Minhaj Welfae Foundation - NewsPaper

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ISSN 2055-706X

Education | HealthCare | Emergency Relief | Let’s Revive | Challenges | Social Welfare | HelpFeed

Humanitarian Efforts of Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri by Samra Mursaleen (London) Georgetown University, Washington DC - March 2010

Political & Religious Radicalism, University of C0penhagen, Denmark

Launch of the historic FATWA, London - 2010

Jamia al-Azhar, Cairo Egypt - 2012

World Economic Forum with the Indonesian President

US Institute of Peace - March 2010

Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has spent his life in the service of needy people for the past three decades, during which he has worked tirelessly worldwide offering educational seminars, lobbying for social and economic welfare rights and initiating institutions and organisations to carry out projects for the social, religious and economic development of communities. From the very beginning of his life he has consistently presented a model of Islam espousing the universal values of the unity of mankind, inclusion, tolerance and the love of humanity. He has consistently condemned all forms of extremism, radicalism and terrorism. He recently authored the historical 600 page religious edict; Fatwa on terrorism and suicide bombings which elicited an extraordi0nary response from the world media, academics and politicians. Subsequently he was invited to speak on Islamic concept of Jihad at Georgetown University, US and the US Institute of Peace. In 2011 he was notably the only Islamic scholar who was asked to speak on the reality of terrorism at the prestigious World Economic Forum in Davos and in 2012 was the keynote speaker at the Peace for Humanity Conference held at Wembley Arena, London. His resolution to elevate communities and societies over the past three decades has involved a comprehensive and multi-layered approach. This includes promoting Peace and Interfaith Harmony, Women’s Rights and Development, Social Welfare, Human Rights and Development of Education for all. This has been achieved through his academic lectures, books and numerous projects through his organisations. He has founded numerous institutions and initiated major and far-reaching programmes in order to realise his objectives covering all aspects of human life. Through his works as a religious scholar of the highest eminence and credibility, he is well known throughout the Muslim world as someone who has touched and inspired millions through his message of peace, unconditional love and tolerance for mankind.

tempted to address the significant cultural barriers undermining the status and role of women within traditional family and social structures of the Asian Subcontinent.

ment conducive for young women to pursue their higher education without the fear socio-cultural issues. The majority of these young students who arrive from rural

15,000 people attended Peace for Humanity Conference in the Wembley Arena in 24 September 2011

With gender inequality being a major barrier to ending poverty, Minhaj Welfare Foundation has unceasingly campaigned against gender violence and canvassed for An important endeavour has been the promotion of women’s roles his concern with empowering by changing attitudes through women. Through his actions and education and providing training projects he has called for greatand opportunities for women to er educational and employment actively partake in society. Accordliberties for women, encouraged ingly Minhaj Welfare Foundation active participation of women in all set up Bait-ul-Zahra - an all-feaspects of society and has atmale hostel that offers an environ-

areas and poverty stricken communities leave the scheme more empowered and equipped with the qualifications and skills to find work and to support their families and ultimately their communities. The foundation has also been funding wedding ceremonies and providing dowries for hundreds of poor young women who cannot afford to do so therefore enabling them to begin a new life.

In a country with a literacy rate of under 50%, Dr Qadri considered education to be a priority and in 1984 he established a university to provide higher education that would be accessible to the poor. A remarkable large-scale education project then followed in the early 1990’s, which established hundreds of educational centres throughout Pakistan, accessible to both low income families and females. In the field of social welfare, disaster and poverty relief, Dr Qadri formed a new sister organisation in 1989, later to be known as the Minhaj Welfare Foundation, which has benefited victims of natural disasters such as the Tsunami affecting Indonesia; the Bam earthquake, Iran; the South Asian earthquake in Pakistan, along with various developmental and educational projects in Pakistan and other underprivileged countries. The promotion of peace and interfaith harmony, religious moderation and integration are key aspects of the mission of Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri and indeed have been the stated aims of his worldwide organisation of Minhaj-ulQuran from its very inception. His efforts have also born fruit in

---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------

World Economic Forum, Davos - January 2011

Peace for Humanity Conference, Wembley London - 2011

The founder of MWF sharing a meal with the Orphan children at ‘AGHOSH (an Orphan Care Home in Lahore)’

of social and economic rights of the poverty stricken people of Pakistan. In which he demanded that comprehensive political and electoral reforms were met to ensure that the poor and working class citizens of Pakistan can have protection and equal participation within Pakistani society. It was the first time that Pakistan had seen such a mammoth anti-corruption and pro-democracy protest March on this scale which remained fully Picture: Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri leading ‘A Million Man peaceful. It was a demand for the March’ in the capital city of Pakistan. Women, the elderly end of a corruption ridden politand young children campaiging for their basic human rights ical structure and for elections photo credit: samirashackle.com to be contested between people the various other countries of the Islamic faith. “Today, in the history who were declared eligible by world through the dissemination of Pakistan and the Subcontinent, the Constitution, in Dr Qadri’s words “I want to tell the national of his lectures and published is the first time that a Muslim works most notably his Fatwa on scholar has welcomed members of institutions of Pakistan and the Terrorism and Suicide Bombings the Christian community, of which 180 million people: we do not deny politics. This address is for and through the establishment of it is not possible to find a similar the sake of restoration of clean centres where religious moderaexample. Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri has politics.” tion is actively taught and proopened the doors of Minhaj-ulmoted, alongside the promotion of Qur’an Mosque for us in which to Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri draws his supinterfaith dialogue and integration. pray. Dr Qadri has begun a new port from millions of Pakistanis chapter in inter-religious relawho have been frustrated with the In 2002, Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri took the tions.” (Bishop Andrew Francis, domination of politics by a handful unprecedented step of allowing Chairman of Christian Coordinaof tainted leaders from elite famiChristians to worship inside the tion Council, 15 March 2002). lies; embittered by a political sysMinhaj-ul-Qur’an Mosque, a bold tem riddled with corruption which and symbolic gesture in recogMost recently in 2013 Dr Qadri enables its politicians to embezzle nition of the right of freedom of led the historical Long March millions of rupees, and an elecworship of Christians and their in Islamabad for the alleviation toral system that allows millions friendship with members of the of poverty and the restoration of votes to be falsely registered. In such conditions where free and fair elections is an unrealistic hope, Dr Qadri insists that only after an overhaul of the political system can real democracy prevail. Addressing a rally of hundreds of thousands of people in Lahore on 23 December 2012, he stated “through change and reforms we need to restructure our political and electoral system for the sake of true democracy. In order to save our state, in order to save democracy, in order to save our political process, from collapse, we need Historical visit to India - Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri speaking to the pact crowd in Banglore - March 2012

world-class structural renewal, and we need change, so that the poor and needy in our country can live a life of dignity free from poverty”. The increasing and widespread lawlessness, poverty and the lack of economic opportunities in Pakistan has meant that it’s become the 34th most corrupt country in the world according to Transparency International. The increasing internal terrorism has rendered it the second most dangerous country according to the latest Terrorism Risk Index (TRI), with 35,000 people killed since 2010. Despite this the government has failed to formulate any laws on terrorism. In an interview with the Financial Times, Dr Qadri warned of Pakistan’s “break up” unless ruling politicians were forced to abide by laws that they have openly disregarded for years. “The whole process is a total negation of the principles of democracy,” he said. “I only want the constitution to be enforced. Law breakers are the lawmakers in Pakistan,” he said, adding “seventy per cent of parliamentarians are tax evaders, so how could we expect them to think about the poverty stricken people.” Delivering his speech in Islamabad Dr Qadri demanded reforms to end dynastic politics, widespread terrorism and mismanagement. The March ended with the Islamabad Long March Declaration which was signed by the then Prime Minister. With its natural resources and talent Pakistan has the potential to become a thriving country and it seems that with the pro-Democracy March Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri has brought a new hope for its people.

Peaceful Future in Afghanistan, Turkey - November 2011

Tehran, Iran - March 2014

Peace Conference at the Nassau Coliseum in New Jersey

For more information about the founder Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri please visit www.minhaj.org NSW Parliament Legislative Council, Australia - 2011

---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------


Contents Contributors EDITOR Adnan Sohail CONTRIBUTORS Samra Mursaleen, Mariam Khalid, Rafiq Ahmad, Habeeba Asghar, Ahsan Hussain, Humaira Ali, Iqbal Khan, Dr Raheeq Abbasi, Musarrat Hussain, Ali Akbar, Hifzul Chowdry, Saif ul Azam, Zahid Rahman, Shams ur Rahman Aasi, Ghulam Samdani, Naveed Undalasi DESIGN AND MARKETING Shivang Chopra, Muhammad Ajmal Khan


Minhaj Welfare Foundation 298 Romford Road London, E7 9HD, UK ISSN Number: 2055-706X

---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------

---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------


Education for All by Mariam Khalid (London) The stance of Minhaj Welfare Foundation (MWF) on education is very clear cut and unambiguous; as the founding leader of MWF, Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri states that ‘the only way in which poverty can be eradicated is through Education. Minhaj Welfare Foundation wants to provide the right of education and quality of education to all the poor and needy. We want to see a school in every community so that our children have a much brighter future.’ MWF believes that education is the most important factor for ensuring long term poverty reduction. There are more than over 637 schools and educational institutes providing education to more than 145,000 children. MWF supports three types of schools; rural schools (providing basic education to the most isolated and scattered communities), model schools (providing more formalised education in urban areas), and grammar schools (larger schools for more gifted and talented students). The cash transfer program for orphans and needy children is active in Asia, Africa and the Middle East serving children and students (both male and female).

Orphan & Needy Sponsorship

The program provides a monthly stipend to children and students to help cover (£35 per month education material for their academic classes and other schooling costs, and to assist with Living/Education Sponsorship) accommodation, food and medical care: MWF provides specific sponsorship for orphan and needy children, it deems the protection of orphans to be of the utmost importance and therefore the access to education can change their lives and give them a real fighting chance at having a good standard of life and be able to build their future.

education to orphans and needy children, alongside modern and spacious accommodation and food. MWF hopes to replicate this model across South Asia.

One such project is Aghosh an orphan care home, which provides the best quality Orphan children playing during the rest time Orphan children from ‘Aghosh’ at a assembly

Minhaj College for women, Lahore Pakistan

School Sponsorship (£15 per month)

Primary school children in Patika, Azad Kashmir

MWF currently sponsors children and young people to go to primary and secondary school. The sponsorship scheme ensures that children are able to access good quality education at school. All Minhaj Schools are independently assessed by the Minhaj Education Society, teacher training and evaluations are carried out on a yearly basis. MWF’s School Sponsorship program for needy and vulnerable children (both male and female) is also active in India, Bangladesh and Africa.

College & University Sponsorship (£25 per month)

The Minhaj Public School would serve the community’s children by providing them an opportunity for a better future.

Minhaj Welfare Foundation wants to build secondary schools across Africa; the average cost to build a basic school is approximately £40,000.

Minhaj University Lahore Campus

4. Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanity 5. Faculty of Languages and 6. Faculty of Islamic Studies For further information please visit the following website at www.mul.edu.pk

Hifz Sponsorship (£25 per month) Thousands of children have completed their memorisation of the Holy Qur’an through the Hifz Sponsorship Program. It takes almost three years – minimum - for a child to complete the entire Quran; and by doing so preserving the words of Allah Almighty. Tahfeez-ul-Quran girls section in Lahore, Pakistan

Part of its vision for building a better future for education in Africa, MWF has initiated a new program focusing on Secondary education in rural and marginalised communities. The first of which will be opened in June 2014 is located in the North Eastern region of Kenya in a village called Kitere. Volunteers building the new Minhaj Public School Kitere, Africa

The school includes three classrooms, staff room, office, store room, an assembly area, clean water and sanitation facilities.

Since 2006, Minhaj University Lahore has been accredited into a recognized and chartered University and through MWF scholarship scheme thousands of male and female students are provided opportunities to gain a better qualification and job opportunity for the future. Constituent Faculties of Minhaj University are: 1. Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences 2. Faculty of Basic Sciences and Mathematics 3. Faculty of Computer and Information Technology

Minhaj Public School Africa

Children from the North Eastern region of Kenya

Bait-u-Zahra - Empowering Women (£35 per month Living/

Education sponsorship) Women contribute in many ways to their communities and nations, but too often they are limited by lack of opportunity and education restricts their ability to achieve their full potential and to participate in decision-making and resource allocation in their families and communities. In 2012, (MWF) initiated Bait-ul-Zahra (the House of Zahra) a female accommodation complex dedicated to protecting and improving the lives of female students wishing to aspire further education. The project was completed in early March 2014 and will provide a safe environment for more than 450 poor and needy and orphan female students. Bait-ul-Zahra - the front entrance of the completed building

---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------


HelpFeed A Global struggle to end Hunger & Poverty

Clean and Safer water

by Rafiq Patel (London)

Water Pump in Asia (£150)

MWF initiated the HelpFeed project in 2012 with the prime aim of ending hunger and malnutrition - by preventing short term difficulties and ensuring long term means of sustainability. Did you know? -Over 1 BILLION PEOPLE affected by extreme poverty! -780 million lack access to clean drinking water! -820 million people sleep hungry at night! -One person will die of starvation before you finish reading this sentence (every 3.6 seconds)!

Hundreds of water Pumps have been installed benefitting 22,500 people in 2013 - 2014 with the aim of raising this to 20,000 by next year in regions such as:

Hand Pump located in Rajan Pur, South Punjab

Hand Pump located in Larkana, Sindh

Larkana – Sindh Rahim Yaar Khan, South Punjab ShadadKot, Sindh Shikarpur, Sindh And many more regions in south

Water Well in Africa (£2800) East Africa was severely affected by the drought in 2011, leaving more than 13 million people displaced with many lives lost.

Women fetching water in North East Kenya

End the Cycle of Poverty: Sustainable Living

Donate £3 per month

HelpFeed has initiated sustainable farming in poor regions of Africa by training farmers in land and farming practices. This way, farming families increased production and were able to sell more crops ‘Ending the Cycle of Poverty’. HelpFeed believes that when farmers grow more food and earn more income, they are able to feed their families more effectively, send their children to school, provide for their family’s health, and invest in their farms. This makes their communities economically stronger and stable.

Children drinking water in Sub-Baomo, Kenya

Volunteers highlighting the HelpFeed campaign

(10p a day) for a Sustainable living towards HelpFeed

HelpFeed has constructed a number of water wells in the North Eastern region of Kenya and surrounding areas providing long term access of clean water to 20,000 people. In 2014 – 2015, through HelpFeed hopes to reach 150, 000 with clean drinking water in Asia and Africa

How your donation works?

1- You donate 2- MWF chooses the area 3- Work get started on the water project 4- Work is completed 5- MWF provides feedback to the donor

Share the Blessings of Qurbani In Eid-ul-Adha 2013, Minhaj Welfare Foundation (MWF) highlighted the importance of ending hunger and extreme poverty in the world through ‘Share the Blessings of Qurbani 2013.’ With the support of its donors and supporters, MWF provided Qurbani meat to the poor and needy in the most impoverished regions of the third world. Thousands of MWF volunteers and workers ensured Qurbani/Adahi was performed in accordance to correct Islamic teachings. MWF reached out to poor families, including orphaned children and women and the elderly were prioritized ensuring the meat reached those who need it most.

Bihar, India

Rural village in Chittagong, Bangladesh

Marembo, North Eastern region of Kenya

MWF reached out to hundreds and thousands of families, focusing in particular on those people affected by recent disasters. Qurbani meat was distributed in the earthquake affected areas of Baluchistan in Pakistan and some of the flood affected areas. In East Africa our team distributed food bags to internally displaced people in Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia who still remains homeless for almost two years since the drought last affected more than 13 million people Ethiopia Relief camp in Mogadishu, Somalia Lahore, Pakistan in the region. In addition to East Africa regions and Pakistan, the MWF team distributed Qurbani In 2014, MWF through its HelpFeed initiative hopes to reach out to the deprived people in the third world. Our MWF team travels meat in India and Bangladesh. to the most impoverished regions to ensure that the poor, needy and vulnerable receive Qurbani meat on the day of Eid-ul-Adha. Support Minhaj Welfare Foundation in ‘Share the Blessings of Qurbani 2014’ and share the joy of hundreds of thousands of people in Asia and Africa. See how your Qurbani reached those in the third world in 2013:

Book your Qurbani

with Minhaj Welfare Foundation for 2014

1. India Two young children from the North of India, Bihar with Qurban (sacrificial) meat on the day of Eid 2. Bangladesh: Volunteers distributing Qurbani meat to women and the elderly in Sylhet 3. Kenya: Communities from across the North Eastern region of the Tana River delta enjoying Qurbani meat 4. Ethiopia: Sacrificial animal in the Qurbani camps a day before ‘Sacrifice’. 5. Pakistan: Iqbal Azam (MWF Europe) Sharing the blessings of Qurbani with young children. 6. Somalia: Ghulam Samdani (MWF Egypt) with young children in relief camp in Mogadishu.

---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------


Emergency Relief by Habeeba Asghar (Glasgow) Minhaj Welfare Foundation works to promote an effective humanitarian approach to tackling the escalation of disasters focusing on both the short and long term needs of those affected in disasters. Our disaster work includes: •Responding when emergencies occur by meeting immediate survival needs, including water, food, shelter and health-care, with a focus on the particular needs of children and families. •Provision of Education in emergencies; in make-shift camps. •Supporting the long-term recovery of communities, addressing the root causes of vulnerability and making sure that local communities are fully involved in the process.

Syria (Relief to refugees in Egypt, and Damascus) It has now marked a number of three years in Syria, since the outbreak of civil war. Much to the world’s confusion and dismay, we have watched our people being massacred, tortured and starved to death – all to say the least. Time has passed us by and we find that over 9 million have been displaced 2 million of which are refugees. Minhaj Welfare Foundation (MWF) identified the direst of places during the

•The relief activities were carried out in Mitthi, Mirpur Khas, Digree, Islam Kot, Nanger Parket, and Checchro districts are also in full swing.

MWF’s volunteer distributing food packs to families in Damascus, Syria

month of Ramadan by distributing emergency aid to refugees displaced in Egypt. The food packs distributed are practical and efficient, providing long-term support and facilitation with the very basics of needs – rice, water, wheat, medicine and other important items.

and Libya. This report shows the emergency relief efforts of Minhaj Welfare Foundation over the past year.

Since the beginning of March 2014, severe shortages of food and water have been reported in Tharparkar district in Pakistan’s South East - Sindh province. A number of children have reportedly died of malnutrition. The area has not received any significant rainfall since the end of 2013. MWF and regional offices in Sindh have been provided emergency relief to those affected however “more needs to be done”

Minhaj Welfare Foundation has responded to the world’s most devastating disasters since 1989. The MWF Emergency team has provided assistance in disaster occurring situations in Pakistan (Earthquake in 2005 and floods 2010), Kashmir, Afghanistan, Palestine (Gaza), Bosnia, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Indonesia, Japan, Somalia, Kenya, Iraq, Haiti,

MWF volunteers assisting the affectees of the Pakistan Floods.


In December 2013, an MWF delegation visited Damascus, Syria to assess the situation on the ground. Winter warmers, and food items were distributed in relief camps to those less affected. The maintenance of this project is vital in that it remains continuous with your support. The key distinction of our project is that it provides aid promptly, despite the strenuous efforts aid workers have to go through to get to the victims. It is wholesome and efficient, reaching vast amounts of people – all with your help

Gaza Emergency Relief

Gujarat, India

The strife that continues to worsen the disaster in Gaza that has been its condition for decades requires your ongoing effort and support. Minhaj Welfare Foundation is primarily focussed with the revitalisation and rescue of education and student sponsorship. The past and recent conflicts have led to generations upon generations being raised void of commendable qualifications, which hinders the development of the masses. We need you to tighten this gap, allowing the Palestinians to remain informed and schooled, and ultimately brightening their chances of an accomplished future. MWF recognise where there is a crucial need of assistance. In 2013, it provided medical aid as well as water to 2000 families affected, and continues to do so.

In September 2013, substantial rain left thousands of people from the Indian state of Gujrat homeless. The water levels rose rapidly resulting in immediate evacuation from homes. The surrounding areas and the most impoverished villages in Gujrat were the worst affected, such as Vadodara who needed 15,000 of its people rescued from the ominous

•Till-to-date, more than 1000 families have been provided with emergency aid. •MWF has provided emergency relief packs including clean water containers, food and established medical camps in surrounding regions

MWF supporting Minorities Badami Bagh crisis MWF provided humanitarian assistance in a Christian community in Badamai Bagh, Pakistan in 2013. Hundreds of homes were burned in a horrific attack leaving thousands of families homeless. With your donations; MWF helped hundreds of families with daily food rations, medical check-ups and warm blankets.

Children recieving emergency pack during the civil unrest in Gaza, 2012

Director of MWF Pakistan, Amjad Shah said that Minhaj Welfare Foundation had set up a medical and food distribution camp to provide humanitarian assistance with the help of its volunteers.

MWF’s volunteer in the flood affected areas in Gujrat, India

MWF executed an emergency operation in which they rescued 350 families in a small village near Baroda, Manpur. The MWF team in India helped the victims get to safety as swiftly as possible, as well as facilitate relief and utility with food packs and clean water.

---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------


Let’s Revive Seekers - A Dawah Initiative by Ahsan Hussain (Walsall) Minhaj Welfare Foundation has launched a project with a unique twist. We will make a difference in tomorrow’s world not by parting from our cash but by educating today’s society. Seekers has been launched with this sole aim in mind: Return the Muslim youth back to the original peaceful

message of Islam so that they can better themselves, better the reputation of Islam and better the world. Islam was brought to the Prophet Mohammed Peace Be Upon Him with the instruction to ‘Read’ and this is exactly how we aim to revive the true Islam in the hearts of today’s Muslims, through reconnecting with the original scriptures. Unfortunately through a lack of understanding of the principles of Islam not just by non-Muslims but also by Muslims themselves, Islam

has become wrongly labelled as a religion of extremism, radicalism and secularisation. Even Muslims themselves feel a need to isolate themselves from society and become imprisoned within this bubble of rules and regulations and do’s and dont’s which they believe to be Islam. But surely this can’t be? How was our beloved Messenger able to change the lives of so many within the lost Arabian peninsula with such a difficult religion? Simple. The message that was brought by The Prophet Mohammed PBUH was a message of love and easiness. It was a message of unity, not a message of secularisation. It was a message of liberation and not a message of restriction. It was a message of beauty and not a message of harshness. It was a message for all of mankind and not just a message for the believers. Unfortunately we have strayed from this message and consequently weakened our link with Allah SWT and our beloved Messenger. It is not too late. We still have time. We still have strength within our Ummah. With

this passion in mind hundreds of individuals attended university seminars across the country focussing on hot topics of controversy: Bidah, Tawhid and Shirk. Through interactive courses and in depth literature sourced from the Quran and Hadith, the

attendees were able to gain beneficial knowledge that they could then incorporate within their lifestyles and propagate to others. .Visit www.seekersacademy.com for further information.

Seekers course in at University of East London.

Seekers is an Educational forum committed to educating and informing Muslims about the correct teachings of Islam. Seekers aims to address the latest issues facing Muslim students and general society today with the help of British Islamic qualified teachers. Seekers is supported through Let’s Revive (a project of Minhaj Welfare Foundation).

British Muslims attending a Seekers course in Aston University, Birmingham

MWF Challenges by Humaira Ali (London) Minhaj Welfare Foundation has had many Challenges for Charity over the last couple of years; all in order to support the poor and needy in marginalised communities across the world. The basic idea is that participant take part in a difficult challenge and in return their friends, family and colleagues sponsor them to raise money for a good cause. Over the last couple of years, MWF Challenges has successfully organised some really exciting and somewhat daring challenges. Challengers have taken part in Skydiving; jumping out of a plane MWF Challenges Team would like to thank all the participants who took part in Challenges over the years and their respective donors for supporting them. For 2014, we have launched some exciting new Challenges:

at around 13,000 feet (approx. 2 miles high!), falling at 120 mph safely back to earth. A few years ago, 7 daring jumpers, aged 21 – 14 took the plunge, in a bungee jump challenge, from a 160 feet crane. In September 2010 we took 15 daring trekker to trek the Great Wall of

metres or 19,341 feet above sea level it is without a doubt one of the most spectacular ascents in the world. Are you ready to be part of MWF challenges 2014?

A group of volunteers reaching the peak of Mount Kilmanjaro, Africa

Tahir Muhammad skydiving in 2011

A group photo of volunteers who took part in the Bunjee Jump

China. Our trekkers walked along various aspects of the wall over 7 days and raised a substantial amount. In September 12 ,2011 courageous participants travelled to Tanzania to climb the summit of the highest peak in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro. Standing at 5,895

A group of volunteers climbing in Mount Snowdon

If you are interested in taking part in these challenges, please contact us at challenge@minhajwelfare. org or call us on 03003030777 and one of the MWF challenges team member will provide you all the necessary details.

- The trek to Great Wall of China from 8th October till 16 October 2014. - Climb Mount Snowden on 24th August 2014 - Tandem Skydive We hope that you have been inspired to take part in this challenging, but rewarding, experience to help those who are less fortunate then you. For more information or to register please visit www.minhajwelfare.org/challenge. The money raised from these challenges was put to good use with thousands of pounds going to projects like the Orphan Project (Agosh) and our Water and Sanitation project in Africa..

A view of the treks to the Great Wall of China

---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------

Empowering Communities in the UK


Muslim NGOs have a key role to play in foreign aid

Raising Smiles: Fundraising for Africa

Secretary of State for International Development and MP Justine Greening met Directors of Minhaj Welfare Foundation in Nelson, Pendle to discuss the substantial British aid effort and what more could be done internationally to help those suffering in the region.

by Mariam Khalid (London)

Justine Greening met with the MWF team at the local regional office in Nelson; she talked about the impact of foreign aid internationally. The Secretary of State said: “I want DFID to have a clear sense of Britain’s national interest. The development budget must be an investment in the future - for the developing world of course, but also for people in Britain.” On the role of the UK’s funding procedures for humanitarian development projects in Pakistan. Discussions were also held on the accountability methods of the UK Government to ensure that funds are correctly utilised by Pakistani institutions and that corruption is kept to a minimal. Issues of tax evasion in Pakistan were also discussed. Justine assured MWF that the British Government is aware of the corruption issues and that they are taking thorough action to ensure that British tax payers funds are protected and well utilised. Dawood Hussain, Managing Director of Minhaj Welfare Foundation, said: “It is important the UK government focuses improving governance, strengthen accountability and ensures the Pakistani government pushes those that have not paid their

A fundraising event ‘Raising Smiles 2013’ an evening of entertainment and comedy was organised by Minhaj Welfare Foundation in June 2013. This was a 3 city UK (in Glasgow, Birmingham and London) tour with Muslim Comedian Azhar Usman (USA) and Nasheed Artist Milad Raza Qadri (UK). The events were organised to raise money in aid of poor and needy children. All the funds raised through the tour are being utilised to build the Minhaj Secondary School in Kitere and will hopefully become a source of benefit for many

HelpFeed Charity Walk by Rafiq Patel (London) Students, staff and parents at Minhaj School of Islamic Sciences (MSIS) teamed up with Minhaj Welfare to conduct a sponsored charity walk for the HelpFeed project. Participants covered 2.8 miles, the average distance that must be walked to find clean water in Africa, to raise awareness of global hunger and poverty.The walk started at the East Ham Station, passing through Barking Rd, Green St and ending at the Minhaj-ul-Quran Mosque on Romford Rd. Children as young as 5 participated, holding placards reading “End Poverty Now” and “Join Us”. The event was broadcast by Islam Channel and published in local newspapers.

Justin Greening, Secretary of State for International Development discussing the impact of foreign aid with senior representatives of MWF

taxes to pay taxes. The Pakistani Diaspora has strong presence here in the UK and has been very generous over the years sending hundreds of millions of pounds in the form of remittance and foreign aid. “Minhaj Welfare has been working on various relief and development programs in Pakistan since 1989 focusing on education, medical care and humanitarian efforts. In addition to the meeting the Secretary of State also met with volunteers, local community members and held interactive discussion on a local community Radio to express her views and thoughts on foreign aid and its impact it is having locally and Internationally.

The East Lancashire Community Action Project (ELCAP)

Young children campaigning against global hunger and poverty

The funds collected resulted in the installation of hand pumps in Sindh, Pakistan, benefiting some 800 people. Children from MSIS London taking part in HelpFeed walk

Charity Car Wash – In aid of the people of Thar (Sindh), Pakistan by Iqbal Khan (Derby) Derby Khidmah Group (DKG) organised a Car Wash in Derby with proceeds going to Minhaj Welfare Foundation (MWF) for the ongoing emergency relief for those affected by the drought in Tharpaakar, Pakistan. The Charity Car Wash kicked off early Sunday 6th April at 10 am at the Rosehill Rd to help raise funds for MWF’s ongoing Emergency Appeal in Thar, Pakistan.

The East Lancashire Community Action Project (ELCAP) is a local project initiated by Minhaj Welfare Foundation in 2006 and is committed to providing a variety of services to the local community in the East Lancashire area.

Abid from Derby Khidmah Group said; “It’s important the local community here in Derby get involved in raising donations for those affected from the Thar community. We have a large Pakistani Diaspora who live in Derby and it is an excellent way for us to show our support.

Its mission is to enrich the lives of the local community through the provision of education, information and training through local modern art, media and digital technologies. Commissioning for the Future of the Third Sector-

School children presenting in the Pendle Commnunity Radio studio.

Azhar Usman (US), Muslim comedian performing at fundraising event

One of the key projects is the Pendle Community Radio station round the clock , which provides an invaluable service to the people of East Lancashire community. The Pendle Community Radio is broadcasted in the East Lancashire on 103.1FM; you can also listen online on www.pendleradio.

Volunteers washing cars in order to raise donations for the Sindh drought 2014

MWF hopes to reach more and more families and has held fundraising campaigns across the UK.

We appreciate the efforts of Derby Khidmah Group and Radio Ikhlas our local supporters, volunteers and the support of the local community of Derby who have always been very giving and charitable in such circumstances. A substantial amount was raised, we would like to thank everyone who donated.”

---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------

Current Projects Let us Educate a Child this year by Adnan Sohail, (London) Education provides the highest return of any social investment. Through the Education for All initiative, Minhaj Welfare Foundation builds schools, school rooms and libraries, and provides communities with school furniture and basic school supplies. But our education pillar extends beyond building and furnishing schools. We work with Minhaj Education Society to ensure our projects are maintained over the long-term, to create programming and initiatives to complement determined curriculum, and to commit to providing all students— boys and girls— with a quality

education. Together, our projects and programs create a holistic education model that empowers children to lead productive, successful and happy lives. When children are educated, entire communities attain the knowledge and tools to break the cycle of poverty, for themselves and for future generations. Why? Imagine you

11 couldn’t read or write. Imagine you knew nothing of the world that exists beyond your town and city. Imagine you had no idea how to prevent common illnesses that were devastating your community. Or worse yet, imagine you didn’t even know your basic human rights, let alone how to fight for them. For the 61 million primary school-aged children who aren’t in school, there’s no

need to imagine—this is their reality. These children are out of school for a number

of reasons: some of them, girls especially, are needed at home to help take care of siblings and collect water for their family’s use, others are engaged in child labour; some live too far from the nearest school, while others can’t afford to pay for a uniform or the necessary school fees. Whatever the reason, without access to an education,

Personal Story Meet Abd-Allah Abd-Allah is very grateful for the work Minhaj Welfare Foundation has done in his community. Without it, his life might be totally different. The 11-year-old, who lives with his family in Southern Punjab region of Pakistan, started going to school when he was seven. When he was 10, though, he had to leave school to help his parents. They did not have any sort of income and, for a whole year, Abd-Allah worked many jobs to help his family out.

“An estimated 215 million children are engaged in child labour. ”

these children remain voiceless and the cycle of poverty continues. Education is the best way to empower children, especially girls, with the tools, knowledge, strength and confidence they need to promote and protect their own rights, growth and self-sufficiency. With education, children, families, communities and even nations can break the cycle of poverty.


Then Minhaj Welfare Foundation built a new school in the southern Punjab region, with a much larger student capacity, and Abd-Allah got a second chance at an education. “The leader of our community persuaded my parents to send me back to school and to let me finish my primary school education,” he says. Now Abd-Allah is back in school and learning math, physical education, Urdu and arts. He likes learning and understands how important it is that he gets an education. “Education can help me and my family to live a better life in the future,” he says. Abd-Allah hopes to complete his education and become a teacher. As he explains, “I want to… give knowledge to other people.” He is thankful for all that Minhaj Welfare Foundation has done to help him achieve that dream. “[Minhaj Welfare Foundation] built a good new school for us and gave us the chance to go to school,” he says, adding, “Without Minhaj Welfare Foundation, I might not be back at school.”

“Only 1 in 5 work-

ing children is in paid employment. Most are unpaid family workers.

Strategy? Through implementation of Education for All over the past three years, Minhaj Welfare Foundation aims to improve access and change not only circumstance and opportunity, but also behaviour. Ultimately this will lead to a change in community status, resulting in long-term, effective and meaningful development.


Improve Access

All children (boys and girls) have access to a quality and primary Education


Change Behavious

All children should attend quality school

3 Change Status

Increase primary school completion and academic performance

By improving access to education and providing additional resources, over a period of time, Minhaj Welfare Foundation hopes that it will begin seeing change in communities: more students attending school, improved academic performance and results and an increase in primary school graduation rates.

---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------

Current Projects


Our Education Projects to include: • • • • • •


New schools and school rooms Rebuilding or refurbishing existing schools and school rooms Libraries, administration offices and teacher space. Leadership programming and training for teachers Educational resources like books and in some cases, computer and science labs Provision of school furniture and basic school supplies

Minhaj Welfare Foundation plans to expand and the quality of its existing schools and making it accessible to more children coming from lower and middle class families.

“61million primary school-

aged children are not in school, and 31 million of them are girls.

Minhaj Model High School Manawala, Sheikhupura

Project cost: £15,000

Minhaj Model High School - Mamukanjan Faisalabad

There is an existing 10 classrooms providing space for 250 students in a 3808 Sq ft area. Required project cost: £12,000 in the following area space of 2720 Sq ft: - - - - -

Minhaj Middle School Haveli Lakha, Okara

Project cost: £11,000

Project cost: £12,000

Building 5 more classrooms 1 staff room 1 computer lab 1 conference/examination hall 5 washrooms (sanitation facilities)

Minhaj Model High School - Saeela, Jhelum

Project cost: £12,000

There is an existing 13 classrooms providing space for 303 students (195 girls and 108 boys) in an 8106 Sq ft area. Required project cost: £15,000 in the following area space of 1632 Sq ft:

There is an existing 27 classrooms providing space for 440 students (183 girls and 257 boys) in an 9520 Sq ft area. Required project cost: £11,000 in the following area space of 1360 Sq ft:

There is an existing 13 classrooms providing space for 140 students (67 girls and 73 boys) in a 3506 Sq ft area. Required project cost: £12,000 in the following area space of 3506 Sq ft:

- - - - -

- - - - - -

- - - - -

Refurbishment and providing class room furniture in 18 classrooms 1 staff room 1 computer lab 1 conference/examination hall 5 washrooms (sanitation facilities)

Minhaj Laurel Home School - Sialkot

Project cost: £11,000

Building 4 more classrooms 1 staff room 1 computer lab 1 conference/examination hall 3 washrooms (sanitation facilities) 6 washrooms (sanitation facilities)

Minhaj Model School Nishat Colony, Lahore

Project cost: £12,500

Refurbishment and providing class room furniture in 13 classrooms 1 staff room 1 computer lab 1 conference/examination hall 6 washrooms (sanitation facilities)

Minhaj Model Girls High School, Lahore

Project cost: £10,000

There is an existing 10 classrooms providing space for 260 students (150 girls and 110 boys) in a 10880 Sq ft area. Required project cost: £11,000 in the following area space of 1360 Sq ft:

There is an existing 14 classrooms providing space for 265 students (107 girls and 158 boys) in a 2720 Sq ft area. Required project cost: £12,500 in the following area space of 750 Sq ft:

There is an existing 16 classrooms providing space for 313 students (girls) in a 10880 Sq ft area. Required project cost: £10,000 in the following area space of 5440 Sq ft:

- Building 3 more classrooms Tahfeez- ul-Quran - Building 2 classrooms for School - 1 Science lab - 4 washrooms (sanitation facilities)

- - - -

- - - - -

Minhaj Model School Arifwala, Pakpatan

Minhaj Laurel School Gujranwala

Project cost: £11,000

There is an existing 11 classrooms providing space for 190 students (80 girls and 110 boys) in a 2720 Sq ft area. Required project cost: £11,000 in the following area space of 2720 Sq ft: - - - - -

Refurbishment and providing class room furniture in 11 classrooms 1 staff room 1 computer lab 1 conference/examination hall 5 washrooms (sanitation facilities)

Refurbishment and providing class room furniture in 14 classrooms 1 staff room 1 computer lab 3 washrooms (sanitation facilities)

Project cost: £9,000

There is an existing 8 classrooms providing space students in a 2170 Sq ft area. Required project cost: £9,000 in the following area space of 750 Sq ft: - - -

Building 4 more classrooms 1 computer lab 4 washrooms (sanitation facilities)

Building 4 more classrooms 1 conference/examination hall 1 staff room 1 Science Lab 3 washrooms (sanitation facilities)

Minhaj Model School Safdarbad, Sheikhpura

Project cost: £12,500

There is an existing 5 classrooms providing space for 220 students (120 girls adn 110 boys) in a 2176 Sq ft area. Required project cost: £12,500 in the following area space of 3264 Sq ft: - - - -

Building 6 more classrooms 1 staff room Wall constructions 3 washrooms (sanitation facilities)

---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------

Zakat & Charity An Islamic guidline to Giving Charity

8.The total value of the wealth and property must be above the payable threshold (nisab) as determined by the Shariah. 9.The person must be in possession of The Islamic system of zakah is unique that wealth, which is above the nisab in history. No one else has ever thought value, for a complete lunar year. That about such concepts nor did any other is, zakah does not become obligatory religion implement such a detailed sys- simply by possessing wealth in excess tem. Zakah fulfils the economic needs of the nisab, one must also be above of the poor and needy and it takes efthe nisab value after a whole lunar year fective action against the centralisation has passed. of wealth. This is a collective system because it reduces the gap between the Which classes of people are eligible to rich and the poor, and exploitation and receive zakah? oppression is put to an end. Its politAccording to the Quran, there are eight ical aspect is that at the state level it categories that are eligible to receive is collected and distributed through a zakah (Quran 9:60) proper system. Its moral aspect is that it purifies the wealth and heart of the 1.The poor (fuqar) donor and it is a means of creating love 2.The destitute (masakin) and brotherhood among individuals in 3.The collectors of zakah (A’milin) society. 4.To soften the hearts of people (mu’allafa al-qulub) “This is a brief article taken from the 5.The slaves (riqab) newly published Zakah & Charity book; 6.The debtors (gharimÏn) a compilation of lectures and works 7.Those in the path of Allah(fÏ sabÏl Allah) of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad 8.The travellers (ibn sabÏl) Tahir-ul-Qadri based upon the Islamic aspects of Zakah and Sadaqah. To order What is the nisab? a copy please email us at info@minha- For those resources, assets, wealth, jwelfare.org with your postal address money and property upon which zakah and we will post you the book“ is obligatory, there is a specific amount which this personal wealth must exceed What is zakah? for zakah to become obligated. This Zakah is one of the fundamental pillars specific amount is known as nisab. of Islam which is also known as alSadaqa al-wajiba (obligatory almsgivWhich is used for nisab: gold or silver? ing). According to the Shariah, someAccording to Imam Abu Hanifa the one one who qualifies for the nisab must which is more beneficial for the poor spend a specific amount of his or her should be used. In other words, if one wealth upon those who are eligible to has wealth which reaches the nisab of receive Zakah so that their poverty is either of gold or silver, one should use alleviated. the one which brings greater benefit to the poor. So if the nisab of silver What are the conditions for the obliga- has been reached, but not of gold, the tion of zakah? zakah will be obligated as it brings The following conditions must be fulgreater benefit. filled in order for zakah to be obligatory upon an individual: What is the nisab of gold? 1.Being a Muslim: zakah is not obligato- Zakah is obligatory (fard) on gold ry on non-Muslims. according to the modern measurement 2.Maturity: zakah is not obligatory upon of 87.48 grams—not on an amount less children. than this. 3.Sanity: zakah is not obligatory on those who are mentally handicapped. What is the nisab of silver? 4.Being free: zakah is not obligatory Zakah is obligatory (fard) on silver on prisoners. To be in complete ownwhich amounts to 612.36 grams and ership of wealth: the wealth can only not on amount less than it. It is obligabe subject to zakah if it is in complete tory to pay one-fortieth of the zakatable ownership of the individual. For examamount. ple, if someone buried his possessions somewhere and forgot where he buried Is the zakah due on houses, flats or it, but years later he regained his lost land which are used as accommodapossession, then he will not have to pay tion? zakah during the interim period when Zakah is not due upon a house, flat or the possession was missing. land which is being used as personal 5.The wealth should be surplus of one’s accommodation. However, if a house, basic necessities. flat or shop is being rented out, the an6.To be free of debt: if someone has nual profit gained from them after the £1000 in saving, but also has a debt to expenses are deducted will be added pay of £1000, that person is not free to the owner’s annual profit; and if the from debt thus he is not required to pay annual profits from all means of income the zakah. reach the nisab, then the zakah will be 7.Zakah is payable on that wealth and paid on them. property which grows, either tangibly such as trade stocks or grazing anZakah must be paid upon the value of imals, or in value such as gold and all houses, flats and land that are used silver.

14 for business or trade purposes. Again the purchase price is not taken into account but the market value of the day. This point is one to be pondered over by those who invest in land, and buy and sell property. Zakah upon the deposit that is paid as a guarantee in renting a property must be paid by the tenant. In the same way the zakah for security deposit that are paid by traders or agencies to firms or organisations that are returnable, must be paid by the depositor. What is the method of calculating the zakah in the business of buying and selling cars? In order to pay the zakah, the total value of all the cars must be calculated. Then any loan which has been given out and is expected to be returned should also be added to the amount. If any loan is to be paid then the amount of that loan should be separated from the total amount. Then the zakah should be paid at the rate of 2.5% on the remaining sum. If the value of the cars is less than the nisab for some part of the year or during the same year more cars are purchased taking their value to or above the nisab then the year is to be considered to begin at the point when the nisab was reached, and the previous period will not be included Can the zakah be paid before it is due? The zakah can be paid before its due and this is one of the acceptable methods of paying it. ‘AlÏ b. AbÏ Talib narrates that ‘Abbas asked the Holy Prophet s whether it was permissible to pay the zakah before it is due, and the Holy Prophet s permitted him to do it. What kind of wealth, asset, property must zakah be paid on? It is obligatory to pay zakah upon four types of assets: 1.Gold, silver and money. 2.Animals such as camels, cows and goats, etc. 3.All kinds of trade goods. 4.Those products that are produced from the land such as fruits, vegetables and minerals, etc. Who is not eligible to receive zakah? The following people cannot receive zakah: 1.A wealthy person, i.e., someone upon whom it is obligatory to pay zakah or has some assets that are the value of nisab and in surplus of the basic necessities. For example, if someone has copper cutlery which is surplus to their need and their value is that of nisab, then it is not permitted for that person to receive zakah, although it is not wajib for that person to pay zakah on that excess cutlery. 2.Relations such as parents, grandparents, etc. 3.Children, nephew, nieces, and grandchildren. 4.Spouse

5.The children of a wealthy person who are below the age of puberty, as children under the age of puberty are to be catered for by their guardian.

---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------


Ramadan & Fasting This is a short extract of questions and answers related to Fasting and Ramadan taken from the works of Shaykhul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri. In this article we have provided a wide range of issues relating to the importance of Ramadan, the spiritual significance of fasting and how it relates to a Muslim in his/her daily life. For a complete version, please refer to the book ‘Fasting and Spiritual Retreat – part of the Islamic Series of books’. What is the importance of Ramadan in the light of Quran and hadith? A. Ramadan is the blessed month of the Islamic calendar which is honoured by the descent of the Quran. It was on one of the blessed nights of Ramadan when the Quran was revealed to the lowest heaven. It is for this very reason that Allah u blessed that night above all other nights and declared it to be the Night of Destiny (layla al-qadr). The Quran says:

What are the merits of night vigil of Ramadan? Night vigil here means to worship, particularly in the form of offering prayer (i.e., qiyam al-layl). Its importance in Ramadan is vital. The Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) had a routine of busying himself with prayer, glorifying Allah (Subhana-wa-Ta’ala), invoking His unity and reciting the Quran at length. Abu Hurayra (May Allah be please with Him) reports: ‘Allah’s Messenger a used to encourage his Companions l to stand in Ramadan without obligating it upon them. He would say: ‘Whoever stands at night in Ramadan with faith and hope for reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven’

What is the significance of reciting the Quran during Ramadan? The Qurann is a unique book, in the sense that reciting a single letter from it would earn you ten righteous deeds. ‘Abd Allah b. Mas’ud (May Allah be please with Him) narrates a Prophetic The Night of Destiny is better than a tradition as follows: thousand months (in merit of excel‘Whoever recites a letter from the book lence, blessings, reward and recomof Allah will earn one righteous deed pense) (Al-Quran 97:3) Here we mention some of the Prophetic and one righteous deed comes with ten traditions regarding the merits of excel- like it. I do not say that alif, lam, mÏm lence, reward and blessings granted in is one letter but alif is a letter, lam is another letter and mÏm is another one’ this month. (Narrated by al-TirmidhÏ in al-Sunan, 5:33 - 2910) When Ramadan starts the doors of paradise are opened, those of Hell are closed and devils are chained (Narrated What is the importance of eating predawn meal for fasting? by al-BukharÏ, 3:1194 - 3103) A: Hadiths mention the importance and We can deduce the distinctive honour granted to Ramadan from the following blessings of eating the sahoor a great hadith which has been reported on the deal. Our holy Prophet a would regularly start his fast with something to eat, as authority of Abu Hurayah a pre-dawn meal for fasting and would Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan also tell others to do so. Anas (May in the state of faith and for the sake Allah be Please with Him) narrates that of its reward, all his previous sins are the (Prophet) says: forgiven (Narrated by al-BukharÏ in, ‘Eat pre-dawn meal for fasting, for it 2:709 - 1910) contains blessings.’ (Narrated by Muslim in, 2:770 - 1095) What was the routine practice of the Prophet a during Ramadan? What is the importance of fast breakDuring the blessed month of Ramaing in Ramadan? dan, the acts of worship and spiritual striving would increase a great deal as During Ramadan, it is also important to mark the end of the fast with al-iftaar compared to other days. Awe of the Sahl b. Saad (May Allah be pleased Divine Presence and aspiration to the Divine Court, would rise to a climax and with Him) narrates that the Prophet (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) the hours of worship at night would said: increase. Below mentioned are some ‘The people (of my Umma) will remain examples of the Prophetic tradition that we can deduce that He (Peace and in good state as long as they hasten fast breaking’ (Narrated by Muslim, Blessings be Upon Him) did during 2:771 – 1098) Ramadan: 1.The generosity of the Prophet 2.The desirability of great acts of charity Who is fasting obligated upon? Islam has obligated the fasting of during Ramadan Ramadan upon every mature Muslim of 3.Increasing the acts of charity at a sound mind, man and woman across righteous person’s visit. 4.Permissibility of establishing schools the world. Allah (Subhana-wa-Ta’ala) states: for teaching the Quran ‘The month of Ramadan (is that) in 5.The Prophet a would always perform spiritual retreat during the last ten days which the Quran has been sent down as guidance for mankind, containing clear of Ramadan. Signs which lead (to the straight road) and distinguish (the Truth from falsehood). Therefore, he who witnesses this

month must fast in it’ (Al-Quran 2:185) What supplications are we supposed to read at the time of pre-dawn meal and fast breaking? Have they been transmitted to us in hadith? A: We should read the following words when we keep fast. ‘I have intended to keep the fast of Ramadan tomorrow.’ What we need to keep in mind here is that no such wording has been mentioned in any hadith. Basically, the intention of the heart is the important thing here. Intention stands for the solemn resolution of the heart, to perform some act of worship. As a term of Shariah, it means ‘to intend to gain Allah’s proximity through any particular action’. For fast breaking, on the other hand, different words have appeared in different narrations. Muadh b. Zuhra, for example, narrates that the Prophet a would read the following words at the time of fast breaking: ‘O Allah! I kept fast for your sake and I break fast with your provision.’ How can we protect our fast? The cessation of eating, drinking or sexual relations does not perfect the fast. The state of fasting rather includes ceasing to commit indecency (of word and action), reprehensible and objectionable deeds and other kinds of sins. •Protect his tongue from lying, back-biting, slandering, calumny and indecent talk. •Protect his eyes form seeing everything whose seeing is condemnable and disapproved of or whose sight makes him unmindful of Allah’s remembrance. •Protect his ears from listening to anything that is a sin to listen to. If a gathering is involved with back-biting or other sinful talk, advise them to desist. If they do not stop, leave the gathering as the Prophet has told us that both the back-biter and the one who listens are partners in sin. •Not eat at fast breaking time more than enough to tighten the belly and just keep it relaxed. •Keep the heart between hope and fear about whether the fast has been accepted or not after being completed, but not be disappointed in the mercy of Allah. •Protect the limbs from relative sins is safeguarding the fast. The Let’s Revive is an initiative which utilises Zakah & Sadaqah donations and voluntary funds collected here in the United Kingdom for the benefit of local and deserving projects. Donations are used to create Islamic Educational resources for Muslims living in the west, funding projects such as Da’wah, translation of authentic Islamic literature and distribution of books. Please donate generously

For further information or to buy books or Lectures please visit our websites ww.minhajpublications.com | www.deenislam.com | www.minhajbooks.com

Fasting and Ramadan

---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------


Future Vision

Minhaj Education City by Dr Raheeq Ahmed Abbasi (Southampton)

Minhaj-ul-Quran was founded by Shaykh ul Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri in 1981 to promote religious moderation, and to revive the true ideals and practice of the Deen focussed on the love and reverence of the Beloved Prophet (saw) and spiritual endeavour. Alongside this MQI vision was to deliver the best quality education, without differentiating between the secular and religious, accessible to all - regardless of material means, social status, background or gender. Since its inception, Minhaj-ul-Quran has grown and evolved into an international organisation represented in most countries of the world. It has produced the largest non-governmental education project in the world, with a worldwide network of schools, colleges, and education centres and a chartered university. The extending requirements for religious, educational and welfare projects of MQI need much more area for expansion and development. Therefore it has been decided to acquire a 200-acre piece of land in the peripheries of Lahore to cater coming needs of coming decades, which will host a great seat of learning called the Min-

haj Education City. It will be, insha Allah, the largest and most comprehensive education complex in the Indian subcontinent, not only for the people of that region, but for the world over. It will provide modern facilities in beautiful and inspiring surroundings, evoking the classical Islamic tradition and architectural heritage, to inspire and continue the propagation of our message of peace and love, to fulfil the complete educational needs of its students, along with nurturing their spiritual and social development for the betterment of humanity.

Masjid al-Sakhra It has been planned to allocate an area of 100,000 m2 to the mosque and its courtyard, which will make it the largest mosque in the Indian Subcontinent, in sha Allah. It will have the capacity to accommodate hundreds of thousands worshippers. The central hall of mosque will be replica of Dom of the Roc.

Al-Zawiya al-Ghauthiyya Al-Zawiya al-Ghauthiyya will be a traditional khanqah possessing the ancient spirit of Tasawwuf to address the

materialist and extremist challenges of the modern age. The students of al-Azamiya will not only be imparted with classical and modern education but will also gain the light of the heart and soul by receiving spiritual training arranged by the zawiya. The zawiya will also conduct special short courses for the wider community. The architecture of this building will be similar to the Darbar-eGhawth al-A`zam.

The Minhaj University New Campus The Minhaj University Lahore is running six faculties spread into more than thirty departments. It has more than 3000 fulltime students at Bachelor, Masters, MPhil and PhD level. Due to its affordable fee packages and high quality of education, great numbers of students from all over Pakistan apply for admission to the Minhaj University, but due to the limited space currently available not all of them can be admitted. The University also has plans to introduce new disciplines and faculties. Therefore, a new campus of the Minhaj University will be built at the Minhaj Education City to enhance student enrolment. Furthermore, the follow-

ing constituent colleges, each specialised in its specific area of learning, have also been planned to develop soon such as Umar b. al-Khattab College of Management Sciences (UCMS), Ibn Sina Medical and Dental College (IMDC), Ibn al-Haytham College of Engineering and Technology (ACET), Al-Farabri College of Law (FCL), Qabus College of Commerce (QCC), Saghani College of Media Studies (SCM), Al-Ghazali College of Education (GCE), Al-Zahrawi Teaching Hospital (ZTH) and Al-Kindi College Technical and Vocational Education (KCTVE). The departments and colleges of Minhaj University will be imparting education to more than 25,000 students at one time.

Residential Halls for Boys and Girls In order to facilitate students coming from remote areas of the country, the Minhaj Education City will have separate hostels for boys and girls together with separate playgrounds and recreational areas. Residential halls for boys will be named after great scholars of Islamic history to pay tribute to their services in the field of education and sciences. Similarly, the halls

of residence for girls will be named after great women of Islam.

Bayt al-Hikma There is an urgent need to translate the works authored by the celebrated scholars and imams into Urdu and English so that new generations can have access to this treasure trove of wisdom in their mother tongue. Muslims around the world are facing hundereds of issues and challenges which need their solution as per the requirements of modern age. At Bayt al-Hikma these requirements will be addressed, where the scholars will have access to one of the largest collections of books on various islamic disciplines and will be provided with state of the art reaearch facilities.

Ibn al-Khaldun Central Library and Auditorium This building will be named after the great Islamic philosopher, Ibn Khaldun. There will be a modern auditorium spacious enough for at least 3000 people. A computerised central library of Minhaj University will also be established in this building. It will be established initially to contain 500,000 books.

---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------


‫وچدہ وس اسہل یملع ورہث ی‬ ‫ا� یہ اقمم رپ‬

Jamia al-Imam Abu Hanifa (al-A’zmia) It is an alarming prospect that the narrow minded seminaries inclined to extremism produce an excess of 200,000 graduates each year, whilst the ones from mainstream and Sufi heritage amount to only a few thousands. Accepting this challenge, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has decided to establish Jamia al-Imam Abu Hanifa which will house 25,000 students. The students will be given free education and accommodation and all of their basic needs will be catered by MQI. This will make al-A’zmia a one of the biggest welfare educational project of the subcontinent. The purpose built campus of al-Azamiya will be a unique and distinguishing feature of Minhaj Education City. Its academic blocks and residential unit will be built around the Masjid al-Sakhra.

‫ت‬ ‫ظ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ام ہملسم یک ی‬ ‫ل یا� ی‬ ِ‫ف ی‬ ِ ‫رحت� اہنمج ارقلآن ےن‬ ‫ع ااشلن �رہش آ�باد رکےن‬ ‫� و � ب یر� ےک ی‬ ‫نش‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫کا ےہ خسج اک �ام اہنمج ج‬ ‫رقت�ا یا� �زار انکل ےس‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ا�وک یٹس وہاگ اور اس ےک ی‬ ‫اک ی� ی‬ ‫یب‬ ‫ی‬ ‫زادئ خرہبق یک � یر�داری لمع ت‬ ،‫ رکفی‬،‫ےہ۔ �ی رہش االسم یک وچدہ وس اسہل فیملع‬ ‫م الیئ ت ی خ‬ ‫اجریہ ظ ش‬ ‫ت ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ ظ اقثیتف اور ی‬،‫ اسیسنئ‬،�‫ار‬ ‫�رایت �ار� اک ی‬ ‫ع �ااکہر وہ اگ۔ اس رہش م الوھکں ا�راد یک اجنگشئ‬ � ‫یک احلم ی‬ ِ ‫ع ااشلن تدجسم ‘دجسم ارخصلاء’ اقمئ یک اجےئ یگ ہکبج تلمِ ا‬ ‫ی‬ ‫السم یک ن یملع‬ ِ ‫اقتوضں ےس مہ آگنہ‬ ‫و اِاقتعدی رضور ی�ات یک ی‬ ‫ت‬ ‫امظع اوب �ح��یفہ ےس‬ ‫اامم‬ ‫ل ج� ید�د دور ظےک‬ ‫� ےک ی‬ ‫ن‬ � ‫پ‬ ‫�ر یک اجےئ یگ سج ی‬ ‫وسنمب اجۃعم ااالامم ایب ح��یف��ۃ ارعملوف ‘االع�م� یہ’ یھب ی‬ ‫م �چ�یس ہ�زار ئےس زادئ‬ � �‫ف�یکل�ٹ‬ ‫ت ت‬ ‫ی‬ ‫اج� یگ‬ ‫ابلطء اطابلت یک � ب یر� یک اامتہم وہ اگ۔ اس اجہعم یک فلتخم ی�ز یھب اقمئ یک‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی ث‬ ‫نج ےک �ام �ی وہں ےگ اامم اخبری کل�ی��ۃ‬ ‫اعہشئ‬ ‫ ی خ‬،‫ اامم اوب ی�وفس کل�ی��ۃ الفقہ‬،‫ اامم احطوی کل�ی��ۃ العق�ی�دۃ‬،�‫ادحل‬ ‫ دار اَرمق کل�ی��ۃ ادلوعۃ و اوصل ی ن‬،)‫(و� اکجل‬ ‫دص� یقہ کل�ی��ۃ انبللت ی ن‬ ،�‫ اامم انب ااحسق کل�ی��ۃ الس�ی�رۃ و ااتلر‬،�‫ادل‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫س‬ � ‫کل‬ ‫اامم ربطی کل�ی��ۃ ال� ی�ر اور اامم ب‬ ‫سو�ی �ی��ۃ اۃغلل واالدب۔‬

‫یج یش ن‬ ‫وک یٹس ی‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اسھت اسھت‬ ‫اہزلٹس ےک‬ ‫اگل‬ ‫اگل‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ےک‬ ‫راہشئ‬ ‫یک‬ ‫اطابلت‬ ‫و‬ ‫ابلطء‬ ‫م‬ �‫اہنمج ا‬ ‫ٹ ی ق‬ �‫�عل‬ ‫نش‬ ‫یم‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی ی‬ ‫آڈ�و ر� اک ی�ام یھب لمع م ال ی�ا اج راہ ےہ ۔ ا�اء‬ ‫ا� ی و‬ ‫اہلل ی‬ ‫انبِ دلخون �ترٹنسل �ت خ‬ ‫الربئ�ری ا�ن�ڈ ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ی‬ � ‫ق‬ ‫ی‬ ‫رواحین اور حق�یقی و � ی اموحل ی‬ ‫ےک دعب ا� ا�ہغبٔ روزاگر اور ن شرقبعی �ہس��ی�اں پ ی‬ ‫�دا خوہں یگ‬ ‫م � ب یر� �پاےن‬ ‫ث‬ ‫ین‬ � ‫لہ‬ ِ ‫اج� وہں ےگ ہکلب ت� ی‬ ‫ انب ردش و انب ا � ی م اور اطعر و رویم ےک‬،‫وج ہن رصف رازی و زغایل‬ ‫ار� اِالسم‬ ‫ی ن‬ ‫ام وہں ےگ۔‬ ‫یک وچدہ وس اسہل روا ی�ات ےک یھب‬

The edifice consisting of the mosque and the Jamia complex will be a state-of-the-art residential facility developed in continuance with the traditional legacy of spiritual and jurisprudential lines of Islamic thought and practices. Different streets, parks, buildings and halls will be named after great personalities of Islam including Ahl e Bait, Four righteous Caliphs, Famous Companions and famous Imams and Scholars. Various buildings will be built to house the different faculties (Kulliyya) of the Jamia such as

Imam al-Bukhari Kulliyya al-Hadith, Imam al-Tabari Kulliyya al-Tafsir, Imam al-Tahawi Kulliyya al-Aqida, Imam Abu Yusuf Kulliyya al-Fiqh wa al-Usul, Imam Sibawayh Kulliyya al-Lugha wa al-Adab , Imam Ibn Ishaq Kulliyya Sira wa al-Tarikh, Dar al Arqam Kulliyya al-Da`wa wa Usul al-Din, Bayt al-Hikma (Library, Research, and Translation Centre) and Aisha al-Siddiqa Kulliyya li al-Banat (Girls College).

Imam Bukhari Kulleya al-Hadith

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Minhaj-ul-Quran International UK [www.minhajuk.org]

Halaqa-e-Darood (spiritual British Council of Islamic gatherings) Guidance

by Ali Akbar (Walsall) Minhaj-ul-Quran UK is part of the Minhaj-ul-Quran International organisation founded by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri’. The organisation has been working in the UK since 1988 and is a leading voice for British Muslims. The MQI UK is made up of a number forums which include the Muslim Youth League (boys and girls), Minhaj Women League and general MQI members and centres. There is also a National Executive Council (NEC) which is the main regulator of MQI UK and sets out policies and strategies for the organisation in the UK. locations.

Weekly darood circles are initiated at homes, local MQI centres and community halls for all. The circles last for an hour and consists of the following format; - - - - - -

Recitation of the Quran Recitation of Darood Ode (naat) Speech of Shaykh-ul–Islam (20 mins) A short reminder Dhikr and dua (prayer)

Billions of darood recitation has been collected since its initiation almost 10 years ago in Pakistan, making it the largest communal recitation of salutations upon the Blessed Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in the world. Question & Answer session during the al-Hidaya 2010

Minhaj Da’wah Project Over recent years there has been wide misconception of Islam mostly related to the ill-perceived understanding of the basic teachings of the Holy Quran and Prophetic tradition. Many Muslims and even Non-Muslims have been left alienated from the true teachings of Islam. The Minhaj Da’wah Project initiative of Minhaj-ul-Quran provides free literature, DVDs on a wide range of topics, these are mainly distributed by volunteers in shops, community centres and prisoners across the UK.

Minhaj Peace & Integration Social and political Council UK activities Living in a multicultural society comes with many challenges one of them is religious tolerance between faiths and sects. Over the years there has been great debate on the role of religion in the UK, most importantly ‘respecting each others religious practices. The Minhaj Peace and Integration Council (MPIC) works on both intra-faith and inter-faith relationship.

In 2013/14, through the MDP more than 1000 free Quran’s, 2000 books and 6000 CDs and DVDs have been distributed in prisons. The prison services and Midlands people applauded the efforts of the Minhaj Da’wah Project and in its recognition awarded a certificate for the remarkable work in community cohesion and in particular helping prisoners.

The Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) is a political party committed to raising the voice of Pakistani dual national holders. It works to promote the ‘good image’ of the country by holding cultural events, discussions and meeting with local groups. The recent political tensions in Pakistan have seen a stronger social movement within the UK. PAT held a number of nationwide protests after comments were made against the ‘loyalty of dual nationals’. PAT condemned these words and said that ‘a very large community lives in the UK; they have been hurt from comments made in Pakistan’.

The British Council of Islamic Guidance (BCIG) is an Imam forum of MQI UK. It provides chaplaincy services work within the NHS and local hospitals in supporting Muslim patients. The Imams also work with prison services providing spiritual and religious support, in addition the Imams lead

Minhaj Schools of Islamic Sciences (Educating young British Muslims) A weekly evening school actively runs in 8 local MQI centres under the Minhaj School of Islamic Sciences (MSIS). It is seen as the initial grounding for the religious, spiritual and educational development of young British Muslims. The schools are mainly run in the evening from 5pm till 7pm (Monday to Friday), with a range of subjects taught such as faith & creed, life of the Holy Prophet, Holy Quran, Prophetic traditions, spirituality, morals and manners, history and many more. MSIS is ideal for children as young as 5 years of age till 14 years (beginning from level one). The students have two exams in the year monitored by an internal education board which ensures the overall progress of the child.

MSIS children in a classroom assembley

Minhaj Peace & Integration Council with the former Archbishop of Canterbury

Minhaj Dawah Project


The ‘Peace and Unity Conference’ in Wembley 2011 is a great example. gathered religious and faith leaders from across the UK including dignitaries from all over the world in a pact Wembley arena which was participated by more than 15,000 people. The founder of Minhaj-ul-Quran International, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri presided over this historic event. It was the first event of its kind as the collective ‘Multi-faith’ prayer was held along with a document read out later called ‘The London declaration’ which called out for Global peace.


Women participation in a conference about Women Empowerment

I The founder of PAT, Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri’ addressed thousands of Pakistan contingents in Birmingham. He spoke of the political issues which have arisen in Pakistan and the failure of the state to fulfil the basic human needs of over 180 million people. Scholars, community leaders, leading political figures and celebrities also addressed their views to the audience.




---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------

0300 30 30 777

Minhaj Women League, UK by Musarrat Hussain (Walsall) Minhaj Women League (MWL) is one of the most important forums of MQI UK. It works closely with women; housewives and working ladies within the local community. The work of MWL is organised through its local bodies who are responsible for the planning and execution of projects and providing support at grassroots level for

and recreational activities across the UK. Women Empowerment workshops are organised in local

initiatives such as Mina Bazaars, charity fundraisers, book & CDs stalls and food banks in mosques, community centres and outdoors which sees a strong participation from family members and in particular young children. MWL provides a comprehensive educational programs for women;

20 study and Zikr circles at the centres of MQI, spiritual camps, local radio stations or even campaigns of Minhaj Welfare Foundation. If you would like to be part of Minhaj Women League UK or would like further information please contact Mrs Musarat Hussain at secretarymwluk@gmail.com

communities working in particular with housewives who play a vital role in the upbringing of their children. MWL holds community

the wider work of Minhaj-ul-Quran and Minhaj Welfare Foundation. The MWL actively focuses on engaging women in their personal and spiritual development. It organises religious, educational

working ladies, housewives and the youth. These programs are carried out local homes in which the local neighbourhood and community are fully engaged. MWL plays an important role in the success of all MQI projects in the UK, whether that is Halqa-e-Darood, Weekly

---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG --------

21 মিনহাজ ওয়েলফেয়ার ফাউন্ডেশন by Saif-ul-Azam (Northampton)

মিনহাজ ওয়েলফেয়ার ফাউন্ডেশন এর প্রতিষ্টাতা ডা. তাহের আল কাদরী

১। সবার জন্য শিক্ষা: গত কয়েক বছর ধরে মিনহাজ ওয়েলফেয়ার ফাউন্ডেশন গরিব অসহায় বাচ্চাদের শিক্ষা নিশ্চিত করার লক্ষে নিরলস ভাবে কাজ করে যাচ্ছে। সবার জন্য শিক্ষা MWF এর ম�ৌলিক প্রজেক্ট গুল�োর মধ্যে অন্যতম। এই লক্ষে গত কয়েক বছরে তাদের মাধ্যমিকe ও উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক স্কুল এর সংখ্যা ৬৩০ টি ছাড়িয়ে গেছে। প্রতিষ্টা করেছে ৪০ টি আই. টি. কলেজ সহ একটি সরকার স্বীকৃত বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়। আমাদের এই প্রজেক্টটি দক্ষিন এশিয়াতে গরিব ও অধিকার বঞ্চিত শিশুদের মধ্যে শিশু শ্রম র�োধ করে তাদের মধ্যে শিক্ষার আল�ো দিতে দারুন ভাবে সমর্থ হয়েছে। আমরা বিশ্বাস করি, আমাদের এই প্রজেক্ট এর আওতায় শিক্ষা গ্রহণ করে তারা নিজেরাই নিজেদের ভাগ্য পরিবর্তনে সক্ষম হবে। MWF এর শিক্ষা খাত মিনহাজ এডুকেশন স�োসাইটি ঘ�োষণা করেছে যে, প্রায় দেড় লক্ষ ছেলে মেয়ে MWF এর প্রতিষ্ঠিত বিভিন্ন প্রতিষ্টান দ্বারা শিক্ষিত হয়ে উঠেছে । আমরা নিম্নলিখিত স্পন্সরশিপ প্রোগ্রাম গুল�ো দিয়ে গরীব অসহায় ছেলে মেয়েদের লেখা-পড়ায় সহয�োগীতা করে থাকি.

ব্যবস্থা করতে পেরে আনন্দিত। আপনার টাকা যথা সময়ে যথাযত জায়গায় প�ৌছে দেয়া হবে। প্রজেক্ট সম্পন্ন হওয়ার পর আপনাকে তার পরিপূ র্ণ রিপ�োর্ট ও ছবি সরবরাহ করা হবে।

খ . খাদ্য বিতরণ:

পবিত্র রমজান মাসে আমাদের খাদ্য/ ইফতার বিতরণ আমাদের প্রজেক্ট সমূ হের মধ্যে অন্যতম। পবিত্র রমজান মাসে ইফতার করান�োর ফজিলত আমরা সবাই জ্ঞাত। আমরা এও জানি যে বিশ্বের লক্ষ লক্ষ মানু ষ দারিদ্রতা এবং ক্ষুদার কষাঘাতে পিষ্ট। MWF এই প্রজেক্টের মাধ্যমে এশিয়া , আফ্রিকা এবং মধ্য প্রাচ্যের গরীব দেশ গুল�োর মধ্যে গরীব ও অসহায় মানুষে মাঝে ইফতারি প্যাক বিতরণ করে। আমাদের প্যাকেট গুল�োতে চাউল, চিনি , তৈল, ডাল, চা, আটা, খেজু র এবং ধান থাকে যা আমরা রমজানের শুরুতেই বিতরণ করে থাকি।বাংলাদেশে আমরা ইফতারির সাথে সাথে ঈদের কাপড় ও দিয়ে থাকি।

আমাদের ভবিষ্যত পরিকল্পনা গুল�ো বাস্তবায়নে আপনার সহয�োগিতা প্রয়�োজন ১. নিম্নলিখিত ক্যটাগরিতে একটি বাচ্চা স্পন্সর করতে পারেন: এতিম বাচ্চা- £৩৫ প্রতি মাসে/ £৪২০ প্রতি বছর স্কুল - £১৫ প্রতি মাসে/ £১৮০ প্রতি বছর কলেজ, বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় - £২৫ প্রতি মাসে/ £৩০০ প্রতি বছর হাফেজ - £২৫ প্রতি মাসে/ £৩০০ প্রতি বছর

২. একটি স্কুল এ সহয�োগিতা করতে পারেন:

- স্কুল/ কলেজ / বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় -গরীব এতিমদের বৃ ত্তি প্রদান -হিফ্জু ল ক�োরান আমরা “সবার জন্য শিক্ষা” প্রজেক্টটি এখন আফ্রিকায় ও শুরু করেছি। কেনিয়ার উত্তর পূ র্ব দিকে ফিত্রে নামক গ্রামে আমরা একটি মাধ্যমিক স্কুল প্রতিষ্ঠা করেছি। ওখানকার ল�োকজন দরিদ্রের কষাঘাতে জর্জরিত। দু বেলা দুমুঠ�ো খাওয়া থেকে বঞ্চিত এই পরিবারের শিশুরা বেড়ে উঠে এক নিদারুন পরিবেশে। আমাদের এই স্কুল সেখানকার সামাজিক উন্নয়নে অবদান রাখবে ত�ো বটেই সাথে সাথে সবার মধ্যে শিক্ষা সচেতনতা বৃ দ্ধি করবে।

গ . কুরবানির মাংস বিতরণ

ক্লাস নির্মানে সহয�োগিতা

আমারের দাতাদের আর্থিক সহয�োগিতায় আমরা বিশ্বের দরিদ্র মুসলিম দেশ গুল�োতে কুরবানির পশুর মাংস বিতরণ করে থাকি। বাংলাদেশ, ভারত, পাকিস্তান সহ আফ্রিকান মুসলিম দেশগুল�োর অসংখ পরিবার নিজেদের দারিদ্রতা সত্তেও কুরবানী ঈদের আনন্দ নিজেদের মধ্যে উদযাপন করতে পারে। বাংলাদেশের বিভিন্ন অঞ্চলে এই প্রজেক্ট এর আওতায় কুরবানির পশুর মাংস বিতরণ করি। এর মধ্যে সিলেট , চট্টগ্রাম, নেত্রক�োনা , মহেশখালী , বরিশাল, খু লনা, বিশেষভাবে উল্লেখয�োগ্য। ৩. দুর্যোগ ম�োকাবিলা : সিরিয়া ও গাজায় প্রাকৃতিক বিপর্যয় এবং যুদ্ধ বিগ্রহে সিরিয়া ও গাজা আজ ধরাশায়ী। আমাদের প্রত্যাশা ছিল ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত প্রত্যেক মানুষের সামনে আমাদের সাহায্যের হাত বাড়িয়ে দেওয়ার। আমাদের টিম সরেজমিন ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত এলাকা পরিদর্শন পূ র্ব ক খাদ্য-দ্রব্য , গরম কাপড়, ঔষধ নিয়ে সাধ্যেমত চেষ্টা করছে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত মানুষের মুখে হাসি ফ�োটান�োর।

ফার্নিচার নির্মানে সহয�োগিতা

হেল্প ফিড প্রজেক্টে নিম্নলিখিত উপায়ে সহয�োগিতা প্রদান করতে পারেন.. আফ্রিকা ( কূপ খনন) £২৮০০ এশিয়া ( টিউবঅয়েল ) £১৫০ সবলম্ভি করার জন্য খামার করতে - £৫০০০ প্রতি মাসে £৩ সহয�োগিতা করুন

২। সবার জন্য খাদ্য ( খাদ্য ও সুপেয় পানির প্রজেক্ট ) : ক . সুপেয় পানি ( এশিয়া এবং আফ্রিকায় ) MWF উন্নয়নশীল দেশ গুল�োর মানুষের মাঝে সুপেয় পানি নিশ্চিত করতে গত কয়েক বছর ধরে নিরবিচ্ছিন্ন কাজ করে যাচ্ছে। আমাদের হৃদয়বান দাতাদের সহায়তায় আমরা গত এক বছরে দক্ষিন এশিয়ায় ও আফ্রিকার কেনিয়ায় প্রায় ১০ টি পানির কূপ খনন এবং ১১৫ টি টিউবয়েল বিতরণ করি। ঐ সমস্ত এলাকার প্রায় বিশ হাজার ল�োককে আমরা আমাদের এই সুবিধার আওতায় আনতে পেরেছি। এই সমস্ত এলাকার ল�োকজন অনেক দূর দুরান্তে গিয়ে কলসি ভরে পানি আনতে হত�ো যা না ছিল সুপেয় না ব্যবহারের য�োগ্। আপনাদের টাকাই আমরা তাদের জন্য পরিষ্কার পানির ---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------

‫مؤسسة المنهاج الخيرية‬ ‫التعليم للجميع‬ ‫)‪by Ghulam Samdani (Cairo, Egypt‬‬

‫أ) مدارس جنوب اسیا‬ ‫مؤسسة املنهاج اخلريية خمصص للتوفري الوصول‬ ‫إىل التعليم للفقراء واحملتاجني ‪ ،‬وقد فعل ذلك‬ ‫لسنوات عديدة‪ ،‬من خالل املشاريع املختلفة‬ ‫اليت سوف ننظر يف أثناء هذا املقال‪ .‬حق‬ ‫التعليم للجميع هي واحدة من املناطق ال‬ ‫يتجزأ ل مؤسسة املنهاج اخلريية وأنه هو اجملال‬ ‫الذي شهد منوا كبريا على مدى السنوات ‪ ،‬مع‬ ‫‪ 630‬مدرسة ابتدائية وثانوية ‪ ،‬و ‪ 40‬كليات‬ ‫تكنولوجيا املعلومات و ‪ 1‬اجلامعة حتت املوافقة‬ ‫احلكومية جتري إنشاؤها منذ عام ‪ 1994‬يف‬ ‫باكستان‪ .‬وجيري تنفيذ برامج التعليم الشامل‬ ‫يف مجيع أحناء جنوب آسيا كجزء من مؤسسة‬ ‫املنهاج اخلريية يف ‘التعليم للجميع ‘ احلملة‪.‬‬ ‫برامج التعليم لدينا هي مساعدة األطفال‬ ‫والشباب يف جنوب آسيا الذين لوالها يكون‬ ‫عالقا يف حلقة مفرغة من عمل األطفال و‬ ‫اجملاعة‪ .‬وحنن هندف إىل تقدمي هؤالء األطفال‬ ‫باألدوات الالزمة لبناء مستقبلهم ويكون‬ ‫األمل يف حياة طيبة‬ ‫أعلن قطاع التعليم من مؤسسة املنهاج اخلريية‬ ‫مجعية التعليم منهاج أن أكثر من ‪150000‬‬ ‫األطفال والشباب وتقدم التعليم من خالل‬ ‫املؤسسات التعليمية و تلقى أكثر من ‪3000‬‬ ‫طفل املنح الدراسية للحصول على تعليم عايل‬ ‫اجلودة و أيضا تزويد السكن والغذاء و التعليم‬ ‫املواد للصفوف األكادميية‬ ‫وهناك عدد من برامج الرعاية املختلفة اليت‬ ‫نديرها ملساعدة األطفال و الشباب يف ما خيص‬ ‫التعليم الوصول‬ ‫مدرسة ‪ /‬كلية ‪ /‬جامعة‬ ‫مشروع كفالة اليتيم‬ ‫حفظ القرآن الكرمي‬

‫مدرسة أفريقيا‬ ‫لدينا اآلن كما أطلقت املشاريع التعليمية‬ ‫لدينا يف أفريقيا‪ .‬حنن ركلة ابتداء من هذا من‬ ‫خالل بناء مدرسة ثانوية يف قرية تدعى كيترييا‬ ‫يف منطقة مشال شرق كينيا‪ .‬هذه هي قرية‬ ‫اليت يوجد فيها أكثر من ‪ 1100‬شخص و‬ ‫مستويات الفقر مرتفعة‪ .‬األسر جتويع و بالكاد‬ ‫قادرا على إعالة أنفسهم وبالتايل يكرب األطفال‬ ‫يف ظروف قاسية للغاية‪ ،‬مع التعليم القليل جدا‬ ‫أو ال على اإلطالق‬ ‫فمن يف مثل هذه القرى ‪ ،‬حيث يتم ختمها‬ ‫على األمل يف املستقبل من قبل اجملاعة واملرض؛‬ ‫أن تنفيذ العديد من املشاريع املختلفة بني‬ ‫أي واحد هو لألطفال ليكون تعليما ‪ .‬وقد‬ ‫استخدمت املقاولني احملليني يف كينيا لبناء‬

‫منهاج الثانوية واليت سوف تساعد االقتصاد‬ ‫احمللي و تشجيع اجملتمع على االهتمام بالتعليم‬ ‫وتنمية أطفاهلم‬

‫أ) المياه النظيفة ‪ -‬أفريقيا وآسيا‬ ‫مؤسسة الرعاية منهاج يف العامني املاضيني‬ ‫قد ذهب من قوة اىل قوة التعامل مع‬ ‫برامج املياه النظيفة يف البلدان النامية‪ .‬املال‬ ‫والدعم من اجلهات املاحنة قد ساعدتنا‬ ‫على ضمان أن اجملتمعات الصغرية يف شرق‬ ‫أفريقيا (كينيا ) وجنوب آسيا (باكستان‬ ‫) لديها فرص احلصول على املياه النظي‬ ‫فة‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫خالل العام املاضي من أبريل ‪ 2013‬حىت‬ ‫مارس عام ‪ ،2014‬أكملت ما يقرب من ‪10‬‬ ‫بئرا للمياه يف شرق أفريقيا و قامت برتكيب‬ ‫‪ 115‬مضخة يدوية يف جنوب آسيا‪ .‬يف‬ ‫اجملموع هناك أكثر من ‪ 20،000‬الناس اليت‬ ‫لديها اآلن املياه النظيفة للشرب‬ ‫وكانت جلنة اإلعداد لضمان املمارسات‬ ‫الصحية اآلمنة و الصيانة األساسية‬ ‫ملشروع املياه‪ .‬و لكل عائلة من القرية‬ ‫املسامهة يف االعتناء جيدا أن يساعد غرس‬ ‫الشعور بامللكية الشخصية ملشروعهم‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫یعتقدون دون مياه صاحلة للشرب ميكن أن‬ ‫تكون هناك تنمية مستدامة‪ .‬و هذه احلقوق‬ ‫اإلنسانية األساسية بناء كتلة من أجل مستقبل‬ ‫أفضل‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫وكان النساء واألطفال يف املناطق النائية‬ ‫سريا على األقدام إىل أقرب النهر ل جلب‬ ‫املياه ل أسرهم‪ .‬حىت ذلك احلني ‪ ،‬وكان‬ ‫كل فرد من أفراد األسرة جلعل القيام مع‬ ‫املياه اليت مل تكن صاحلة للشرب و غالبا ما‬ ‫تكون مصنوعة املرضى ‪ .‬بفضل مساعدتكم‪،‬‬ ‫الناس هنا اآلن احلصول على املياه النظيفة‬ ‫! و األهم من ذلك‪ ،‬أهنا جتلب املياه كل‬ ‫يوم هو أيضا آمنة مبا فيه الكفاية للشرب‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫يأخذ مشروع املياه النظيفة تقريبا ‪ 6-12‬أشهر‬ ‫من أجل أن تكون كاملة يف أفريقيا يف آسيا يف‬ ‫حني يستغرق ما بني ‪ 6 - 3‬أشهر‬

‫‪22‬‬ ‫ب ) توزيع األغذية (اسيا ‪،‬‬ ‫ومصر ( الالجئين السوريين )‬ ‫و أفريقيا‬ ‫واحدة من أكثر األعمال اخلريية يفضل أن‬ ‫مسلم ميكن أن تؤدي خالل شهر رمضان‬ ‫‪.‬املبارك هو املسلمني اآلخرين الذين الصيام‬ ‫قال نيب اإلسالم ( عليه الصالة والسالم عليه‬ ‫وسلم ) ‪‘ ،‬من يغذي ذلك من أي وقت مضى‬ ‫الصائم له أجر الصائم دون املكافآت له جيري‬ ‫‪ ‘ .‬ختفيض‬ ‫كما املاليني من األسر معرضة للخطر ملن‬ ‫الفقر واجلوع وكذلك سوء التغذية ‪ ،‬ومؤسسة‬ ‫الرعاية االجتماعية من خالل منهاج برنامج‬ ‫مبادرة الغذائية املقدمة الغذاء حزم للمجتمعات‬ ‫الفقرية واحملتاجني يف كينيا وباكستان‬ ‫يف املتطوعني مصر توزيع حزم الغذائية لالجئني‬ ‫السوريني الذين كانوا يعيشون يف خميمات‬ ‫التحول جعل يف ضواحي القاهرة ‪ .‬أكثر من‬ ‫‪ 1400‬شخص استفاد و قدمت مع حصص‬ ‫غذائية شهرية‬ ‫واضاف ان “ الناس يكافحون من أجل العيش‬ ‫بكرامة باستخدام املوارد القليلة املتاحة هلم “‪،‬‬ ‫وقال انه قال منسق الشرق األوسط ‪“ .‬املعونة‬ ‫أمر ضروري ل هؤالء الناس ؛ الشعب السوري‬ ‫حباجة ملساعدتكم‬ ‫نظمت لدينا ضباط امليدانيني احملليني‬ ‫حزم املواد الغذائية و توزيعها على‬ ‫األسر احملتاجة قبل بداية شهر رمضان‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫متكني برنامج رمضان يف بعض من أفقر الناس‬ ‫يف مجيع أحناء العامل للتمتع السحور و اإلفطار‬ ‫القلبية مغذية‬ ‫قدمت املسلمني خالل شهر رمضان ل‬ ‫الرمضاين و حزم ساحور الغذائية اليت تضمنت‬ ‫بنود مثل ؛ األرز والسكر والزيت والعدس‬ ‫والشاي و الطحني والتمر و الفاصوليا‬

‫هنا كيف يعمل املال اخلاص لتنفيذ املشروع‬ ‫ميكنك التربع ‪-‬‬ ‫املال اخلاص بك يذهب إىل امليدان ‪-‬‬ ‫عندما ‪-‬‬ ‫يكتمل املشروع نثبت من قبل نرسل لك التقرير‬ ‫‪.‬و الصور‬

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‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫رحتری‪ :‬دمحم �المج اخ�‪ ،‬دنل�‬

‫ف‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ناپاتسکین وقم یک دب یتمسق ےہ ہک اسہقب ادوار ی‬ ‫م تحص یک ٹجب اک رصف ‪ 0.7‬ی‬ ‫ک اجات راہ ےہ وج یسک ئیھب رتیق ی�اہتف ٹ کلم اک ‪10‬انگ یھب‬ ‫ہصح صتخم ی ا‬ ‫د‬ ‫�‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫س�پ�ی� �‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ہی‬ ‫ا� شاہ ل ب ی‬ ‫�ڈ ےہ۔ کلم‬ ‫ا� ڈارٹک اور ‪ 1495‬ارفاد یک ی‬ ‫ا� اتپسہل ‪ 1529‬ارفاد یک ی‬ ‫وتق ‪ 1،60،270‬ارفاد یک ی‬ ‫� اتنب۔ اپاتسکن م اس ن‬ ‫�ادی وہس یلات ےس رحمویم ےک ابثع ومت اک اکشر وہاجےت ہ ی� نج ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫م بس ےس ز ی�ادہ رشح ی�ر وخار وچبں یک ئےہ۔‬ ‫رھبم ارثک ارفاد تحص شیک ب ی‬ ‫� ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ل‬ ‫�‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ل�‬ ‫‪ 1000‬م ےس ‪ 90‬ےچب ی�روخاریگ م یہ ومت اک اکشر وہ اجےت ی�۔ اپاتسکن م ہ� ی ھ رسوزس یک وصراحتل ی‬ ‫اہن� ارتب ےہ۔ اہنمج و �ی��ر‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫مدان ی‬ ‫ک درج ی‬ ‫عمار وک رتہب انبےن ی‬ ‫افؤڈن� تحص ےک ی‬ ‫ذ� ادقاامت رک ریہ ےہ۔‬ ‫م رہش�ی وں یک تحص ےک ی‬ ‫ن‬ ‫�‬ ‫وصراحتل ی‬ ‫م وخن ی‬ ‫د� واےل راض‬ ‫م یڈ� کم�پل�یک‬ ‫اور اگنہیم ت‬ ‫رفی ی‬ ‫اتپسہل‬ ‫و‬ ‫س‬ ‫ی‬ ‫رہفس رمبت یک اج ریہ ہ ی� اتہک‬ ‫اکروں یک‬ ‫یا�ریسنج یک وصرت ی‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫م ی‬ ‫ا� ولوگں یک دمد‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےک تحت ہ ی‬ ‫اس�وال‪،‬‬ ‫اہنمج و�یلف�ی��ر‬ ‫احلص یک اجےکس۔‬ ‫اتلمن‪ ،‬اپنتپک‪ ،‬رجگاوناہل اور رمدان ی‬ ‫م ٹاہنمج‬ ‫�لف ئ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ج��ک�ی‬ ‫ک ہ‬ ‫و ی �ی�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫س‬ ‫رپا‬ ‫ان‬ ‫۔‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫اقمئ‬ ‫اتپسہل‬ ‫�‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ض‬ ‫ت‬ ‫�یم� ب ل‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫م‬ ‫ی‬ ‫اہنمج ئرفی ا ش ن �و س رسوزس‬ ‫ےس اب کت زہاروں رم� س�ف�ی�د ئوہےکچ‬ ‫ل‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫اب‬ ‫اہنمج و �ر افؤڈن�‬ ‫اسھت اہنمج و�یلف�ی��ر اتپسہل‬ ‫ےکز�راامتہم ن‬ ‫ی�۔ ان ےک اسھت�لف ئ‬ ‫�یم� ب ل‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫کت ‪ 43‬رہشوں م اہنمج رفی ا �و س‬ ‫اہنمج و ی �ی��ر شاتپسہل امرہسنہ‪ ،‬اہنمج‬ ‫رفظم ئٓاابد‪،‬‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�یلف�ی�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫اتپسہل �پ��ی‬ ‫رسوس رفامہ ف یک یئگ ےہ‪ ،‬ان العوقں م ی د‬ ‫س‬ ‫کہ)آزادکر(‪ ،‬اہنمج ی‬ ‫م یڈ�‬ ‫کوم�پل�ک �ر ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫واال‪ ،‬الوہر‪ � ،‬آابد ‪ ،‬ی‬ ‫وز�ر آابد‪ ،‬واڈنہو‪،‬‬ ‫یس ی‬ ‫اخ�وال اور اہنمج ڈلچرن اتپسہل‬ ‫رتسوہاں اسالہن رفی آیئ رسرجی ی پ‬ ‫ک‪ ،‬انرووال‬ ‫ماں ونچں‪ ،‬ی‬ ‫رجگاوناہل‪ ،‬رجگات‪ ،‬ی‬ ‫وز�ر آابد‪ ،‬وگرج‬ ‫اپک ت نتپ اصِبح رثوت اابحب ےک اعتون‬ ‫ا�ٹ‬ ‫ےس�ر ےک رمالح ی‬ ‫ساوکلٹ‪ ،‬بی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫اخن‪ ،‬ملہج‪ ،‬راوڈنپلی‪ ،‬شاتلمن‪ ،‬ف ی‬ ‫م ہ ی� ۔‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�ز‬ ‫ڈرسنپس�‬ ‫رفی‬ ‫اہنمج‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ک اور � آابد ی‬ ‫مس‬ ‫آابد‪ ،‬رفظم آابد وکیلٹ ی ر‬ ‫رکایچ و ی‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫د�ر ی ہ‬ ‫العےق اشلم‬ ‫د� اور اضمافیت‬ ‫ک کلم رھب ی‬ ‫ض‬ ‫وعام ئیک الفح ش و وبہبد ی‬ ‫اہنمج‬ ‫م‬ ‫رغ� اور اندار ی‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ہ ی�‪� -‬ی رسوس ی ب‬ ‫رم� ئوں یک‬ ‫ی ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ام‬ ‫�‬ ‫اک‬ ‫�ز‬ ‫ڈرسنپس�‬ ‫رفی‬ ‫تحت‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےک‬ ‫و�یلف�ی��ر‬ ‫یسک یھب یا�ریسنج یک رہ‬ ‫العوہ‬ ‫ےک‬ ‫دختم‬ ‫گا ۔ اس وتق وپرے کلم ی‬ ‫لمع ی‬ ‫ت‬ ‫م‬ ‫م ال یا� ی‬ ‫دساب وہیت ےہ‪ ،‬اس دصقم‬ ‫وتق وفن اکل رپ ی‬ ‫‪67‬ےہ‪،‬‬ ‫ی �ز‬ ‫اہنمج رفی‬ ‫ڈرسنپس� یک ومجمیع دعتاد ت‬ ‫ک‬ ‫رپ اب کت وسا دورکوڑ ےس زادئ رخچ ی‬ ‫م‬ ‫س�‬ ‫ان ےس ‪ 5‬الھک ےس زادئ ارفاد اسالہن ف�ی�د‬ ‫وہ رےہ ہ ی�‪ -‬اب کت اس دم ی‬ ‫م ‪ 5‬رکوڑ‬ ‫ےس زادئ رمق رخچ وہیکچ ےہ۔‬

‫اامتجیع اشد ی�اں‬

‫ف‬ ‫امہرے اعمرشے یک متس ی‬ ‫ےہ ہک اس‬ ‫رظ�‬ ‫ی ٹ‬ ‫ض‬ ‫�‬ ‫� دقمس رف ی�ہ یھب‬ ‫م ب ی� یک اشدی ج ی ا‬ ‫ین‬ ‫وبھج نب اکچ ےہ۔ �ج ہ��ی��ز یک تنعل ےن‬ ‫وادل� رپ ف‬ ‫یش‬ ‫ی ب‬ ‫س‬ ‫تہب رپ�ان رک‬ ‫رغ� اور ی د‬ ‫وپش ئےقبط وک ش‬ ‫ن‬ ‫وادل�ن‬ ‫ل‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫راھک ےہ۔ اہنمج و �ر افؤڈن� ےن ی‬ ‫یش‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ی‬ ‫اچبےنےک‬ ‫ےس‬ ‫این‬ ‫رپ�‬ ‫وک اس وبھج اور‬ ‫ن‬ ‫رغ� �ب�چ�ی�وں یک اامتجیع اشد ی�اں رسااجنم ی‬ ‫ی ب‬ ‫د�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ب‬ ‫�‬ ‫ل ج ہ�� ی �ز� اک اسامن‪،‬‬ ‫اک آاغز ی ا‬ ‫ک ۔ ان �چ�ی�وں ےک ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫ب‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ابرات اور امہمونں یک ابزعت وتاعض ئاور چ ی� شوں‬ ‫ی ن‬ ‫افؤڈن�‬ ‫یک ریتصخ کت اک اامتہم اہنمج و�یلف�ی��ر‬ ‫ےس‬ ‫رکیت ےہ۔ اس وتق کت ی اًب‬ ‫رقت� ‪� 850‬لف ئ‬ ‫زادئرغ� �ب�چ�ی�وں یک اشد ی�اں اہنمج و ی �ی �ر�‬ ‫شی ب‬ ‫ی ن‬ ‫ا� اشدی‬ ‫ز�ِاامتہم وہیکچ ہ ی�۔ ی‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےک ی ر‬ ‫ا� الھک ےس دو الھک کت رخچ آات‬ ‫رقت�اً ی‬ ‫رپ ی ب‬ ‫ی‬ ‫رقت� ‪11‬رکوڑ‬ ‫با‬ ‫ےہ۔ ومجمیع وطر رپ اب کت‬ ‫ک اجےکچ ہ ی�۔‬ ‫روےپ ےس زادئ رخچ ی‬

‫‪23‬‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےک تحت نج‬ ‫ااسمل اہنمج و�یلف�ی��ر‬ ‫العوقں ی‬ ‫م اامتجیع ف‬ ‫رقت�ات اک‬ ‫اشد�ی وں یک ی ب‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫گ ان م � آابد‪ ،‬اخاقنہ ڈورگاں‪،‬‬ ‫ک یا‬ ‫اامتہم ی ا‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫رجگات‪ ،‬انرووال اور الوہر اشلم ی� اہجں اسل‬ ‫‪ 2013-14‬ی‬ ‫م‪ 100‬ےس زادئ وجڑوں وک رہتش‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ازدواج ی‬ ‫گ نج م ہن رصف‬ ‫ک یا‬ ‫م کلسنم ی ا‬ ‫ےھت۔‬ ‫املسمن ہکلب ع�یس�ایئ وجڑے یھب اشلم‬ ‫ئ �‬ ‫ان اامتجیع اشد�ی وں ی‬ ‫م داہل دنہل وک ی‬ ‫ربا�ڈل‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫د� ےئگ نج ی‬ ‫م شدنہل وک ج ی‬ ‫ٹفگ ی‬ ‫ورلی‬ ‫� مش‬ ‫ن‬ ‫م ن‬ ‫ی ٹ‬ ‫واگنش ��ی�‪ ،‬السیئ ��ی�‪،‬‬ ‫وی‪،‬‬ ‫یٹ‬ ‫رلک‬ ‫س‪ ،‬ف‬ ‫� ٹ‬ ‫پ �‬ ‫ن‬ ‫�ڈ‪ ،‬ش ی ب‬ ‫�ڈلٹس ی�‪ ،‬ڈلب ب ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ساں‪ ،‬وارٹ وکرل‪،‬‬ ‫� رک ی‬ ‫م�� ی ن‬ ‫ِ ی ٹ‬ ‫ڈرن س‪ ,‬ربنت‪ ،‬وجرس ش � اور تہب یس غ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ا�اء اور ڑپکے ی‬ ‫د�ررضور ی� ِ‬ ‫و�رہ‬ ‫ات زدنیگ یک ی‬ ‫اشلم ےھت۔‬

‫ش‬ ‫ن‬ ‫و� وفوٹ‬ ‫�پ�ااتسک� ںیم �اامتجیع ��ا�دویں یک �ا� یک رقتبی ںیم �داہل �دنہل اک رگ� پ‬

‫�‬ ‫ج‬ ‫اہنم�ف�ریم� ی�ڈلکیسکیلپمکاخوین�الریمعت�ایترم�الحںیم‬

‫اسالہن رفی آیئ رسرجی ی پ‬ ‫ک‬

‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� رو ِز ا ّول یہ ےس اےنپ‬ ‫اہنمج تو�یلف�ی��ر‬ ‫ی‬ ‫الفح اعم ش ےک تحت دیھک‬ ‫دصقم ت�‪ ،‬تحص اور پ ش‬ ‫ن‬ ‫پ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫� ی‬ ‫ااسن� یک دختم م ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫� ےہ سج‬ ‫ےک تحت رہ اسل علض انروال ی‬ ‫م رفی آیئ‬ ‫رسرجی شی پ‬ ‫رعموف‬ ‫اامتہم رکیت ےہ اہجں ش‬ ‫ک ٹاک ض‬ ‫آرپ�ن‬ ‫رم�وںاک اعمہنئ اور ی‬ ‫آیئ اس�پ�ی�لس� ی‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےک تحت‬ ‫رکےت ہ ی�۔اہنمج و�یلف�ی��ر‬ ‫ےلھچپ‪ 15‬اسولں ی‬ ‫رسرجی ی پ‬ ‫ک‬ ‫م رفی آیئ‬ ‫ض‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫زادئرم�وں اک‬ ‫م اب کت‪35،000‬ےس‬ ‫ک اجاکچ ےہ اور ‪2،500‬ےس‬ ‫� اپ ی ا‬ ‫رفی چ ی ض‬ ‫زادئ ی‬ ‫رم�وں یک رفی آیئ رسرجی یک یئگ ےہ۔‬ ‫ی ن‬ ‫اس وصنمےب رپک�اب کت ‪ 13‬لم روےپ التگ‬ ‫آیکچ ےہ۔ ان یم�پس ی‬ ‫م وعام اانلس وک العج‬ ‫تفم ہ ی‬ ‫ما یک اجیت ہ ی�‬ ‫اعمہجل یک امتم ضوہس یلات ق‬ ‫اور قحتسم ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫رم�وں غےک �ام‪ ،‬اعطم ادو ی�ات‪،‬‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ٹی ٹ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫آرپ� ی‬ ‫و�رہ اک لمکم رخچ اہنمج‬ ‫� اور نش‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےک ذہم وہات ےہ ۔‬ ‫و�یلف�ی��ر‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫ااسمل ت‬ ‫افؤڈن� اور انرووال‬ ‫یھب ن ظاہنمج و�یلف�ی��ر‬ ‫ی‬ ‫یک اقمیم � یک اامتجیع اکووشں ےس ‪ 7‬روزہ‬ ‫رفی آیئ رسرجی ی پ‬ ‫ک اک اامتہم ی‬ ‫گا۔ اس‬ ‫کا ی‬ ‫ک ی‬ ‫ی پ‬ ‫رقت� ‪ 3600‬ارفاد یک آوھکنں اک‬ ‫م ی اَب‬ ‫اعمہنئ وہا اور رقت ی اب� ‪ 196‬ارفاد یک آوھکنں اک‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫ک ےئگ۔‬ ‫آرپ� ی‬

‫ج‬ ‫اہنم� ف�ری �اوبمی سنیل رس�وس‪ ،‬لصیف �� آ�ب�ا�د‬


‫�‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ج‬ ‫اہنم� ف�ری �ڈرسنپسی‪ ،‬وس�ا� امالڈنک‬

‫اجےکچ ی�۔‬ ‫ک�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫رفی ی‬ ‫م یڈ� م�پس‬

‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� اہنمج ارقلآن �ی وھت‬ ‫اہنمج و�یلف�ی��ر‬ ‫وگن ےک اسھت رکلم وپرے کلم ی‬ ‫م ڈلب ڈورن‬ ‫ق‬ ‫�ام لمع ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫م الریہ ےہ۔ اہجں ڈلب‬ ‫ن ش‬ ‫وساسیٹئ�ٹ� یاک ٹ ن ک�‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫م�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫پ‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫س�‬ ‫ک اجرےہ ی�‬ ‫ڈو� �گ س دقعنم ی‬

‫کلم ےک وطل و رعض ی‬ ‫م وعام اانلس وک‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ل رفی ی‬ ‫مڈ�‬ ‫ک�یبط وہس یلات یک رفایمہ ےک ی‬ ‫رت�ن‬ ‫کا اجات ےہ اہجں اقلب ی‬ ‫یم�پس اک ااقعند ی‬ ‫ڈارٹکز ےک ی‬ ‫ذر� وعام وک العج اعمہجل یک‬ ‫تفم رفامہ یک اجیت ےہ۔ ز ی�ادہ رت‬ ‫وہس یل � یات ک�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫م�‬ ‫پ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�ی ی‬ ‫مڈ� س آتف زدہ العوقں م‬ ‫اگلےئ اجےت ہ ی� اتہک وعام اانلس وک تحص یک‬ ‫ل دور دراز رفس ہن رکان ڑپے۔‬ ‫وہس یلات ےک ی‬

‫ی ن‬ ‫سح وپرہ‪ ،‬الوہر‬ ‫رفی ڈلب دورن وساسیٹئ‬

‫�‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫ج‬ ‫اہنم� ف�ری م� ی�ڈلکی پمیک احیج وپ�رہ‪ ،‬ایسوکل�‬

‫ئ ٹ �ز ق‬ ‫وساس� اک ی‬ ‫�ام‬ ‫ڈلب ڈورن‬ ‫ی‬

‫ش‬ ‫ن‬ ‫�پ�ااتسک� ںیم �اامتجیع ��ا�دویں ےک �ا� یک رپ�ورگ�ام ںیم نسح یحم �ادلنی اق�د�ری احتفئ میسقت رکےت وہےئ‬

‫�یسک� ی نن‬ ‫ر ی�و‬ ‫رٹ� وراشکسپ‬ ‫کلم اپاتسکن ی‬ ‫م شڑبےتھ وہےئ دتشہ ئرگدی‬ ‫� رظن اہنمج و�یلف�ی �ر�‬ ‫وااعقت ےک پ ی ت‬ ‫ےک ش‬ ‫�عل�‬ ‫�ل� ٹ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫یم‬ ‫ی‬ ‫افوڈن� ےن اےنپ ی ٹ اداروں ےک ف پ ی�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫س‬ ‫ک‬ ‫افرم ےس ’’اہنمج ر �ی�و �‘‘ انبےن اک ی� ی‬ ‫کا‬ ‫اور تاس ےلسلس ی‬ ‫م اہنمج �ی وین وریٹس الوہر اور‬ ‫ی نن‬ ‫د�ر �عل�یمی اداروں ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫اگبےہ رٹ�‬ ‫اگےہ‬ ‫م‬ ‫ک�‬ ‫ک�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫م�‬ ‫م�‬ ‫پ‬ ‫پ‬ ‫ک اجات ےہ۔ ان س‬ ‫ی س اک اامتہم ی ا‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫م اجنپب رسوزس ی‬ ‫اکڈیم ر�یسک�ی�و ‪ 1122‬ےک‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ارٹسنرٹکز وصخیص وطر رپ رشتک رکےت ی�‬ ‫وج راضاکران وک مب البٹس ی�ا یسک امعرت ےک‬

‫رگےن‪ ،‬ززلہل یک وصرت ی‬ ‫م وطافن ی�ا ی‬ ‫ساب‬ ‫ئ ب ت‬ ‫یک وصرت ی‬ ‫م الفح اک اکم رکےن یک ی‬ ‫رت�‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ی‬ ‫د� ہ ی� ۔‬

‫ن‬ ‫�یسک� ی نن‬ ‫ی ب ت‬ ‫ڑ� وراشکپ م ی‬ ‫رت� ی‬ ‫ر ی�و‬ ‫د� اک رظنم‬

‫‪---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------‬‬

‫امدادی کاروائیاں‬ ‫ہنگامی و‬ ‫ئ‬

‫ج �یلف�� � ن �‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ن‬ ‫اف���ڈنشی یک �ادم�ا�دی اک�ر�و�اایئں‬ ‫��ام ےک رحب�ا� ںیم اہنم� �و ی�ر ؤ‬

‫ن‬ ‫رحتری‪ :‬احظف ��ز�ادہ �ارلنمح‪ ،‬دنل�‬

‫ئ‬ ‫رشمق وٰیطس ےک اممکل ی‬ ‫م زگہتش یئک ی‬ ‫داہ�وں‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ےس اجری دباینم اور ابوصخلص کلم اشم ےک‬ ‫احالت ےک ابثع انپہ ی ن‬ ‫زگ� ک�یم�پ�وں ی‬ ‫م رےنہ‬ ‫اتمرث� وک ی ن‬ ‫ین‬ ‫دبرت� اتنجئ اک اسانم رکان ڑپ‬ ‫واےل‬ ‫راہ ےہ ۔‬ ‫کلم اشم ی‬ ‫م اجری ادنروین وشرش ےک ابثع‬ ‫زہاراہ ق قاشیم ابدنشے غرگم وبلماست یک یمک اور‬ ‫یسک ی‬ ‫� وممس تیک دشت وک‬ ‫ح ظفحت ےک ب ی ر‬ ‫�ز‬ ‫ربداتش رکےن رپ وبجمر ہ ی�۔ ی� وہاؤں‪ ،‬ربافین‬ ‫وممس ‪ ،‬دمجنم درہج رحارت اور کلم ی‬ ‫م اجری‬ ‫ابدنشوں وک ابتیہ‬ ‫اخہن یگنج ےن الوھکں اشیم‬ ‫خ‬ ‫ےس دو اچر رک د ی�ا ےہ اور اب وہ ��یم�وں اور‬ ‫ی مق�‬ ‫م یم رےنہ رپ وبجمر ہ ی�‬ ‫اعریض ک�یم�پ�وں‬ ‫وہےئ‬ ‫ان احالت ےس ےچب وصخیص وطر رپ اتمرث ن‬ ‫ومن�‬ ‫ہ ی�‪ ،‬دش�ی د رسد وممس یک وہج ےس ان وک یا‬ ‫اور اسسن یک ی‬ ‫د�ر کلہم ب ی�ار ی�اں القح وہےن اک‬

‫رطخہ ےہ۔‬

‫ن‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫جی ٹ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫رپا� م ی���ی��رج‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےک‬ ‫اہنمج و�یلف��ی�ر‬ ‫دعانن ہ ی‬ ‫س ےن اہک ہک ہ ی‬ ‫� اس ابت اک دخہش‬ ‫اھت ہک وممس رسام ی‬ ‫م تہب ےس ےب رھگ اشیم‬ ‫ابدنشوں وک دش�ی د رسد وممس اک اسانم رکان ڑپے‬ ‫ین‬ ‫اتمرث� وک رگم ڑپکوں‪،‬‬ ‫اگ سج ےک دعب ن مہ ےن‬ ‫� ےک اصف اپین یک رفایمہ وک‬ ‫وخراک اور پ ی‬ ‫یق ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ش‬ ‫� انب ی�ا �ل۔ ئ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫اہنمج و ی�ر افؤڈن� ےک رامنہء � رمزا‬ ‫ن�‬ ‫(اہلڈ) ےن اشم ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ادنروین‬ ‫اجری‬ ‫ےس‬ ‫اسل‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫م‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫وشرش م ااسنین وقحق یک ی‬ ‫اپاملوں اک اجزئہ یل‬ ‫ین‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ل دربمس ‪ 2013‬م‬ ‫اتمرث� یک دمد ےک ی‬ ‫اور‬ ‫ی‬ ‫دقشم اور اشم ےک د�ر وشرش زدہ العوقں اک‬ ‫ےک اسھت لم ‪ NGOs‬رفس ی‬ ‫کا اور واہں ی ر‬ ‫د�‬ ‫د�ر امعروتں ی‬ ‫وکسولں اور ی‬ ‫م اقمئ‬ ‫اعریض ئ‬ ‫مق�‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ل‬ ‫�‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ک�یم�پ�وں ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫اتمرث� م اہنمج و ��ی�ر‬ ‫م یم‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� یک رطف ت‬ ‫ےس قرگم ابلس ‪ ،‬ادو ی�ات‬ ‫�پ�یک ٹ‬ ‫� ی‬ ‫ک۔‬ ‫� ی‬ ‫اور وخراک ےک‬

‫ ‬

‫ج �یلف ئ�� � ن �‬ ‫اف���ڈنشی یک اج�ری �ادم�ا�دی اک�ر�و�اایئں‬ ‫رھت�پ�ا�ررک دنسھ یک طحق س�ایل ںیم اہنم� �و ی�ر ؤ‬


‫ن‬ ‫امرچ ‪ 2014‬ےک آاغز ی‬ ‫� ےک اصف اپین یک تلق ےس ربی‬ ‫م اپاتسکن ےکونجب رشمیق وصہب دنسھ اک علض رھتاپررککشخ اسیل ئ ےک ابثع وخراک اور پ ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫وہ�۔ کشخ اسیل یک ڑبی وہج اتمرثہ العوقں ی‬ ‫م اسل ‪2013‬‬ ‫واعق ی ش‬ ‫رطح اتمرث وہا ۔ وخراک یک یمک ےک ابثع ڑبی دعتا دم وصعمم وچبں یک اومات �ل ئ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ےک دوران وکیئ اقلب ذرک ابرش اک ہن وہان اور وکحیتم ےب یسح اشلم ہ ی� ۔ اہنمج و یف��ی�ر افؤڈن� وصہب دنسھ ی‬ ‫م واعق اےنپ العاقیئ دافرت ےک ی‬ ‫ذر�‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ین‬ ‫اتمرثہ العوقں ی‬ ‫م ادمادی‬ ‫ل زم�ی د ادقاامت یک رضورت ےہ ۔‬ ‫اتمرث� یک احبیل ےک ی‬ ‫اکروا�اں اجری رےھک وہےئ ےہ اتمہ‬ ‫ی‬

‫ئ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫اب کت یک ادمادی‬ ‫اکروا�وں یک روپرٹ اک اجزئہ‬

‫‪:‬‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫کشخ اسیل ےس اتمرثہ علض رھتاپررک اور اس ےک رگدووناح ی‬ ‫م ات احل ادمادی‬ ‫اکروا�اں اجری ہ ی�۔‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ادمادی رسرگ ش ی‬ ‫ماں اےنپ رعوج رپ ہ ی�۔‬ ‫یھٹم‪ ،‬یمروپر اخص‪ ،‬ڈرگی‪ ،‬االسم وکٹ‪ ،‬رگنن ئ‬ ‫اپررک اور اھچرھچو نےک االضع م �ل ئ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ف‬ ‫کشخ اسیل ےس اتمرثہ العوقں ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ل اہنمج و ش ی �� ٹی�ر افؤڈن� ےک االجس یھب لسلست ےک نق‬ ‫اسھت اجری ہ ی�۔‬ ‫م ادمادی‬ ‫اکروا�وں اک اجزئہ یل ےک ی‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ن‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ل‬ ‫اتمرث� یک ادماد وک � انبےن ےک ی‬ ‫افؤدن� ےک رمزکی درتف ےس اتمرثہ العوقں م‬ ‫اہنمج و�یلف��ی�ر‬ ‫رسرگم لمع آرپ� � وک رہ وحاےل ےس‬ ‫وصخیص دہا ی�ات اجری یک ہ ی�۔‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ش‬ ‫�ل ئ‬ ‫�ل ئ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫م‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫اتدم ی‬ ‫اہنمج و ��ی�ر افؤڈن� یک اگنہیم ادماد ےس س�ف�ی�د وہ ےکچ ی�۔ اتمرثہ العوقں م اہنمج و ��ی�ر افؤڈن� ےن وخراک‬ ‫رحت�ر �ٹ� ن‬ ‫‪ 1000‬اتمرثہ اخدنان ن‬ ‫�‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫ک‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ل ی‬ ‫روں ےک ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫مڈ� پ‬ ‫ک ی� ۔‬ ‫ک یھب اقمئ ی‬ ‫اتمرث� یک دمد ےک ی‬ ‫� ےک اصف اپین یک رفایمہ ےک اسھت اسھت‬ ‫ذر� پ ی‬ ‫ےک پ�یک�ل ئاور � ش‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ل بش و روز رسرگم لمع �۔‬ ‫افؤڈن� اک رمزکی اور وصہب دنسھ اک درتف ادمادی رسرگموں ےک ی‬ ‫اہنمج و� یف��ی�ر‬

‫ش‬ ‫�لف ئ‬ ‫ث‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫د�ی‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ن�ڈ� قےک تحت اسہحن �ادایم �اغ الوہر ےک اتم�ر� م اھک�ا اور ر‬ ‫شاہنمج و ی �ی� ر� افؤ� ت‬ ‫ا�اء رضور ی�ات زدنیگ یک ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫م واعق وجزف اکولین ی‬ ‫زگہتش اسل ابدایم ابغ الوہر ی‬ ‫م ی‬ ‫ا� ع�یس�ایئ صخش ےک‬ ‫مق�‬ ‫ن‬ ‫وت� راستل ےک ازلام ےک دعب واہں رپ یم لعتشم ارفاد ےن داھوا‬ ‫الخف ہ ی ِ‬ ‫رقت� دو وس ےس زادئ اکمانت اور داکونں وک الج رک ابتہ و ربابد رکد ی�ا۔ ۔‬ ‫وبل رک ی اب‬ ‫مق�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫اس العےق م وھچےٹ وھچےٹ رھگ ےھت نج م ز ی�ادہ رت اخرکوب یم ےھت۔‬ ‫ان ےک رھگوں ی‬ ‫م ربی رطح وتڑ وھپڑ اور ولٹ امر یک یئگ اور رھگ ےک اسامن‬ ‫وک وتڑےن وھپڑےن ےک دعب رھگوں وک آگ اگل دی یئگ۔‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےن ڈارٹک دمحم اطرہ ااقلدری ےک ااکحامت رپ‬ ‫اس ومعق رپ اہنمج و�یلف ئ�ی��ر‬ ‫�‬ ‫ین‬ ‫می‬ ‫اتمرث� یک ی‬ ‫ڈ� ی پ‬ ‫وفری وطر رپ‬ ‫رجتہب اکر ڈارٹکز‬ ‫ک اگل ےئ۔ اہجں ‪ 24‬ئےٹنھگ‬ ‫نش‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ل‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫العج یک ت نوموجد رےہ۔اہنمج و �ر افؤڈن� ےک‬ ‫اور راضاکر‬ ‫اتمرث� ےک ن‬ ‫م‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ک‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫تحت وجزف اکولین ےک �وں وک �وں وتق اک اھکان یھب ان ےک رھگوں م‬ ‫تق‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ک اجات راہ۔‬ ‫� یا‬ ‫�لف ئ‬ ‫یٹ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫ااہنمج و ی �ی�‬ ‫ڈارئ�ر ادجم اشہ اصبح ےن واہں رپ‬ ‫افؤڈن� اپاتسکن ےک‬ ‫�‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ک�‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫وموجدم یڈ� ئ یم�پس‬ ‫م ن یا� ےس وگتفگ ترکےت وہےئ اتب یا�‬ ‫ےک دورے ےک دوران ی ڈ‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ل‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫اماز رگن و لسن‪،‬‬ ‫د�ا م الب ی‬ ‫ہک اہنمج و �ر افؤڈن� اپاتسکن مس وپری ی‬ ‫سنج و ذمبہ دختم قلخ ی‬ ‫ےہ۔ االسم انم‪ ،‬السیتم و‬ ‫م رصموف لمع غ‬ ‫تبحم اک ی ن‬ ‫د� ےہ۔ االسم ر ی�اتس ی‬ ‫م رےنہ واےل ی‬ ‫�ر وملسمں ےک اجن و امل‬ ‫یت‬ ‫د�ا ےہ۔ اسہحن ابدایم ابغ ن ی‬ ‫م ولمث رشدنسپ انعرص‬ ‫ےک لمکم ظفحت یک امضتن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫اک ی ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫اپاتسک� ےس وکیئ قلعت �۔ ی‬ ‫ا� رشدنسپوں اور‬ ‫د� یک الص روح اور‬ ‫اچ�اور رہ یسک وک‬ ‫دتشہ رگدوں ےک الخفمدتشہ ئرگدی اک دقمہم درج وہان ہ ی‬ ‫ی س ی�‬ ‫م حی ی‬ ‫لکشم یک اس ڑھگی‬ ‫اچ�۔‬ ‫اھب�وں یک دمد رکان ہ ی‬

‫غ‬ ‫اتمرثنیِ وج��زف اکولین �ب�ا د��ایم �ب�ا� ںیم اھکےن یک میسقت‬

‫غ‬ ‫�‬ ‫وج��زف اکولین �ب�ا د��ایم �ب�ا� ںیم اگل�ی�ا ایگ ف�ری م� ی�ڈلکی پمیک‬

‫‪---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------‬‬

‫ہیلپ فیڈ‪ :‬غزائی فراہمی کے منصوبہ جات ‬

‫ن‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ا�اء(‬ ‫� ےک اصف اپین یک رفایمہ (ارف� یقہ اور ی ی‬ ‫پی‬

‫رحتری‪:‬ون�ی�د �ادمح �ادنیسل‪ ،‬نیپس‬

‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن�‬ ‫زگہتش دنچ اسولں ےس اہنمج نو�یلف��ی�ر‬ ‫ذپ�ر اممکل ی‬ ‫ےن رتیق ی‬ ‫� ےک اصف اپین یک‬ ‫م پی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ذرک دخامت‬ ‫رفایمہ ےک وصنمہب اجت‬ ‫م ئاقلب ش‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ل‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫رسااجنم دی ہ ی�۔ اہنمج و ی�ر افؤڈن� اےنپ‬ ‫ےکاعتون اور امیل ادماد ےک ی‬ ‫ذر� رشمیق‬ ‫ڈورنز ن‬ ‫یش‬ ‫ا� نا(اپاتسکن) ےک دور‬ ‫ارف� یقہ (ک ی���ی�ا) اور ونجیب ی‬ ‫ق‬ ‫� ےک اصف اپین یک‬ ‫ااتفدہ‬ ‫امسپدنہ ن العوقں کت پ ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫رفایمہ وک � انبےن م اک ی‬ ‫ماب وہےئ ی� ۔‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ارپ� ‪ 2013‬ش ےس امرچ ‪ 2014‬کت اہنمج‬ ‫�ل ئ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫و یف ی�ر افؤڈن� ےن رشمیق ارف� یقہ م اپین ےک‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ا� ی‬ ‫‪ 10‬ی‬ ‫م ‪115‬‬ ‫ونک� دھکواےئ ت ناور ونجیب ی ی ا‬ ‫ن�‬ ‫� (ےکلن) یک ��ص� بی� یک ۔ ان وصنمہب‬ ‫� پ پ �ز‬ ‫ہی ڈ‬ ‫اجت ےک ن ی‬ ‫ذر� اب کت ‪ 20000‬ےس زادئ‬ ‫م یک‬ ‫� ےک اصف اپین یک وہستل ہ ی ا‬ ‫ارفاد وک پ ی‬ ‫اج یکچ ہ ی� ۔‬ ‫ی ن�‬ ‫اپاتسکن ےکدنمرہج ی‬ ‫ذ� العوقں‬ ‫� پمپ‬ ‫م ہی ڈ‬ ‫تن‬ ‫یک ��ص� بی� ےک وصنمہب اجت لمکم وہےئ۔‬

‫الڑاکہن (دنسھ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫رح ی�ار اخن (ونجیب اجنپب‬ ‫دہشاد وکٹ (دنسھ‬ ‫اکشر وپر (دنسھ‬ ‫د� العےق‬ ‫ونجیب اجنپب ےک ی ر‬

‫ن‬ ‫پی‬ ‫� ےک اصف اپین یک رفایمہ ےک لمع یک ی ق ن‬ ‫د� اھبل اور اظفحن تحص ت ےک اوصولں وک �ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫یٹ ش‬ ‫ا� مک ی‬ ‫� دی یئگ ےہاور‬ ‫ل ی‬ ‫انبےن ےک ی‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫نج العوقں م ی‬ ‫ونک� دھکواےئ ےئگ ی� واہں‬ ‫ل ان ونکؤں‬ ‫اس وہستل وک وفحمظ رےنھک ےک ی‬

‫یک ی‬ ‫د� اھبل اک اکم اقمیم اخدناونں ےک رپسد ی‬ ‫کا‬ ‫گ ےہ ۔‬ ‫یا‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� اس ابت رپ ی ی ن‬ ‫اہنمج و�یلف��‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ن‬ ‫� ےک اصف اپین یک رفایمہ ےک‬ ‫غریتھک ےہ ہک پ ی‬ ‫� رتیق اک لمع ادوھرا ےہ۔‬ ‫ب یر‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ےک‬ ‫العوقں م پ ی‬ ‫� ت‬ ‫تہب ےس دور ااتفدہ ت‬ ‫دسایب ےک ابثع ی ن‬ ‫وخا�‬ ‫اصف اپین یک دعم ی‬ ‫ل اپین ےک‬ ‫اور وچبں وک اےنپ اخدناونں ےک ی‬ ‫ل در ی�اؤں اک رخ رکان ڑپات اھت اور‬ ‫وصحل ےک ی‬ ‫رضمتحص اپین ےک اامعتسل یک وہج ےس ارثک‬ ‫اجےت ےھت ۔‬ ‫فلتخم ب ی�ار�ی وں شاک اکشر وہ ن‬ ‫ولگ �ل ئ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫اہنمج و یف ی�ر افؤڈن� اےنپ اعمو� یک رکش‬ ‫ان العوقں‬ ‫اعتون یک دبوتل ت‬ ‫زگار ےہ‪ ،‬نج ےک ن‬ ‫اب‬ ‫دس ن‬ ‫� اک اصف اپین ی‬ ‫ےک ولوگں وک اب پ ی‬ ‫ل اصقنن دہ ہ ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫ےہوج ہک ان یک تحص ےک ی‬ ‫ےہ۔‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ارف� یقہ ےک اتمرثہ العوقں ی‬ ‫� ےک‬ ‫م پی‬ ‫رقت� ‪ 6‬ےس ‪12‬‬ ‫اصف اپین یک رفایمہ اک وصنمہب ی ا‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ب یش‬ ‫ی‬ ‫م ہ��ی��وں ی‬ ‫ا� م‬ ‫م لمکم وہات ت ےہ ہکبج ونجیب ی ا‬ ‫ایہن وصنمہب اجت یک ی‬ ‫رقت� ‪3‬‬ ‫� ےک ی‬ ‫ل ی اب‬ ‫ےس ‪ 6‬امہ اک رعہص دراکر وہات ےہ ۔‬ ‫ےس �ی وصنمہب اجت درج‬ ‫آپ ےک اعتون ت‬ ‫ذ� رمالح ےس ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫� اپےت ہ ی�۔‬ ‫۔آپ یک رطف ےسامیل اعتون یک رفایمہ‬ ‫۔ آپ ےک امیل اعتون یک اتمرثہ العےق ی‬ ‫م‬ ‫روایگن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ی‬ ‫وصنمہب یک �‬ ‫۔‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ین‬ ‫اصتو� اور روپرٹ یک‬ ‫یر‬ ‫(اعمو�) کت اس یک‬ ‫۔‬ ‫رفایمہ‬

‫�‬ ‫ن�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ال�ڑاکہن دنسھ ےک اگ�ؤں ‘�ا�ب�ر�امیہ یج �واہ��ڈ' ںیم اگلےئ ےئگ ےکلن ےس ےچب �پ�این احلص رکےت وہےئ‬

‫ن‬ ‫ج �یلف ئ�� � ن �‬ ‫اف���ڈنشی ےک اصف �پ�این ےک وصنمہب ےس ولوگں اک �اافتس�دہ‬ ‫�اف�ریقی کلم ک ی���ی�ا ںیم اہنم� �و ی�ر ؤ‬

‫ی ن‬ ‫اسمک ی‬ ‫راضمن اابملرک ی‬ ‫م رحس و ااطفر یک رفایمہ‬ ‫م رغابء و‬

‫‪25‬‬ ‫ ‬

‫غ‬ ‫�پ �ی�‬ ‫د� روزہ داروں وک وخراک یک رفایمہ اک لمع دنسپ�ی دہ ی ن‬ ‫رت� اامعل ی‬ ‫ا� ےہ ۔ م �ب�ر االسم‬ ‫م ےس ی‬ ‫ل ی ر‬ ‫راضمن اابملرک ےک دوران یسک یھب املسمن ےک ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫(ﷺ) ےک رفامن ےک اطمقب وج یسک روزہ دار اک روزہ ااطفر رکواات ےہ اس وک روزہ رےنھک واےل انتج وثاب اتلم ےہ ہکبج اُس ےک اےنپ وثاب م یھب یمک‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ا� ی‬ ‫� ہک آپ اجےتن ہ ی� ہک وموجدہ احالت ی‬ ‫واعق ہ ی‬ ‫م الوھکں اخدنان رغتب اور وھبک ےک اسھت اسھت ذغایئ تلق اک اکشر ہ ی� ی‬ ‫م اہنمج‬ ‫وہیت۔ ج ی ا‬ ‫�‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ش‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫رغ� اور رضورت دنم ارفاد ی‬ ‫ا�اء ےک اممکل ی‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےن اےنپ وخراک یک رفایمہ ےک وصنمہب ‪ Helpfeed‬ےک ی‬ ‫م ی ب‬ ‫م‬ ‫و�یل ف� �ی�ر‬ ‫ذر� ارف�یقہ اور ونجیب ی ی‬ ‫رحس و ااطفر اک اسامن ہ ی‬ ‫ک۔‬ ‫ما ی ا‬

‫ن‬ ‫دیعنی ےک وم�اعق رپ وخ�انیت ںیم رھگولی س�اام� یک میسقت‬

‫ش‬ ‫دیع�ارطفلےکومعقرپرغ�ب�اءںیم�اایشءوخ�ر�د�وون�یکمیسقت‬

‫ن‬ ‫�راضم� �اابمل�رک یک س�اوتعں ںیم رحس �و �ااطف�ر یک ف�ر�ایمہ‬

‫تق‬ ‫ن‬ ‫�ل ئ‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫م اہنمج و ی ف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫� زدنیگ زگارےن واےل اخدناونں ی‬ ‫اپاتسکن ی‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےک راضاکران ےن رغتب یک ل‬ ‫ک‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫چ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫م‬ ‫ک اور اس‬ ‫وخراک ےک �پ�یک � � ی‬ ‫ےس‬ ‫�‬ ‫ر‬ ‫�‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ن‬ ‫�ل ئ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫م‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫م یک یئگ ۔ اپاتسکن م اہنمج و � �ی�ر افؤڈن� ےک رتامجن ےک اطمقب کلم‬ ‫�اد وںرپ وخراک ہ ی ا‬ ‫ےس ‪ 1400‬ےس زادئ ارفاد س� ف�ی �د وہےئ اور ان وک اماہہن ب ی‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫م ی‬ ‫ل �ی ذغایئ ادماد ااہتنیئ‬ ‫ا� ارفاد شےک ی‬ ‫واسلئ ےک ش ناسھت اینپ زدنیگ رسب رکےن رپ وبجمر ی� اور� ل یئ‬ ‫ا� ارفاد یک ڑبی دعتاد اپیئ اجیت ےہ وج ااہتنیئ وھتڑے� ل ئ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ہی‬ ‫ا� یک احلم ی�‪ ،‬اپاتسکن ےک ی‬ ‫ےہ ۔ اہنمج و � �ی�ر افؤڈن� ےک العاقیئ ذہم داران‬ ‫ا� اتمرثہ ارفاد وک اہنمج و � �ی ر�‬ ‫افؤڈن� یک دمد یک تخس رضورت ت ق‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫ا�اےئ وخردوونش ےک �پ�یک � یک ی‬ ‫ا� اتمرثہ اخدناونں ی‬ ‫ےن ی‬ ‫� یک رشوع رک دی یھت۔‬ ‫م راضمن اابملرک ےک آاغز ےس لبق یہ ی‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ن‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫رغ� ی ن‬ ‫د� رھب ی‬ ‫م ی‬ ‫اہنمج و�یل ف� �ی‬ ‫ت‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےک رپورگام ‪Helpfeed Ramadan‬‬ ‫رت� اور رضورت دنم نارفاد انسح ی‬ ‫ب‬ ‫رط� ےس رحس و ااطفر‬ ‫ابثع‬ ‫ےک‬ ‫�‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ل ی‬ ‫‪ Helpfeed‬رپورگام ےک تحت راضمن اابملرک ی‬ ‫ا�اء ی‬ ‫م اچول‪ ،‬چ ی�‪ ،‬وکگنک آلئ‪ ،‬ی‬ ‫م رحس و ااطفر ےک ی‬ ‫رک اپےئ ۔‬ ‫دال‪ ،‬اچےئ‪ ،‬آاٹ‪،‬‬ ‫� یک یئگ ی‬ ‫غ‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ول�ا و�رہ اشلم ی�۔‬ ‫وجھکر� اور ی‬

‫اامتجیع رقابین‬

‫ئ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫‪ 2013‬ےک ومعق رپ اہنمج و�یلف��ی�ر‬ ‫االٰیحض‬ ‫عد ش‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫د� ےس شوھبک اور رغتب ےک‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےن یا‬ ‫ہی ت‬ ‫پ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫� رظنرقابین مہم ‪2013‬‬ ‫اخےمت یک‬ ‫ا� ےک ِ‬ ‫وک ‪Share the blessings of Qurbani‬‬ ‫رپورگام ےک تحت ااجرگ ی‬ ‫کا ۔‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� تےن اےنپ نڈورنز اور‬ ‫اہنمج و�یلف��ی�ر‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ین‬ ‫اعمو� ےک یک دمد ےس ی‬ ‫د� ےک ی ب‬ ‫رغ�‬ ‫�ری یا‬ ‫ین‬ ‫رت� العوقں ی‬ ‫رغ� اور ےب سک‬ ‫م ی ت بق‬ ‫ارفاد ئ‬ ‫م رقابین اک وگتش ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ک ۔ اہنمج و�یلف��ی�ر‬ ‫� یا‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےک زہاروں راضء اکران اور ت اکرانکن‬ ‫�‬ ‫ل�‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ےن رقابین ق‬ ‫ےک ن لمع وک درتس االسیم یم�ات‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ےک وگتش نش‬ ‫ےک ت قاطمقب � انب ی�ا ۔ رقابین�ل ئ‬ ‫اہنمج و یف��ی�ر ت ی‬ ‫یک ی‬ ‫افؤڈن�‬ ‫� ےک وتق ت‬ ‫�‬ ‫رغ� اخدناونں‪� ،‬ی� یم وچبں‪ ،‬ی ن‬ ‫ےن ی ب‬ ‫وخا� جاور‬ ‫ی‬ ‫رت�‬ ‫اہسرا ارفاد وک ی‬ ‫رمعرسدہ ےب سک و ےب ی ق ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫د� وہےئ اس ارم وک ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫� انب یا� ہک رہ رضورت‬ ‫دنم کت رقابین اکوگتش چنہپ ےکس۔‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےن دقریت آافت ےس‬ ‫اہنمج و�یلف��ی�ر‬ ‫رکےت‬ ‫العوقں یک رطف وصخیص‬ ‫وتہج ت‬ ‫اتمرثہ ن‬ ‫ی ش � ی�‬ ‫وصامل‪ ،‬اڈن ی�ا‪ ،‬ہلگنب‬ ‫وہےئ ک ی���ی�ا‪،‬‬ ‫د�‪ ،‬ا ھ�و پ یا�‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫رقابین ےک شوگتش یک‬ ‫تق‬ ‫اور اپاتسکن م یھب�ل ئ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫� یک ۔ اہنمج و ی ��ی�ر افؤڈن� ےن رقابین‬ ‫(ا� الھک) ےس زادئ‬ ‫‪ 100000‬ی‬ ‫اک وگتش‬ ‫تق‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫گ نج م وجن‬ ‫ک یا‬ ‫اخدناونں م � ی ا‬ ‫‪ 2013‬ےک ی‬ ‫ززلہل‬ ‫ےک‬ ‫ولباتسچن‬ ‫ساب اور‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫افؤڈن�ن‬ ‫ین‬ ‫ی‬ ‫اتمرث� یھب اشلم ہ ی�۔ اہنمج و�یلف� ی�ر�‬ ‫ےک زہاروں راضاکروں ےن اےنپ ی‬ ‫عد ےک ا ی�ام‬ ‫فلتخم ک�یم�پ�وں ی‬ ‫م ی ب‬ ‫رغ� اورت قرضورت دنم‬ ‫اخدناونں وک رقابین اک وگتش ی‬ ‫� رکےت وہےئ‬

‫ ‬

‫ج �یلف ئ�� � ن �‬ ‫اف���ڈنشی ےک تحت �اامتجیع ق�ر�ب�این اک رظنم‬ ‫�اف�ریقی کلم وصامہیل ںیم اہنم� �و ی�ر ؤ‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےک تحت‬ ‫زگارے۔ اہنمج و�یلف��ی�ر‬

‫‪ 1989‬ےس اامتجیع رقابین اک اباقدعیگ ےس اامتہم‬ ‫ی‬ ‫دنمارفاد‬ ‫رضورت‬ ‫کا تاج ات ےہسج ےس الوھکں ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن�‬ ‫مس�ف�ی�د وہ ےکچ ہ ی�۔ اہنمج و�یلف��ی�ر‬ ‫ز�ر اامتہم نج العوقں ی‬ ‫ےک ی‬ ‫م رقابین اک وگتش‬ ‫تق‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫گ خان م ززلہل ےس اتمرثہ ولباتسچن‬ ‫ک یا‬ ‫� یا‬ ‫ےک العےق‪ ،‬ی ب‬ ‫�روتخپوخناہ اک علض ونرہشہ‪ ،‬آزاد‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ک ےک االضع‪ ،‬ونجیب اجنپب اور اپاتسکن ےک‬ ‫یر‬ ‫ی‬ ‫د�ر ی ہ‬ ‫د� العےق اشلم ہ ی� ۔رقابین ےک وگتش‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫ی‬ ‫�‬ ‫رضورت‬ ‫اانلس م ےس ااہتنیئ ت‬ ‫ےک پ�یک� اعۃم ت ق‬ ‫ی �ی��‬ ‫ی‬ ‫دنم ئ ارفاد ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ک ےئگ نج م م‪،‬‬ ‫م� ی‬ ‫زگ�ن‬ ‫ب ی� ی‬ ‫وا�‪ ،‬رمعم اور ےبرھگ ارفاد اور انپہ ی‬ ‫ی ت‬ ‫اشلم ہ ی� ن۔ ی‬ ‫ا� ارفاد یک ارثک� رغتب یک‬ ‫لک�ی�ر ےس ی چ‬ ‫� زدنیگ رسب رک ریہ ےہ اور لسلسم‬ ‫ذغایئ تلق اک اکشر ےہ۔ ان ی‬ ‫م ولوگں یک‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ےہ نج یک روز رمہ یک ذغا‬ ‫ڑبی دعتاد ا� یھب ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫م وگتش اشلم یہ ہ ی‬ ‫� وہات۔‬

‫ن�‬ ‫ش ت‬ ‫�ا��ڈ�ی�ا ںیم ق�ر�ب�این ےک وگ�� یک میسقت‬

‫ش ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫�پ�ااتسک� ںیم ق�ر�ب�این ےک وگ�� یک میسقت‬

‫‪---------- MINHAJ WELFARE FOUNDATION | DONATION HOTLINES: 0300 30 30 777 (UK) | +44 203 3754 730 (EU) | 1-888-9-MINHAJ (US & CA) | WWW.MINHAJWELFARE.ORG ----------‬‬

‫ت تعلیم سب کے لیے‬

‫ی‬ ‫� بس ےکےئل‬

‫رحتری‪ :‬سمش �ارلنمح �� آیس ‪ ،‬نسلین‬

‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےن‬ ‫ذگہتش یئک اسل ےساہنمج و�یلف��ی�ر ت‬ ‫رغ� ‪،‬ےباہسرااور قحتسم ارفاد وک ظ ی‬ ‫ی ب‬ ‫� ےک ز�ی ور‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ےس آراہتس رکےن اک � ی‬ ‫کا۔اس ع ٹ دصقم وک‬ ‫��ی‬ ‫یلمع اجہم انہپےن ےکےئل فلتخم رپو ج ک�س رپ اکم‬ ‫ک اجراہ ےہ سج اک تذرک مہ اس ومضمن ی‬ ‫م آےگ‬ ‫یا‬ ‫رک� ےگ۔ ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫رک‬ ‫لچ‬ ‫� اک قح بس وک دالان اہنمج‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫ا� امہ ہبعش ےہ‬ ‫افؤڈن� یک دخامت اک ی‬ ‫و�یلف��ی�ر‬ ‫سج رپ ذگہتش اسولں ی‬ ‫گاےہ۔‬ ‫م رگاں دقر اکم ی ا‬ ‫ک ی‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� ‪1994‬ءےس ےل رک اب کت‬ ‫اہنمج و�یلف��ی�ر‬ ‫ن�‬ ‫اپاتسکن ی‬ ‫م ‪637‬رپارمئی اور س�یک� ڈ�ری وکسزل ےک‬ ‫وکحِتم اپاتسکن ےسوظنمر‬ ‫العوہ ‪12‬آیئ یٹ اکزجل اور ق‬ ‫�ام لمع ی‬ ‫ا� دعد �ی وین وریٹس اک ی‬ ‫م ال یکچ‬ ‫دشہ ی‬ ‫ھ‬ ‫�‬ ‫ےہ ۔ �ی امتم ادارے اہجتل ےک ادن ی�روں وک‬ ‫متخ رک ےک ملع یک روینش رھگ رھگ اچنہپ رےہ ت ہ ی�۔‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ا�اءےک امسپدنہ العوقں ی‬ ‫م ی‬ ‫'�‬ ‫اب ونجیب ی ی‬

‫ت‬ ‫بس ےکےئل 'ےک وصنمہب ےک تحت ی‬ ‫� ےک تہب‬ ‫ت �ز‬ ‫ڑبے وصنمےب رپ اکم ت‬ ‫ااہتنیئ ی� راتفری ےک اسھت‬ ‫�عل�‬ ‫یم‬ ‫اجری ےہ۔امہرے امتم رت ی وصنمہب اجت ونجیب‬ ‫ش‬ ‫اءےک اُن وچبں اور ونوجاونں یک دمد رک رےہ‬ ‫ا� ت‬ ‫ی ی‬ ‫ہ ی� وج ی‬ ‫� ےس رحمویم ےک ابثع رغتب و االفس‬ ‫اور تنحم زمدوری رکےن ترپ وبجمر وہ ےئگ ےھت۔ امہرا‬ ‫او ی ن‬ ‫ل دصقم اِن وچبں وک ی‬ ‫� ےک رنہ ےس آراہتس‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫رکان ےہ اتہک وہ اانپ لبقتسم رونش رک ی‬ ‫کس اور‬ ‫م رتہبی ال ی‬ ‫زدنیگ ی‬ ‫کس۔‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےک ہبعش ی‬ ‫اہنمج ش و�یلف��ی�ر‬ ‫�”اہنمج‬ ‫یج ی ن‬ ‫ا�‬ ‫ا� الھک شاچپس زہار‬ ‫وک وساسیٹئ“ ےک اطمقب ئ ی‬ ‫ی ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےک‬ ‫ونوجاونں وک اہنمج و�یلف��ی�ر‬ ‫وچبں اور‬ ‫ت‬ ‫�عل�‬ ‫ذر� ت ی‬ ‫تحت ےنلچ واےل یمی اداروں ےک ی‬ ‫� ےک‬ ‫ک اجراہ ےہ ۔ ایس رطح ی ن‬ ‫� زہار‬ ‫ز�ی ور ےس آراہتس ی ا‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ےس زادئ ئوچبں ےن ش ی‬ ‫رتہب� � ےک وصحل ےکےئل‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫ی ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےک ت�پل� ی� افرم ےس اکسرل‬ ‫اہنمج و�یلف��ی�ر‬ ‫جن‬ ‫� ی‬ ‫پش احلص یک ےہ ہ ی‬ ‫� ےک اسھت اسھت‬ ‫راہشئ‪ ،‬وخراک اور امتم اصنیب بتک یھب رفامہ یک‬

‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� تےک ز�ی ر ااظتنم‬ ‫اج ریہ ہ ی�۔ اہنمج و�یلف��ی�ر‬ ‫ن‬ ‫عماری ی‬ ‫� ی‬ ‫د� یک‬ ‫وچبں اور ونوجاونں وک اٰیلع اور ی‬ ‫رپورگازم وموجد‬ ‫فلتخم ت‬ ‫رغض ےس اپسرسن پش ےک ت‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ہ ی� نج ےک ی‬ ‫� � م دمد‬ ‫ذر� مہ ان یک ِ‬ ‫رک ےتکس ہ ی�۔ اپسرسن پش ےک رپورگازم ھچک �ی وں‬ ‫ہ ی�۔‬ ‫ن‬ ‫۔وکسل‪ ،‬اکجل‪� ،‬ی یو�وریٹس ےک ابلطء یک افکتل‬ ‫ت‬ ‫��‬ ‫۔ ی� یم وچبں یک افکتل‬ ‫۔افح ِظ رکام رقآن یک افکتل‬

‫ب ت‬ ‫ماب وصنمہب ی‬ ‫ایس ےلسلس اک دورسا اک ت ی‬ ‫”� ازلرھاء“‬ ‫ےک انم ےس ےہ وج �ی��یم اور قحتسم ی‬ ‫ڑلکوں ےکےئل‬ ‫�ز‬ ‫ین‬ ‫ا� ی‬ ‫اپکہ اور ااہتنیئ وفحمظ‬ ‫رتہب� راہشئ ےہ تاہجں ی‬ ‫اموحل ت ی‬ ‫م وہ اینپ ی‬ ‫� وک اجری رےھک وہےئ ہ ی�۔‬ ‫�‬ ‫��‬ ‫امتم ی� یم وچبں اور ب�چ�ی�وں وک زدنیگ یک رہ وہ‬ ‫عم ِر زدنیگ وک‬ ‫وہستل رفامہ یک اج یت ت ہ ی� وج ان ےک یا‬ ‫رتہب انبےن اور وصحل ی‬ ‫ِ� ےکےئل انزگ�ی ر ہ ی�۔ واہں‬ ‫رپ لک ویتق وطر رپ اکم رکےن واال اٹسف وموجد ےہ‬


‫ا� وفحمظ اور اصف رھتسے‬ ‫اتہک ےچب اور ت �ب�چ�ی�اں ی‬ ‫� احلص رک ی‬ ‫اموحل ی‬ ‫م ی‬ ‫کس۔ ان وچبں وک‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ترپارمئی حطس ےس ےل رک �ی یو�وریٹس اجےن کت یک امتم‬ ‫ی‬ ‫� ‪ ،‬رہ رطح یک ایھچ وہستل ےک اسھت رفامہ یک‬ ‫اجیت ےہ اتہک وہ اعمرشے ےک اےھچ اور ابواقر رہشی‬ ‫نب رک کلم و تلم یک دختم ےک اقلب وہ ی‬ ‫کس۔‬

‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫تہب یس‬ ‫افؤڈن� یک‬ ‫اہنمج و �یلف��ی�ر‬ ‫ظ‬ ‫ا� ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫م ب یتا�وں ےک اسھت اسھت دو ی‬ ‫د�ر اک ی‬ ‫ع وصنمہب‬ ‫ی ت‬ ‫اجت ہک ی‬ ‫� یھب ےہ وج اہن� رفنمد اور دجااگہن‬ ‫یث ت‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ا� ”آوغش“ ےک‬ ‫رےتھک ی� ۔ ان م ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ح ت‬ ‫�ی��‬ ‫ی‬ ‫انم ےس م اخہن ےہ اہجں رصف ان وچبں یک‬ ‫دہگناتش یک اج ریہ ےہ وج اپاتسکن ی‬ ‫م آےن واےل‬ ‫د�ر اناہگین آتف ی‬ ‫ساب یا� یسک یھب ی‬ ‫ززلےل ‪ ،‬ی‬ ‫م‬ ‫ین‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫وادل� یک تقفش ےس رحموم وہاجےت ی�۔‬ ‫اےنپ‬

‫ف‬ ‫ی‬ ‫اہنمج امڈل وکسل � آ�باد یک ایلبمس اک ی‬ ‫ا� رظنم‬

‫“‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫میتی وچبں یک افکل� ےک وصنمہب �� آوغ� یک رپ وکشہ امع�ر�‬

‫اہنمج ی�وین وریٹس الوہر یک امعرت‬

‫ارف� یقہ وکسل‬

‫ئ‬ ‫یش ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےن اب ارف� یقہ ی‬ ‫ت‬ ‫م یھب‬ ‫اہنمج و�یلف��ی�ر‬ ‫�عل�‬ ‫اےنپ ظ یمی وصنمہب اجت ناک آاغز رک د ی�ا ےہ۔مہ ےن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ک ی��‬ ‫ےک امشل رشمیق اگؤں‬ ‫اس ع اکم اک آاغز �ی�ا ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ی‬ ‫”کرے“ےس ی ا‬ ‫ک ےہ۔ �ی ک ی���ی�ا اک وہ اگؤں ےہ‬ ‫گارہ وس ےس زادئ ولگ وموجد ہ ی� اور رغتب‬ ‫اہجں ی‬ ‫یک حطس ااہتنیئ دنلب ےہ۔ اخدنان وھبک اور رغتب‬ ‫یک وہج ےس ڑبی یہ لکشم ی‬ ‫م زدنیگ زگارےن رپ‬

‫وبجمر ہ ی� ہکبج رپورش اپےن واےل تےچب یھب ااہتنیئ‬ ‫�عل�‬ ‫ربے احالت ےس دواچر ہ ی�۔ واہں یمی اموحل اور‬ ‫وہس یلات تہب مک ہکلب ہن وہےن ےک ربارب ےہ۔ ی‬ ‫ا�‬ ‫تہب ےس اگؤ ں اہجں وھبک‪ ،‬اہجتل اور ب ی�ار�ی وں‬ ‫ےن لبقتسم یک امتم ئ رت ایھچ ش ی‬ ‫امدوں وک متخ رک د یا�‬ ‫ی ن‬ ‫افؤڈن� ےن اےنپ تہب ےس‬ ‫ےہ واہں اہنمج و�یلف��ی�ر‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ا� رعہص ےس‬ ‫د�ر وصنمہب اجت رپ اکم اک آاغز ی‬ ‫ک وہا ےہ ۔ ان العوقں ی‬ ‫م امہرا بس ےس امہ‬ ‫یا‬

‫ت‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫افؤڈن�ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ےہ۔ اہنمج و�یلف� ی ر��‬ ‫وصنمہب ن � اک رفوغ ٹ‬ ‫�‬ ‫ا� اقمیم ھ�یک�ی�دار وک المزتم رپ راھک‬ ‫ےن ک ی���ی�ا ےک ی‬ ‫س ن�‬ ‫ی ت‬ ‫�‬ ‫ک‬ ‫ی‬ ‫تےہ ہک وہ” اہنمج � ڈ�ری وکسل کرے “ وک‬ ‫یش ت‬ ‫ی‬ ‫عم وک‬ ‫�ر رکے۔ �ی دقم ان اشءاہلل اقمیم‬ ‫ولوگں یک وحہلص ازفایئ‬ ‫یھب رتہب رکے اگ اور اقمیم‬ ‫ت‬ ‫� دولاےن ی‬ ‫یھب وہ یگ ہک وہ اےنپ وچبں وک ت ی‬ ‫م‬ ‫دیپسچل یل �ی وں اس العےق ی‬ ‫م ی‬ ‫� وک رفوغ ےلم‬ ‫اگ اور ولگ رتیق یک اشرہاہ رپ اگزمن وہں ےگ۔‬

‫ت‬ ‫ف ق‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫�رایت رمالح ی‬ ‫”کرے“ ی‬ ‫م اہنمج س�یک���ڈری وکسل ی‬ ‫ا� یر� کلم ک�ی��ی�ا ےک امشل رشمیق اگؤں ی‬ ‫م‬

‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫�ا�د�ا�رہ رعاف� �ارقل�� آ� وگرج اخ�‬

‫ننظ‬ ‫ج �‬ ‫اہنم� ام�ڈل وکسل وکیلٹ �� آ��ز�ا�د ریمشک یک کالس اک �ا� یک م����ر‬

‫ج �‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اہنم�ام�ڈلوکسلدنمس�ریںیموچبں�ا�و�ر�اس�ا���ذہ اکرگ� پو�وفوٹ‬

‫ج �‬ ‫ن‬ ‫اہنم� ام�ڈل وکسل دنک�‪ ،‬رمی ریمعت�ایت رم�الح ںیم‬

‫ٹ‬ ‫ج �‬ ‫اہنم� ام�ڈل وکسل �پ��یکہ‪ �� ،‬آ��ز�ا�د ریمشک‬

‫ظ‬ ‫ج‬ ‫افح� رک�ام یک کالس اک �ا� یک رظنم‬ ‫اہنم� سکل�وزل ںیم ِ‬

‫ج �‬ ‫اہنم� ام�ڈل وکسل امکہیل ریمعت�ایت رم�الح ںیم‬

‫ج �‬ ‫اہنم� ام�ڈل وکسل ریم وپ�ر‪ �� ،‬آ��ز�ا�د ریمشک‬

‫ج‬ ‫اہنم� رگزل اکجل الوہ�ر‬

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