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mingyangsk@outlook.com | +1 2675842181 3131 Walnut Street, Philadelphia,PA 19104

MULTI-DISCIPLINARY. MULTI-SCALE. URBAN DESIGNER. University of Pennsylvania MLA '21/ Urban design certificate Southeast University B.Arch. '18 Experienced in multi-disciplinary collaborations and multi-scale projects with a specific focus on public realms, urban forms, urban ecology in the context of climate change, and an interest in the social and political systems of cities.




For Self-Constructed Settlements in Quito, Ecuador


02 SHIFTING EDGES Re-imagining Indian Point - A 50 Year Plan


04 EQUITABLE LOOP Revitalizing Chicago Park and Boulevard system

05 CONNECITY East Village Neighborhood Redevelopment

06 WATER MINER Speculation on Johannesburg 2050

07 THICKENING CITY WALL Yacht Club in-between city wall and landscape


09 COMMEMORATING OLD AND NEW Hexing Museum Renovation

OTHER WORKS Competiton works / Form an Algorithm/ Fine art

06 Graduate

11 Undergraduate

16 Graduate

20 Competition

23 Graduate





33 Undergraduate


01 INCLUSIVE AND CONNECTED LANDSCAPES For Self-Constructed Settlements in Quito, Ecuador Larp 702 studio | University of Pennslyvania | Spring 2021 Team: Mingyang Sun; Shiqi Ming; Siying Xu Tutor : David Gouverneur Site: Quito, Ecuador

Over a billion people around the globe live in unplanned of self-constructed settlements frequently at peri-urban locations, excluded from the benefits of city life, and occupying highrisk sites. Latin America is still considered the continent with the highest social inequalities, manifested in the disconnection between the formal and the informal areas. These areas are characterized by environmental/health problems, the lack of communal services, infrastructure and public spaces, poor accessibility, stigmatized by the formal city, and presenting low income and high levels of violence. This project posits that landscape-driven approaches are powerful tools to address the aforementioned concerns, fostering social inclusion, and breaking down physical and cultural barriers, connecting the settlements to their natural systems, linking formal areas to the informal ones, improving physical and performative relations among the informal settlements, and establishing productive local, urban, and metropolitan networks. Supported by Quito municipality, a composite of informal enclaves, including Comité del Pueblo, La Bota, and Puertas del Sol, located on rather flat land in the north-east of Quito, Ecuador was selected as the site.

Rugged topography: steep slopes, deep ravines andfragemented urban areas

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

A Multimodal and Incremental System of Mobility and Accessibility

Inclusive and connected landscapes | 01

Design Strategies

Site Plan 1. REDUCE RISKS & ADDRESS ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS Relocation of housing from high risk areas within the district initially using vaccant lots. Land stablazation, habitat restoration, urban agriculture, public spaces and stewards to avoid reoccupation of high risk sites.


Bridging over ravines and connecting existing commercial corridors with new activity corridors would help people cross over the ravines. Nature trails in intervention parks along the ravines form an integrate pedestrian network. Arial gandola and metro line in the near future.


District park, linear park, pocket park, street improvements and communal facilities bring energy of the community and delight of nature into the neighborhoods. Meeting the needs of the visitors and the locals, this network turns the place into an attractor in Quito.

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Gondola Terminal

Inclusive and connected landscapes | 02

A Green Armature: As a Tool to Reduce Risks and Address Environmental Concerns The green armature comprises different layers or components: a. Habitat perservation in the deeper areas of the gorges, b. Agroforestry on steep slopes prone to landslides and not fit for urban occupation, c. A system of linear parks and communal amenities at the edge

Habitat Perservation

Intervention Park

Water Management

Stablizing the Edge Condition

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

between the stable settlements and the gorges, d. A large district park in the steep void between the main settlements, e. Pocket parks and green corridors within the neighborhoods, h. Water management and land stabilization is woven into all these components.

Urban Agriculture

Land Stabalization

Community Green

Relocation and Substitution Housing: Risk Management Strategy Modular Construction Sytem

Solutions that allow for self-constructed expansion of dwellings


Mid density

Mix use

We envision publicly fostered formal housing structures offering the benefits of the informal housing stock: walkability, mix-use/live-work, and basic housing units with associated voids that allow to selfconstruct the enlargement of the dwellings.

Inclusive and connected landscapes | 03

A District Park and a Community Service - Amenity Corridor

New Structures Existing Structures Community Parks Proposed Trails



ec t


Platform & Plzaz

In the currently steep and virtually inaccessible void area between Comité del Pueblo and La Bota, a series of recreational and productive amenities were introduced along a new pedestrian corridor to build community and metropolitan spatial and performative ties.

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com





Terrace Park:

Community Rain Garden:


Escallonia resinosa Mussaenda erythrophylla



Tibouchina lepidota

Prunus serotina



Arupo Tree Melaleuca quinquenervia




Inclusive and connected landscapes | 04

A Park Library: As a Steward of Cultural and Recreational Areas

Puertas Del Sol Substitution Housing

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Farmer’s Market and Future Gondola Station: As Steward of the Pedestrian Corridor

Native Plants


Inclusive and connected landscapes | 05


Re-imagining Indian Point - A 50 Year Plan Larp 601 studio | University of Pennslyvania | Fall 2019 Tutor : Todd Montgomery Site: Peekskill, NY, United State

The Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant is located on the East bank of Hudson river in the city of Peekskill. It is scheduled to be closed down at 2020. The Indian Point Closure Task Force 2018 Report explains that the full process of decommissioning could take as long as 50 years. In certain areas, the fences could be safely removed tomorrow, but in others it will take much longer to fully erase this place from the landscape. The psychological borders will have their own timeline, as years of fear and misunderstanding have created an invisible barrier to development. Both edges - physical and emotional - will shift when the Plant is shut down, Peekskill and Verplanck and the Town of Cortland should take this time to examine and act on these edges. After the closure, there is a need to simulate the negative nuclear buffer edge and gradually bring new activities to the site zone for ecological and economic benefits. The redevelopment plan sets a timeline of development during Indian Point Energy Center’s SO-year decommissioning, in order to turn the “backyard” of the neighborhood to an active front. At the final stage of 2070, this area will have a diverse natural habitat as new community border and a reconstructed nuclear museum park and possible development zones for industry and residence.

View of Indian Point Energy center from Hudson River

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Existing Edges: Nuclear Edge/ Community Edge

Shifting Edges | 06

Concept Development: Psychological Borders

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

50-year Phasing


A Time frame


The outter edge is gradually shifting towards nuclear buffer to make activities happen. The backyard of neighborhood turn to the front of the city interacting with the nuclear buffer to obscure the edges. And all the interference types are low impact on original landscape.

Outter edge

Inner edge

The inner edge is related to the dismantling process of nulear power plant. Several different methods are taken to get access to the core area: Explore, Activiate and Cut through. Each method has different time frame.

Section A

Section B









Shifting Edges | 07

Community Edge: Thicken Edge

New energy landscape

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Nuclear Edge: Dismantle Process

Cut through


2020 Dismantle

2040 Bluring the Edge

2060 Planting

2070 Re-open

Shifting Edges | 08

Shifting Edges: 50-year Redevelopment Framework

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Shifting Edges | 09


Original Site

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Grading Plan

Shifting Edges | 10


Arch 401 Studio | Iowa State University | Fall 2017 Tutor : Shelby Doyle Site: El Paso, TX, America

The project is to design a headquarter for IBWC (The International Boundary and Water Commission) in the border area between the El Paso (America) and Juarez (Mexico). The cities are separated by the Rio Grande, which serves as the border line here. The America–Mexico border is a fluctuating, yet highly controlled political landscape. Over the past 150 years the border has changed from an invisible and unmapped line into a 2,500 mile frontier region characterized by unique economic and spatial conditions. Especially after Trump's proposal of the construction of border "wall", whether such huge physical walls should be built to split two countries draws attention all over the world. My proposal is to prevent the “wall” being built along the boundary. I prefer to imagining a U.S./ Mexico border in which people are allowed to walk freely but cannot have physical contacts with the region of other country in order to maintain security. As to the International Boundary and Water Commission, it provides binational solutions to issues regarding boundary demarcation, national ownership of waters, sanitation, water quality, and flood control in the border region. Its headquarter is programmed to provide offices and labs for the stuff of IBWC and also to open to the public of both countries for visit, leisure and education.

Aerial view of border from American side

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Types of IBWC projects

Relationship between border line and ports of entry








刀攀渀漀瘀愀琀椀漀渀 戀甀椀氀搀椀渀最


刀攀渀漀瘀愀琀椀漀渀 戀甀椀氀搀椀渀最

䤀渀搀甀猀琀爀椀愀氀 愀爀攀愀

䤀渀搀甀猀琀爀椀愀氀 愀爀攀愀

Breaking Border "Wall" | 11

Site context : Seperation/ Connection The Rio Grande in El Paso continually shifted between 1852 and 1962, then in a 1962 agreement between two countries, the Rio Grande border between Juarez and El Paso was moved and stabilized within a concrete channel. This shift left a void in the urban fabric between Juarez and El Paso that still exists today—Chamizal Zone, an intricate terrain vague. The two cities only connect by three bridges.

Historical shifts of the border offer an opportunity to redesign it as a fluctuating, indeterminate space. The space becomes a series of momentary events in constant flux that will never repeat in the exact same way. From this point of view, the Rio Grande can be seen as the seperation but it also provide great potentials to be connection between two countries.









of the A



History shifts

Three bridges cross the Rio Grande are the only connections between El Paso and Juares. Change of water level a - a'

b - b'

Irrigation Season

Non-Irrigation Season

Mingyang Sun | Application for Summer Internship

c - c'

Across the border Current situation of border crossing




Car crossing

Trunk crossing

Pedestrian crossing

New connections



Weaving paths

Circulation Circulation

Area accessible to Americans Area accessible to Mexicans Interaction with water

Aquarium Water treatment


Botanic garden

Irrigation Season

Water storage

Aquarium Water treatment


Botanic garden

Water storage

Non-Irrigation Season

Breaking Border "Wall" | 12

Flows of people and water Pedestrain paths extend from two countries to the building making the border area more accessible. The building also works as a water process system to monitor and improve the water quality of American Channel and the Rio Grande.

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Water filtration system American Channel

Rio Grande



Breaking Border "Wall" | 13

Programs of water tanks

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Breaking Border "Wall" | 14

Walk across the border

Between outstage and pool

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com


second floor corridor

Breaking Border "Wall" | 15


Revitalizing Chicago Park and Boulevard system Larp 602 studio | University of Pennslyvania | Spring 2020 Team: Mingyang Sun; Minghao Zhao Tutor : Nicholas Pevzner Site: Chicago, United States

The intention of this studio is to creatively and imaginatively experiment with public realm, urban form and building typologies by reimagining Chicago’s incomplete and under-utilized Park and Boulevard System(PBS). The exploration of a more equitable, healthy and prosperous urban future is achieved through design manipulation with four interrelated urban systems - enhanced mobility; improved housing; expanded civic infrastructure; and optimized environmental performance. Our site is a 3-mile segment of PBS and the surrrounding neighborhood: North Lawndale/ Little Village. Move - Mobility system modifications: Introduce zero emission zone(ZEZ). ZEZ in our segment provides opportunities to invest first in high poverty areas close to industrial zones across two neighborhoods. Link - Developmet Frameworks: Establish the Loop as the public realm spine and PBS as the landscape spine. Distribution of investment in civic facilities along with the loop take public realm as priority to support public life. Stay - Public realm nodes: Our major nodes are the central film park, the green connector and the transit square. They mostly work as the pilot development for the expansion of the Cinespace film zone on the east side of PBS.

Douglas Park

North lawndale

Little Village

Aerial view of North Lawndale/ Little Village

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com



Chicago’s incomplete and under-utilized Park and Boulevard System(PBS)

Equitable Loop | 16

Site Analysis: Divided Neighborhoods North Lawndale

North Lawndale



North Lawndale


Little Village

Little Village

Little Village

Physical barrier

Vacancy rate


Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Black Hispanic White Asian

Link - Development Framework

Phase 1 : Pilot investment

Mix Use

Phase 2 : Public realm spine

Phase 3 : Equitable loop

Zero Emissions Zone (ZEZ): Only all-electric vehicles are allowed in a ZEZ, along with walking and cycling and fully electric public transport vehicles. Low Emissions Zone (LEZ): The most polluting vehicles are restricted or deterred from entering.


Community Center

ZEZ in our segment provides opportunities to invest first in high poverty areas across two neighborhoods, reduce social inequalities. And the boundary of ZEZ works as the Loop and connects existing community amenities, and new amenities.


Film Center

The framework strategy is to establish the Loop as the public realm spine and PBS as the landscape spine.

Move - Mobility Strategy

Equitable Loop | 17

Stay - Pilot development

Public realm nodes

Section A

Section B

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Mobility facilities




N Loop B

Bike lane

Equitable Loop | 18

Stay - Public realm nodes Green connector: community center

Transit Square as the mutli-mode transportation hub

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Transit square

Exihibition platform along the renovation of abandoned rail

Equitable Loop | 19


East Village Neighborhood Redevelopment ULI Hines Competition | Spring 2021Team: Mingyang Sun; Yoojin Jang; Zhiye Huang; Yihan Zhang; Esther Jung Advisor : Vincent Reina Site: Kansas City, MO

Connecity is designed around four main goals: Connecting Transportation Systems, Integrating Open Spaces, Inclusiveness in Community and Place-making for Businesses. Connection of Transportation System : The project, in the heart of CBD, will implement a TOD System on each North and South end to create a connection to existing transportation system. Transitioning from automobile-oriented system to a public transit-oriented system, it encourages all commuters to use various transit options to navigate through the city. Integration of Open Spaces: The project seeks to bridge surrounding green networks, which is currently disconnected by highway barriers. Various building programs and functions are integrated by a pedestrian and bike friendly main circulation running North-South, providing an easy and diverse experience of open spaces. Inclusiveness for Community: By providing affordable housing for low-income residents and various housing options, it can prevent the issues of gentrification and social divides through spaces. Placemaking for Business: By proposing music, art and sport industries in the site, will not only promote the East Village with its local identity but also revitalize the small businesses and improve the overall economy of the city.

View of south transit plaza

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Relationship between border line and ports of entry

Birdview from the south of East Village


Design Strategy

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Major Public Realm Networks


Entertainment Plaza from elevated path

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Inclusive community garden for the elders and the children

Phase I: The TOD Catalyst Residential 124,760

Public Facilities 41,078 Office(HQs) 560,028

Hotel 136,971

Parking 175,775

The development is divided into three phases with unique goals. The construction and operation time of different building programs are arranged carefully to insure financial feasibility and social affordability. The TOD programs will be serving as the catalyst for the project and the whole East Village community.

Retail 410,510

Office + Retail Mixed Use

Mixed use+Office + Hotel

Phase II: The Innovation Incubator Parking 166,578

Office(CWs) 224,312

Retail 131,800

Pubic Facilities 166,578

Phase III: The Community Stablizer Parking 117,807

Public Facilities 134,539

Office(HQs) 196,114

Coworking + Entertaiment

Coworking + Cultural Facilities

Office + Public Facilities

Residential + Public Facilities

Office + Retail Mixed Use

Residential + Retail

Retail 90,288

Residential 570,903



Speculation on Johannesburg 2050 Larp 701 studio | University of Pennslyvania | Fall 2020 Team: Mingyang Sun; Fangyuan Sheng Tutor : Christopher Marcinkoski Site: Johannesburg, South Africa

The fiction use the occupation of future public space as a way of describing differing forms of urban being, economy and society that find their orientation outside of our present neoliberal reality. The projects are neither proposals nor fantasies. Narrative: "By 2025, frequent extreme weather and air pollution have rendered Johannesburg no longer suitable for human habitation on the ground. As a result, the residents of Johannesburg established an underground city by expanding old abandoned gold mines for survival. However, the worsening water crisis has made people realize that only by giving back to nature and restoring the ecological environment can they obtain stable and sustainable water resources capable of supporting habitation. The people of Johannesburg have united to initiate the Plant Cultivation and Water Conservation Project (PCWCP), hoping to improve soil health and restore groundwater levels through technologically enabled plant cultivation. Through the efforts of several generations, the turning point came in 2050 brought on by PCWCP 5.0." Website: https://www.speculationonsettlement.net/johannesburg Video: https://vimeo.com/489475636

Aerial view of abandoned mines and Johannesburg CBD

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

1 week

1 month

3 months

6-9 months

Planting design: Water Miner 0010

Water Miner | 23



By 2025, frequent extreme weather and air pollution have made Johannesburg no longer suitable for human habitation on the ground. As a result, the residents of Johannesburg used advanced engineering technology to develop the underground structure of the former gold mining belt into a new underground refuge. Through 10 years of development, the new underground city has been developed through the optimization of a smart city management system that includes an environmental simulation system; an energy cycle system; a high-speed transportation system; and a mature disaster warning system. As a result, the underground city is able to meet the long-term residential needs of all Johannesburg residents. People quickly realized that the escalating water crisis was hindering the prosperity of the underground city. From 2035, people had tried to construct above ground infrastructures that collected precipitation in order to expand water resources. However, the huge demand for water adds to the burden on nature which was adversely impacted by these infrastructures. At the same time, extreme weather has led to unstable precipitation, coupled with the further decline of the groundwater level. Residents realized that only by restoring the ecological environment on the ground above can they obtain sustainable water resources to support life below. As a result, since 2035, more and more people have returned to the ground above to engage in research on green infrastructure and the optimization of water resources.

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com



As part of this work, a large amount of former Township lands has been converted into experimental fields for ecological restoration. Only the commercial core of Johannesburg retained high-rise buildings as research centers, memorial towers, and entrances to the underground city. To achieve the common goal of "water prosperity", the prejudices of race, class, and gender disappeared for the first time in Johannesburg. Of all the plans to solve the water crisis, the Plant Cultivation and Water Conservation Project (PCWCP) is the most ambitious plan. Its goal is to hybridize and cultivate new water-retaining plants under extreme weather conditions and ultimately improve the soil environment and restore the groundwater level. With the implementation of plant cultivation in the PCWCP 1.04.0, new man-made and diversified planting landscapes and ecosystems have been formed on the ground throughout Johannesburg. However, plants were still vulnerable to extreme weather and the water circulation system was very fragile. The turning point occurred in 2050, when the successful planting of plants from PCWCP 5.0 promoted the gradual restoration of the groundwater level, raising hopes for the integrated development of Johannesburg's above ground and underground cities. Our story begins with the launch of Plant Cultivation and Water Conservation Project 5.0…

Water Miner | 24

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Water level

Camera height

Water level

Camera height

Water level

Camera height

Water level

Camera height

Water level

Camera height

Water Miner | 25


Yacht Club In-between city wall and landscape Academic Work | Southeast University | Fall 2015 Tutor : Lei Zhu Site: Nanjing, China

Nanjing City Wall built in the middle period of the 14th century was an important defense project for guarding the capital of the country upon Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang establishing a capital in Nanjing. The ancient city walls both divide city from landscape and make their interrelationship more tangible. Nowadays, due to the rapid modernization of Nanjing, the city sprawls far beyond Ming City Wall. Ancient city walls are surrounded by more complex city context. The site is situated in-between the Xuanwu lake and the city wall, which is one of the oldest part human use landscape navy training. The project considers how a contemporary public space could negotiate between city and landscape by continuing the cultural and historical features of ancient city walls.The yacht club grows from the slope of lake band, trying not to destroy the natural scenery around the lake and historical features of city wall, but to connect the vertical gap and lead people to the lake. It brings new opportunities for people to be closer to the water and complete the full circulation of tour route around the lake.

View of site from lake

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Relationship between city walls and surrounding context




River | Landscape

City | Landscape


Landscape | Landscape

City | City

Thickening City Wall | 26

Yacht club in context

The yacht club has three vertical layers. The lowest platform strech out to the lake leading people to the yacht and the waiting room is embedded into the slope. The second floor has a cafeteria facing the lake and a backyard surrounded by trees facing the city wall. And the roof is slightly higher than the walking path leading people directly to the viewing platform. Vertical layers are connected by a staircase constructed with black bricks using traditional brickwork technics, which strengthen ancient city wall's features throughout the building.

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com



Thickening City Wall | 27

Activities through building: long section The yacht club defines a new layer between the city wall and the landscape, provide a new publc space to the existed route around the lake. It is a connection between the road and the lake. waiting room

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

stair case


a - a' section

Thickening City Wall | 28

Represent city wall

brick bearing wall perforated brick wall

wood bearing beam

concrete guard wall wood column

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Thickening City Wall | 29


Academic Work | Southeast University | Spring 2018 Tutor : Hao Deng Site: Nanjing, China

Since 2005, the discovery of Dongwu Tomb in Nanjing has provided valuable information and a platform for the study of Dongwu culture. We can detect the economy visage and social status of Dingwu Dynasty from the tomb, wares and inscriptions unearthed. The project is to perserve the discoveried tomb and develop the area into an archaeological park. In the Six Dynasties era, people faced anxiety in the contradiction between life and death, and the Confucian tradition’s evasive attitude was particularly weak. People's view of life and death first manifests itself as a naturalistic attitude and an understanding of individual meaning and value. This theoretical achievement with the highest attitude of life and death is manifested in the view of the dead of the mysterious students. Tombs are not only one of the ways to deal with corpses, but also indirectly reflect people's understanding and attitude towards death. The concept of overall planning is to restore the burial system and introduce modern activities. It not only shows the grand narrative of the burial system, but also makes tourists feel the daily life of the city. Besides the exhibition of the main body of the tomb, the museum and the archaeological station, the main function of the park is to plan the experience area of Sun Wu culture - the experience of nostalgia culture / the experience of city life.

View of current situation of tomb perservation

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com



Heritage Trail


Heritage Sights Industrial development zone


Culture heritages in the area of Jiangning new district



Mont Fang Memorial Gateway


Lingyan Temple


Dongwu Tomb

She Village

Reviving Cultural Heritage | 30

Programs in the park


1 Tourist center

2 Dongwu Dynasty Cultural Museum

3 Archaeological Work Sta

The design of the tourist center is to make a certain comparison with the "heavy" of the tomb body, suggesting that the different feelings of life on the ground and death under ground.

Dongwu Dynasty Cultural Museum is at the start of the tomb burial axis. Tourists can get the knowledge of the Dongwu culture in this museum and through the change of height to get ready to enter the burial ceremony axis.

Archaeological work station located on both sides of the a body of the site, and are half having too much influence on

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

5 4

1 2


4 Exhibition Hall

5 Ancient Tomb Museum

ns and tomb museums are axis perpendicular to the main f-hidden in the soil, avoiding n the site itself.

The design of tomb exihibition hall aims to minimize the impact on the tomb. After the tour, the underground passage is used to enter the tomb museum to further understand the knowledge of the tomb.

Ancient Tomb Museum exhibits the funeral objects of the Dongwu Tomb and other tombs discovered in this area. It introduces the knowledge of the tomb body, restores the scene through multimedia, and interacts with visitors.

Reviving Cultural Heritage | 31

View through routes The routes are designed to let vistors visit the tomb and learn the archaeological knowledge or just walk through the landscape to rest in the natural environment. Along the route, vistor can experience the solemn and repressive atmosphere of tomb axis and the active and relax atmosphere of landscape.







7 8


11 5 12


9 10




Circular route Tomb Archaeological route Experience route

Seasonal Landscape Spring: Music stage

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Summer: Riverside Square

Autumn: Tombs of Six Dynasties







Winter: Viewing Platform

Reviving Cultural Heritage | 32

08 COMMEMORATING OLD AND NEW Hexing Museum Renovation

Academic Work | Southeast University | Fall 2016 Professor: Zhijiang Yang Site: Shanghai, China

Hexing warehouse was built in 1930 along the Huangpu River during the industrialization of contemporary Shanghai . It had the unique flat slab concrete structure with octagonal columns and façades. However, after industrial structural upgrade in 1980s, it was abandoned, and nowadays it is one of the perserved industrial buildings in World Expo park. The purpose of the project is to renovate the warehouse into a museum memorizing modern industry development in Shanghai from 1930s. Although China is generally in the middle age of industrialization, some essential changes are happening to both economic and social structure of big cities. Under such situation, how to bring more industrial buildings into the proper protection and reuse, becomes an important and urgent new subject. The concept of the program is to juxtapose the new and the old structures, so people would experience the cultural gap when wandering around the building in 80 years and sense the continuity of time. The northern façade facing the river will remain the features of old warehouse. Also, the new insertion would adapt to the light, sight and circulation needs of the museum.

Aerial view of site inside the Expo park

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Modern Indusrial building heritage along the Huangpu River




Industrial park



Cultural district

World Expo park

Commemorating old and new | 33

Study of the old building

Hexing warehouse was built in 1930 along the Huangpu River during the industrialization of contemporary Shanghai. During the maintenance in the 1980s, 45 degrees of inclined beams were added to increase structural strength. Its most prominent feature is the elevation facing the river and its structural form. Its original structure was concrete slab-column structure with octagonal columns and octagonal caps. At present, although facades, columns and beams are well preserved, the overall structural strength is not enough and the roof structure is completely destroyed.

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Addition to the old building Perservation North facade and old structures are perserved as parts of exibition.

Old and new juxtaposition New steel structures are inserted to the old concrete frame to form new exibition space.

Introduce new public space Renovated old stairs lead people from riverside to the new public space added on the top of the old building.

Commemorating old and new | 34

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Lobby Special Exhibition Exhibition Hall 1 Gift Shop New lobby Exhibition Hall 2 Exhibition Hall 3 Studio Workshops Multi-fuction Room

Old and new

Commemorating old and new | 35

OTHER WORKS Kulangsu island reborn- floating islands Chinese Environmental Design Reward: Finalist Award Team: Mingyang Sun, Shaozi Du

Customizing the Community

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com





Recreation Area

Other works | 36

OTHER WORKS Hope competation 2020: Canal cultural city Team: Mingyang Sun, Ying Zhai, Junjie Lu

To advocate the uniqueness of the history of Yangliuqing, a canal city in China, the project starts with two standpoints. The first layer is an expanding cultural center that cover the whole site. Another is the man-made nature, with multiple layers of green system. After that we insert a modular system to fulfill our expectation for an evolving city structure. Commercials and residents are settled in these area. Scenes changes in the system to help adapt itself to different activities through the year and keep pace with the developing technology in the future.


Urban farm




Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com





Other works | 37

OTHER WORKS NON ARCHITECTURE 72h Axon Battle: Underwater Park Editor's Pick Team: Mingyang Sun, Wentao Zhong, Yang Zhao, Zhounan Lu

Water consumption + Water recycle + Life below water

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Form and Algorithm Rhino python + Grasshopper Instructor: Ezio Blasetti

Calabi_yau remap by Python/ Grasshopper

Other works | 38


Hong village | 2016

Mingyang Sun | mingyangsk@outlook.com

Graphic design

Model making

Other works | 39

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