Sly Marbo
Sly Marbo is a natural-born survivor and a one-man army, so well disposed to killing that his commanders prefer to keep him on constant assignment.
Sly Marbo
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 5 5 3 3 2 5 4 7 5+
Unit Type Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition 1 Unique
He’s Behind You: Marbo must always be deployed in Reserve. When he arrives from Reserves, place him anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 1" away from any enemy model. He cannot move in the Movement phase of the turn on which he arrives from Reserves.
Like a Shadow: When Marbo destroys an enemy unit with a Sweeping Advance, Consolidates or successfully breaks away from combat using Hit & Run, you can remove him from the battlefield and place him into Ongoing Reserves. If you do so, mark his final position before he is removed with a suitable marker – a coin will do. When he arrives from Ongoing Reserves, place him anywhere on the battlefield that is within 18" of the marker you placed and more than 1" away from any enemy model. He cannot move in the Movement phase of the turn on which he arrives from Ongoing Reserves.
• Frag grenades • Krak grenades • Melta bombs
• Fearless • Feel No Pain • Fleet • Hit & Run
• Move Through Cover • Stealth
Loner: Officers cannot issue orders to Marbo, and Marbo cannot be your Warlord. Master of Ambush: After your army deploys, Scouts redeploy and Infiltrators deploy, but before the roll to Seize the Initiative, Sly Marbo may booby trap three pieces of battlefield terrain on the table. Each piece of battlefield terrain should be marked with a small marker to remind both players that it has been booby trapped. Enemy models treat booby trapped pieces of battlefield terrain as dangerous terrain. Note that having multiple units booby trap the same piece of battlefield terrain has no additional effect.
Heirlooms of Conquest Ripper Pistol
Loaded with armour-piercing, envenomed rounds, Marbo’s ripper pistol is the final word in terminal close encounters. Ripper Pistol
Range 12"
S AP Type X 3 Pistol, Sniper
Envenomed Blade
Marbo carries a large Catachan knife coated with deadly toxins. Range S AP Type Envenomed Blade Melee User - Melee, Poisoned (2+)