Tears of a Clown - Chapter 1

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Mimi! I’m so glad you could make it. The w to eat and I’ll

wine is on the table. I’m just getting us a bite be right there.

Whoa When did yo

nelly!! ou get this?

Don’t be such a circus freak, calm dow It is from Cacophony, one of the SIFF Bands

wn. What is so exciting about a poster? s. They’re mimes. Have you heard of them?

Oh yes. I have heard of them Is it possible that you hav

m. OMG, I’m so embarrassed. ve not heard the news?

You know them and you don’t follow Fr The Spid

rantic the Spider’s super-awesome blog derweb?

We are in the middle of SIFF, I can’t p Is it worth followin

possibly keep up with everything else. ng do you think?

Oh yes.. *sigh* I’d follow him Spiderweb, yes, it

m anywhere.. I mean, yes, is worth following.

Ok now you are just clownin What has got

ng around more than usual. tten into you?

Well, if you have not been reading the Sp I am in

piderweb, then you don’t already know… n LOVE

Cacophony came for a backstage tour and a Red Balloon CD release signing thingy. The moment Calico walked into the room I got this overwhelming sense of attraction. You know, love at first sight and all that. I think he felt it too, I got strangely shy, and it seemed he did too. But then he ran away. It was weird.

So then I think, maybe I read his body

y language wrong or something right?

But when I read the Spiderweb the next d wrong. Calico is afraid of clowns! I mea

day, I realized that it had all gone terribly an really?! Who could be afraid of me?

So now how am I going to get his attentio looking like some kind o

on without scaring the stripes off of him or of freaky stalker clown?

Mimi, don’t worry. I will help yo

ou come up with something.

Special Thanks


Cacophony and their creator Jorgha Haq for the inspiration all of the awesome creators that make such gorgeous photos possible check out The Spider Web on Tumblr http://franticthespider.tumblr.com/

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