1 minute read
Customer Profile
from GUCCI X MiNi
by minisoup
The price range for Prada is flexible to those who are high eraners only. In comparison to it’s competitor Gucci, Prada is slightly more expensive. In comparison to Gucci’s another competitor, Dior, Prada falls into the most expensive category.

Dior, a high end luxury brand competiting with Gucci, is not too far from Gucci’s price range. In comparison to both competitors of Gucci, Dior falls into 2nd place.
Just like the other two labels, Dior is also a high end luxury brand, mostly affordable by those of high earnings.

According to the February 2022 report by Good On You, Gucci’s road to sustainability is going to be long but is off to a good start. They have proved this through some impactful actions such as, having a policy signed by CanopyStyle to prevent deforestation of endangered forests, using scientific approach in reducing greenhouse gas emission caused by their operations and supply chain, reducing the use of some hazardous chemicals like chromium and more from their leather tanning process, using eco friendly and recycled materials and many more.