The Abstract June 2023 Issue 6

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JUNE 2023 /
Accounting Magazine


Dear Friends,

It is hard to believe that we just wrapped up a very busy year, the first official academic year post pandemic. By all accounts, it was one of the busiest years, enriched with on campus activities, speaker visits, curriculum innovations, faculty and student traveling, and strategic planning. The College hosted the AACSB accreditation team in March 2023, for the once every five-year visit, and the Academic Council has since been working on developing an improvement plan as was recommended by our peer review colleagues. The faculty were also immersed in the national search process for the new dean of the College of Business (COB). Dr. Seung Bach, the interim dean of the School of Business and Public Administration at California State University, Bakersfield, is joining us on July 1st. We welcome Dr. Bach and hope for productive collaboration when it concerns promoting the accounting program. Our department would like to express gratitude to Dean Brenda Flannery who is leaving her role after serving as the dean of the COB for the last 12 years. Dean Flannery has been a big supporter of the department, each and every student who walked in our doors, and every faculty member who were part of the College during her term. I am personally grateful to Brenda for her recommendation three years ago for me to step in to the department chair role, as she envisioned professional growth for both me and my colleagues, and I am glad to say that she was right in her visionary endorsement.

As of June 2023, I will have completed my first three-year term as the department chair. Although this was the busiest period in my life (not counting my Ph.D program studies), I greatly enjoyed working with students, faculty, and other constituents of the department. I was re-elected by my colleagues for a second chair term with an intention of assisting the new dean with the transition process. We overcame many challenges and accomplished a lot in the past three years: our students have received outstanding internship and job offers; significant scholarship funds were raised and awarded to students; the faculty members attended numerous conferences, presented their research findings and published articles in reputable journals. Our most notable achievement to date, however, was faculty’s outstanding contribution to students’ growth and development as well as exceptional quality of teaching that was recognized at the national level. The faculty members participated in the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs and events, and our department was the first and only University unit to successfully close the equity underperformance gap in a core course taken by a large population of students, specifically, introductory financial accounting. We hosted the KPMG partner panel on campus, for the first time, and students had a bus tour organized to visit several accounting firms’ offices in Minneapolis. Dr. Pike has been recognized as an Outstanding Educator by the Minnesota System’s Board of Trustees, and Beta Alpha Psi, led by Assistant Professor Sean Fingland,

Accounting Magazine
Dr. Oksana Kim

received a national award for their presentation. You will find truly inspirational stories featuring the accounting faculty members’ outstanding work with students in and outside a classroom in this issue.

We bid farewell to business law faculty member, Professor Vicki Luoma who retires at the end of this academic year. We are grateful to Professor Luoma for her 20 years of teaching and service and wish her all the best in coming years.

Despite a successful year, we face challenges that are common to other accounting programs in the region and nationwide. These include the declining interest in accounting as a profession and faculty turnover. As compared to many accounting programs, we believe we are well positioned to meet the challenges ahead. Through being student focused, we will meet the challenges of enrollment management and address the needs of the accounting profession. Through doing so, we will prepare our students for the CPA Evolution launch and provide them with the skills necessary to be successful in the future.

Overall, we have important work to do in the coming year, which includes nationwide faculty searches and curriculum innovations. My colleagues and I wish all of you a great summer and we hope to see you next Fall!

Kind regards,


• Fall Semester Begins
• Meet the Firms September 14


10 Years of the MAcc

Hello Accounting Alumni and Friends of the Program,

I want to devote my message this spring to reflecting on the Master of Accounting (MAcc) program’s achievement of providing high quality graduate education for the past 10 years. Based on feedback from firms and alumni, we developed the MAcc program to create a more meaningful educational pathway to help students achieve Certified Public Accounting (CPA) licensure, obtain the technical skills to thrive in a dynamic profession, and prepare the future leaders in business. By all respects, we believe we have achieved these goals. Over the past 10 years, we have graduated nearly 250 Master of Accounting students, starting with 13 in our first year to a record number of MAcc graduates this academic year. Just as important, our graduates are doing amazing things! MAcc graduates now hold the positions of partner, principal, director, manager, controller, business owner, and professor to name a few. We are constantly reminded of the success of our graduates and appreciate their contributions to the both the profession and University as alumni.

Much of the success of the MAcc is because of the program’s ability to change and provide flexible education options for students. Initially, the MAcc started as an on-campus, night class program, knowing that we would be serving both working adults and traditional-aged college students. We quickly transitioned to a telepresence program where classes were offered simultaneously in Mankato and the South-Metro, as we draw significant interest from individuals in the Twin Cities. More recently, we moved to an all-online program, with a combination of asynchronous and synchronous classes, which provides the maximum amount of flexibility to our learners. This has been an effective approach as the fall of 2023 term will be our biggest start class ever for the MAcc.

Equally important to the MAcc’s achievements is the faculty’s interest in the success of our students. This consideration for students goes well beyond the classroom through faculty providing advice, encouragement, and mentorship both in the program and as individuals enter the accounting profession. Ultimately, the accounting faculty place a premium on creating a culture of care for our students.

Looking forward, we continue to survey our students and engage with alumni and the profession to adapt and change the MAcc curriculum to not only address the issues of today but also provide the skills necessary to be successful in the future. Currently, we are placing heavy emphasis on leveraging the reputation and flexibility of our program to bring more individuals into the profession to meet the shortage of accountants/CPAs. Regardless of what the future holds, we will continue to provide a world class education at an affordable price.

I would like to conclude by expressing our gratitude for the Minnesota State Mankato accounting alumni and firms/companies that support our program. Your support is a big reason why our accounting program is truly special. Please feel free to reach out to me directly ( if you are looking for help with recruitment, engagement, or wish to provide scholarships to our students.

Go Mavs!


The spring semester was full of opportunities for students to engage with the accounting profession to learn more about the industry, network, and prepare for their roles after graduation. Along the way, our students and the Accounting and Business Law Department achieved many noteworthy accomplishments.

KPMG Partner Panel Event

The College of Business hosted a KPMG partner panel and networking lunch for students this spring semester. Dean Brenda Flannery facilitated the panel and focused on questions centered around the culture of KPMG, attributes of the ideal candidate, and career development. The panelists included Kweku Bankah (Partner, Technology Assurance), Cindy Brooks (1983 Alumna and Senior Partner, Advisory Practice), and James Powell (Managing Partner, Minneapolis Office). This event was an excellent opportunity for students to network with senior leaders from the Minneapolis office and other KPMG professionals.

Accounting Firm Virtual Networking and Recruiting Event

The Accounting and Business Law Department is always looking for new and innovative ways to keep our students engaged, and more importantly, taking part in networking events that lead to internship and employment opportunities. This academic year, we held a virtual accounting recruiting event via Zoom.

This event allowed firms to provide students with an overview of their company and then allotted time for students to network and learn more in personalized breakout rooms. Both employers and students found these sessions to be extremely productive and valuable. As a result, we will continue to explore avenues for additional touchpoints between employers and students.

We would like to offer a special thank you to the firms that participated in the virtual event this academic year:



Engaging Introductory Accounting Students

Professor John Estall motivates his students by incorporating a semesterlong project into his introductory financial accounting course. The project consists of successive stages and concludes with a presentation to a CPA firm by each group at the end of the term.

Students initiate the project through identifying a new company and drafting an introduction of the business. This is followed by the creation of simple, first year financial statements. As the semester progresses, the students prepare and post more challenging journal entries—adjusting and closing entries—and prepare more detailed financial statements. Towards the end of the semester, students analyze the business using financial statement ratios and make determinations on the company’s performance. The semester long project concludes with a PowerPoint presentation of the financial information of their company. This includes the description of the business, both income statements, all three balance sheets and the ratio analysis. The groups presented their projects to CliftonLarsonAllen (CLA) in Mankato on April 26th. A special thank you to CLA for their continued partnership in this dynamic learning experience.

Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) Awarded

On March 18th, a group of three students, Madelyn Yetzer, Lauren Reuter, and Aiden Ryan, presented at the Beta Alpha Psi, Mid-Year Meeting in Milwaukee, WI. The group earned the 1st place award in the "Reimagine Community Service" category with their presentation titled, "Ivy House Inventory Count and Valuation." The presentation recapped a community service event completed by Beta Alpha Psi in April of 2022. Members and pledges completed a wall-to-wall inventory count and valuation for Ivy House. Ivy House is a 24/7 crisis nursery for children 0-12 located in New Ulm, MN. The 1st place award included a $750 prize as well as an invitation to present at the Beta Alpha Psi Annual Meeting held on August 3-5 in Las Vegas, NV.

Dr. Pike Teaching Award

Dr. Byron Pike received the 2023 Outstanding Educator Award for Excellence in Teaching from the Minnesota State Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees Awards for Excellence acknowledge and provide system-wide recognition for consistently superior professional achievement of Minnesota State college and university teaching and service faculty.

Left to right, Sean Fingland, advisor and professor, and students


MAcc Project Leads to Academic Paper

Ariana Pooley, a Master of Accounting student, started a research project in Dr. Rosacker’s graduate course on the fundamentals of federal income tax. Through the guidance and mentorship of Dr. Rosacker, Ariana turned the project into a solo authored academic paper titled “The Cost of Economic Recovery.” Ariana presented the paper at the Midwest Business Administration Association (MBAA) international conference this spring. The paper was well received by attendees and Ariana’s next step is to publish her work in an academic journal. Congratulations to Ariana and thank you Dr. Rosacker for investing in and mentoring students.

Accounting Faculty Receive Best Paper Award

Professors Kris Rosacker, Bob Rosacker, and Sean Fingland presented their paper “A Monte Carlo Simulation of the Tax Burdens and Impacts Associated with Common Intergenerational Family Farm Transfer Strategies” at the accounting section of the Midwest Business Administration Association (MBAA) International Conference this spring. The paper won best paper for the accounting section of the conference.

Dr. Zielinski Awarded Teaching Scholar Fellowship

Dr. Katheryn Zielinski was selected as one of the recipients of a Summer 2023 Minnesota State University, Mankato Teaching Scholar Fellowship. This fellowship program provides support to faculty to enhance their teaching through unique and innovative course preparations and innovation. Professor Zielinski will use this fellowship to develop a new pedagogical approach to increase equity and performance in her introductory accounting courses.

Firm Visits

On April 7th, a group of 25 students and two faculty attended our Spring 2023 Visit the Firms Event. This event targets students performing well in introductory accounting classes and may have an interest in pursuing accounting as a major at Minnesota State University, Mankato. The students boarded a coach bus at 8:30 A.M. and embarked on a day-long journey to visit two firms in the Metro Area—Copeland Buhl and KPMG. Both visits had a similar structure. The students were able to:

• Learn about the firms.

• Participate in fun activities for prizes (Golden Ticket Game/Kahoot).

• Ask questions of panels made up of firm employees ranging from intern to partner.

• Tour the firm's offices.

• Enjoy a meal and interact with firm employees.

• Depart with swag and a better understanding of the accounting profession.


I have found my students to be compassionate and thoughtful people. My student’s enthusiasm provides me reassurance that the world will become a better place with their leadership.

After an outstanding 20-year career at Minnesota State University, Mankato, Professor Vicki Luoma is retiring. Prior to joining Minnesota State, Mankato, Professor Luoma was a practicing attorney for 30 years, teaching throughout her entire professional career. As she approached retirement at the end of the spring 2023 semester, we asked Professor Luoma to share some of her best experiences throughout her time teaching and what she is looking forward to in the future.

What are you most looking forward to in retirement?

I am going to resume traveling. When I was in elementary school, I decided I wanted to see the entire world—this has continued to be my goal ever since. I have been to all seven continents and 105 countries. I have about 90 to go! My first post-retirement trip that I have planned for this summer is to go to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.

What is one piece of advice you would give to prospective students?

You should always set high personal and academic standards for yourself and live up to them. Do not ever give up on yourself or your goals even if you fail at anything in life. Use any failure as a learning experience and keep going. If you haven’t failed at anything, then you haven’t taken risks.


What has it meant to be a part of the COB and the Accounting & Business Law Department?

It has been an honor to be a part of the faculty in the Accounting and Business Law Department. The College of Business faculty and staff are tremendous because we all share the common goal of putting the success of our students first.

What is your favorite class to teach and why?

I love law and find it a very fun subject to teach. At Minnesota State, Mankato, I have especially enjoyed teaching contract law because it is a subject that will impact all my students their entire lives. As students enter their professional careers, they will be engaging in contracts

almost on a weekly basis. It is important for students to have a foundational knowledge base and know when to consult experts because contracts are not as simple as they may seem.

How did students influence your work?

My main area of research, publication and presentations is electronic digital law. I picked this subject because the digital world is the world my students live in now and it will continue to be relevant to them in their future. I will continue to research this area in my retirement.

What Faculty and Students Had to Say

“Vicki was welcoming and helpful when I transitioned from practicing law to teaching at Minnesota State University, Mankato. I needed to build my teaching portfolio one class at a time. Vicki graciously allowed me to teach the classes that best fit with my professional experience, even when they were classes that she historically taught. She also helped me find my footing in my scholarship by introducing me to the leading organizations and conferences in our field and identifying academic journals and outlets that fit my research interests. She was a supportive peer and her mentorship and guidance helped make my transition to academics seamless.”

“Professor Luoma was an innovative thought leader with both her scholarship and teaching. She was a pioneer for providing high quality online education and anticipating the needed changes in higher education. Her knowledge and insight were invaluable to our program and students.”

“Vicki was very welcoming and supportive as I joined Minnesota State, Mankato as a new faculty member. She was a strong advocate on my behalf, ensuring that I had the necessary resources and support to achieve my desired teaching and research goals.”

“Professor Luoma had a significant influence on our department because of her devotion to service. She was instrumental in providing guidance during times of challenge and mentorship to all faculty through her continued service on the personnel committee.”

As a department, we admire Professor Luoma’s passion for teaching, research, and service. Congratulations on your retirement and your remarkable career!


Introducing the new GA’s STUDENT NEWS

Every year the Accounting and Business Law Department hires three to four graduate assistants (GAs) from the Master of Accounting (MAcc) Program. The GAs help by providing tutoring to students enrolled in undergraduate accounting courses, teaching an accounting cycles course, promoting the undergraduate and MAcc programs, and helping with many special projects. We are pleased to introduce the GAs for the next academic year.

Kaltuma’s hometown is Waseca, MN and she graduated in 2023 from Minnesota State University, Mankato with her undergraduate degree in accounting. In her free time, Kaltuma enjoys painting, playing board games, going on walks, playing with her bunny, and being around friends and family. Kaltuma first learned about accounting in an introductory course in high school. She remembers looking forward to every class and still enjoys learning more about accounting today. Kaltuma appreciates all the opportunities and careers options accounting provides and is excited to enter the MAcc program to prepare for Certified Public Accountant (CPA) licensure.

Olivia was born in Somers, CT. She moved to Minnesota and graduated from high school in Mankato. Olivia graduated in the spring of 2023 with her undergraduate degree in accounting from Minnesota State University, Mankato. In her free time, she enjoys golfing, hammocking, swimming, and skiing. Olivia chose accounting because it made the most sense to her and she always found the business field interesting. As she has progressed through the accounting program at Minnesota State Mankato, she continues to be happy with her choice.

Maleia grew up on a farm outside of Buffalo Lake, MN. She graduated in the spring of 2023 with her undergraduate degree in accounting from Minnesota State University, Mankato. When she is not working or doing coursework, she enjoys working out, reading, playing piano, and spending time with family and friends. Maleia chose accounting because she loves working with numbers and enjoys the flexibility that the accounting profession offers. Maleia is excited to continue her education in the MAcc program and broaden her accounting knowledge.

Kaltuma Hassan Maleia Ryberg Olivia Klostermeyer

Accounting Student Interns Spotlight

It is no secret that an internship is very beneficial for the future career options for students. It is also an opportunity for students to commit to professionalism, self-improvement, and excellence. We asked a few students who completed an internship in the spring of 2023 to share their experience and skills developed during the busy season.

What is the most valuable experience you gained during your internship?

The most valuable experience that I have gained while working at Eide Bailly has been expanding my knowledge in many different industries. I have also been able to improve my professional skills through communication with clients and onsite visits.

In your opinion, what is the key to success during the internship?

Personally, I believe that the key to success during an internship is to ask questions and soak up as much new information as possible. Everything takes time and experience so you have to accept that you will not know everything at first.

How did you find your internship and know that it was the right fit?

I found Eide Bailly through their meet Eide Bailly Day and Summer Leadership program. As I started working at Eide Bailly, I instantly knew it was the right fit for me. Eide

Campbell Paterson Redpath

What is the most valuable experience you gained during your internship?

I had a lot of opportunities to work with colleagues from every different level of the company during my internship. I have been working with a partner on personal tax return over the last month and she is an oracle of accounting knowledge. If I have any questions or anything I am unsure of, I know I can ask her and learn. If you find someone willing to mentor you, take that opportunity.

Bailly values their culture, and it is something that is very apparent in the office. Everyone is willing to help and wants you to succeed in your career.

I would highly encourage anyone looking for an internship to attend firm networking events to determine which firm is the best fit.

Tell us about your journey on how/why you chose the field of accounting?

I have had a love for math since the 3rd grade. When I started high school, I joined Business Professionals of America (BPA) which was where my interest in the business world began. I put my love for math and the business world together and decided that accounting is the right field for me, which it has been.

What was your biggest surprise once you started working in the accounting profession?

My biggest surprise once I started working at Eide Bailly was that there is very little paper that we handle. A great majority of the work is completed on the computer with little need to print anything. I was also surprised that auditors mainly work at the office and rarely travel onsite to clients since COVID-19.

In your opinion, what is the key to success during the internship?

Starting out in the accounting industry can be daunting. An internship is a great opportunity to put the theory you have learned in class into practice. You have to remember, you are not expected to know everything from day one. My internship has been a brilliant learning experience. My key to success is being a sponge. Soak up as much information and knowledge as you can. Busy season goes by fast and growth from day one to the end is the most important thing.

Continued on page 12


Accounting Student Interns Spotlight

Continued from page

How did you find your internship and know that it was the right fit?

I spent a lot of time last summer researching my options. I knew that I wanted to work for a smaller company than any of the Big 4, but I still wanted somewhere that was big enough for me to have hands-on experience with a variety of clients. I worked as a journalist before entering the accounting industry and I knew what I wanted from an employer. I must have asked more questions than I was asked during my interview to make sure the company was the right fit for me!

Tell us about your journey on how/why you chose the field of accounting?

Anyone that knows me will tell you that I have had one million different jobs. On a very basic level, I chose accounting because I liked an accounting class I had in high school, and I knew I was good at it. Accounting skills will

What is the most valuable experience you gained during your internship?

The opportunity to work with clients. I have learned a lot, not only accounting knowledge but also how to show a professional presence.

In your opinion, what is the key to success during the internship?

Be curious. Coming in as an intern, nobody expects you to know anything. Don't dwell too long on one problem, be actively asking questions. If you have a chance to work at the client's site, don't hesitate to reach out with questions. They are very willing to teach you.

How did you find your internship and know that it was the right fit?

During the interview process, I asked my interviewers, who were a partner and manager at the firm, what they think about diversity. As a part of the Asian community, I value diversity in the workplace. Thus, I was interested in the

always be marketable, and everyone needs accountants. The field provides a bright future for anyone who pursues iteven if you do not end up in a traditional accounting role.

What was your biggest surprise once you started working in the accounting profession?

perspectives of the higher management on this matter. Their answers were straightforward, noting the firm was working hard to improve diversity, equality, and inclusion within their office. Because of their honest answer, I felt it was a good fit.

Tell us about your journey on how/why you chose the field of accounting?

After graduating high school, I was still determining what major was best for me. I spent two years at a community college, exploring as many courses as possible. During this journey, I found accounting to be very interesting.

What was your biggest surprise once you started working in the accounting profession?

My first internship was during the busy audit season, so I expected everything to be hectic. I found myself adapting quickly, and I actually enjoyed the busy season.

The biggest surprise for me was the level of knowledge that some people have in accounting. I have met people who work in tax and understand more than I have ever thought about. These people are always the first to want to know about new developments. I definitely have to find out how they do it and emulate that quality myself. 11

Senior of the Year Spotlight

The Accounting Senior of the Year is awarded to the student that best exhibits the qualities of academic performance, leadership, and entrepreneurship. It is the highest student award presented by the Accounting and Business Law Department. The Accounting Senior of the Year award is made possible through a gift from Allen and Kathy Lenzmeier.

This year, the recipient of the senior of the year award is Riley Alcorn. Riley participated in the Accounting Club as the Secretary and Treasurer. From these roles, he found a passion for helping his fellow accounting students connect with employers and obtain internships and full-time employment opportunities. Riley interned with CliftonLarsonAllen this busy season as an assurance and tax intern within their construction group. Riley described his internship as a phenomenal learning experience, and he will be returning to CLA in the spring of 2024 for another tax internship. Riley will also intern with Schwan’s Food Company this summer in their accounting department. Riley is graduating in the spring of 2024 and plans to start studying for the CPA exam following graduation. In Riley’s free time, he enjoys golfing and supporting Maverick athletics. Riley greatly appreciates the support that the faculty and other students have provided throughout his time at Minnesota State, Mankato. Riley looks forward to continuing to help students and the accounting department grow in his senior year.


Accounting & Business Law Golf Outing

On May 12th, the Accounting and Business Law Department hosted the 12th Annual Alumni and Friends Golf Event at Shoreland Country Club in St. Peter, MN. This year we had a record number of participants at the event. This is a premier event where students participate and network with employers, alumni, and faculty. The event is a fun, low pressure golf scramble that is always a nice way to conclude the end of the academic year. This event usually leads to new friendships, expanded professional networks, and many internships and employment opportunities for our students. Nearly every firm and company that recruit our accounting students was represented at the event. We are extremely grateful for all of their continued support and participation. More importantly, we appreciate all the students who stepped outside their comfort zone and participated in the event. Two Abdo represented teams tied with a low score of 66. The winning teams consisted of Justin Anderson (Abdo), Zach Finholdt (Student), Caleb Inselmann (Student), Layne Kockelman (Abdo), Tanner Meredith (Student), Marshall Miller (Abdo), Tyler Petzel (Abdo), McKenna Rohlik (Student), and Abby Schmidt (Abdo).

We look forward to seeing everyone again next year!

A special thank you to the premier sponsors of our golf event:

Pictured from left to right: McKenna Rohlik, Abby Schmidt, Marshall Miller, Layne Kockelman, Justin Anderson, Tyler Petzel, and Zach Finholdt


Nicholas Anderson

Michaela Ausland-Peters

Sara Bode

Emma Boenish

Dekangyan Chen

Bradley Davis

Ryan DeRoo

Ingrid Djoman

Zach Dornfeld

Danielle England

Kimberly Esquivel

Jason Fagan

Spring/Summer 2023

Naomi Fikresilassie

Jordan Frandle

Avery Green

Kaltuma Hassan

Braden Heavner

Shandler Heggem

Mikayla Hinzmann

Abbey Hoegh

Caleb Inselmann

Caitlin Jakes

Minjung Kang

Hanbeen Kim


Taylor Bhend

Zander Boettcher

Faith Garbers

Mitchell Mees

Paul O'Connor

Kevin Perez

Gracie Peterson

Ariana Pooley

Madison Klingenschmitt

Olivia Klostermeyer

Ty Knacke

Erin Luchsinger

Rachel Luedtke

Maggie Malecha

Courtney Miller

Abdulaziz Mohamud

Shuaib Mohamud

Aaron Mohr

McKenna Nelson

Noah Parker

Spring 2023

Cassidy Possin

Zachary Rome

Kaitlyn Schroeder

Benjamin Serbus

Persephoney Petersen

Luella Reilly

Kara Reitz

Jack Ricord

Brock Rohlik

Maleia Ryberg

Caleb Sand

Sadie Schermerhorn

Yuhi Sekine

Drew Siewert

Senna Smith

Tyson Sowder

Mark Strand

Cassandra Thompson

Thomas Thornton

Dain Uhde

Peyton Wadel

Emma Weber

Max Weidner

Jessie Westman

Pramudya Wicaksono

Andrew Yogei

Ben Twite

Naly Vang

David Watts

Jace Westman

Taylore Woodfill

Are you looking to help support the Minnesota State University, Mankato accounting program and students? Please consider donating via QR code or giving link:

Full-time Accounting & Business Law Faculty

Wade Davis, J.D.


Dr. Abo-El-Yazeed Habib


Dr. Steven Johnson


Dr. Oksana Kim


Dr. Byron Pike


Dr. Kirsten Rosacker


Dr. Ferdinand Siagian


Sean Fingland 507-389-5388

To learn more about the Accounting & Business Law Faculty or to get in touch go to

Tasia Winrow


Dr. Katheryn Zielinski


An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity University. This document is available in alternative format to individuals with disabilities by calling the College of Business at 507-389-5420 (V), 800-627-3529 or 711 (MRS/TTY). BUSC663NE_06-23

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