Mini Me Magazine - July 2014

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MINI ME magazine

For 20 Years PORSE has cared for babies and young children in New Zealand homes. Children love to play in a calm and predictable home environment where their play is unhurried and uninterrupted - just as they would if they were at home! Our low ratios allow children to form close attachments and secure relationships. Call 0800 023 456 or visit our website today to talk to a PORSE Consultant who can help you find a wonderful Educator to suit your family or discuss your career options with PORSE.

THE HOME OF EVERYTHING little and lovely

about us Mini Me Magazine – the home of everything little and lovely! Mini Me Magazine will be published online so it is FREE to you and we hope will be a place where you can find little gems of information about parties, fashion, food, activities and so much more... To see each copy of the magazine all you need to do is like us on facebook as each issue will be published on facebook or click on the green FOLLOW icon on the bottom left of your screen. We look forward to hearing from you and hope you love Mini Me Magazine as much as we do!

julia & lara JULIA CLARKE & LARA WATERHOUSE Editors / Publishers

Welcome back to a new look Mini Me Magazine! We are over the moon to bring you another issue of gorgeousness, with a whole new layout! We want to thank our loyal followers who have supported our dream and made Mini Me was it is growing to be. Since our last issue we cracked 3000 facebook followers, we are so gracious to you for spreading the word. We have some big changes happening in Mini Me over the next few months, so follow us on facebook to make sure you’re up to date!

julia & lara

our picks



Editors/Publishers Julia Clarke + Lara Waterhouse Cover Photo Supplied by So Beau Baby Editor Photo Tricia Lawrence Photography

Website Email

JULY-AUGUST 2014 Copyright Š Mini Me Magazine. Mini Me Magazine contains general information only and is not a substitute for health or parenting advice. All reasonable care is taken in the preparation of this magazine and its contents but the publisher, editor and authors cannot be held legally responsible for errors in content of this magazine or loss arising from such errors. Readers are advised to seek a doctors or health professionals advice on all health matters. The publisher, editors or any authors do not accept liability whatsoever in respect to action taken by readers in relevance to recommendations set out in this magazine. Opinions expressed or information given in this magazine should never replace medical advice and are only our opinions.



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baby steps photography

“Capturing the essence of children’s everyday exploration through natural photography”

‘Amanda Ashforth is a freelance photographer who enjoys capturing photographs of children in their everyday environment. Beginning her passion in the Early Childhood Industry Amanda has brought her artistic passion of photography together with her love of children to create Baby Steps Photography’ ‘With over ten years’ experience with children from newborn to five years old, Amanda has spent the last five years in the Early Childhood Industry teaching and engaging with children to best understand their unique insight into the world around them. This hands on experience is what Amanda brings to each

unique session with children and families where she captures exceptional images of children in their best element – play. ‘Baby Steps Photography prides itself on capturing the innocence and purity of children in its rarest form therefore keeping editing and re-touching to a minimum.’ ‘Here at Baby Steps Photography we not only have experience with children from newborn to five years old but we are also just as comfortable working with older children, young adults and families creating one of a kind photographs and cherished memories.

the art of distraction Feeding fussy toddlers and other virtually impossible tasks. As a mother of a very fussy, milk-protien allergic toddler, I understand and cope with the epitome of fussy eaters on a daily basis. The screaming, the throwing, and the tight closed lips can be testing for even the most seasoned of mothers. Every child goes through a faze of fussy eating, you are not alone, there has been plenty before you and there will be plenty more to come. The key with these fussy eaters is distraction, make meal times fun and let them think they are in control of what they eat. For us, it works every time and helped to re-teach our son that feed times are not the worst thing he’d come across in his short life.

($55). My son along with a lot of boys is wheel crazy! Anything with wheels he’ll play with for hours. What better way to encourage a fussy eater to eat his vegetables than with trucks? Better yet, it keeps him occupied for a lot longer, suiting his grazing eating behaviour and lets me get a few chores done while he’s fussing around with his broccoli. It also comes as a Fairy Garden set for those fairy obsessed girls.

On a total side note, my son is not a juice drinker, only when he’s been very good as a treat. He’s a great water drinker, but to encourage him to drink more we got this monster cup from Nuby ($12.99), he Start with a sleeved bib, I love this one from Mum2Mum carries it around while he’s playing and even better ($15.95), it can hold up to 1/4 cup of liquid! This lets it has an anti leak spout! Also available as a flower him to be in control of his feeding, without me cursing cup for girls. I found both at my local Countdown. about him ruining his clothes that i’ve just washed! Lastly, something I wish I had a couple of months In our house, we make sandwiches fun with sandwich ago when my son was a thrower, is the Boon wrap cutouts like these purple ones from Yum Yum Kids bowl cover from Cool Kids ($18), its a rubberised ($19.99), they come in a range of shapes to suit both sleeve that slips over your ordinary bowls with a boys and girls, and they are super fun for themed parties! strong suction cup on the bottom to deter those frustrated feeders from throwing their food One day I was staring at the baby food isle in the across the room. Great for baby led weaning too! supermarket looking for something new to entice my son with, that was when I came across Only Organic The last advice I can give is to have dinner as Zoo Kindy Pasta ($3.99) and sauce ($1.99). I stared a family as much as you can and have a strong at it for a long time wondering if that was going meal routine, toddlers always do better when to be totally ridiculous. In desperation I brought they know what’s happening next and learn best it, and he loved it. Even better, its dairy free! from watching their parents. Good luck and may the food stay in their mouths and off your clothes. My personal favourite at dinner time is the Constructive Eating plate, cutlery and placemat set from Squoodles Words: Lara Waterhouse


I’m a mother of one and when I first found these Moccasins for my son who had just started walking, I wished I’d found them sooner! Firstly, they did not fall off and were not pulled off his little feet! I’d struggled to find any socks, shoes or slippers that would stay on, until I discovered moccasins. Nowali moccasins are a unique combination of a sock and a shoe. They are a proven product which has been carefully hand stitched in Sweden for over 50 years. Our moccasins are made in both

traditional and modern fashionable designs, and can be handed down through the generations. They are made with a high quality knitted cotton sock that is hand sewn onto a soft leather sole, or leather-like sole. This makes them the most comfortable ‘slipper shoe’ for little feet and I promise they won’t fall off those wriggly toes! We are currently in the process of expanding our stock with more gorgeous baby accessories. So keep an eye out!

life gets tough in the playground Bullying is behaviour that repeatedly harms another less powerful person; the victim. Bullying can happen in many contexts and situations, including on websites and by cellphone. Effects of being bullied: social or emotional difficulties they find difficult to handle A bullied child can be hurt physically and socially. It’s often or talk about. Some may feel pressure to participate in an isolating experience because the bullied child’s feelings bullying behaviour to fit in with peers or to avoid being of acceptance, friendships or group inclusion are damaged. bullied themselves. Groups are a natural part of school life and to be excluded • Don’t confront the suspected bully or bullies yourself. Your from the peer group can be traumatic for children and affect first instinct may be to protect your child and address their learning, development and health. the suspected bully directly. This may only escalate the situation and ultimately make things worse. Some signs a child or teen is being bullied are: • Seem anxious or negative about school A plan will help your child feel comfortable, give confidence • Been off school or classes because they’ve been sick a lot and assure them you are taking it seriously. However, they • Reluctant to join in certain activities may not want you to make a fuss and put them in the spotlight. • Child has bruises and won’t give you a straight answer about how they got them Together, plan what your child will do if they get bullied • Child is submissive or withdrawn with other children, seems again. Some ideas are: Unhappy or insecure, low self-esteem or self confidence • first, ignore the bully • Talks about “nobody likes me” or “I haven’t got any • if that doesn’t work, tell the bully to stop friends” • if the bully continues, walk away • Talks about wanting to hurt someone or get back at • tell an adult or another child or teenager someone • who they will tell when they’re being bullied so they can • Finds it hard to be assertive or stand up for themselves. get help. • encourage your child to tell friends about the bullying. If you suspect your child is being bullied at school: A unified peer group can help avoid bullying behaviour. • Talk with your child or teen • encourage them to stick with their friends when they are • Have a plan at school or out. Bullies are less likely to confront them if • Talk to the school other people are around. • Support your child or teen’s activities and friendships • Talk to the school • Talk with your child or teen to find out the facts: if they are being bullied, who by, when and how. Ask your child what Even if the bullying seems to have stopped: happens at school, what happens when there is free time, • talk to the school about the situation how they are feeling. Talk with your child about different • remember the school must give your child a safe learning aspects of school and how they feel about it. Note details environment from these conversations to use in your plan. • ask what the school will do to support your child • keep in touch with the school and let them know of any Be aware that your child may not give you direct answers. developments. They may deny anything is wrong. This may indicate they are • Support your child’s activities and friendships being bullied. Teach your child or teen that: • telling on those who bully should not be considered telling Allow your child or teen to spend more time doing things on others because we need to start to talk about this to they enjoy in a safe environment. Encourage them to spend stop the bullying time with friends. If they have few friends, support them to • everyone is a victim when the bully is allowed to treat try new activities where they might make new friends, and others badly encourage them to bring friends home. Check there’s always • if your child tells you and/or school staff about bullying appropriate adult supervision at your child’s activities. you can help them to stop the bullying • people are bullies for various reasons, such as having Sourced from


monochromatic wildness Crown - Hubble & Duke - $25 + Wild One Crew - Little Mash - $69.95 Mini Arrow Leggings - Chasing Will - $30 + Toms Vegan Classics - Toms - $38

between the roses Bouquet Headband - Pumpkin Patch - $8 + Curious Bunny Dress - Pop Pop Soda Pop - $48.96 Knit Leggings - And The Little One Said - $32.47 + Gold Heart Loafers - Love Mummahh - $45


So Beau Baby is a new Auckland based online boutique specialising in clothing and accessories for children aged 0-6 years. Created out of a passion for children’s fashion from around the globe, So Beau Baby brings together the best children’s designers and high end brands. Carefully picked for their unique style, cutting edge fashion and exquisite quality sharing a

desire to bring little ones creative and classic pieces which allow every child’s personality to shine So Beau With Baby and find

Baby’s brands really stand out from the crowd. every order beautifully gift wrapped So Beau prides itself on impeccable customer service its fast growing reputation as the place to the best in children’s fashion and accessories.


Navy baby Peach Play Space -Bella Buttercup - $70 + Navy Party Dress - And The Little One Said - $32.47 Arrows Leggings - So Beau Baby - $39.99 + Silver Mocs - Little Leather - $40


arrow baby Elephant Hat - Country Road - 12.95 + Organic Arrow Bodysuit - So Beau Baby - $29.99 Merino Faith Leggings- Little Boo Boutique - $38 + Lambswool Booties - Nature Baby - $44.95

conditioning your baby to sleep Sleep is not a state you can force your baby into. Sleep must naturally overtake your baby. Your nighttime parenting role is to set the conditions that make sleep attractive and to present cues that suggest to baby that sleep is expected. Try the following sleep tight tips, which may vary napping. Babies who have consistent nap routines during at different stages in your baby’s development. the day are more likely to sleep longer stretches at night. What doesn’t work one week may work the next. Consistent bedtimes and rituals. Babies who enjoy Get baby used to a variety of sleep associations. The consistent bedtimes and familiar going-to-sleep rituals way an infant goes to sleep at night is the way she expects usually go to sleep easier and stay asleep longer. Yet, to go back to sleep when she awakens. So, if your infant because of modern lifestyles, consistent and early bedtimes is always rocked or nursed to sleep, she will expect to be are not as common, or realistic, as they used to be. Busy rocked or nursed back to sleep. Sometimes nurse her off two- income parents often don’t get home until six or seven to sleep, sometimes rock her off to sleep, sometimes sing o’clock in the evening, so it’s common for older babies and her off to sleep, and sometimes use tape recordings; and toddlers to procrastinate the bedtime ritual. This is prime switch off with your spouse on putting her to bed. There time with their parents and they are going to milk it for all are two schools of thought on the best way to put babies they can get. In some families, a later afternoon nap and to sleep: the parent-soothing method and the self-soothing a later bedtime is more practical. Familiar bedtime rituals method. Both have advantages and possible disadvantages. set the baby up for sleep. The sequence of a warm bath, rocking, nursing, lullabies, etc. set the baby up to feel that Daytime mellowing. A peaceful daytime is likely to lead sleep is expected to follow. Capitalize on a principle of to a restful night. The more attached you are to your baby early infant development: patterns of association. Baby’s during the day and the more baby is held and calmed developing brain is like a computer, storing thousands of during the day, the more likely this peacefulness is to sequences that become patterns. When baby clicks into carry through into the night. If your baby has a restless the early part of the bedtime ritual, he is programmed night, take inventory of unsettling circumstances that may for the whole pattern that results in drifting off to sleep. occur during the day: Are you too busy? Are the daycare and the day-care provider the right match for your Calming down. Give baby a warm bath followed by a baby? Does your baby spend a lot of time being held soothing massage to relax tense muscles and busy minds. and in-arms by a nurturant caregiver, or is he more of a Be careful, though, because this will stimulate some babies. “crib baby” during the day? We have noticed babies who Tank up your baby during the day. Babies need to learn are carried in baby slings for several hours a day settle that daytime is for eating and nighttime is mostly for better at night. Babywearing mellows the infant during the sleeping. Some older babies and toddlers are so busy day, behavior that carries over into restfulness at night. playing during the day that they forget to eat and make up for it during the night by waking frequently to feed. Set predictable and consistent nap routines. Pick out To reverse this habit, feed your baby at least every the times of the day that you are most tired, for example three hours during the day to cluster the baby’s feedings 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Lie down with your baby at during the waking hours. Upon baby’s first night waking, these times every day for about a week to get your attempt a full feeding, otherwise some babies, especially baby used to a daytime nap routine. This also sets you breastfed infants, get in the habit of nibbling all night. up to get some much-needed daytime rest rather than be tempted to “finally get something done” while baby is Sourced from


dear my pregnant self My son was born with an allergy to milk protein and severe reflux. It was a hard time for the whole family. If I could write a letter to anyone, it would be myself, to help me get through that time of self-doubt and desperation. If you could, what would you say to your pregnant self? Dear my very pregnant, well rested, He will spit up on you nearly every hour younger self. of the day, every person he meets he will vomit on. You will run out of clean So your dreaming about your baby clothes, the carpet will need some deep again aren’t you? Let me tell you my cleaning, go out and get more sheets sweet, unblemished me, he is so much for his bed, and more onsies, you are more than you ever could have dreamed not going to be able to clean at the of. Have you decided which stroller to rate that he soils them. There is nothing buy yet? Which car seat is safest? Oh wrong with you my dear, he has reflux. let me guess, you’ve just been on that shopping spree when you brought all You will have to give up breastthose newborn clothes haven’t you? Just feeding, so don’t whine and moan that quietly, our son will be born too big to fit its inconvenient, you will miss it once those sweetheart. No, he doesn’t need it’s gone. Bottle-feeding will be just as those burp cloths your going to drag inconvenient and our little angel will your heavily pregnant body out of bed never hold that bottle himself, even when to go buy. You wont even have the time he can, he won’t. He likes to be cuddled. to use them. Please, turn around; put Do not hide your tears of defeat in that those hideous but comfy pants on and hospital hallway when they tell you your curl up on the couch, you’re going to breast-feeding journey is over, there is need the rest. a mother in the next room who’s baby has the same allergies as yours, you will Let us just get the important things help each other through it. You’ve got a straight here, your son is coming weather long road ahead teaching your son that his nursery is set up or not. I know this is meal times aren’t torturous and painful. going to be hard for you to hear but he will be sick. It was nothing you did; These allergies will be a constant there was nothing you could have done struggle, everyday. At Easter you will differently to change this. Once you hold your boy, to big to cradle, while accept this and move forward it will he writhes and cries in pain from all the be the best thing for you. He will get chocolate he ate. Each week you’ll check better, you will find a way to help him, every food label in the supermarket, and eventually he will sleep. You wait, looking for a new snack to feed your in time he will sleep so much it amazes fussy toddler. Every day, you’ll stare in people. the pantry wondering what to feed your

baby for lunch that will be nutritious, easy and dairy free. You’ll then kick yourself that you don’t have more time to bake those dairy-free recipes. It’s OK, giving him your attention is more important. Most of all my sweet, exhausted, emotional me, his reflux will subside, he will be off that horrible medication soon and he will be the happiest little boy you’ve ever seen. His eczema will go away and he will have that soft baby skin you always dreamed of. That little boy you carry inside you will be the light of your life. He will blow you kisses when you feel like life taking over you. He will have a smile so big that you just want to pinch his cheeks. He will tell you he loves you as clear as day at 14 months old and everything you’ve done for him will be worth it. He will love you for being strong for him. So be strong, never stop being strong. Love from your stronger, wiser, allergy-experienced self. WORDS: LARA WATERHOUSE PICTURE: PINTEREST


And the little one said is an online boutique children’s clothing and accessories store. It was started by two sisters who have lots of kids between them and a love of good design and quality, beautifully made clothing, toys, accessories and home décor. In fact, they love all manner of stylish things for little ones! Most of the clothing, toys and accessories are

handpicked from smaller Australian and New Zealand designers and range from newborn up to size 10. So if you are looking for something that’s classic, timeless and of good design, take a look at And the little one said. ‘Because everyone needs a little style’


mummy and me yoga Why sacrifice your health and wellness? Grab the little loves in your life and try out some of these incredibly fun yoga moves for a good workout!

Downward Dog & Her Pup : 1) Place your little yogi on the mat facing up at you. Set up in Downward Dog, legs and belly strong. 2) Optionally bend at the elbows, keeping your Down Dog shape and lower up and down for some kisses to baby. Keep the core strong and be mindful to not move the shoulders past the wrists. 3) Stay here for up to ten breaths (or alternately lower up & down 10 times through). Rock the Boat (Navasana/Boat Pose variation) 1) Start sitting down on your mat. 2) Hold baby to a standing position in front of you as you bend your knees. 3) As you exhale, pull your core in and lift baby onto your shins holding on to their hands or body securely. 4) Keep your torso engaged and move your legs out and in by straightening and bending the knees as you begin to sing a song like Row Your Boat.

Goddess Mama: 1) As you hold your little yogi in your arms, step your feet into a moderately wide straddle. 2) Turn the toes slightly outwards. 3) Engage your pelvic floor (think of a elevator going “up�. This is especially good for new mums to practice) as you keep lengthening through your spine. 4) Exhale as you bend your knees coming into Goddess Pose. 5) Inhale to straighten your legs, exhale to bend the knees. Engage your yogi (and get in a killer arm work out) by matching your leg movement with your arm movement. Every time you bend your knees, lift your yogi up into the air and as you straighten your legs, lower baby down for a kiss! Words: Melissa Deraval Source:


Little Leather moccasins are quality handmade baby shoes Designed with an elastic opening, these baby moccasins designed with a love of fashion and a love of little feet. are easy to get on and actually stay on your baby’s foot. Look no further for the perfect shoe for You don’t have to compromise style for comfort. Little your little one. Little Leather moccasins are Leathers Moccasins are made in seasonal colours whilst conveniently sold online at being comfortable and gentle on your little ones feet. The only hard part will be deciding which colour you want. Each pair is made in beautiful soft genuine leather, which protects little feet and gives your Follow the life of Little Leather to get a little bit of baby the flexibility to explore and move around. inspiration everyday, on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.


Once Upon a Time Baby Boutique has a range of gorgeous baby clothing, natural skin care products, accessories and gifts for little ones from 0-5yrs. We are a NZ based family run business and all of our products have been personally and carefully chosen by us with some of our brands being new to New Zealand including the award winning UK

Love Boo natural skincare range for mums & babies. Our range reflects a unique fairy tale and vintage style that reminds us of an idyllic childhood filled with Love, Laughter and Fun. Visit us online and find the perfect gift for that special little person.

heat it up

Hot Yoga is the art of practising Yoga in a heated environment, around 30 degrees to be exact. Learn the 7 benefits of the hottest fitness routine right now. Source: yoganonymous. 1. Flexibility: No, you won’t be forced into contortionist positions. The heat will allow you to safely reach new levels of personal flexibility in beginner’s postures, which is therapeutic for your body (see number seven). Plus, let’s be honest, being flexible is cool. You’ll be busting out Standing Bow Pose at your next party.

internal organs and glands also stimulates metabolism so you are burning calories quicker outside the room as well. 5. Detox: The heated room helps you to stretch more and get your cardio, but it also helps you sweat. The postures themselves are detoxifying for your muscles, organs, and glands and sweating furthers that.

2. Strength: Your own body is your gym. This yoga is low impact and uses muscles you didn’t know you had—trying standing in a wide lunge for Triangle pose on carpet and not sliding! Also, a 6. Focus: Most Hot Yoga classes consist of the same 26 prime focus is on spine strength, which is key to a long healthy life! postures and two breathing exercises—and if not, there is almost always a dialed routine. The routine helps you to 3. Breath: The definition of Hatha Yoga asana is: stillness in a advance your practice through repetition. As you advance, posture while breathing normally. With the added element of you gain tremendous focus and determination. The ability to the heat, you won’t make it far if you don’t breathe deeply! focus carries over to your daily life. When you can focus If there is no breathing, there is no yoga. It won’t take long on the task at hand, you’ll excel and you can enjoy it more. before you learn to breathe in a full and controlled manner. 7. Healing: The primary purpose of this yoga is therapy. With 4. Cardio: Your heart can work the same way doing yoga a regular practice, these postures can help to heal old injuries postures in a heated room as it does when running a and also prevent them in the future. This is especially true mile, and you never even leave your mat. Particularly in for, but not limited to, back pain. Don’t skip the postures that postures when you are balancing and contracting your are slightly uncomfortable. Hot Yoga is also known to reduce muscles at the same time. A 90-minute class can burn up symptoms of conditions and illnesses including diabetes, to 1,000 calories. The way you stretch and compress your asthma, high blood pressure, depression, arthritis and obesity.



Staying stylish through maternity, breastfeeding and beyond. Sneak peak into spring - these styles available soon.


eagerly expecting Luisa Vest - Decjuba - $170 + Striped Maternity Top - Rock Your Bump - $49.99 Ankle Leggings - The Pregnancy Loft- $69.99 + Ashlee Boot - Hannahs - $79.95


urban chic mumma Fedora Hat - Glassons - $29.99 + Block Stripe Shirt - Country Road - $79.90 Edie Pant - Decjuba - $60 + Lora Spot Slipper - Country Road - $169

a note from our pregnant mum Our resident prego, CJ is having a GIRL! How fantastic is that? And how cute is this gender reveal? We LOVE it. Other than some horrible pelvic pain, CJ and her MR are super excited to meet thier little dancing princess.

How far along? 28 weeks How are you Sleeping?: Sleep ok bar the Pelvic Pain. Best moment this month. Seeing our princess yet again on a scan and getting another OK from the doctors. Miss anything? SUSHI... I know you can make it yourself but its just not the same! I tell my colleagues that as soon as "Peanut" is born I am having eggs benedict for breakfast and sushi for lunch. Movement: Been having movements from around 21 weeks, my placenta is in the front so its like an extra layer - i feel her heaps but cant wait for her Dad to feel her kick for the first time. Its funny because when I drive and have the music up loud and sing along she has a wee dance party herself. Food cravings: Salty and Sweet... Not really cravings though... Anything making you queasy or sick? No not really - get a bit of reflux if I eat some foods. Belly button in or out? It is in but deeper and wider, I also have the belly line thing that pregnant women get Happy or moody most of the time: Happy... espececially as now I look pregnant! Haha. People often ask when I am due. Looking forward to: Painting her nursery with her Dad, and meeting and naming our wee princess.

• Hide and seek activities, action games, rhymes and songs are special and babies just love them! Babies learn at an amazing rate. We can see this from the fact that the baby is capable of learning several languages if exposed to them in the first year of life. Baby Sensory classes are held weekly in Birkenhead & Mairangi Bay and last for one hour. Taster sessions may also be available. Classes are designed for all babies aged 0 – 13 months. Programme leaders are carefully selected and fully trained. Award winning Baby Sensory is committed to providing high quality learning experiences and excellent service. The programme draws on current research and the work of theorists and childcare experts. All activities are accompanied by learning and developmental information, which is constantly Baby Sensory is the only baby programme that offers a reviewed and updated. Baby Sensory offers an invaluable complete approach to learning and development from birth extension of postnatal care and has been selected to be a to 13 months. The rich and varied sensory experiences and part of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists activities enable babies to develop in every possible way. ‘You and Your Family’ initiative in the UK. • Baby Sensory offers a world full of exciting experiences, which give everyone a wonderful sense of well-being! • The developmental play session is a perfect time to socialise and build up relationships with other parents and babies. • Activities and experiences vary weekly; there is always something new! • Many of the developmental resources and materials are unique to the programme. • The activities are also suitable for babies with sensory or physical impairments. • All activities, including massage, sleep techniques and exercise is accompanied by fun upbeat music - from classical to Rock and Roll. • Many of the songs designed to develop the senses are original to Baby Sensory. Everyone loves ‘Say Hello to the Sun’ and ‘To and Fro’. • What’s really exciting about Baby Sensory is that there are literally hundreds of simple activities that are fun to do with your baby!

Check out the website for details of classes in your area and for the latest information on all aspects of baby learning and development. What parents in Auckland have to say... “Baby Sensory class is awesome! Ayla loves each different class theme. She is stimulated from the time we get there till the time she passes out in the car on the way home. The hello song at the beginning of each class is easy to remember and contains basic sign language. You go home each week with new ways to stimulate the baby at home. The break in the middle of class is great too, a chance to change and feed the little ones, or just chill out with all the cool toys spread out on the other side of the room.” Sheryl, Mt Eden

“As a mum my 8 month old and I are loving these classes his excited giggles and squeals are a delight, as a paediatric physiotherapist I feel these classes are well thought out and developmentally beneficial.” Babies thrive on warm and loving touch experiences. Massage Ruth, Mairangi Bay is one sensory delight that really strengthens the emotional bond between parent and baby. 0-13 months THURSDAYS – BIRKENHEAD 10am, 11:30am, 1pm FRIDAYS – • Baby signing is a fun way to develop expressive speech and MAIRANGI BAY 10am, 11:30am language. In neurological tests, the brains of babies that had been exposed to expressive speech in early infancy simply All bookings can be made on our website glowed with activity! • Music is brain food for babies! It does more for brain development than any other stimulus. Or contact Jo for more information • Exploratory play provides the basis for all learning. It is Ph/text 021889912 or Email: through happy social play that the baby develops skills, refines movements and learns about the world. Images by Angela Jane Photography and Click Cat Click.


Don’t forget to be awesome!


cute as a button

A Baby Shower Project. “Cute as a button” theme that was also combined with a vintage feel using a lot of burlap, mason jars, and baby’s breathe.

Design inspiration came from neutral colors and vintage style. Almost everything was handmade including the fabric & pennant banners, the large wooden button garland the paper button garland. The galvanized items like the three tier stand the glasses were on and the drink dispensers were all hired. Favourite items were the gorgeous Cupcakes and huge buttons as table-centres. Their advice? Gather ideas from pinterest and project nursery and start making things early!


confetti wall

You will need: Scissors, Blu-Tack, traced or photocopied circle template, lots of different coloured paper and card and a wall. 1. Gather your paper together. Scraps of paper of different colours and textures will work very well. 2. Using the template as a guide, cut out as many circles as possible from your coloured card. 3. Once you have cut out all the circles, arrange them roughly by colour. This will help you get organised and it looks nice, too. 4. Using Blu-Tack on the back of the circles, start

sticking them onto the wall. Start with one circle and try to make the other circles look like they are floating away from that point in different directions. 5. Continue until all your circles are on the wall. On corners or where the wall meets the floor, use half circles with the flat edge flush against the straight line. These details create an overall better effect for your confetti wall.�

Sourced from


elegantly frozen “Some people are worth melting for” A beautifully styles Frozen party styled by Petit Posh.


Le Bébé & Me is an Online Children’s Boutique Le Bébé & Me has recently partnered up with offering a unique line up of established, and Montréal based design studio - The Butter up and coming brands from around the world. Flying, as the exclusive New Zealand Stockist. The divine handmade collection of french designer’s The kids shop is owned and operated by clouds, raindrops and stars are due to arrive this Spring. mother of one, Hayley Smith from Auckland. Alot of thought care and love goes into the buying “We have a growing range of stylish clothing labels for the store. Everything is ethically sourced” that are fun, high quality and stand up to play. Along with clothing and gifts, we also offer a We offer flat rate shipping Worldwide, gorgeous curated collection of little interiors- from and an online layby service. beautiful NZ made organic soft furnishings, to bright and adorable art prints from the Netherlands. Come and say hello on Facebook and Instagram!


paper number pinatas You will need: Colourful crafting paper, glue and candy or toys. To make the individual paper pinatas, download the number template from 0-9 right here. All the number are different sizes which lends to a playful configuration when placed together. Use the template to cut out two numbers for each pinata using colourful crafting paper. Cut out a 1 inch strip of paper for each pinata as well. Place the first number backside up and using a small line of hot glue attach 1 inch strip

around the number. Start at the bottom and finish at the bottom of the number, leaving a small flap unglued. Fill with candy and treats. Then glue along the top of the strip and attach the top number right side up. The bottom strip will fold over to keep the candy inside and be easily removed as an entrance to the treats, although the kids will have a blast getting into the pinatas any way they choose.

Sourced from


Bella Buttercup designs luxury baby products for stylish mums and their little ones. Influenced by all things vintage, whimsical, soft and romantic our brand embraces each of these elements. Our vision is to combine both style and functionality, creating luxury products for stylish mothers. Bella Buttercup was born when two best friends decided to combine their love of beautiful things with their determination to build a successful brand.

Available in stores across Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, Bella Buttercup was founded by Chloe Blanchette and Jaimee Masters in 2012. Both young women have come from strong design and retail background with an eye for beautiful things. Growing up in New Zealand both young designers moved overseas in search of new experiences and are now living in Melbourne, where the Bella Buttercup studio is located.


diy baby shower gifts Not sure what to get for a gift? We have found some cute DIY ideas that are just adorable!! Images sourced from Pinterest.

mini me bir



1st September

Oscar 6th August

Nika 18th August

18th Sept

Lachlan 4th August

rthday stars

y Rose


Marley 8th September




1st August

23rd August

11th August


Interiors From the time your baby is due till the time they leave home, their bedroom is their haven, their safe place, the place where they will play, study and where they spend the majority of their time (hopefully mostly with their little eyes shut).

beds or beds at the same level is a choice that depends for the most part about the space you have or your design vision.

Having specific set areas in the room is a great way to teach your children from a young age to take responsibility, having a The design you use for decorating your clean room is much easier when your children kids rooms should help them develop love their space and have ownership of it. their personality and express themselves. Colours can stimulate or soothe so think Make it theirs not yours and you will carefully about who your little person is not only have happy little people, and what would work best for their nature. they will grow and develop better. When you have more than one child bunk Following are a few of my favourite finds.

Words by Julia + Images via Pinterest


pinterest picks “Good night stars, good night air, good night noises everywhere.”


If you love pops of colour and fun organic designer bed linen, with a focus on little people, then check out Bramwell Designs. All their bed linen is hand printed onto 100% crisp organic white cotton (300 Thread Count) and proudly made in Australia. A young brand which has gained a lot of interest from families seeking to make their bedrooms bright and colourful, as every child’s room should be. Our website is launching in July and we are currently

taking orders via email au, where they are more than happy to discuss colour preferences and designs. The company produces bedding from bassinet, cot, single sizes and beyond. Stay tuned for more exiting designs being launched over the next couple of months. For a bedding brand that is passionate about producing colourful fun bedding for little people (and sometimes big ones) and knowing that sleepy time is a quality time on their new organic threads.


gilded patten votive holders Here’s what you will need: Pen-touch Permanent Quick-Dry Pen in Gold, by Sakura, Glass votive holders with smooth sides, Scrap paper, Gift Packaging (optional), Votive candles (optional), Flowers (optional). If your pen is new you will need to prime it to get the ink flowing. Follow the directions on the side of the pen. Once it’s working you might like to doodle a few basic ideas on a piece of scrap paper. The simpler your pattern is, the easier your project will be. And simple does look lovely…so don’t feel like you need to rack your brain for a complex idea.

you can wash the design off with the coarse side of a sponge, dish soap, and some elbow grease. The sky is the limit! Remember that the candlelight will be shining through the open spaces (the portions not blocked by ink)…this might influence your final design decision. Once your candle holders are dry, pop a votive candle inside each and enjoy your handiwork!

Make sure that your votive holder is clean and dry. Begin drawing your desired pattern onto the outside of the glass. Something as basic as polka dots will take you just a minute or so to complete. The ink will dry quickly, but still take care not to smudge the design while you work your way around the glass. Set aside until fully dry. If you make a mistake

Another use for these pretty vessels: bud vases! Pour in a touch of water, place a posy or two inside each, and you’ve got an instant arrangement for your dinning room table or desk. Imagine creating a huge assortment of these to adorn tables at an afternoon wedding reception (use them as votive candle holders for an evening affair)! Gorgeous!

Sourced from


The Little Interiors Co is a new and stylish online boutique for you and your precious little ones. We offer baby bedding, decor accessories, custom furniture and super cool Hide + Seek Tents. We specialise in One of a Kind and Limited Edition product runs. Bassinet and Cot bedding sets have become the latest edition to our collection. Made with 100% Cotton in unique and beautiful patterns to compliment any nursery. Our signature Hide + Seek Tents are handcrafted in nz with Oak and Pine frames with an 100% cotton canopy. All of our fabrics are carefully chosen to compliment the most design savvy of parents while blossoming kids imagination as they play inside and out.

Our ever changing range of throw cushions and decor items are the perfect fit to compliment your nursery through to living spaces. Guaranteed to provide a cool, modern and on-trend vibe. All of our items are designed by Kelly Wright and handcrafted in Auckland, NZ. We keep the design conscious in mind and our fabrics are sourced from New Zealand and abroad bringing the latest designs but also providing classic and long lasting decor accents to your home and office. We are forever evolving and refreshing our product lines and designs which makes for an exciting creative outlet for all things aesthetically beautiful. There are exciting times ahead with the launch of our website and interior design E-Decorating packages. Watch this space!


mint + gold + glam Resesne Soft Mint Colour + Gold Cross Decals - Cloud Nine Creative - $39 Grow Wise Print - Viva La Vector - $25 + Alma Papa Crib - Bloom Baby - $999 Indiana Blanket - Feather the Nest - $125 + Elephant Fitted Sheet - Little Interiors Co - $42 Gold leather Pouf - Let Liv - $179 + Floor Rug - Freedom Furniture - $249 Post Box - Mocka - $89.95 + Bunny Night Light - Collected - $25


polka dot stamped pillowcases Cotton pillowcase(s), Acrylic paints, Textile Paint Medium, Flat paint palette or plate, Paintbrush or stir stick, Standard eraser-topped pencil(s), Scrap cardboard, Iron and ironing board, Cotton cloth Make sure your pillowcase has been washed and ironed. Insert your scrap cardboard inside. Now you’re ready to choose your paint colors and mix up your paint solution. Refer to manufacturer directions on the textile medium bottle when adding it to your acrylic paint. You can go with just one single paint color like I did here, or use as many colors as you’d like.

eraser straight down onto your pillowcase and then lift straight up to stamp your first dot. Continue stamping dots until you have achieved a look that you are happy with!

Allow stamped design to air-dry for the length of time recommended on the textile paint medium bottle (usually around 24 hours). Iron the stamped design on medium heat to Pour a bit of your paint onto a flat surface set the paint (cover the painted area with a (I used an old plate) and dip the eraser thin cotton cloth to protect it while ironing). end of your pencil into the paint. Press Wash and dry as usual…and you’re done! sourced from


black + white + rest A3 Moon Print - La Bebe and Me - $24.99 + DIY Banner - Leo & Bella - $18.99 Kalon Caravan Cot - Nature Baby - $1495 + Jamie Kay Cross Blanket - $80 Lego Brick Storage - The Warehouse - $79.95 + Ikea Childrens Stool - My Flat Pack - $29.95 Wooden House - Let Liv - $24.90 + Striped floor rug - Let liv - $139.90


growth charts Have big dreams You’ll grow into them.

Camo Kids Created for the kids that love everything Camo! Tops, Pants, Beanies, Jumpsuits and more from size 0-4


A collection of our favourite recipes from the amazing Made From Scratch. For more recipes follow Rachael on her website.

Roast Pumpkin Soup

Preheat oven to 180°C. Put cut pumpkin, onion and garlic into a deep roasting dish. Sprinkle with thyme then cover with a little olive oil and the golden syrup shake pan until veggies are slightly covered in oil and syrup. Cook for around 40-45min or until pumpkin is tender.

olive oil 2 cups warm water 1 cup chicken stock 1 onion, roughly cut 1 tablespoon of golden syrup 1 teaspoon, thyme or oregano 4 cloves of garlic, peeled and slightly crushed 1/2 pumpkin, skin cut off and roughly cut into medium cubes salt and pepper to taste

Tip everything into deep saucepan and season with a little salt and pepper. Pour in chicken stock and enough water to cover the pumpkin and onion. Simmer for around an hour {the longer the better} keep topping up with water so it doesn’t reduce too much. Once the soup mixture starts to darken it is ready, either allow to cool before blending in a blender or puree with a soup wand in the pan. Serve with a little cream cheese and basil and enjoy with some warm fresh bread. This soup freezes really well and will keep for around a week in a well seal container in the fridge.

Nutella and Strawberry French Crepes 2 eggs 1 cup milk 1 cup plain flour 1 teaspoon sugar 2 tablespoon butter 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon Nutella 2 teaspoon baking powder Strawberries to decorate

Sift flour, baking powder and sugar into a bowl. Whisk milk, vanilla and eggs together in a jug. Melt butter and add to milk mixture, then add to dry ingredients. Whisk until well combined. Heat a crepe pan or medium non-stick frying pan on medium heat. Spray very lightly with cooking spray. Pour 2 tablespoons batter into pan, swirl the pancake mix around to cover base. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes or until light golden. Turn over and cook for 1 minute. Stack the pancakes high on a plate and cover to keep warm – repeat with remaining batter. To serve, stack as many crepes as you would like onto a cute plate. Gently (10 seconds at a time) heat the Nutella in the microwave until it drips from the end of a spoon – drizzle on top of your crepe stack, decorate with freeze dried strawberries and serve immediately and enjoy with a delicious cup of tea or coffee.

Gluten Free Peanut Butter & Chocolate Chip Cookies

Pinch of salt 3/4 cup brown sugar 1 egg, lightly beaten 3/4 cup chocolate chips 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 cup crunchy peanut butter 2 tablespoons vanilla essence

Preheat oven to 180°C, and line two baking trays with baking paper. In a large bowl, beat together the peanut butter, brown sugar, egg, baking soda, salt and vanilla until well combined – be sure not to over beat, as the oil from the peanut butter can separate. Roll small golfball sizes balls of cookie dough and place on the lined baking trays, at least 2 cm apart. Bake for around 10-15 minutes, rotating the baking trays half way through baking. Allow to cool slightly on the trays before transferring to a wire rack to cool. These cookies will keep in a airtight container at room temperature for around week.

vanilla funfetti layer birthday cake Vanilla Layer Cake 4 eggs 1 1/2 cups milk 250g butter, melted 2 tablespoons vanilla 2 1/2 cups plain flour, 1 3/4 cups caster sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 100’s and 1000’s

Preheat oven to 160°C. Line the base of a 6 inch round cake tin with baking paper and butter and flour the sides. Sift the flour and baking powder into a mixing bowl, add in the sugar and whisk to combine then make a well. Gently melt the butter in a small saucepan or in the microwave, make sure it doesn’t separate (you don’t want the oil to rise) Add the vanilla to the milk and then pour into the flour mixture and beat until combined, add the eggs one at a time and then the butter. Pour 300g of batter into your prepared tin and sprinkle 1 tablespoon of 100’s and 1000’s onto the batter. Bake for 20-25min or until a skewer inserted comes out clean and repeat for another layer, you can make as many layers as you like. Allow to cool in the tin for 10min before turning onto a wire rack to cool completely. If you only have one cake tin, thats ok, just make sure you throughly clean the cake tin after each use and run it under cold water to cool it down between uses – you will also have to prepare the cake tin each time for each cake.

Vanilla Buttercream Icing Beat together the butter, milk, vanilla essence and half of the icing sugar until combined. Gradually add in the remaining icing and beat until smooth and creamy – the longer you mix it the whiter and fluffier it will get. To assemble your cake, lightly crumb coat the first cake with the buttercream and place in the fridge for 10min to cool. Add a thick layer of buttercream to the top of the cake, leaving the sides lightly iced, place in the fridge again for another 10min until firm to touch before adding a thicker layer to the sides of the cake. Add some sweet cake toppers and most importantly enjoy. x

60ml milk 115g butter, softened 3 teaspoons vanilla essence


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