Architectural Design Studio 3:Air
Journal 389708 Min Zhang(Kelly)
State of the artwork 1 Dalian Musuem Proposed by 10 design
The reasons why I want to talk about this building, not only because its so exicing and spectacular visual expression catches my eyes, but also its inspire green ideas and sustainable design that is what I'm really interested in. Basically, this proposal is from 10 Design, for Dalian museum. It's envisioned to be a new civic sculpture for the city located at the heart of the main the governmental district. The building is inspired from the nautical influences and seeks to to become a symbol of technological progress and green evolution. "The building uses a photocatalytic nano-coating of Titanium Dioxide on the outer zinc rain screen to neutralize air pollution and remove dirt. The cleansing reaction is maintained 24 hours a day by using UV lights on the faรงade at night which are powered by PV cells." It's very sussessful to cooporate the green ideas and high technology building system throughout the design. It absolutely is a piece of great artwork that can be analysed as discourse. Eventually, this planning musem would become the sign or symbol of this city.
State of the artwork 2 Siloo o by NL architects in amsterdam 2011-2012 This is the second proposal for the reuse and the design of a silo on the island of zeeburgereiland, 'siloo o' by dutch practice NL architects. I'm really impressed by the idea of reusing the "silo" and a very creative way of funtioning the building's facade, great visualised capture and use for climbing activities. As the structure rises, the triangular motif results in glazed apertures, creating windows with views of the surrounding site. Also the building is very funtional inside..