The Spiritual Foods Fifth Communion Service Apostle Sergio G. Enriquez Oliva Guatemala, June 5th Year of Abundance
In every meeting we attend to seek God´s face, it is necessary to get right with God always, not only when we approach His table, otherwise we will not hear His voice anymore. We could experience the same as the sons of Eli, they stop listening God´s voice and they died due to their abominations before de Lord. This will not happen to us if we stay under the mercy of the Lord in obedience, expecting to achieve new virtues from Him. Each one of us is constituted of three parts: spirit, soul and body; somehow we can see this in the universe, for example, we see that the Tabernacle is made out of three parts: the court, the holy place and the holy of holies; therefore there are 3 dimensions that we need to know, lest we found ourselves in some situations that may be difficult to understand; the Bible describes how some people lived godly before the Lord, therefore He sent His angels to take them to specific places prepared for them. The Bible also says that the Lord will lead us even after death, but before someone reaches that place, he could experience different battles, just as the Bible says: For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). This teaches us that we could face battles out of this body if God decides to take us to the spiritual realm. Another point of consideration is the fact that the Tabernacle consists in 3 parts, just as there are 3 realms: earthly, spiritual and heavenly. The Bible teaches that all things we do on earth have their heavenly implications, for example: when someone helps a person in need, no matter if others see him, he is making treasures in heaven; conversely, when someone helps different associations, but he makes it to achieve an earthly benefit, no matter the heavenly consequences, he is only seeking public recognition, namely, fame. We must consider our spiritual food and how we come before the Lord´s table, because in the same way we approach Him, we will receive the spiritual benefits that will take us to a heavenly realm. When the Lord Jesus suffered the cross and was about to die, He called His Father God so that we could be sons of God and be able to call Him heavenly Father. Every time we celebrate the Holy Supper, we must come with a thankful and obedient heart before the Lord, if we come without a full understanding we will not receive the spiritual and heavenly benefits that God has planned for us; we will have new experiences according to our relationship with the Lord. We need to consider that the Holy Supper is not like any other food, the same happens with our tithes; we need to be aware of what we are doing to achieve God´s blessings. I Corinthians 10:3-5 (LBLA) and all ate the same spiritual food, 4 and all drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank of the spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ. 5 But with many of them God was not well pleased, for they were scattered in the wilderness. When we speak about the spiritual Rock, we are not saying that this Rock was invisible, we are talking about the attitude we should have before the Lord when approaching His table. We see that all ate the same spiritual food, but God was not pleased with some of them, therefore they didn´t receive the blessing; in other words, it is necessary to come before the Lord and ask Him to reveal to us our sins through His Holy Spirit, that we may obey Him and walk away from those things that do not please His heart.
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The Spiritual Foods Fifth Communion Service Apostle Sergio G. Enriquez Oliva Guatemala, June 5th Year of Abundance
Genesis 2:17 (LBLA) but you shall not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. For in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die. In this passage we can see how a food may bring physical repercussions; the enemy used man´s disobedience to bring death to him. There are foods that open new dimensions for our life, for example, the vitamins that a pregnant woman should take for her welfare and that of her baby. Genesis 3:11 (LBLA) And God said to him, Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree which I commanded you that you should not eat? The spiritual foods can open our eyes; in the Bible we see how two disciples were going to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-31), when they ate, their eyes were opened and they recognized who was talking to them; the same situation is described in different passages throughout the Bible, from which we learn that after partaking of a meal, the eyes of men were opened and they were able to see the spiritual world. As Christians we should be looking to see the spiritual world through the Lord´s Supper, we need to be holy before God in order to enjoy His blessings. Conversely, if we displease God, He can send storms into our lives.
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