanzas, Hunt Oil Company Paul Cesar Rocca Gastelo, Gerente de Relaciones Institucionales, Contugas SAC Carlos Gonzalez Miguenza, President Peru, World Federation of Engineering Organizations – WFEO Pablo Eguiluz, Project Finance Manager, Inkia Energy Angelica Matsuda Matayoshi, Directora, Consejo Nacional de la Competitividad Rosa Ana Balcazar, Directora de la Dirección de Inversiones Descentralizadas, ProInversión Julio Gallardo, Presidente, Cámara Minera del Perú Carlos Gonzalez Miguenza, President Peru, World Federation of Engineering Organizations – WFEO Veronica Becerra, Gerente Relaciones Institucionales, Cálidda Gas Natural del Perú Jose Garcia Herz, CEO, Cascade Hydro Power Oscar Pezo, Director and VP Corporate Development, Duran Ventures Inc Steven Benedetti, CEO, Interoil Peru Edilberto Nique Alarcon, Gerente General, Proyecto Especial de Irrigacion e Hidroenergetico del Alto Piura Hamilton Moss, Vicepresidente de Energia de CAF Banco de Desarrollo de America Latina Tatiana Alegre, Gerente General, Termochilca Mauricio Caamano, Gerente Comercial y Desarrollo, Latin America Power Irwin Frisancho, Gerente Comercial, Kallpa Generacion S.A. Rafael Guillermo Ferreyros, Presidente Ejecutivo y Director Ejecutivo, Maple Energy plc Juan Salomon Flores Carcahusto, Gerente General, Empresa de Generacion Electrica del Sur S.A. Ignacio Careaga Mozo de Rosales, Country Manager, Solarpack Alfonso de Sas, Country Manager, Isolux Corsan Juan Rendulich Talavera, Gerente General, Empresa de Generacion Electrica de Arequipa (EGASA) Margarita Raquel Garcia de Paredes, Oficial Líder de Inversiones—División de Inversiones de Deuda, ICC, InterAmerican Investment Corporation Gustavo Emilio Martinez Sanchez, Gerente de Operaciones, Campania Operadora de Gas de Amazonas S.A.C. Hugo Ramiro Gomez Apac, Presidente del Consejo Directivo, OEFA, Organismo de Evaluacion y Fiscalizacion Ambiental Carlos Lucio Lópes Pinto, Gerente de Ingeniería del Proyecto, Challga Hydroelectric Power Plant – Odebrecht Energía

8:00- 8:50

Registration & Morning Refreshment

8:50- 9:00

Welcome Remarks: Ken Bauco, Head of Energy & Infrastructure Projects Group, Latin Markets

9:00- 9:15

Chairman Day 1 Opening Remarks: Presenter: TBA National Energy Outlook and Opportunities & Challenges for Sustaining Peru’s Economic Boom

9:15- 9:35

Keynote #1: Investing in Peru’s energy market Presenter: Jorge Merino, Minister, Ministerio de Energía y Minas (Invited)

9:35- 10:30

Keynote Roundtable: Sector Overview – Expanding Force, Energy Investments & Regulation Overview of policies for energy development in Peru Electric sector prospects: Prospects & Diversification of the energy matrix Navigating through new challenges including skills and talent shortages, cost pressures and new technologies Panelist Héctor Rene Rodríguez, Director of Investment Promotion, Proinversión (Confirmed) Jesús Francisco Tamayo Pacheco, Presidente del Consejo Directivo, Osinergmin (Confirmed) Jesús Valentín Ramirez Gutiérrez, Gerente General, Electroperu (Invited) Luis Enrique Ortigas Cuneo, Chairman, Perupetro (Invited)

10:30- 11:00

Morning networking & refreshments

11:00- 11:15

Keynote #2: Private sector view of the market Presenter: Private Sector (Invited) Developing Peru’s Oil & Gas Resources – Upstream, Midstream and Downstream New Projects & Investment

11:15- 11:45

Panel Session: Peru Oil & Gas Outlook – Exploration and Production Current economic and regulatory conditions for oil & gas exploration and production Upstream and downstream potential – how investors and foreign companies can participate Legal framework for participation Natural gas production New technologies and communications infrastructure to support core business functions Panelists: Telmo Paz Saenz, Gerente Relaciones Institucionales, Pacific Rubiales Energy (Confirmed) Luis Rafael Zoeger Nunez, Presidente Ejecutivo, BPZ Exploracion & Produccion S.R.L.(Confirmed) Jorge Paulino, Gerente de Finanzas, Hunt Oil (Confirmed) Steven Benedetti, CEO, Interoil (Confirmed) German Jimenez Vega, Country Manager, Pluspetrol (Invited)

11:45- 12:30

Panel Session: Oil & Gas – Transportation, Pipelines and Refining How major projects in the pipeline could transform Peru into a major regional gas player New technologies to reduce high severity losses and incur cost savings through better fleet management Refineries – primary and secondary capacity outlook to 2016 Refinery expansion and modernization Panelists: Ricardo Ferreiro, Gerente General, Transportadora de Gas del Peru (Confirmed) Paul Cesar Rocca Gastelo, Gerente de Relaciones Institucionales, Contugas SAC (Confirmed) David Lemor, Director de Asuntos Corporativos, Peru LNG (Confirmed) Miguel Angel Pérez Navarro, Gerente Refinación y Ductos, Petroleos del Peru S.A. (Petroperu) (Invited) Luis Vasquez- Madueno, Supply Chain Director, Repsol (Invited) Petrochemicals

12:30- 1:00

Panel Session: Investments & new developments in Peru’s Petro-chemical industry Opportunities of arising from the Camisea Project Update on progress of pipeline infrastructure projects Petro-chemical plant design and construction Panelists: Sergio Thiesen, Director, Braskem (invited) Geir Skarstein, CEO, Nitratos del Perú (invited) Gustavo Torres, Project Manager, Bechtel (Invited)

1:00- 2:15

Networking lunch Electric Power Generation

2:15- 3:00

Panel Session: Hydroelectric Potential and Current Key Projects Opportunities and challenges of small and micro-Hydro development in Peru Legal, regulatory and economic provisions for development New Market Demands; Sustainability and Growth Experiences in Building Hydroelectric Dams in the Region Panelists: Carlos Lucio Lópes Pinto, Gerente de Ingeniería del Proyecto, Challga Hydroelectric Power Plant – Odebrecht Energía (Confirmed) Juan Antonio Rozas, Gerente Comercial y Gerente General Adjunto, SN POWER (Confirmed) Alfonso de Sas, Country Manager, Isolux Corsan (Confirmed) Juan Rendulich Talavera, Gerente General, Empresa de Generacion Electrica de Arequipa (EGASA) (Confirmed) Jose García Herz, CEO, Cascade Hydro Power (Confirmed) Daniel Petrie, General Manager, Century Energy Corporation (Confirmed) Edilberto Nique Alarcon, Gerente General, Proyecto Especial de Irrigacion e Hidroenergetico del Alto Piura (Confirmed)

3:00- 3:45

Panel Session: Thermal Power Generation Improving electric distribution capacity, reducing pollution and mitigating power outages New thermal power projects available for concession Key Suppliers – Best experiences with EPC contractors in Peru Panelists: Ernesto Cordova, General Manager, Fénix Power (Confirmed) Tatiana Alegre, Gerente General, Termochilca (Confirmed) Irwin Frisancho, Gerente Comercial, Kallpa Generacion S.A. (Confirmed) Alejandro Prieto, Gerente de Asuntos Corporativos, Enersur GDF (Invited)

3:45- 4:15

Afternoon networking & refreshments

4:15- 4:45

Panel Session: Renewables: Wind, Geothermic, Solar, Biomass and Ocean Energy Sustainable energy finance New facilities for converting energy from renewable sources into electricity and biofuels Developing new policies and incentives to promote renewable energy development New renewable energy technologies Panelists: Ignacio Careaga Mozo de Rosales, Country Manager, Solarpack (Confirmed) Ricardo Cornejo Corrales, Director General Corporativo, Grupo Cobra (Confirmed) Alessandra Marinheiro, CEO, ContourGlobal Latam (Confirmed) Mauricio Caamano, Gerente Comercial y Desarrollo, Latin America Power (Confirmed) Rafael Guillermo Ferreyros Cannock, Presidente Ejecutivo y Director Ejecutivo, Maple Energy plc (Confirmed) Electric Transmission & Distribution Grid

4:45- 5:30

Panel session: Transmission International connection grids: Ecuador and Bolivia Multiple Risk Factors that should be considered by the investors Environmental challenges that face Peru (Environmental Policies and the Implementation of Solutions) Moderator: Carlos Gonzalez Miguenza, President Peru, World Federation of Engineering Organizations – WFEO (Confirmed) Panelists: Luis Miguel Lazo Velarde, Gerente de Negocios, Red de Energía del Perú S.A.(Confirmed) Luis Velasco Bodega, Gerente General, Red Eléctrica del Sur S.A. (REDESUR)(Confirmed) Juan Salomon Flores Carcahusto, Gerente General, Empresa de Generacion Electrica del Sur S.A. (EGESUR) (Confirmed) Sandra Stella Fonseca Arenas, Presidenta, Empresa Energía de Bogotá, Grupo de Energía de Bogotá (Confirmed) Alberto Benito Ruiz, Business Development Deputy Director, Abengoa (Invited)

5:30- 6:00

Panel session: Distribution Growth in the Peruvian energy sector and global leadership in the area of utilities Restructuring and privatization has contributed notably to the reduction of distribution losses Key problems hampering access to modern energy services in rural areas Solutions in Peru's electricity market. Potential for executing similar projects for other distributors in the country Panelists: Veronica Becerra, Gerente Relaciones Institucionales, Cálidda Gas Natural del Perú (Confirmed) Ignacio Blanco, Vice President, Edelnor (Invited) Mile Cacic, CEO, Luz del Sur (Invited)


COES –Peruvian Electricity Market Outlook for the long term Cesar Butron, Presidente, COES– SINAC (Confirmed)

6:30- 7:00

Closing Remarks Day 1 Ken Bauco, Head of Energy & Infrastructure Projects Group, Latin Markets

Day 1 Cocktail Reception & Networking

8:00- 8:50

Registration & Morning Refreshment

8:50- 9:00

Welcome remarks Ken Bauco, Head of Energy & Infrastructure Projects Group, Latin Markets

9:00- 9:15

Chairman Day 2 Opening Remarks: Presenter: TBA Investment & Financing

9:15- 9:30

Keynote #1: Peru’s Economic Strength, Financial Incentives for Energy sector growth Presenter: Luis Miguel Castilla, Minister of Finance, Ministry of Finance and Economy of Peru (Invited)

9:30- 10:30

Keynote CFO Roundtable Moderator: TBA, Chairman Day 1 Presenters: Luis Fernando de Castro Santos, Director of Investments, Odebrecht (Invited) Andre Cangucu, CFO, GDF Suez Energy Latin America (invited)

10:30- 11:00

Morning networking & refreshments Financing Energy Projects in Peru: An Overview of Improving Conditions to Invest in the Market

11:00- 11:45

Panel Session: Accessing Pools of Capital: Pension Funds, Insurance Companies, Mutual Funds, Private Equity Funds and Government Foreign Direct Investment Incentives Project Profile for Multilateral Agencies, Sector Priorities and Requirements PE Funds Considerations in Investing in Energy Projects Overcoming Challenges of Funding Infrastructure Projects; Current Market Necessities Panelists: Hamilton Moss, Vicepesidente de Energia, CAF, Banco de Desarrollo de America Latina (Confirmed) Margarita Raquel Garcia de Paredes, Oficial Líder de Inversiones—División de Inversiones de Deuda, ICC, Inter -American Investment Corporation (Confirmed)


Panel Session: Project Financing—New Strategies in Structuring Capital Projects Innovative strategies in accessing financing, reducing debt and risk Success stories, best practices in project financing Benefits and risk of structuring projects in the current Peruvian market New challenges in Project Bonds Panelist: Pablo Eguiluz, Project Finance Manager, Inkia Energy (Confirmed) Julio Carrasco, Finance Manager, Odebrecht Energia (Confirmed) Carlos Echevarria, Senior Regional Specialist IDB’s Energy Division, Inter-American Development Bank (Confirmed) Energy Risk Management and Navigating New Legislation

12:30- 1:00

Panel Session: Managing risk through effective risk mitigation programs and strategies Understanding the complex and diverse risks associated with investing and operating in Peru Avoiding unexpected loses through risk mitigation strategies Process safety and risk management program employed What private sector energy companies and investors need to know Panelists: Gustavo Emilio Martinez Sanchez, Gerente de Operaciones, Compania de Gas del Amazonas S.A.C. (Confirmed)

1:00- 2:15

Networking lunch Regional Case-Study

2:15- 3:00

Panel Session: Smart Grid projects that ensure sustainable, safe and economic development Panelists: TBA Energy & Technology

3:00- 3:45

Panel session: Meeting Peru’s energy challenges: Emerging energy technologies The development of cleaner energy sources to meet future demand and contribute to environmental goals Development of energy research and technologies advancing production transmission and use of clean and convenient energy sources Implementation strategies for energy-sector human resource needs Obstacles for off grid energy technologies and services. How technology could help rural areas become thriving and sustainable Panelists: Rosa Ana Balcazar, Directora de la Direccion de Inversiones Descentralizadas, Proinversion (Confirmed)

3:45- 4:15

Afternoon networking & refreshments Energy & Mining

4:15- 4:45

Panel Session: The Energy Crunch: Meeting the demand of Energy Supply to the Peruvian Mining industry Addressing political, institutional and investment challenges to increase power generation capacity to the mining industry What are the impacts to the mining industry of limited energy capacity Mining as a key driver of electricity demand in Peru New Technologies for the Mining Sector. New technologies can benefit the mining industry and consumers Moderator: Julio Cesar Gallardo Álvarez, Presidente, Cámara Minera del Perú (Confirmed) Panelists: Carlos E. Gálvez Pinillos, Vicepresidente de Finanzas y Administración , Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A. (Confirmed) José Estela Ramirez, Energy Manager, Volcán Compañía Minera S.A.A. (Confirmed) Oscar Pezo, Director and VP Corporate Development, Duran Ventures Inc (Confirmed) Luis Rivera, Gerente General Ejecutivo, Glencore (Invited) Energy Efficient Buildings & Architecture

4:45- 5:15

Panel Session: Planning, designing and managing energy-efficient buildings Design of solar thermal energy saving in residences Photovoltaic Household Electrification Program The Global Building Energy Footprint. Efficient technologies, building materials and designs, low carbon housing Promotion of renewable energy in architecture and urbanism Panelists: TBA

5:15- 6:00

Panel Session: Environmental and Social Management The socio-environmental factor in the energy industry Rural communities and eco-efficiency Financing for development in clean technologies Reducing cost and carbon footprint Panelists: Gabriel Quijandria Acosta, Viceministro de Desarrollo EstratĂŠgico de los Recursos Naturales, Ministerio del Ambiente (Confirmed) Angelica Matsuda Matayoshi, Directora, Consejo Nacional de la Competitividad (Confirmed) Hugo Ramiro Gomez Apac, Presidente del Consejo Directivo, OEFA, Organismo de Evaluacion y Fiscalizacion Ambiental (Confirmed)


Closing Remarks Day 2 Ken Bauco, Head of Energy & Infrastructure Projects Group, Latin Markets

6:00- 6:30

Day 2 Cocktail Reception & Networking

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