MWF A4 Booklet-2010

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Minhaj Welfare Foundation Annual Summary Report 2010/11 12 Carr Road, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 7JS UK. Tel: 01282 723456 www.

Contents Founders Remarks ………………………………………… 3 Ongoing Projects of MWF ………………………………… 4 Palestine - An Ongoing Crisis ……………………………… 6 Earthquake Hits Haiti ……………………………………… 7 Kashmir Earthquake - MWF 5 Years After the Disaster …… 8 Kyrgyzstan - Thousands Displaced from Their Homes …… 9 Collective Marriages …………………………………… 10 Education - A Key to Success …………………………… 11 Aghosh - Orphan Care Home …………………………… 12 Healthcare ……………………………………………… 13 Bangladesh ……………………………………………… 14 The Journey of One Man’s Wish ………………………… 15 Education for Third World ……………………………… 16 Somalia ………………………………………………… 17 Charity - A Safer World ………………………………… 18 Minhaj Welfare in the UK ……………………………… 19 Trek The Great Wall of China …………………………… 20 Challenges UK and Abroad …………………………… 22 Seekers - A Path to Guidance …………………………… 23 Jihad Hijacked ………………………………………… 24 Charity Nasheed event - an evening of inspiration (Aghosh) ………………………………… 24 MWF Gifts for the Children of Derian ………………… 26 Football Crazy …………………………………………… 27 Ambulance Service & Welfare ………………………… 28 Free Medical Complex & Hospitals …………………… 29 Education & Health……………………………………… 30 Introduction & Aghosh, Orphan Care Home …………… 31 Contacts & Expenditure ………………………………… 32 2

Founder’s Remarks The past two years have been quite turbulent for the global village as the economic situation continues afflicting more wounds on the financial market. The situation not only has deepened in the under developed world it has affected some European countries severely which has resulted in ‘big cuts’. The under developed nations face the difficult road ahead and unfortunately in these times of crisis they find themselves in the most extreme circumstances of surviving. Despite the difficult task before us all Minhaj Welfare Foundation has progressed forward in its attempt to alleviating poverty in the third world. MWF is considered to be one of the leading charities in the UK and is truly fulfilled in its vision to becoming a Worldwide Humanitarian Development organisation. Even in this worrying time MWF has achieved many of its targets, however there is still a long road ahead until it is able to fulfil the Millennium Development Goals. Minhaj Welfare Foundation is grateful to all its donors who have made it possible for it to implement the vast array of projects in the third world. One of our key ambitions is to convert short term projects and reform them into long term and sustainable projects for the destitute within the Global village. MWF hopes to continue in working in its three main areas of work; Education, Health and General Welfare. We hope that you will continue supporting MWF in all its endeavours. The essence of charity work stems from the support and backing of its volunteers, the volunteers have devoted their own time to help those in need. MWF is grateful to the volunteers for ensuring an innocent child from a remote village of Kitere, Kenya has full time education and the young boy displaced from the troubles of civil war is in the safety of those who care. Even in these unprecedented times people have continued on supporting the needy, MWF would like to invite you to help us in creating a safer and prosperous environment for those less fortunate in the world. Dr Muhammad Tahir Qadri Founder of Minhaj Welfare Foundation

Ongoing projects of MWF Water and Sanitation Projects • Nearly 1 billion people don’t have safe water to drink. • A child dies every 15 seconds from a lack of clean water. • 1 in 4 children who die before age 5 worldwide, die of water related disease. • Children often walk miles every day to collect dirty water to drink In 1989, governments worldwide promised all children the same rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 24 specifically commits countries to provide clean drinking water and ensure that parents and children are supported in the use of basic hygiene and sanitation. However, despite significant progress over recent decades, more than 125 million children under the age of five live in households without access to a safe water supply and more than 280 million children in the same age group live in households without access to safe sanitation facilities (UNICEF). Minhaj Welfare Foundation enables the world’s poorest people to gain easy access to safe water and sanitation. Water is a basic human necessity and right, together with health and education it plays an essential part in overcoming poverty. MWF has initiated a Water and Sanitation project by installing hand and electric pumps for people to gain easy access to clean water in areas struck by drought or other external reasons. MWF aims to install 1500 water



rural and urban areas of Pakistan, so far 766 water



been installed. Many millions of people have benefited from water pump projects.


MWF has established Water Pump projects in the following areas of Pakistan: Rajan Pur

Mira Begowal








Kotali Bagh

Muzaffrabad Sheikhupura

















Simply donate ÂŁ100 towards a hand pump which will provide life for thousands of people in deprived areas of the third world.

2011 0 M Minhaj Medical Complex Khanew Kha newal al

2010 201 E anded Expand Exp ed African projects

20077 200 Minhaj Ch Minhaj Child ildren ren Hospital P kpatan Pak t n

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2009 Emergency Emerge ncy Ai Aidd Gaza

20044 200 Eid Gifts Sc S heme started 2004 Intern Int ternati nat ationa onall relief rreli elief ef effort eff ort fo forr B Bam, am, Ir Iran an

2002 Wat W ater & Sanitati i ion projec pro jects

19 4 199 Emergency ergenc Relief projec pro jects ts sta starte tart rtedd rte

200 0 20 Freee Ambu Fre Ambulan lance ce Service in Gujrat rat

2008 Plant A Tree e Scheme

20044 200 Major Maj or rel relief ief ef effor fortt for Indonesian Tsunami 1999 8 Free ee eye camps started a

2006 3.6million Aghosh orphan care a home

2000 5 Earthquake th disaster relieff ffor Kashmir

19899 Free ee MWF M Medical D Dispensaries

198 9 1989 Minhhajj Welf Mi M lfare re Foundat ndati d tion establ est ablish ished ed by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri Q

1993 Minhaj a Public Library, ry Faisalabad a

19944 Foundations da laid for an am ambitious Educational na Program

1986 Jamia Islamia Minhaj Ul Quran - later Minhaj Ul Quran University rsity supported by MWF

Palestine: an ongoing crisis It has almost been two years since the conflict broke out on December 2008 in the Gaza region. The conflict described by many commentators as one of the bloodiest disasters between the Israeli’s and the Palestinians since the 1960’s. There were thousands who lost their lives and many more were injured in this horrific ordeal that lasted a month. The international community spoke out against the disaster and launched an emergency relief program in Gaza.

access of essential aid to the people of Gaza. As things stand, four out of five men, women and children in Gaza rely on humanitarian aid. There has been a huge international outcry to call for an international conference to lift the blockade of Gaza, allowing for humanitarian aid to reach the people. Minhaj Welfare Foundation has launched a Relief project to provide electricity to various local hospitals in Gaza, providing clothing, food and water to the thousands displaced. You can contribute a mere £20 towards buying an electric generator to improve the lives of the patients.

Donate £20 towards an electric generator Due to limited spaces in the hospitals of Gaza, many of the patients were transferred to the Hospitals of Cairo, Egypt. Some fled their own homes, children became distant from their parents; people had lost loved ones, the entire state was in turmoil. Minhaj Welfare Foundation in partnership with the Palestinian embassy in Pakistan initiated a fleet of aid in which blankets, medical supplies and food was distributed in the refugee camps. MWF initiated ILM, an educational project which sponsored displaced students to excel in their education. Unfortunately since the disaster, the situation looks a lot gloomier. Most of you may not be aware that Gaza is facing a complete power cut; this is also in addition to the limited


Donate £20 towards Iftar in Palestine

Unfortunately at this present moment of time there are hospitals that are still struggling to cope with the large number of injured people. The country is still in a big dilemma as the lack of clean water raises the fear of a public health crisis.

Earthquake Hits Haiti A massive 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck the Caribbean nation of Haiti in January 2010. The extent of the devastation was so huge that thousands of people had died in the disaster, leaving many injured. The earthquake was the worst quake in over two centuries hitting the south of the capital Port au Prince.

A local TV presenter was one of few eye witnesses, she told reporters:

“I saw a lot of people crying for help, a lot of buildings collapsed, a lot

Minhaj Welfare Foundation initiated its emergency relief for the victims of Haiti focusing at food, clean water, shelter and medical care. MWF is to focus on self development projects, which will assist those affected in the long term specifically looking at Health and Education. MWF is working in partnership with joint emergency charity forums to ensure the funding is allocated in the key areas of work.

of people were without Historically Haiti is described as being not a developed nation; a city filled with slums and poorly constructed houses. According to reports the aftermath of the earthquake had virtually destroyed everything including homes, government buildings, offices and hotels. It was estimated that a million people were left homeless with people still living on the slums or in makeshift camps.

help, people bleeding…. I didn’t see any emergency

Haiti is considered to be the poorest country in the western hemisphere; you can contribute towards rebuilding this shattered area.

services; the people at the neighbourhood were trying to help each other…” (BBC News)

Donate £50 in rebuilding lost hope

Kashmir Earthquake – MWF 5 Years After The Disaster October 2005 will remain on the minds of many Pakistani’s especially those from the Kashmir region. Many thousands of people lost their lives, with more reported to have been severely injured from the earthquake. Unfortunately for the people affected, they were not equipped to deal with natural disasters due to the lack of resource available. The severity of the disaster destroyed schools and hospitals in various cities, towns and villages. It was in this very worrying time that hundreds of volunteers showed courage in helping their fellow country men/women. The volunteers of Minhaj Welfare Foundation were amongst the first NGO’s to have presence in the region where the earthquake struck. Immediate action was taken to implement relief efforts by establishing short term projects and then with a goal to convert them into long term and sustainable projects. Since the disaster struck 5 years ago, MWF has spend 25 crore rupees (£2,000,000) in the infrastructure and rebuilding of these areas.

Overall plan of projects within Muzfrabad, Patika and Chakoti:

Muzzafarabad • Educational and vocational centres • Self sustainability projects • Minhaj Free Dispensary including free medical surgeries for the underprivileged. • The initiation of Min haj Model School, firstly the establishment of a Primary school and then the intention to build a Secondary school. • Involving local people by creating jobs and livelihood.

Chakoti • This is a very small village at the end of Kashmir, on the borders, • The village has a population of 10,000. • There is great importance of education in this area of the world. • MWF has initiated various projects; Minhaj Model School (Primary), Medical Dispensaries • There is at least 1500 sq yard of area that MWF is hoping to establish various projects. MWF aspires to increase the area of work by building a small hospital and a secondary school.

Patika • Minhaj Model School has been initiated for Primary level; hopefully the next stage of building work is to begin soon focusing at secondary level. • Abdul Qadoos Awan, area co-ordinator has said there has been great investment on the purchase of more land.

Contribute £100 towards a classroom


Kyrgyzstan thousands displaced from their homes The UN refugee agency distributed aid in Uzbekistan to tens of thousands of refugees who had fled violence in the southern areas of neighbouring Kyrgyzstan. The Uzbekistan government believes that more than 100,000 had crossed the border. The Uzbek authorities had distributed tonnes of aid, including tents, plastic sheeting for shelter, blankets and other relief items. The government provided medical care and meals to the ethnic Uzbek refugees, some 90 per cent of whom were women and children. The people in the refugee camps received medical attention in addition to hot meals and water was provided. There are more than 50 sites hosting refugees in the border provinces of Andijan, Ferghana and Namangan. Some refugees are staying in schools, while an unknown number have found shelter with host families. Several refugees said they were grateful for the help, but they wished to return home once the situation stabilized in Kyrgyzstan. It is estimated that more than 300,000 people were displaced inside Kyrgyzstan, including 40,000 with urgent shelter needs. In June of 2010, Al-Farghana in conjunction with MWF supported the emergency relief efforts by encouraging people to donate clothing to the people of Kyrgyzstan. After close discussions with coordinators based in the UK, MWF is hoping to initiate a Winter Project as Kyrgyzstan sets to face more worrying times.

Please donate ÂŁ100, to support one family Donate ÂŁ50 MWF Re-Development Program

Collective Marriages For many the joy of starting a new life is not a problem, there isn’t any cultural hindrance or pressure from society. A man and a woman who simply wish to begin a new family seems to be a very formal procedure. However there are countries due to cultural and traditional practices that are unable to follow this simple procedure. Cultural confusions have meant the families of ‘to be brides’ remain in the utmost of tragic situations of not marrying of their daughters. The woman remains without a partner in her life leading her to take her own life. Minhaj Welfare Foundation was the first NGO to initiate a project such as ‘Collective Marriages’ in Pakistan. Ever since the inauguration of the congregational marriage project five years ago, 429 couples have got married. The burdens of under privileged families have been relieved by MWF yet again in this unique project. Collective marriages have also been arranged in other cities, creating a nationwide frenzy. There is an evaluation process before the marriage of any couple takes place, expert and senior members of MWF assess the case of the family. Mentioned below is the detail of what is provided to each couple: Bride is given complete dowry of domestic use.

The following bridal gifts are provided to the happy couple Prayer Mat

Colour television

Both bride and groom are allowed 50 guests each.

Sewing Machine

DVD Player

TV set and Cutlery set

Gold set

A proper wedding atmosphere is created

Dinner set

Washing machine

Double bed

Pedestal fan


Food for family & guests

Volunteers ensure that the entire day goes without failure.

Suits for bride and groom

Contribute £100 towards a marriage The marriages of 429 couples have been arranged by Minhaj Welfare Foundation. The total cost of one marriage is £1000; so far £460,000 has been spent on this project.


Education a key to success The first thing that strikes anyone about education is knowledge gain. Education gives us the knowledge of the world around us. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life in a broader sense. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on everything in life. Education is important because it equips an individual with all that is needed to make our dreams come true. Education opens doors of brilliant career opportunities, a better future, and a future worth living. MWF holds education as a key to success, a key to many avenues in the international development world. It is the harsh reality of world that we live in but we have to acknowledge the lack of education and pursuit of knowledge has led to many conflicts, bloodshed and ignorance. Education plays an important role in the development of not just a child but an entire nation creating job opportunities and prosperous future. Minhaj Welfare Foundation is one of the leading NGO’s in south Asia that is focusing on education. MWF has introduced a vast educational project across Pakistan in the early 90’s; the aim was to build primary, secondary schools, IT colleges and universities. In the space of 15 years, MWF has established over 600 educational institutes with thousands of students, both male and female going through the educational process. Currently there are over 150,000 students approximately who are part of the Minhaj Education Society. MWF covers the educational expenditures of at least 25% underprivileged students. The school books are provided to these students free of cost. The Total cost of this project since its establishment: 48 crores and 5 lacs has been spent, this is equivalent £4,200,000.

How has this been beneficial? Part of MWF’s vision for the future is to provide long term and sustainable projects for the under developed sector in the third world. Thousands of people who have graduated through the various educational institutes of MWF are now working as teachers, lawyers and in governmental offices.

The progress of MES Education System


Minhaj University


IT Colleges


Model Schools



Previously up to 2008


Memorisation of the Quran






BA Degree



MA Masters












Donate £25 to sponsor a student

Aghosh – orphan care home The Aghosh project is an orphanage based in Lahore, Pakistan which will care for 500 children. The majority of the children have lost both parents in natural disasters, but some have living parents who are unable to care for them. As human beings when we see a little boy or girl desperately in need of help the natural reaction is to go out and give them a helping hand. The world that we live in prevents us from showing commitment in helping these children. Our commitment is only to ourselves and the society that we live in; helping only our family and friends. We are often left wondering ‘how and why we can help?’ these strangers who might speak a different language, come from a different cultural background or are completely alien to the world. Helping or assisting an orphan child is not just cost effective, it is a natural instinct. Minhaj Welfare Foundation initiated the Aghosh project soon after the Kashmir earthquake in 2005, this was a pilot project to provide and cater for the welfare of 50 children affected by the earthquake.

One of the old Aghosh students Umer Aziz Khan, originally from Kashmir, tells us of his journey to Aghosh: “After the disaster of 2005, theft and looting was widespread. One evening a thief came to my father and demanded money from him, my father gave him the money, the thief was not satisfied he killed my father. We are a big family, I have 4 brothers and sisters, and my mother was not the same after my father was murdered. My relatives told us about the Aghosh project in Pakistan, me, my brothers and sisters got entry into Aghosh. I successfully completed my O levels, and my dream is to eventually go to the famous Al Azhar University in Cairo. Aghosh provided me with an opportunity, I never once felt lonely and deprived of love. I will never be able to pay back Aghosh for their support”. Aghosh is a multi complex building with state of the art rooms, excellent play areas, onsite medical staff, canteen and full time carers for the children. The 5 multi storey building is coming towards its second phase of building work. MWF is hoping with the generous donation of its donors, that it can officially open the doors of Aghosh for the 500 children.

Hope for the children of Aghosh? • A high standard education from primary until graduation in university. • A better future, with the prospect of having a good career in various sectors of work. • The donor will see the difference the sponsorship makes. • Benefits of supporting this project. • We believe in 100% goes towards the cause and in this 100% goes to this unique project. • The child who will reside in Aghosh will get the best care: home, food, school and medicine. • You can visit it yourself and see the work with your own eyes. • You get the latest update.

How much has been spent in this project so far? 15 crore is equivalent to £1,500,000. Please get involved Whatever you have, put it to the side and every month you can donate towards this project.

Donate £2000 towards a unit


HEALTH CARE Minhaj Children’s Complex – Gujranwala This project is in its final stages of building work, the building itself consists of three storeys. There will be an official opening of the complex once it is completed.

Minhaj Welfare Foundation has established 107 free medical dispensaries and health centres providing 5 million patients with free medical checkups and medicine. Approximately 2 lacs (£2000) is spent annually on this project with 3.5 crore (£250,000) being already spent within the span of 15 years.

Free Eye Surgery

Minhaj Children’s Hospital – Pakpatan The long awaited Minhaj Zacha Bacha (Children’s) hospital which was initiated three years ago has now been completed. This is a three storey building which consists of 14 rooms and 40 beds for the patients. A lift is also facilitated for patients. Over 1 Korar rupees has been spent on this project. There is still a financial deficit of over 35 Lak rupees outstanding which will not allow us to fully operate this project. This amount is required to purchase medical facilities and supplies to ensure efficient service is provided to the patients.

Scientific studies have shown that blindness and sight problems are linked with poverty. Pakistan is amongst the most impoverished and poor countries in the world, with an extreme number of people hit by poverty. Over one million people are estimated to be blind in Pakistan, with thousands of children refused education due to their sight. This seems to be an ever growing problem for those seeking a bright future. Those individuals who receive further surgery have regular checkups to assure the treatment is properly treated.

How much has been spent so far? 1 crore and 15 lacs which is equivalent to £100,000.

Minhaj Medical Complex

Free Medical Camp – Lahore MWF throughout the year establishes various medical camps within under developed areas of Pakistan. MWF has set up numerous camps throughout rural areas of Lahore in which thousands of people were treated for Free Hepatitis B Test, Blood Grouping, and Vaccination Hepatitis B Test. Treatment of such diseases are vital especially in Pakistan however due to the lack of income the majority of people can simply not afford to pay for medication.

An American doctor, Dr Fida Hussain has donated his land which consists of 9 kanal and 18 marla. This vast land is located in Nanak Poor, Khanewal and will be converted into a Medical Hospital; it will legally come under an MWF project. MWF acknowledges the trust shown by Dr Fida Hussain to carry this project. The project will represent the wide spectrum of MWF’s work throughout the third world.

Ambulance Service Please see below the progress MWF has made since 2008-2009

Up until 2008

2009 – 2010


Free Checkups

60 378


65 652

Free Eye surgery




Donate £5000 for an ambulance

Thousands of people lose their lives due to inadequacy of ambulances or the number of them. MWF has established ambulances in 25 cities, it recently launched its service in Gujranwala in the Wandu Area. In addition Ambulances are operating in Gujrat, Mian Chanun, Waziabad, Gujar Khan, Jehlum, Rawalpindi, Multan, Sialkot, Abbotabad, Muzaffarabad, Kotali (Kashmir), Karaghi and other areas

Bangladesh Minhaj Welfare Foundation in November 2009 began a Winter Food Project providing people of rural areas of Bangladesh with food and water. MWF has actively been working in cities such as Dhaka, Chittagong, and Syhlet for the past fifteen years. It has established Educational projects alongside short term projects focusing mainly on education. There is great importance shown towards improving






Unfortunately countries such as Bangladesh rank way below the table of illiteracy and there is much work required in helping this. MWF feels that a specific project on education will help the lives of children providing them with a more promising future. In recent years it has provided emergency relief aid to the victims of Nargas, a huge disaster in Bangladesh, which killed and injured many people. MWF provided food, water and temporary shelters for the people affected by the hurricane. Hopefully through short term and sustainable projects, MWF can help bring change to lives of many impoverished people in society.

Please donate £300 for a classroom every year in Bangladesh.


“There is great importance shown towards improving the education of a child.”

The journey of one man’s wish If you search for Kitere on the map you will be astonished to find out that it is a remote village next to the Tana River, a small village situated between Garsen and the Tana River district. There resides a hopeful individual named Iddi who like many others wants prosperity for his small community. He has been long yearning for someone to bring change into this small Kenyan village. Shakil was that somebody who was about to bring joy on the faces of so many Kiterians and the journey began with the reconstruction of a new roof for the place of worship for the villagers who only had their faith left to cling onto. Shakil noticed a small building next to the place of worship; he asked regarding the building and was told that it was a school. The school only had 10 students who sat the majority of their lessons without proper lighting and with a part time teacher who could not afford to teach because he had to earn his income from his farm. Mr Iddi and the entire village of Kitere were blessed to have an individual such as Shakil and his friends with such an intriguing endeavour.

The following projects were initiated: • Repair of the roof and the wall of the centre. • Installation of solar panels for the school ensuring that lighting is provided for the children for them to excel in their education. • To fund the expenditure of the school, providing the students with one full time teacher and one meal per day.

Since its establishment 6 years ago there are now 200 students both boys and girls who are pursuing full time education. A water well, with the help of donations, was also dug next to the school to provide clean drinking water for the villagers and the students. This has bought a drastic change into the daily lives of the villagers considerably. In addition to the education and solar panel projects, one of the members of the village donated 4 acres of land to the school. The main priority is to convert the land into a farm for cultivation and subsequently cutting the costs of food by providing the students food from the farm. A pump has been installed to pump water out of the Tana River. The village which was known to very little is now on the map, the village receives many visitors due to its instant success of the various projects initiated. The students graduated from the school have aspirations to run similar projects in the village and improve the economic situation in their village. Minhaj Welfare Foundation in conjunction with Mr Shakil, the coordinator for the Kenyan project, would like to invite you to help rebuild a shattered village and improve the daily lives for the people of Kitere.

How often have we seen or heard that countries in Africa are struggling, poverty is at its highest, famine is common, killable diseases are widespread and people taking their own lives because they cannot face the difficult road ahead. Is this the world we want to see? As human beings we are obliged to help our fellow brothers and sisters irrespective of race, colour or creed. Minhaj Welfare Foundation created a link with a gentleman from Nigeria called Husseni, an average worker from Madagali, Adamawa State in North East Africa in October 2009. MWF began work on assessing the viability of working in the village of Madagli, it appointed Husseini as a Co-ordinator and soon initiated its Winter Food Project.

Donate £1000 to build a classroom

The people had never witnessed such a project; the joy was evident as Husseini travelled many kilometres to send MWF an email expressing the gratitude of the tribal leaders and the people from the village.

How can you help

Part of MWF’s Education for the third World project is to ensure the sustainability in charitable work in under developed areas; MWF has initiated an Education Program to provide a better future for the children of Madagali and their families.

the right education then subsequently he/

The schools are run through financial backing of the local community and the monthly fees of the children. The students contribute at least £10 at the end of the month which covers the teacher’s salary and general maintenance

equal opportunity of studying with comfort

of the school.

• Provision of 70 desks and 250 chairs

The four schools are:

• Providing the schools with books and pens.

1 Hayat School has 59 students: 32 students (age between 7 – 15) and 27 students (age between 16 – 20) 2 Nurudeen School has 68 students: 30 students (age between 7 - 15) and 38 (age between 16 – 20) 3 Diddimata School has 47 students: 17 students (age between 20 – 35) and 30 students (age 36 – 60) 4 Professor Abba Academy has 72 students: 41 students (age between 7 - 15) and 31 students (age between 15 – 20)


Education is a vital factor in the development of a child’s future, however, if there are hindrances which prevent a child from gaining she will be lured into the gloom and doom of social anarchy. The furniture project is an ideal starting curve in the development of a social wellbeing of the thousands of students of Nigeria. The project will provide them with the and will create an incentive for them to learn. The school will eventually become for him/her a stepping stone for a brighter future.

“MWF requires your help in ensuring that the furniture and books reach the small village of Madagli and bring about change to the lives of the children”

Somalia There are numerous regions within Somalia that fall way beneath the poverty line. Most of the indigenous community is left deprived of the basic requirements leaving the vast public in great shock. Minhaj Welfare Foundation wants to restore lost hope within a region that has suffered greatly in the past decade. The projects will concentrate on providing long term opportunities for the people of three regions focusing on Education, Water and Sanitation and long term sustainability projects. This particular project deals with providing an opportunity for the people of Somalia to stand on their own two feet and become a beacon of hope for others to follow. MWF is in constant coordination with its team in Somalia in establishing the following projects;

1. Orphans’ Sponsorship a. Orphanage Centre: This will provide housing, meals, education and onsite medical checkups for 100 orphans. Unfortunately due to some of the raw material being extremely expensive, we are looking at different avenues of completing this project. We must not forget the calibre of such a project and the positive impact it will have for the children of the Ceelasha district, Benadir Region. b. General Orphan Sponsorship: There are many orphans in Somalia that are being looked after by guardians or relatives, they have to face the difficult task of supporting their own children and the orphan child. You can help MWF in this unique project and sponsor an orphan for just £25 per month. At the end of the academic year, all those that have sponsored will receive a detailed report of the child’s progress.

2. Water Tanker: (Sigalow District - Hiran Region) This traditional method of transporting goods will allow for poor families to generate income for themselves. It is estimated to generate over £100 monthly income for the families which can easily cover monthly expenses of 6 to 7 members of a family. However peculiar it might seem but a cart on two tyres led by a donkey is a good source of income. One water tanker costs £500, please donate generously towards this project and see the drastic change it brings to the lives of many people.

3. Shallow Water Wells: (Qoryoley District - Lower Shabelle Region) Water and sanitation is amongst MWF’s key projects this summer, as many people are deprived of one of the most essential requirements for a human being. The lifetime of the well is for twelve years and it is estimated to provide over 3000 people water daily. This project costs £1500, majority of which will be paid to workers and the material.

Donate £1500 to build a well

Charity - creating a safer world The international work of various Muslim charity organisations has been affected by acts of terrorism and they have faced many challenges which have obstructed them to deliver their services to the needy. There have been many efforts to ensure the creditability of charity and ensuring that the charity’s resources are not used to fund or support terrorism. Minhaj Welfare Foundation (MWF) remains involved in ensuring the credibility of the charity and the public’s trust in their work. MWF takes all the necessary steps to ensure its activities are not misinterpreted, as a charitable organisation we ensure that all our activities are open and transparent. The Founder of Minhaj Welfare Foundation, Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri recently issued a fatwa, a religious edict against terrorism in any form or manifestation. The edict gained wide public interest throughout the world, attracting in particular international NGO’s who unfortunately face the difficult task of carrying out activities or projects in areas where terrorism is high. This ruling states clearly that any support for terrorism is regarded as disbelief in Islam hence MWF is committed to ensure that this message reaches the public who trust MWF as well as the civil society. MWF remains vigilant in order to ensure that the charity’s resources are not used to fund or support terrorism. The aforementioned goals are an overall focus of MWF which coincide with the UN’s Millennium Development Goals of eradicating poverty by the year 2015.

1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2. Achieve universal primary education 3. Promote gender equality and empower women 4. Improve maternal health 5. Ensure environmental sustainability 6. Develop a global partnership for development

The following key factors guide us in our work: • To alleviate poverty throughout the third world by developing long term projects in underdeveloped regions of the world. • To advance in Humanitarian projects focusing at three key elements of welfare activity; Education, Health and General Welfare • To infiltrate the concept of welfare as part of society and not a mere terminology that appears instantaneously whenever a disaster occurs • To advance education amongst the deprived in society focusing in particular for orphans and those who come from economically deprived areas

Please donate towards improving literacy and reducing poverty


MWF UK Projects

Minhaj Welfare in the UK As demonstrated in the third world and in underdeveloped regions, MWF remains focused in providing Education, Health and General Welfare to the millions of impoverished people in society. We believe that the beauty and importance of charity begins from home. Irrespective of colour, creed or religion Minhaj Welfare Foundation continues forth in raising the awareness of community cohesion and providing a secure welfare society.

MWF supports its UK initiative program to improve public understanding of the underdeveloped world. Minhaj Welfare Foundation has always supported a number of local project initiatives which have developed youngsters in gaining a better insight to the charity sector and what it is doing for the third world. MWF has highlighted the work it’s done in the charity sector and at the same time ensuring both local and national issues have been answered to the requirement of the young generation. MWF has arranged various activities and projects in the UK. These can be categorized into three different types. • Charity Nasheed Events • Challenges UK and Overseas


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By Lawrence Du

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Help MWF by becoming a volunteer, please contact us on 01282 723456

• Seekers and MYL

Trek The Great Wall Of China Minhaj Welfare Foundation has arranged an historical trip to China and a trek of a lifetime for potential trekkers who will face the Great Wall in September 2010. Keen volunteers from three continents will come together to take part in a trip of lifetime. The trek is organised to increase awareness and create funding through sponsorship of MWF projects. This particular project will support Aghosh, an orphan care home supporting 500 children, providing all essentials from accommodation to education.

DAY 1: Depart London for BeijinG Overnight flight

DAY 2: Arrive in Beijing, check into your hotel&, Trek BriefIng You will have the opportunity to explore the surrounding areas

DAY 4: Mountain Village to Jinshanling Through the heavens ladder, leaning against a mountain slope with an almost 90-degree gradient, this is the way to the Watching Beijing and the Fairy Maiden Towers. Stretching upwards along the steep mountain cliff, the narrowest part is just half a metre wide. It is like a ladder that leads into the heavens. Jinshanling - Located about eight kilometres (five miles) southeast of the Bakeshiying Township in Luanping County in Hebei Province, the Jinshanling Great Wall is the best preserved part of the Great Wall with many original features. It starts from the Wangjinglou Tower in the east and ends at Longyukou in the west and stretches about 10 kilometers (six miles).

DAY 5: Gubeiko to Jinshanling Bus out to Gubeiko then follow the wall back to Jinshanling passing remnants dating back to the Qing Dynasty.

DAY 3: Huangyaguan to Mountain Village Huangyaguan Great Wall, located in the south mountain area of Jixian County in Tianjin, was originally constructed in the North Qi Dynasty over 1,400 years ago. It was retrofitted in the Ming Dynasty under the charge of General Jiguang Qi. The whole part of Huangyaguan Great Wall is about 42 kilometres long constructed along the mountain ridge with an altitude of 736 metres. It has 66 watchtowers, 52 of which were guard towers and the remaining 14 were beacon towers. Huangyaguan is a national AAAA scenic area famous for its “Grand, Precipitous, Wonderful and Graceful” scenery. It was named as the best of the ‘Ten Scenic Spots of Tianjin’ in 1990.


The first section of the wall was built during the Northern Qi Dynasty (550 – 557). Centuries later, General Xuda ordered to rebuild it in the early Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644). The defensive capability of the wall was enhanced by adding more stones. When Qi Jiguang was appointed the chief commanding officer of Ji Garrison (one of the eleven garrisons in Ming Dynasty), he laid another line of brick wall beside the original one, thus forming the unique Gubeikou double-lined Wall.

DAY 6: Jinshanling to Simatai The Simatai Great Wall is celebrated for its steepness, queerness and intactness. The main tourist attractions include the Stairway to Heaven, the Fairy Tower, the Heaven Bridge and the Wangjing Tower.

DAY 7: Jianjou to Mutinyu Drive to Jianjou in the morning Mutianyu Great Wall winds 1.4 miles through lofty mountains and high ridges, many sections of which are made of granite. The unique structure makes the wall almost indestructible. It measures 23 to 26 feet high and four to five yards wide. Both of the wall’s inner and outer sides have parapets to defend against enemies coming from the two sides. Some parapets are saw- tooth shaped instead of the regular rectangular form. Below the parapets, there are square embrasures the top of which are designed in an arc structure, different from the traditional round embrasures.

DAY 8: Field Day With opportunity to see the Forbidden City & visit the markets.

DAY 9: Day in Beijing Lying at the centre of Beijing, the Forbidden City, called Gu Gong in Chinese, was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now known as the Palace Museum, it is to the north of Tiananmen Square. Rectangular in shape, it is the world’s largest palace complex and covers 74 hectares. Surrounded by a six metre deep moat and a ten metre high wall are 9,999 rooms. The wall has a gate on each side. Opposite the Tiananmen Gate, to the north is the Gate of Divine Might (Shenwumen), which faces Jingshan Park. The distance between these two gates is 960 metres, while the distance between the gates in the east and west walls is 750 metres. There are unique and delicately structured towers on each of the four corners of the curtain wall. These afford views over both the palace and the city outside.

DAY 10: Travel to London Fund Raising Target £2450 Registration Deposit £299 [this contributes to the £2450, so £2151 after deposit]. What’s included? Food [Breakfast, lunch and dinner], Accommodation [single sex twin rooms], Tour Guides, Transportation in China, Return Economy class tickets and basic medical support [GP].

Challenges UK and overseas JOIN THE HIGHEST SKYDIVE IN THE UK MWF UK & SEEKERS have teamed up to bring to you an event that you will remember for life. We have organised a Tandem Skydive; a tandem skydive is a parachute dive out of a plane whilst you are attached to an instructor. The instructor controls the dive to ensure that you have a safe landing. All income generated from this project will be spent on charitable projects to support the development of orphans.




Five females from various parts of the UK came together for a memorable experience, to jump 15,000 ft. The girls all

This is one of the highest dives in the country; most others jump from 10,000ft.

of whom raised a substantial amount to jump for this unique project told MWF of their relief in jumping. Sadia from Oldham told us that her family encouraged her to do the jump; she got the backing from


friends as well. After her exciting jump, she was asked whether or nor she will do it again and she replied: ‘not in a while’.

You will have to raise £400 through sponsorships from your friends, relatives and associates.

This is a one in a lifetime experience but most importantly, just as the girls

It may feel like a huge figure but you will be given help and advice based on tried and tested fundraising

manifested it isn’t all about the jump, it is about the cause.


HOW DO I PARTICIPATE? Participating is easy, just log onto and press the jump link, or visit Upon registration you will be emailed an information pack that you can download and print out. Inside the information pack you will receive details on how to register; you fill in the documentation and post it to us.

Registration Contact: 0845 872 9812


Seekers a path to guidance Minhaj Welfare Foundation sponsored new initiatives such as the seekers event during late October 2009 and early March 2010. Seekers is an educational forum for students which has been established by the Muslim Youth League UK (MYL UK). Through engaging events and seminars, Seekers aims to address the latest issues facing Muslim students and general society today. The first of the seekers event was a series of lectures in October and November focusing at Creation of Man: An analysis of Quranic concept of creation and modern embryology. The event attracted a wide array of both students and admirers of this debated topic which has been highlighted for centuries.

Minhaj-ul-Quran International UK arranged a seminar at the Houses of Parliament to discuss the reasons why extremist and radical elements exist in Britain and how we can tackle it. Minhaj Welfare Foundation sponsored a series of lectures for the British youth ‘Islamic Perspective Series 2010. Hussain Mohi ud din Qadri was the main speaker for all four events. The first event was at the Queen Mary, University of London, the guest speaker explored ways in tackling radical ideologies. Hundreds of British youth collectively gathered in their respective areas to listen to Hussain Mohi ud Din Qadri shed light on topics involving the Youth. The modern aspects of religion have led people to dissociate themselves from society, distancing themselves from mainstream public. The guest speaker passionately addressed the audience to remain neutral in the Islamic faith and not to allow the actions of some to degrade the status of the religion.

Representatives of MYL UK gave detailed presentations using extracts and examples from the Quran and modern day science. The audience was then given an opportunity to ask questions to the guest speakers. The lectures took place in the following on two different occasions: University of London, Birmingham City University, Sheffield Hallam and University Manchester Metropolitan

Muslim contributions to civilization There is great debate currently going on in relation to the wide gap between Muslims and the west. Unfortunately misconceptions and distortions have portrayed the religion of Islam as an evil faith. Contrary to the common thought, Islam and Muslims in particular have played a key part to the rise and shine of society and civilization. Seekers alongside MYL UK in conjunction with Minhaj Welfare Foundation held a series of lecture in March 2010. The series of lectures were to highlight Muslim contributions to civilization. The audience shared their thoughts in how mainstream thought and idea has alienated Islam for the truth. An example of modern Spain remains embedded in the minds of many, as for centuries Europe witnessed the prosperity of its own economy and well being from the failures and darkness of previous years. Seekers and MYL UK once again arranged informative and inspiring lectures to both Muslims and non Muslims. The lectures were organised in the following lecture theatres: Sheffield Hallam University, Westminister University, Birmingham City University and University of Manchester

‘Islamic Perspectives Series 2010’ There has been a widespread of Islamphobia throughout the world. The lack of knowledge and ignorance shown by a minority of hard headed people has distorted the true picture of Islam. This has led to many young British Muslims growing up in the UK confused with the core teachings of their faith. It has affected and consequently radicalised the minds of many vulnerable British Muslims

MWF sponsored the following four events: London - Islamic Political System Sheffield - Spiritualism & Materialism Birmingham - Socialism, Capitalism and Islam Bradford - Issues affecting the Ummah

Jihad Hijacked It will not be a surprise to anyone to learn of the great misconceptions that are held by many regarding some key aspects of Islam. Presently due to the rise of individuals massacring innocent civilians, irrespective of their religion, in the name of Jihad, has deeply confused the image of Jihad.

Charity nasheed event – an evening of inspiration (Aghosh) Report by Event organiser: Mohammad Kadir It all started in November in Bradford as MWF literally was on the road as thousands of people from Bradford, Woking, High Wycombe, Nottingham and Nelson turned up in their respective cities to celebrate a night of great entertainment.


Thus, Muslims who understood the true concept of Jihad were immensely depressed to see the message of the extremists being presented as Islam. Muslims and the wider community were crying out for the true Message of Islam and in particular the true concept of Jihad to be presented so that Islam can be differentiated from the acts of the terrorists. To carry out this crucial role Minhaj Welfare Foundation has been active in the past year. The Fatwa against terrorism launched by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri was a ground breaker and demolished the foundations of the extremist ideology. This Fatwa alone revolutionised the image of Islam in the world and particularity in the West, overnight. Months after the launch of the Fatwa in London, the world media is still buzzing with references to the Fatwa. Minahj Welfare Foundation sponsored an MYL UK event at the Bradford Hilton Hotel titled ‘JIHijackAD’. The aims of the conference were to highlight the fact that the concept of Jihad had been hijacked by extremists and terrorists; and to present the true Islamic concept of Jihad to the world. The guest speaker for the conference was Hassan Mohi ud Din Qadri, PHD student at the University of the Arab League, Cairo. The conference attracted over 700 youngsters who sold out the much anticipated event within minutes. There were performances on the night by the popular group Mecca2Medina and soloist Hamza Robertson. A presentation of Minhaj Welfare Foundation was given by Adnan Sohail. He touched on the importance of international development in the third world. He later encouraged the audience to take practical steps in assisting the poorer nations.

Bradford was the first city to host and kick start this unique tour to raise funds for the Aghosh project. Over 500 people, male and female, young and old crowded the Kashmir Centre in Bradford.

The main highlight of the evening event was the mesmerising ode in Praise of the Beloved, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him), by renowned Nasheed Artist Milad Raza Qadri. Milad was the leading artist in all of the events. He has travelled throughout the world and has been very supportive of MWF’s projects. There was a presentation of MWF’s activities by Shams ur Rahman. The audience were in tears after watching the 8 minutes long documentary. Milad, after popular demand, came back onto the stage to perform one of his tracks, He was joined by hundreds of kids on stage. He was also joined by Adnan Sohail, Project Manager of MWF who charismatically initiated the fundraising. Can you believe all donations made to MWF go to the cause? The money raised was in support of the new Orphanage building, Aghosh. It did not stop there, a kind artist donated a painting to MWF and said that it could be auctioned and the money pledged will go towards the orphanage. It was unbelievable, Bradford had never seen anything like this before, and as the count went back and forth eventually it was sold to a sister from Halifax.

Become a MWF volunteer, please contact us on 01282 723456 24


Nelson (One Passion, One Jazbah)

It was the first time ever in the history of High Wycombe, that a Charity Nasheed Event of this kind was arranged in the Swan Theatre. In the past it has played host to pantomimes, music concerts and other events, but this was the first of its kind. The theatre was filled within in a space of an hour; people from Central London, Luton and Bedford attended this unique event.

MWF in conjunction with RMW organised for one evening only ‘One Passion, One Jazba’. The event celebrated the success, music and art has had in the sub continent. It was an evening full of inspiration and entertainment. What was more exciting and something which is not seen often was that the crowd who had filled the auditorium in the space of 10 minutes were electrifying.

Milad Qadri was joined by a famous artist from Pakistan, Afzal Noushai, a famous reciter of traditional poetry. The hearts of listeners were enriched by the melodious poetry. A surreal insight to poverty under the name Poverty Over, a project of MWF was relayed, thankfully without any hiccups. Several youngsters stood up and volunteered to support the Poverty Over project. The rest of the audience were in awe of the short trailer as they saw the dark reality of the world that they live in. It was an excellent once again, as both youngster and elder pledged and donated towards MWF.

This was the first time that the performers were on stage together in Nelson in the newly built Ace centre. The event was sponsored by the local council; it meant that we could give the tickets away for free. I though this was an excellent gesture from RMW and MWF and making it a family event. Tribute has got to go to the performers who performed continuously for four hours, I don’t think the crowd wanted to go home. The following guests performed on the night

The most intriguing thing was that several people from the community came to me and asked if they could arrange similar events. One of the councillors of High Wycombe applauded the efforts of MWF as he was amazed that within a short span of time, so much has been achieved. The events get better every time.

Guests included: Shaykh Ahmed Tijani ben Omar (USA) Milad Raza Qadri (Scotland) Ashiq e Rasool (UK) Romana Qureshi (UK)

NOTTINGHAM I did not know what to expect from this event in Nottingham, I was told by the sister arranging the event that she has established a Nasheed Academy to develop further the young talent and provide them an opportunity of future success as an artist. So the young and talented group from the NNA began the proceedings and I have to say these children really have talent. It was great entertainment for the parents as they witnessed their children face the daunting task of performing on stage. We had another up and coming artist from Burnley, Abdul Jabbar, he was little known but as he performed people did not want him to stop. The people of Nottingham collectively came forth to raise awareness of MWF and they kindly donated towards the Aghosh project. Adnan who was with me on all the events thanked sister Ishrat and the children who organised the event.

Hamza Robertson (Manchester) Abdul Jabbar (Nelson) Husnain Hanif (Nelson) MWF will be arranging more exciting events, if you want a similar event in your local town or you would like to arrange something similar then please contact us on

MWF gifts for the children of Derian When I first came across the website of Derian and realised the unfortunate illnesses that some children were born with, I thought MWF should do something for these children. So one day prior to Eid celebration, we went to the Derian House and distributed gifts to the children. I was really struck by the introductory comments from their own website mentioned below. MWF realised that charity is not just based on providing money, but a simple gesture of smiling can also be considered as charity. “making the most of every moment for every child whose moments will be all too few” When we were children, it always seemed the best stories of childhood began, “Once upon a time” and ended, “they all lived happily ever after.” Sadly for the children of Derian House and their parents, the reality is somewhat different, and all too often, living happily ever after, is not to be. For the parents of a child diagnosed as terminally ill, there can be no long term future, ......the planning of their child’s education, the milestones in their child’s life....... for who knows what tomorrow, next week, next year may bring. For them there is sufficient challenge in coping with their child’s illness from one day to the next. For them, their children’s future is counted in smaller terms, sometimes in months or weeks, rather than years, in taking each day as it comes. For them, Derian House becomes an intrinsic part of that future. Whilst their lives may be cut tragically short, we ensure that they lead as full and normal a life as possible by offering them the optimum support to cope with their illness, along with the best possible medical care , and as much fun and laughter as they can pack into every single day...( The children and staff members wanted to thank the volunteers of MWF and in particular the children of Minhaj Educational Centre, Nelson, in gifting the presents to the children.


“making the most of every moment for every child whose moments will be all too few”

y z a r C Part of Minhaj Welfare Foundation’s challenges within the UK is creating awareness of fair play in sports and encouraging community cohesion through various sporting activities. Minhaj Welfare Foundation has sponsored a local junior football team named PAAK United FC. The club was set up almost 30 years ago in Nelson, Lancashire and has developed itself as a good Football team. The club now has different categories of teams, in which great focus is shown on the junior teams. MWF commented on the sponsorship of the junior team:

“We believe in supporting local initiatives especially if it provides an opportunity for children to show their talent on the pitch as well getting involved in positive activities. We can help promote community cohesion and allow young people to participate in a sport which they enjoy.”

SUMMER FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT: IN AID OF ORPHANS AROUND THE WORLD Two tournaments were organized on the same weekend, one in Nelson, Lancashire and the other in London. The tournament was to raise awareness of MWF’s Orphan projects around the world. The first ever tournament was a great success, some of the players showed great talent on the pitch. Who knows they might even have a chance in the next world cup. Similar tournaments will be arranged throughout the UK, if you want to organise a similar tournament football or cricket then please get in contact with us on

ǔ nj イij㭚ij ⮝Ĩ⟜ĨƻƿᘂĨş㛢 ǖ ǔ nj ⨴ĨœդĨƫĨşŒƑĨ⦾ĨŨij⊾Ĩ¹⋻ĨijƿᶲĨ޵ĨƿƫijĨ⦋œĨŨ㡣ijĨą»ƿĨǔ ⩪Ĩ㿸ŔǗ ǔưǘƫ⍺䂩ƫĨş㛢Ĩ nj Ĩ イij㭚ij ⮝ ĨƭijĨ nj ĨሱĨ㶊ĨűƿᆽĨŨ◵Ĩ༶ijഫĨ Ĩ ƭƿ⊙Ĩイ㙶Ĩ ⦾Ĩ⟜ĨƻƿᘂĨş㛢Ĩ ǔ Ǖǔ Ǎ ▨ƿĨᦾĨ⦾Ĩƿǔ ŔǗ ǔưষ ĨĶǖư 㼥ᆽĨĴǎưœĨ⚮Ĩƿ⋡ ĈijĨŕ∄ⓔĴnjưĨ◵ĨƗijĨ㵃ĨኑĨϕĨ⩪ĨණĨ⾻ijÞĴƟƲijĨƿƫijĨ㶊ĨᗟĨ¸Ĩş Ĩ ƗƫᮃĨㆅ䃅ijĨűǁƒ ǔ Ǘǔǘ ǖ ǔ nj ĨÛĨፄĨÛĨイij㭚ij ⮝ĨÛƿ¸őĨ Ĩየ㶊ĨᗟĨᆽĨ⦾Ĩ㳟ijǁƒĨ ƗƫᮃĨㆅ䃅ijĨűǁƒĨ Ĩƻƫ῎Ĩ㌸Ĩ ĨĶưĨƭijĨ nj Ĩƻ⚷ĴǍưĨ⨴Ĩœij㍛ijĨ⦾ĨƻĨ䀋㍞ĨŨ㰔ijĨą»ƿĨ⩪Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺ĨĨ䂩ƫĨş㛢 ǘ Ǖ Ǘ ǔ ǔ 㶄Ĩ㖭ĴƙĨ῎Ĩ䂆œĨƿƫijĨ㯒ĨűœijƫĨ ą ÛœĴnjư ĈijĨ㒷ĨÛĨခ⢣ĨÛĨœĴnjư ĈijĨÂijĨÛĨƻ᥏Ĩ ⮝ĨÛƭ⽧ᷫĨÛĨƻ㖵ĨÛĨűⳳƫijƿĨĨÛĨ䃦⸚ijƫգĨű㙲 Ǖ ƻĴǎưœĴƙĨ⋂ᇭij

ǔ Ǘǔǘ ǔ nj Ĩƻƫ῎Ĩ㌸Ĩ⩪Ĩƻ⚷Ĵ ⋂ᇭijĨʼnĴƙĨǂǏŗĨ Ũ㰔iją»ƿĨ⩪Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺ĨĨ䂩ƫĨş㛢Ĩ Ǎư ǖ Ǖ ǖ ĨĶưĨƭijĨ nj Ĩƻ◀ŒƈĨ㌸Ĩ⩪Ĩ㗘Ĩ䈦Ĩ⩪ĨሱĨ㶊ĨĴưᆽĨ⦿ĨŨ㡣ijĨ◵Ĩƻ䄹œĴƙ Ǖ Ǖ ǔ ǔ Ĩƻ㭚ij⯦ĨƿijœĴưĨƿƫijĨ¹⋻Ĩ Ĩ ƻ䄹œĴƙĨ⋂ᇭijĨƻijĨ 㶄ĨᗟĨᆽĨ㻾ijƫ⚮ĨƻĴǎưœĴƙĨĨ⦾Ĩƻ̞ Ǖ ǖ ǔ ǔ ĨĴưᆽĨ⦿Ĩƻƫ೶Ĩ ㆘ĨƫĨ⊢Ĩ㖁Ĩ Ĩ㼧ijœijĨ⦾Ĩ䀌ǁƒĨ 㳟ijĨ⩪ĨűœĴƙĨ⦾Ĩƻ̞Ĩ⦾ĨƻijĨ⢣ ǖ ǔ Ĩ⦾Ĩ⯦Ĩ⢣Ĩニœ ĴưᆽĨ⣃ƿĨ ĨijƫƿĨƣǁƒĨ㻾⢣Ĩ◵Ĩ㏪Ĩ⍱ĨƿƫijĨ㏪Ĩ Ĩ Ĩƻijƿƫij㶊 ǖ ǖ Ĩ⩪ĨƏⅆĨƻ㭚ƫœĨニœĨƿƫijĨホœĨᇃĨ㶊ĨĴưᆽĨ⦿Ĩ㳟ijǁƒĨፊĨ㖁Ĩ◵Ĩƭƿƫ⃛ ǔ ǖ 㶊ĨĴưᆽĨ⦿Ĩ㳟ijǁƒĨĴư⣃Ĩ⢣Ĩƻ㭚㜚

ǘ ǖ ǖ ǖ ǔ Ǖ ǔ ĨĴǎưĨニœĨÛホœĨ Ĩ᮳Ĩ‫ڄ‬Ĩ⛨Ĩ Ĩ㶊ĨĴưᆽĨ⣃ƿĨʼn䂇Ĩ Ĩƿ↎Ĩ₰ᦩĨ◵ĨƭĴnjưĨƗij 㶊ĨĴưᆽĨ⦿ĨŨ㡣ijĨƻĴƙĨ ⇘Ĩ⨴Ĩ䈉Ĩ⩪ĨƻijĨƿƫijĨ㶊Ĩ༶ᆽĨ⦾Ĩ‫ب‬Ĩƫ ĈijĨ ƿষĨ؈Ĩ⦾Ĩƻ㭚㜚Ĩ⩪ĨニœĨƿƫijĨホœ ǔ ǔ Ǘ ǖ ǔ Ĩűœ䇗Ĩ⦾Ĩⱟ{ƿĨ ĨሱĨ㶊ĨĴưᆽĨĴǎưœĨ⢣ĨƽƿጶĨ㰌‫۝‬㭚Ĩ‫ڄ‬Ĩ⬃Ĩʼn㼊ijǀnjƱĨ Ĩ║㛼ĨƗijĨĨĜĨƻ¸ĨĶǎưỼĨ ĨŨij ƫ ĨƗijĨẵĨƿij{ijĨƿⓔƫĴnjưĨŕƫĨƿƫijĨ¸Ĩ㭛Ĩ㝂ƫ㋶ĨƗᡶijĨ ą ⢣ĨƻƫƿijœĨớƿĨ⩪Ĩƻij ǔū Ǘǔǘ Ǖ ǔ ǖ ǖ ǖ ǖ ǔ ǔ nj ƻƫ೶Ĩ 㶊ĨƮŬŒƈĨ⦾Ĩœ⇰ijĨ Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺ĨĨ䂩ƫĨş㛢Ĩ ◵Ĩƭij᢯Ĩǂǎ Ć ƺť Ĩ⨴Ĩƻ䄹œĴƙĨƻijĨ Ĩ᮳Ĩ㝂ij◀őijĨ‫އ‬ĨƫĨ㝂㕄Ĩ 㶊ĨĴưĨ¸Ĩœጶ㛼Ĩƻ㆘ĴƙĨ ĨŨฑĨ◵ĨƭĴǎưƿƫ⃛ ǖ ̡Ĩ⦾Ĩ䃦 ㇂Ĩ⩪Ĩƭ⍺ ijĈ Ĩ༶ƿ┌ ǔ ǔ nj ຋Ĩ㶊Ĩ༶ ĈijĨ⍽ ĈijĨ༶ƿ┌Ĩ㻾⢣Ĩ᫛ij㥀ijŔšǔ Ĩ‫ڄ‬Ĩ Ĩ᮳ĨሱĨǂǏŗĴnjưĨẵĨƻ⚷Ĵ 䂩ƫĨş㛢Ĩ Ǎ ưĨ ĴǎưĨ㗘Ĩƻƫƿ{ij ą nj Ĩ 㶊Ĩ㵃ƿĨଷĨଷĨ㴏Ĩ㆕Ĩ⩪Ĩœij㍛ijĨƿƫijĨ ̡Ĩ⦾Ĩ䃦 ㇂Ĩ⩪Ĩ⍽ ĈijĨ༶ƿ┌ĨƗijĨ㿸ŔǗ ǔưǘƫ⍺ Ĩ 䂩ƫĨş㛢 Ǘǔǘ ǖ ǘǔ ǔ ǖ Ǎ Ĩ▨ƿĨ⦾Ĩƿǔ ŔǗ ǔưষĨƻ⦊őĨ Ĩƿ↎Ĩ⋂㊞Ĩ Ĩƭ⍺ ĨŖšƿ㛼 㶊ĨᗟĨ⚮Ĩş ĈijĨŨฑĨƻijĨĶưĨƭijĨ nj ẵĨŨ○Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǖ Ĩ㯵 ĈijĨイ⸟ƿĨĨŔǎưỺĨĶưᒎijĨ ĨœĴnjư ĈijĨŨŒƙijĨƿƫijĨƆŒŶijĨϗĨ⩪ĨᡳᮃĨÛƭᆽĨ◁ŒƈĨ ᾎĨÛ✏Ĩ”Ĩ⦾ĨǀnjƱ☰ijĨ ǔ Ǘǔǘ ǖ ǔ nj Ĩű⯧ĨƗijĨ⦾Ĩ㺥㆘ƿǔ ĈijĨƫĨƻ㇑ijĨ ĨẵĨイ⸟ƿĨ㯵Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺Ĩ䂩ƫĨş㛢Ĩ Ĝ㻾¸ĨĴǍưǀnjƱč Ĩű⁚ĨƮŬ○Ĩẵ Ǘ ǔ Ǘ Ĩƻ◀ŒƈĨŕ ㇂Ĩ⩪ĨგᗎĨƿƫijĨ㯒ĨűœijƫĨÛŨijǀŇƶnj ƱĨÛƆĴnjưĨÛƭ⢣őĴnjưĨÛœĴnjư Ĉij㒷Ĩ㆕Ĩ⩪Ĩ ̡Ĩ⦾Ĩƻ⮝ィĨŕ ㇂ ǔ nj ĶǖưĨŕ㆘Ĩ Ĩƻij{᥏ Ĩ䂩ƫĨş㛢Ĩ Ĩ ĨܱĨƫĨ⟋Ĩœጶ㛼Ĩ ĨየĨ ⩠Ĩ㻑ⓔĨƻʹĨᨭ Ĩ ǔ Ǘǔǘ Ǘ ǖ ǖ ĨẵĨ஛ƫƿĨƿƫ⚮Ĩ Ĩ Ĩƿ↎Ĩ⋂㊞ Ĩƭƿ₩Ĩ⦾Ĩű㨴ĨŕƫŒƈĨ⩪ĨƗijĨĜ 㶊ƿĨƯō㡾Ĩ»ƿĨ⩪Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺ ǔ ǔ ⱞĨ㽋ԢĨŨ¸Ĩƿ Ĩ ƿƫij ĨĴǎưœĨ䂺ƿĨ◵Ĩ ijƿ ǔ Ǘǔǘ ǖ ǖ ǔ ǖ ǔ ǔ ǔ nj Ĩ㝂ĴưᶰĨą䃦 ㇂Û ƻij»ijĨ ŨĴnjư Ĩイ⸟ƿĨą䃦 ㇂Ĩ ĨƻijĨ㶊ĨᗟĨ⚮ĨଷĨƭ㆘ŔšĨভijĨ Ĩƻ◀ŒƈĨየĨ㆕Ĩ⩪Ĩœij㍛ijĨƿƫijĨ ̡Ĩ⦾Ĩ䃦 ㇂Ĩ⩪Ĩ ƭ⍺ ĈijĨ༶ƿ┌ĨĶưĨƭnj ijĨ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺Ĩ䂩ƫĨş㛢 Ǖ Ǘǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ

Ĩ ĴƙĨ┊Ĩą 䃦 ㇂ĨÛ DŽᵖĨƻƫƿ{ij ĨƭŒ ĨヤĨイĴư ĨƭŒ nj ǎ ƶƛĨą䃦 ㇂ĨÛœij㍛ijĨ⦾Ĩ䃦 㛿Ĩű✏ĨƿƫijĨƻ␎ijĨÛ Þ㮴ƫŔưij

nj ǎ ƶƛĨą䃦 ㇂ĨÛ ⬪ ĨƗƿĴnjưĨą䃦 ㇂ĨÛ ƻᕥӡ Ǖ ǔ 㶄Ĩ⚮œĨą Ŋą nj ưⓔĨŕ⍱ƫĨࢣĨĜœĴnjư ĈijĨ㧊ĨƗƿĴnjưĨą䃦 ㇂Ĩ ƿƫijÛ ŕ㦄㆘ œ Ĵnjư ĈijĨÂijĨÛű㍞ ĨűƿĴnjưĨƏǀnjƱĨą䃦 ㇂Û űⳳƫijƿ


Ǘ ⩀Ĩ䁞Ŕǎ ƶŬĨűǁƒ ǔ Ǘ Ǘǔǘ Ǘ nj ĨҮĨÛᄌĨtĨ㺁ĴưĴǍƶǎƹǏŗĨ ĨየĨ㶊Ĩ㵃ƿĨijƫ⚮Ĩ㚟Ĩ⩁Ĩ䁞Ŕǎ ƶŬĨűǁƒĨ⩪Ĩ⋈㭚Ĩ㌸ĨẵĨʼnĴƙホĴƙĨ Ĩƻ◀ŒƈĨ䅂œĨƿijƿœƿƫœĨƿƫijĨşij㭚ƫœ Ĩ⩪Ĩƿ¸őĨ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺䂩ƫĨş㛢 ǔƱ ǔ Ǘ nj Ĩ 㶊ĨĴǖưᆽĨĴǎưԢĨ䀼Ĩ⢣Ĩ㸢ijǁƒĨ⦾ ȘǪȦȚ ȦǦŏȥ¾Ȼ⨴ĨtĨ㺁ĴǗưĴǍƶƹǎ Ǐ ŗĨƿƫijĨĨᄌĨƭƫ ĨŴ㍞Ĩ⩪ĨⒿ㵶ĨƿƫijȻǀȦȖȦǦʎȒȦıĨ ƻጹĨ㶄ĨᢩĨ◵Ĩ⩁Ĩ䁞Ŕǎ ƶŬĨűǁƒĨ ijĨ‫ڄ‬Ĩ ƘĽƶnj ĨҮĨ űǁƒĨş㛢 Ǎ ǘ ǖ ǔ Ǘ ǖ ǔ ǔ nj ƈĨẵĨՉĨҮĨ⢣Ĩƻ䀋㍞ĨŒƶnjƹŪĨ nj 㶊ĨĴǖưᆽĨĴǎưԢĨ㘘Ĩ‫ڄ‬Ĩ⢣Ĩ㸢ijǁƒĨ⦾Ĩƻ᨞Ĩ 㽋ij¤ijĨƿƫijĨƻ᨞Ĩ㔦Ĩ⢣Ĩƻ䀋㍞Ĩ⩪ĨǂƢǎƹŎưijœĨ㵶ĨŕƫŒƈĨᰩijĨ 㶊Ĩ༶ᆽĨ⦾Ĩ㳟ijǁƒĨƯōᷜĨ㔦Ĩ⦾ĨşŒ Ĩş㛢 ǔ ǖ ǔ ǔ 㶊Ĩ㯶ƿĨƽœĨŨ㢲ijᮃĨƭ㆘ŔšĨভijĨẵĨƿij{ijĨ᡺ijĨ Ĩƻ㖵Ĩ䅊ĨⒿ㵶Ĩ䄁ijȻǀȦȖȦǦʎȒȦıĨՉĨҮ Ǘ nj ʼnij㯯᥏Ĩ⟜Ĩ䁞Ŕǎ ƶŬĨş㛢 ǔū Ǘ ǔǔ Ĩ Ĩʼnij㯯᥏Ĩ⃴ĨƿষĨĶưĴưĨ䈏Ĩ₪∇Ĩ⚙Ĩ㯵ĨᢇĨij⎳ĨᠯijœĨ㻾ֶĨǂǎĆ ƺť Ĩƽƿ㸈Ĩ㕦Ĩ Ĩ䁨㍞ij Ǘǔǘ nj 㟨ƿĨǔ 㻾Ĵnjư ĈijĨভijĨ㐤Ĩ Ĩイ㍞Ĩ ĨƿƫijĨʼn⠺ Ĩ ĨሱĨ༠Ĩ⦾Ĩœ᩠Ĩ⩪Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺䂩ƫĨş㛢Ĩ Ǘǔǘ nj ĨϕĨ⩪Ĩ㯵ᆽ¸Ĩ㖁Ĩ㻾ijƫƿ◵Ĩ㮄㭚ⓔĨűƿƫ⃛ Ĩ㻾ijɦijĨƿƫijĨűƿij䄹œĨƿᒎĨ㯵Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺䂩ƫĨş㛢Ĩ Ǘ nj ǖ Ǎ ƿǔ ŔǗ ǔưষĨƿijǂǔ Ǐ ŗĨ Ĩ Ĩƭᆽij ij Ĩ◵ĨŨ◵Ĩ༶ijഫĨ⩪Ĩ⟜Ĩ䁞Ŕǎ ƶŬĨş㛢Ĩ Ĩᑥƫ ĨƗąijĨ 㶄Ĩ⩩Ĩş Ĩ ǔ ǖ ǔ 㶊Ĩƿ◵ƿœĨƻƫ೶Ĩ₰ᦩĨ◵Ĩƭij᢯ĨƭǍ ĈijĨ⨴ĨණĨ⦾ĨሱĨ㶊ᖞĨ¸Ĩƿ⋡ ĈijĨŕ∄ⓔĴnjư Ǘ nj ʼnij㶅ĴƙĨ⟜Ĩ䁞Ŕǎ ƶŬĨűǁƒĨş㛢 ǔ Ǘ Ǘ ǔ nj ĨűᩢœĨűǁƒĨĶǎưij䈏Ĩ䄺ĨĜ㶄Ĩྂ⚮Ĩŕœ᪯ijĨ䀈㍞Ĩ¹ǁƦĨ⩪ĨƿijǂǏŗĨ Ĩ㭛㯶㆘ĨƻጹĨÛ㶊Ĩᑥƫ ĨᤫŒƑĨœ㚢ĨĶǎưijĨ Ĩ؈Ĩ◁ŒƈĨŨ㰔ij»ƿĨ⩪Ĩʼnij㶅Ĵƙ ⟜Ĩ䁞Ŕǎ ƶŬĨűǁƒĨş㛢 ǔ Ǘǔǘ Ǘ Ǘ ǖ ǔƱ nj 㐤Ĩ Ĩƻƫ⟱Ĩ Ĩşnj ĈijĨẵĨƯ nj ጶĨ༠ ĨűǁƒĨÛဏƿ㽘œĨ㻾 ĈijĨƿ{ijĨ⩪ĨሱĨÛ㶊ĨᖞĨԡĨ⟜Ĩ䁞Ŕǎ ƶŬĨűǁƒĨ ş㛢Ĩ ƫ㒾Ĩ ㆘Ĩ⦾ĨƭǍ ĈijƿƫijĨ㌤ĨƿƫƿĨ㭛ặĨ⦾Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺䂩ƫĨş㛢 ǔ Ǘ Ǘ Ǘ ǖ Ĩ䁞Ŕǎ ƶŬĨƗąijĨ 㶄Ĩ㶊ƿĨƽœĨŨ㢲ijĨᮃĨƭ㆘ŔšĨভijĨẵĨt㝃◵ĨűǀnjƱĨƽ䁗ijĨἔĨűǁƒĨƿƫijĨ䁞Ŕǎ ƶŬĨἔĨűǁƒĨÛĨ䅊Ĩ㿸 ĈijĨ㻾 ĈijĨűǁƒĨÛ⟂ĨtĨჲĨűǁƒĨÛ䅊ĨᐹĨᷪĨűijĨűǁƒĨÛű ƿĴnjƶǎƹŋ ǔ Ǘ Ǘ nj Ĝ㶄Ĩ㶊ƿĨ¸Ĩ㎚ĨœijǁƒijĨ Ā㽍൰Ĩ㭛ijƿƫƿĨ ẵĨ⟜ Ĩ䀈㍞ Ûű ƿĴnjƶǎƹŋĨἔĨ䀈㍞ Û䁞Ŕǎ ƶŬĨἔĨ䀈㍞Ĩ Ĩ㭛㯶㆘Ĩ Ĩ⟜Ĩ䁞Ŕǎ ƶŬĨűǁƒĨş㛢Ĩ Ǘ ǔ Ǘ ǔ ǖ nj Ĩ⩪Ĩƻ⟡Ĩ䁞Ŕǎ ƶŬĨ䄸ƿijĨŕƫŒƈĨĜ㶄Ĩ஛ƫƿĨƿijǂǏŗĨ Ā㽍൰Ĩƭᆽij ijĨ㭛㯶㆘Ĩ⩪Ĩ⟜Ĩ䁞Ŕǎ ƶŬĨűǁƒĨş㛢Ĩ 㶄Ĩྂ⚮Ĩ⁳ᠷĨ㧟㽋ijǀnjƱĨ⋗ĨűǁƒĨ䀈㍞Ĩ Ā㽍൰ĨƿƫijĨtĨჲĨἔ Ǖ ǖ ǖ ǖ Ǎ ĨœդĨƫĨşŒƑĨ⦾Ĩƻ⮝ィĨ Ĩƭƿ₩Ĩ ⦾Ĩ㯵⚮Ĩ㖭ĴƙĨ⢣ĨƭĴ ǎ ưƫœijĨűǁƒĨ ijƫĨ㯵¸Ĩ⁳ᠷĨ Ĩƭƿ₩Ĩ⦾ 6DPSOHV ŕœ⚮Ĩ㜩ĨẵĨƏⅆĨ⦾Ĩƻƫ㻩㬚 ĨijᶰĨ㭛㯶㆘Ĩ▨ƿĨ ijƫĨ㯵¸Ĩş Ĩ ǖ ĨĜ㶊Ĩ৔ĨᆽĨĶưĨ஛ƫƿĨ⣂ő ǔ nj ☏ĴǍưĨʼn㱛ĨƻƿᘂĨş㛢 ǖ ǔ nj Ĩ ☏ĴǍư nj Ũ㡣ijĨą»ƿĨǔ ⩪Ĩ㿸ŔǗ ǔưǘƫ⍺䂩ƫĨş㛢Ĩ ƭƿ⊙Ĩイ㙶Ĩ ⦾Ĩʼn㱛ĨƻƿᘂĨş㛢Ĩ ǖ Ĩ ĨűƿijŔǎ ư Ĩ⦾Ĩᤫij Ĩą ƭő ĈijĨƿƫijĨ㺥ijƿ ĈijĨƫĨ㼶౾Ĩ⦾ĨƗijĨƭijĨ nj ƿƫijĨ㶊ĨᖞĨ¸Ĩ㖁ĨŨ◵Ĩ༶ijഫĨĨ◵ ǔ ǖ Ǎ ▨ƿĨƿǔ ŔǗ ǔưষĨ Ĩ ƿƫijĨƽ⟱Ĩ ĨÛƿ‫ ܡ‬Ĩƭƿ⊙Ĩイ㙶ĨƫœĨ䄺Ĩ 㶊ĨᗟĨᆽĨ⦾Ĩş Ĩ

Ǘ Ǘ ĨƿƫijĨƿƫ㓖ĨŕƫŒƈĨ⩪Ĩű»㹯őĨƿƫijĨƿᬔĨ䁞Ŕǎ ƶŬĨĶǎưijĨ ĨሱĨ㶊Ĩ㐤Ĩ Ĩʼn㯶ĨḜƫĨĨƽǀnjƱ Ǘ ǔ ǖ ǖ ǔ Ĩ⦾ĨƭĴǎưƫœijĨƿƫijĨƻ㆘ĴƙĨ䁞Ŕǎ ƶŬĨŔǎưǁūĨ 㶊Ĩ Ĩ⦿Ĩ‫ڄ‬ĨŨ㡣ijĨ◵Ĩ⻭Ĩ⨴ĨƯōᷜĨ⦾ĨœijǁƒijĨƿƫ⟲ ǔ Ǘǔ ǔ Ĩ㶊Ĩƿ◵ƿœĨƻƫ೶Ĩ₰ᦩĨ◵ĨƭǍ ĈijĨ ĨሱĨ㶊Ĩƿ◵ƿœĨ▨ƿĨ⦾ĨƿŔưষ ⨴ĨűƿijŔǎ ư

ഥ ǔ ǔ Ǘǔǘ Ǘǔǘ nj ョ⩪Ĩ≿ĨƆƫǁ nj Ĩ㯵Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺Ĩ 䂩ƫĨş㛢Ĩ ĨፁƫŔnjšĨ⦾Ĩ㴗ƫĨ≿ĨƆƫǁ ą ą ƒĨ ƿƫijĨ㯵⚮Ĩ᫛ijƿ ĈijĨẵĨƿ䄹ƿĨ⩪ĨഥĨ⢣ĨŨ◀Ĩ 㶊Ĩ⊝ĨƏƫ㑭Ĩ ą ƒĨ ẵĨ㵃Ĩƿ⋡ ĈijĨশijĨ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺ĨĨ䂩ƫĨş㛢 Ǖ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ƹĺ nj ĨƻƫƿijǂǏŗĨƿƫijĨ⩩Ĩ㻑ⓔĨǀĹij㍞ĨനĨƻƫẓĨ Ĩ㡺Ĩ⩪ĨሱĨ⦋ƿĨœ䇗Ĩ⦾Ĩ㺇ĴƙᶰĨƼ 㽋¸Ĩྂ⚮ƿ⋡ ĈijĨ◵Ĩ޵㚎ĨനĨ㝂ij⊾Ĩ Ĩ ơǎ 㾠ijĨş㛢Ĩ ǔ


Ǘǔǘ nj Ĩ ⦿ƿ㕎ĨƏ㱔Ĩ◵Ĩ䄷œĨഥĨ⢣ĨœijǁƒijĨŕ{ij᨞Ĵǔư ⟋ĨեĨ Ĩ؈Ĩ㗘Ĩ䈦Ĩ⩪Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺ĨĨ䂩ƫĨş㛢 ǖ nj oĨ ƿ¸őĨŕƫŒƈĨ⩪ĨƗąijĨ ĨĴǎưőĨ Ĩ⊝ĨŨ○Ĩ◵Ĩⵧ◵Ĩ ĨƿƫijĨ⸟ᰋ Ĩƭ㍛ Ĩnᬚƿ㯯䄹Ĩş㛢 Ĩ㭛ijƿijƫĨେĨƿƫijĨℶĨÛ㻰ĴƙĨ⨴Ĩ㯵ԢĨ⠹ƿĨ㕀Ĩ◵ĨƽỼ㒾Ĩ⢣ĨⅩĨອĴƙĨອĴƙĨ⩪Ĩµ ĨƫĨഥĨ‫ڄ‬ Ĩ ĨሱĨ 㶊ĨⱜĨűœĨĨ⣂ƿĨœ䇗Ĩ⦾Ĩᬚƿ㯯䄹ĨĶǎưijĨ‫ڄ‬Ĩ Ĩ឴ij⚮ĨşⅆĨᷪijĨ 㶊Ĩ㵃ĨƿĨ⚮Ĩ㳟ijǁƒĨ㻾㴵ijƿ ǔ ǔ nj 㻃ĴƙƫĨ ĨŨฑĨ⨴ĨŨ○Ĩ⩪ƽĨƻƫƿijœijĨനĨƻij Ĩ 䂩ƫĨş㛢Ĩ 㶊ĨᖞĨᆽĨ⦿Ĩƿ⋡ ĈijĨ◵ĨŨ◵Ĩ༶ijഫ ǔ Ǘǔǘ ǖ Ǣǔǖ Ĩƿ㭜¸Ĩ㖤Ĩ¹⋻ ĨഥĨą»ƿĨƻ䄿ĨᇃĨ㶄Ĩ༶⚮Ĩ㳟ijǁƒĨƭĴŮǎƷƅƸƱƿƫijĨ㯥ƫ㒾Ĩ⩪ĨƗijĨÛ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺ Ǘǔǘ ǖ ǖǕ ǔ nj ƭᆽij ijĨ Ĩ◵ĨŨ○Ĩ⩪ĨƻƫƿijœijĨനĨƻij 㶊Ĩ༶⚮ĨƮƛijœǀnjƱĨ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺Ĩ 䂩ƫĨş㛢Ĩ നĨ ĨŨฑĨ⩪ĨÞⅧ ǔ ǔ Ǎ ㉦ĨĶǎưijĨ⢣ĨÞⅧĨ㕒Ĩűœ䇗 㶊ĨĴưԢĨű῎㕀ĨƿƫijĨƻ㏫Ĩ㖭ĨᠷĨ◵ĨşᶰĨ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ĨʼnᢨĨ◵ĨഥĨ⨴ĨƻijẵĨጸƫĨ⦾Ĩ㯵¸Ĩ㭛Ĩ㻃Ĵƙƫ Ĩ ㆘ĨㅘĨ㶄Ĩ䃦‫׈‬Ĩ Ĩ㻾㶌 ĨጶĨÞⅧĨƿijœĴưĨŕƫĨ 㶊Ĩ༶ᆽĨűœĨጸ຋Ĩ₰ᦩĨ‫ ڄ‬Ĩµ Ĩ◊ŒšijĨƿƫijĨ㮄ᠷƫƿĨ⦾ĨÞⅧĨ ĨƻƫƿijœijĨƻijĨ ǔ Ǘǔǘ Ǘ Ǘ ǔǗ nj ⨴Ĩ㕒ĨƗijĨ 㶊Ĩ⦿ĨŨ㰔ijĨ◵ĨƮǍ Ǖ ƛĨ⸝᯳Ĩ‫ڄ‬Ĩ⨴ĨÞⅧĨ㿧ijĨ㯵Ĩ㿸ŔǗ ǔưǘƫ⍺ĨĨ䂩ƫĨş㛢Ĩ nj 㶊ĨĴǖưᆽĨ¸Ĩ㘘ĨĴǔưĨӋĨ㑋 ĨœƿաĨ䂩ƫĨƯƱœᬔĨŨ㰔ijĨą»ƿĨ⩪Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺ĨĨ䂩ƫĨş㛢Ĩ Ǣ Ǖ Ǎ Ĩƿǔ ŔǗ ǔưষĨƻƫƿijǂǔ Ǐ ŗĨĶǖưĨƭijĨ 㶄ĨᗡĨᆽĨ⩩Ĩş nj Ĩ㍛Ĩ⦾ĨሱĨ㶄ĨྂᆽĨ䅈œĨ㺰ĴƀƫĨ⢣ĨÞⅧĨ⩪ĨഥĨ ijĨƿƫijĨű㭚ĴưĨ Ĩሱ㶊Ĩ ĨĴǎưԢĨ 6:%

‵ Ǘǔǘ ǖ ǔ nj Ĩ 㶄ĨűœĨŨ㢲ijĨᮃĨƭ㆘ŔšĨ‫ڄ‬ĨẵĨ㆖ijᤥĨ⩪Ĩ‵Ĩƻ㯶ƫĨ㶄Ĩ⩩ĨƆƫỼĨᑥƫ ĨẵĨեĨƻጹĨ⩪ĨœդĨƫĨşŒƑĨ⦾ĨƗさijĨŨij⊾Ĩ ĨƿƫœĨ⩪Ĩ 㻾㜥ĨƗijĨ㯵Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺䂩ƫĨş㛢 ǔ ǔ Ǘ Ǘǔǘ Ǘ ǖ ǖ ǔ nj ĨҮĨűǁƒĨÛǀǎƱᩢœĨűǁƒĨÛ⩀Ĩ䁞Ŕǎ ƶŬĨűǁƒĨÛĨ⩀Ĩ㻾 ĈijĨűǁƒĨ ĨƻijĨ㶊Ĩᗟ⚮ĨŨ◵ Ĩƻա㚎Ĩየ ĶưĨƭij nj ĨẵĨŴ⋻Ĩ⦾Ĩ㯵⚮Ĩ㳟ijǁƒĨƭラᷜĨ‫׈‬Ĩ⦾Ĩ‵Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺䂩ƫĨş㛢 ǖ ǔ nj ǖ ƖƲ ǔ Ǖ Ǘ ƶţ Ǘ ǔ ƭŒǎƶż ĨĀ ij㌵Ĩ⦾ĨየĨ㶄Ĩ㖭ĴƙĨƘƹľǎ nj ij ĨŊƶǍƹƙ㯶Ĩ⩪Ĩ⋈㭚Ĩ㎝Ĩ Ĩƻ◀ŒƈĨƿijƿœĨƿƫœĨ⩪Ĩƻ⚷ĴǍưĨą㗘ĨƿƫijĨƗƫᮃĨㆅĨ䃅ijĨűǁƒĨÛՉ 㶄Ĩ䂕œĨşƿœĨ ⩀Ĩű ᮃĨ㻾 ijĈ Ĩűǁƒ Ǘǔǘ ǖ ǔ nj ⩁Ĩ㻾 ĈijĨƻąijĨ 㶊ĨᗟĨijƫ⚮Ĩœ㧸ijĨ◵Ĩ⩁Ĩ㻾 ĈijĨűǁƒĨ㭛őĴƙ ĶưĨƭijĨ nj Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺䂩ƫĨş㛢 ǔ nj ƈĨĶǖưĨƭijĨ Ĩ䂩ƫĨşnj 㛢ĨʼnĴƙĨớ⫣ 㶊Ĩ ijƿẵĨ Ĩœij೽Ĩ⦾ĨƻィijƫĨ㯵ij⚮ĨşŒ nj ẵ ǔ Ǘǔǘ ǔ ĨʼnijƫƫƿĴưĨ⢣ĨÞ Ĩㆢ㭚Ĩ Ĩ⩀Ĩű ᮃĨ㻾 ĈijĨűǁƒĨ㭛őĴƙĨƻijƫ ĨŨ㰔ij»ƿĨ⩪Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺ ǔ Ǘ Ǘ Ǖ Ĩ⩀Ĩű ᮃ ⦾Ĩ䉁ỼĨ㯵ĨᅍĨ⦾ĨƿᠯijœĨƮơŐƟǎ ƹƶǍ ƛĨẵĨ؈Ĩ㗘Ĩ ĨሱĨij¸㚟Ĩ ǔ Ĩ ĨƻijĨÛ Ĩ⦿ĨƭijĨ Ǎ ĶǎƶţǍ Ĩ◵ĨœijǁƒijĨ Ĩ ĨየĨⱞĨ㽋⾋Ĩ⩁ 2 3 ' űǁƒĨ Ĩ䈏Ĩẵ

Ĩ⊝Ĩű ᮃĨ⦾ĨœijǁƒijĨ ĨẵĨ ĨየĨ Ĩ⦿ 5HIHU ョĨ⩪Ĩű ᮃĨ⢣ĨœijǁƒijĨ Ĩẵ ǔ ǔ Ǘǔǘ ǖ ǔ nj Ĩ㻾 ĈijĨ Ĩ㭛őĴƙ Ĩ㶊Ĩ ƿĨŨ∈Ĩ◵ĨƮŬŔšĨ⦾ĨÆĴƟƲijĨ Ĩƻij㞜ĨǂǏŗĨ 㿸Ŕưƫ⍺䂩ƫĨş㛢 Ǘ ǖ ţ 㶄ĨƭᅭĨ⊢Ĩ◵ĨƗijĨƘƹľǎƶnj ƫ ĨƻጨƿœĨᑜĨƗijĨƿƫijĨ⩀Ĩű ᮃĨűǁƒ

ǖ ǖ ǖ ǖ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ĨƿƫijĨƭƫ ĨƮnj ą ţ’ĨŨ◵Ĩ䄺Ĩ ĨƾƸĽƙ ĨઍĨ ĨĶư Ĩƻィ㱛Ĩ䀈㍞ẵĨጸƫĨ⦾Ĩƻ䄹ƿ㉽Ĩ῝㒾ĨƫĨ ㆘ĨƻጹĨ㶄Ĩ㰧ᒎĨĴưᆽĨ㆖ĨĶưĨƻ◀ŒƈĨƻijĨƿijƿœƿƫœĨ⩪Ĩƻ⚷ĴǍưĨ⢣Ĩ⩁Ĩ㻾 ĈijĨűǁƒĨƻijĨ㳟 Ǘǔǘ ǖ ǔ ⲖĨ䄸œĨອĴƙĨƿƫ⃛Ĩ◵Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺䂩ƫ ş㛢Ĩ nj Ĩ‫ڄ‬Ĩ Ĩ㽌ƿą ◵ĨƗąijĨƭǍ ĈijĨ Ĩ㶄Ĩྂ⚮Ĩ㞜ijĨ㳟Ĩ Ĩ㘘ĨϿĨ⩪Ĩƻƫ೶Ĩ⩪Ĩƭij᢯Ĩ㍚


Ǘǔǘ nj 㿸Ŕưƫ⍺䂩ƫĨş㛢 ǔ ǔ Ǘǔǘ ǔ ǔ ǖ ǖ nj ĨፁƫŔnjšĨƿƫijĨ㌤ĨŴƬŐšĨǀǍ Ʊ ĄĨᷪijĨভijĨƿƫijĨ㶊Ĩ㵃ƿĨ⸞Ĩŀ ƶnjţĨ⦾Ĩ ̡Ĩ⦾Ĩƭ℧ĨŨƫ㋶ĨƿƫijĨƿ㉽ĨƫĨ⚯Ĩ޵ĨÛĨƮnj Ǐ ř㍝ĨƫĨጅĨƿƫijĨ㥸ĨƫĨŀưƿĨƿĴ ą ǎ ƶƹŪijĨŒnjưĨẵĨƻƫ∓ĨƫœĨࡩĨ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺䂩ƫĨş㛢 ǔ Ǘǔǘ nj Ĩ 㶊Ĩƭnj 㝃◵Ĩ ĨyƿĨ㻑ⓔĨœ⇰ijĨ◵Ĩƻ㽈ֶĨǂǎ Ć ƺ ťūĨশijĨĨƯǖ ōƫ|Ĩ⦾ Ĩ⊝ĨƏƫ㑭Ĩ ፁƫŔnjšĨ⦾Ĩ㯵ԢĨœǁƒĨ㳟ijĨĶǎưijĨ◵ĨŕỼ㒾Ĩ ijĨƿƫijĨœդĨƫĨşŒƑĨ⦾ĨŕỼ㒾Ĩœą ijǁ ƒijĨ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺䂩ƫĨş㛢 ą ǔ Ǖ ǖ ǖ ǖ ǖ ĨẵĨեĨƿƫijĨ㶄ĨᗡĨઍ⢣ĨණĨ䄻ĴǍưĨƯōƫ|Ĩ⦾Ĩƭ∷Ĩ⩪Ĩƭij᢯ĨƭǍ ĈijĨǂƺĺijĨẵĨ ĨየĨ㶊ĨᗟĨ⚮Ĩƿ⋡ ĈijĨ◵ĨŨ◵ ĨƭᆽĨ 㚎Ĩ⩪Ĩ⋈㭚Ĩ㎝ĨẵĨեĨ䄺Ĩ㆕Ĩ⩪ĨሱĨ㶊 Ǘǔǘ ǖ ǔ nj Ĩ Ĩ║㛼ĨǂǏŗĨ㯵ĨƻጪĨ㶄Ĩƿ㑐ĨƫĨƻ㘟Ĩ Ĩ㑋Ĩ㽋¸Ĩྂ⚮Ĩœ⇰ijĨ Ĩƻ㛼◵ĨᤫŒƑƿƫijĨ⋂⍺ƿĨÛĨനĨ⩪Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺Ĩ䂩ƫĨş㛢Ĩ Ĩ⩪Ĩƭij᢯ĨƭǍ ĈijĨẵĨ╯ĨąₗĨ㳟Ĩ 㶄ĨűƿᆽĨ޵㚎 Ǘǔǘ nj ƭǍ ĈijĨ‫ڄ‬Ĩ Ĩ㎛Ĩ Ĩ㶄Ĩྂ⚮Ĩ㞜ijĨ㳟Ĩ ĴǎưœĨອĴƙĨijƿ㸈Ĩ ĨƮǖ ŬŔšǔ Ĩ⦾Ĩƻ㽈ֶĨijƿᶲĨ޵ĨƿƫijĨ¹⋻ĨশijĨ Ĩű⯧ĨǂǏŗĨ⦾Ĩ㒍ƫ Ĩ ⩪ĨœդƫĨşŒƑĨ⩪Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺Ĩ䂩ƫĨş㛢Ĩ ǔǘ ǖ ǔ 㶊ĨƮŬŔšĨąଷĨŕǀƱᆽĀĨij ㌵Ĩ◵Ĩƻա㚎ĨűƿᆽĨ⚙Ĩƽƿ㸈 ⲖĨ䄸œĨອĴƙĨijƿ㸈Ĩ Ĩƻա㚎Ĩűƿᆽ Ǖ Ɨ⍣ ijĈ Ǖ ǖǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ĨƗƿƫ Ĩ䃦‫׈‬Ĩ⦾ĨƻijĨĨ㶊ĨᖞĨၙĄijĨ䄺ĴƙĨ◵Ĩ䃦⸚ijƫĨẵĨƻƫᮃĨ⩪ĨየĨ̟ĨijƿᶲĨ޵ĨƫĨ¹⋻Ĩ㿧ijĨ 㶊Ĩ⃑ijƫĨẵĨ㦰Ĩ⦾ĨƮƹƙĨƫĨƻ ĈijǁƦĨʼn₩ijĨ◵Ĩƻƫ೶Ĩ῝㒾ĨƫĨ༶Ỽ㒾Ĩ㸢ĴnjưĨ ĨŨŒƙij ǔ ǖ ǖ ǖ ǔ ĨອĴƙĨອĴƙĨƮŬ○ĨƿƫƿĨőijƫ㯵⚮ĨƯō㡾Ĩ⦾Ĩ㽴ĨƿƫijĨ mmĨĴǎư㆘ǁƒĨ㯵 IJĨ䃂⚮Ĩⓔ ĈijĨ ĨƽƿĴnjưĨ ⩪Ĩ㆖ijƫĨ㯵⚮ĨƯō㡾Ĩ⦾Ĩ㽴Ĩ 㶊Ĩ༶ᆽĨԡĨűƿijœĨ㛾œĨ⦾ĨƽỼ㒾Ĩµ ĨƫĨഥĨƿƫij ǔ ǖ llĜ Ĵǎư㆘ǁƒĨƿ⇍ijĨ◵ĨƯnjƱǁƦĨƗijĨ⚮ĨŒŪĨ⢣Ĩĵƿ㆚ĨƻĴǎƶŐŅƲ ijĨƫœĨভijĨ㯵 IJĨƭǍ ĈijĨ㽋¸Ĩྂ㆘ǁƒĨ䄺Ĩƿƫij ĨⲖĨƻ¸ űƿ̹ĨŨ㆘ijĨqĨœ〙ijĨƭœőij nj Ĩ Ǘǔǘ Ǘ nj ŕƿijœijĨ◵Ĩƻ̈ĨijĨƿᶲĨ޵ĨƿƫijĨ㽴Ĩ 㚎ĨijǀnjƱĨẵĨƮnj ƛĨ◵Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺Ĩ䂩ƫĨş㛢 Ǖ ǖ 㶊Ĩ Ĩᣥij㍞Ĩű ĈijĨ⩪ĨණĨŨ◵Ĩ༶ijഫĨ◵Ĩƭƿ⊙Ĩ⦾ĨሱĨ㶊Ĩ nƗ⍣ Ĉijo Ǖ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǖ ǔ Ĩ༶ƿ┌ĨƫĨイ⸟ƿĨጶĨ㶊ĨẵĨƻ◀ŒƈĨƻĄijĨ ĨŕœĴǎưƿĨഗĨ◵Ĩƻ̈ĨƯō㡾Ĩą»ƿĨ ĨnƗ⍣ Ĉijo ǔ ǖ ǔ ĨƿƫijĨ㽴Ĩ‫ڄ‬Ĩ⩪ĨƆŒŶijĨƽᮃƫœĨ⚙ĨŕƫŒƈĨ⩪ĨƻijĨ Ĩ㶄Ĩ㽋Ĩ¸Ĩ ㇂ĨẵĨƭ⍺ Ĉij ǔ ǔ Ǖ Ǖ Ǖ ǖ ǖ ĨƭラᷜĨŨฑĨ⦾Ĩⱟ{ƿ⢣Ĩƻ̈ĨŨฑĨƯō㡾Ĩą»ƿĨ ĨƗ⍣Ĩ ĈijĨ 㶄Ĩ㖭ĴƙĨ̟Ĩƭƿijƫő nj ƈĨÛĵijƿ᨞ĨÛ㺥㯶ƿĀĨŒƶǕ ŬĨ㶄Ĩ༶ᆽĨ⦾Ĩ㳟ijǁƒ Ĩ䃂┌ĨƫĨŔǎưŔnjšĨ Ĩ µ ĨƫĨഥĨÛĨƗⲙĨĨÛĨşŒ ǔ ĨƫĨt㦱ĨƿƫijĨĨ㾺൓ĨອĴƙĨອĴƙĨ⩪Ĩ ほᰋƿƫij ĨŀƶǍţ⢣Ĩij䁔ijĨ㵃ĨອĴƙĨ⩪Ĩഥ Ǖ ǖ Ĩ⩪ĨഥĨ ij⢣Ĩƻ̈ĨŕƫŒƈĨᰩijĨ 㶄Ĩ㖭ĴƙĨƭラᷜĨ⦾Ĩƻ㠃 ĨᮃĨt㦱Ĩ⍱ ǔ Ǖ ǘ ǔ ǖ Ǖ ǔ ĨŨฑĨ⦾ĨĶưĨ㯵ij⚮ĨűœĴƙĨ⦾ĨƻijĨƿƫijĨ㯵őœĨ ƿ ⩫ƿƫƿ ĨƗ㒾Ŗ ƌǎ ƲƿœĨ ijĨϕĨ⩪Ĩʼnᢨ ǔ Ǘǔǘ nj űƿijœĨ㛾œĨǔ 㶊Ĩ Ĩ㠉œĨশijĨ㯵Ĩ㿸Ŕưƫ⍺䂩ƫĨş㛢Ĩ Ǖ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǖ ǔ ĨƿƫijĨµ ĨƫĨഥĨ̟Ĩ ijƿĨẵĨ ƭij nj Ĩƻጹ㶊Ĩ ĨĴǎưœĨ⚮Ĩƿ⋡ ĈijĨ◵Ĩᑥƫ Ĩ㻄ĴǍưĨ⩪ Ɨą ijĨ ⩫¸ĨŕƿijœijĨ◵ĨƯō㡾Ĩ㖁Ĩ⦾ĨƻĨ̈ƿijœĴưĨƿƫijĨijƿᶲĨ޵ĨÛĨ㽴Ĩ nƗ⍣ ĈijĨo Ĩ᮳ĨűǀĹ㍞ Ǖ ǔ ǖ ĈijĨ oőijƫĨ㯵¸Ĩ㻑ⓔĨ Ĩ᮳ĨűǀĹ㍞ 㶄Ĩ㶊ƿĨ¸Ĩ㎙ĨẵĨŨ㡣ijĨ ijĨ⩪Ĩ㺥㯶ƿ Ĩ䈏Ĩ Ĩ㶊Ĩ Ĩ⦿Ĩ൱Ĩ ĨƻᢨĨƫœĨ⢣ĨŨĨ◵Ĩ༶ijഫĨ ĨሱĨ㶊Ĩ㐤Ĩ Ĩƭƿ⊙Ĩイ㙶 ĨŕƿijœijĨ◵ĨnƗ⍣ Ǘǔ ǖ Ǘǔ ǔ Ĩ㐤Ĩ ĨഫĨ⦾Ĩƭƿ⊙Ĩイ㙶ĨƿᒎĨ⦾Ĩ◊ĴnjưĨᢩĨijᮃƫœĨ◵ĨŨ◵Ĩ༶ijഫ ຮĨ Ĩ¸Ĩ㖁Ĩ㵃Ĩ ĨŨ◵Ĩ Ĩƿ⑔ĨŔưƫij ĨƿƫijĨƮƸŰƠǎ ƹnjưĨᇃĨ 㶊ᖞĨ¸Ĩ㖁Ĩ Ĩ ĨƻጶĨŨ◵Ĩ◵ĨഫĨ Ĩ᢭ Ǖ Ǖ Ǖ ǖ ǔ ĈijĨ oŕƿijœijĨ Ĩ㗘ĨƽƿষĨşⅆĨᷪijĨ 㶊Ĩ║㈫ĨĶưĨ ƻጶĨ ණĨ⦾ ሱĨ㶊 Ĩ⣂ƿĨœ䇗ĨąᵵĨ◵ nƗ⍣ ĈijĨ o‫ڄ‬Ĩ Ĩ឴ij⚮Ĩ ĨᱧĨƗijĨ 㶊㯶ƿĨĨᆽĨĴǎư̋ĨʼnᆽĨ◵Ĩƻ᨞ĴƙĨ⦾ĨnƗ⍣ Ǖ ǔ Ǖ ǖ ǖ ǖ ǔ ǔ Ĩ ijĨ 㶊ĨƻĴƙ⢣Ĩ Ĩ㆕⩪ĨʼnᢨĨ⩪Ĩ⩪Ĩƻƫ೶ĨẵĨƭᠸijĨ Ĉij o 㶊Ĩ ĨĴǎưœ nj ŔǎưǁūĨŕƿijœijĨ㳟ĴưĨ 㶄Ĩ㽋¸Ĩ⦺ƿĨűƿᆽĨƻƫ೶ĨƭᠸijĨ nj ƭƫ ĨƮnj ą ţ’Ĩ㆕Ĩ⩪ĨŨ◵Ĩ༶ijഫĨ⩪Ĩƭƿ⊙Ĩ⦾ĨnƗ⍣ ǔ ǔ ǔ ĨΊ຋Ĩ㆕ĨশijĨƿƫijĨ ƭijᆜĨ nj ʼną 䀇ijĨĨ⩪Ĩƻ⮝ƿǀnjƱĨĴǎưĨ䃦⸚ijƫĨশijĨ⢣Ĩƽ⟱ĨĶǎưijĨĴǎưĨ ĵŒnjưĨÛĨƿ⑔ĨĶǎưijĨ⛨Ĩ⩪Ĩᑥƫ Ĩƻ⹎ijĨ≅ĨƗijĨƭǍ ĈijĨ຋Ĩƻ¸Ĩ㈜Ĩ⩪Ĩƻƫ೶Ĩ Ĩ㽌Ĩƿą ◵ĨƗijĨƭǍ Ĉij ǖ ǖ 㶄ĨƾƸĽƙ Ĩ⚮Ĩ㥭ᩞĨ㆕Ĩ⦾Ĩƭ Ĉij

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