Slovak Defence Industry Day
20 October 2016 Military Technical and Testing Institute Záhorie
The DIANA self-propelled tracked howitzer was introduced at IDEB 2016 – the International Defence Exhibition in Bratislava Dear Readers, From the perspective of the Ministry of Defence, the year 2016 is a year of chaOOenJes ,n the ¿rst haOf year Ze Zere part of the 9ise Jrid (8 %attOeJroXp $fter compOetinJ the tasN sXccessfXOOy, Ze faced another one – the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Both for our country and for the Ministry of Defence it is so methinJ Ze have no e[perience in. But , am convinced that this is a Jreat chance for our country to make visiEle the Eest Ze have in the European reJion. 7herefore, Ze decided to prepare Slovak ,ndustry Day to provide Slovak armament companies Zith room to introduce their products. The support to the domestic defence industry is among the priorities Ze committed to in the Manifesto of the *overnment of the Slovak RepuElic. :e are also interested in cooperation Zith the Security and Defence Industry Association of the Slovak Republic. Products of the Slovak defence industry de¿nitely have their place on Zorld markets and Ze can boast of them. 2f course, I realise that if Ze don’t support the domestic arms industry by introducing its products into the armament of our armed forces, it Zill be more dif¿cult for the products to take off abroad. Thus, I can con¿rm that Ze, at the Mini
stry of Defence, Zill make every effort to support it, either in the form of presenta tions such as Slovak Industry Day, at va rious fairs or in the form of a presentation like the one in the current edition of the monthly Defence. As regards the support of the defence industry by introducing the products into the armament of our armed forces, of course, it must be strictly Zithin the limits of the Public Procurement Act. +oZever, I am convinced that even the events such as Slovak Defence Industry Day are among the e[cellent Zays hoZ to help as Zell as present our beautiful Slovakia abroad. Peter Gajdoš, Minister of Defence of the Slovak Republic
President of the Security and Defence Industry Association of the Slovak Republic Marián Andrašþtk:
Ready and operable Slovakia
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The Security and Defence Industry Association of the Slovak Republic (SDIA) is an independent and non-pro¿t organisation associating entities dealing with defence and security technology research, development, production, trade and marketing. The Association furthers business interests of its members in dialogue with ministries and other state administration bodies. It supports the effort of domestic manufacturers to penetrate foreign markets, actively enters legislative processes and is a partner of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic for cooperation with the defence industry.
The SDIA is a partner of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic in particular in the area of exchange of information related to acquisition processes for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic and in preparing expert opinions and draft system solutions by the domestic defence industry. The Association has been operating on the Slovak market already since 2000 and currently, it has 30 members. The turnover of the member countries in 2015 amounted to EUR 260 million and they employ almost 4,000 employees. The role of the domestic defence industry for the State is irreplaceable, also in terms of membership in international defence structures. The events occurring recently in the world show that armed conÀicts need not essentially occur only in the territories thousands of kilometres away from us. Slovakia’s membership in the North Atlantic Alliance provides us with con¿dence in Allies’ protection in case of a threat to our country. However, threats have never been so close yet. Therefore Slovakia, in cooperation with our partners and allies, must be ready and operable. Our companies want to evidence it. We can keep pace with the world; we have lots of clever developers and manufacturers, and although as a small country we are not able to produce all
types of defence technology, we can compete with top world manufacturers in the segments such as ground-based armoured ¿ghting vehicles, artillery systems, ammunition, handguns or communication and radar technology, simulators of aerial and ground-based military technology. The mission and effort of the SDIA is to take part actively in creating technical preconditions to provide for defence and security of the State, to maintain manufacturing capacities in the long term, and to guarantee supplies in crisis situations. Therefore, it is important to look for possibilities of involving the domestic industry in ful¿lling the needs of the Slovak armed forces. Here, the essential topic is communication between the SDIA and the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic. Although it was not always optimal in the past, I state with pleasure that with new management of the Ministry of Defence the situation is signi¿cantly better, which is also proved by Slovak Defence Industry Day. We all believe that the Manifesto of the *overnment of the Slovak Republic is ful¿lled, which mentions for the defence policy area: “The Government will support the involvement of the defence industry of the Slovak Republic in the provision of armament, technology and material for the armed forces and application of its products abroad“. Slovak companies, such as Aliter Technologies, DMD, EVPÚ, MSM, VRM, Way Industries and many others represent a symbol of innovations. Our defence industry can boast of novelties, such as a new version of the Aligator light armoured vehicle, EVA and DIANA howitzers, broadband radio router, remote-controlled turret TURRA30 with MK-44 cannon, Gladius 12 weapon station on the vehicle Aligator 4×4 Master II, 8×8 Corsac vehicle, extended range (up to 42 km) gun ammunition 155 mm, which won an international tender in Poland and was introduced to the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, and many other novelties. It is really marvellous how our members managed the dif¿culties in the period that was not simple and completed their development so that today they are able to present real outputs. Therefore, we appreciate that the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic and with the Security and Defence Industry Association of the Slovak Republic prepares an important presentation event – Slovak Defence Industry Day to take place at
the Military Technical and Testing Institute Záhorie on 20 October. On this occasion, we must not forget the secondary bene¿ts, which the development of the domestic defence industry brings, such as an increase in employment, contributions to the Treasury or a technological growth. This is clearly proved by the value parameters related to the economic results of the companies operating in the defence industry. To further increase the bene¿ts, the SDIA legitimately endeavours to reach such a state – common in Europe – that in the procurement for domestic armed forces, the domestic companies producing the required assortment at required quality play the most important role. After many years, Slovak Defence Industry Day is both the ¿rst great opportunity to show the results of the development and manufacturing potential of the Slovak defence industry in one place, and real evidence of the interest of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic in supporting the domestic industry, making it visible in relation to foreign countries, and actively contributing to pro-export efforts of Slovak manufacturers along with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic. The SDIA appreciates very much the active and accommodating approach of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic to the support of the domestic industry and Minister of Defence of the Slovak Republic Peter Gajdoš has to be acknowledged for his commitment at the creation and execution of this representative event. Thanks to management of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic, General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic, and to all workers of the Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic who took part in the preparation of this event. Last but not least, we have to thank to the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs for ef¿cient assistance and cooperation. I wish success to all organisers, participants, and visitors of Slovak Defence Industry Day. Marián Andrašþtk President of the SDIA SR
National Armaments Director Milan ýelko:
Defence cannot be Separated from the Industry “An increased effort of the Ministry of Defence towards the support of the Slovak defence industry also results from the Manifesto of the current coalition government, where it is readable in several places,“ says General Director of the Modernisation and Support Department of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic – National Armaments Director Milan ýelko, and he continues: “It covers the area of guaranteeing the security of supplies for defence, as well as the support of an increase in employment. Although several documents were prepared to support and develop the Slovak defence industry in the past, the long-term non-replacement of the technology inherited from the times of former Czechoslovakia due to defence expenditure attenuation also resulted in the attenuation of armament production. Today we want to fully utilise what has survived and is developed in the portfolio of enterprises of the Slovak defence industry. This is also connected with the creation of necessary legislation, which exists in several European countries and which is missing here. For example, for exceptions in procurement for the area of defence, a de¿nition of main strategic interests of the State is necessary, including the resulting documents to guarantee sovereignty, security and defence in the industry. In this connection I would like to mention the motto of the USA Industrial College of the Armed Forces USA, which I graduated from: INDUSTRIA ET DEFENSIO INSEPARABILES, or in our language: defence cannot be separated from the industry.“ In which way can the Ministry of Defence help the domestic defence industry? There are several ways how to activate and include into projects the domestic entities such as enterprises, schools, and other institutions. However, everybody knows the EU rules for protecting and guaranteeing coequal conditions in acquisition processes in the area of defence. Even these strict rules allow exceptions in the areas of de¿ned strategic interests if the State and also the necessity to guarantee – in accordance with NATO requirements and EU security rules under preparation – security of supplies at the time of crisis, state of war and war. These rules fully applied during the Cold War, however, some of them are still topical and used in other countries. And the greatest opportunities for the domestic defence industry? Besides the optimal one – to produce the whole product at home, it is also the servicing of foreign products, the manufacturing of spare parts etc. Assigning research and development tasks to domestic entities, in particular in the areas of new
progressive arming projects, is another element. I can mention, for example, the use of nanotechnologies, protection against action of enemy’s pilotless vehicles, etc. Which of the products of the Slovak defence industry have been introduced into the armed forces? In the period from 1993 to 2016, 138 types of arms and ammunition, technology, and material produced by the Slovak defence industry were put into operation in the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic. I will mention only some of them. For example, ZUZANA-2, a 155 mm self-propelled gun howitzer with 52-calibre barrel along with the respective ammunition, TURRA-30 turret system with 30 mm cannon, 7.62 mm machine gun and PTRS missile launcher, TATRA T–815 6x6.1R – DEKVOZ decontamination vehicle or COMTANET KIM-C2 communication and information system and its modi¿cations. Further, the products include container workshops, energy or transportation containers, ALIGATOR 4x4 light armoured wheeled transporter in six modi¿cations, T-815 6x6 TATRAPAN armoured vehicle and its three additional modi¿cations. The introduced domestic defence industry products also include RM 70/85 MODULAR multiple rocket launcher with an ammunition vehicle, TCHL remote detector of chemical substances, Mi-17 MODER/TV-17 Àight simulator, SPZ-2 aircraft ground power unit or AKTIS 4x4.1 R-08VV medium cross-country vehicle with a platform and its ¿ve additional modi¿cations. Which weapon systems from the domestic production could become part of our armed forces? There are many of them and I have already mentioned some of them that are under preparation in more modern versions. I apologise for not mentioning all the manufacturers and suppliers because there are really a lot of them. De¿nitely, ful¿lment of the armed forces’ requirements for operational, tactical, technical, and logistic parameters is considered the most important factor. If these are ful¿lled, the success of the product with the lowest costs of life-cycle is guaranteed. Thus, the purchase price of the product, weapon or system alone is not decisive. The summary of costs of acquisition, infrastructure, ammunition, service, repairs, maintenance and operating costs for the entire period of product’s service until it has been retired and sold or liquidated is decisive. We also evaluate the security of supplies, where Slovak enterprises mostly guarantee the highest
level, and, of course, the impact on employment, which was mentioned at the ¿rst question. I will add that the selection parameters also include the competitiveness in the international environment. The Slovak armed forces are small and they often request only several dozens of the product, whose production just for us would be inef¿cient. And despite the fact that we cannot produce everything in Slovakia, the products, which we can produce, must be top ones – and then we will try to help the products penetrate international markets. Which weapon systems are to be modernised in the upcoming years? The current management of the Ministry of Defence amended and updated the White Paper on Defence. The Paper contains main directions of replacement and modernisation of armament and main types of technology. We have set the priorities of armed forces development and the resulting priorities for the modernisation of armament, technology, material, communication and information systems. First of all, we want to complete the projects commenced in the previous period: - Transport aircraft, multipurpose helicopters, and radars. At the same time, we concentrate on the construction of an armoured infantry brigade as a national goal within the NATO. Then, it is replacement of main types of obsolete combat technology of ground forces with the objective to replace the old infantry combat vehicles of one brigade by combat wheeled vehicles 4x4 and 8x8, and of the second brigade – depending on the available resources – either to modernise them or to replace at least a part of them by acquiring new-generation tracked vehicles. Very demanding projects are in front of us in the medium-term horizon. - Replacement of air defence ground equipment, which also are from the times of the Cold War, they do not meet current technical requirements and especially requirements for interoperability with the allies. At the same time, we have to respond adequately to the continuous “revolution“ in the area of communication and information systems, which form an integral part of equipment of modern armies. There are chances for the Slovak defence industry in all these ¿elds.
Aliter Technologies, a. s. Since its establishment in 2007, the Bratislava-based company Aliter Technologies, a. s. has gradually become an important supplier of military technologies for NATO. It has won several domestic and international tenders (it will supply an integration platform to Montenegro for the state administration; it has won sixteen international NATO tenders). The company is an integrator, developer and advisory company in the area of information and communication technologies.
COMTANET® B2R Broadband Radio Router
At the recent International Defence Exhibition IDEB 2016 in Bratislava, the company was awarded a price in the category of C4I2 Systems. The B2R broadband radio router was awarded the IDEB Prix. It attracted interest with its technical solution and variability of application in creating high-speed tactic mobile radio infrastructure through the MANET radio network allowing the transmission of data, video and voice. B2R is built on the basis of hardware technologies with enhanced resistibility meeting the MIL-STD standards, intended for applications in demanding climatic and weather conditions. The features of dynamic routing and ability of immediate re-routing of data at changes of the network topology pre-determine B2R as an ideal solution to create communication environment and deployment of C4ISR systems in highly mobile military tactic units.
EVPÚ, a. s. The EVPÚ Nová Dubnica joint-stock company, which started operating in the late 1960s, has attracted interest recently by many products. In particular, in the area of remote-controlled gyroscopically stabilised weapon stations and turrets for wheeled and tracked chassis, modular components for the modernisation of armoured combat vehicles or training and simulating means.
Gladius Dual remote-controlled weapon station
At this year’s IDEB 2016 exhibition, the company was awarded Grand Prix in the category of Weapons and Ammunition for GLADIUS DUAL remote-controlled weapon station. The jury appreciated in particular the technical and constructional design, safe and simple operation and variability of using the weapons. The weapon station offers various alternatives of weapon mounting – machine guns with a calibre of 12.7 mm or 7.62 mm. Both weapons can have either the NATO or so-called Russian calibre. The AGS grenade launcher can also be used. This ensures an ef¿cient solution of weapon superstructure for any tracked or wheeled platform. The observation and sighting system with independent elevation brings the possibility of electronic recti¿cation of the weapon and ballistics allowance when shooting. The accurate movement of the weapon station in azimuth and elevation is ensured by newly installed direct drives. Gladius Dual has a U-type position manipulator with gyroscopic stabilisation.
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GRAND POWER, s. r. o.
The company with its registered of¿ce in Banská Bystrica – âalková has been producing hand weapons since 2002. At present, it has over one hundred employees. It exports to almost 70 countries of the world. Pistols produced by the company are characterised by locking mainly by rotation. This solution eliminates to a great extent the effects of recoil and increases the accuracy and speed of shooting as well as the general comfort of shooting. Of course, the pistols have polymeric frame with an integrated bar for the installation of accessories, replaceable ergonomic backs, handles or fully double-sided control elements. For the needs of armed units, the weapons K100 and P1 with a calibre of 9×19 can be supplied in the Whisper version with an ef¿cient shot-noise silencer with fast gripping. The STRIBOG AC9 A2 and AP9 A2 gun machines are derived from carbines and pistols. STRIBOG are a modern weapon system using 9mm Luger ammunition. They are suitable for a wide scale of applications in armed units. STRIBOG is characterised by high modularity thanks to a couple of universal installation mil-std-type bars and a couple of key-mod-type bars, an AR-type selectable adapter of stocks, the possibility of installation of any AR-type handle, the option to end the barrel with thread or 3-lug-type adapter for the installation of a compensator or shot noise silencer. STRIBOG machine guns are well controllable even in the fully automatic mode, accurate, reliable and comfortable at shooting.
STRIBOG AP9 A2 with silencer and folding stock
KERAMETAL, s. r. o. The company Kerametal, which was established in 1970, also deals with development, marketing and sale of defence industry systems. The main philosophy consists in the participation in the development, production and following sale of state-of-the-art defence technology systems for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic as well as customers abroad. The company was present at the commencement of many projects of the Slovak armament industry: the 155 mm self-propelled gun howitzer ZUZANA on either wheeled or tracked chassis, ALIGATOR 4×4 and TATRAPAN armoured vehicles, TALET T-30 towing vehicle for air technology, RV-20 SAS recovery vehicle, modernisation of T-72 tank chassis, artillery and mortar ¿re control system.
Aligator 4×4 Master
The latest success of the company is the light armoured vehicle ALIGATOR 4×4 Master, which was awarded Grand Prix IDEB 2016 in Bratislava, in the category of “Tanks, vehicles and transport means”, as well as the participation in the overall modernisation of the Dana 152 mm gun-howitzer and its system of ¿re control.
KONŠTRUKTA - Defence, a. s. The company from Dubnica nad Váhom is a successor company of the national enterprise Konštrukta Trenþtn, a member of the holding group DMD GROPUP a.s. Since 2013, it has had its registered of¿ce in Dubnica nad Váhom. It deals in particular with the development of weapon systems (artillery, mine-throwing, missile, engineer and aerial ones), ammunition systems and ¿re control systems for all weapon types. It develops training and simulating technology, chassis, special superstructures, and modernises the technology used in armies.
Self-propelled autonomous artillery system 155 mm 52 cal. TMG EVA
The self-propelled autonomous artillery system 155 mm 52 Cal. TMG EVA with automatic ammunition loading is able to provide for ef¿cient ¿ring by both direct and indirect aiming. It has an inbuilt 52-calibre barrel, and the electronic equipment, diagnostics and mechanisation of operating actions during loading and ¿ring include the weapon among the most modern ones. For ¿ring, it uses 155 mm ammunition of NATO standard. The ¿ring cadence is 13 shots per 3 minutes in automatic mode and two shots per minute in manual mode. Eva has a 3-member crew and its ¿ring range is 41 kilometres. Eva can be transported, for example, by Hercules C130 aircraft. The self-propelled autonomous artillery system 155 mm 52 Cal. SpGH DIANA with automatic loading of ammunition is also able to provide for ef¿cient ¿ring by both direct and indirect aiming. It has an inbuilt 52-calibre barrel designed in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding regarding 155 mm howitzers – MoU, and in its segment it belongs to the most modern weapons in the world. The cadence and ¿ring range are the same as for Eva. The crew consists of four members and can also use a 12.7 mm machine gun and smoke grenades.
CORSAC 8×8 wheeled fighting vehicle
MSM GROUP, s. r. o. MSM Group s. r. o. was established by fusion in 2015. It associates eight technological companies with over 70-year tradition. With their portfolio, they cover the complete life-cycle of ammunition, military wheeled and tracked technology and radio electrical equipment. The activities include development, construction, production, service, repairs, reviews or modernisation, including the offer of transfer of the respective technologies. At exhibitions in Slovakia as well as abroad, MSM successfully introduced many new types of ammunition: 152 mm ammunition EOF-d, 155 mm ammunition, 125 mm subcalibre ammunition, 60 and 81mm mines. The modernised ammunition 152 mm has a longer range, up to 25.5 km, which means an increase by about 25 percent in comparison with the range of the original ammunition.
At this year’s IDEB exhibition in Bratislava, the concept of CORSAC 8x8 wheeled ¿ghting vehicle attracted interest. It was created thanks to the cooperation of top companies of the Slovak defence industry: MSM Martin, EVPÚ, Konštrukta Defence, and the American company General Dynamics. Besides the unique chassis, it has remote-controlled Turra 30 turret from EVPÚ. The turret is equipped with the Russian automatic cannon 2A42, calibre 30 mm, with interconnected PKT 7.62 mm machine gun and two 9M113 Konkurs missiles. At customer’s request, the American cannon Bushmaster Mk.44, calibre 30 mm, other machine gun with a calibre of 7.62 or 12.7 mm, and Israeli anti-tank missiles Rafael Spike can be installed in the turret.
SEC Technologies, s. r. o. SEC Technologies Liptovský Mikuláš deals, among other things, with the production of measuring, control and testing instruments and devices. The company was established in 2010 but it also builds on the long-term tradition of the Military Research Institute 060 Liptovský Mikuláš.
Active NBC remote detector Falcon 4G
Falcon 4G is the 4th generation of laser NBC remote detectors, which is intended for detection, identi¿cation and measurement of chemical agents and toxic industrial agents. Falcon 4G is the only active NBC remote detector on the market.
TANAX TRUCKS, a. s. MAN HX 32.440 8x8 BB
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Tanax Trucks with its registered of¿ce in Bratislava and production in Bánovce nad Bebravou has been systematically building its position on the domestic as well as foreign markets since 2000. Within the European Union, the foreign business relations in particular with the Czech Republic dominate. The company successfully develops business relations with partners from England, USA, India, Hong Kong, and Russia. The commencement of a strategic partnership with the German company Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles GmbH, with the intention of sales and support of special trucks, is an important milestone in the company’s history. Another objective of the company is to increase the services of provision of production and servicing activities for AKTIS vehicles.
The MAN HX 32.440 8x8 BB (HX 77), HX series, platform vehicle, container carrier and handling unit is a versatile specialist among allwheel drive trucks, developed for the needs in heavy military duty. It connects the reliability of tested components with the state-of-the-art advanced technologies. This makes them the most economical military vehicles in their class. They also have one of the longest service lives because they are constructed for a service life of 20 years. In versions 4×4, 6×6 a 8×8, the HX models cover a wide scope of applications – from a vehicle for cargo or passenger transportation to a high-performance tractor with a gross weight of the train up to 120 ton.
Technopol International, a. s. The company with an over 40-year tradition deals, among other things, with the development and production of weapons. Its interests include weapon systems, spare parts, communication and protection. Recently, the company has presented 9mm machine gun VMS 9A. It is a modern machine gun of PDW category (personal defence weapon), with a calibre of 9mm Luger (9×19 mm). The frame of the weapon is made of resistant polymer and the design allows trouble free adaptation for both right-handed and left-handed persons. The weapon has a magazine for 30 cartridges and a selector for three various modes of ¿ring – individual shots, two shots, and automatic mode. The frame of the weapon allows connecting various equipment, optical elements, markers, and lighting. The weight of the weapon is remarkable – only 1,800 gram without the magazine and ammunition. The machine gun has an extension stock. It is 722 mm long, with the stock folded 454 mm.
9mm machine gun VMS 9A
Virtual Reality Media, a. s.
Special operations trainer Mi-17 FTD SOT
Since the early 1990s, VRM TrenÞtn has been producing simulators and training systems for the use in the both military and civil sector, such as Àight simulators Mig-29, Mig-21, Su-22, Su-25, L-39, Mi-17 or Mi-171 and simulators for tank crew training T-72, T555, BVP 1 or BVP 2 and other. The company is successful in several countries, along with the American business partner for the Department of Defence of the USA it has supplied more than 10 complete simulators Mi-17 and the simulator of the transport aircraft G-222. Its products have been awarded prizes at the exhibitions of defence technology in Slovakia and abroad.
Mi-17 FTD SOT (special operations trainer) is intended for training pilots and ¿ring operators, as well as for special operations training. It allows the instructor to control and change the con¿guration of the whole system, to change the day and night meteorological conditions, to enter and plan tactic missions, to train Àight in formations, emergency situations and failure of systems, and many other situations. VRM has performed measurements and owns the complete data package of the Mi-8/17/171 helicopter, in which it cooperated with pilots of the air force of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic and USA with the objective to ensure that the Àight characteristics of Mi-8/17/171 simulators correspond to the characteristics of real helicopters.
VĂ?VOJ Martin, a. s.
V�VOJ Martin has a rich history in the area of research and development in the machine industry, in particular in the defence industry. The multiproduct platform contains the prototype, piece and small batch production; the portfolio includes, among other things, the development of various unique machines and devices. The high-tech execution is possible thanks to Àexible links with production capacities of other enterprises. During the privatization in 2004, the company was transformed to a dynamically developing company and its professional teams strive for innovations and development of technologies using new knowledge of science and technology. The command shelter (COS) is a mobile self-suf¿cient workplace of command and control with the external dimensions according to ISO 668 1C. It offers ballistic protection and the internal working environment adapted to of¿ce work. The air-conditioning system and a power generator set allow the crew to work even during transport. The external part of the shelter is equipped with a camouÀage system that minimises infrared radiation and radar echo. Along with several other shelter types, the COS is included in the armament of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Sweden creating the basis of the mobile system of command and control of the whole Swedish army. TATRAPAN 8×8 CC is an armoured vehicle with unique features of the 7th series chassis TATRA, which allows transportation of shelter superstructures ISO 1C, 1D in demanding terrain conditions. It provides ballistic protection according to STANAG 4569 up to level 3 and the protection of cabin chassis and tanks against booby traps and mines. The cabin for three persons is equipped with air-conditioning, protection against mass destruction weapons and independent heating.
Remote-controlled mechanical mine clearance system BOŽENA 4+
WAY INDUSTRIES, a. s. Machine production in the enterprise was commenced 50 years ago. Currently, the company also supplies its products to the continents of Asia and Africa, it sells loaders in particular in Slovakia, in the Czech Republic and Hungary, this year it shipped the BoĂĽena systems to Nigeria and Indonesia.
The light remote-controlled mine clearance system BOäENA 4 is intended for mechanical mine clearance and assistance in liquidating improvised explosive devices. The size and weight of the machine allow the use in conditions with limited space. Considering the exceptional resistance to antitank mines (9 kg TNT), the system can also be used in the areas with a high rate of threat. To extend the system’s usability in ¿eld operations, a wide spectrum of accessories and additional equipment is available. BOäENA RIOT is an armoured vehicle intended for regulation of riots and crowd control on streets and in built-up areas. It can direct or disperse gathered groups in the required direction or zones. By means of the hydraulic platform, it can provide access to buildings, bridges and other elevated positions. It also has a powerful acoustic device. The carrier and shield are protected by ARMOX 500T armouring and bulletproof glass Isoclima (FB6 NATO protection). The carrier is equipped with bulletproof tyres. Boüena Riot can be controlled manually or remotely. The crew-controlled two-man turret was developed especially for infantry ¿ghting vehicles and armoured vehicles. It is designed and tested for the use in the most demanding conditions so that it ful¿ls all demands of armed forces. The two-man turret is equipped with a 30mm automatic gun 2A42 with stabilisation in two axes, 7.62mm PKT machine gun and rocket missile to disable armoured targets. The turret is can destruct ground and lowÀying targets with lower ballistic protection. For elimination of armoured vehicles and tanks, it is equipped with a 30mm automatic gun 2A42 with stabilisation in two axes, 7.62mm PKT machine gun and rocket missile to disable armoured targets. The turret can destruct ground and low-Àying targets with lower ballistic protection. For elimination of armoured vehicles and tanks, it is equipped with the PTRS KONKURS 9P135M1 rocket missile. The turret’s equipment also includes the 902V system with smoke grenade launcher to create a smoke screen.
With effect from 1 July 2015, the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic acts as the sole shareholder in the joint-stock company DMD GROUP, a. s. The mission of DMD GROUP, a. s. is to provide companies with managerial and controlling services from its portfolio.
The 155 mm 52 Cal. SpGH DIANA self-propelled tracked howitzer
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The decisive companies of DMD GROUP include: Ɣ KONâTRUKTA-Defence, a. s. – a 100 percent ownership stake. The company is an engineering development and testing organisation focused on the area of weapon systems and large-calibre ammunition. Ɣ ZTS-âPECIÈL, a. s. – a 100 percent ownership stake. The main objects of the company include production of metal structures and parts of them, production of special technology, in particular the gun and barrel programme, as well as service activities in repairs of artillery technology for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic. Ɣ ZVS – holding, a. s., – a 50 percent ownership stake. The main objects of the company include ammunition production.
The successes of the DMD GROUP include: Ɣ implementation of the development projects of expansion of 155 mm 52 cal. artillery systems, speci¿cally a lighter, more mobile and aerially transportable version EVA and a heavy tracked version DIANA, characterised by the inbuilt weapon turret superstructure Zuzana 2 in the UPG universal chassis, Ɣ restoring of the barrel programmes for the calibres from 30 mm to 155 mm and series production of the 30 mm automatic gun 2A42, Ɣ the successful continuation in the project NATO AGS Programme – Alliance Ground Surveillance to the level of formal tests completion and hand-over of the prototype of the Mobile Ground Communication Component (MGCC), as well as hand-over of the ¿rst three pieces of the veri¿cation series of the MGCC product according to the contract schedule, Ɣ continuation of work on the artillery system of control and command DELOSYS for the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic; individual system segments have been supplied with practical execution of stages of factory and check tests, execution of common and medium repairs, as well as the technical treatment of TO2 on 155mm 45-cal. ShKH Zuzana vs. 2000 for the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic.
Self-propelled autonomous artillery system on wheeled chassis 155mm 52 cal. ShKH ZUZANA 2
EVA KONâTRUKTA-Defence, a. s. is a traditional manufacturer of self-propelled large-calibre barrel artillery systems, originally with Czechoslovakian and today Slovakian design. At the IDET 2015 fair in Brno, the company introduced the barrel artillery system EVA gun howitzer with a calibre of 155/52 mm, installed on truck chassis. In the new design, the original artillery part of the ZUZANA-2 system is mounted in an open weapon superstructure. The design of missile and cartridge magazines has been changed. The platform with a gun, ammunition magazines and loading mechanism is installed on a compact frame with a large-size bearing allowing rotation; in the rear part the hydraulically controlled supports are mounted. The frame represents an autonomous unit placed on the Tatra 815-6×6.1R three-axle chassis group with an all-wheel drive. The minimum ¿ring range is 5 km. The crew of the weapon system has three members. Thanks to automation of ¿ghting activities it can ¿re 12 shots without leaving the cabin. The EVA gun howitzer has a curb weight of 20.2 t, the battle weight reaches 22 t. The system can be transported by C-130 Hercules and bigger aircraft.
DIANA At IDEB 2016 – the International Defence Exhibition – the Diana self-propelled tracked howitzer was introduced. It is the result of cooperation between KONâTRUKTA-Defence and the Polish company Bumar-àabedy. The most important part of the new system is the turret supplied by Konštrukta. The Diana contains a howitzer with a calibre of 155 mm and a barrel 52 calibres long. The weapon is capable of both direct and indirect ¿ring. In automatic mode, it can ¿re as many as ¿ve shots in the ¿rst minute, together 13 during the ¿rst three minutes. In manual mode, the cadence is two shots per minute. The maximum range in indirect ¿ring exceeds 41 km, the minimum range is 5 km. The howitzer is capable of sequential ¿ring, when several grenades are ¿red to fall together on the target. The crew consists of four people. The armour protects them against small-calibre missiles and shell shrapnels. Security is increased by the automatic ¿re-extinguishing system and protection against effects of weapons of mass destruction. In addition to the main weapon, Diana can carry a supplementary machine gun on the turret roof, with a calibre of 12.7 mm. The weight of Diana is 50 ton, out of it the weight of the UPG-MG chassis itself is 32 ton. Gun howitzer installed on truck chassis 155 mm 52 cal. TMG EVA
Prepared by: Miloslav Ščepka, Pavol Vitko and Jozef Žiak Press Unit, Department of Communication of the Office of the Minister of Defence of the Slovak Republic