Illustration Portfolio 2020 by Aria

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Aria Wong 王旻珊 Illustration Selected Work

Aria Design Studio

王旻珊 Aria Won g Arti s t bas ed in Taipei P h o ne: +886 963 816 033 E -m ai l : ariaf antas

從畫作的表現方式可以看出藝術家的心情與現況,或許這就是藝術引人入勝的地方吧! It's always fun when others can tell your status quo from the drawings. I guess that's why art is intriguing.

目 錄

P 01

P 03

P 05

靈性旅途 Spiritual Journey

內在平靜 Inner Peace

獨 Me, Myself

P 07

P 08

P 09

控制 Control

換位思考 A Different Angle

獨 Me, Myself

Acrylic on canvas

Acrylic on canvas

Acrylic on canvas

Acrylic on canvas

Acrylic on canvas

Acrylic on canvas

P 10

P 11

P 12




P 14

P 15

P 16

街邊速寫 Street Sketch Series


Ink, Watercolor

Psychedelic Art Series Multi-material


P 17

P 19

P 20

插畫合作系列 : 小蟑 Freelance Series: Roachy

插畫合作系列 : 婚禮 Freelance Series: Wedding

插畫合作系列 : 網站視覺

Where my heart belongs Acrylic on canvas

Digital Drawing

Portrait Series: Mum and Daughter Colour pencil

Digital Drawing

Portrait Series: Multi-Material Multi-Material

Warm Pastel Series Soft Pastel/ Oil Pastel

Freelance Series: Website Digital Drawing

靈 性 旅 途 Spir it ua l Jo ur ney Acrylic on canvas 2020 靈性覺醒後,開啟了一趟屬於自己內心的旅程。 這個旅程會到哪裡,沒有人知道,只能透過個人 的探索與造化來決定,而畫中山巒的霧氣氤氳, 使它更令人著迷了些。 小溪的波光粼粼,靈感來自於偉特塔羅牌中「聖 杯皇后」腳下的彩色石子,而畫中水的意涵代表 情感與潛意識,探索自我深處的想法,也是靈性 覺醒後該面對的課題。


Since the awakening of the spirit, my journey of inner self has begun. Yet, there’s no specific answer that where it will lead me to, I believe that it depends on the depth of my selfexploring. In fact, the whole journey to me is like the fog among the mountains that makes it mysteriously intriguing. Inspired by Tarot card, the beautiful Queen of cups, the colourful stones and water beneath the the Queen, that symbolise subconsciousness and emotion, which are the first two things that came to me after awakening.


內 在 平 靜 In ner pea c e Acrylic on canvas 2020 逐漸發現平靜的重要遠過於快樂與物質慾望,藉 由繪畫來探討自我內在追求的本質其實很簡單: 平靜,但要內心平靜卻不簡單。 內在的恐懼、焦慮等負面情緒,或許就像這三個 大氣球,而我可以選擇放手 let it go,也可以 選擇緊抓著不放。


Through painting, I discover what my heart really wants and started to notice that feeling peaceful is way much important than happiness and all the material desire. However, to pursue inner peace isn’t that simple. The fear, anxiety and all the negative emotions can be overwhelming, just like the big fat balloon in the drawing. However, I do have the choice to choose to let go or hold tight to it.


獨 M e , m y self Acrylic on canvas 2020 探討內心靈魂深處的自我,開始面對獨自的時 光,彷彿就像畫中的人物、氣球與小狗,看似 關聯卻又為獨立的個體,又好比我們與這整個 宇宙的關聯一樣。 背景使用冷色系處理,呈現我對於「獨」的意 象,並非無趣與憂鬱,而是發現內在自我的更 多面向。


To recognise the real me deep down, I spent some time alone lately, which inspired me of the character, ballon and the dog in the painting that somehow they linked to each other, based on their existence in the same space. However, they are separate individual, just like us in the universe, we connect and disconnect with the things around. The colour palette that I applied intended to convey the idea of “being alone”, that it may seem lonely or perhaps depressed at first. However, to take a closer look, you will find out that it’s actually colourful in some ways, and discover more aspects of the spirit itself.


控 制 C o n t ro l Acrylic on canvas 2020 家庭、感情、自我、社會等各層面的壓抑與期 望之下,心靈容易因此被控制住,種種層面的 壓力彷彿被綑綁一樣,而內心深處的混亂也因 此崩潰。

或許就像偉特塔羅牌中的寶劍八一樣,被綑綁 的其實是自己造成的,或許我們有能力「選擇」 跳脫思考、離開壓力,而最大的心魔也許就存 在自己的思考吧!


Due to family, relationship, society and such, all the suppression and anticipation can be overwhelming. Our heart may be easily controlled by these matters that smothering us and making our mind chaotic. Inspired by tarot card, eight of swords, we are the one who tide ourself up and limit ourself. Maybe we have the choice to get out of the negatives and pressure. Our own biggest enemy may be our mind that constantly messing with us.

換 位 思 考 Different Angle Acrylic on canvas 2018 這幅畫可以這樣看、倒著看、更可以傾斜來看, 不同角度會有不同感受,或許就像是人生一樣, 換個角度,或許生命態度也會跟著轉換。 放慢生活步調,吸取一點自然力量,享受花朵 的綻放,所觀所感將也會不同。

This is a painting that can seen by this angle, opposite or diagonal. Different ways of viewing the artwork may have different interpretation towards it, and maybe this way of thoughts can also apply on life philosophy. Slow down the pace of life, absorbing the power of nature and enjoy the bloom of the flower, you will have a whole new perspective for life.


我 的 腦 子 裝 什 麼 Wha t ' s in my h e ad Acrylic on canvas 2017 想像力存在於每個人的心中,然而社會化的過 程時常讓我們遺忘擁有想像力的快樂。 在找回兒時豐富的想法時,我撞見了這些存在 於我腦海中很久的生物,其實他們一直默默地 跟我一起看書、喝咖啡,而我很高興找到了它 們。 這片多彩的天空就是我從小對於藝術的看法: 充滿各種可能性跟快樂,希望能帶給更多人藝 術療癒的效果。


I believe that imagination lies in our head; however, the society we live in doesn’t tend to appreciate it. As a result, we tend to forget the happiness that imagination can bring to us. When I was trying to reclaim my imagination, I bumped into these creatures. They have been living in my head reading books and drinking coffee with me for quite a while, and I’m so glad I’ve found them. I’ve always think that art is full of possibility, hoping via art to heal people and brings happiness to them.

心 星 宇 宙 Where My Hea r t Belon gs Acrylic on canvas 2016 存在於這廣大又神秘的宇宙中,我很感謝所擁 有的一切,所有的經歷、成長過程遇到的人們、 大自然等等,他們造就了現在的我。 學習愛、學習感激、學習體驗人生,我想這就 是宇宙給我們每個人最大的功課吧!

I’m so grateful for all the things I have in the great universe. The experiences, people and nature that I’ve encountered, they all made the me right now. Learning how to love, appreciate and living to the fullest of life, I believe that’s the work we all got to do .


母女 似 顏 繪 系列 Po r t r a it Ser ies: M om an d Dau gh te r Color Pencil on Paper 2020 為母親節做最特別的手工繪畫卡片,在特殊的 節日裡,送給摯愛的媽咪最棒的禮物。


The customised mommy-daughter card intend to give moms the best gift on mother's day.

多 媒 材 似 顏 繪系列 Po r t r a it Ser i e s: M u lti-M ate rial Color Pencil/ Ink/ Ball Pen/ Watercolor/ Digital Drawing 2019- 2020


多 媒 材 似 顏 繪系列 Po r t r a it Ser i e s : M u lti-M ate rial Color Pencil/ Ink/ Ball Pen/ Watercolor/ Digital Drawing 2019- 2020


街 邊 速 寫 系 列 Street Sketch Se rie s Ink, Watercolor 2019- 2020


迷 幻 系 列 P sy c hedelic A r t Ser ie s Ink/ Ball Pen/ Highlighter/ Newspaper 2019- 2020


溫 暖 系 列 Wa r m Pa st el Ser ies Soft Pastel/ Oil Pastel 2019-2020


插 畫 合 作 案 系列:小蟑 F reela nce S e rie s: Roach y Digital Draw ing 2018 為 Unipapa 有理百物「再造蟑螂屋美學」專案 做插畫設計,用可愛的畫風告知消費者蟑螂的 習慣,兼具趣味與教育性質。


Doing illustration for, the cockroach trapper project. Teaching the customer about the habit of cockroach in order to make good use of the product by using cute and hilarious drawing style.


插 畫 合 作 案 系列:婚禮 F reela nce S e rie s: We ddin g Digital Draw ing 2019 為新人打造插畫風格的生活照,不但帶來更豐 富多元的色彩,更增添甜蜜的氛圍。


Drawing the love bird’s daily life by colourful portrait with imaginative background settings to bring out the sweetness and joy.

插 畫 合 作 案 系列:網站視覺

F ree lan ce S e rie s : We bsite

Digital Draw ing 2018 為台大創創網站與粉專製作圖文,並為懶人包 訂定視覺調性,豐富可愛的視覺引起良好迴響, 讓大家輕鬆學習複雜資訊。

Design visual for Tidah Entrepreneurship Centre’s website, as well as setting the visual style and colour palette for the infographics series by using vivid handdrawing to let people study the complex content in an much easier way.


王 旻 珊 A r ia Wo ng P h o n e : +8 8 6 9 6 3 8 1 6 0 3 3 E - m a i l : ari afan tasi a2 @ g m ai l .com

aria des i gns tudi o

We bs i te: https : //886ugl y des i gn. w i x s i t e . c o m / w e b s i t e

2020 edition

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