Mining Global - August 2014

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August 2014

From Pit to Port: Supply Chain Software

How to: Finance Mining Equipment Future Tech Report: Heavy Duty Drills



How Lean Manufacturing is Influencing Barrick Gold

EUROMINES capitalise on continental promise

editor’s comment

“We crave for new sensations but soon become indifferent to them. The wonders of yesterday are today common occurrences” – Nikola Tesla The mining industry is witnessing a technological

boom. The once archaic sector is rapidly upgrading, implementing bigger, faster and smarter equipment. In the August edition of Mining Global, we conducted an in-depth study on the future of heavy-duty drills and the technology that will revolutionize mine-site operations in coming years. Also this month: we examine how lean manufacturing is influencing Barrick Gold; helpful hints and tips for financing mining equipment; and the top 10 mega earthmovers in the world. Lastly, we discuss everything miners need form supply chain software - from inventory management to maintenance and repair operations management to work stoppage monitoring, we break down the best software solutions for the mining industry.

Enjoy the issue!

Robert Spence Editor 3

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Operations How Lean Manufacturing is Influencing Operations at Barrick Gold

From Pit to Port: Everything You Need to Know About Supply Chain Software

Machinery Future Tech Report: Heavy Duty Drills

Top 10

Mega Earthmovers

22 Technology


28 Finance

How to Finance Mining Equipment

34 5

Shore Gold


Contents Metorex


146 Actlabs

Cleveland Potash


138 Largo Resources

Company Profiles We take a look at some great companies that operate in the mining sector, take a look at Metorex page 48 Africa

146 Actlabs

48 Metorex

154 Bralorne Gold

76 Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd

162 Ressources Appalaches

EUROPE 90 Association: Euromines 100 Cleveland Potash 116 Colt Resources

CANADA 130 Shore Gold 138 Largo Resources

154 Bralone


Millennium Minerals

168 Millennium Minerals 178 RMA Automotive 184 Association: Pilbara Regional Council

Latin America 190 CAMIPER




O p e r at i o n s

How Lean Manufacturing is Influencing Operations at Barrick Gold Miners are picking up lean manufacturing practices in order to tune up operational performance. We speak to Barrick Gold about its continuous improvement strategies and how they’re benefiting business Writ ten by: Robe rt Spe n c e

The emergence of lean manufacturing has been observed all across the mining industry. As more company continues to improve operational performances and cut out inefficiencies, more miners will begin turning to lean practices. Barrick Gold, the third largest gold mining company in the world, is expecting a big year in 2014. The company production guidance is around 6.5 million ounces from a portfolio that includes some of the world’s prestigious gold assets. With five core mines — Cortez and Goldstrike in Nevada, Lagunas Norte in Peru, Veladero in Argentina and Pueblo Viejo in the Dominican Republic – Barrick Gold is continuously looking for new ways to cut costs while simultaneously increasing production, and lean manufacturing may very well be the answer. Lean operations Lean principles aren’t new to Barrick Gold. The company has been utilizing automaker Toyota’s lean manufacturing principles to help drive production teams to eliminate waste that ranges from surplus production to 9

O p e r at i o n s underused talent. A study conducted, titled ‘Implementing Lean Principles in Mining Industry Issues and Challenges’ states that lean processes can significantly help mining companies eliminate waste and improve processes because of a shared common view with the automotive sector. According to the study: • Both rely if effective business processes; • Both rely on efficiency within the value stream; • Both strive to maximize operational efficiency; • Both rely on an extensive supply chain; • Both sectors have a ruthless focus on safety. These similarities bring an opportunity to successfully apply lean principles into the mining industry. The process of formalizing improvement efforts comes down to the employees. Barrick sets annual performance commitments for its entire senior staff down to the general manager and their leadership teams. Measurements include everything from improvement coaches to creating 10 August 2014

value targets of the company to reach. By creating a starting point, companies can focus on adding value to the end product and eliminating waste. Seven types of commonly identified waste include: waiting; over production; repair; motion; processing; inventory; and transportation. In order to make mines leaner it’s important to map every single process (no matter how small or seemingly insignificant) and streamline it. These steps can be paramount to a mining company’s success. Improving from within To ensure various operations maintain their success and improve operations, Barrick Gold employs over 80 full-time business improvement (BI) coaches. Cultivated from management positions, the coaches take their posts for approximately two years. During that time, the coaches are responsible for “engaging the site leadership teams and the employees and identifying improvement opportunities, putting teams together, and facilitating those improvement projects through to completion.” The coaches then generally return to their previous areas – usually at a higher level of

‘Barrick sets annual performance commitments for its entire senior staff down to the general manager and their leadership teams’

responsibility – armed with two years of leadership experience facilitating improvement initiatives. Barrick puts significant energy into training coaches in improvement initiative techniques and methods. The coaches communicate with each other to a regular basis, forming a close network through which they exchange knowledge and experience. 11

O p e r at i o n s This is instrumental in securing buy-in from all levels of the organization. Another way the company is implementing lean principles is promotion from within. “We prefer to promote from within and bring Barrick people into the BI roles instead of using external resources so that there’s already a good relationship between the coaches and the employees at the mine sites,” explains Trevor Krawchyk, senior business

12 August 2014

improvement specialist at Barrick Gold. “We make sure we pick highpotential employees who have strong leadership capabilities and are good communicators, so there’s a credibility that’s already there when we do these types of improvements.” Continuing the trend As part of empowering your employees, it’s vital to provide a visual representation of key product performance date, which will empower

Op e r a t i o n s a t B a r r i c k G o l d

“We prefer to promote from within and bring Barrick people into the BI roles instead of using external resources so that there’s already a good relationship between the coaches and the employees at the mine sites” – Trevor Krawchyk, senior business improvement specialist at Barrick Gold employees even at the lowest level to make operational decisions based on data and key findings. “Continuous improvement is more ingrained in the culture now,” explains Krawchyk. “It’s systematized, versus being something that’s off on its own. We’ve made it part of our annual business cycle.” While Barrick does not disclose the annual savings resulting from these initiatives, Krawchyk says that the cumulative effect over the last several years has been significant. He goes on to explain the Barrick has developed a four-stage scorecard for various operations to use in a selfevaluation process to improve efforts. According to Krawchyk, “We’ve always said, you’ll never achieve or retain Stage 3 [the top stage], because the day you think you have achieved

it, you’ll become complacent and lose that traction. Someone with a mindset that believes he has achieved perfection will never achieve a continuous improvement culture.” Barrick Gold’s implementation of lean principles is ubiquitous in a world of management leadership development. The benefits miners can obtain from lean principles are substantial. With capital costs creeping up and labor becoming scarcer, these practices can squeeze margins and grow day-to-day operations. The experience of lean manufacturing from other industries suggests there is ample value to be discovered. Applied correctly, they can have serious positive impacts for miners -- just ask Barrick Gold. 13

Mac h i n e r y

Future Tech Report: Heavy Duty Drills Mining Global conducts an in-depth study about the future of heavy duty drills and the technology that will be revolutionizing mine-site operations in coming years W r i t t e n b y: R o b e r t S p e n c e


Mac h i n e r y The mining industry is witnessing a technological boom. The once archaic sector is rapidly upgrading, implementing bigger, faster and smarter equipment. Companies like BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, which burst onto the scene with the first driverless trucks, have shown the future of mining leads to automation. The concept of autonomous drills isn’t new. Mining companies like Caterpillar, Sandvik and others have been configuring the idea for quite some time. It’s what those companies are creating for the future Atlas Copco Christensen CT20

that will really revolutionize mining operations for years to come. Operations Automated drilling features a remote control system that allows operators to mechanically load and unload the drill rod from the tower frame at a distance and without any physical contact. Rio Tinto and equipment manufacturer Sandvik have been working together since 2008 to develop technology for its Mine of the Future. The mining company has been testing the technology at its Pilbara operations in Western Australia. According to Rio’s manager for mining disciplines, Charles McHugh: “Atlas Copco and Rio Tinto worked

“We are also seeing improved drill utilization and consistency in drill outcomes, providing more accurate information for mine operation” – Charles McHugh, Rio Tinto’s manager for mining disciplines 16 August 2014

F u t u r e t e c h r e p o r t : H e av y D u t y D r i ll s

The future of automated drilling will features a remote control system that will allow operators to mechanically load and unload the drill rod from the tower frame at a distance and without any physical contact together to ensure that the tasks assigned to the drill could be received and carried out in an automated fashion with the drill operator located in the office. We expect benefits both from a single operator being able to operate multiple drills and from flexible operation, which will be possible between operators and potentially between operating sites.” He adds, “We are also seeing improved drill utilization and

consistency in drill outcomes, providing more accurate information for mine operation.” One important element of autonomous drilling is the software. Utilizing an internal computer frame, the system relates to the human senses – monitor for eyes and speakers for ear. Sean Masse, mine manager at New Gold’s New Afton mine explains how their autonomous drilling 17

Mac h i n e r y works: “Our surveyors will draw up a design for how the drilling should go, and then we put that card into the jumbo’s computer, and the jumbo will automatically take the drill-bit to where the hole is supposed to be on that pattern,” says “The only thing the operator does is make sure it’s not going to drill into where there’s a remnant of the last (explosive) round.” Benefits of automation The benefits of automation are unanimous. Everything from single operator, consistency in drilling outcomes, multiple autonomous rig drilling systems and reduction in training time, provide massive amounts of advantages to miners. Automated drilling is precise. It’s been proven to enhance drill pattern accuracy and improve efficiency of drilling operations. Automated drilling also provides real-time feedback on materials being drilled that can aid in ore sampling and more precise hold loading. By fine tuning the ever varying stream of ore, companies can maximize recovery while utilizing less energy, water and time. Another added benefit to autonomous drilling is safety. 18 August 2014

“The development of semi-autonomous mining equipment has created considerable benefits for operator welfare and safety in other high risk jobs but, until now, not for the manual and labor intensive process of winching drill rods into drill rigs” – Mack Metroliner of Plantman Equipment Companies can execute drill plans more safely by keeping operators out from harmful areas as well as reducing human error. Mack Metroliner of Plantman Equipment believes the safety benefits of autonomous drilling are unparalleled. “The development of semiautonomous mining equipment has created considerable benefits for operator welfare and safety in other high risk jobs but, until now, not for the

F u t u r e t e c h r e p o r t : H e av y D u t y D r i ll s

Semi-autonomous mining equipment has created considerable benefits for operator welfare and safety


Mac h i n e r y manual and labor intensive process of winching drill rods into drill rigs.” “The manual handling of drill rods is considered one of the most dangerous activities on mine sites,” Plantman said. Today’s drills are also built to withstand almost any terrain platforms including the harshest environments. Remote locations are no match of automated systems as technology has advanced to allow miners to communicate anywhere in the world. Caterpillar’s Cat MineStar System

20 August 2014

Next generation mining As the mining industry continues to expand, the future is leading to integration of autonomous systems. By combining the power of all automated programs, mine sites can grow to become systematic operations with less error, more productivity and less costs. Caterpillar’s Cat MineStar System, which integrates all automated systems in one, incorporates machine data, tracking and management

F u t u r e t e c h r e p o r t : H e av y D u t y D r i ll s

information that provides an overall “big picture” of the mine site. The system enables users to implement remote control, semiautonomous or fully autonomous mining equipment. The Mine Star System makes next-generation mining a reality with systems for drilling, hauling, dozing and underground operations. Another company integrating autonomous systems is Sandvik. The company’s AutoMine® Product offer automation for both surface and underground mining applications. The system covers fleet automation,

Sandvik’s AutoMine® Product

‘Caterpillar’s Cat MineStar System, which integrates all automated systems in one, incorporates machine data, tracking and management information that provides an overall “big picture” of the mine site’

single equipment automation, process management including manual production and equipment monitoring for whole equipment. AutoMine® has the proven capability of operating single heavy-duty machines for surface or underground mines. It can simultaneously monitor movements of a fleet of driverless loaders or trucks hundreds of miles below surface. Automation continues to reshape one of the world’s most labor-intensive industries and the future lies in integration. 21


From Pit to Port:

Everything You Need to Know About Supply Chain Software

From inventory management to maintenance and repair operations management, work stoppage monitoring and more, Mining Global breaks down the best software solutions for the mining industry Writ ten by: Robe rt Spe n c e

22 August 2014

In today’s competitive global economy, inventory management and supply chain play a vital role in an organization’s success. The ability to oversee products and ensure availability is a key challenge for mining companies due to the mission-critical and high-risk nature that assets play in business success. A successful mining company requires continuous improvements in its supply chain. Working

from spreadsheets or other archaic software not only slows improvements, it prevents smooth day-to-day operations. Effective maintenance management is critical. Triple Point Technology One of the best supply chain management software systems comes from Triple Point Technology. The system – Triple Point Supply Chain Optimization 23

T E C HNO L OGY (SCO) combines collaborative and integrated planning, optimization, monitoring, and response to address the unique challenges found in the mining industry. SCO allows companies to gain visibility into global supply chain; optimize sourcing; ensures accurate demand forecasting; effective sales and operation planning, production planning and scheduling, reduced distribution costs; and improved customer service. The system by Triple Point Technology provides real-time visibility across the entire supply chain. Barloworld Supply Chain Software Easy configuration and optimization

Download the Triple Point Technology’s Supply Chain Optimization

24 August 2014

have made Barloworld Supply Chain software one of the best. The company has extensive experience of providing inventory management software solutions to the mining and heavy industry sectors as well as a long list of prestigious customers. With Barloworld, miners have an array of inventory and supply chain services at their fingertips. The company offers CAST Aurora, a supply chain network modeling software that delivers significant cost savings and service improvements; Optimiza Inventory Planner, a revolutionary system that builds an inventory risk model for mining companies to reduce risk; CINO, which is a multiechelon inventory optimization tool that identifies the ideal inventory planning strategy for an entire supply. Barloworld also contributes to operational downtime. The company’s software addresses and manages downtown correctly, helping to keep it to a minimum and/ or removing it from the equation. Pronto Xi Supply Chain Management (SCM) Software Designed specifically for the mining industry, Pronto Xi Supply

F r o m P i t t o P o r t : S u ppl y Cha i n S o f t wa r e

Barloworld’s CAST Aurora Supply Chain Software, click here Chain Management offers tailored solutions to maximize asset utilization and improve asset value through maintenance planning. The integrated asset management and maintenance software provides mining teams with all the tools they need to plan and establish maintenance activities and schedules as well as detailed asset performance reporting. The benefits of Pronto Xi are unsurpassed. Miners have the ability to develop and maintain an equipment

Info on Pronto Xi Supply Chain Management, click here



‘The ability to oversee products and ensure availability is a key challenge for mining companies due to the mission-critical and high-risk nature that assets play in business success. and asset register; maintain full history of asset’s performance including maintenance work; record full financial history of assets including costs and maintenance cost; create maintenance alerts for equipment, accurately plan, forecast and identify resources for preventative maintenance activities; implement condition monitoring and integrate with Microsoft Project. Deliver superior coordination and integration of products, customers, suppliers, and the related financial issues with Pronto Xi. IBM Optimization Mine to Ship Adopting an optimized and integrated mine-to-ship supply 26 August 2014

chain management approach can help address various operational challenges like execution disruptions (broken equipment), late ship departure penalties, and reduced customer service levels. IBM Optimization Mine to Ship allows integrated mining companies to enhance their mine-to-ship supply chain operations by optimizing each supply chain component in a fully integrated schedule. The scope of this solution spans from the loading of materials into the trains at the mine hub to the berthing of the ships, their loading and their departure. It offers various capabilities including the ability to take into account real-time operation Info on Quintiq mining software, click here

F r o m P i t t o P o r t : S u ppl y Cha i n S o f t wa r e

IBM Optimization Mine to Ship software, CLICK HERE information regarding equipment status, rolling stock status and location, equipment efficiency and planned maintenance, etc. The result is a closing of the gap and associated costs between planning, scheduling and execution. The solution is built on top of the IBM ODM Enterprise platform, which allows efficient What-If analysis and scenario comparison, making it easier to collaborate for the various supply chain stakeholders. Quintiq The last on our list of supply chain software, Quintiq is one of the best. The software enables mining companies to visualize all activities in their network and optimize effectively through supply chain. The system

allows companies to minimize costs and maximize profits while also presenting new opportunities through intelligent planning. Quintiq transforms critical infrastructure constraints and labor shortages into opportunities. With the world’s most advanced optimization techniques, mining companies can simplify their complex decision making processes and maximize potential profits. In addition, Quintiq offer an end-to-end mining supply chain solution, from production to ports through to shipping. As labor-intensive as the mining industry is, there are hundreds of software system and programs available to manage and optimize their needs. 27


How to Finance Mining Equipment

Helpful hints and tips for financing mining equipment. From leasing to loan services we take a look at the options available Writ ten by: Robert Spence 29

Finance From loans to leases, the process of acquiring mining equipment can sometimes seem overwhelming. In today’s age, however, there are numerous financing options available. Along with choices, financing equipment can provide helpful incentives and benefits for miners. We take a look at the available options for financing mining equipment. You’ve got options Securing financing for mining equipment isn’t as difficult as it may seem. Many companies provide business owners with financing and leasing options to acquire equipment without using working capital reserve or banking lines of credits. In today’s

Leasing has many advantages

30 August 2014

market, there is a wealth of selections to utilize and no matter what the reasoning is, you have options. The first step in acquiring mining equipment is deciding if you’re going to purchase or lease. There are benefits for both options, depending on what the company’s needs are. The advantages of financing equipment are wide open. Many companies provide lower interest rates; minimal down payment; extended payment terms; delayed payments; and seasonal skip payments. The options are limitless. There are several lease options miners can choose from including capital leases or finance lease and true lease or taxes. This enables miners to lease new or used equipment and even sell their leased equipment. Depending on your needs, financiers will typically allow business owners to obtain equipment with little money down and with a lower payment than a traditional loan. The benefits of leasing include: no down payment; lower monthly payments to preserve cash flow; tax advantages; increased bonding capacity; and reduced maintenance costs.

H o w t o F i n a n c e M i n i n g Eq u i p m e n t

The advantages of financing equipment are wide open

‘Many companies provide business owners with financing and leasing options to acquire equipment without using working capital reserve or banking lines of credits’

Handy tips Before splurging on new equipment, miners should be aware of finance obligations. Lease contracts, for example, are usually “hell or high water.” Once entered into an agreement, miners are locked in and unable to get out of a loan or lease if the equipment breaks. An oftenoverlooked tip is something called a Termination Value Schedule. This provides the buyer an amount of money that is needed to be paid 31


Buying new equipment will provide significant savings later on

‘To save on costs, the best tip to financing equipment is purchase new. New equipment offers lower maintenance costs and usually warranties that protect against largest unexpected repairs’ 32 August 2014

in order to terminate a lease. Another tip for financing equipment is take caution with ‘net leases.’ These agreements require buyers to pay all taxes, insurance premiums, maintenance costs and other expenses associated with owning mining equipment. To save on costs, the best tip to financing equipment is purchase new. New equipment offers lower maintenance costs and usually warranties that protect against

H o w t o F i n a n c e M i n i n g Eq u i p m e n t

largest unexpected repairs. This gives miners the benefit of less downtime for repairs and reduced maintenance costs. It also makes it easier to attract top quality employees that are looking to work with the best equipment on the market. Services The easiest aspect of financing mining equipment is locating a service provider. There are literally thousands of options to choose from depending on your operation need and financial situation. One of the largest financing companies to provide loans and leases for mining equipment is GE Capital. For more than 20 years the company has provided miners with equipment loans and leases, having provided more than $20 billion in commitments to the industry since 2000. Balboa Capital is another option. The company provides capital equipment financing for mining companies nationwide and has a dedicated corporate financing division that works with companies in the mining industry. Balboa Capital facilitates transactions ranging from

$250,000 to $50,000,000 for all types of mining vehicles and equipment. Another option for miners is working directly with equipment manufacturers. Companies like Caterpillar have their own financing department with capabilities to offer everything from leasing and general financing to project and structured financing. Caterpillar has a long-term interest in the mining sector and CatMiningFinance give companies access to local people who can provide genuine personal attention and expertise. Komatus is another company to offer equipment solutions. The company is helpful in arranging loans and leases through Komatsu Financial and other lending sources. They can arrange financing for new and used Komatsu and nonKomatus mining equipment and even secure financing for equipment purchase from another distributor. Over the years, acquiring financing for mining equipment has gotten easier with more choices and availability. And while the options are limitless, miners could take their time when locating the right service provider for their equipment needs. 33

T OP 1 0


Written by: Robert Spence

MEGA EARTHMOVERS Bigger is always better


top 10


Bagger 293 bucket-wheel excavator

Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Photo credit: Š Udo Kempen

The Bagger 293 bucket-wheel excavator is arguably the largest man-made piece of machinery ever made. Constructed in Germany, the mega earthmover is the Guinness World Record-holder for largest land vehicle – towering at 310 feet tall, 722 feet long, and weighing over 31- million pounds. The bucket-wheel itself is over 70 feet in diameter and can move 8.510 million cubic feet of earth per day. The Bagger 293 requires five people to operate and is capable of working in the toughest conditions.


August 2014


Gabi One tunnel boring machine

The Gabi One is one bad mamma jamma. As the longest tunnel boring machine (TBM) on earth, this goliath of a machine weighs in at a whopping 3,200 tons, measuring 440 meters in length and 9.58 meters in width. The Gabi One utilizes 10 single motors giving it 5,000 horsepower, not to mention, it’s among the most technological advanced boring machines in the world. It was used to carve out the Gotthard Base Tunnel, a 94.3 mile section of tunnels in Switzerland, making it the longest rail tunnel in the world.


top 10

Bucket and operators cab from mining equipment called The Silver Spade on Stumptown Road west of New Athens, Ohio


The Silver Spade

Although it’s not operational anymore, the Silver Spade’s track record earns a place on our list of mega earthmovers. Weighing in at 16-million pounds, the Silver Spade is taller than a 12-story building and the last giant stripping shovel to operate in the world. This beast of a machine lasted over 40 years of hard labor and moved over 600 million cubic-yards of rock.


August 2014



Caterpillar 657 Scraper

The Caterpillar 657 Scraper is the most powerful of its kind and the company’s first two-axle model to utilize a front and rear engine. The 657 can dig, dump and load without the assistances of other machines and there is no other scraper in the world that can match its efficiency.


top 10


Letourneau L2350

The Letourneau L2350 is the grand daddy of earthmovers. Listed in the Guinness Book of World Records, the L2350 is the largest wheel loader in the world. Designed and manufactured by Letourneau Inc., the L2350 can scoop and move a staggering amount of earth with its 53-cubicyard shovel. The loader’s 65-liter, 2300 horsepower diesel engine


August 2014

Bucyrus 8200 Walking Dragline “Liberty”


Bucyrus 8200 Walking Dragline “Liberty”

The 8200 walking dragline, AKA Liberty, is the world’s largest dragline currently in operations. A youngster to the mining industry, Liberty weighs over nine million pounds and operates with a 160-yard bucket on a 360-foot boom boasting eight hoist, eight drag, four propel and 14 swing motors. This giant machine is close to seven stories high and can move over 250,000 pounds of earth across 200 yards in less than 60 seconds. This simple and efficient dragline is perfect for coal mining.


top 10


Liebherr T 282B

The Liebherr T 282B is one of the largest-capacity dump truck in the world offering a payload capacity of roughly 400 tons. Introduced in Germany in 2004, this behemoth of a dump truck boasts a 3,650 horsepower engine with a maximum operating weight of almost 600 tons. The 282B utilizes efficiency and maintenance free diesel-electric locomotive technology, including two AC induction motors for the rear axle, engine mounted generator and a computer controlled power inverters.


August 2014



Terex RH400 Hydraulic Excavator

The Terex RH400 is undoubtedly the biggest machine of its type. Designed to handle one of the toughest terrains on earth - the Alberta oil sands in northern Canada - the Terex RH400 can lift 85 tons of earth in a single scoop. The keys to the excavator’s success are the huge bucket and strong arms powered by the world’s largest hydraulic system. The Terex RH400 is powered by two 16-cylinder diesel engines with a maximum power output of 4,400 horsepower at 1,800 rpm.


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August 2014



Komatsu D575A-3 Super Dozer

The Komatsu Super Dozer is no ordinary digging machine. Standing 16 feet tall, 41 feet long and 24 feet wide, the D575A-3 is a majestic beast of size and power. The super dozer is powered by a turbo-loaded, drawerair-cooled 12-cylinder diesel engine with a performance range of 1,150 horsepower. Unlike most bulldozers, the Komatsu D575A-3 can scoop and carry dirt off the ground as it’s equipped with a blade the size of a three car garage, allowing it to push its own weight (350,000 pounds) in load.


top 10


Liebherr R 9800

In terms of mega earthmovers the Liebherr R 9800 is king. Developed for large scale mining operations, the R 9800 is equipped with two 16-cylinder engines providing 2,000 horsepower providing faster loading cycles and immense digging and breakout forces. Weighing in at 1.7 million pounds, the R 9800 offers a backhoe bucket and shovel capacity of 3,000 pounds. The Liebherr R 9800 offers superior flexibility and productivity for a machine of this magnitude.


August 2014




Multi-Million Dollar Expansion Plan to Increase Copper Production Written by Sheree Hanna Produced by Anthony Munatswa


M e t o r e x ( P t y ) Lt d

The mining company based in South Africa with assets in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo is buoyed up for growth following take-over by Chinabased Jinchuan

Workers at the Chibuluma Mine which produces approximately 19,000 tons of Copper in the form of concentrate 50

August 2014


ohannesburg-based mining company Metorex has launched a multi-million dollar investment programme with an ambitious goal of reaching a target of producing 250,000 tonnes of copper a year in 10 years’ time. Following its takeover by Chinese mining company Jinchuan in 2012, this established midtier mining group, which is a US$400 plus million revenue business with assets in both Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is very much on the expansion path. The company has immediate projects in hand which are set to take the current annual copper production rate of 55,000 tonnes a year to 80,000 tonnes in the next 18 months and then exceed 100,000 tonnes within five years. These projects are coupled with a strategic plan aimed at creating greater efficiencies within the company’s supply chain which is centred at its South African headquarters. Mike Benfield, Chief Financial Officer, said: “Our target is that in 10 years’ time we will be producing 250,000 tonnes of copper a year. “That is a lofty target that we have set ourselves but we believe we will achieve this through a combination of developing the projects and deposits that we have in our current portfolio and by acquisition with the backing of our Chinese parent company, Jinchuan Group International Resources, which is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.”


Workers inspecting samples at the Chibuluma Mine

Existing operations Metorex owns two operating mines; Chibuluma in Zambia, which began production in 1955 and currently produces around 18,000 tonnes of copper in concentrate a year, and Ruashi, a copper and cobalt mine in Katanga province in the DRC. Chibuluma was acquired by Metorex in 1997 through a Government privatisation programme and is often referred to as Zambia’s model mine. The copper concentrate from the mine is sold to Chambishi Copper Smelter in Zambia where it is converted into copper blister and moved into the market. Benfield said: “It is a mature mine nearing the end of its life and as a consequence is one of very few mines in Zambia which is tax paying. “We have discovered a smaller satellite deposit

The Chibuluma Mine currently extracts ore from an underground operation feeding an efficient well run concentrator

w w w. m e t o r e x g r o u p . c o m


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M e t o r e x ( P t y ) Lt d


about a kilometre and a half away from Chibuluma and we are about to open that up so we can effectively extend the life of Chibuluma for another six or seven years.” Some 400 people are employed at Chibuluma and Metorex is keen to hang onto its operations in Zambia, consequently the company will invest some $24 million on the decline development required to access the recently-discovered ore body. “Extending our operation in Chibuluma will give us more time to continue our exploration efforts in the area. We have an experienced staff compliment, who are performing well and we very much want to keep them within the Group and maintain our operational presence in Zambia.”

Chibuluma Mine

Workers at the Chibuluma Mine

w w w. m e t o r e x g r o u p . c o m


Chibuluma mine

M e t o r e x ( P t y ) Lt d


Copper and Cobalt The Ruashi mine employs 2,500 people and currently produces 38,000 tonnes of copper cathode and 4,400 tonnes of cobalt a year. “There are plans to take the copper production up to between 45,000 and 50,000 tonnes a year as we de-bottle neck the process plant,” explained Benfield. Over and above the two existing operating mines, Metorex has three major projects in the pipeline including its new Kinsenda mine where it has embarked on an investment of $322 million to develop the mine and build a process plant to bring into operation in late 2015. The Kinsenda Project currently ranks as one of the world’s highest grade copper deposits with

Ore is conveyored for inspection

Key Personnel

Michael Benfield BCom, BAcc, CA(SA)

Chief Financial Officer Mike joined Metorex on June 1, 2012 having previously been the CFO of Bateman Engineering NV since May 2010. He was previously the CFO of the Mineral Recovery Division of Bateman, a position he held for over two years. During this period he became very involved in the operations of the Group’s mineral processing plants. He has held senior financial management positions with Ster-Kinekor, Investec Bank and Super Group.

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BRAS SECURITY is a Private, Limited Company dealing in Security in the DRCongo, Zambia and Tanzania. The Company is Congolese/ Belgium and started it’s first roots in 2002. The staff is composed with multicultural personnel bringing together Zimbabweans, Congolese, Belgians. The guards are recruited according to the official standards and undergo theoretical and practical training by skilled, experienced trainers. BRAS SECURITY also specializes in the escorting of minerals to South Africa, Dar es Salaam, Mozambique, NamibiÍ, Zambia.

BRAS guards are posted in plants, mining sites, residences and any other properties. Several patrols are carried out 24h a day, 7 days a week by our armed security team.


supplier profile

Bras Security

Established: Started in 2002 in Lubumbashi, the BRAS Security Services’s House is a brillant result of a equitable collaboration between a Congolese and Belgian partners. We are currently very present in the copper Capital but also in Kolwezi, Likasi, Lonshi, Sampwe, Kasenga and in Zambian territory throughout its railways and roads Escort Service. Industry: Security Services: • Create, control and supervise an evacuation plan as well as developing the sit emergency procedures. • Optimise the management of crisis situation in order to minimise their impact on the company’s capital, its industrial activity and its human resources. • Guarding of real estate, industrial, mining and private sites. • Railways and road escorts from DRC to Zambia, Chirundu, Victoria Falls, Livingstone, just to Beithbridge (South Africa). • DOGS Section. • Alarm quick response (panic button), CCTV, Access Control, Tracking System, Radio Communication. Management: Ngoy Kazembe - General Manager Website:

M e t o r e x ( P t y ) Lt d


declared mineral resources of 20.7 million tonnes at a grade of 5.6 percent copper. Kinsenda is situated within the DRC near the border town of Kasumbalesa and was purchased by Metorex in the mid-2000s. At the time it was taken over, it was a flooded mine, previously run by a Japanese Mining consortium and then by the Congolese government, and Metorex ultimately gained control with the intention of opening and mining it. With the purchase came 400 employees and the challenge of dewatering the mine before any new development could take place. “We have dewatered the mine to 300 metres below surface and are now in the process of developing a further decline into the western ore body, which is our current focus, but over time we will move into the eastern ore body, the previous operators having mined the central areas” said Benfield. Employment opportunities Construction work on the project began in April 2013 and it is anticipated copper production will begin in late 2015, with expected production levels in the order of 25,000-26,000 tonnes of copper concentrate a year. Kinsenda will create further employment for the nearby settlements of Meleke, Twibombele and Kisenda. The projects’ environmental impact assessment and associated management plans

‘We have dewatered the mine to 300 metres below surface and are now in the process of developing a further decline into the western ore body’

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60 years of experience at your service

Your Logistics Partner Comexas Afrique is your key partner in logistics, warehousing, customs clearing and shipping representation in the Dem. Rep. of Congo.

M e t o r e x ( P t y ) Lt d


were submitted to DRC authorities in 2011 and all approvals required by the DRC Mining Law have been obtained. Metorex is also planning another $400 million investment in its Musonoi project, which lies a little further northwest near the mining town of Kolwezi. The project area contains at least two known mineralised zones, one of which known as Dilala East was discovered as a blind, high grade copper and cobalt deposit in 2007. Following the initial discovery of the high grade mineralised zone, the property has been extensively drilled and has declared a mineral resource at 31.7 million tonnes at a grade of 2.8 percent copper and 0.9 percent cobalt.

supplier profile

‘Kinsenda will create further employment for the nearby settlements of Meleke, Twibombele and Kisenda’


Comexas Afrique has been active without interruption in Democratic Republic of Congo since 1953 in the area of logistics, customs clearing and air/road/maritim transport for both import and export. Comexas Afrique is also ship agent for several maritim commissioning. Key words of Comexas Afrique are : « PROFESSIONNALISM - PRECISION - EFFICIENCY - FLEXIBILITY » Website:

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YOUR NEEDS ARE OUR PRIORITY Group SIL is a registered petroleum trading company based in Lubumbashi, DRC and is involved in the importation, transportation, storage and distribution of petroleum products to mines, commercial customers and retail sites.

For enquiries please contact: Mutombo Irung Stephane : +243 81 333 51 52 • Kyoni Guy : +243 97 001 17 22 • Tel: +27 (0) 11 783 3290 Fax: +27 (0) 11 783 1310

Crafting and Managing Intelligent Supply Chain Solutions Road– normal / abnormal • Seafreight • Airfreight – schedule / charter • Rail • Freight Forwarding • Project Management • Procurement • Crating • Full management of pre shipment and export documents • Full cross docking operation: • South Africa - Covered 5,800m2 • Zambia – Covered 1,800m2 • DRC - Covered 2,000m2

M e t o r e x ( P t y ) Lt d


Challenges ahead Benfield said: “It is a very high grade copper cobalt deposit. In December last year we completed the bankable feasibility study and we are going through some further optimisation studies on the back of that. “This will be an underground mine, but the challenge for us will be accessing the ore body, which currently is estimated to take about four and a half years to get to. “We are trying to work out a way of getting to it faster so that it will improve the returns and valuation of the mine, ultimately we should be in production in about five years’ time.” Finally, Metorex’s Lubembe project, which is located near to the Kinsenda mine, is a much larger deposit, but of lower grade ore. A scoping study completed in early 2012

supplier profile

‘Metorex is also planning another $400 million investment in its Musonoi project, which lies a little further northwest near the mining town of Kolwezi’

Metorex Nucleus

Main text goes hereMining and can be a block of copy - if there desire to Services: Nucleus Logistics provides high levelsis ofno service indent theseeking copy with Main text goes here and can be a block to clients world-class chain management solutions. of copy - if there is nointegrates desire to indent the copy with headings. Essentially, Nucleus key logistical processes, such as transport, project management procurement, If you needwarehousing, to create a new paragraph then justand hit return and a to reduce overall separating rulelogistics appearscosts.. for segregating the paragraphs. With an in understanding of customs regulations African The text indepth this box aligns from the bottom up. Adjust theoftext box height states andbut of the mining industry’s requirements, of course, leave the position of logistical the box sooperational that the bottom of the box Nucleus is well placed to add value and accountability to the mining has a y co-ordinate of 742pt. sector across Africa Website: address goes here as the last entry Email:

w w w. m e t o r e x g r o u p . c o m


M e t o r e x ( P t y ) Lt d

Dilala East was discovered as a blind, high grade copper and cobalt deposit in 2007

“It is a very high grade copper cobalt deposit. In December last year we completed the bankable feasibility study and we are going through some further optimisation studies on the back of that” – Michael Benfield, CFO


August 2014

confirmed the potential to mine and process mixed sulphide and oxide ores. The mineral resource of 93 million tonnes at a grade of 1.9 percent copper will eventually be mined by open pit methods. “We anticipate this project will cost somewhere between $500 million and $600 million and think that we may start it within the next five years,” said Benfield. The Chinese factor While the history of Metorex’s two operating mines extends back over many decades, the company itself was founded in 1975 by a consortium including Simon Malone which acquired Rand London Mines and subsequently became known as Metorex.


The financial crisis impacted the business requiring it to divest of all of its South African assets leaving it focused as a base metal miner in Africa. Its fortunes have turned around somewhat dramatically following its acquisition by the China state owned entity, Jinchuan Group, which is providing the capital and support for its varied investment projects. Metorex officially ceased trading on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange in January 2012 and in November 2013, Jinchuan successfully incorporated Metorex into Jinchuan Group International Resources Company Ltd, a Jinchuan subsidiary listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. “From that point onwards Metorex became Jinchuan’s African platform to develop further

Ruashi is a copper and cobalt mine in Katanga province, located within the Democratic Republic of Congo

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Wealth Unearthed When you unearth copper, you help move energy that can change the world.

This is the kind of wealth AEL Mining Services is proud to help you unearth. Advancing, constantly evolving and defining the furture of explosives in the mining industry.

Tel: +243 99 5366 257

Hass Lubricants, tough and versatile! ‌.Because what goes in matters

M e t o r e x ( P t y ) Lt d


Workers keep the generators going 24/7

assets and acquire assets through the Metorex brand that are primarily focused on base metals,” said Benfield. “Jinchuan Group International has now become our new parent company with a 75 percent holding from the Jinchuan Group and 25 percent held by minorities. So now it has become the spring board to raise the capital and create the platform for Metorex to grow in Africa.” In China, Jinchuan owns and operates a massive nickel deposit, which has still got a mining life of 50 years’ plus around which a whole integrated city has established itself. Jinchuan also holds a 51 percent stake in a South African platinum mine in the north west province and a few other assets outside of Africa.

“Jinchuan Group International has now become our new parent company with a 75 percent holding from the Jinchuan Group and 25 percent held by minorities” – Michael Benfield

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SONOREX Providing 40 years of procurement & logistic services to the mining industry in Africa

Contact details: P.O. Box 6793, Roggebaai, 8012, South Africa Tel (+2721) 421 1738 / 425 1020 • Email -

Turn-key Laboratory Solutions Design • Project management • Installation • Commissioning • Training & facility management • Containerized or built infrastructure • Sampling & Laboratory audits • Proficiency Testing Schemes

M e t o r e x ( P t y ) Lt d


Technical support Since the acquisition, apart from financing of projects, Jinchuan has extended its technical support and advice to Metorex. “I think by and large Jinchuan has left Metorex to manage the African environment, and although we have a few Jinchuan secondees here that are helping to build a bridge between the two companies and cultures we are operating fairly autonomously.� said Benfield. In order to maximise efficiency and productivity, Metorex is tackling two major hurdles that come with operating in central Africa, a skills shortage and long, logistical supply chain. “The skills shortage in Africa is immense with mines in Africa, depending on the scale of their operation, employing people with the skills from

supplier profile

Women serving food at the Ruashi Mine, Democratic Republic of Congo

Tramecon Metorex

Main text goes here and can be a block of copy - if there is no desire to Tramecon provides Turn-key Laboratory Solutions, including design, indent the copy with headings. Main text goes here and can be a block project management, installation, commissioning, staff training & of copy - if there is no desire to indent the copy with headings. facility management. The facilities can be either containerized or built If you need to create a new paragraph thenexpansions just hit return a infrastructure. We also assist with facility andand upgrades, separating rule appears for segregating the paragraphs. including change management and technical training. Quality related services include: Sampling andthe Laboratory audits, based on ISO The text in this box aligns from bottom up. Adjust the text box17025 height and relevant standards. Method validations of course, butcommodity-linked leave the positionISO of the box so that the bottom of theand box SO implementation. has17025 a y co-ordinate of 742pt. Website:, address goes here the last entry

w w w. m e t o r e x g r o u p . c o m


Energising the Future! Amalgamated Power Solutions is a leading electrical and mechanical engineering company specialising in providing comprehensive p ower generation solutions to industries in both South Africa and Southern Africa.

We cover the surface, because the world needs protection. Design and manufacture of cost effective turnkey plant and equipment, tailor made to meet the vast variety of metal surface treatment requirements and applications.

VJL has successfully supplied state-of-the-art continuous and indexing type process plants for a variety of applications, using our in depth knowledge of electroplating processes.

For more information please visit us online at Click here T: +27 (0)12 345 2215 • F: +27 (0)12 345 3731 66 Regency Drive, Route 21 Coprorate Park, Irene Ext. 31, Centurion, SA

M e t o r e x ( P t y ) Lt d


many other countries,” said Benfield. “For example we have a small contingent of South Africans, Australians and British citizens working at our mines, although it does vary from mine to mine, but the majority of the work force are local employees.” Benfield explained that part of Metorex’s strategy was to ensure continuity with its ex-pats, so as not to lose their expertise, through helping them develop their careers at the company’s various locations. Centralising efforts In a bid to counteract skills and supply chain issues, the company has established a central services operation called Metorex Commercial Services (MCS) at its headquarters in

“The skills shortage in Africa is immense with miners in Africa, depending on the scale of their operation, employing people with the skills from many other countries” – Michael Benfield

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M e t o r e x ( P t y ) Lt d

Operations at the Kinsenda mine

“Commodity price is not in our control, however we can control two things, the cost at which we produce a copper unit at and how many units we produce. So at a cost level we have got to get our supply chain right” – Michael Benfield


August 2014

Johannesburg. MCS has begun by bolstering technical skills at an administrative level including its accounts payable function which is controlled and supported from the head office. It has also sought to centralise its procurement activities leveraging more scale by being the procurement service provider for all of its operations, thus aiming to secure better price points from suppliers and ultimately getting costs per unit down. “Commodity price is not in our control, however we can control two things, the cost at which we produce a copper unit at and how many units we produce. So at a cost level we have got to get our supply chain right,” explained Benfield. “We have a well thought-out supply chain management strategy which we are aiming to develop, managed from Johannesburg and then integrated into our various operations.”


Key Personnel

Staff pumping water from the mines

John Ferreira

BEng (Metallurgy), MBL

Supplies are predominately sourced in South Africa but chemical reagents to extract ore through the copper process come from other parts of the world. The challenge of connectivity is one that the company is also endeavouring to constantly improve in order to allow good communication across its operations. “In Africa there are issues with internet and telecommunication connectivity which can be a challenge for us,” said Benfield. “We are looking at standardising our communications from our headquarters in Johannesburg through to our sites in Central Africa. “We are also looking at Chinese procurement. The Chinese have an amazing track record for doing things quicker for less and we believe that their quality is constantly improving ensuring that supplies are fit for purpose, reliable and cost effective.”

Chief Executive Officer Previously Executive Chairman of Bateman Engineering NV, John joined Metorex in 2012. His experience spans from Africa to Europe and the Far East. John spent six years at BHP Billiton Group as the General Manager of two of their chrome operations before moving to the corporate office where he spent six years as the Vice President responsible for Samancor Chrome operations in South Africa.

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M e t o r e x ( P t y ) Lt d

“Looking after its employees and the communities in which it operates are always regarded highly by the company which has developed a strong set of values it adheres to� 74

August 2014


Forging partnerships However, Metorex has high standards for its suppliers and only seeks to enter partnerships with those companies that are reliable and provide reliable components and services. With regard to the construction works being carried out at the Kinsenda project, Metorex has partnered with South African based project management and engineering group, DRA, a diversified construction and infrastructure company Group Five, civil contracting firm Safricas, which is based in DRC, the MCK mining company based in the Katanga Province and component supplier, Outotec. Looking after its employees and the communities in which it operates are always regarded highly by the company which has developed a strong set of values it adheres to. “We have an acronym – PALETZ which is our mantra,” said Benfield. “P is for people focus, A is for accountability, L is for the long term perspective, E is for excellence in everything we do, T is for teamwork and Z is for zero harm. “We have a vision and that is to grow a sustainable African-focused base metal mining company that offers opportunity for the development of our employees and communities, delivering to shareholders’ expectations and contributing to the development of our world,” concluded Benfield, quoting from the Metorex mission statement.

Company Information Industry

Mining headquarters

Gauteng, South Africa founded

1975 e mpl o y e e s

2,400 revenue

US$ 400 million products/ services

Copper and cobalt

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Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited set

for major global expansion

India’s leading diesel engine and genset manufacturer is enriching lives at home and in Africa across fields from agriculture and construction to power generation and mining Written by: Tom Wadlow Produced by: Anthony Munatswa


K i r l o s k a r Oil E n g i n e s L imi t e d

‘From its four state of the art factories across India, the US $400 million-revenue company produces air-cooled and liquid-cooled diesel engines’

Engine testing and assembly line 78

August 2014


ndia’s Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd is on a drive to become a truly multinational business and ‘touch the world’ by powering vital industries with reliable engines and a second-to-none after sales service. From its four state of the art factories across India, the US $400 million-revenue company produces air-cooled and liquid-cooled diesel engines for service industries, infrastructure projects and defence establishment among many other important sectors, and is the flagship company amongst the 33 major group companies. It is leaving a positive legacy abroad in places such as Africa where agriculture and mining are being fuelled by its industry-renowned diesel engines. This accompanies that which has already been achieved at home, where Kirloskar Oil Engines has greatly enhanced the farming sector since 1946 and holds a 34 percent share in the market for power generators through its brand “Kirloskar Green Gensets”. Facilitating this vital society-building output is a core focus area, with emphasis also laid on enhancing the cutting edge research and development (R&D) facility. Healthy relations with workers and strong adherence to corporate social responsibility and providing education to India’s population in environmental and sanitation issues are also key areas where the organisation continuously pays


Engine testing and assembly line

key attention. In being a peoples’ business, Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited is far more than just a provider of reliable diesel engines. World-class factories Generating the company’s revenue are four sites across India producing engines of three to 11,000 horsepower, the oldest of which is in Pune alongside its headquarters. In 2006 it invested US $175 million into a factory in Kagal, 300 kilometers from head office. Vice President of Exports Sunil Walunjkar said: “Here we have a 200-acre area and a world class single plant of 40,000 square metres with a capacity of 60,000 engines annually of 20 – 750 HP.

Key Personnel

Sunil Walunjkar, Vice President, Exports

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Leading the way in Electric Power Generation LEROY-SOMER, the worldleading specialist in industrial alternators and drive systems, designs and manufactures highly innovative eco-technological solutions to serve the industrial and large-scale commercial sector markets.

America - Europe - India - China/Asia

Robert FULWOOD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION Building Design and Construction, General Civil Works, Property Development. +234(0)8033422598 No 33 Ororgbum Crescent, GRA Phase 2, Port-Harcourt, Nigeria.

K i r l o s k a r Oil E n g i n e s L imi t e d


“We have another location in Rajkot on the western part of India where we manufacture our smaller three to 20 horsepower engines for irrigation and agro-industrial applications.” The final base is the large engine facility at Nashik, capable of manufacturing diesel engines in range of 2,400 – 7,200 HP for Marine and Power Generation applications. KOEL high-selling

Enriching lives in Africa As in India, agriculture dominates the economy of many African countries with maize being the most important food staple on the continent. Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited provides engines to power hammer mills continent-wide to 25 nations including Algeria, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Angola. These mills crush the crop into a useable powder, helping to feed millions of people. In Senegal, more than 2,300 Kirloskar diesel engine-driven pumps and over 20 drip irrigation systems across the Senegal river have increased the annual rice production from less than 100,000 tonnes to 460,000 tonnes by increasing the irrigated land from 24,500 hectares to 85,000 hectares. Another key industry supported in Africa is underground platinum and gold mining. “South Africa is one of our major markets and we work with various mining houses like Aquarius Platinum, Anglo Platinum, Impala Platinum, Glencore, Lonmin Platinum, Goldfields and

and desirable Varsha pumpset

4R 1040 TBS III Engine used for diverse industrial applications

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K i r l o s k a r Oil E n g i n e s L imi t e d

An engineers’ training session at KOEL

“If the customer is satisfied in aftersales service then they will buy again and again” – Sunil Walunjkar, Vice President, Exports


August 2014

Harmony Gold,” Walunjkar said. The company produces a range of engines for equipment spanning LHD (Load-Haul-Dumper) vehicles, Drill Rigs, roof bolters, dump trucks and Low- Profile utility vehicles and Personnel Carriers to transport workers. Walunjkar highlighted two reasons for continual success in Africa. “The first reason why we are successful here is because the mines work 15-16 hours a day and the production equipment has to


run continuously, the engines must be reliable,” he said. “The second is after-sales service. We fix problems in the shortest possible time, minimising loss of productivity. As a company we do not believe in selling just a product. If the customer is satisfied in after-sales service then they will buy again and again.” Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. is also powering mining in Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia with

SL90 FMUL Certified fire fighting engine w w w. k o e l . c o . i n


Above: Kirloskar Oil Engines supplies “Industrial Engines” which is widely used to

a view to opening up possibilities in the Ivory Coast, Tanzania and Ghana where the focus is more on open-pit as well as underground operations.

power the application of the “Drill Rig”

“There should be no fear of failure. You can think exponentially, freely and try out various ideas, so long as integrity is in place” – Sunil Walunjkar 84

August 2014

Enriching lives at home Back in India the company’s engines have been upholding the country’s most important economic sector, farming. It has spearheaded the world’s largest irrigation scheme and brought the Green Revolution to more than 4,600 towns and villages in droughtprone Saurashtra in Gujarat on the west coast. Walunjkar added: “When we say enriching lives what we mean is that our products and services will benefit the lives of those using it. Take today’s farmers, his grandfather was also using Kirloskar

All engines are designed in-house and undergo rigorous testing procedures

pump sets. “We run through the generations and our products last for 50 years without any problems. Our pump sets will help you to get a more fruitful crop which will benefit peoples’ lives.” Agriculture aside the company’s diesel engines power over 80 different applications across a spectrum of industries and Kirloskar Green’s Gensets form the backbone of satellite, cellular and telecommunications operations. In addition Kirloskar Green Gensets widely caters to specific power requirements across sectors like hospitals, hospitality, IT, infrastructure, banking and many more.

Engine design prototypes are tested across a range of

Industry-leading research A key part of Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. reaching


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K i r l o s k a r Oil E n g i n e s L imi t e d

The company supplies engines for firefighting applications

“Different counties have different emission norms and we test that our engines fit the requirements of their destinations” – Sunil Walunjkar


August 2014

its global ambition is its industry-leading R&D department, made up of 200 highly skilled and efficient engineers in Pune and recipient of US $10 million of investment over the past two years. All engines are designed in-house and undergo rigorous tests across a range of facets. One important area is noise solation, where the company has been successful in making its engines meet the Indian legal noise requirements of under 75 decibels within one metre of the machine. It also has had a state of the art in-house Emissions lab since 2001 that helps in designing and maintaining the products to the regulatory requirements of exhaust emissions. “Different counties have different emission norms and we test that our engines fit the requirements of their destinations,” Walunjkar added.


State of the art testing facility

“In Europe and North America the rules are more stringent than India and we are currently not selling big there but are designing products to meet those norms – soon we will get into these markets.� The company is however supplying engines for firefighting applications into France, and is the only Asian company to have industry-recognised FM and UL certified diesel engines.

Load Haul Dumper, extensively used in underground mining segment, is one of the most demanding

Limca Book of Records A dedicated and happy workforce is behind the development, construction and after-sales service of Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd, whose industrial relations is of record-breaking caliber. Core values of integrity, creating wealth for all and worker empowerment filter through the ranks of the organisation.

applications that KOEL engines are successful in

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K i r l o s k a r Oil E n g i n e s L imi t e d

Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited facilities

“India is still a developing country, thus education is vital in helping children develop awareness of sanitation issues” – Sunil Walunjkar


August 2014

The company has featured in India’s Limca Book of Records for being the only business to sign on time wage agreements before the standard three year cycle is up on seven consecutive occasions. The company’s 3,000plus employees are also given personalised evaluation and training programmes based on required skills. This feeds an exemplary health and safety record, with a raft of industry certificates including Indian Army certification, for which it is a key provider of diesel engines, which are used for various applications. The company also looks after people across the country, as well as the environment through its extensive Corporate Social Responsibility programmes.


Company Information Industry

Diesel Engines (For-Agri Pumpsets, Industrial Engines and Generating Sets) headquarters

Pune, India founded

One such initiative is Vasundhara, which for the past eight years has involved 20,000 volunteers from the workforce and Indian public and 250 NGOs working on various environmental issues. Another is WaSH, a sanitation education programme whereby employees go into schools and provide vital tuition in the importance of hygiene. Walunjkar added: “India is still a developing country, thus education is vital in helping children develop awareness of sanitation issues.” With a driven employee base and industry-leading products, Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. can truly look to ‘touch the world’ by 2025. “There should be no fear of failure. You can think exponentially, freely and try out various ideas, so long as integrity is in place,” Walunjkar concluded.

KOEL Founded in 1946 (Kirloskar Group 1888) e mpl o y e e s

3,000+ revenue

US $400 million products/ services

Diesel Engines, Agri Pumpsets and Generators

w w w. k o e l . c o . i n


European Association of Metal Ores & Industrial M

Self-promotion helps Euromi capitalise on continental prom Written by: Matthew Staff Produced by: James Pepper

f Mining Industries, Minerals

ines mise


E u r o mi n e s

Conference field trip, Aitik mine, Sweden

“We should be doing exploration and mining and processing and supplying to the people that need those raw materials� – Mark Rachovides, President


August 2014


nder the Presidency of Mark Rachovides, The European Association of Mining Industries, Metal Ores & Industrial Minerals (Euromines) is striving to lay to bed assertions of the past to encourage its members about the potential of the future. Mining in Europe, and indeed across the world, has often come in for criticism but through a strong focus on external industry collaboration and internal optimism, the association is well on its way to changing industry standards and consequently, public perceptions. Existing as a not-for-profit organisation in its current form since 1996, Euromines represents more than 40 different metals and minerals, more than 100 companies and about 350,000 jobs across its member states, and


Key Personnel

Mark Rachovides President

Rachovides is positive that Europe can become a partner of choice within the mining industry. “The important thing through what we do is to point out where mining fits in the value chain and to get away from those old stereotypes,” he said. “We need a balanced, responsible approach to keep the value chains in the EU because it won’t contribute to our renaissance or our future if part of the value chain is being sourced outside when we have the ability to do it here. “We should be doing exploration and mining and processing and supplying to the people that need those raw materials. We can do the whole thing and that should make us the partner of choice because we should be showing ourselves as the leaders in terms of sustainable use of our resources.

Mark Rachovides is a consultant to Eldorado Gold Corporation and until recently was Chairman of Deva Gold, Eldorado’s subsidiary in Romania. He was formerly an Executive Director of European Goldfields which was acquired by Eldorado in early 2012. Rachovides is a well-known specialist in South East Europe and Chairman of the Euromines Gold Group.

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E u r o mi n e s

Vykleky quarry in the Czech Republic after rehabilitation

“Europe is surprisingly underexplored and underinvested for exploration” – Mark Rachovides


August 2014

“That’s what we want to achieve; to set the standard that’s higher than everyone else.” Present virtues Manufacturing in Europe currently accounts for 75 percent of the EU’s exports and many of these manufactured products depend on raw materials. It is figures like these which the Association aims to make clearer to the business world moving forward.


“Europe is surprisingly underexplored and underinvested for exploration, but in terms of technology, we’re very advanced, so we are increasingly developing the ability to mine more complex deposits and have more automated machinery,” Rachovides said. “We ultimately look to a future of stateof-the-art modern mining in Europe.” The Association is therefore striving, through affiliations with organisations and

Europe is rich in natural resources w w w. e u r o m i n e s . o r g


Wealth Creation by Mineral Extraction in Europe, organised by Euromines on 3rd December 2013 in Brussels

Xxxxxxxxxx Vykleky quarry in the Czech Republic before rehabilitation

E u r o mi n e s


conferences at high profile events, to start getting that positive industry message across. This can only come with a collaborative and integrated drive among its members too though, and Rachovides is adamant that all are responsible in that push and none are burying their heads in the sand. “Most of our members need and do talk more about our good stewardship and the added value that we bring across the spectrum of our activities,” he added. “A lot of the criticisms are the sins of our past and we need to talk more about the virtues of our present and our future. “Our performance today in Europe speaks for itself. We have excellent health and safety records, very low numbers of fatalities and rank very highly in terms of productivity. We invent a lot of technologies used worldwide because we are constructive, responsible, intelligent people.” Globally competitive Structured through a series of committees, comprising a decision-making steering committee, a think-tank policy committee, and some more specialised sector committees – environment, health and safety, emission training standards, communication, gold mining and magnesia production – Euromines is set up to be the recognised representative for mining in Europe; a voice and point of reference in relation to the European institutions, and a sounding board for members regarding

Key Personnel

Corina Hebestreit Director Dr. Hebestreit is the Director of Euromines. She has 20 years of experience in the mining sector, from primary raw materials to marketing of end products. Over the years she has built an extensive network in the industry and academia.

Johannes Dreilsma Deputy Director of Euromines

w w w. e u r o m i n e s . o r g


E u r o mi n e s

Wealth Creation by Mineral Extraction in Europe

EU mining sector can boast a wealth of deposit opportunities


August 2014

policy matters and technical issues. The main goal as a consequence of these ongoing discussions, forums, collaborations with global organisations and monitoring of international trends, is to ensure that the EU maintains and builds upon its position as a responsible and balanced source of minerals. Complementing the effective stewardship, innovation and people that the EU mining sector can boast is also a wealth of deposit opportunities where the industry can expand its footprint, and this is what Euromines will be smoothing the pathway towards


Association Information ASSOC I AT I ON TY P E

Mining L OCAT I ON

Brussels founded

1996 No. of M e mbe rs


over the coming months and years. “There is certainly a lot of money in Europe and we also have a tremendous amount of intellectual capital and industrial capital in terms of making and inventing things,” Rachovides concluded. “If you look at our competitive positioning, we are heavily regulated, have a large population, not a lot of land mass, but still manage to compete in an international market on a company-by-company basis successfully. “We’ve dealt with the questions of the past and can now be innovative and adopt competitive solutions to problems of the future.” w w w. e u r o m i n e s . o r g


Cleveland Potash remain at forefront of the mining industry Pioneering work with an extremely rare mineral and sustained investment in resources have seen the UK-based company thrive Written by: Sam Jermy Produced by: James Pepper

Photo credit [link]: Michael Jagger


Cl e v e l a n d P o ta s h

Pioneering work with an extremely rare mineral and sustained investment in resources have seen the UK-based company thrive

Boulby mine


August 2014


leveland Potash, the world’s first commercial producers of the rare evaporate mineral, polyhalite, is currently undergoing a £250 million investment in a revamping its facilities, which has created new jobs. The 80-acre Boulby mine, in North Yorkshire, England, is currently two year’s into a five-year project which will include the upgrade of existing underground machinery fleet such as larger continuous miners, drills, bolters, conveyors and shuttle cars. A proportion of the investment will go towards strengthening mine infrastructure to support the polyhalite extraction. It is reopening old roadways


Main plant

and widening out existing roadways as well as commissioning, building and augmentation of underground bunkers. The firm, which is a subsidiary of Israel Chemicals (ICL), has undertook numerous improvement works at the surface too; everything from the ÂŁ16m rock shaft head tower renewal to improve hoisting and capacity potential to 5.3 million tonnes, to logistical improvements at its Tees Port facility. Significant investment is also planned to improve the efficiency of the surface potash process plant. Phil Baines, Managing Director and General Manager of Cleveland Potash, said: “We are very

Arches at Boulby

w w w. c l e v e l a n d p o t a s h . c o . u k


AMCO is a specialist contractor providing sustainable, multi-disciplinary solutions to the Infrastructure, Environmental and Energy sectors. Within Infrastructure we operate in the specialist areas of mining services and moving structures, such as lock gates and swing bridges. Our Environmental business is focused upon flood defence. In the Energy sector our clients include all the major utilities such as E.ON, SSE and Magnox; for whom we create and maintain assets in nuclear, coal, gas, hydro and wind. With over 1,000 in-house staff we deliver nationally but are organised regionally.

‘We add value by combining innovation with commercial awareness’

Cl e v e l a n d P o ta s h


much improving all facets of the company and the site. Part of our plan was to specifically increase the workforce underground. “This facilitates four potash mining teams to work at any one time and independently deploy salt mining crews to push out the strategic roadways. “We’ve actually completed that employment programme now and it has grown the workforce by about 120 over the past 18 months, bringing our underground workforce to more than700, with nearly 1,200 employees in total.” The company’s under-

World leaders A significant development of Cleveland Potash is the polyhalite seam, which sits beneath the potash. The North York Moors coastline is home

supplier profile

ground workforce has increased to more than 700, with an overall total of just under 1,200


Amalgamated Construction (AMCO) provides a diverse range of specialist construction and engineering services. We create and maintain assets for both public and private sector customers in the specialist sectors of rail and engineering. AMCO has evolved through a combination of structured acquisition and organic growth into a ‘contractor of choice’. Our business relationships are based on trust, mutual respect, best value, whole life costs and continuous improvement. Website:

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Cl e v e l a n d P o ta s h


“With any emerging, new product you have to prove that this new product is just as effective, safe and is generally okay compared to more established brands” – Phil Baines, Managing Director & General Manager


August 2014

to a previously unheard amount of polyhalite deposit, and is something which makes the organisation unique. It is the only one in the entire world mining the rare material used as a speciality fertilizers. Part of the five-year plan is to ramp up the annual polyhalite production tonnage to 600,000 by 2017. Borehole information on the mine dates as far back as the 1930’s. Planning permission was granted in a joint venture between Chartered Consolidated and ICI Chemicals which started shaft sinking in 1969. The first potash were hoisted in 1973, fullproduction came about in 1975 but it was not until recently that polyhalite started to be extracted commercially. Baines said: “We put two drifts down from the current salt horizon within the mine, in the central area, about three years ago now. “There’s millions of tonnes of it and at this stage, its looks relatively stable and strong, and we have proved you can machine cut it and support the infrastructure very well. “The compressive strength can be up to 150mpa compared 30mpa for the potash so it is significantly stronger but we have been working on it for two years now, and the mine has stood as firm as an office. “We also have a third mineral called carnallite so we have multiple options that take different processes which gives us much more flexibility


Key Personnel Ronnie Shushan Chairman Phil Baines General Manager and Managing Director Steven Degen Director Rainer Marx Director

Sea view of mining operation at Boulby

Howard Clark Sales & Marketing Director

with our business plan.� The potassium chloride chemical, known as muriate of potash (MoP), is a product that typically contains 60 percent potash and is the most widely used form. This fertiliser aids in the formulation of vegetative matter and root production so international markets are quite comfortable as a result as this. Polyhalite on the other hand, is a more complex equation as there is no previous market or trading values to go by. Baines said: “With any emerging new product you have to prove that this new product is just as w w w. c l e v e l a n d p o t a s h . c o . u k


We have the experience, knowledge, expertise and capability to deliver turnkey cost effective solutions for a multitude of applications. With over 150 years of experience Qualter Hall is known worldwide for their engineering support to the mining industry, providing consultancy, design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and service support for a multitude of applications including mine shaft systems, mine winders, haulages and underground transportation systems. | | +44 (0) 1226 205761.

Cl e v e l a n d P o ta s h


effective, safe and is generally okay compared to more established brands. “So it’s just the same with this polyhalite, we have the potential to mine it and up the tonnage and slowly we have got to develop the market. “It’s not going to be straightforward and it is a different product as although it is a fertiliser, polyhalite has got different constituents and has different uses so it is going to be steady and a waiting game. “Over the last seven to 10 years, we have done agronomic trials with the polyhalite and it’s fair to say that every single pot test and trial it has not shown any detriment to any crop.” Polyhalite contains magnesium and calcium sulphate too and lighter, lumpier soil is where it has optimum effectiveness. It has excellent

1   Million tonnes of rock salt mined by the company

Face cleaned up ready for drilling - Polyhalite w w w. c l e v e l a n d p o t a s h . c o . u k


Cl e v e l a n d P o ta s h

‘The (Polyhalite) compressive strength can be up to 150mpa compared 30mpa for the potash so it is significantly stronger…but the mine has stood as firm as an office’ – Phil Baines

potential as an organic fertiliser, as well as a sulphate, which could work to Cleveland Potash’s benefit as UK and European soil tends to be sulphur deficient. The firm’s main product is 2-4mm granular potash made from a compaction process, and fertilizers are very much the core product. It can also mine anything between 500,000 and one million tonnes of rock salt, helping to de-ice UK and US roads in winter time. Company development New technology and equipment such as the flexible conveyor train, which helps to mine a much greater tonnage, enables Cleveland Potash to achieve improved efficiency. The underground diesel fleet is 150 vehicles strong and there is an onsite diesel vehicle workshop. Once it goes underground, nothing

The company has invested in new equipment


Month 2014


Clearing up face redy for drilling

comes to the surface for services. In co-ordination with parent company ICL, Cleveland Potash has garnered major international clients such as GrowHow, Yara International and Roullier Groupe and sells to clients as far away as Brazil. It does not ordinarily sell to Asia because its sister mine Iber Potash does this. When Baines joined the organisation a decade ago it was on the back of the closure of the Selby coalfield and he soon capitilised on the skillset readily available. He said: “Some were doing schooling on their

Operations Inside Boulby mine

w w w. c l e v e l a n d p o t a s h . c o . u k


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Cl e v e l a n d P o ta s h


own and doing degrees in engineering. It was evident to me there were people who had been here 30 years who were really good, practical guys. “I really set about trying to formalise this. I’m now President of the Midland Institute of Mining Engineers and through this, I promote best practice and strive to develop people. “Through the Institute and HM Inspectorate of Mines, we looked at competence and leadership in particular. In the past five years staff have been sponsored to go to Camborne School of Mines to do Msc in Mining Engineering, and various staff such as geologists, surveyors, mechanical and electrical

“A massive strategic advantage from a logistics sense is being just 30 kilometres away from the deepwater Tees Port in Middlesbrough” – Phil Baines

Staff have been sponsored to go to Cambourne School of Mines to do Msc in Mining Engineering

w w w. c l e v e l a n d p o t a s h . c o . u k


Loading facilities at Tees dock

engineers have been supported to broaden their knowledge by undertaking postgraduate study. Every workman has the NEBOSH working safely qualification and has a minimum two training days a year, and the avenue to go from workman to supervisor and middle-management all the way up to the upper echelons of Cleveland Potash is quite fluid. Most people live within a 20 mile radius and many businesses on its vendors list are firms from within Cleveland. It donates funds to local football, rugby and cricket clubs, as well as the RNLI and Air Ambulance charities’ illustrating how ingrained Cleveland Potash is in the local community. Looking forward Every company has its business and operational

114 August 2014


Company Information Industry

Mining headquarters

Cleveland, UK founded

Planning permission granted in 1968 e mpl o y e e s

challenges and for Cleveland Potash it is going to be its cost per tonne, as it is a big mine with extensive facilities and expensive running costs. World commodity, global prices affects it too of course but Baines has faith in its business plan. He added: “A massive strategic advantage from a logistics sense is being just 30 kilometres away from the deep-water Port in Middlesbrough, as it can load anything from 1,100 tonne to 65,000 tonne Panamax vessels at Tees dock. It makes us accessible to a wide range of clients. “Going forward Cleveland Potash will be developing the market for polyhalite, maintaining the level of potash production and looking into carnallite more. Further exploration and maintaining its reserve base is of paramount importance.”

1,200 revenue

£162 million (2012) products/ services

Potash fertilizers for agriculture

w w w. c l e v e l a n d p o t a s h . c o . u k


Colt Resources is on course to revive Portugal’s gold and tungsten mining With exploration in advanced stages at two flagship projects the company can look to generate important cash flow in the next few years to drive further activity in the country and across the world Written by: Tom Wadlow Produced by: James Pepper 117

C o lt R e s o u r c e s

C Managers inspect the Boa Fé site

“I want to have both of our mines producing so we can then generate cash flow and invest in our other projects. We want to spread our activities through Europe and the Middle East, and other locations all over the world” – Luis Martins, Business Development Manager 118

August 2014

olt Resources has already invested €60 million in its plan to begin gold and tungsten mining at two sites in Portugal which once under construction will deliver hundreds of jobs for local people, thus helping to boost the country’s economic recovery. The exploration expert expects to spend another €100-130 million to get both projects off the ground which will ultimately require 150 permanent staff when production is underway. Once the flagship exploration projects at Boa Fé and Tabuaço are in production, the incoming cash flow will allow Colt to upscale activity at other Portuguese gold and tungsten sites, as well as abroad. Business Development Manager Luis Martins said: “I want to have both of our mines producing so we can then generate cash flow and invest in our other projects. We want to spread our activities through Europe and the Middle East, and other locations all over the world.” This includes a venture in Pakistan currently being explored by Colt Middle East, where copper mining could also bring in money to boost funds for the projects in Portugal. Founded in Canada in 2007, Colt quickly moved to the Iberian nation on receipt of data from previous operators and the Portuguese government, with whom it shares a highly constructive relationship and vision to turn around economic fortunes.

MI n i n g

Drill hole with Scheelite by UV light Tabuaço project

Boa Fé and Tabuaço The open-pit gold resources at Boa Fé, 95 kilometres east of Lisbon, and underground tungsten supplies at Tabuaço, in the north, represent the springboard for Colt Resources to emerge as a key mining player both in Portugal and elsewhere. Boa Fé hosts several gold deposits such as Banhos, Casas Novas, Chaminé, Ligeiro and Braços, and according to preliminary economic assessments contains reported

Visible gold

w w w. c o l t r e s o u r c e s . c o m


www.t eix eir aduar t e.p t ger al@t eix eir aduarte.p t

“Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.” is a Portuguese company that started operating in 1921 in the fields of Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering, which gradually extended to other fields of engineering, such as Buildings, Infrastructures, Metalworks, as well as underground, mining, railway and maritime works. Always maintaining the imprint of a true Engineering Company, with recognized expertise in the design, innovation, construction and management of major projects and developments, it has been operating in the field of underground and mining works since 1981, mainly through its subsidiary EPOS, S.A., which, with its acknowledged experience, still has the most advanced technology and equipment for the performance of this type of works, remaining continuously active for more than 30 years in major mining projects, in the fields of prospecting and survey, infrastructure construction and exploration. True to its performance values, Teixeira Duarte has achieved a steady and sustained growth that has allowed it to build a strong business capacity, detaining means and resources, namely human, which have enabled it to undergo multiple internationalization processes and broaden its areas of expertise. Having achieved a turnover of more than EUR 1,500 million in 2013,

Teixeira Duarte Group currently has around 12,500 employees operating in 16 countries, in 4 continents, working in 7 different sectors, notably in Construction, Concessions and Services, Real Estate, Hotel Services, Distribution, Energy and Automotive Industry. Teixeira Duarte has been listed on the stock exchange market since 1998, but it maintains a stable shareholder structure, mostly dominated by the Teixeira Duarte family, which, along with its history and the operational capacity of its teams and resources, gives it the confidence and responsibility to be able to continue to fulfill its mission: Execute, contributing towards the construction of a better world.

Christensen CS14 C drilling rig – Indicative graph of the drilling capacity in meters, at diameters BQ, NQ, HQ and PQ

Gold prospecting for COLT RESOURCES in Escoural, South of Portugal

supplier profile

Teixeira Duarte

Employees: Teixeira Duarte Group currently has more than 12,000 employees operating in 14 countries on 4 continents and doing business in seven different sectors. Established: 1921 Industry: Teixeira Duarte is now leading one of the largest Portuguese Economic Groups. Services: We are doing business in seven different sectors such as Construction, Concessions and Services, Real Estate, Hotel Services, Distribution, Energy, Automobile. Today, Teixeira Duarte takes responsibility for the image created by a company with great value and pioneer in the building, where their teams and structures are interconnected to one end result of recognized ability in design, innovation, building and managing large projects and ventures. Since large-scale infrastructure such as bridges, dams, hospitals, roads and other public works, the large buildings that mark our history, to speak at Teixeira Duarte is now talking a great know-how and constant presence in our day- to-day. Ongoing Projects: The development of the company will surely be enhanced by the synergy of different sectors and countries that Teixeira Duarte has established itself allows the confidence and responsibility to continue performing its mission: Execute, contributing towards the construction of a better world. Website:

C o lt R e s o u r c e s


Since 2007 Colt has carried out extensive outcrop sampling work

indicated resources of 340,310oz and inferred resources of 84,200oz of gold. It has an estimated 11 kilometres of gold mineralisation. Initial metallurgical test work has demonstrated that the gold at Boa FÊ is readily recoverable using a combination of conventional methods such as gravity, flotation and cyanide technologies, with Colt looking to start production by the end of 2015. The Tabuaço Experimental Mining Licence (EML) in North-Eastern Portugal covers a total area of 45.13 square kilometres. Since 2007 Colt has carried out extensive outcrop sampling work, and then embarked on an exploration and evaluation diamond drilling program which to date involved in excess of 100 drill w w w. c o l t r e s o u r c e s . c o m




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C o lt R e s o u r c e s


holes, totalling more than 11,400 metres. Martins outlined the importance of impending bankable feasibility studies to the progress of both projects. “We are looking to conclude this by early next year,” he said. “We are developing a resource estimation update and are pretty sure there is huge potential, the bank feasibility study will prove this and encourage investment. The strategy is to start production as soon as possible and generate some cash flow.” “We are open to many avenues of construction and production and for example have had conversations with potential German and Chinese partners about mining at Tabuaço.” Investing in Portugal Several factors combine to explain Colt’s decision to develop the gold and tungsten mining sectors in Portugal. The country has a mining legacy stretching 2,000 years back to Roman times and Martins points to a continuing enthusiasm and acknowledgement of the industry’s importance to the nation’s economic recovery. “In 2012 the government published a new strategy about mineral resources that gives clear political support to the mining sector,” he said. “We have a great relationship with them, and also have a beautiful infrastructure, a very good motorway network and our properties are nearby along with ports and prime rail connections.”

Workers on site

Country Properties Portugal

w w w. c o l t r e s o u r c e s . c o m


C o lt R e s o u r c e s

Drilling works are well underway

‘The country has a mining legacy stretching 2,000 years back to Roman times and Martins points to a continuing enthusiasm and acknowledgement of the industry’s importance to the nation’s economic recovery’


August 2014

Colt has also been able to draw vital investment from a number of Portuguese sources, part of a batch of investors including a Canadian pension fund and several institutions and individuals from Germany, Switzerland, China and Hong Kong. Construction company Teixeira Duarte is a key partner. “They are a big construction group working not only here but in Brazil and Angola,” Martins added. “They have a mining division which is developing several works for Portugal’s main copper mine Neves-Corvo and can help us to develop our projects. All our investors share our view and strategy and feel that they will see a good reward on their investment.” So far investment into the two projects has exceeded €60 million with Martins predicting another €100-130 million be needed before both sites become operational, making

MI n i n g

Colt is working closely with the government

the banking feasibility studies of utmost importance in order to secure the remaining funds and deliver new jobs for locals. Colt’s current 25 staff and 50 sub-contracted exploration workers benefit from the years of expertise in the company through internal training. It also has fruitful relations with several Portuguese universities such as the University if Lisbon and University of Évora and Aveiro located near Boa Fé and Tabuaço. “This is about building local partnerships in an academic and vocational point of view as well,” Martins said. “We are already conceptualising the hiring of more people for the construction and production with our subcontractors.” Into the Middle East Away from Boa Fé and Tabuaço Colt has several other promising exploration works

Staff are key to success

Key Personnel

Luis Martins Business Development Manager Luis Martins is a geologist with 30 years of experience in the exploration and mining sector.

w w w. c o l t r e s o u r c e s . c o m


Exploration work

“This is about building local partnerships in an academic and vocational point of view as well” – Luis Martins


August 2014

progressing both in Portugal and in Pakistan. In Portugal, the company is exploring for gold at Santo António, Montemor, Cercal and Cedovim, while finding reserves of gold and copper in a joint venture with junior British company Star Mining at Borba in the east. It has also established Colt Middle East, for which it owns a majority share of 38 percent. This is a unit dedicated to exploring copper potential in Pakistan near the world-renowned supply at Reko Diq, one of the biggest porphyry copper deposits in the world. Colt Middle East has entered an agreement with Australian-based company Lake Resources, and is working closely with local communities and the government of Balochistan to develop

C o lt R e s o u r c e s


Company Information Industry

Mining - mineral exploration headquarters

Canada founded

2007 e mpl o y e e s


what it hopes will become a world class asset in the Chagai Hills copper and gold district. revenue Martins said: “If successful this could Not disclosed completely change the dimension of the company and could provide important products/ services funding for our projects in Portugal. “There are political and social issues but still Gold and Tungsten we are working with the local communities mining to obtain the social license and I think the people will take care of us and we will return a safe and secure investment.” With promising signs to be seen both in Portugal and in Pakistan, Martins believes the company can look further afield in the future. “We can bring benefits to our shareholders and the people in the areas we look to operate in,” he concluded. w w w. c o l t r e s o u r c e s . c o m


Shore Gold Inc.

Shore Gold Inc: High Value Accessible Asset Close to Infrastructure Senior Vice President George Read explains that Shore has a high value diamond asset in the stable political jurisdiction of central Saskatchewan. This asset is also in close proximity to infrastructure: highways, rail transport, electric power grid, water and work force. Written by: Robert Spence

Produced by: Bobby Meehan


Shore Gold Inc.

Inside the on-site Dense Media Separation Plant for diamond recovery


he Project is situated in the Fort à la Corne kimberlite field in central Saskatchewan. The Project includes the 100 percent Shore owned Star Diamond Project, as well as Star West and the Orion South Kimberlite, which fall within the adjacent Fort à la Corne Joint Venture (“FALC-JV”). Shore has a 68 percent interest in the FALCJV and Newmont Canada FN Holdings ULC (“Newmont”) has a 32 percent interest. During 2007, the Company purchased an interest in the Buffalo Hills Property (“Buffalo Hills”) located in northern Alberta. Shore and Canterra Minerals 132

August 2014

Corporation (“Canterra”, formerly Diamondex Resources Ltd.) each own approximately 33 percent with EnCana Corporation holding the remaining interest. Canterra is the Operator of Buffalo Hills Project, which is currently on care and maintenance. Operations Shore’s primary objective is advancing its multi-billion dollar asset - the Star-Orion South Diamond Project in the Fort à la Corne Provincial Forest of Saskatchewan, to a producing diamond mine. To date, some $300


Aerial view of the Star Diamond Project infrastructure

million has been spent on the exploration of the Fort a la Corne Joint Venture and the evaluation of the Project to the level of a Feasibility Study: Probable Mineral Reserves of 279 million tonnes containing 34.4 million carats of diamonds at a weighted average price of US$242 per carat, which can be profitably mined over 20 years. “The unique aspect of this Project is the proximity to infrastructure,” says senior vice president George Read. “We are 20 kilometers from paved highway and the electricity power grid, which is extremely beneficial to the economics of the project. In contrast to other Canadian diamond mines and evaluation projects, we are the closest.” “While some $300 million has been spent to date, we will need an additional $1.9 billion in

“We need environmental approval, which will enable us to commence our permitting process, and then we would need to start detailed design, as well as raising project finance.” – George Read

w w w. s h o r e g o l d . c o m


Amec is a leading supplier of consultancy, engineering and project management services to our customers in the world’s oil and gas, mining, clean energy, environment and infrastructure markets. AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Saskatoon SK Visit

WWW International Diamond Consultants - the world’s leading independent diamond valuation and advisory company.

Shore Gold Inc.


pre-production capital costs to begin mining diamonds,” says Read. “Once we break ground it will take four years before the first diamonds are available for sale.” Core values Since inception, Shore has been dedicated to maintaining quality relationships. Whether its employees, business partners or surrounding communities, Shore is committed to providing the best possible communication and service possible. “We have a good relationship with Newmont and are optimistic about the future,” says Read. “We have people on both sides that are genuinely interested in talking to each other.” Shore’s commitment to relationships doesn’t stop with business partners. The Company works with local communities to collaborate on operations and provide economical benefits on both sides. The Company also recently announced that a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) has been signed by the Company and James Smith First Nation, Peter Chapman Cree Nation and Chakastaypasin Cree Nation, collectively referred to as the James Smith Cree Nation (“JSCN”) (See SGF News Release dated May 5, 2014). The terms of the MOU provide that the parties will engage in discussions concerning potential education and training, job, business and participation opportunities for members of JSCN. These discussions aim to establish mutually agreeable

Chief Executive Officer and Director, Kenneth E. MacNeill

Senior Vice President of Exploration and Development

w w w. s h o r e g o l d . c o m


Shore Gold Inc.

Selection of high value rough diamonds from Star-Orion South Diamond Project

terms for a participation agreement in anticipation of the proposed Project. Shore Gold has established a Diamond Development Advisory Committee (“DDAC”) that works with local communities and provides them with regular updates the progress of the Project. “We meet with the mayors and councilors of the local communities and provide updates of the Investor Relations Manager Joseph Dickson project and what progress has been made since the last meeting,” says Read.

Cut and polished diamonds from the Star kimberlite 136

August 2014

Future outlook The future is looking bright for Shore. The company expects once all Project approvals are secured and funding is in place the development of the diamond mine can commence. Shore is optimistic that future production from Star and Orion South will contain occasional large, high


Company Information Industry

Mining headquarters

Canada founded

1985 e mpl o y e e s

value diamonds, potentially in excess of 100 carats. “We need environmental approval, which will enable us to commence our permitting process, and then we would need to start detailed design, as well as raising project finance,” says Read. “We anticipate seeing some unusually large diamond in future production as well as extremely attractive white Type 2-A diamonds.” Type 2-A diamonds are nitrogen-free and have a composition of either brownish or crystal white, and in extremely rare conditions they are pink. “To date, the most valuable stone we’ve recovered is an 11.96 carat type 2-A diamond,” says Read. “It’s valued at $18,000 a carat. Once the Star-Orion South Diamond Mine is in production, Shore can provide value to shareholders and the surrounding communities.


w w w. s h o r e g o l d . c o m


Largo Resources

Pure vanadium producer

With its Maracas project nearly ready for production, Largo vanadium on the map and become the only pure play vana Written by: Robert Spence Produced by: Bobby Meehan

o Resources is gearing up to put adium producer in the world


Largo Resources

Crushing system at the Maracas Project as at July, 2014

H Kurt Menchen

Mark Brennan, Largo Resources President and CEO 140

August 2014

eadquartered in Toronto, Canada, Largo Resources is engaged in the development and exploration of natural resources with projects in Brazil and Canada. The company’s primary focus lies in vanadium, tungsten, and molybdenum. Largo holds interest in a portfolio of other projects, including a 100 percent interest in the Currais Novos tungsten tailing project in Brazil; a 100 percent interest in the Campo Alegre de Lourdes iron-vanadium project in Brazil; and a 100 percent interest in the Northern Dancer tungsten-molybdenum property in the Yukon Territory, Canada. The company is currently focused on the development of its flagship Maracas Vanadium Project in Brazil. With assets in place, Largo


Resources is establishing itself as the only pure vanadium producer in the world.

Maraca Vanadium Project The Maracas project in Brazil is the world’s premier vanadium deposit. It boasts the highest grade of vanadium resources in the world and is positioned to be the lowest cost producer in the market. “It is one of the first vanadium mines that will be going into production in a long time,” says president and CEO Mark Brennan. “Of every commodity there is typically one superior deposit for ore, and for vanadium, it’s Maracas,” says Brennan. “It’s a total anomaly. It’s the richest, highestgrade vanadium deposit in the world.”


production anticipated in the near term, we will be the only pure producer of vanadium people can invest in”

– CEO Mark Brennan

w w w. l a r g o r e s o u r c e s . c o m


Commencing construction in 2012, Largo is rapidly approaching commercial production. The project will utilize a simple, cost effective, open-pit mining process and proven industry methods to extract vanadium The Maracas project is expected to produce 9,600 tons of vanadium pentoxide per year and, although the current mine life is 29 years, the company foresees the potential to extend the mine’s lifecycle to exceed 100 years. “The good news is it’s a big system so this will be producing for a long

time and be a significant contributor to a continuous and consistent supply of vanadium for steel users,” says Brennan. Vanadium, which is a commonly used ingredient in steel and titanium, is a strategic metal derived from primary mining and steel slag. The metal imparts hardness, wear resistance, seismic resistance and significantly increased strength to steel. “Asia will be the fastest-growing market for vanadium, led by China, Japan, South Korea and Indonesia,” said Brennan.

Largo Resources “India is producing low-quality steel, but they are the world’s second largest steel producer after China. Over a period of time, we expect India’s consumption of vanadium to also increase.”


environmental purposes.”

With almost a 60 percent unemployment rate, the success of the mine has propelled economical benefits the residents of Maracas didn’t have before. “Since we started construction Social Responsibility in 2012 we’ve seen a surge in the Along with actively developing the community in terms of economic Maracas project, Largo is striving benefits with the addition of to improve the community in which hotels, restaurants, and shops,” it operates. The company provides says Brennan. “We also provide various programs and initiatives aimed at improving life for residents, professional qualification programs and sustainable projects that allow including health and safety initiatives, community programs and job creation and income for the local community.” environmental actions. The Maracas project is expected “We have a very strong environmental record that is greatly to generate some 300 jobs at the start of operations and 400 new jobs appreciated by people around the when it reaches full capacity. community,” says Brennan. “We’ve donated 450 living Endless potential quarters to the community, which The future is looking grand for Largo were built as living quarters for the construction of the Maracas project. Resources. With production of the Maracas Vanadium Project slated Once the final contractors have to begin this month, the company is evacuated, we’ll hand it over to the community and we plan on handing gearing up to put vanadium on the map. Largo Resources expects the over another 450 living quarters mine to reach an output rate of 9,600 to donate as a school once the t/y of vanadium pentoxide within project is finished. We’ve also set aside 2,400 hectors out of 4,800 for the first 12 months with the second w w w. l a r g o r e s o u r c e s . c o m


Largo Resources

phase of expansion seeing output rise to 14,400 t/y within the next three years. This will give the company the ability to supply 10 percent of the global demand by the time it reaches its phase 2 capacity. Largo has also secured a six-year sale contract with Glencore International for 100 percent of all vanadium products from the Maracas mine. “We’ll expand production and continue to expand production, making Maracas the largest vanadium deposit in the world,” says Brennan. “We will be the only pure producer of vanadium people can invest in.” Largo has other development stage properties within its portfolio including its Northern Dancer project in Canada. 144

August 2014


Company Information Industry

Mining headquarters

Toronto, ON Canada

“The Northern Dancer site is the largest undeveloped tungsten deposit in the world,” says Brennan. “We remain very bullish long term on tungsten and our expectations are to develop this deposit in the future.” According to Brennan, the company will need to see a higher commodity price for tungsten before it begins construction. “We’re focusing on immediate return on capital right now.”

w w w. l a r g o r e s o u r c e s . c o m


New for e

President of Act headquarter


w headquarters facility allows expanded departments and company growth

tlabs, Eric Hoffman, discusses the company’s new global rs facility and how maintaining positive relationships with suppliers has allowed for continued company expansion Written by: Lindsey Ryan

Produced by: Sean Bakke 147

c o mpa n y n a m e

Actlabs 200,000sq. ft Global Headquarters

Eric Hoffman obtained his PHD as an economic geochemist in 1978 from the University of Toronto and during his time in school he used the neutron activation technique to develop a method for analyzing platinum metals in nickel sulfide ores from nickel mines in Canada. It was when he decided to commercialize this technique that his career took 148

August 2014

off and he began working with a commercial laboratory in Toronto. He worked at that lab for 9 years and in 1987, Hoffman decided to branch off and start his own company, Activation Laboratories Ltd., otherwise known as Actlabs, where he still works as president today. Using neutron activation as its main method for analyzing


Actlabs Ancaster Wetlab

minerals, the company began as a single lab in Ontario. Actlabs now includes all of the analytical technologies, both inorganic and organic, and has evolved into a global company with 30 labs in 14 countries, with its concentration still in Canada. Hoffman explains, “We’ve evolved into a company that serves our primary industry,

mineral exploration, but we’ve also branched out into environmental materials testing, agriculture, life sciences with comprises pharmaceutical and biotech as well as organic forensic areas.” The company’s Vision is to be recognized throughout the world as a leader in analytical testing and development services in the life w w w. a c t l a b s . c o m


Actlabs sciences, minerals, environmental, forensics, and material testing markets. Also, to utilize new technologies and develop new methodologies before the competition to allow them to serve niche markets.

Actlabs Ancaster

Continuous Improvement The company has recently built a new 18,500 square meter facility that has been designed specifically involving continuous improvement strategies. “Our new facility was designed with LEAN and Six Sigma in mind and many of our employees have had LEAN and Six Sigma training. A lot of thought was given into the design of the facility to minimize movement and minimize waste,� states Hoffman. The new facility is replacing five Actlabs buildings in the same industrial park, thus allowing the work flow to be much more efficient. As for green initiatives, the building is also highly energy efficient as it costs less to heat and cool the new building than it did to heat or cool just one of the five older buildings. Recently Actlabs has launched its new Agricultural division, which has its own area in the new facility, dedicated to high-tech analysis for the agriculture industry. Actlabs Agriculture has developed a toxin screen for animals feeds that


the company can do at very low cost and very quickly so the feed companies will know if there’s a problem with the feeds well before the animals start to die from toxins that may be present in the feed. Also, with the support of beekeepers, pesticide companies and the government, the launch of this agricultural division allows Actlabs to currently conduct research to determine what it is that is causing the honey bees to die off in the area.

tech agricultural business who saw a gap in the industry and knew Actlabs could handle the opportunity. Actlabs also has stayed loyal to the suppliers that have worked well with them over the years and it is proven to be beneficial to both parties because one side keeps getting called for the job and the other can rely that the timeline and quality of the product will be met.

Technology Another way Actlabs thrives from its relationship with its suppliers involves technological advances. Actlabs is always looking for the Beneficial relationships with newest technology and having close suppliers relations with certain suppliers Actlabs has products worldwide has proven to be a great help in so it is important that they keep an developing new technology before eye out for the best quality, most any of the competition. Actlabs technologically advanced and is proud to have become a test most modern instrumentation. To achieve this, Actlabs maintains great bed for many of the equipment manufacturers in the world. When relationships with its suppliers and manufacturers develop new partners and this has resulted in mutually beneficial relationships for equipment and technology, Hoffman explains that they, “let us evaluate both Actlabs and the suppliers. it for a year or so and decide what’s For example, the agricultural good about it, what’s bad about, division, mentioned earlier, would what we like and don’t like; It helps not exist if Actlabs had not been approached by someone in the high- them develop their products, and it w w w. a c t l a b s . c o m



Actlabs Mineralogy – MLA and Qemscan

helps us to become first in the world to get the new technology.” Recently, Actlabs has developed its own software to manage the work flow within the labs. The company’s IT departments consist of 10 people who have developed this laboratory information system which is customized to Actlabs’ specific needs. “We’ve tried off the shelf systems and tried to customize them but typically they never work quite the way we want them to work so we’ve gone the route of developing our own system,” Hoffman continues, “It has been more efficient than anything we 152

August 2014

could buy out there.” Customer service makes a difference So how has Actlabs been able to continually maintain the relationships that allow the company to grow and participate in the development of new technology? It is the exceptional customer service the company provides that has proven to keep clients and business partners loyal. Actlabs takes pride in being able to provide solutions to virtually any problem a customer may have by offering knowledgeable employees and advanced


Company Information Industry

Minerals founded

1987 e mpl o y e e s


technology to meet clients’ analysis needs. Hoffman explains, “We’re a privately owned company and as such we’re able to respond very quickly to our customers and we’re able to provide knowledgeable support very quickly. Recently, some of our clients have commented that they know they can talk to me, that they can call and they will get through to me, rather than pages/Activation-Laboratoriesmarketing people, which is different than our Ltd-Actlabs/309647399081292 competitors. That’s one of our main strengths.” Actlabs is ISO 17025 accredited and/or certified actlabsLaboratories-Ltdto ISO9001: 2008. The company is also OMAFRA Actlabs/309647399081292 and NELAC accredited, Health Canada Licensed, and audited by the FDA. With these certifications, company/activationlaboratories-ltd Actlabs has been developing new innovative technologies to implement with the help of its customers since its inception in 1987. w w w. a c t l a b s . c o m


Bralorne Gold

Bralorne Gold: Taking the ne

Junior mining company Bralorne Gold discusses how the c projects to the next level as well as initiatives to improve co Written by: Robert Spence

Produced by: Glen White

ext step

company is taking its ommunity relations


Bralorne Gold

Drill Core findings


ancouver based Bralorne Gold is engaged in the exploration and development of mineral properties in Canada. Founded in 1992, the company is focused on producing gold and silver from its high grade vein deposits at its Bralorne, Pioneer and King gold mines. Bralorne is more than just a mining company. In addition to producing gold and silver the company is engaged in a variety of initiatives aimed at improving the communities in which they operate. The mining company has programs in place to coincide with its social corporate 156

August 2014

responsibility of preserving the environment as well as helping aboriginal communities. Operations The company’s properties consist of 154 Crown granted mineral claims, ten freehold parcels of land, two reverted crown granted claims and eight metric claims that include the form Bralorne, Pioneer and King gold mines. The junior mining company’s flagship project is the wholly owned Bralorne Gold Project in southwestern British Columbia. Commencing production in 2011,


Bralorne Gold Facilities

the project originally processed ore from underground and surface stockpiles at a rate of 85 tpd. Today, the company is working to expand gold production to 250 tpd by 2015. In the first quarter of 2014, gold output reached 1,736 ounces. Infrastructure at the mine includes a well-developed and refurbished mill operating at a capacity of 100 tpd. Equipment is in place

for a 250 tpd operation and the company maintains personnel of 55 who occupy the bunkhouse, cookhouse, dry offices and assay lab on property. Along with mining initiatives, Bralorne continues exploration drilling programs to locate additional resources at its properties. Known as the BK Zone, which is the area between the Bralorn and King w w w. b r a l o r n e . c o m


Bralorne Gold



Providing packaged water purification and treatment systems, globally. We build for industrial, commercial, and domestic.

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mines, the company has engaged in over 30 drill holes totaling 5,012.4 meters. The drilling has led to a new discovery – the highest grade intercept recorded in the history of the Bralorne property. Social responsibility To better assist the areas in which it operates, Bralorne Gold strives to work with aboriginal communities to further economic opportunities for their residents. As part of its commitment to responsible mining, the company works side by side with the St’át’imc tribe to address environmental and social impact concerns. Bralorne has built a strong foundation with the First Nations stakeholder to ensure the company’s operations meet the tribe’s expectations. Bralorne has worked with the First Nations to obtain permit approvals for drilling, exploration and surface development work. To benefit the economy in the areas in which it works, Bralorne spends over $1 million annually on supplies and products from local suppliers. The company donates to numerous community organizations, schools as well as the First Nation social programs. The company’s operations also employ more than 46 people from the local community. In relation to its partnership with First Nations, Bralorne has created an Environmental Monitoring Board (EMB) to assist local communities. Consisting of representatives from

Bralorne Gold Mine

w w w. b r a l o r n e . c o m


Bralorne Gold

the St’át’imc tribe, the BC Ministry of Environment and Bralorne Gold Mines, the EMB meets quarterly to review environmental testing reports concerning topics such as water, soil and fishers. Bralorne is striving to develop an Impact and Benefit Agreement that would provide community support programs including job training 160

August 2014

and employment for qualified participants. Future The company’s focus moving forward is to extend the life of its projects. By developing additional resources at its properties, Bralorne believes it can continue to locate mineralized zones and define an


Company Information Industry

Mining Vancouver based Bralorne Gold is engaged in the exploration and development of mineral properties in Canada. Founded in 1992, the company is focused on producing gold and silver from its high grade vein deposits at its Bralorne, Pioneer and King gold mines.

inventory of measured and indicated resources on which a mine plan can be formulated. Along with expanding and increasing production at its mines, Bralorne is continuing to benefit the communities in which it operates. The company is continuing to manage all business activities in an environmentally responsible and cost-effective manner, while contributing to the benefit of the community.

w w w. b r a l o r n e . c o m


Ressources Appalaches

Gold mining returns to Nova

With a commitment to the local community and its people, helping put Nova Scotia back on the map for gold mining Written by: Robert Spence

Produced by: Bobby Meehan



, Ressources Appalaches is


R e s s o u r c e s Appa l a c h e s

Founded in 1994, Ressources Appalaches specializes in the exploration and development of mining properties in the Appalachian region of Canada. The company is primarily focused on the exploration and development of its Dufferin Mine in Nova Scotia, which is acquired in 2009. Headquartered in Quebec, the company prides itself on building a team of knowledgeable and experienced professionals that assists in providing cost-effective solutions to its Canadian projects. Ressources Appalaches strives to support local communities as well as employ local people. 164

August 2014

Dufferin Gold Mine Located on the eastern shore of Nova Scotia, the Dufferin Gold Mine was acquired by Ressources Appalaches in 2009 for $4 million. Since then the company has spent $4 million in exploration work including $10 million to upgrade pre-existing infrastructure to bring the mine back into production. From December 2013 to April 2014, the company purchased all of the equipment needed to start mining. “We currently employ a gravity circuit at the mine, recovering 75 percent of resources and the other 25 percent being recovered


by a flotation device,” says Doug Keating, mine manager at Dufferin. “We are hitting 300 tons a day and we should be able to double that by 2016.” Existing mining infrastructure on site includes permits, gravity and flotation processes, underground access, surface infrastructure in place, and accessible roads. The 100 percent underground mine is comprised of core drilling and some surface drilling for exploration purposes. In June, Ressources Appalaches announced its crushing unit and processing plant had begun processing ore at the Dufferin site. According to CEO Alain Hupe, “producing ore from a second face at vein #1, the start of the crushing unit and gravity line at the Dufferin processing plant are all very significant steps to produce the first Dore during May. Following this

“We currently employ a gravity circuit at the mine, recovering 75 percent of resources and the other 25 percent being recovered by a flotation device,” says Doug Keating, mine manager at Dufferin. “We are hitting 300 tons a day and we should be able to double that by 2016.”

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R e s s o u r c e s Appa l a c h e s

milestone, we will continue ramping up production to 300 tons per day as planned”. The mine, which is currently producing 300 tons of gold per day, will yield 20,000 to 25,000 ounces of gold per year.

“We strive in supporting local businesses and hiring local people,” says Keating. “Our employees here at Dufferin are 95 percent Nova Scotian and we work hard to bring jobs to the local community.” Along with hiring locals, the company is fully committed to Continuous improvements providing onsite training and safety One of the company’s many objectives programs. is supporting its local communities. “Our number one focus is safety,” The company works hard to support says Keating. “We provide ongoing areas in which it operates as well as training to all of our employees and it give back to the community. never stops.” According to Keating, hiring experienced miners has helped the company find new cost-effective measures for its operations. “One of the perks of having experienced employees is their knowledge. Our team combined has over 100 years of mining experience and has helped us find new ways of saving money and improving operations.” Although the mining infrastructures were already in place, Ressources Appalaches has invested in a variety of new measures at the mine to increase


productivity while reducing costs. The company has recently invested in a new efficient air compressor system and heat exchange system, all of which were presented by employees. And because the company doesn’t use any treatment chemicals such as leaching, the company can easily control its discharged water, helping the company reclaim about 98 percent of its used water. Future plans With operations in place, Ressources Appalaches is looking to ramp up production. The company is steadily implementing short-term goals to hits its projected goals for Dufferin in the next few years. “We’re planning to grow gradually,” says Keating. “Our goal by the end of 2015 or early 2016 is 600 tons of gold a day.” Currently, the company has a 95 percent recovery from its milling plant and will continue upgrading its facilities to maximize gold production. “We’ve had some early test indicators that show our recovery mill can improve from 95 percent to 99 percent of recovery,” says Keating. “We want to continue to improve on that” The Dufferin gold mine is a prime example of how Ressources Appalaches is working to bring gold mining back to Nova Scotia. “The Dufferin mine shows we can step up to the plate and make an operation viable,” says Keating.

Company Information Industry

Mining headquarters

Quebec, Canada founded

1994 e mpl o y e e s


w w w. re s s o u rc e s a p p a l a c h e s . c o m


Millennium Minerals L

Millennium Minerals Limite Fast Rising Gold Productio

Building on immense momentum and significant prod from Nullagine Gold Project Written by: Andrew Rossillo Produced by: James Hayes


ed Continues on


The Company produced approximately 64,000 ounces gold in 2013.

Millennium Minerals Limited is an emerging metals company focused on the exploration and development of a large tenement portfolio in the East Pilbara region of Western Australia. “We are a greenfield organisation and we sit on gold fields that we control completely. And these gold fields are seriously underexplored, so we have a lot of organic growth potential. We’re making some money in this type of environment,” 17 40 8

August 2014

says Millennium’s CEO Brian Rear. The Company’s gold project contains a 1.91 million ounce gold Mineral Resource situated within nine deposits on granted mining leases. The largest deposit is Golden Eagle, located approximately 10 kilometres south of the township of Nullagine and contains 42 percent of the total Mineral Resource inventory. Mine construction commenced in July 2011 with first gold poured 30 September 2012. Commercial

production was declared from 1 January 2013. The Company produced approximately 64,000 ounces gold in 2013. The current Ore Reserve as of March 2014 contains 464,000 ounces gold.

the following: A stage one reserve of 10.45 Mt at 1.7g/t containing 567,000 ounces, using a cut-off grade of 0.5g/t, a mine life of seven years, producing 504,000 ounces from the process plant, and an ore reserve estimate totalling 16.3 Nullagine Gold Project million tons at 1.4 grams per ton for Millennium Minerals owns and 741,000 ounces of gold. operates the Nullagine Gold Project The Nullagine Gold Project in West Australia’s East Pilbara has just come off its first full region. Results from initial feasibility year of gold production. “We studies of the operation indicated commissioned late September of ww mm i l il lel n i ui ummmmi n w w .w. enn i neerraal lss..ccoom m.. a u

17 41 9


Unit 2/23 Dillington Pass Landsdale WA 6065 Phone: (08) 9303 4687 Fax: (08) 9303 4354 Email:

In our “pursuit of excellence” Redline Drill & Blast offers both the experience and diversity, to provide individually tailored Drill and Blast services to meet with jobsite production and environmental requirements. • Experience and ability to service both large and small scale operations. • Safe, efficient and cost effective Drill and Blast services • Multi-skilled personnel base able to meet with evolving site specific requirements • A well maintained fleet of drill rigs, vehicles and ancillary equipment • Controlled storage, transport and safe use of explosives

MiLLenniuM MineraLs LiMited the previous year, so we ramped up very rapidly. January of last year, we went to commercial production and we had a good run,” says Rear. Mine design and scheduling is driven to maximise gold production for an annual throughput of around 70,000 ounces. Millennium aims to maximise gold recovery closer to 100,000 ounces per annum. “We invested about $30 million

supplier profile


dollars of cash into the operation. We also raised approximately $7 million for that as well. We also put about $19 million back into the continuing development of the project. We paid about 25 percent of our debt as well. Our official profit was around $41 million,” says Rear. Treatment Plant The ore treatment plant is located

Redline dRill & Blasty Pty ltd

Employees: 22 Established: 2005 industry: Drilling & Blasting Contractor - Mining & Civil Services: Delivering Drilling & Blasting Services to Mining & Construction industry. We tailor services specific to the project requirements, including; Project Management Drill & Blast, Drilling, Shot firing, Labour hire Field Service Technicians, Freight (Hotshots) A quality service focused on Safety Goals, Production Schedules, Completion Deadlines and Budget Constraints on every project we undertake. Ongoing Projects: Millennium Minerals Limited - Nullagine Gold Project Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd - Windimurra Vanadium Project Management: Kurt Kjellgren - Director Ron Sutton - Director Paul Pendlebury - Operations Manager

Website: ww w w .w. mm i l il lel n enn i ui ummmmi n i neerraal lss..ccoom m.. a u

15 71 3

WPH Plant Hire Crushing Services A progressive mining services provider

At WPH we deliver innovative turnkey project solutions that match our clients’ specialised needs. Our reputation as an industry leader in the Western Australian mining and civil construction is the result of over 100 years cumulative experience in successfully delivering plant hire, fleet solutions, crushing and screening, and personnel support for our clients across the state. We operate in a number of sectors which include: • Mining and Minerals • Industrial • Construction and Civil works • Bulk Haulage WPH Plant Hire Crushing Services Level 1, 195 Great Eastern Highway Belmont WA 6104

Phone: 61 8 9437 9911 Email:

MiLLenniuM MineraLs LiMited approximately 10 kilometres south of the Nullagine gold mining operations. As the area is one of the hottest in Australia, work areas and equipment conditions are designed to take into account these adverse climatic issues. Ore is mined and delivered from open pits to a 150,000 tonne capacity stockpile where a front end loader rehandles the ore into a ROM (run-

supplier profile


of-mine) crusher feed bin. “We’re looking at where we need to tweak the process to make sure we can get our tonnage up into that area,” says Rear. Separate smaller stockpiles account for varying material hardness and grade, allowing for blending and throughput optimisation. Crushed material is transported using conveyor belts to a coarse ore stockpile.

WPH Plant HiRe CRusHing seRviCes

WPH are committed to providing the highest quality service to our clients. Our ability to deliver safe, on time, on budget and innovative turnkey solutions, coupled with our outstanding customer support and world-class equipment sets us apart from other contractors. WPH has three main business divisions; 1.

Plant Hire


Crushing and Screening services


NEMMS Joint Venture – An indigenous contracting division

Currently underpinned by long term contracts with Rio Tinto and Millennium Minerals, WPH has a demonstrated capability of moving and processing large volumes of material safely and cost effectively. it comes with great pride that WPH was awarded the Nullagine Gold project for Millennium Minerals. The 5 year contract is a fully maintained solution, consisting of two 80t fleets, one 100t fleet and all ancillary equipment. Website: ww w w .w. mm i l il lel n enn i ui ummmmi n i neerraal lss..ccoom m.. a u

15 73 5

MiLLenniuM MineraLs LiMited

Our main product is QUALITY and SERVICE

Boliver International in partnership with the Sino Grinding Group of companies promotes our forged steel grinding media for both SAG and ball mills on a global level, providing its clients with regular on-site technical support, whilst proactively carrying out advanced research and development to meet specific milling operations.

Specialist Support for the World’s Mining Industry

Boliver International

Sino Grinding Industries Pty Ltd

T: +61 8 9317 6177

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Two variable spread apron feeds draw from the stockpile feeding the SAG (semi-autogenous) mill, ensuring a constant supply. Slurry from the mill is pumped to a cluster of hydrocyclones where it is split into two streams — overflow and underflow. The overflow feeds onto vibrating trash screens to remove oversized material which is returned to the mill. Undersized material continues into the leach circuit. The underflow returns to the mill. A proportion of the underflow


Company information industry

Mining headquarters

West Perth, Western Australia eMpLoyees

120 Minning site 2014


103 Million

flows over a vibrating screen and undersized materials report to a concentrator to remove any free gold. The screened oversize is directed back to the mill feed chute, while the concentrator tails are returned to the mill discharge launder. The cyclone overflow from the trash screens passes into a CiL circuit of tanks. The first three tanks are fitted with oxygen injection to accelerate gold absorption. Moving forward, Rear informed that the Company is looking forward to “improving our margins and generating sufficient cash to get into a position to take advantage of all the potential of our gold fields.�

products/ services

Millennium Minerals Limited’s core purpose is to create a profitable mid-tier gold producing company generating value for shareholders whilst continually seeking additional opportunities to increase shareholder value through further development of organic growth opportunities.

w w w. m i l l e n n i u m m i n e r a l s . c o m . a u

75 7 15

RMA Automotive

RMA Automotive offers globa solutions for all industries

With the acquisition of Minecorp in Australia in 2013, RMA has asserted itself as an expert in the global automotive ma Written by: Laura Close Produced by: James Hayes


Automotive arket


c o mpa n y n a m e

Minecorp Modification Facility

RMA AUTOMOTIVE IS a world leader that provides light- and heavy-duty vehicles, purposebuild modified vehicles and fleet solutions to aid and development organisations and private Mining Globalindustries in post-conflict and emerging markets around the world. Their strategic pillars – fleet solutions, managed markets, retail operations, modification, manufacturing, after sales and 180

August 2014

services – contribute to the company’s vision for a strong global presence and support for their thousands of customers and partners. Operational reach RMA Automotive is in 62 markets, has operations in 21 countries and is present in six regions across the globe, including Asia Pacific, Africa, Central Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the Americas. This

a u s t r al i a

arm of the company has global manufacturing facilities in Thaliand, Turkey, South Africa and Indonesia (under the RMA Automotive name); Brisbane and Perth (under Minecorp name); and Germany (where they are known as Binz). There are also retail dealerships in Liberia, Uganda, Kenya, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand, which represent Ford, Land Rover, Jaguar, Chevrolet, Mazda, TATA and Mercedes. RMA Automotive’s clients and partners are some of the largest automotive companies in the world. With their global presence, RMA Automotive gives their employees the chance to work in different parts of the world. They serve peacekeeping and humanitarian aid missions, relief agencies and government and non-government organisations on every continent. In the commercial and private sectors, RMA has a presence in developing and transition markets serving clients in mining, construction, oil and gas exploration and extraction, telecommunications and agriculture.

“Their strategic pillars contribute to the company’s vision for a strong global presence and support for their thousands of customers and partners” Their product solutions are vast, and include heavy equipment solutions for construction, road buildings, mining and the oil and gas industries (light and heavy vehicles solutions for these same industries as well); purpose-built, specially modified vehicles for diverse and difficult conditions for aid and development projects; fleet management solutions for any situation in any location; and power generation products and systems for telecommunications, as power supply backup, for hospitals, government and other public locations, for remote population communities.

w w w. r m a g r o u p . n e t / o p e r a t i o n s / a u t o m o t i v e


Minecorp – RMA’s Australian automotive solution Minecorp, acquired in 2013, is RMA’s Australian modification division that specialises in the manufacture, distribution and installation of safety equipment to vehicles operating in challenging terrains like in the mining and industrial sectors. The business is driven by safety and innovation, and by meeting customer needs. The acquisition has added considerable value to RMA’s overall growth strategies in these industries. 182

August 2014

RMA Automotive, already one of the world’s largest suppliers of modified vehicles to the mining sector, is uniquely placed to be able to sell turnkey vehicle solutions into new and emerging international markets. Upon acquiring Minecorp, Hal Feder, President of RMA Automotive said, “We are excited to welcome Minecorp to the RMA family and proud of this important Australian investment. RMA Automotive has long admired Minecorp’s fleet applications, and especially it’s well

R M A AUTO M OT I VE known mining products, and we believe there are significant opportunities and synergies within our expanding automotive footprint. We’re excited to introduce Minecorp into our organization as we see it as a company with innovative products, recognized brand equity, and a satisfied customer base. We will continue to provide customer-driven fleet solutions to our Minecorp customers and believe there is a great future in working together.” The company provides quality products and services supporting all sectors, a global network for warehousing and distribution, vehicles solutions for all fleet sizes and vehicles types, large capacity fleet fit-out operations and fleet decommissioning and recommissioning. Their products are designed to comply with all regulations to get vehicles onto worksites quickly and efficiently. As part of Minecorp’s innovative solutions, their M-Pass system – a single part number ordering system to make vehicle fit-outs fast and consistent to all customers – offers three levels of site compliance, including essentials, industry and endurance, with the flexibility to tailor packages where required. Behind the hardware, the inventories, the logistics and systems is a corps of professional, highly motivated, dedicated people committed to RMA customers, their projects, and ultimately, their success.

a u s t r al i a

Company Information Industry

Mining Global headquarters

Bangkok e mpl o y e e s

4500-8000 revenue

$700 Million - $1 Billion products/ services

Automotive solutions, mining vehicles

w w w. r m a g r o u p . n e t / o p e r a t i o n s / a u t o m o t i v e


Pilbara Regional Council (PRC)

Local government underpins regional change Written by: Tony Friday - Chief Executive Officer, Pilbera Regional Council


P il b a r a r e g i o n a l c o u n c il

Port Hedland Ore Ship

About the Pilbara region Spanning an enormous landmass, the Pilbara is remote by every definition. Remote from major capitals, remote from markets, and remote from labour sources. The environment is harsh, subject to cyclones and without ready access to fresh water. Despite these constraints, the Pilbara is also one of the most productive and dynamic regions in the country, supporting thriving communities that deliver a significant proportion of Australia’s wealth. This productivity means that 20% of goods exported nationally come from 0.2% of the population located in the Pilbara. 186

August 2014

History of the association The Pilbara Regional Council is a statutory local government created in 2000 to support the four local governments of the Pilbara region in Western Australia. Originally located within the Pilbara, the PRC’s head office was relocated to Perth several years ago in recognition of the growing role the organisation was playing in federal and state advocacy on behalf of the region. The goals and roles of the association The PRC undertakes a broad body of work on behalf of its member local governments; categorized

a u s t r al i a

broadly into either bureau services or advocacy. These may take the form of active lobbying for Federal immigration policy change, through to the attraction of events such as the Adventure Film Festival to the region. Current legislation The Pilbara Regional Council is a statutory local government created by an Act of Parliament. The PRC is governed by a Constitution, and guided towards its objectives by a Council of nominee members drawn from within the member local governments. The PRC is regulated by the Western Australian Department of Local Government. Latest news and Industry ‘Hot’ topics It appears that we have reached the current peak of the mining boom (in terms of construction, as opposed to productivity), and are now about to embark on a new boom in the form of agribusiness across the region. Regional food security has been emerging as a significant national issue over the past few years, and has now gathered weight with our nearby neighbors

Tony Friday

questioning whether they will be capable of producing sufficient protein for domestic consumption in years to come. This offers both a regional security challenge, and a significant commercial opportunity for Australian protein producers. The Pilbara is well positioned in terms of market proximity, port facilities and ready access to (potential) plentiful water from mine dewatering activities. The challenge for the region and for our Federal and State policymakers is how to encourage both miners and pastoralists to enter a new age of active cooperation that goes well w w w. p r c . w a . g o v. a u


P h il b a r a R e g i o n a l C o u n c il beyond the current disinterested coexistence. The PRC has been actively encouraging the Pilbara region towards greater degrees of sophistication in the packaging and marketing of foreign direct investment for the region in order to support a step change in the nature of the Pilbara primary industry. This has extended to advocacy for the formation of a special economic zone within the region. Australia

Pilbara region mining site 188

August 2014

is the only country around the Indian ocean rim that is not taking advantage of the benefits that a special economic zone can bring in terms of encouraging inbound investment. The Thailand car industry is a stellar example of the impacts of these zones – unfortunately to Australia’s detriment in that particular example. The Federal Government’s vision for the development of northern Australia, and the Prime Minister’s

a u s t r al i a

task force, have both identified that substantial population growth is key to building sustainable cities in the north west of the country. The PRC has recently applied to be the proponent for one of Australia’s first Designated Area Migration Agreements, potentially allowing Pilbara regional employers to smooth the peaky labour market challenges associated with resource projects and global commodity prices, whilst acting as an enabler for a vibrant small to medium enterprise sector.

Company Information Industry

Government headquarters

Suite 5, 205 Bulwer Street Perth WA, 6000 founded

2000 e mpl o y e e s

Tony Friday - Chief Executive Officer, Alexis Guillot - Deputy Chief Executive Officer.

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Camara Minera Del Peru (CAMIPER) Writen by: CAMIPER Produced by: Gerardo Sosa


C a m a r a M i n e r a D e l P e r Ăş ( CA M I P ER )

Mining forum organized by CAMIPER regarding training and its impact on future mining professionals. The organization summoned representatives of prestigious Xxxxxxxxxx Universities of Peru, to propose and reach agreements in favor of mining faculties

la t i n a m e r i c a


he mining chamber of Peru (CAMIPER) is a nongovernmental organization that has its origins with the change of the millennium when a group of mining and related institutions related to the sector joined forces with the common goal of promoting the development of responsible and sustainable mining. The group represents companies and entities related to the mining sector in order to help optimize productivity. Currently they are pioneers in transmitting knowledge to professionals in geology, mining, metallurgy, safety, environment, social responsibility, logistics among others, worldwide, in person, In Company and virtually.

Manuel Moya, Operations Manager of Keps IngenierĂ­a in Chile, also expressed his satisfaction with the training received by CAMIPER

The mining company Fresnillo, a subsidiary of PeĂąoles Group in Mexico, recently signed a Mutual Agreement for a long-term collaboration with CAMIPER w w w. c a m i p e r. c o m


C a m a r a M i n e r a D e l P e r ú ( CA M I P ER )

David Baralt, current CEO of Panama Development of Infrastructures

“...with the common goal of promoting the development of responsible and sustainable mining” 194

August 2014

With a group of international professionals of high level that speak the following languages: Spanish, English and French. Our mission is to address the shortage of skilled human resources, promote research and

la t i n a m e r i c a

Company Information a s s o c i at i o n

Non-governmental mining organization Country

Peru founded

2012 e mpl o y e e s

150 k e y p e o pl e

innovation, and improve resource usage and the perception of mining. Vision Contribute to sustainable development of the mining industry, recognized for its significant development of the country, its good practice to protect the environment and its commitment and contribution to social responsibilities. Mission To represent companies and organizations related to the mining sector in order to help optimize productivity.

Mr. Cesar Gallardo Alvarez (President), Mr. Berrocal Gabriela Moreno (Vice President), Mr. Jose Gallardo Vela, (Director of Operations), Oscar Calero Revolledo MBA (Project Director), Mr. Cesar Gallardo Vela, (Executive Director), Ms. Quispe Magdalena Salazar (Director of Administration), Claudia Torres Romero (Recording Secretary and Archive)

w w w. c a m i p e r. c o m


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