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P ORTFOL IO 官子萱 作品集 Design Illustration Photography

Contents. 01/ Design


02/ Illustration


03/ Photography


K U A N's Porfolio



‛ About

官 子 萱 K UA N 1999 來自桃園 Taoyuan,Taiwan 國立高雄師範大學 視覺設計系 National Kaohsiung Normal University Department of Visual Design 平面設計

包裝設計 | 圖文編排|海報設計|識別設計




商業攝影|人像攝影|底片攝影 graphic design |illustration | photography

語言能力 中文 | 台語 English | Español

興趣 聽團 | 插畫 | 烹飪 底片、食物攝影 相關經歷 2018 |高醫北友會 會服設計

2021 |高師大視覺設計系 110 畢業製作 形象及商業攝影

2019 |台北指揮家樂團 主視覺設計 |好車俱樂部 名片設計 |活力猴籃球營 攝影師 |個人插畫委託

|高師大 110 級畢聯會主視覺設計 | R7 印藝無限 110 年度印刷新銳能量輔導計畫 小印實習生 |山下見 靈極限靈芝可可飲 包裝設計 |健康風險管理學會 LOGO 設計

2020 |彼得魚漁產 LOGO、包裝設計 |高師大視覺設計系 110 班展 形象攝影 |星起製片 平面設計實習生 |林德官市場活化計畫 活動攝影

|溡憶商行 LOGO 設計

職念 官子萱 / 彭子昕

Jobcation Tzu-Hsuan Kuan / Tzu-Hsin Peng



職業、執念,人們覺察外的執念,使得職業被無形的標籤化, 你,妳,心中的職念,是職念,還是執念呢? People's subconscious obsessions stereotype different occupations. The perspective you hold for a specific occupation, is it really the image of the occupation, or is it your stereotyped interpretation?



Social workers




Graphic Designer

Body make-up artist


Each object in the model is a tool, trait, or skill directly associated with the profession. However, the characters in each model do not have the expected appearances of that profession in terms of their looks and clothes but rather can be substituted into other professional models. This implies that as long as possessing the characteristics and skills required for the profession, everyone can work in various fields, and the appearances can be defined freely. This artwork conveys that people

但當中人物光從其長相及穿著都沒有該職業的既定樣貌,甚至可以替 換到不同職業模型裡,沒有衝突。意指只要具備該職業所需的特質及 技能,人人都可以從事各樣職業,樣貌由你我自由定義,放下對於職 業的執念,撕去職業既定的標籤、賦予新的職念。

should let go of the obsessions with the professions and rip off the labels associated with specific professions.

標籤貼紙和破壞袋包裝:將負面的標籤與破壞袋開啟特性作為結合, 撕開破壞袋的同時,也將負面標籤撕去。標籤貼紙採用螢光材質, 吸睛、刺眼,如貼上標籤時令人印象深刻。 Labels and Single-use Packaging: The negative labels are combined with the single-use packaging. When tearing off the packaging, the negative labels are also torn off. The damage to both the labels and the packaging is irreversible. The labels are made of fluorescent, which is eye-catching, to leave a strong impression on the viewers.

許多職業長期因大眾不夠了解,又或者曾 被誤解而被標籤化,我們認為每個職業都 不應該被貼上各種既定的標籤,不該用過 往的印象去解讀或限制,因此從此議題出 發。 Many professions have long been stereotyped because they are not well understood or have been misunderstood by the public. We believe that no professions should be labeled with nor be limited by past impressions. Therefore, we dedicate this artwork to this topic.

高雄師範大學畢聯會 Instagram 貼文設計

平面編輯設計 官子萱 2021

National Kaohsiung Normal University GSA Instagram posts design Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2021

畢聯會藉由經營社群平台以宣傳會內 活動及各樣公告。

By operating Instagram, NKNU GSA promotes in-party activities and various announcements.

新一代設計展 觀展後編輯設計

平面編輯設計 官子萱 2019

Young Designer's Exhibition editorial design Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2019

2019 年看完新一代設計展後,選定了幾 組欣賞且有趣的作品,結合當年主視覺 並編輯、設計成刊物。

After watching the Young Designer's Exhibition in 2019, several groups of appreciated and interesting works were selected, combined with the main vision of the year and edited and designed into a publication.

平面編輯設計 官子萱 2019

Menu design Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2019

素描學派 餐酒館 菜單設計

素描學派是一間餐酒館也是間畫室,老 闆本身也為藝術家,我認為老闆的每一 道料理也都是藝術品,引此以畫框去結 合編排為主要概念。

常在夜市、商圈看到的日船小丸子,親切又好吃,但長 期以來發現不少視覺上的問題:外貌不統一、明示度不 佳且攤車老舊等等,因此重整了整體視覺。 Often seen in the night market, shopping district, the japanese boat takoyaki, kind and delicious, but for a long time found a lot of visual problems: appearance is not uniform, express degree is not good and stalls old and so on, so re-established the design.

← LOGO 主要圖示 標準字

日船章魚小丸子視覺翻新 官子萱 / 顏綺萱 2020 japanese boat takoyaki design Innovation Tzu-Hsuan Kuan / Chi-Hsuan Yen 2020

位處高雄市苓雅區且已有 50 多年歷史的林德官公有市 場,但近年因超市及大賣場的興起,市場生意受到衝擊, 逐漸沉寂,因此希望藉由視覺識別設計能活化市場。 Located in Kaohsiung City,' linde official public market with a history of more than 50 years, but in recent years due to the rise of supermarkets and large stores, the market business has been hit, gradually quiet, so I hope that through visual recognition design can liven up the market.

← 色彩配置 Pictogram 標準字

林德官市場 視覺識別設計 官子萱 / 謝理安 / 彭子昕 沈佳欣 / 張嘉悅 2020 Lindeguan market design Innovation Tzu-Hsuan Kuan / Li-An Hsieh /Tzu-Hsin Peng Chia-Hsin Shen / Chia-Yueh Chang 2020

高雄師範大學校園介紹 編排設計

平面編輯設計 官子萱 2019

National Kaohsiung Normal University introduction editorial design Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2019

介紹學校的歷史淵源,各系所的涵蓋內 容等等,種種資訊編排設計成冊。

Introduce the historical origin of the school, the contents of each department and so on, all kinds of information arrangement design into a book.

平面編輯設計 官子萱 2019

Converse DM editorial design Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2019

Converse DM 編排設計

Converse 各樣鞋款、最新消息及店家分 佈 DM 設計。 Converse's wide range of shoe designs, the latest news and store distribution DM designs.

喜瑞爾五彩球麥片 包裝設計 官子萱

Rainball Cereal Packaging Design Tzu-Hsuan Kuan




喜瑞爾五彩球麥片 包裝設計

以孩童為主要客群,把彩球結合球池的概念,象徵著吃 麥片也可以這麼好玩;側邊的開口則是以放球進入碗裡, 讓牛奶碗裡也開場球池派對吧! With children as the main guest group, the concept of combining colored balls with the pool symbolizes that eating cereal can also be so fun; The opening on the side is to put the ball into the bowl, let the milk bowl also open the pool party!


家樂福小蘇打粉 包裝設計

以插畫畫出小蘇打粉可應用在的環境、滿滿的泡沫裡, 象徵著可以在這樣用輕鬆快速的方式來進行打掃的工作。 Drawing small soda powder in illustrations can be applied in an environment full of foam, symbolizing the easy and fast way to clean the work.

包裝設計 官子萱 2021

為功能設計的圖示↑ 第一版槍稿 →

Carrefour Baking Soda Packaging Design Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2021

星巴克 摩卡星冰樂咖啡飲料 咖啡機造型包裝設計

以咖啡機造型與星巴克在超商賣的罐裝飲料做結合,意 指就算就算沒有時間進咖啡廳好好喝一杯咖啡,這杯咖 啡就像是現沖的一樣美味。 Combining the coffee machine shape with Starbucks's canned drinks sold at hyper-dealer means that even if you don't have time to go into the coffee shop for a good cup of coffee, it's as delicious as a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

包裝設計 官子萱 2020

Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino Drink Packaging Design Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2020


母親節 父親節禮盒包裝 包裝設計

以插畫畫出男女頸部的配件並簍空,露出該品項的花色, 開盒方式以抽屜式拉出的節慶禮盒。 Draw the accessories of the necks of men and women and empty them, revealing the color of the item, open the box in a drawer-style pull out of the box.

包裝設計 官子萱 2019

Parents' Day gift box Packaging Design Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2019

利樂包 包裝設計 官子萱 2020

Kumquat lemon aiyu jelly Tetra Pak Packaging Design Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2020

金桔檸檬愛玉 利樂包 包裝設計

將台灣的經典點心金桔檸檬愛玉裝進利樂包裡,以清爽、 涼快的配色帶出飲用後消暑的好滋味。 Put Taiwan's classic snack golden orange lemon aiyu into a tyrile bag, with a refreshing, cool color scheme to bring out the good taste of summer after drinking.


漢方醋飲 活力檸檬露|養顏鳳梨露

醋飲瓶裝包裝 設計 官子萱 2021

Drink Packaging Design Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2021

← 分別為 500ml 及 180ml 的包裝

永正生技 漢方醋飲 包裝設計

整體以漢方、草本為主要風格, 成分以寫實插畫手法畫出,呈現 出用料實在且新鮮之感。

The whole to Hanfang, herbs as the main style, ingredients to realistic illustration techniques drawn, showing a realistic and fresh sense of material

大腳桶按摩系列海報 廣告設計

以肉類比喻為人的筋肉,並且經過證實按過的肉的確比 較好吃,意指按摩不是只有痠痛食材需要,適當的按摩

廣告設計 官子萱



Meat as a metaphor for human rib meat, and confirmed that pressed meat is indeed better to eat, meaning that massage is not only sore ingredients need, appropriate massage to relieve the ribs, so that you become attractive

Big Foot Massage Ads Posters Advertising Design Tzu-Hsuan Kuan



K U A N's Porfolio




插畫主視覺設計 官子萱 2019

Merry Christmas in the 2020 New Year Illustration Design Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2019

台北指揮家樂團 主視覺設計

2020 新年裡的聖誕快樂,在滿滿的過節氣氛下的一場兒 童音樂會,以較有童趣風格的插畫去製作海報及酷卡。 Merry Christmas in the 2020 New Year, a children's concert in a festive atmosphere, with more childlike illustrations to make posters and cards.

插畫設計 官子萱 2017

2017 Christmas Card Illustration Design Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2017

2017 聖誕卡片 插畫設計

想到聖誕節的植物不外乎會想到聖誕樹及毬果,因 此,以這兩種植物為主題去繪製。 The thought of Christmas plants is no more than the thought of Christmas trees and fruit, so the theme of these two plants to draw.

插畫設計 官子萱 2018

2018 Christmas Card Illustration Design Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2018

2018 聖誕卡片 插畫設計

延續了去年的聖誕節植物元素,添加了更多花草極 緞帶並稍微帶有點美式復古插畫的筆觸在當中。 Continuing last year's Christmas plant element, more floral polar ribbons were added and a touch of American retro illustration was added.

2019 聖誕卡片 插畫設計

插畫設計 官子萱 19 年的聖誕卡則是以我與我的貓作為主體,想記錄


下跟他互動的每一個瞬間。 2019's Christmas card is based on me and my cat, trying to record every moment of interaction with

2019 Christmas Card Illustration Design Tzu-Hsuan Kuan



插畫設計 官子萱 2020

2020 Christmas Card Illustration Design Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2020

2020 聖誕卡片 插畫設計

把聖誕節的種種元素以模型組合的概念呈現,不僅 僅是直覺能像到的物品,心靈層面的也有,另外私 心放了我的兩隻貓進去,在聖誕節裡增添點趣味! The elements of Christmas in the concept of model combination, not only intuitive can be like the object, the spiritual level also has, but also privately put my two cats in, in The Christmas to add a bit of fun!

← 音符小童 三部曲

各式客製化 人像插畫 ↓

各式人像 插畫設計

平面插畫 官子萱 2020

插畫是平常的興趣之一,也常在畫的時候發現自己 可以去嘗試的畫風,進而去探索的能力及創意激 發。

Illustration Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2020

Illustration is one of the usual interests, but also often find themselves in the painting can try the style of painting, and then to explore the ability and creative inspiration.

代針筆 插畫設計

18 年的時候開始嘗試使用代針筆畫人 像,在暗面使用強烈的斜線調去呈現, 默默地畫出個人特色並後續發展到有在 社群平台上接到付費委託。

18' began to try to use needle pen portraits, in the dark side using strong slashes to present, silently draw personal characteristics and subsequently developed to have received paid commissions on the Instagram.

平面插畫 官子萱 2018~

Needle Pen Portraits Illustration Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2018~

K U A N's Porfolio


03 otography

攝影 官子萱 協助 顏綺萱| 林宛昀 設計 胡芊慧| 張祖豪 2021 NKNU VD Expose Professional portrait Photography Tzu-Hsuan Kuan Assistor Chi-Shiuan Yan | Wan-Yun Lin Design Chien-Hui Hu | Zu-Hao Zhang 2021

110 級高雄師範大學視覺設計系 曝 形象照拍攝

「曝裡有光,光裡有彩,彩裡有我們」,因此以強 烈的白光星芒與人像作為結合拍攝。 Under the exposure, there is light. In the light, there is color. Between the colors, there is us.Therefore, with a strong white light star and human image as a combination of shooting.

110 級高雄師範大學視覺設計系 曝 周邊拍攝

「曝裡有光,光裡有彩,彩裡有我們」周邊實體採 用雷射材質,以自然光拍出折射出的色彩。 Under the exposure, there is light. In the light, there is color.The surrounding bodies are laser-based to capture refracted colors with natural light.

攝影 官子萱 協助 顏綺萱| 林宛昀 設計 胡芊慧| 張祖豪

Photographer Tzu-Hsuan Kuan Assistor Chi-Shiuan Yan | Wan-Yun Lin Design Chien-Hui Hu | Zu-Hao Zhang



NKNU VD Expose merchandise Photography

110 級高雄師範大學視覺設計系 畢業學士照

因不滿校方提供的拍攝方案,因此裡用本校資源拍 攝了一組,自己的畢業照自己拍! Take our graduation photo by OURSELF!

攝影 官子萱 協助 胡芊慧|陳思妤 2021

Photographer Tzu-Hsuan Kuan Assistor Chien-Hui Hu | Ssu-Yu Chen

攝影 官子萱 2019

NKNU VD Professional portrait Photography Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2019

110 級高雄師範大學視覺設計系 班展形象照

「我是不是沒有天分」做作品卡關時總會這樣問著 自己,形象照則是呈現出最無奈、迷惘的表情。 "I do not have the ernity?" to do the work card will always ask themselves, the image is to show the most helpless, confused expression.

攝影 官子萱 2021

NKNU VD design works Photography Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2021

110 級高雄師範大學視覺設計系 作品拍攝

主要以拍攝畢業製作作品整體呈現以及細節強調。 Mainly to shoot graduation production of the overall presentation and detail emphasis.

隨身的美麗 真皮刺繡鏈條包 商業攝影

真皮刺繡鏈條包為拍攝主體,強調新時代女性,皮 包不僅要美也要實用更還要多用途,因此拍攝了正 裝及休閒服裝兩個版本。

商業攝影 官子萱 2020

Leather embroidery chain bag for the filming body, emphasizing the new era of women, leather bag not only beautiful but also practical but also multipurpose, so filmed two versions of dress and casual

Leather bag Commercial Photography Tzu-Hsuan Kuan



TWINS 制服日攝影

既使每個人都是獨立的個體,在制服的 體制之下,我們終究還是有相似的那一 面。以這樣的概念去拍攝這組雙人人像 攝影。

Even if everyone is an independent individual, under the uniform system, we still have a similar side after all. Take this group of twoperson photography with this concept.

攝影 官子萱 2020

TWINS Photography Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2020

TWINS 制服日攝影

既使每個人都是獨立的個體,在制服的 體制之下,我們終究還是有相似的那一 面。以這樣的概念去拍攝這組雙人人像 攝影。

Even if everyone is an independent individual, under the uniform system, we still have a similar side after all. Take this group of twoperson photography with this concept.

攝影 官子萱 2020

TWINS Photography Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2020

Wemo 校園大使 形象攝影

校園大使不外乎離不開青春、熱血的印象,而共享 機車正是適合這樣便利快速的世代,在最青春的年 華騎著 wemo 來場說走就走的旅行吧! Campus ambassadors can not but be separated from the impression of youth, blood, and the shared locomotive is suitable for such a convenient and fast generation, in the most youthful years riding wemo to the scene to say go on the trip!

攝影 官子萱 2020

Wemo Campus Ambassadors Photography Tzu-Hsuan Kuan 2020


生活中處處使用塑膠的我們,是不是有一天也會被 塑膠綑綁? Biodegradable 的字根為「bio-」(生物)、「de」 (去除)、「grade」(等級)、「able」(可以), 把它們加起來的意思就會成為「能進行生物降解的; 可行生物分解的」。 充斥著滿滿塑膠的世界,人類製造出的這些塑料, 真的能生物分解嗎?就算有了生物分解的塑料,地 球上的塑膠真能都被完整分解嗎?而人,究竟是去 分解還是最終是被分解的命運?

Do we use plastic everywhere in our lives and one day we'll be tied up with plastic? Biodegradable's roots are "bio-" (biological), "de" (removal), "grade" (grade), "able" (can), and when added together, the meaning of them becomes "biodegradable; feasible biodegradable". Even with biodecomposed plastics, can plastics on Earth really be broken down? But in a world full of plastics, can these plastics, made by humans, really break down? And people, whether to decompose or ultimately is the fate of decomposition?

攝影 官子萱 2018

biodergradable? Photography Tzu-Hsuan Kuan

無題 攝影 攝影 官子萱 鏡中的我,真的是我嗎?還是那終究只是投射,這


個社會、人類們又或者,都是自己幻想的? I'm in the mirror, is it really me? Or is that, after all, just projection, that society, humans, or, all of them,

None Photography Tzu-Hsuan Kuan

fantasize about themselves?


日常 底片攝影

平常的興趣之一,用底片紀錄下生活中特別的時 刻,從拍完到沖洗的時間也許已經過了很久,但每 次沖洗出來看到的成像總是特別驚喜。 One of the usual interests, recording special moments in life with negatives, may be a long time from shooting to flushing, but every time you rinse out to see the image is always a particular surprise.

K U A N's Porfolio

I say to the LORD, “You are my Lord; all the good things I have come from you.” Psalms 16:2 GNB.

K U A N's Por folio

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