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Surrounded by God Apostle Sergio G. Enriquez Oliva Guatemala, June 3rd Year of Abundance

In prior studies we have seen the enemy´s strategies as a hunter, one of these is to isolate the flock that he is planning to attack. When the flock perceives the presence of the hunter, it starts moving, but those members who are sick or young become easy preys. The devil also surrounds his victims to attack, we can see this strategy in the book of Job, when the enemy says that he comes from surrounding the earth to make it his. Surround comes from the Hebrew word atar, which has three translations surround, crown and cover; when something is covered, it becomes property of the one who covers it. When God covers something, He makes it His own. The enemy has copied this strategy and that is why he tries to cover the souls of men. In Ezekiel 16 it says that the Lord found a naked woman, He covered her and made her His property. Job was protected by the Lord, his family and his possessions were also surrounded, this is what God does to protect those whom He loves. Nevertheless, the Lord authorized the enemy to touch Job´s body in order to test his integrity, but He protected his soul, i.e., He left an inner coverage to protect his essence. We must know which are the enemy´s strategies to be ready against and avoid them. The enemy will try to surround us with lions, dogs, bees, Bashan´s bulls, with evildoers, with words full of hate. The last are described in Matthew 5:11-12, when it says that the prophets were persecuted from the beginning, saying all kind of evil words against them due to the name of the Lord. Nevertheless, God will always cover ourselves against the enemy, and if our adversary wants to harm us, he must ask authorization to the Lord. The Lord is constantly surrounding us with a wall. In ancient times, many cities surrounded by great walls had different forms of refuge, there were cities which had only one wall, there were others which had two walls that were connected to each other by a gateway. This was used as a defensive strategy; many men were right handed, and when they used the shield in their left side they left their right side uncovered while trying to reach the next wall, this made them an easy target. Now, we have to know which is this double wall that God made to surround us. He could cover His people directly, but He does it through different delegations, i.e., His ministers and then He covers us with virtues. Zechariah 2:9 … I will surround it with a fire wall and My glory will be in the midst of it, says the Lord. We don´t know how many things God melts in His fire wall, for example, we can be attacked through the food, because our enemy tries to poison us through it; that is why we must pray when taking our food. The Lord will cover us and nothing will harm us, therefore we should never think that the Lord has abandoned us when we do not receive a quick answer, instead we have to understand that He takes His time to answer because He is being merciful toward us and is protecting ourselves. The Lord has saved us in many ways as we can´t even imagine, If we believe that He cares for us, He will protect us and will provide for all our needs. The Father has said that all man who wants to draw near Him must come through His Son, but God also uses other delegations, let´s see some of them:

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Surrounded by God Apostle Sergio G. Enriquez Oliva Guatemala, June 3rd Year of Abundance

Song of Solomon 3:7 LBLA Behold, is Solomon´s bed! Sixty mighty men are around it, of Israel´s mighty men. Mighty men is translated from the word ´giborim´, which represents God´s ministers. We know that there is only one mediator between God and men, Jesus Christ, but we know that the Lord also uses delegations through His ministers to surround His people. Someone may be in serious trouble when he rejects God´s delegations, the Scripture says that we must see those who lead us and considering their conduct, we should follow their faith and be subject to them. When we ignore God´s delegations, like the woman described in Song of Solomon, that she lost the presence of her Beloved in just one chapter, the Lord said to her “follow in the footsteps of the flock, and feed your little goats beside the shepherds´ tents.”, i.e., “do not forsake the assembling of yourself together”. The people who do not assemble together, cannot be beside the shepherds´ tents, this means that they cannot be guided and taught about our equality before the Lord, since we are the apple of His eyes and we are all special for Him. Psalms 34:7 NTV The angel of the Lord is a guardian; He surrounds and defends those who fear Him. The Lord sends His angels to surround us, He sends them in the form of a person that comes to help us in a difficult situation. Psalms 142:7 LBLA Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise Your name; the righteous shall surround me, for You shall deal bountifully with me. There are people who are free in the body but their soul is in prison, and people who are in prisons but their soul is free. Sometimes God uses His people to surround those whom He wants to rescue, i.e., He surrounds them to draw their attention. Hebrews 12:1 BDN Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. This means that someone who died in the Lord may come to visit us as long as we draw near to the mount Sion, namely, the Church. This doesn´t mean that we are seeking a relationship with the dead, but being near God´s mountain the Lord may send someone to speak to us, as it happened when Moses and Elijah came to Jesus in the mount of transfiguration. The passage speaks about a cloud of witnesses that have access to things that we have not yet achieved. The Lord clearly said that we should not speak with the dead, He said that when a spirit comes to us, we must ask him if he comes in behalf of the Lord in order to listen to him. The Lord surrounds us with His ministers, He has sent them to cover us, to bless us as His people through the Word of God, therefore we must receive it in order to be blessed and abounded.

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