2021 Semester 1 - Studio C (Like-Humans) Digital Journal

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Semester 1, 2021





Contents 0.0 Introduction


1.0 Precedent Study

8 - 21

2.1 Aggregate: Part

22 - 33

2.2 Aggregate: Logic (Mid-Semester) 3.1 Interim

62 - 81

3.2 Whole

82 - 121

4.1 Bibliography

122 - 125

4.0 Appendix

126 -

34 - 61



0.0 Introduction


Aggregation process - circulation

Aggregation process - modules

Aggregation process - platforms

Discrete computation and additive manufacturing methods enable the efficient assembly of ‘parts’ which could potentially vary in material, geometry and function. This combinatorial logic enables greater formal differentiation compared to the repetitive nature of modular assemblages. Furthermore, through the application of serialized units, formal differentiation can be achieved without the reliance on the manufacturing of myriad unique parts. This paradigm produces an economy of scale, increasing assembly speed and reducing error space. Furthermore, in the context of large-scale building projects, discrete methodology maintains a high degree of complexity and heterogeneity. Most importantly, the reversible nature of discrete methodology has a potential to fundamentally change the lifecycle of a building. Expired building elements can be replaced, ineffective programs can be redefined and temperamental spaces can be rotated throughout the building. By adopting discrete computation and additive manufacturing methods, architects can formulate spatial frameworks that are configurable at the user-level. There are opportunities to change programs at a micro-level, including walls and room configuration, and macro-level, including circulation and community function. Furthermore, by simplifying the discrete inventory, there is a potential to replace and rotate elements within the architecture to increase flexibility in generating program. Coupled with material variety, there is an opportunity for the architecture to physically mutate in response to cultural, environmental and social changes. For example, occupants have the ability to seasonally replace wall elements to control the level of insulation and ventilation.


Pysical model making - Y Part

Model fabrication

Model fabrication

In terms of design workflow, discrete methodology can streamline the dialogue between computational modelling and physical fabrication. This closer correlation between the computational and the physical facilitates a two-way design dialogue. Here, the designer can utilize the feedback between the two mediums to optimize the final outcome. Architects can conduct form-finding research using computational tools such as Graphic Static (Vector based interactive structural form finding) and COMPAS (Python based computational research tool). The digital data and research can be investigated further using physical prototypes. In this studio, the final geometry has been developed through a series of prototypes and material research. We tested a series of prototypes, each model testing and improving upon different aspects including materiality, structure, flexibility and assemblage. Parts have been designed to maximize configurability and clarity of assemblage to increase its range of application in an architectural setting. These parts were tested in an architectural setting to investigate their aplicability in a real world scenario.



1.0 Precedent Study

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MYCOTREE - Seoul Biennale for Architecture and Urbanism 2017 BLOCK RESARCH GROUP

MycoTree - perspective

MycoTree is a spatial branching structure made out of load-bearing mycelium components. The geometry of the branching structure was generated through ‘polyhedral transformations’ within ‘3D graphic statics’ – a computational form-finding tool. The development and iteration of the overall composition were guided by several design parameters. a) All nodes were limited to a valency of four mycelium elements. This minimized the geometric complexity which in turn maximized fabricability. b) The angle between any two linear mycelium members was to be greater than 30 degrees.c) The center-to-center distances between any pair of nodes was to be greater than 400mm. This distance facilitated smooth transitions between any adjacent nodes. d) The length of linear mycelium members was capped at 600mm to minimize the risk of buckling.

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Aggregation Overview

Tensile bamboo framework

Compressive node members

Compressive branch members

The MycoTree is made up of two main aggregation components. Initially, a slab/ceiling element for lateral stability and constant load application. In this project, a bamboo grid was utilized. This is coupled with a mycelium branching structure which acts as the supporting compressive structure providing the overall structural integrity. Furthermore, it was crucial to consider the distribution of loads when developing the grid structure. This was to ensure that each node within the branch structure was subjected to the correct proportions of weight-loading to ensure static equilibrium of the entire structure. The aggregation process differs from traditional discrete architectural processes. Here, aggregation cannot occur infinately. Instead, aggregation occurs along a predetermined path outlined by a digital geometry.

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Computational workflow













Graphic static workflow

Research was conducted on the utilization of 3D graphic statics - a computational formfinding tool. The overall workflow consisted of a) defining the global geometric constraint b) identifying load points c) constructing and investigating force vectors d) performing polyhedral transformations e) optimising and form-finding of geometry. This type of workflow varied significantly from ‘traditional’ discrete aggregation processes where a set of discrete parts would be predetermined. Here, the workflow is reversed. The final optimised geometry is determined first through computational methods and this geometry is then divided into relavent discrete parts. This methodology is advantageous in several aspects. 1) The effect of human error and manufacturing error during final assembly is minimised since the output geometry is predetermined 2) The outcome geometry conforms to traditional architectural forms. However, this methodology is also limited in the flexibility of its discrete parts.

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Site constraints

Due to the discrepancy between the square site and the triangular footprint of the top of the MycoTree structure, there was a misalignment between the design loading and actual loading. To counter this, the footprint and weight allocation of the grid was modified to achieve the correct distribution of the applied forces.



The overall design was governed by the dimensional restrictions of the exhibition space which had a footprint of 4 meters by 4 meters. The design was also influenced by the ergonomic guidelines of the exhibition space which required a head height clearance of 1800mm around the base of the structure. Another design parameter was the aesthetic priorities of the project leaders who wanted to maximize the dispersion of the outermost branches.

Scale Bar 35% 00 40

Overall Axonometric

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Digital to Physical - computation of realistic geometries

Computational workflow

Geometric workflow

Research was conducted on the utilization of 3D graphic statics - a computational formfinding tool. The overall workflow consisted of a) defining the global geometric constraint b) identifying load points c) constructing and investigating force vectors d) performing polyhedral transformations e) optimising and form-finding of geometry. This type of workflow varied significantly from ‘traditional’ discrete aggregation processes where a set of discrete parts would be predetermined. Here, the workflow is reversed. The final optimised geometry is determined first through computational methods and this geometry is then divided into relavent discrete parts. This methodology is advantageous in several aspects. 1) The effect of human error and manufacturing error during final assembly is minimised since the output geometry is predetermined 2) The outcome geometry conforms to traditional architectural forms. However, this methodology is also limited in the flexibility of its discrete parts.

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Digital to Physical - creating a fabrication workflow

Laser-cut skin

Bridge plate

Central tension node


Tension node

The finalised geometry was physically realised through laser-cutting and 3D printed technologies. It was important for the fabrication workflow to be simplified and made universal since the project involved parties operating internationally. The geometric outcome needed to be transported not only from digital to physical but also from the research office in Zurich to the exhibition space in Seoul. Here, the advantage of discrete architectural methodology is highlighted. Without its intrinsic flexibility and universality, the transition between multiple mediums and geographic location could not have occured so smoothly.

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Digital to Physical - fabrication logic and methodology

Holder Plate

Push Plates

Push Pipe

End Plates


Reinforcement Plate

Tighening String

Embedding Dowels Inner Pipe 3D Printed Joint Reinforcement Frames Main Formwork Shell

Mycelium Mixture

Exploded components diagram

The fabrication logic and methodology also had to be simplified to enable the volunteers - who were not professional construction workers to sucessfully assemble the geometry.

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Discrete library
















Discrete components

In the end, the discrete library of the project consisted of various specialised members. This decreased the overall flexibility of the project. This was identified as the most significant missed opportunity for the project.

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Aggregation process Linear Element

Cnc Bamboo Connection Plates Linear Element

Node Element

compressive parts assembly

Lower Cnc Bamboo Nodes (Male)

Tensile parts assembly

Assembly of the compressive mycelium structure was made possible through face plates that provided opportunities for dowel connections. The assembly of tensile bamboo structure was made possible through waffle joints. The two major components were then married using tensile cables that allowed forces to be transferred throughout the structure.

Main assembly

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Aggregated whole

Internal perspective a

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Aggregated whole

Internal perspective b

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After conducting the precedent study our group was interested in using computational methodologies to enable materiality to drive design. Although MycoTree was successful in creating an cohesive gemetric outcome, its construction required a myriad of distinct parts. Our group wanted to improve upon this aspect and create a simplified library of parts. We wanted to conduct our own material research and geometric investigation using the tools made available to us through the University’s FABRICATION LAB.

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2.0 Aggregate - PARTS

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Geometric development

Part geometry development

The parts were developed using similar geometric logic utilized in the Precedent study. 4 geometries were developed using polyhedral transformations. Parts were designed to maximise flexibility. This was achieved by applying the same equilateral faces to each part, enabling all parts to be compatible.

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Material research

Testing material compatibility

The compatibility between the geometry and material was tested. The material chosen was Spent Coffee Grounds which was optained from the Cafe that I was working at. The coffee grounds had been processed through the espresso machine then ceiled in a vacuum bag. Mycelium spores were then introduced into the substrate. This mixture was then stored in a warm environment for 2 weeks to allow the mycelium to mature.

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Digital prototyping





Parts were initially designed specifically for ease of fabrication at the FABRICATION LAB. Plates were designed to be laser-cut quickly and nodes were designed to be 3D printed with minimal material usage to save time and cost. Dowels were purchased from local bunnings. Each member of the part were designed to be rotatable across the parts. Components were also designed to be compatible with the material; the internal plates were made porous to allow the substrate to flow through, allowing the mycelium structure to develop cohesively.

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Digital prototyping









The face plates of each part were made identical to maximise part compatibility. We considered various types of joints including ball joint, dowel joint and lock joints. An internal locking system was designed to future proof the parts from later changes to the joint system.


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Fabricating prototype

Digital modelling for physical fabrication

Manufacturing of the parts were conducted primarily using the tools provided in the FABRICATION workshop. Laser-cutting machines were used to fabricate face plates and polypropolene mold surfaces. 3D printers (HP) were used to fabricate joints and locking systems. The limits of the fabrication tools and the time constraints drived us to design a simplified system which could be manufactured with ease and flexibility.

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Prototype development

Series of prototypes

A series of prototypes were explored to test its material compatibility. Boxboard prototypes were used to test the geometries and fabrication workflow. In the end a polypropolene skin was chosen to be most approporiate because of its translusency and flexibility. Various 3D printing options were explored including Resin and HP. HP printing was chosen due to the overall accuracy and strength of the material.

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WASP and computational workflow

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Aggregation exploration



Two major aggregation logics were explored. a) face to face joint and b) side to side joint. Various assembly possibilities were initially explored through manual modelling in Rhino3d then explored more autonomously through WASP.


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Aggregation potential

Exploration of aggregation possibilities through WASP

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The aim of this stage was to improve upon the systems investigated in the precedent study. The major limitation we identified in our precedent study was its need for a large number of distinct components. We wanted to reduce the part library down to 4 distinct geometries to achieve economy of scale. Through this we hoped to achieve an aggregation system that was more universal in its application.

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2.1 Aggregate - LOGIC

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Geometric development






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Parts refinement

Side Joint

Part-to-Part Connection

18.6mm Steel Hollow Section

6mm Dowel 3D Printed Node

Upper Plate

3D Printed Node 6mm Dowel

Centre Plate

Hook Point

18.6mm Dowel

Imbedded Plate

18.6mm Steel Hollow Section

Tensile Cable



Wooden Dowel

Wooden Dowel Rotation Lock Side Joint 3D Printed Node Hook Point Tensile Cable

Upper Plate Side Joint

18.6mm Steel Hollow Section Imbedded Plate

Central Plate

Imbedded Plate

Tensile Cable

18.6mm Steel Hollow Section

Upper Plate




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Digital to physical workflow

Digital modelling for physical fabrication

The doubly curved surfaces of the geometry was extracted as 2d faces that could be laser cut on polypropolene sheets.

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Physical prototyping

Series of prototypes

The use of 6mm polypropolene sheets for the mold skins and 2.8mm bamboo plates for the carcass proved to be most effective. The combined prototype could successfully contain the spent coffee ground substrate and allow the mycelium to develop.

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Construction speculation


We speculated on how our parts could be transported throughout the building site. Since the brief was concerned with the logistics of a COVID-19 quarantine facility, we speculated that a drone transportation method could minimise human contact and reduce the risk of community spread. Parts were designed with hooking points to allow drones to life them up with tension cables.

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Fabrication speculation


We also speculated on the usage of 6-axis robotic arms to compress the mycelium compound.

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Aggregation exploration








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Aggregation application

Aggregation cluster - vertical wall

We explored methods of constructing traditional architectural components such as walls, floors, and ceiling using the parts.

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Speculating architectural application

Speculating branch structure

The geometry of the parts naturally allowed for the creation of spatial branching structures.

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Speculating architectural application

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Context research


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Context research


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Transportation and access


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Precedent study - ADAPT Adapt is designed by 50SuperReal, professors of IE School of Architecture and Design. It is a spatial protocol focused on resilience, preparation, and collaboration ahead of time, through adaptation, prefabrication, optimisation, speed, re- and up-cycling, as well as “updatability”. It is a worldwide adatable design that can be deploted in a crisis. It generates a spatial solution that can be implemented anywhere in the world in seconds, thus eliminating the overhead of the human design process.

Adapt - modular facility design

Adapt - cluster aggregation

Assuming modular preexisting, which are perfect for emergency construction, 50SuperReal devised a system in which all additional construction materials are proportioned to fit within the modular unit itself, in case the structure required to be dismantled and relocated.

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Darwin quarantine facility research

Model research - Darwin Quarantine facility

We conducted research on the pre-existing quarantine facility at Darwin to find out the required spaces and services we had to provide.

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Avalon quarantine facility design


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Avalon quarantine facility design

1:125 2500mm




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Avalon quarantine facility design

1:125 2500mm




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Avalon quarantine facility design

1:50 1000mm




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Avalon quarantine facility design


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Avalon quarantine facility design


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Avalon quarantine facility design


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Avalon quarantine facility design


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Throughout the first half of the semester, our group managed to conduct various material and fabrication studies to arrive at a functional prototype. . We then explored the applicability of these parts during our mid semester project. Here we explored the clusters these parts could form. Our reflection here was that we should be using more simple geometries. Our mistake was obsessing over how these parts could be used to replicate traditional architectural forms instead of asking what these parts wanted to do. Going into our final project, we really wanted to take advantage of the triangular geometry of our parts. Also, we wanted to explore the idea that discrete architecture could change and influence the overall lifecycle of the building.

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3.1 Interim

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Precedent study - housing

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Precedent study - building usage

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View analysis

Unfolded facade analysis and zoning

We then conducted a site research to see how viable our ideas really were. Here we did a view analysis to help us organise the functions throughout the building. Although our aim was to create a flexible building where any program could theoretically be placed anywhere, we still believed that the West façade should be the most public interface.

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Sunlight analysis

Unfolded facade analysis and zoning

We also did research into which crops we could and should grow throughout the building. The three sides exposed to the sun would be growing traditional vegetables and herbs. The south side we thought would be ideal to grow mushrooms.

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Precedent study - housing

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Precedent study - building usage

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Crop/vegetation lifecycle

The life-cycle of harvesting

We also investigated the traditional lifecycle of the growing crops. There are 5 main stages. These stages of farming were then replicated into architectural elements.

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building function and lifecycle

Functions of building spaces

The atrium spaces would provide spaces for growing. The circulation areas would provide areas where people could harvest these crops. Storing would occur around the podium. This is also where we placed our markets. Cooking would occur in kitchens which are distributed across the building. Decomposing would also occur in the podium. At this stage, the decomposed materials could be used as substrates to grow more vegetation or be used to make more parts.

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Aggregation logic

Step by step aggregation

Aggregation occurs in steps. First, we design the discrete modules. These are the basic units created by our discrete components. These modules are then aggregated to create clusters. During this stage, two types of spaces would be defined - the fixed living units and the expandable spaces. Residents would be able to create and configure these clusters to fit their personal needs.

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Computational workflow

Step by step computation

The computational workflow is very similar to the aggregation logic. We begin with the site analysis where we define the site parameters. Here we outline the success criteria. For example, we would know that the project is successful if we can maximise the North and East solar exposure in the residential units. Once the aggregation workflow has been created in grasshopper, we begin an optimisation process using these success criterias.

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Aggregation - building blocks

Basic building modules

Initially, unit modules were designed as 2.5m by 2.5m triangular prisms. We introduced two types of units. The fixed units would be spaces that are initially defined/built. These spaces include living rooms, kitchens and circulation. Expansion units are void spaces offered to occupants for future expansions. Occupants would be able to add onto their initial fixed units as their lifestyles change.

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Aggregation - working out the ratio

Combination of different module types

The two different types of units are then aggregated throughout the building. Each resident would be provided with a set of fixed units. They then have the option to add onto their initial living spaces by occupying the expansion spaces.

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Aggregation - fixed unit design

Fixed unit types

Our next step was to define the require spaces for different functions. We looked at architectural regulations to identify the minimum areas required for specific functions. These areas were then recreated with our discrete modules.

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Aggregation - expansion units

Expansion unit types

Each module had to be able to work in different orientation. This was because aggregation using WASP allowed us to achieve multiple orientation of units.

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Aggregation - Combining both unit types

Manual aggregation

We then evaluated the validity of our workflow by manually aggregating the units. We concluded that the unit sizes were too small and would not provide realistic floor to ceiling height. Therefore, we decided to expand the discrete module size to 3m by 3m. The floor to ceiling height increased from 2.3m to 2.7m

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Aggregation through WASP

Aggregation through WASP

We also conducted some aggregation tests in WASP. We realised that the circulation areas and access points had to be defined first before we could start aggregating the living modules.

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Buidling functions

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We started our final project with a comprehensive site and demographic research. Carlton has a high rental rate of nearly 80% and a high percentage of students and young professionals. What we suspected was that Carlton was dominated by a transient lifestyle where most people would come and leave at a fast rate. This lifestyle would be further accelerated with the rapid digitisation and climate change. To cater to this, our architecture had to be flexible but more importantly, it had to be updatable. Our building had to be able to change in sync with the turnover of tenants. We also investigated the social opportunities offered in High density housing around Carlton. What we found were that there were very few. Cold facades, empty courtyards and dimly lit underpasses and podiums were exactly our idea of vibrant social life. My idea of vibrant social life was cooking and eating with friends. Cooking intrinsically brings people together by enticing all our senses. We also thought that focusing on activities such as cooking, farming and dining would be compatible with the idea of discrete architecture. Building functions and activities could be shuffled and rearranged seasonally. Parts of the building could be rotated with the crop lifecycle and harvesting. In addressing these issues, we propose an affordable housing complex aimed at low to moderate incomes. The project will employ discrete methodology to increase adaptability and accommodate for the transiency and cultural diversity of Carlton’s demographic. Homes will be designed with a short-term living model (3-5 years). Here, discrete architecture will be utilized to allow spaces and programs to be replaced, adjusted and redefined. This will allow architecture to account for the changes in tenants and their specific needs. In addition, we will utilize farming, food production and cooking as the primary community activity to tackle issues of social segregation. Through food, we will provide a platform for the mixing of cultures and celebrate the diverse range of cuisines, flavors and experiences.

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Fabrication workflow - material

Mycelium incubation process

The next stage was to refine our parts and aggregation systems. We have 2 major part categories. The first is the mould type. These parts have a two-stepped fabrication process. First is the fabrication of the mould using laser-cut polypropylene. These moulds are then filled with a substrate and mycelium spores and left to incubate in a warm environment. Once incubation is complete, the compound is baked and we achieve this resultant geometry. This process is the same across all four parts.

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Fabrication workflow - skin

Mold/skin fabrication process

The fabrication process has been simplified to allow the fast and easy assemblage. This is relevant to the idea of economy of scale. By reducing the variety of parts and simplifying the fabrication you can reduce manufacturing error. This also saves material cost.

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Fabrication workflow - alternative material

Timber and steel parts

The second part type is constructed with timber and steel plates. These follow the same geometric logic but act like traditional construction materials like steel hollow sections and cladding.

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Parts library

The final 4 part shapes

Our goal of having these parts which are a) flexible b) compatible c) vary in material was to provide the occupants with a variety of building blocks to micro-adjust their living environment.

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Aggregation logic - side to side

Aggregation using side joints

There are two major aggregation methods that are available. One is done side to side. Adjacent parts are bridged by sliding a locking plate through the slit. This method allows parts to be arrayed in a linear manner.

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Aggregation logic - face to face

Aggregation using face joints

Another is face to face. Parts are connected using the face plates. A locking triangle is inserted into the plates to align the triangular faces. A dowel is then inserted through to provide structural support.

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Designing discrete units

Basic module design

Initially, we designed a modular system. Each module is a parallelogram prism with a 3m square base. Each module is comprised of walls, windows and floor slabs all comprised of our parts. We chose this modular system to create a smooth aggregation workflow. Since each module follows the same geometry, parts of the building could be reprogrammed and aggregated whenever during the building lifecycle.

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Aggregation within units

Module components and aggregation

We wanted to introduce discrete logic within the modules themselves. The floor slabs and walls have points where aggregation could occur. These points allow branch structures to emerge, providing places where people could hang furniture, lights and planter boxes. It also provides places where internal walls could be placed. This allows the user to configure their living environment to their individual needs.

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Module design - Kitchen

Kitchen axonometric

Kitchen section

We went back to the design of individual modules. We simplified the unit shapes and introduced areas where people could introduce greenery within and around the modules.

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Module design - Kitchen

Kitchen module plan

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Module design - wide living modules



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Module design - wide living modules


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Module design - slim living modules




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Module design - Bedroom modules




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Module design - shower modules




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Module design - Laundry modules




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Aggregation workflow

These modules were then assembled into a functional building through a series of aggregation and computational workflows. This is a diagram of the step-by-step logic we used for aggregation.We start by looking at material and geometry to design at our parts. These parts are then assembled into clusters like walls and floors. These part clusters are then combined and organised to perform to a desired building program such as living units, kitchens and circulation. These programs are then aggregated throughout the building using rules. The rules follow our design vision. At the end, we arrive at our final building.

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Computational workflow

There was also a feedback process where we went back to our analysis regarding site logistics. Things like views, sunlight and circulation were considered to optimise the organisation of programs throughout the building.

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Aggregation design - site logistics

Site analysis and boundary constraints

Step one was understanding the site boundaries. Here, we identified that there was an opportunity to activate the laneway and create public rooftop area. After analysing the site, we found that there some site constraints, which are 40m height limit and 6m set back after 24m. Also, we have planned to have three entry points and activate side lane.

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Aggregation design - starting point

Defining kitchen spaces

Defining modules for kitchens

Generating points for atrium

1) Within the defined boundary, we started identifying where the major public programs would be placed. Kitchens were placed at the West and South facades to make them visible from the city and from the park. This also allowed the residential units to be placed at the north and east facades. 2) These kitchens were then turned into triangular geometries 3) Once the major public kitchens were located, we created the circulation around the building.

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Aggregation design - Circulation development

Atrium space generation

Aggregation within atrium

Defining lift volume

4) Once we identified the minimum volume for the circulation, we expanded this space to create an atrium volume. 5) This atrium volume would then be turned into triangular geometries. 6) From here we identified where the lift shaft would be placed.

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Aggregation design - Vertical circulation

Defining life core

Defining vertical circulation

The atrium volume was then filled with stair case modules to form a functional vertical circulation. The pathways followed a branching logic inspired by fungal growth. The main entrance point would be at the laneway-side of the podium. The circulation would then branch out to all the public areas. Our aim was to bring together different cultures and cuisines towards this single hub for social exchange.

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Aggregation design - zoning

Atrium void spaces

Possible aggregation space

Podium aggregation space

The remaining spaces within the atrium would be left as void spaces. This would allow sunlight to penetrate and enable plant growth within the atrium space. The remaining space within the building would be possible aggregation space. The podium level of this aggregation space would be available for the community. This would be a ‘high flexibility’ area where the community can define the spatial usage that is most approporiate.

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Aggregation design - optimisation

Residential aggregation space

Sunlight optimisation

Generating structural frame

The upper part would be then dedicated to residential. We had the potential to aggregate around 50 residential units in this space. However, we decided to balance out this space by introducing other community functions such as shared laundry, kitchens and balconies. Then we performed a series of sunlight optimisation. Our goal was to find an arrangement that allowed the most sunlight into the atrium where our crops would be growing. Once we had the general outline of the building, we created a structural frame in preperation for the final aggregation.

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Aggregation design - aggregating residential modules

6 Residential units

12 residential units

20 residential units

We investigated different numbers of residential units. We decided that 20 residential units was most approporiate. This would allow us to conform to the project brief of providing 13 individual modules. IT would also allow us to provide enough space to aggregate non-residential functions around the building to create a more balanced building.

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Aggregation design - finalising spaces

Community platforms

Vegetation surfaces

Aggregation within atrium

We also identified possible platforms for communal spaces around the building. These areas would be used to boost social interaction around the building. These areas are all connected via our central circulation system. We then identified surfaces with high solar exposure. These areas would be dedicated for vertical gardens. The atrium space is then filled with aggregated parts. These parts would be used to enable plant growth throughout the building.

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Ground floor plan

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Public floor plan

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Typical floor plan

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Close section

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External render

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External render

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External render

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External render

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Modular architecture and massed produced student housing models are efficient ways to generate living spaces. However, they are often inflexible and lack the ability to address varying needs between individual lifestyles. More importantly, they are limited in their capacity to adjust and tailor to the frequent turn-over of tenants. Therefore, inflexible homes are unsuitable in the transient context of Carlton. In addition, inflexible homes are vulnerable to damages and deterioration that often result from tenant turnovers. We must address this issue of inflexibility. By adopting discrete computation and additive manufacturing methods, architects can formulate spatial frameworks that are configurable at the user-level. There are opportunities to change programs at a micro-level, including walls and room configuration, and macro-level, including circulation and community function. Furthermore, by simplifying the discrete inventory, there is a potential to replace and rotate elements within the architecture to increase flexibility in generating program. Coupled with material variety, there is an opportunity for the architecture to physically mutate in response to cultural, environmental and social changes. For example, occupants have the ability to seasonally replace wall elements to control the level of insulation and ventilation.

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4.1 Bibliography

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