INDEX: XENOS Official Update Version 1.0
Although we strive to ensure that our rules are perfect, sometimes mistakes do creep in, or the intent of a rule isn’t as clear as it might be. These documents collect amendments to the rules and present our responses to players’ frequently asked questions. As they’re updated regularly, each has a version number; when changes are made, the version number will be updated, and any changes from the previous version will be highlighted in magenta. Where a version number has a letter, e.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only in that language, to clarify a translation issue or other minor correction.
Page 19 – Harridan Change the description to read: ‘A Harridan is a single model equipped with two biocannons and massive scything talons.’ Pages 20, 82 and 83 – Monstrous Scything Talons Change the name of this weapon to read ‘gargantuan scything talons’. Page 20 – Hierophant Bio-titan Change the Ballistic Skill characteristic to read ‘3+’.
Page 17 – Malanthrope, Power Rating Change this model’s Power Rating to read ‘5’.
Page 21 – Scythed Hierodule Change the description to read: ‘A Scythed Hierodule is a single model equipped with bio-acid spray and two pairs of massive scything talons.’
Page 17 – Malanthrope, Shrouding Spores Change the first sentence of this ability to read: ‘Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for ranged weapons that target <Hive Fleet> units within 3" of any friendly <Hive Fleet> Malanthropes.’
Page 27 – Squiggoth, Stampede! Change this to read: ‘Each time this model finishes a charge move, roll a D6 for each enemy unit within 1" of it; on a 2+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.’
Page 17 – Malanthrope, Keywords Add ‘Fly’.
Page 28 – Meka-Dread, Wargear Options Change the second bullet point to read: ‘• The Meka-Dread must take one of the following: rokkit-bomms, the Mega Charga ability or a Kustom Force Field.’
Pages 17 and 83 – Grasping Talons and Thorax Spine-maw Change the abilities text to read: ‘When targeting Infantry units, each hit roll of 6+ made with this weapon is resolved at Strength x2 and Damage D6.’ Pages 18 and 83 – Bio-flail Change the abilities text to read: ‘Each time the bearer fights, one (and only one) of its attacks can be made with this weapon. When the bearer fights with this weapon, make a number of hit rolls against one target unit equal to the number of models that the target unit has within 2" of the bearer.’ Pages 19, 21 and 83 – Massive Scything Talons Change the second sentence of the abilities text to read: ‘If the bearer has more than one pair of massive scything talons, it can make 1 additional attack with them each time it fights.’
Pages 29, 34 and 85 – Killkannon Change this weapon’s Type to read ‘Heavy D6’. Page 34 – Gargantuan Squiggoth, Stampede! Change this to read: ‘Each time this model finishes a charge move, roll a D6 for each enemy unit within 1" of it; on a 2+ that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds.’ Page 40 – Shas’o R’myr, Upgraded Shield Generator Change this to read: ‘Shas’o R’myr has a 4+ invulnerable save. This is increased to a 3+ invulnerable save against melee weapons.’
Page 19 – Barbed Hierodule Change the description to read: ‘A Barbed Hierodule is a single model equipped with two bio-cannons and massive scything talons.’
Page 41 – Shas’o R’alai Change the first sentence of the description to read: ‘Shas’o R’alai is a single model equipped with an experimental pulse submunitions rifle and a drone controller.’ Add the following abilities: ‘Stable Platform: Blacklight Marker Drones do not suffer the penalty for moving and firing Heavy weapons. Photon Casters: Any enemy unit that declares a charge against any units that have this ability must reduce its charge range by 2" for that phase.’ Change this datasheet’s keywords to read: ‘Keywords (Shas’o R’alai): Battlesuit, Commander, Character, Jet Pack, Fly, Shas’o R’alai Keywords (Blacklight Marker Drone): Drone, Fly, Blacklight Marker Drone’ Pages 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50 and 51 – Saviour Protocols Change this to read: ‘Saviour Protocols: If a <Sept> Drones unit is within 3" of a friendly <Sept> Infantry or <Sept> Battlesuit unit when an enemy attack successfully wounds it, you can allocate that wound to the Drones unit instead of the target. If you do, that Drones unit suffers a mortal wound instead of the normal damage.’ Page 44 – XV9 Hazard Support Team, Photon Casters Change this to read: ‘Any enemy unit that declares a charge against any units that have this ability must reduce its charge range by 2" for that phase.’ Pages 45 and 46 – XV109 Y’vahra Battlesuit and XV107 R’varna Battlesuit Add the following to the end of the MV52 Shield Generator and Shield Generator abilities: ‘In addition, roll a D6 each time a Drone with this ability loses a wound; on a 5+ that Drone does not lose a wound.’ Page 45 – XV109 Y’vahra Battlesuit, Escape Thrust Change this to read: ‘At the start of your Movement phase, the Y’vahra may be removed from play and set up in the sky. At the end of your next Movement phase you may set up the Y’vahra anywhere on the battlefield as long as it it more than 9” from any enemy unit.’ Page 51 – TX7 Fire Support Hammerhead Gunship, Keywords (Hammerhead) Add ‘Hammerhead’. Page 52 – DX-6 Remora Stealth Drone Squadron, Target Lock Change this ability to read: ‘Remora Targeters: This unit does not suffer the penalty to its hit rolls for moving and firing Heavy weapons.’
Page 55 – Tiger Shark AX-1-0, Abilities Add the following ability: ‘Titan Hunter: This model may fire Macro weapons even if it has moved this turn.’ Page 57 – Manta Super-heavy Dropship, Colossal Flier Change the first sentence to read: ‘When targeting this model with shooting attacks and psychic powers, always measure to the model’s hull where it would be at tabletop level, even if it is on a flying base.’ Page 58 – Drone Sentry Turret Delete the last sentence of the description. Pages 61 and 75 – Shadow Spectres and Irillyth, Keywords Add ‘Jump Pack’. Pages 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 72, 76 and 94 – Starcannon and Twin Starcannon Change the Damage characteristic to read ‘D3’ Pages 66 and 94 – Twin Scorpion Pulsar Change the abilities text to read: ‘Any wound rolls of 6+ made with this weapon are resolved with a Damage characteristic of 6 rather than 3.’ Pages 68 and 69 – Nightwing and Phoenix, Battlefield Role Change the Battlefield Role to ‘Flyer’. Pages 70 and 71 – Vampire Raider and Vampire Hunter Add the following ability: ‘Colossal Flyer: When targeting this model with shooting attacks and psychic powers, always measure to the model’s hull where it would be at tabletop level, even if it is on a flying base. In addition, unless the attacking model has the Fly keyword, add 12" to the measured distance to determine the range when making shooting attacks against this model. Note that this means many short-ranged shooting weapons will not be able to hit this model. Also, this model does not suffer the penalty for moving and firing Heavy weapons.’ Pages 77 and 78 – Corsair Reaver Band and Corsair Skyreaver Band, Dancing on the Blade’s Edge Change this to read: ‘When making Morale tests, a unit with this ability may roll an additional dice and discard the highest result, but if any models flee the unit due to the result of the test, the number of fleeing models is increased by 1.’ Pages 77 – Corsair Reaver Band, Wargear Options Change the second bullet point to read: ‘• The Corsair Reaver Felarch may take one of the following weapons: - Void sabre - Dissonance pistol’
Pages 78 – Corsair Skyreaver Reaver Band, Wargear options Change the second bullet point to read: ‘• The Corsair Skyreaver Felarch may take one of the following weapons: - Void sabre - Dissonance pistol’ Page 88 – T’au Empire Points, Units Change the points per model value of the TX7 Heavy Bombardment Hammerhead Gunship and the TX7 Fire Support Hammerhead Gunship to read ‘117’. Change the points per model value of Blacklight Marker Drones to read ‘7’.
Q: There are no datasheets for Firestorms, Great Knarloc, Knarloc Riders, Mega-dreads, Battlefortresses or Grot Bomb Launchers – are there datasheets I should use for these models? A: Datasheets for these models will be published on the Forge World and Warhammer Community websites. Q: There are no datasheets for Corsair Princes or Corsair Barons – are there datasheets I should use for these models? A: Use either the Corsair Cloud Dancer Band, Corsair Reaver Band or Corsair Skyreaver Band datasheets (whichever best describes the model) with the model taking the place of the unit’s Felarch.