MWF Project Summary Report 2019

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Zakah Calculator Orphan & Needy Education for All Our Girls Our Future MWF Worldwide Projects Water for All Raise a Family Healthcare Emergency Relief Community Projects


We l f a r e F o u n d a t i o n

Founded in 1989 as a humanitarian organisation, Minhaj Welfare Foundation was established to effectively collaborate aspirations of a better and fairer world, especially for the marginalised and deprived communities. We believe, education is the most effective and compassionate response to worldwide rise of inequality and poverty. Accessibility of education is a crucial foundation stone; without which sustainable development of any society or nation is not achievable. There is no better way of accomplishing a holistic charitable objective than helping overcome the various contributing factors which deprive one from accessing education. Our education central approach supplemented with rigorous moral and ethical training programs served in our network of institutes, has allowed us to ensure a long lasting and multiplying impact that positively contributes towards the prosperity of whole communities. Our approach allows beneficiaries to develop into guardians and means of sustenance for their communities, ending their cycle of poverty. Minhaj Welfare Foundation continues to grow into a worldwide network of gifted individuals tirelessly working and leading towards becoming one of the largest international grassroots-led humanitarian relief organisations. On behalf of millions being empowered out of poverty through MWF, we share their gratitude with you. Indeed, charity is a divine agreement where the blessed opportunity of giving is reciprocal to countless blessings received in return.

Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri Founder Minhaj Welfare Foundation



ON ZAKAH Does one have to make a formal intention (Niyyah) when paying Zakah?

Yes, in order to fulfil one’s obligation, one must intend (i.e. specify) that they are paying the Zakah. As an act of worship pertaining to financial dealings, an intention is required in order for it to be performed correctly. The intention (Niyyah) for fulfilling one’s obligation is to intend that one is paying the Zakah, whether that be at the time of distributing one’s wealth to those who are eligible (i.e., at the time of payment), or when setting the Zakah money aside.

During the year, can the Zakah be paid in advance through small instalments?

On what kind of wealth or asset should the Zakah be paid? It is obligatory to pay the Zakah upon four types of assets: \ Gold, silver, and cash. \ Livestock, such as camels, cows, and goats, etc. \ All kinds of trade goods and merchandise (including property bought with the intention of resale). \ Those products that are produce d from the land such as fruit, vegetables, and minerals, etc. Yes, someone who is legally responsible to pay the Zakah can pay through monthly instalments throughout the year, with the intention of paying the Zakah. When the lunar year comes to an end, the Zakah should be calculated, and whatever remains outstanding should be paid off. In similar fashion, the outstanding amount can also be paid through instalments.

Yes, someone who is legally responsible to pay the Zakah can pay through monthly instalments throughout the year, with the intention of paying the Zakah. When the lunar year comes to an end, the Zakah should be calculated, and whatever remains outstanding should be paid off. In similar fashion, the outstanding amount can also be paid through instalments. For more Q&As and to order your free copy visit us at 2

Zakah Calculator



in possession

[borrowed, credit]








[in hand, in bank, savings, loaned, investment and pensions]


Financial value of




(Tax, rent, utilities due in the current lunar year)





Did you know that all of the Minhaj Welfare Foundation projects are Zakah eligible? Choose any of the projects to donate your Zakah through MWF.

Indeed, alms (Zakah) are meant for:

1) the poor 2) the indigent (the needy) 3) those who are deployed to collect charities 4) those in whose hearts the inculcation of love for Islam is aimed at. 5) moreover, spending Zakah for the freeing of human lives (from the yoke of slavery) 6) removing the burden of those who are to pay debt 7) (those who toil hard) in the cause of Allah and 8) the wayfarers (a traveller who has left home and does not have enough money to return home)

(Quran 9:60)

Eid Gift


per gift pack

Kaffarah Religious donation


per offering

Fidya / Fitrana Feed the poor

£150 Full Month £5 per fast

This (all) has been prescribed by Allah, and Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.

Sahur & Iftar Feed the fasting

£50 One week





Orphan and Needy children around the world

The AGHOSH (Orphan Care Home) provides a loving and family like environment for orphaned and vulnerable children around the world. Our comprehensive approach offers long-term care for children in need and empowers young people with the resources to reach their full potential; transforming the lives of thousands of children each year. Through AGHOSH FAMILY, children as young as 5 years of age are raised by a on site boarding carer (mom) who cares for the children as her very own children. Each Aghosh family consists of one mom for 6 children.


ORPHAN Sponsorship The Orphan Care Home provides each child with their material needs (food, water and shelter), developmental needs (school, medical care, vocational training, and life-skills), and their emotional needs (an opportunity to be a part of a family again, rehabilitate from the grief of losing their parents in a secure and caring environment).

Accommodation & Life Style • Clothing & Living Essentials • Entertainment • Safeguarding • Boarding

per annum per month

Aghosh Building Fund


Health & Nourishment • Daily Meals • 24/7 Healthcare • Nutritionist • Psychologist

£420 £35

Education • Religious & Secular • Sports & Recreation • Competitions • Morals & Ethics • Practical Studies • Personality Development • Leadership Skills

per unit

Mother Widowed Care

£50 Gifts Special occasions

£15 Our Family

Family start-up



EDUCARE Our network of over 600 educational institutions managed by Minhaj Education Society aims at promoting education, developing self-consciousness and providing intellectual training to the younger generations. The idea is to impart spiritual, moral,professional and scientific guidance to make productive members of society. Our Student Welfare Board has processed over 250,000 student scholarships and education sponsorships applications out of which over 150,000 have benefited from our support.

The Education Village located in Lahore, Pakistan which includes a primary and secondary school, a college & university (recognised by the higher education commission of Pakistan)



Through Minhaj Education Society, our Student Welfare Board is supporting:





Schooling Student sponsorship

£300 £25 per annum per month

Your donations help us:

Higher Education Sponsorship

£420 £35 per annum

Build educational facilities meeting local requirements

Provide scholarships to students to advance in their studies

Develop teaching methods, systems and syllabus

From Primary to

Graduation Zaid Ahmed’s education journey was supported by our scholarship program. Through his ongoing commitment and dedication, he decided to join the undergraduate program at the Minhaj University Lahore. He graduated with top grades. Zaid is now undergoing training for a promising career committed to public service.

per month

Hifz Sponsorship

£300 £25 per annum per month

Alim / Scholar Sponsorship

£420 £35 per annum per month

Classroom Construction

£1000 per class unit

Students supported by MWF’s scholarship program receiving their degrees.


In developing countries, millions of girls don’t have an equal opportunity to develop skills that help them in their homes, careers, communities and societies. Minhaj Welfare Foundation builds a safe environment that deliver quality and transformative education for girls so they may find a fair chance to learn and lead.

Sadia, unfortunately lost her father at the age of 10, she has been supported by the WOICE program since 2014. When she finishes her education, she wants to be a teacher so she can support her family.


130 Millions

Girls are not in education



are expected to never Enrol at all . Woice (Women’s Ownership, Intellectual Collaboration, and Empowerment) Woice fulfils the aspirations of our supporters who are committed to women empowerment and uplifting. Our commitment is to ensure women can attain equal opportunities for themselves.

Through WOICE, MWF is directly supporting girls into education which is vital to transform their lives and secure their futures. MWF has built girl-only schools and colleges, and boarding facilities to ensure that girls can have access to quality education and vocational training centres to further develop their skills.

Education Student sponsorship

£300 £25 per annum per month

Mother Widowed Care

£50 Fiscal Aid Cash allowance

£100 Micro-finance Business start-up

£1000 Our Family Family start-up


Khanewal: A new construction project which is dedicated for girls and women only



Emergency Relief Food Packages Orphan Care Home


Emergency Relief Food Packages


Food Program Eid Gifts Seasonal Programs


Student Sponsorship Medical Aid Eid Gifts Qurbani



Education Water & Sanitation Health Care Sustainable Living

Emergency Relief Education Food & Shelter

MWF Worldwide 10


Education Water & Sanitation Health Care Sustainable Living Qurbani


Education Water & Sanitation Health Care Sustainable Living Qurbani



Emergency Relief Food Packages Medical Aid

Education Water & Sanitation Sustainable Living Orphan Care Home Bait-uz-Zahra Congregational Marriages Emergency Relief Ambulance Service Free Eye Surgery Help Feed Health Care Qurbani


Emergency Relief Student Sponsorship Food Packs Medical Aid Qurbani


Emergency Relief



Emergency Relief Education Food Packs Medical Aid Qurbani

Education Water & Sanitation Health Care Sustainable Living INDIA Qurbani Education Food Programs Healthcare Poverty Relief TANZANIA Qurbani Education Eradicating Poverty

Aid for Rohingya Clean Water Education Medical Care Qurbani


Sustainable Living Water Purification Orphan & Widows



Implemented projects on behalf of





Water is one of the basic necessities of life. In mostly rural areas, poor communities spend a significant large portion of their day collecting clean and safe water from far away locations. As a result of making clean water extraction, filtration and collection facilities locally accessible, we see improved community participation in local schools and other development facilities.

South Punjab Baluchistan Sindh East Africa


Small Pump 150+ Beneficiaries

8500+ Water facilities

1million+ People with access to Clean and safe drinking water

£180 Large Pump 350+ Beneficiaries

£450 Deep Well Complete village

£3,000 Solar Tube Well Electric extraction

£10,000 Filtration Plant Water cleaning plant




a Family

Stable family, secure future - family start up support programmes by Minhaj Welfare Foundation provide couples (that come from deprived backgrounds) and their families with necessary support to ensures the newly-weds are better equipped to restore their self-esteem as well as bring up their next generation in a more secure environment. By doing so, we are one step away from ending the cycle of poverty.


Micro-finance Business start-up




per start-up

Fiscal Aid Cash allowance



per family

Gifts Special occasions


per gift pack

Our Family Family start-up

£1200 per couple


HealthCare Health crisis in families, re-aligns their priorities. Due to lack of access to healthcare a family’s total effort is prioritised towards resolving the imminent crisis. Minhaj Welfare Foundation through its dedicated team of doctors and trained medical experts provides access to basic health care to the poor and needy around the world. MWF has established free medical camps, small Dispensaries, ambulance services and mobile surgeries.

Mobile Medical Unit


d a ti o n lf a re F o u n M in h a j W e a re is a a t h e a lt h c b e li e v e s th v e ry o n e . ri g h t fo r e u n iv e rs a l

MWF runs eye camps in which trained surgeons carry out cataract surgery on thousands of patients. Through our intervention you have prevented many mothers from losing children at birth, recovered young children from curable diseases and saved thousands of lives.

Eye Surgery


per Cataract surgery


£200 Patient Aid


£10,000 Medical Camp

£500 Blood Bank

We believe that fa milies should not suffer needlessly becaus e they lack access to health services. Today m any people are un ab le to access health serv ices because of po ve rty, their rural location s, or marginalisatio n. An old man receiving full eye treatment in one of MWF’s free eye camp set up in Narrowal, Pakistan.




We must focus on fulfilling immediate needs as well as rehabilitation programs, especially which involve getting children back into education.

The Syria conflict has been ongoing since 2011, with more than 13 million Syrians still in need of humanitarian assistance. Through your support MWF will continue its efforts to provide food, shelter, and vital services. We are also working to reach Syrian refugees living in nearby countries, increasing our aid to thousands of families. We have extended our help to orphan and needy children by ensuring they have access to a safe environment and quality education.


The Kashmir people are facing a massive humanitarian crisis. Hundred of thousands of families, widows, orphans are displaced from their homes and are in need of emergency support and aid. Minhaj Welfare Foundation is on the ground distributing much needed aid; food, water, medical aid and shelter.


Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Extreme poverty, ongoing conflict and blockade means that the Palestinian people do not have the necessary care and support. MWF has been providing essential aid: including food parcels, access to clean drinking water and scholarships for orphan and needy students. Through our HelpFeed programme, we are also helping farmers to have the necessary tools to grow their own food, so that they can sustain themselves and their families in the long-term.



Man-made or natural emergencies are the worst form of crisis. Within a short span of time a completely normal life turns upside down. In such circumstances, most victims of crisis are totally reliant on charity.

More than


Million people

are left displaced worldwide

Ration Pack


More than 22 million are affected by the ongoing climate change in East Africa, and at least 13 million are experiencing severe food insecurity. The climate has devastated the livelihood of many people, while the lack of clean water increases the threat of cholera and other diseases. Brutal war in South Sudan has driven more than 3 million people from their homes and left millions more in need of emergency food. MWF is providing life-saving aid to prevent the hunger crisis.


£350 Medical Aid

£75 Fiscal Aid

£100 Micro-finance


More than 1 million Rohingya have crossed into Bangladesh, fleeing the violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine state. A s part of our food initiative, thousands of Rohingya refugees receive food parcels and make-shift kitchens are set-up in a number of camps. MWF has built several clean water facilities. Shelters are built in rainy conditions. MWF developed its own medical camp where free oral prescriptions are being provided daily.



Community Projects 20

Seminars Minhaj Welfare Foundation develops workshops and courses to deliver in seminars that educate students in becoming active participants of their society. These seminars are both practical and interactive.

Accredited Institutions Minhaj College Manchester (MCM) is a full-time independent college providing high-quality education in various academic disciplines (i.e. A-Levels) alongside accredited courses in Islamic studies. MCM takes pride in providing a holistic environment for all students offering personal, spiritual and academic learning, thus making its pastoral care system a central part of daily activities.

Research & Publication

Awareness & Campaigning

A dedicated department is engaged in research and translation work in different languages. The works produced by this department is in the form of books, courses and syllabi which is then used by educational institutions, seminaries, schools and universities as a vital reference and guide.

Minhaj Welfare Foundation awareness campaigns provide counter narratives in ways that have a positive impact on society. Our campaigns take place through local community engagement initiatives and include a variety of methods like media campaigns (radio and TV), social media content, workshops and debates.


Seminars & Engagement


per unit Sponsorship


Accredited Institutes


per unit Sponsorship

Refugee Aid

Foster a Refugee Family

£1,000 Community Engagement

Homelessness Aid & Food Banks According to reports there is now a growing number of people sleeping on the streets. MWF works with local groups and partners to provide hot meals at soup kitchens and ready packed meals to homeless people locally.

Community Radios have proven to be an excellent engagement platform. These initiatives provide community leaders and campaigners a louder voice as well as an array of activities for people of all ages to engage in. Our radio stations provide an inclusive opportunity for the community to play their active role in changing lives for the better.

per family


Burial & Support Services

£500 per offering


Meals, Blankets, Shelters


Per package

Our supporters are committed towards local community initiatives.



We l f a r e F o u n d a t i o n | 0300 30 30 777 Bank: HSBC | SC: 40-15-17 | Acc. No.: 21651803 30 Brindley Rd, Manchester, M16 9HQ | Follow us        Registered Charity Numbers: England and Wales 1084057. Scotland SC043566 MWF adheres to the Data Protection Act and is a registered Data Controller. Registration Number: ZA187477



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