mins Qingdao敏思

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卷首语 Preface 享受生活,才能理解生活

Only those who enjoy life can really understand life 每年的五六月份,总是可以在街头或者公园看到灿烂的笑容。阳光普照大地,绿色重新回到 我们身边。春天,已经真实地交织进我们的生活。走出家门,呼吸新鲜的空气,这一切,无 需别人来教我们步骤,正如你无需考虑春天的色彩一般,满目的春暖花开便是当下最好的答 案。 朋友 Fiona,一个来自希腊的异域女孩。每每到了这个时节,她总会背起行囊,流连忘返于 世界的某一个角落,用她的话来说便是“只有学会怎样享受生活,才能更好地理解生活、掌 控生活。”我羡慕她的洒脱,同时,也赞同她的观点。 细数过去,生活曾被化成概念冠以许许多多的名称,物质生活、精神生活,一直到最近流行 的低碳生活。我们的一举一动,每一言每一行,都和这个看似平常的词组紧紧挂钩。 无论你是职场的白领丽人,还是驰骋商场的热血男儿; 无论你是浪漫的法国人,抑或随意的美国人。 我们都会用相同的词组来概括地球旋转的一分,一秒。 我们在关注自己生活的同时,自然,我们也从别人的生活中取得真经。 我们从历史里学会了大度与尊重;我们从身边的人群中学会了热情与严谨;我们从成名的人 群里学会了把握和坚持。 将生活的意义扩大,用经营生活的心态认真工作与学习,最后将一切所得的欣喜反馈给质朴 的生活。 大概,这才是生活最美丽的倒影!

Every year from May through June, we see the happy smiles of people in the streets or in the parks, the sunlight is shining, the soil is covered with a bright carpet of new grass, and green fills our life. Spring is here! Go out of your room and breathe the fresh air! No need for others to remind us! Just like the colors, spring is coming silently; the good weather and fully bloomed flowers are there to remind you that spring has arrived in all its glory! My friend Fiona, a foreign girl from Greece, will always travel somewhere in the world with her big backpack during this season. She argues: "Only those who enjoy life can really understand and control their own destiny!" I am jealous of her free and easy traveling life and I also agree with her philosophy. Our past is divided into several stages as follows: our physical life, our spiritual life, and lowcarbon life, the latest becoming more popular nowadays. Our words and actions are closely related to these words. No matter who you are: a beautiful white-collar or a hot-blooded businessman, a romantic Frenchman or a casual American ... all of us will use the same words to describe every minute and second of the rotation of the Earth. And as we care about our own life, we also get experiences from the daily lives of others. We get experiences from history that we should control the whole situation and respect others, and we learn from foreigners that we should be enthusiastic and careful. We learn from famous people that we should be persistent and control our situation. Through understanding the true meaning of life, adopting a correct working manner, studying hard, and reflecting all the happiness we get from the process, this is the real meaning of our life!








特写 Feature

青岛与游艇 Qingdao and Yachts


特写 Feature


特写 Feature

德国航海运动员论青岛及其航海文化 German sailor About Qingdao and Its Sailing Culture


特写 Feature

顾明华,30年的蓝色情缘 Gu Minghua - Thirty Years of Predestined Love for Sailing



女航海家——为蓝色海域的女性而正名 Women Voyagers - Women and the Blue Sea


看世界 Different worlds

中国——礼仪之邦的“融”魅力 China - Cosmopolitan Charm with Ceremonies


看世界 Different worlds


日本——遵守规矩与标准的守礼之邦 Japan - The Nation Complying with Norm and Manners

专访 Interview

宁思远:展望艾美子午线 David Ness Steers on the Meridien


话题 Topic

且慢跳槽!给本土奢侈品行业高管的建议 Job-hopping? Better Think Twice Before Moving. Suggestions to local luxury industry executives.


投资 Investment



看世界 Different worlds

法国——贵族礼仪得以延伸的国度 France - A Country Carrying Forward Aristocratic Manners MINS MAGAZINE



见证 Witness

青岛——黄岛隧道 The Qingdao - Huangdao tunnel


书屋 Book Column

《华丽阴谋》 The Luxe


旅行 Travel

春游记 Spring Outing


运动 Sports

五大法宝 享受高尔夫主题生活 Five Tips Help You to Enjoy a Golf - themed Life 10




Time Icon

拥有紫罗兰双瞳的美丽女孩 伊丽莎白 泰勒 The Beautiful Girl with Violet Eyes Elizabeth Taylor





Qingdao and Yachts 青岛与游艇 按照国际经验,当地区人均GDP达到3000美元时,游艇经济开始萌芽。据青岛市统计局资料,2010年,青岛人均 GDP近一万美元。如此说来,身处滨海的我们,得天独厚的地理条件加上已近发达国家水平的经济条件,驾驶游 艇,驰骋海上不再只是梦想了。 青岛国际船艇展览会 游艇贵不贵?

游艇,青岛造 青岛的游艇俱乐部

青岛国际船艇展览会 我们知道,展会是经济的风向标,在各种展会上展出的 通常都是最新的产品,最前沿的技术。2011年5月27日至29 日将在青岛奥帆中心举办的“第九届中国(青岛)国际船艇 展览会”将会带给我们怎样的启示?为此,我们特地拜访了 组委会办公室负责人贺晓艳女士。 贺女士说,举办展会的目的是为了促进城市特色经济的 发展。首届中国国际航海博览会早在2000年由中国贸促会 中展集团策划并拟从大连、青岛、厦门三市中选择一个为主 办地。当时,大连、厦门市政府都看中此主题积极争取并提 出了一些优惠条件。青岛市得到消息后,认为举办航海博览 会与青岛的区域特点、城市功能定位非常契合,对城市长远 发展必将起到很好的推动作用。因此,青岛市协调国家有关 部委,做了大量工作,最终使主办地放在青岛,并于2002 年由青岛市政府与国家交通部、国家海洋局、中国贸促会等 有关部委共同成功主办了首届中国国际航海博览会,展览面 积达2.5万平方米。 首届航博会,借助青岛市“以港兴市”,承办2008年 奥运会帆船比赛以及我国的海洋科技城的优势,突出港口、 旅游、海洋三大特色经济,设置了“海事展”、“船艇展” 和“海洋科技展”三大专业展会,充分体现了“以港兴市” 创建北方航运中心和区域性物流中心;打造中国“帆船之 都”和促进海洋经济发展的三大特点。2005年始,以奥运



青岛的游艇驾照培训 青岛与游艇经济

水上运动中心建设、招商为契机,紧紧围绕“打 造帆船之都”的城市发展战略,航博会突出举办 了“船艇展”,展会向专业化、独具特色方面迈 进了一大步。 2010年第八届船博会,吸引了20余个国家与 地区的近百家企业携100余艘知名品牌游艇与帆船 亮相,包括法国的博纳多、欧帝亚珂、塔雅娜, 美国水星,日本本田、雅马哈、铃木、松本,加 拿大喜运来,英国圣斯克,荷兰巴富仕,意大利 阿兹姆等品牌。展览现场的陆域面积达到1.5万 平方米,水域面积超过7千平方米,参展观众2万 人。 为实现“助力蓝色经济,促进产业升级”的 展会主题目标,作为展会的主办方,贺女士介绍 几天的展会为行业间的交流与合作搭建了高效的 商贸平台,而她们给企业提供的是365天不间断服 务,服务内容包括政策指导、项目对接、贸易撮 合和人才以及资金的引入等工作。贺女士满怀喜 悦地提及,去年展会结束,他们派员陪同青岛的 安奥克斯•汤姆逊(ANOX THOMPSON)游艇公司 专程赴台湾,帮助企业成功招聘4名台湾游艇业技 术员来青工作。下一步她们将重点引入国外著名 游艇设计、研发和制造企业来青岛落户。 从长远来看,贺女士说应充分发挥青岛天然的 水域资源优势,在游艇产业的长链条上,首先着 重培育青岛的“体验式”消费市场,完善游艇服 务产业链。其次,引导产业集聚发展。鼓励企业 加大研发投入,实现产品优化升级,打造自主游 艇品牌。同时,注重发展配套产业。



今年,正值国家“十二五”规划的开局之年,“发展海洋经济”首次写入国家“十二五”规划,这对半岛蓝色经济区建设的 深入实施将产生强大的推动作用。随着国家支持政策的进一步明确,作为海洋经济重要产业之一的游艇产业在青岛的发展将面临 新机遇。这位在船博会已经工作了十年的人士说,她的最大希望是看到青岛沿海,码头桅杆林立,游艇水中穿梭的繁荣景象。

游艇贵不贵? 游艇的种类非常多,包括休闲艇、商务艇、运动 艇、钓鱼艇、巡逻艇等,价格则从十万元到上亿元 不等。如果按艇身长度来分的话,可以分成12米以 下游艇,价格在10万元以内;12米以上18米以下的 游艇,价格在200万元以内,如果是豪华型游艇,价 格一般会超过200万元到500万元之间;18米以上24 米以下的游艇,价格在500万元-4000万元之间;超 过24米的游艇,则属于超豪华游艇,价格将高达上 亿元。 青岛玩游艇的群体大体分三种:大企业老板购 买游艇主要是做商用,也就是招待客户或者商务谈 判;“富二代”买游艇纯粹为了休闲娱乐,通常所 买的游艇都是100万元起步;年收入几十万、对游艇 运动爱好的金领和小企业主,通常会买十几万一艘 的国产小型游艇,假期带着亲友出海钓鱼。 目前,青岛最贵的一艘私人游艇长度超过18米 以上,价格高达3000万元。价格越高,游艇的功 能就 越 多 , 1 0 多 万 元 左 右 的 钓 鱼 艇 , 只 有 基 本 的 座位。如果是40多万元的游艇,就有休息舱、卫生 间、客厅,如果是豪华游艇,功能则更多。 从休闲、娱乐、健身角度来说,游艇存在平民化 的一面。10万元左右的游艇为钓鱼艇和运动艇,属 于入门级的小游艇,门槛比较低。有不少真正喜欢 游艇这项运动的人,但经济条件不允许,并不一定 需要购买游艇,也可以通过租赁的方式实现游艇运 动。一艘20万元左右的游艇,四五个人租一天的价 格大概在3000元到4000元之间,平摊下来成本并不 高。 游艇一般以航行时间为计量单位,根据油箱的不 同,一艘游艇一般可以连续在海上航行8小时左右, 当航行到50小时后,就要做第一次保养,每年的保 养费用在万元左右。 而游艇之所以被看作是贵族项 目,除了游艇本身不菲的身价,每年数万元的泊船 费、保养费等也是原因之一。





Qingdao and Yachts In accordance with international habits, the yacht economy rises when the per capita GDP in local regions reaches $3,000. It is recorded by the Qingdao Bureau of Statistics that the Qingdao per capita GDP was almost $10,000 in 2010. In this regard, it’s not a dream for us to drive a yacht around the ocean because we live in a coastal city endowed with exceptional geographic advantages and economic conditions approaching those of developed countries. QingdaoInternational International Boat Qingdao BoatExpo Expo Training for yacht license in Qingdao Is a yacht expensive or not?

Qingdao and yacht economy

Yachts made in Qingdao Yacht clubs in Qingdao

Text by Judy Sun * Translated by May Zhang It ’s known that exhibitions are an economic trend, displaying the latest products and the most cutting-edge technology. To find out what inspiration we will get from “The Ninth China International Boat Expo” to be held at the Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center on May 27, 2011, we interviewed Madam He Xiaoyan, who is the head of the organizing committee office. Madam He told us that holding an expo is aimed at promoting distinctive economic development in the host city. The first China International Marine Fair was planned as early as 2000 and mapped out to choose the host city from Dalian, Qingdao, or Xiamen, by the China International Exhibition Center Group Corporation under CCPIT. Dalian’s Municipal government and Xiamen both valued this chance and wanted to win over so as to get some preference. Having heard the news, Qingdao municipal government believed that Qingdao is a very fit city in terms of its regional characteristics, urban function orientation, and advanced the long-term development plan by holding the fair. Therefore, Qingdao made a lot of effort to work with the related national ministries and commissions. As a



result, it was selected to be the host city and finally succeeded in holding the first China International Marine Fair covering an area of 25,000 square meters, hosted by Qingdao municipal government, State Ministry of Transportation, State Oceanic Administration and CCPIT. The first Marine Fair laid stress on three distinctive e co n o m i e s s u c h a s t h e p o r t , to u r i s m , a n d oceanography. Also it’s advantages of Qingdao as a city thriving by the port and which is the host city of 2008 Olympic Sailing Regatta as well as the city of ocean, science and technology. It set up three major fairs (Maritime, Boat, Marine Science & Technology), and by relying on the harbors, the city has prospered, establishing the centers for north shipping and regional logistics. It aims to create a “Sailing Capital” and highlights the three features of promoting the development of marine economy. At the outset of 2005, the Marine Fair, took the opportunity to construct the Olympic Aquatics Center and tendered invitations for the projects,



held the boat expo and developed it a big step further in specialization and uniqueness, while adhering to the urban development strategy of “creating a sailing capital.” The Eighth Marine Fair 2010 attracted nearly one hundred enterprises which brought more than 100 well-known brand yachts and sailing boats along from over 20 countries and regions. These included French Beneteau, Zodiac Tatyana, American Mercury, Japanese Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Matsumoto, Canadian Evinrude, British Sunseeker, Dutch Bahrfuss, and Italian Azimut. The exhibition had a land area of 15,000 square meters and water area of over 7,000 square meters for an audience 20,000. To achieve the target of exhibition theme, “Assist the blue economy and promote updating of industries”, Madame He stated that the exhibition has provided a platform of commerce and trade for the exchanges and cooperation between different businesses in a few days, offering enterprises 365 days of uninterrupted service, including policy consultancy, matchmaking, business go-between, and inward talents and capital, etc. Filled with joy, she said they visited Taiwan with Qingdao Anox Thompson Yacht Corporation as the last exhibition closed, helping them to recruit four Taiwanese technicians to work in Qingdao. They will introduce well-known overseas yacht designs, research & development, and manufacturing enterprises to Qingdao as their next key project. Ms. He said Qingdao should give full play to its advantages of natural water resources. First, we ought to focus on the promotion of “experimental” consumer markets in Qingdao and improve the service industry chain for yachts. Second, we must guide the development of industrial accumulation. Enterprises are encouraged to increase input in research and development for the sake of updating products, and create independent brand names for their yachts. Meanwhile, great attention should be paid to developing supporting industries. It is this year to begin the “12th Five-Year Plan” with “the development of marine economy” included in for the first time, which will exert a strong promotion on the deepened implementation of the construction of a peninsula economic zone. The yacht industry is a very important part of marine economy and will face new opportunities when developing in Qingdao, along with the further policy of domestic support. Having ten years working experience in boat expos, she said she wishes to see a prosperous view of yachts along the coast line, driving on the ocean, masts standing in great numbers on the dock.

24 meters long are super luxury yachts worth up to hundreds of millions. The buyers who are keen about yachts, can be divided into three groups: (1) owners of big enterprises who buy them for business use, entertaining clients or negotiating; (2) the rich second generation, who usually buy those at least priced one million yuan, who do it purely for fun; (3) gold collar workers and small business owners, earning hundreds of thousands RMB a year, generally purchase a domestic small one worth a hundred thousand or so, for fishing with relatives or friends on vacation. At present, a private yacht over 18 meters long is the most expensive in Qingdao, having cost about 30 million yuan. The more expensive, the more functions it has. A fishing boat at 100,000 or so, only has basic seats; however, one worth around 400,000 has a cabin, restroom, living room, and even more functions for a luxury yacht. The yacht is for the common people in such aspects as leisure, entertainment and fitness. Both fishing boats and sport boats, belonging to entry-level small boats, only cost 100,000 or so, at a threshold price. For many people who really like this sport, but are subject to money restrictions, they don’t need to buy a yacht, but can rent one. The cost of renting a ¥200,000 yacht is probably between ¥3,000 and ¥4,000 for four or five people for one day, which is not very expensive per capita. A yacht usually takes the voyage time as its measuring unit. According to the different tanks, a yacht, normally being able to sail for 8 hours in a row, require servicing after 50 hours’ voyage, and it will cost around ten thousand yuan to have it maintained every year. Yet, apart from the shocking price, yachting is taken as a noble sport, though it also costs tens of thousands of yuan to pay for groundage and maintenance.

Is a yacht expensive or not? There are many kinds of yachts, including leisure boats, business boats, sport boats, fishing boats, and patrol boats, at the price from ten thousand to hundreds of millions RMB. According to the boat length, they can be divided into yachts below 12 meters long & priced at under ¥100,000; and those 12-18 meters long of under 2 million RMB. A luxury one generally costs two to five million yuan; while a yacht of 18 to 24 meters long is worth five to forty million. Those over





German sailor About Qingdao and It‘s Sailing Culture 德国航海运动员论青岛 及其航海文化

Text by Sarah Bernhardt * Translated by Lily Yao MINS: What are the similarities and differences between the sailing competitions in Kiel and Qingdao? What sailing in Kiel and Qingdao has in common is the fact that both are driven by the great enthusiasm of the people. I will never forget the crowds standing on the pier of the Olympic harbour, cheering for us when we left the harbour for the races. Kiel Week is known as the best organized regatta in the World Cup circuit, and we could clearly see that Qingdao has implemented a lot of know how from Kiel. The organization during the Olympic games was fantastic. There was good planning combined with a lot of people helping who truly worked from their heart. MINS: Could you bring new experiences back with you from Qingdao? If yes, which? The experiences we gained from Qingdao were overwhelming. I won’t forget how all of the people stood together and fought the green algae plague. The amount of people that made the sailing event happen was 16


impressive. Of course it would be wishful if a Kiel Week had similar possibilities, but in this point Qingdao and Kiel are two different worlds. They should continue to work closer together and exchange more know-how between them. MINS: Are there any aspects in which Kiel and Qingdao can learn from each other, or where they could cooperate? In Kiel there are more sailors than volunteers and in Qingdao we find more volunteers than sailors. Kiel has more sailing know-how and Qingdao has shown how to run one of the biggest events in the world. Qingdao will consequently have to work on the development of sailing and the education of young sailors within their sailing program. Kiel has shown how successful it is to work together with schools and sailing clubs. The young generation needs to have the chance to experience that sailing is the best sport in the world! Both Kiel and Qingdao will also have to use their tradition as coastal cities to attract more people.



MINS: Does Qingdao have any advantages compared to other sailing locations? After the Olympics, Qingdao now has an infrastructure that few other sailing locations can offer. The waters of Qingdao are not easy to sail, but they show a variety from inshore sailing to offshore sailing with big waves and strong currents. Everything you need to learn to become a complete and good sailor is here. MINS: Does Qingdao have the potential to be THE sailing city in China? Why / why not? Absolutely! Qingdao needs to use the momentum created by the Olympic games. Now people know what sailing is and are proud of what they showed the world. There was so much money spent and so much work invested into this event; now all of the infrastructure needs to be used. China's boat market is a big margin market and Qingdao needs to take the opportunity to attract those people and fill up their harbor! MINS: Do you think that it is possible to establish a Chinese “Kieler Woche” in Qingdao? Yes , I think it certainly is. I even think it should be the

duty of Qingdao to do so! If not Qingdao, where else in China? It will need a good mixture from a wide access for local people in terms of combining a sailing sport event and a sailing party for the whole city. Qingdao will need to offer the Chinese people the chance to experience the sailing world within one week. It would also be interesting to present international sailing stars. All this will take some investment, but a big step has already taken. Ever big sailing regatta started by attracting the best sailors and the local people. Why not invite the best sailors from the world rankings? All this might take a few years; but if it is done properly, there is a good chance for a Chinese “Kieler Woche,” as the potential to attract more people is a lot bigger than in Germany! I also think it was a good decision to bring the Xtreme40 to Qingdao. There should be a Chinese boat on the world tour to promote a Chinese “Kiel Week” for Qingdao and address international and local media and people. I would be happy to support this! ; - ) I strongly suggest a “Kiel Backfisch”- shop in Qingdao, as the beer is already perfect. MINS MAGAZINE



Feature MINS: 青岛有可能成为中国的航海中心吗?理由是什 么呢? 当之无愧!青岛需要利用2008年青岛奥帆赛所带来的 优势和设备。现在人们已经知道航海是什么,并且以向世 界成功地展示了2008年青岛奥帆赛而自豪。2008年青岛奥 帆赛人们投入了大量的金钱和精力,现在人们应当充分地 利用这一切。中国的帆船市场是一个大的边缘性市场,青 岛应当借助这一机遇吸引大量的人,充实港口的帆船赛事 和活动。

MINS: 在基尔和青岛举办的帆船赛有什么异同吗? 相同点是基尔和青岛的帆船赛都吸引了大批热情的观 众。我永远也不会忘记热情的观众们云集在举办奥帆赛的港 口码头,热情地为我们呐喊助威,目送我们扬帆参赛驶离港 口。 基尔的帆船赛周是众所周知的世界杯循环赛组织最周详 的赛事,显而易见,青岛的帆船赛事采用了很多基尔帆船赛 事的专有技术。2008年青岛奥帆赛的组织非常周密有序, 一切都按照周密地计划进行,同时还有大批热情的志愿者尽 心尽力地为赛事服务。 MINS: 从青岛的帆船赛事中,您是否吸取到任何新的经 验?如果有的话,是什么样的经验呢? 我们从青岛学到的经验是:竭尽全力战胜一切困难。我 永远不会忘记人们是如何地同心同德、相互协助清理浒苔。 大批热情的帆船爱好者使帆船比赛变得令人印象深刻。当 然,如果在基尔的帆船比赛当中也有这样同心同德的热烈场 景的话那就再好不过了。但是在这一点上青岛和基尔简直是 两个不同的世界,这两个赛事中心应当继续紧密合作并交换 更多的专有技术。 MINS: 基尔和青岛之间有什么可以相互借鉴的吗?两者 之间应当如何合作呢? 在基尔,航海选手比志愿者多,而在青岛人们会发现志 愿者比选手多。基尔拥有更多的有关帆船方面的专有技术, 而青岛则成功地向人们展示了如何成功举办世界上规模最大 的帆船赛事。青岛举办帆船项目的目的是为了弘扬帆船活动 以及教育年轻的帆船选手。而基尔在如何成功的同学校和帆 船俱乐部合作方面经验丰富。年轻一代的人们需要获取机会 以实践帆船运动是世界上最好的运动!基尔和青岛都必须借 助它们作为沿海城市的传统优势以吸引更多的人参与航海运 动。 MINS: 青岛相对于其它的航海城市来说有什么优势吗? 2008年青岛奥帆赛后,青岛具有几乎其它任何航海城 市所不具备的基础设施。青岛的水势不易于航海,但近海和 远海不同程度的大浪和大风为航海提供了各种可能。作为一 个真正的良好的航海选手,你必须学会应对各种情况。



MINS: 您认为有可能在青岛举办中国的“基尔帆船赛 事周”吗? 是的,当然。我甚至认为这样做是青岛的责任。如果 不是青岛的话,难道还能是中国的其它地方?青岛应当从 更广泛的层面使当地的人们将航海运动和航海活动紧密地 结合在一起,青岛应当有能力为中国人提供机会,使他们 在短短的一周内体验精彩的航海世界。而且如果一些国际 性的航海明星能够参赛的话就再好不过了。当然所有这一 切都需要投入,但青岛已经在这方面迈出了一大步。所有 大的航海赛事都是从吸引最佳的航海选手和当地大量的航 海爱好者入手的。为什么不邀请世界级的最佳航海选手 呢?也许这一切需要花费几年的时间,但如果运作良好的 话,便是为在青岛举办“中国的基尔帆船赛事周”提供了 良好的机遇,因为在青岛的潜在帆船运动爱好者要比德国 多的多。 同时我也认为将Xtreme40级赛事引入青岛是一个很棒 的决定。我们需要一个巡回国际的中国级赛事来为在青岛 举办“中国的基尔帆船赛事周”加把力,同时吸引更多的 国际和当地媒体以及大量的帆船运动爱好者。 我非常荣幸地倡导,强烈呼吁在青岛举办“中国的基 尔帆船赛事周”,它将同著名的青岛啤酒一样完美!

Johannes Polgar是一名33岁的德国运动员,托纳 多船级,曾参加过2008年青岛国际奥帆赛。 在13岁的时候Johannes Polgar就曾经获得过帆船 比赛的冠军,他曾参加过3次世界杯帆船赛,两次荣 获第四名,一次荣获第六名。在2008年青岛奥帆赛 上,由于在比赛过程中撞上了浮木,Johannes Polgar 及同伴Florian Spalteholz在竞赛中荣获第八名。

Thanks to Johannes Polgar Johannes Polgar is a 33 year-old German sailor, boat class Tornado, who participated in the Olympic sailing Games 2008 in Qingdao. At t h e a g e o f 1 3 h e w o n h i s f i rs t competition; and since then, he has finished two times in fourth place and one time sixth at three World Cups. He and his sailing partner Florian Spalteholz were eighth at the Olympic games in Qingdao, after they had a collision with driftwood.



Gu Minghua

- Thirty Years of Predestined Love for Sailing 顾明华,30年的蓝色情缘 Gu Minghua, a Shanghainese, is a former China sailing team member, and now the Executive Manager of Qingdao Longde Shipbuilding Co. Ltd.


Text by Harry Tang * Translated by Angela Tan MINS:当初是怎样一个机会让您接触到了帆船,喜欢 上了帆船?后来您从上海来到青岛发展帆船事业,是什么 让您做出这个决定的呢? 说来也巧,当时我是学校的足球队员,上海市帆船队挑 选运动员,把我选中了,在训练中我发现自己对帆船特别 感兴趣,所以训练也非常刻苦,后来经过选拔,留下来做 了职业运动员。 我是2008年奥帆赛的时候来青岛的,青岛给我留下了 很好的印象。首先青岛的自然条件很好,很适合帆船和其 他水上运动。另外,这里的帆船运动氛围好。政府为了把 青岛打造成“帆船之都”,无论政策制定还是资金投入, 都为帆船运动的发展创造了良好的条件。 MINS:正如您刚才所说,自从30年前您第一次接触到 帆船到现在,一直没有离开水上运动,是什么让您对水上 运动有这样持久而且浓厚的兴趣?和陆上运动相比,水上 运动有哪些特点和更为吸引人的地方呢? 我认为,和大多数陆上运动相比,水上运动更刺激,更 有挑战性,也更能让人的心情得到释放。我们驾驶帆船, 面对的是一望无际的大海,脚下不是坚实的地面,而是起 伏的波涛,人好像在大海的怀抱里,和自然融为一体,每 当此时,都市生活的压力和烦恼都会一扫而空。但是大 海又是变幻莫测的,随时可以把人吞没,所以我们必须通 过一次次尝试,一次次挑战,学会如何去适应环境,适应 船,这比我们在陆上运动中学到的更多。 每次尽力完成比赛,我都会有一种征服自然的胜利感, 这种感觉甚至超越了在比赛中取得好成绩带来的成就感, 这是从事陆地运动,面对赛场或者赛道时无法体会到的。

MINS:您在从事帆船运动,做运动员和俱乐部教练的 过程中,一定接触过很多来自国外的帆船爱好者,您觉得 他们和国内的爱好者对于帆船运动的见解有什么不同之处 吗? 刚才我说帆船是很有挑战性的一项运动,我觉得“老 外”,特别是西方人,天性好动,更热衷于这种“挑 战”,更有激情,他们通常也学得更快;而中国人一般更 谨慎,更保守。当然,中国也有天赋很好的运动员,他们 的成绩也不比外国运动员差,但是似乎大部分中国运动员 是为了赢得比赛而比赛,西方国家的运动员则更多的是为 了去参与,享受这项运动带来的乐趣。 当然,西方国家的帆船运动比我们发展的要早,群众普 及程度更高,我想这是造成观念差别的主要原因吧。在中 国,帆船运动的大众化需要一个过程,我相信人们的思想 也会随着这种运动的普及而渐渐改变。 MINS:提到帆船运动的普及,现在越来越多的人都想 学帆船,应该从哪种类型的帆船学起呢?有没有特别适合 于初学者的船? 当然有。我推荐初学者先学小帆船,小帆船是“水上运 动之根”,技术性更强,也更刺激。至于船,初学者应该 用操作简单、安全性好的船。我们龙德船艇制造有限公司 生产的“润龙”帆船就是专门为初学者设计的。单看外形 你就会发现,它的主帆下面的横杆比激光级帆船升高了很 多。因为海上风很大,帆来回晃动很容易打伤选手头部, 升高横杆就大大减少了出现类似安全问题的可能性。这种 船也相对容易控制,初学者大多用一天左右就可以掌握基 本操作,当然,要精通必须多花工夫,还要有悟性。其中 的乐趣只有亲自试一试才能体会到。





MINS: How did you find out about sailing, and what was it about sailing that interested you? When you left Shanghai for Qingdao to continue your sailing career, why did you make this decision? It was a coincidence that I was a soccer player for my school when the Shanghai sailing team came to select athletes, and I was one of the ones that was picked. I found myself being so interested in sailing during the training and that’s why I worked very hard. It was thrilling that after the selection, I was singled out to be a professional athlete. During the 2008 Olympic Sailing Regatta I came to Qingdao - leaving me with a good impression. First, Qingdao enjoys a good natural waterfront, which fits very well for sailing and other water sports. Besides, it possesses a fine atmosphere for sailing. In order to make Qingdao “the Sailing Capital,” the government created favorable conditions for both policymaking and investment to develop the sport of sailing. MINS: It was thirty years ago that you got involved in sailing for the first time, and up until now you’ve continued to engage in aquatics. What made you keep your strong and sustained interest in water sports? And compared with land sports, what kind of features and appeal does water sport have for you? I think that compared with most land sports, aquatics



is more exciting and challenging, and a better outlet for stress release as well. When steering a sailboat, we face the boundless sea beneath our feet. It’s not the firm ground but waves with ups and downs, as if we are in the arms of the ocean and integrated with nature. The pressures of city life and troubles are swept away at such times. The sea, however, is unpredictable, and can swallow you up at any time, so we must challenge ourselves over and over again in order to get used to the environment and the boat. I learn much more from the challenge of water sports than I do from land sports. Whenever I try my best to finish a race, I get a sense of victory from conquering nature, which even surpasses the sense of achievement obtained by the good results in the match. That is what you can’t experience if you’re engaged in land sports such as track and field, football or basketball. MINS: As an athlete and a coach of a club, I am sure that you have been in contact with many sailing sports enthusiasts from other countries. In your opinion, what are the differences between foreigners and Chinese people concerning the views of sailing? As I said, sailing is a very challenging sport, and I think “laowai,” particularly Westerners, are born active and keen on this kind of challenge. With more enthusiasm and less



fears, they’re also quick-learners, whereas, the Chinese are generally more cautious and conservative. It’s certain that China also has many talented athletes whose performances are just as good as foreign sportsmen. However, it seems that most Chinese players compete for winning only, while those from Western countries do it for participation and the pleasure of the sport. Certainly, sailing in Western countries has developed earlier than in China, and has become more popular among Western people. I suppose that ’s the main reason for the differences. In China, the popularization of sailing needs a follow a process that takes time; and in a short period, I believe, people will change their thoughts along with the popularization of this sport. MINS: Speaking of the popularization of sailing, now more and more people want to learn about it. What kind of sailing would you suggest they start with? Is there a boat that suits beginners? Of course, yes. I recommend a little sailboat to start with, the “root of the aquatics,” which requires strong techniques and is more exciting. Regarding boats however, beginners should use the ones that are easy to manipulate and offer good security. The “Runlong” sailboat, produced by our Longde Ship Building Company, was designed just for beginners. By its looks, you’ll notice that the crossbar under the mainsail is

much higher than the laser level sailboat. As the wind is strong on the sea, it’s highly possible for athletes to be hit by the swaying sail, and if the crossbar is higher up, security issues will be greatly reduced. This kind of boat is relatively easy to manipulate and beginners can learn its basic operation in one or two day’s time. Yet, if you want to be a master you must put in a lot of effort – and furthermore, you must be savvy. Until you try it, you’ll never know how much fun it really is! When he was a soccer player at his middle school, he experienced sailing by chance. Thus, he became an amateur athlete, then a professional athlete, and a coach in a club. Now he and his friend run a company producing sailing products for the sailing business. Over the past thirty years, he’s had an enduring relationship with sailing and aquatics.

Thanks to 顾明华 顾明华 他中学时曾经是校足球队的一名队员,一 个偶然的机会,让他与帆船邂逅。由此,他从一名业余 运动员,到职业选手,到俱乐部教练,再到现在和 朋友一 起经营一家以帆船为主打产品的公司,30年 来,与帆船 和水上运动结下了不解情缘。





Women Voyagers ——Women and the Blue Sea 女航海家 - 为蓝色海域的女性而正名 Text by Harry Tang * Translated by Echo Chen 相信所有玩过经典航海游戏——《大航海时代4》的各位玩家,一定会对其中几位美丽、勇敢且个性鲜明的女 主角记忆犹新。敢爱敢恨、为梦想而扬帆起航的荷兰少女丽璐•阿歌特;因不满朝廷的闭关锁国,统帅私人舰队 打击倭寇、为了正义与列强征战的明朝女提督李华梅……那些固守在人们思想中的男性游戏被这些美丽面孔所浸 染,融入,从而活跃了游戏,增添了乐趣,也汇进了我们的记忆。 随手翻阅任何一本记载大航海时代的历史文献,在冗长的著名船长和水手的名单中,我们几乎找不到任何女性 的名字,仅有的几位充满传奇色彩的女性航海者,却都是以海盗的身份出现,尽管她们驰骋海域,但历史的歧视 与传统的禁锢,加上可怕迷信的流传,使得她们的航海经历永远无法荣登大雅之堂,只能任凭曾经的无所畏惧随 着历史沉淀为传说,传说变成了神话。 时间静静地流淌着,那些愚昧的信条被怀疑,进而摧毁。当历史的航船驶入21世纪,不论是参加海军、航海 贸易还是在航海运动中,女性都逐渐享有了与男人平等的权利。就航海运动而言,女子帆船自1988年第24届奥运 会开始成为正式比赛项目,在第25届奥运会上,女子帆板也被正式列入。然而,思想和社会舆论的种种成见依然 阻碍着女性真正与男性平等地参与航海,比如很多人会认为,女性的身体条件不适合航海。更多人则强调女性所 应承担的妻子、母亲的社会角色,与航海这样一种探险运动相矛盾。 如果没有人敢于挑战,偏见就会成为真理。但以下几位女航海家却用事实向世界证明,在航海运动中,女性完 全可以和男性一样出色,甚至做得更好。





杰西卡•沃特森 Jessica Watson 女选手不仅创造了单人帆船环游世界的最 快纪录,单人驾驶帆船环游地球的最年轻者, 也是一位女性,她叫杰西卡•沃特森,来自澳大 利亚,首次完成环球航行时的她,仅有16岁的 芳龄。 当地时间2010年5月15日,整个悉尼市都 在严阵以待。悉尼海事局调集了3000艘船只, 列队悉尼港口;海岸上,数万名举着粉红色小 旗帜的男女老幼,聚集在悉尼歌剧院旁港口, 向海面上张望。当一只粉红色的小船远远出现 在碧海之中时,港口那片粉红色的海洋沸腾 了。 七个月前,在同样的地方,沃特森告别送 行的亲朋好友,驾驶长10米、宽3米的粉红色游 艇“艾拉的粉红女郎” Ella's Pink Lady 离开悉尼 港口,单人独艇驶向浩瀚的海洋。在这七个月 里,沃特森仅凭GPS导航系统和卫星电话与支 持小组及其家人保持联系。她先后穿越南太平 洋、大西洋和印度洋,历经惊涛骇浪,在中途 从未停顿靠岸的情况下连续航行23000海里, 凯旋悉尼港。 靠岸后,兴奋异常的杰西卡迫不及待地跳 下船来,与一直守候在岸边的父母热情相拥。 澳大利亚总理陆克文也亲自前来迎接,他握住 女孩的手,激动地说:“你是我们国家的骄 傲,你是澳大利亚年轻人和澳大利亚少女心目 中的英雄。”杰西卡却只是淡淡地回应:“我

可不认为自己是英雄,我不过是一个有梦想的普通女孩。” 抵达悉尼港的日子,距离杰西卡的17岁生日还有三天, 因此她打破了2009年由英国17岁少年迈克•佩勒姆创下的世 界纪录,成为有史以来不靠任何外力援助、独自驾驶帆船环 游世界的最年轻航海家。然而,她的这一记录却没有得到 “世界航海速度记录委员会”的正式承认。该委员会由于不 鼓励羽翼未丰的青少年进行充满危险的环球航海,已经废除 了“最年轻航海者”的记录项目。 但事实却是任何人都无法改变的,这个女孩和她的粉红 色帆船所创造的这项梦想的纪录,将永远留在人们心中那片 蔚蓝的海洋上。

Jessica Watson The record of the youngest Round-theWorld-Tour Voyager was awarded to the Australian Jessica Watson at the age of 16. On May 15, 2010, a pink boat approached Sydney Harbor. Jessie left with Ella’s Pink Lady alone, heading to the sea at the same place she had done so 7 months earlier. She crossed the South Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean without stopping, covering a total of 23,000 sea miles and returned triumphantly. Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rud greeted her personally, shaking her hand while praising her highly for her courage and performance. It was 3 days before her 17th birthday and the legend will be marked in the blue sea forever.





艾伦•麦克阿瑟 Ellen MacArthur 帆船运动自创始以来,一向都是男性的天下,环游世界的最 快纪录也一直由男性保持,但是,在2005年2月7日,这个记录被 一位身材娇小、貌不惊人的英国姑娘改写。在经过71天14小时18 分33秒不间断地海上航行后,28岁的英国女航海家艾伦•麦克阿 瑟驾驶帆船冲过位于英吉利海峡的终点,为自己全程4万多公里的 环球航行画上了一个圆满的句号。 艾伦•麦克阿瑟出生于英国北部的德比郡,也许是因为小时 候受到阿瑟•兰塞姆(Arthur Ransome)的名作《燕子与鹦鹉》 (Swallows and Amazons)的影响,4岁时第一次随姑妈到英 格兰东海岸乘船 “下海”的她就爱上了航海。但是,在第一次 正式的少儿航海比赛中,年仅10岁的小麦克阿瑟只得到了最后一 名,赛后被采访时,她不服气地说:“我不会让这种结果再次出 现。”经过不懈地努力,18岁时麦克阿瑟便单独驾驶7米长的游 艇“伊杜纳”号,开始环英国航行。 麦克阿瑟本打算读大学,没想到中学毕业时被诊断出单核白 血球增多症,人生轨迹就此改变。她思考许久,想到许多机会错 过就无法重新再来,终于做出了将会改变历史的这一选择:“那 时我就知道了,我想以航海为生。” 专业帆船比赛已经让人望而生畏,而麦克阿瑟瞄准的更是航 海领域最艰苦的挑战——冲击单人环球航海纪录。 然而,追求理想的过程并非一帆风顺。2003年,她首次尝试 打破环游世界的纪录时,在南太平洋发生意外,导致桅杆折断而 被迫中止航行。2004年初,她改而转战横渡大西洋,成功在望之 际,天公不作美,风向突转,影响了她的航行线路,结果让她只 差一个多小时而未能破纪录。事后她沮丧地说:“我已为这次尝



试竭尽全力,但风势的决定权在神,不在 我。”两次惨痛的失败,没有把她击倒。 2004年11月28日,重整旗鼓的麦克阿瑟 再次出海。成功只是一个未知数,而她注 定要独自面对的,却是异常艰苦的航行生 活。自从开始那一天起,她每次只睡上30 分钟,就要起身驾船4个小时。她所吃的 都是冷冻食品,水也只能靠海水淡化来供 应。 可是这些,和海上遇到的风险相比, 也许算不上什么。就在全球普庆圣诞的那 天,她却经历了一场风暴,不过在新年曙 光来临之际,艾伦成功地驶过了航行的终 点——南美合恩角。一周之后,艾伦遇到 了自己航行途中最大的一次风暴,她的手 臂也在和风暴搏斗中受伤。更有甚者,艾 伦一路上还曾两次冒着大风爬上将近30米 高的桅杆修理损坏的主桅帆。 “这绝对是一次肉体和精神上双重的奇 妙旅行。我真的是感到喜出望外。”在茫 茫大海之上经历了71个昼夜的艾伦在冲过 终点时,简直不敢相信眼前发生的一切。 英首相布莱尔向艾伦发了贺电,表示她 的圆满航行是一项“令人惊叹的成就”, “整个英国都引以为荣”。英国女王伊丽 莎白二世也称赞艾伦完成了“非凡的、具 有历史性的成就”。

Ellen MacArthur On February 7, 2005, the 28-year-old British female Voyager broke the record by completing an around-the-world-tour by 71 days, 14 hours, 18 minutes & 33 seconds. Ellen fell in love with the sea at the age of 4 and she dreamed of challenging the most difficult event, the Single Roundthe-World-Tour. After having broken her mast in the South Pacific in 2003, she tried again to cross the Atlantic in early 2004, but failed because of wind changes. On November 28th the same year, she set out again with a broken arm, after falling from the key mast at 30m. high. She survived with little sleep, frozen food and drinking desalinated seawater. “It’s an amazing journey both physically & spiritually”, said Ellen after a trip of 71 nights and days. British Prime Minister, Tony Blair wired to congratulate her and Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ praised her for “Remarkable, historic achievement”.



艾丽西亚•巴里耶Alexia Barrier 如果说前面两位女航海家用打破 世界纪录的航行展示了航海运动硬朗 和阳刚的一面,那么,这位来自法国 的女航海家则用一次“低碳”和“环 保”的环球航行向我们证明,航海也 有多情和充满爱心的一面。 2010年1月11日,29岁的法国女 航海家亚•巴里耶从摩纳哥港口出发, 驾驶一艘名为“4MyPlanet(意为“为 了我们的地球”)”的高科技单桅帆 船,开始了人类首次二氧化碳“零排 放”环球之旅。 一般的比赛用帆船,辅助动力都 是由柴油机提供,实现二氧化碳零排 放,就意味着只能用风能、水能、电 能和太阳能。巴里耶的帆船就是由太 阳能电池板提供动力,这套设备相当 昂贵,她得到了包括联合国原子能研 究所在内多家机构的支持。 比一趟宣传之旅更有实际意义的 是,“4 MyPlanet ”号上装载着一个 设备齐全的科学实验室,巴里耶将全 程利用仪器探测海水密度,掌握洋流 运动情况,把这部分和全球气候变化 密切相关的资料提供给法国国家科研 中心、世界野生动物基金会,以及摩 纳哥阿尔贝二世亲王环境基金会等机 构,用于气候变化的相关研究。 这次航行历时五个月,途中 “4MyPlanet”分别在开普敦、奥克 兰、里约热内卢和纽约做了短暂的停 留,在这些地方,巴里耶不仅与科学 家们探讨环保问题,还为当地的孩子 们讲述她的航海经历,提醒他们保护 海洋环境的重要性。

Alexia Barrier French female Voyager Alexia Barrier shows us her sensuous, loving and caring personality by a low-carbon, ecologically friendly voyage. On January 11, 2010, the 29-yearold Alexia Barrier drove the hightech single mast sailing boat called ”4MyPlanet” from Monaco Port as the first “Zero Emission” Round-theWorld-Tour journey.

With the aid of many institutes like the UN Atomic Energy Laboratory, Barrier’s boat was driven by only very expensive solar battery panels. The boat also carried a fully equipped scientific Lab, measuring the seawater density and recording tide flows for relevant research about weather alteration. It took 5 months with stops at Campton, Auckland, Rio de Janeiro and New York City and she sailed for the promotion of the protection of the sea environment.

时钟滴滴答答地前进着,如今的女性已经在世界各个 文化领域中不断展示着自己傲人的天才与魅力。面对海 洋,面对自己,眼前的蓝色天地是这颗魅力星球的主色, 她是宽容至极的。在海洋面前,谁都不应该成为禁入者, 那些随风起帆的勇士们,无论男性还是女性,当浪花在甲 板下翻转时,你们都将成为“超越自我与实现梦想”的代 名词,载入史册!

As time goes by, today’s women reveal pride, talent and beauty in each global cultural field. Toward the sea, with waves turning onto the deck, everyone should get his/ her own chance and be remembered as “Beyond Ego and Dream Realization” in history books.






宁 思 远 展 望 艾 美 子 午 线

Steers on the Meridien

David Ness





Interview Stepping into a hotel, the first image you come across is a cherub-like sunshine grin from its concierge; you get a handsome, tall, young man welcoming your arrival as if he were conjured up from Hollywood. But you never expect its General Manager would be as charming as James Bond. Well, that’s David Ness from Le Meridien and he may surprise you. Text by Edison Ma

David Ness from Melbourne Australia, the General Manager of the artistic Le Meridien Qingdao, is cool enough to knock you dead by his innate air of aristocracy mixed with the long-term cultural cultivation of the hotel industry. And today, we’re about to set off on a journey through David’s indepth perspective of Le Meridien, as well as his own life and personal growth. Assuming the post on September 6th, 2010, David Ness has been working diligently to lead the hotel into a new era of development together with his creative and dedicated local team. Prior to this, Mr. Ness was engaged in the pre-opening project, the Westin Tianjin. D av i d sta r te d h i s ca re e r i n 1 9 9 0 a s a “porter ”, in his own words, having graduated from Hotel Consult Caesar Ritz in Switzerland in Hotel Management. “If you want to succeed in this industry, you have to start from the very bottom and gain knowledge and experience from every different aspect of the hotel business in order to continually refine yourself.” In fact, he moved up to a Duty Manager in less than one year and he has worked in various senior management positions since then. Mr. Ness joined the Starwood Group in August 2003, as the Executive Assistant Manager of the Westin Melbourne before he left for Tianjin in 2009. It’s been his 7th year with the Starwood, which offers him a sense of family through its corporate culture and management style. “ The Starwood puts a special emphasis on its employee’s personal development and building contacts, providing broad career opportunities through its fast expansion.” He said. Le Meridien was acquired by the Starwood in 2005. Since then Le Meridien has gone through a campaign of brand-definition, highlighted by Explore LM 100, forging partnerships with a wide array of cultural institutions, and artists, to share the passion for style, art, architecture, design, cuisine and fashion with its progressive and forward-thinking guests. That French artsprovocateur, Jerome Sans, was appointed a 28


full-time Cultural Curator, has marked a new upsurge in the campaign. “Le Meridien boosts its artistic taste, marrying European heritage with contemporary culture and indigenous art features. We cooperate with museums to ensure the guests experience the local culture in which every city that Le Meridien is located,” he said. Qingdao Beer Museum was chosen to be its partner here because Beer represents the city in every way in terms of its German colonial history, emerging industries, flourishing economy, life style, and local cuisine. Among those ongoing changes, what really impresses it’s guests is its Elevated Experience created by Henri Scars Struck, the visionary Grammy-winning French composer, through music which in nature, is said to bring strangers closer by raising questions to the unpredictable songs of crickets and flowing water features when riding an elevator. David also explains that the “Meridien” is spelled “meridian” in English, as it was founded by Air France" to provide a home away from home for its customers." The hotel inherits its founder’s sensitivity in geography by which it names every lobby bar of Le Meridien by the latitude in which it’s situated. Thus we have our Latitude 36 in Qingdao. Since opening in November 2009,Le Meridien Qingdao has received more than 10 prestigious awards: "The Best Newly Opened Hotel of 2010" by World Hotel - Continental Diamond; "First Choice Business Hotel in Qingdao 2010" by Nat onal Geographic Traveler; "China’s Top 10 Best Newly Opened Hotels of 2010" by The 7th Golden-Pillow Award of China Hotels; “Best Hotel of MICE” 2010 MICE Golden Chair Award, etc. To correct a wrong impression (a hillbilly’s ignorance possibly), its Marketing Communications Manager Jessica Guo who joined David during the interview expressed that the hotel is actually located at the heart of Qingdao’s central business district (CBD), not just in the North City district which I thought was not an ideal location as it’s not at the shoreline. With only 30 minutes drive to the airport and 10 minutes away to other major business sites in town, it seems I am incorrect and that it is much more convenient to transportation than the other hotels jammed along the coast. Aligned with its proximity to sightseeing landmarks such as Beer Street, Olympic Sailing Centre and the beaches it makes the perfect venue for either business or leisure related trips. “To most guests, they tend to make convenience and location their top concern when choosing a hotel.” David and Jessica both agreed on that. Le Meridien Qingdao houses 348 elegantly designed guest rooms and suites, an array of world-class cuisines at its three Le Meridien signature restaurants, and 1,824 square meters of spacious meeting spaces which are all complimented by Le Meridien's signature programs designed to encourage a journey of discovery while in Qingdao. Plus, Le Meridien is an integrated part of the Grand Wanda Plaza, which injects a great boom to the hotel business by its amenities of a department store, supermarket, cinema, a gamut of restaurant choices, as well as dozens of corporate offices and apartments on the higher levels. Talking about his expectations of Le Meridien Qingdao, Mr. Ness said he would focus on three goals: business buildup, development of people, and making Le Meridien an exceptional venue for guests’ hotel



experience in Qingdao. As the second GM of Le Meridien Qingdao, he recognizes his predecessor’s good work making a smooth transition for him and selecting great team members. His appearance tells a lie that he’s a twenty something, but he was actually born in 1972. I asked what the secret is to keeping his youth. He chuckled and simply said, “Nothing special. Maybe I love sports.” David shows great enthusiasm for football; he even joined the Qingdao Amateur Football League. He also plans to go sailing this summer to resume the hobby that he participated in as a teenager. Asked about the relocation, he particularly expressed his gratitude for the support from his family, and ever hopeful that his wife and three children all enjoy their new life in Qingdao.

走进任何一家国际品牌酒店,你总会遇见礼宾部员工天使般地欢迎微笑,他们通常高大帅 气,就像是好莱坞走出的电影明星。但是你恐怕很少会期待酒店的总经理会像詹姆斯 邦德一般 得英俊潇洒。然而,如果你见到万达艾美酒店的宁思远先生,他定会让你大吃一惊。

宁思远,英文名大卫奈斯,来自澳大利亚 墨尔本,现任青岛万达艾美酒店总经理。酒店 业长期的文化熏陶,以及与生俱来的贵族气 质,赋予宁先生一种无法阻挡的魅力。今天, 让我们踏入艾美酒店,开启了一场精彩的探索 之旅,一同发现宁先生的酒店观和他的成长历 程。 宁先生于2010年9月6号就任新职,先前曾 任天津威斯汀酒店开业经理。毕业于瑞士凯撒 丽兹酒店管理学院,宁先生从“行李员”(宁 先生用porter而非酒店业礼宾部正式称呼的法 语Concierge)开始自己的第一份工作,在酒 店业一路打拼,在澳大利亚、欧洲、亚洲历任 过众多国际酒店高级管理职务。“如果你想在 酒店业取得成功,就必须从最底层做起,在不 同的部门和职位中汲取经验和知识,如此才能 胜任管理。”而事实上,他只用了一年时间, 就从礼宾升至大堂经理。自2003年进入喜达屋 集团以来,今年是他为喜达屋效力的第8年, 而喜达屋的企业文化和管理模式为他带来的是 一种家的归属感。 “喜达屋集团十分注重员工的发展及员工 间的友谊,并在其快速扩张发展中给员工不断 提供晋升的空间机会。”他说。 喜达屋于2005年收购了艾美品牌,随后, 艾美聘用法国著名艺术大师杰罗姆,开展了以 “艾美100”为代表的一系列品牌重组活动, 与全球众多文化机构、艺术家建立合作伙伴关 系,共同为其富有探索精神的客人们打造享受 艺术、情调、建筑、美食、时尚的卓越旅程。 他介绍说:“融合了当代文化与欧洲传统 的艾美酒店,致力于为客人提供互动、丰富文 化的体验。艾美深受不断进取、且思维超前的 国际旅客喜爱,它与客人分享对时尚、艺术、 建筑、设计、美食和时装的激情。我们在艾美 所在的每一个城市都与当地的博物馆合作,使 客人能够尽情体味旅游目的地的文化内涵。” 他介绍说在青岛,艾美选择了青岛啤酒博物馆

作为合作方,因为啤酒文化最能代表青岛的百年历史,近代的 工业崛起,和现在的繁荣经济以及当地人的生活方式、饮食风 俗。 记者本人尤其体味了由格莱美奖得主、著名法国作曲家赫尼 尔斯卡斯创作的“电梯欢欣体验”项目。走进电梯,彷如进入 大自然的音乐当中——风声、水声、虫鸣......种种意外惊喜,自 然地把人与人拉近。 宁先生还向记者解释艾美(Le Meridien)是法语子午线的意 思。因为艾美由法国航空公司创立,酒店继承其老东家的地理 敏感度,将其每一家酒店的大堂酒廊都以当地纬度而命名。因 此,我们就有了岛城闻名的“北纬36度”。 自从2009年开业以来,艾美青岛已收获:世界酒店五洲钻 石奖“2010年度最佳开业酒店”,第七届中国“金枕头2010年 度中国十大最受欢迎新开业酒店”,时尚旅游“2010年度青岛 首选商务酒店”,2010年度中国MICE产业“最佳会议酒店金椅 子奖”等等10多余项殊荣。而接受采访的市场传讯经理郭女士 关于艾美酒店地理位置的提示,也令我恍然顿悟。万达艾美位 于青岛市中心CBD,距离青岛流亭国际机场仅30分钟车程,距 青岛著名景点——啤酒街、帆船中心及海滩等仅10分钟车程。 交通生活极为便捷。无论对于商务还是休闲旅行,艾美都是绝 佳选择。“对大多数客人,选择酒店考虑最多的两个因素是舒 适度和交通便捷度。”宁先生与郭女士都同意这点。 拥有348间酒店共有 348 间设计典雅的客房,三家艾美明 星餐厅亦随同酒店登陆青岛,同时还配有总面积达1824平方米 的会议和宴会空间,健身娱乐设施以及水疗中心,可以全方位 满足客人的各种需要。酒店所座落的青岛万达广场,则配备了 万千百货、大型超市、万达电影院、众多知名餐厅、写字楼以 及高级公寓等设施,为酒店客人提供了无与伦比地便捷。 说到对艾美青岛的期望,宁先生表示他将着重完成三项目 标:拓展市场、发展人才及使艾美成为客人在青岛旅行的最佳 选择。 宁先生的相貌告诉你他似乎只有二十多岁,实际上他是 1971年出生。我问他有什么秘诀保持青春,他哈哈大笑,说: “没什么特别的啊,也许因为我喜欢运动。”宁先生对足球一 直特别着迷,来到青岛就加入了青岛业余足球俱乐部。今年夏 天他还打算练习帆船运动,重拾起青少年时期的一项爱好。 问到跨越大洋的搬家,他特别感谢家人的支持,幸运地是他 的爱人和三个孩子也都很喜欢青岛的环境和生活。 MINS MAGAZINE




Job-hopping? Better Think Twice Before Moving. Suggestions to local luxury industry executives. By Carrie Su (Built to Last, Executive Search Firm) What is a luxury industry? A senior executive who has been working in the luxury field for many years says, “Luxury is actually a kind of extension of culture”. In domestic economy, fast-food culture prevails. It indicates the eagerness for quick success and instant benefit and the pursuit of short-term popularity. Consequently, accumulation and intrinsic value of luxury are neglected. Henceforth, the luxury industry, having cultural connotations, falls inevitably into an awkward situation, especially the local luxury industry. Lately, I have been working on many luxury-related positions. So I worked closely with the luxury industry. From the growth of demand for executives in the luxury industry, it can be easily said that the luxury industry is "breeding" at a very high rate of speed. But there are growing pains as well, such as frequent turnover of executives and numerous projects without any results. Therefore, when we start searching for an executive candidate for a new luxury project, we hesitate because just as the old saying goes, “grapes fear acid.” More and more companies are thinking highly of this huge market and therefore executives hope they can take a bite of this delicious cake. However, there are so many frustrations and disappointments. Generally speaking you could say there are less successes and more failures. Based on long-term experience within the luxury industry, we can offer some suggestions: 1. The Strength of Investors: Compared to common products, luxury products require larger investments and longer return periods. That is the reason why we emphasize on the investor’s strength, since it is the key factor of the investment. This strength should consist of capital strength and business platforms, not just a matter of how much money you have. For example, although most domestic top private clubs are facing hard times Jiangnanhui, a new rising private club star, wins good fame around the country. The main reason for this is its investors. Ma Yun, a businessman from Zhejiang province set up a unique platform for successful people in China, and this platform becomes a desirable issue for numerous entrepreneurs. So before making an investment, we advise our candidates to look into their principal businesses, their strengths, their reputation and the decision-maker's characteristics of the enterprise. 30


2. The Market Positioning: Market positioning is the root and the DNA of the luxury brand. The market positioning must be very clear, both the investor and the operator should have a clear view of what he's doing, where the target groups are, what the roadmap is and how long it will take to get there. Most of the time, the investors only have an outline of the project or a concept of the project, without any clear ideas of the plan details. In this case, we do suggest our candidates have a thorough communication with the decision makers an only accept a project when you have a very deep understanding about the whole project. 3. The Team’s Power: We suggest the executives should do their homework on the company’s present team status, employing characteristics and the possibility of forming a professional team at a given time and place. If this seems unlikely at the moment, is there a solid talent introduction plan and training plan? 4. Engagement and Interest: The executives must be interested in the projects. They must fully believe in the project. When a project encounters problems, the faith and persistence of the executives will play a key role. What will be the candidate’s biggest challenge in his future work? Does the candidate have necessary skills and relevant experience? 5. Team Integration: Many “airborne” executives of the luxury projects don’t land well, not only because of their lack of necessary capability, but the process of integration. To avoid this, our advice is that the candidates should know the internal relationship of the enterprise, must check if it is acceptable, and must be psychologically ready beforehand. When they land, the first thing they need to do is get familiar with the surroundings: gain a foothold first, and then be realistic and patient. The “airborne” executives who choose private enterprise may even face bigger challenges. But once the initial startup period is over, there’ll be more development space and stronger nonsubstitutability. And last but not least, always try to build a communication channel with policymakers, for it will help you to avoid detours and reduce losses. If you want to get more information on the luxury talent market, please contact our consultant(carrrie@btlsearch. com) We will face the challenges and seize the opportunities together.



且慢跳槽!给本土奢侈品行业高管的建议 什么是奢侈品,一个在奢侈品圈子工 作了很多年的资深人士说:奢侈品其实就 是一种文化的延续。在国内快餐文化盛行 的时代,看到的更多是急功近利,追求速 成、通俗、短期流行,往往忽略了深厚积 累和内在价值。在这样的土壤环境中,有 着文化内涵的奢侈品必然会遭遇尴尬,尤 其是本土的奢侈品行业。 这几年工作中经常和奢侈品行业打交 道,从行业对高管井喷式的需求,能看到 这个行业在快速“繁殖”,但是高管流动 的频繁和众多项目的无疾而终也反映了行 业成长的困惑。 所以当我们为一个新的奢侈品项目寻找 高管候选人时,总是能体会到候选人的犹 豫,大有想吃葡萄又怕酸的感觉。越来越 多的人都看好这个巨大的市场,希望分食 这块美味的蛋糕,但是实际运作中往往会 有许多不尽人意的地方,总体来说,成功 的少,失败的多。 根据我们在奢侈品行业服务的多年经 验,对于选择新的高端项目时要考虑的因 素,给高管们以下建议: 1、 投资方的实力:相对于普通产品, 奢侈品的投入更大,回报期更长,投资方 的实力非常重要,这个实力包括资金实力 和平台,这不完全是钱的问题。举个例 子,这几年国内的几大顶级私人会所都面 临严峻的形式,惟独后起之秀江南会蛮声 大江南北,一个很重要的原因就是投资方 是以马云为首的浙商,打造了一个绝无仅 有的国内成功人士交流平台,成为众多企 业家心向往之的地方。建议候选人多方了 解企业的主业、实力、口碑、决策人的特 点。 2、 战略定位:这个就是奢侈品品牌的 根和DNA,定位要非常清晰,无论投资方 和运营方都要清楚的知道自己在做什么, 目标人群是谁,未来的蓝图是什么,需要

走多远的路才能到达。有很多时候投资方对自己要做的 项目只是有一个大致的轮廓,甚至是概念,建议候选人 一定要和决策人深入沟通,直到整个项目的基本面清晰 明确,才能决定是否可以接这个项目。 3、 团队的力量:建议高管了解企业目前的团队状 况,用人特点,当时当地的市场是否能组建一个专业的 团队,如果不具备这个条件,是否有扎实的人才引进计 划和培养计划? 4、 高管本身对这个项目的认可度和兴趣点:当项 目进展遇到瓶颈时,高管的信念和坚持会起到很关键的 作用;候选人要赴任的职位关键的挑战点是什么,自己 是否具备这方面的能力或者经验。 5、 高管是否已经准备好融入团队:很多项目的空 降兵都不是输在做事情的能力上,而是输在双方磨合过 程中。建议候选人事先了解企业内部的人际关系情况, 评估自己能否适应,提前做好心理准备;空降后,先熟 悉地形,首先让自己站稳脚跟,项目推进不能太理想 化,耐得住性子。进入民营企业的空降兵这方面的挑战 更大一些,但是一旦过了磨合期,未来的发展空间也会 很大,不可替代性更强。如果能建立和决策人直接沟通 的渠道会少走很多弯路。 如果您想了解更多奢侈品人才市场上的信息和变 化,请联系我 (carrie@btlsearch.com),我们将和您一起 应对挑战和机遇。





诺亚研究:艺术品是理想的长期投资工具 进入21世纪以来,中国社会财富和个人财富进入了一个 快速增加的周期。在2003年至2007年中国新一轮的经济周 期之后,2008年中国居民储蓄存款达到21万亿元。金融危 机虽然对中国经济产生了实质性影响,但是并未改变中国个 人财富,尤其高净值人群的财富增长。根据2010年胡润研 究院公布的数字,中国十亿富豪的人数增加到1363名,百 亿富豪达到97名。中国前1000名富豪平均财富比两年前增 长了64%,比去年增长了26%。美林全球财富管理《2010 年全球财富报告》中显示,中国高净值客户财富达到1.54万 亿美金(约10.32万亿人民币),富裕人士数量增加了31%至47.7万人,中国成为全球第三大的财富来源地,家庭财富 总值达16.5万亿美元(约110.55万亿人民币),仅次于美国的54.6万亿美元(约365.82万亿人民币)及日本的21万 亿美元(约140.7万亿人民币)。艺术品投资“梅•摩西”指数创建人梅建平建议,艺术品应作为长期投资手段和工 具,投资比例可为个人财富的10%左右,从而可以推算我国高净值客户可以用在艺术品上的投资总额可为1.03万亿 人民币,由此可见我国艺术品投资市场巨大潜力,日后每增加5%的艺术品投资,都会给艺术品的成交总量带来500 亿人民币的巨额增长。浙江大学客座教授吕继刚表示中国艺术品市场正在面临巨大的机遇,未来的十年乃至二十年 将是艺术品市场蓬勃发展的阶段。

数据来源:2010年全球财富报告 民生银行发布了一份《艺术品银行业务发展研究报告》,报告中称,当一个国家的人均GDP超过3000美元的时 候,往往会出现收藏趋向。当人均GDP达到5000至8000美元的时候,艺术品收藏会出现一个快速增长期。而当这 个数值达到1万美元及以上的时候,这个国家就会出现系统的收藏行为。美国、日本、韩国、新加坡等国家的艺术市 场,都是按照这样的轨迹发展的。中国经济持续保持了30年的高增长,2009年,我国国内生产总值超过33万亿元人 民币,人均GDP约合3600美元。从这个数据来看,中国刚开始出现收藏的趋向。2009年中国富人总数增长三成, 成为财富增长最快的国家之一,并带领亚洲在总财富方面超越欧洲,中国富人数量的增长速度远远超过经济的平均 增长速度,比西方国家快得多。而且区域差别巨大,一些大城市已经远远超过3000美元的水平,比如深圳已经超过 8000美元。中国的艺术市场已经走上了西方上世纪八九十年代的成长轨迹,中国国内的艺术品投资还处于新生阶 段,很多相应功能和体系都不够完整,但长期来看一定有巨大的发展空间。





梅摩艺术品价格指数(Mei/Moses All Art Index)显示,过去50年艺术品投资回报和股票回报基本相当,股票 投资回报是10.4%,艺术品投资回报基本上在10%。而且,艺术品投资回报率远远高于美国短期国债、长期国债回 报,其回报率分别为5.3%和6.5%,也远远好于黄金,黄金回报在5%左右。梅摩艺术品价格指数创建人梅建平认为 艺术品是一个相当好的抗通胀工具和实物资产,五年十年之后,艺术品投资回报和通货膨胀率比较,艺术品市场的 走势会远远好过通胀。2010年春季拍卖会上,黄庭坚《砥柱铭》创下4.368亿元中国艺术品拍卖最高纪录,而此前它 从日本回流后曾以2000万元卖给台湾收藏家,五六年后它的价格已是一个新的纪录了。近几年中国艺术品投资市场 愈发火热是符合市场运行规律的。一方面,中国许多艺术品尤其是古书画作品年代往往比文艺复兴时期还早,保存 也更难,此前中国古书画价格其实是被严重低估的,与西方绘画大师的作品相比还是有不小差距。另一方面,艺术 品的价格还和国家的财富总量和分配水平相关。中国目前财富分配还是很不平均的,越不平均价格也就越高。中国 高速增长的财富总量也足以支持整个艺术品投资市场的繁荣。毕加索的画拍卖价格大致在1亿美金左右,而刷新了中 国艺术品的拍卖纪录的《砥柱铭》成交价格为6400万美金,如下图所示中外艺术品的价差还是存在很大的差距。梅 建平教授表示,在接下来的10至20年内,中国古书画作品的价格将达到世界顶级艺术品如毕加索、梵高等大师级作 品的水准。

画家名称 作品名称















4.36亿人民币 2029万美元













克林姆特 《阿黛尔•布洛赫•鲍尔I》 1.35亿美元











1.36亿人民币 1925万美元


1.29亿人民币 2470万美元 1.69亿元人民币 1492万美元 1.00亿人民币


1968 年


中国改革开放用了三十年经历了美国三百年,当一个国家的政治、经济、文化发展到了一定程度,物质生活和 消费获得了相对满足,必然会引发精神文化领域的繁荣,艺术品投资也会兴旺起来,西方社会的经历已经如此,中 国的经历也将如此。从经济学的原理看,资本投向稀缺性资源时,才是最安全可靠的。目前高端收藏刚刚起步,机 制还不完善,但如果以未来的眼光看待收藏,现在是最佳介入契机。在中国数千年的历史上,艺术家和艺术品品类 浩繁,没有哪个国家比得上。艺术品作为永远的稀缺资源是其价格持续上涨的必然因素。不仅有地位的艺术家的数 量是有限的,而且艺术家一生所创作的作品也是有限的,这个数量远远赶不上庞大的收藏家队伍对艺术品的收藏需 求。这些都决定了艺术品是一个回报优厚的投资领域,在房地产市场调控,股市交易萧条下投资艺术品可谓是最佳 避风港。中国嘉德广州国际拍卖有限公司副总裁许习文预测在2020年左右书画市场有可能突破10亿元大关,因此艺 术品可谓是理想的长期投资工具。 作者简介:赵 昳,英国诺桑比亚大学金融学硕士,现任诺亚财富管理中心研究员,主要负责私募股权投资研 究。Tel: 021-38602614 E-mail: research@noahwm.com






Different worlds


- Cosmopolitan Charm with Ceremonies

中国——礼仪之邦的“融”魅力 Text by Harry Tang * Tanslated by Echo Chen

5,000 years of civilization forged the Chinese characters and created the world famous Chinese etiquette. Concerning Chinese people, everyone can comment, “above all, being courteous”. The fact is that etiquette has been deeply rooted into each and every Chinese soul. 五千年的文明历史,不仅使中国传承了千年的内敛,也使它在岁月的净化中修成举世闻名的礼仪之邦。 提及中国人,大家自然地会想到“彬彬有礼”。礼仪,作为中国传统文化的一个重要组成部分,已经扎实地 渗透到我们每一个炎黄子孙的骨子里。

出租车在大大小小的车流中穿梭了 将近一个钟头,终于停在了我家门口。 从杰里米和班达的表情里我感到他们此 时心里充满了兴奋和好奇,但眼神里闪 出的那一丝不安,让我不难猜出他们心 里的顾虑。“别担心,我们没有什么禁 忌的东西。如果你们有什么不明白的地 方,或者有什么特别要求,尽管对我 讲,不必拘束。”我一边掏出钥匙,一 边安慰他们说。两人听后,对我笑了 笑,一前一后,跟着我走进院子。 走在前面的高个子黑人叫杰里米,他 身穿画布衬衫,戴着一副大框的眼镜, 看上去有几分斯文。跟在后面的是班 达,穿一件宽松的绒布T恤和牛仔裤,他 身材矮胖,黝黑发亮的圆脸,一对大眼 睛,嘴角总是带着微笑,给人一种非洲 人特有的幽默感。 我是在这学期的统计学课上认识他们 的。他们俩都是来自赞比亚的留学生, 这学期刚来到中国。除了在一起上课,



他们还经常找我练习中文对 话,也常在一起打乒乓球,于 是逐渐成了好朋友。这次清明 节回家,我邀请他们来我家做 客,两人欣然答应了。这是他 们第一次到中国朋友家做客。 一进家门,父亲急忙迎接 出来。一见面,杰里米双手紧 紧握住父亲的手,一边上下晃 动,一边把他学过的所有的 中文问候语几乎全都搬了出 来。父亲也赶忙用相同的方式 握手,同时不住地点头应答。 紧接着是班达,他先装模作样 地鞠了一躬,然后握住父亲 的手猛烈地上下摇晃,“你 好,你好”,“身体好吗”, “家里人都好吧”,“工作怎 样”……父亲满面笑容地一一 作答,但从他的表情来看, 显然有些郁闷的感觉掺在其

中。这时,在家准备午餐的母亲也迎接 出来:“里边请吧。”但二位并没有往 里面走的意思,而是对母亲又寒暄了一 番,整个问候几乎用了十分钟的时间。 然后我们一起在大厅里落座。父亲 去准备茶水和点心,我发现两个人有些 不自然,于是向他们解释:“中国人见 面的礼节比较简单,握手只用右手互相 握住轻轻摇晃两下就可以了,然后一般 会让客人先进屋就座,再嘘寒问暖,这 和你们的礼节不太一样,所以我父母有 些难以适应,你们可能也会觉得他们不 够热情。”两位朋友笑着点点头。“早 知道这样更好,我还巴不得快点进屋 呢。”班达说着,做了个鬼脸,把大家 都逗乐了。 这时,父亲端来了茶水,于是我们边 喝边聊。杰里米说,在赞比亚,他们喝 茶时一般会加些糖,有时还会加一点香 草叶,不过中国的茶别有一番风味。班 达也说,中国的饮茶方式和味道都更自


Different worlds 然,他似乎对中国茶情有独钟,一边 说着,一边连喝了好几杯。 我们就风俗人情的话题继续聊 着,不觉时间已经到了中午。虽然事 先已经说好要在我家吃一顿饭,但被 请到餐厅,看到一桌热气腾腾的饭菜 的时候,两位非洲朋友似乎有些不好 意思,两个人支支吾吾不知说了些什 么。我急忙问有什么问题。班达告诉 我,在赞比亚,通常是客人要求用 餐,主人才会端上饭菜。我忙告诉他 们,这一点在中国正好相反,主人会 主动准备好饭菜。如果等到客人要求 了再上菜,会让主人觉得失礼,好像 自己怠慢了客人。 两位非洲客人对筷子的使用似乎都 已经很熟悉了。杰里米对我们说,在 来中国之前,为了熟悉筷子的使用方 法,他们着实下了一番苦功。尽管如 此,他们似乎还是有点吃不惯中国的 饭菜。“中国菜的味道很特别,很好 吃,”班达先称赞了几句,接着说, “但你们似乎吃蔬菜特别多,而我们 更喜欢吃肉。我们也不会把肉切成这 样的小条炒着吃,而是烤熟了大块大 块地吃。” 当饺子端上餐桌的时候,两人的 胃口似乎突然好了许多。但我发现除 了杰里米在吃第一个饺子的时候,象 征性地蘸了一下之外,他们面前的两 小碟醋几乎没有被碰过。母亲觉得有 些奇怪,问两人为什么不用醋。班达 笑了笑:“呵呵,我也正想问你们这 个问题。我很喜欢你们中国的小吃, 饺子、笼包,还有生煎包我都很喜 欢。但是我很奇怪你们为什么要蘸着 醋吃,那样味道不就没有那么香了 吗?”我也笑了,我对他们说:“我 想也许中国人更喜欢清淡的饮食 吧!我们觉得吃一点醋可以帮助消 化,减轻油腻。”“对,对,”班 达恍然大悟似地说,“醋也是中国 美食的‘秘密调料’之一嘛。” 我们边吃边聊,餐厅里充满 了快乐的气氛。通过交谈,我 们都更加了解了对方国家的文 化和风俗,似乎两个国家的距 离也更近了。中国和非洲国家 的文化都很强调包容和理解, 事实上,这也体现了我们作 为地球的一份子应有的基本品德。无 论我们是怎样的皮肤,怎样的生活习 性,只有学会尊重与理解对方,我想 才能真正地理解那句“我们生活在一 个地球村”的含义吧!

China : Cosmopolitan Charm with Ceremonies The taxi stopped at the gate of my home after nearly a one-hour ride in the traffic. Jamey and Banda weren’t excited or curious, only a little nervous. There were clearly hesitating. As I unlocked the d o o r, t h e y became

reassured. Jamey, a tall African dressed in a canvas shirt and wearing fashion glasses walked ahead. Banda walked behind with a black shiny round face

and big eyes - dressed in a baggy velvet T-shirt and jeans, expressing African humor. I met them this term in Statistics class. Both of them came from Zambia and studied here. Besides having classes together, they were interested in practicing Chinese and playing table tennis. After getting acquainted during the Qingming Festival, I invited them to my home. They accepted with pleasure. It’s the first time they had visited a Chinese family. My dad greeted them as soon as we entered. Jamey held his hands tight while shaking up and down. He muttered all greetings he learned in Chinese. My dad at once reacted in the same way and kept nodding his head. Banda deliberately bowed, then shook my dad’s hands violently, helloed and questioned him about his health, the other family members and about work. Father answered his questions one by one, with both smiles and apparent embarrassment. At this time, mom came from the kitchen and invited them to the living room. But instead of walking straight in, they greeted her for another ten minutes. MINS MAGAZINE



Different worlds

We sat down in the living room while Dad served drinks and food. Feeling my parents’ unease, I explained that Chinese greetings consist usually of shaking the right hand slightly in a symbolic way and inviting into the room for a friendly chat – totally different from my Zambian friend’s style. My parents felt uncomfortable with this new way of introductions and therefore I explained that they shouldn’t regard their hesitation as unfriendly. Both of them agreed with smiles and said they were eager to be seated as soon as possible, as Banda said “a.s.a.p.” while making a face, causing laughs. Dad served tea, and we talked while enjoying the tea. Jamey said that in Zambia, tea is served with sugar and sometimes with vanilla, though tea here tastes different. Banda commented that he enjoyed Chinese tea more because of the way it’s served and because it seemed to improve the flavor. It’s time for lunch. They were embarrassed by the feast! Banda told me that in Zambia, food is usually served according to guest’s request. I told them it’s different in China, otherwise, it’s considered as being rude. The two Africans handled chopsticks well. Jamey told us they practiced pretty hard before coming to China. While complimenting the unique and delicious taste, Banda confessed they prefer meat to vegetables and instead of cooking in small slices; they roast the meat in big pieces.



When the dumplings were served, their appetite turned suddenly better. And except one first dip into the vinegar by Banda, they hardly tried it. Mom was curious why they didn’t dip in the vinegar; while Banda wondered why the Chinese enjoy dipping into vinegar. I told them the reason was that vinegar helps digestion, since Chinese enjoy less greasy food. Banda understood suddenly and added vinegar, as it seemed to be one of the secret ingredients of Chinese cuisine. The dining room was filled with happiness as the lunch went on. We relaxed and got to know one another better as friends. Tolerance and understanding are emphasized by both cultures and in fact, it should be the basic ethic as being a part of the earth. No matter which race you are, what kind of living style you have, respect and mutual understanding work - as the saying goes ”We live in a global village”.



Different worlds

Japan - The Nation Complying


with Norm and Manners

——遵守规矩与标准的守礼之邦 Text by Harry Tang * Translated by Angela Tan

Among Japanese adjectives, there is a word——“礼儀正しい” which means very polite. After I heard Ms. Wu’s story, that word, which I think couldn’t be more appropriate, occurred to me. What we call “礼” means manners and norms, and “守礼” is to comply with them. In this regard, the word is performed with great eloquence by people’s actions in the country of Japan.

在日语的形容词中,有一个形容礼貌的词 “礼儀正しい”,意思是非常有礼貌的。当我 听完吴晓梅女士的叙述之后,我想用这个词来 形容是再贴切不过的了。 所谓 “礼”,是规矩和标准之意,所谓 “守礼”,就是遵守标准和规矩。这一点,在 日本这个国度里被人们表现的淋漓尽致。




Different worlds

Japan——Tenshuokaku 日本——大阪将军府

“我今天的这身打扮是不是看起 来很Man呀?”一见面,晓梅女士就 用半开玩笑的口吻这样问我。她头戴 呢绒鸭舌帽,身穿黑色风衣和休闲裤 装,化着淡妆的脸上始终带着亲切的 微笑,举手投足间,流露出一种独特 的优雅与端庄。吴晓梅女士有着十几 年在日本学习、工作和生活的经验, 能够像说母语一样讲一口流利日语的 她,对日本的种种生活方式已经习以 为常。但是,谈起初到日本时的经历 和感受,她现在仍然记忆犹新。 俗话说,民以食为天。初来乍 到,吴女士遭遇的第一个难题就是饮 食的差异。“刚到日本的时候,吃东 西特别不习惯。”她说。“日本人喜 欢吃生的东西,各种生鱼片,生海 鲜。我以前在国内,从小就养成了只 吃熟食的习惯,所以对这种突如其来 的改变很难接受。” “最难忘的是第一次去一位日本 好友家里做客。他们一家人非常热情 好客,准备了日式牛肉火锅招待我。 对于日本人来说,这是极为隆重的招 待方式,不亚于我们的一桌满汉全 席。但是吃的时候我却遇到一个很大 的麻烦,因为他们吃火锅不是像我们 中国人那样,蘸着各种调料和酱汁来 吃,而是蘸着生鸡蛋!”说到这里, 吴女士脸上露出一丝尴尬和无奈的 表情。“当时真的无法接受,看着他 们用筷子把各种东西在生鸡蛋里滚一 圈,然后放到嘴里,吃得那么香,我 简直目瞪口呆。我自己那样是一口也

吃不下去的。最后,不得不费了好一 番工夫向朋友解释清楚,没有蘸生鸡 蛋,只吃了一点锅里的牛肉和各种蔬 菜。不过抛开这一点,我们在一起还 是很开心的。日式火锅不像中国的火 锅那样,各种配料下到锅里混在一起 煮,而是把各种食材按饼状比例图那 样,一角一角地整齐摆放在锅里煮。 这和其他各种日本料理一样,做得很 精致,不仅味道好,看起来也美观。 这就像日本人做事,不仅考虑最终的 结果,对每一个细节也都很在意。” “饭后,朋友非常礼貌地给我端 来茶水”,吴女士继续说,“可是, 我居然连他们的茶也喝不惯。当时 朋友给我的是日本的煎茶,就是很碎 的,颜色很绿的那种。而之前我在国 内只喝过茉莉花茶之类的少数几种 茶,我从没想到茶会是这种味道,感 觉很怪,但出于礼貌,只能像喝药一 样忍着喝下去了。”事情过去很久, 但说起此事,我依旧能够感到当时晓 梅女士的那种尴尬心情。 除了在饮食方面的不同,去日本 家庭中做客也是需要非常注意的。日 本人家里很干净,进门需要脱鞋,但 鞋子的摆放很有讲究。“把鞋整齐地 摆放在玄关外侧,鞋头必须朝外,也 就是对着大门的方向。对于日本人来 说,这一细节就能很好地体现一个人 的修养。”关于日本的餐桌礼仪,吴 女士说:“吃饭的时候一定要把双手 都放在桌面以上,用右手夹菜的时 候,左手要扶着桌子的边缘,如果 放在腿上或者垂下来都会显得不够礼 貌。另外,把食物送进嘴里的时候不 能发出任何声音,整个吃饭过程一定 要尽量保持安静。最后,还有非常重 要的一点,就是一定要把自己的一份 吃得很干净,如果没有全部吃完表示 主人没有招待好。” “喝茶也很有讲究。”吴女士没 有向我描述复杂的日本茶道,而是讲 述了自己的一段特别的情感经历。 其实,日本文化的精妙之处往往就体 现在这些日常生活的一点一滴之中。 “当初我的同学中有一个日本男孩 子,我们关系很好,但是主要还是因 为文化之间的差异,没能走到一起。 有一件事情给我的印象特别深,有一 次,我们很多同学一起去一处温泉度 假胜地游玩,在一家宾馆的大厅里, 大家要坐下来喝点茶,但那儿只有一 些茶包。我看到那个男同学坐在旁 边,就很友好地对他说‘我帮你倒一 杯茶水吧。’他点头答应了。那是我




Different worlds

第一次用茶包冲茶,我只是把茶包放进茶杯里,倒上开水,然后就直接递给他。他对我道了谢,但当他接过茶杯的时 候,我发现他微微一皱眉,脸上的笑容也有些不自然。从他的表情中我察觉到自己做错了什么,但我知道,他们日本 人的规矩,朋友无意中犯了错,出于礼貌,他们是不会当面指出的。于是我问他,是不是自己刚才有什么地方做错 了。在我的一再要求下,他很客气地向我指出,当为别人倒茶的时候,冲完水应该先把茶包从杯里取出,再递给对 方。于是我恍然大悟,但我也感觉到,虽然我们之间已经没有任何语言障碍,由于习俗上的差异,要真正生活在一 起,完全接受对方,就没那么容易了。” 是的,这就是日本,一个非常重视传统和礼仪的民族。对这些传统和礼节的严格遵守有时难免会让他们显得有些 保守和死板,但正是这种近乎刻板的遵守,使得具有日本特有的文化传统得以传承和延续,也造就了我们今天看到这 样一个独特的日本。如今我们正在经历一个全球化的时代,为了不被时代的浪潮淹没,我们需要更加全面深入地了解 别的国家,了解那些不同于我们的思想和文化,而最好的方式莫过于亲身经历他们的风俗、礼仪和生活方式,在比较 和交流中用心体会。只有这样,我们才能更好地了解对方,同时,也在一个全球化的背景中,更好地了解自己。

“Does the way I dress today look so manly to you?” Xiaomei asked me half jokingly, as soon as we met. She was wearing a woolen peaked cap, black windbreaker and casual pants. With light make-up, her face showed a friendly smile all the time, and the way she conducted herself illustrated the distinctive elegance of her stylishness. Having over ten years of experience studying, working and living in Japan, she can speak Japanese as her mother tongue and has already become accustomed to the Japanese way of life. However, when describing her time in Japan, she still has vivid memories as if it was yesterday. An old saying goes, “Bread comes first.” When Ms. Wu first came to Japan, she encountered her first problem in the Japanese food culture. “At the beginning, I just couldn’t get used to the food”, she said. “Japanese people like to eat raw food, such as sashimi, uncooked seafood. Since I was a very young child in China I’ve gotten in the habit of eating cooked food, so it was very hard for me to accept this unexpected change. ” “I’ll never forget about the first time I visited my Japanese friend. His family was very hospitable. They prepared Japanese beef pot for me. The Japanese take serving visitors very seriously. But I had a big problem during dinner. The Japanese hot pot is served with no flavoring or sauce like we Chinese people do, but rather with raw eggs!”




Different worlds

When speaking of this point, her expression was a bit embarrassed and helpless. “I just couldn’t handle it at that moment. When looking at my hosts using chopsticks to dip different food in the raw egg and enjoying the food they put into their mouths so much, I was stunned. I couldn’t take even one swallow. At last, I painstakingly made it clear to them that I couldn’t eat raw eggs. So without dipping, I just had a little beef and vegetables from the pot. But aside from that, we did have fun together. Japanese hot pot isn’t the same as Chinese hot pot, where we put everything into the pot. They put the food in the pot in an orderly and separate manner according to the shape and, in the form of a triangle, and then spoil it. It’s as proportion is delicate like other Japanese food that is both delicious and good-looking. This reflects the way Japanese people conduct themselves in the daily lives. Not only do they consider the final result, but also take care of the details.” “After the meal, my friend politely handed me a cup of tea.” Ms. Wu continued, “But I was even not yet used to their tea. What my friend gave me was Sencha (a Japanese green tea), which is crumbled and quite green. However, in China I just drank only a few different kinds of tea such as jasmine tea or green tea. I had never thought that this tea would taste so weird, but I had to drink it just as same as if I was taking medicine, because I wanted to be polite.” Even though this happened a very long time ago, I still felt her embarrassment at that time, so long ago. Apart from differences in diet, you should keep something in mind when you are invited to a Japanese family. You ought to take off your shoes before entering into a Japanese home, which is very tidy and neat. And as for placing shoes, there is another thing worth noticing. “The shoes should be put outside the hallway in an orderly manner with toes pointed outside to the door. For the Japanese, details are a way to

test a person’s manners.” Considering Japanese table manners, she said, “When eating, you have to put your hands on the table. You use chopsticks with your right hand and put your left hand on the edge of the table. It’s impolite to dangle your hands or put them on your legs. Besides, as you eat, you shouldn’t make any sounds. You should try to keep very quiet during the meal. As well, you have to eat all your food, or it will show others you weren’t entertained well.” “So it is the same with drinking tea.” Ms. Wu didn’t tell me about the complicated Japanese tea etiquette but only her special emotional experience. “At that time, I got along very well with one of my classmates, a Japanese boy. But we didn’t make our relationship go further, as the culture differences between us were too great. Once, I was deeply impressed when lots of classmates and I went to a hot spring resort. In the hotel lobby, we were going to drink some tea at the table, but we had only a few tea bags. I saw this same boy sitting next to me, so I said to him friendly, “Do you want to get a cup of tea?” He nodded. But that was my first time to make tea with a tea bag. I just put it in the cup, poured some water, and handed it to him. He said thank you, but I noticed he frowned with a bit of a strained smile on his face when he got the cup. His expression told me that I had made a mistake, but I understood that out of politeness and respect, he wouldn’t point out a friend’s unintended

mistake, that being the terms of the Japanese code of conduct. So I asked him politely if I had done anything wrong. At my repeated request, he said in kind words that the tea bag should be taken out after you poured water, and then hand it to other person. I was suddenly given a great insight, and became aware that even though we didn’t have problem in language, it would be difficult for us to live together and accept each other as a result of the differences in each others customs.” This is precisely Japan, a nation that attaches huge importance to tradition and etiquette. Inevitably, people who strictly adhere to those principles look quite conservative and rigid at times. However, we have entered a time of globalization. Now with the tides of time, we need to learn more about other countries’ cultures as well as the thoughts that are different from our own. However, Japanese cultural tradition has been passed down for generations. It has extended as a direct result of a nearly inflexible adherence to traditions and in the process, bringing about a distinctive country. What’s best is that we can get handson experience in their customs, ceremonies, and way of life by being open and exchanging with one another from the heart. This is the only way for us to know each other better, as well as ourselves under the background of world globalization.




Different worlds

France - A Country Carrying Forward


Aristocratic Manners

——贵族礼仪得以延伸的国度 Text by Ada Feng * Translated by May Zhang

When mentioning France, I suppose the word“romance”will first occur to many people. In the country suffused with fashionable atmosphere, we can see hospitable French everywhere. It is the first country which acknowledged kissing as the way of expressing emotions. French are proud of their tradition of being polite and modest to ladies. In France, you can truly feel how frequent and natural “handshake and embrace” is. 提及法国,我想很多人第一个想到的形容词便是“浪漫”。在这个时尚气息弥漫的国家里, 可以随处见到热情开朗的法国人。作为世界上第一个公认用亲吻来表达感情的国家,法国人对女 士们的谦恭礼貌也是他们引以自豪的传统。 在法国,你可以深刻地感觉到“握手与拥抱”在这里是多么的频繁与自然。

Anna是我的大学同学,一个活泼可 爱的福建女孩。2002年,她远渡法国, 一待就是九年。今天,是她回国后我们 第一次的相聚。刚走进星巴克,我便忍 不住的开始询问她在法国的生活趣事。 “说趣事嘛,嗯,让我想一 下。”Anna说:“法国是一个看似随 意,但生活节奏却是有条不紊的国家。 就先说说它的见面礼貌吧。我从来没有 见过一个这么喜欢握手与亲吻的国家。 比如吻面礼,在法国,不同的地区有着 明显的次数差异。一般来说,比较偏远 的区域更加注重吻面礼与握手礼,法国 人认为,即便大家语言不通,但通过这 两种方式,彼此间的距离会亲近很多。



当然,也不是所有的人和所有 的关系都要这样。比如男士之 间不须行吻面礼,他们只要握 手就行了;而女士只有在不认 识对方的情况下才握手,否则 一天中第一次见面和道别时都 要吻对方。又比如,他们在见 到久别重逢的亲友、同事时, 采用贴脸或脸颊,长辈对小辈 则是亲额头,只有在爱人和情 侣之间,才是我们理解地接吻 方式。”说到这,她忽然笑出 声来,原来在握手礼这个环节 上,她还闹过一次笑话。 “那是我到法国的第二个

月。一个周末,我去同学的家中做客, 自然,她是一个法国女孩。去之前,我 询问了很多关于拜访的礼貌和规矩,唯 独没有考虑见面那个瞬间的礼貌。大约 接近中午的时候,我在同学的带领下来 到了她的家。一进门,她的母亲微笑着 张开双臂,一时间,我也不知道应该怎 样应对,于是情急之下,我像中国的小 朋友一样对着她的母亲深深的鞠躬,嘴 里还说着‘阿姨您好’,当时她的母亲 愣在那里,或者她也不知道应该怎样应 对我吧”。“那么后来呢?”我迫切的 问。“后来,后来就这么稀里糊涂地进 去了。过了很久,我的同学对我说, 当我离开之后,她的家人很不解地问


Different worlds

‘Anna不是一个中国女孩吗?怎么 会行日本的鞠躬礼呢?’瞧,这个 笑话多丢人啊。” “刚才说到去法国的家庭做 客,那么做客有什么特别之处 吗?”“对的,被你一提醒,还真 是有很大的不同。”Anna继续说 着:“在法国,如果主人邀请你去 吃饭,那么他们基本不会邀请你去 餐厅用餐。法国是一个热情的国 度,他们认为只有用自己亲自烹调 的手艺才能表示对朋友的诚意。当 然,做客时要带点小礼物去,他们 会很乐意收下,并且会当面打开并 不加隐藏的称赞礼物,这点和我们 中国很不一样。与此同时,如果主 人邀请你享用的是晚餐,那么最好 的礼物就是花。法国人很喜欢花, 但切记不要送菊花以及黄色的花, 菊花的忌讳和中国一样,至于黄色 的花,在法国则象征夫妻间的不忠 贞。还有中国人很喜爱的牡丹、杜 鹃以及康乃馨等等,这些都被视为 不祥的花朵。”听完Anna的讲述, 我不仅惊叹:“天哪,好多的讲究 啊。”Anna对我笑笑,“何止呢, 如果第一次做客,那不需要准备礼 物的,因为初次见面送礼物会让法 国人感到你不善交际,是行为粗鲁 的表现;还有男性客人向女主人赠 送礼物时也不要送香水,因为香水 有着‘不轨企图’的嫌疑。做客的 过程中,不要打听别人的私生活以 及工作的事情,这些都是不礼貌 的。”听着Anna所讲的,我感觉自 己都学到了很多的知识,想想平时 自己在朋友家的行为,在法国估计 都要被“封杀”了。 “怎么?感到繁琐了?呵 呵。”Anna就像看出我的心事一 样,“是啊,好多的规矩啊,而且 很多地方和我们中国很不相同。” 我坦言道。“嗯,是的。所以说, 到法国旅游或者工作学习,单是礼 仪一课就得好好学习。” 关于法国的礼仪与规矩,其实 还有很多没有涉及的。但正是这些 看似细微琐碎的规矩,则让浪漫的 法国人在展现自己的好客热情时透 露出无法阻挡的贵族气质。因为规 矩的约束,让法国人的行为举止遗 传了王室的优雅;因为礼仪的存 在,让法国人做事一丝不苟,谈吐

风趣不俗。也许法国留给全球的印象是对 时尚的掌控,但其背后,贵族般礼仪普及 才是创造浪漫法国的根本渊源。

France: A Country Carrying Forward Aristocratic Manners When mentioning France, I suppose the word “romance” will first occur to many people. In the country suffused with fashionable atmosphere, we can see hospitable French people everywhere. It is the first country to acknowledge kissing as a way of expressing emotions. The French are proud of their tradition of being polite and modest to ladies. In France, you can truly feel how frequent and natural “handshakes and embraces” are. Anna, a lovely girl from Fujian, is my classmate in college. In 2002, she went to France and stayed there for 9 years. It was our first time getting together after her return from France. Walking into Starbucks, I could not help asking her about some of her life anecdotes in France. “Anecdotes, eh, let me think,” Anna said, “France seems casual, but people’s pace of life is orderly. First let me talk about greeting manners. I’ve never seen a country so fond of handshakes and kisses except France. For example, about the manner of kissing the face, there are differences in number of times for different districts. Generally speaking, people in remote districts tend to stress kissing and handshaking more. French believe that people can get closer to each other by kisses and handshakes even if they have language barriers. Of course, it is not suitable for everyone or every kind of relation; for example, kissing is not needed between men; only handshakes are enough. Women only shake hands w h e n t h e y d o n ’ t k n o w a p e rs o n , otherwise, they will kiss him or her when

first meeting and leaving. Also, when meeting relatives or friends after a long separation, French will move their faces or cheeks close to the other person’s. The elder will kiss the junior’s forehead. Only kisses between lovers are the ones we have understood.” Then she suddenly laughed, for she made a mistake in handshaking. “It was my second month in France. I visited my classmate on the weekend. Of course, she is French. I had learned the visiting manners and rules ahead of time, but I failed to consider the manner at the exact meeting moment. About noon, I arrived at her house with her. Her mother smiled with open arms, and I didn’t know how to respond. So in a moment of desperation, I had to bow and said, “Hello, Auntie,” just like Chinese children. Her mother was in amazement, or I may say she did not know how to react.” “Then what happened?” I asked urgently. “Then...then we entered puzzlingly. After a long time, my classmate told me that when I left, her family asked her ‘Is Anna Chinese? Why did she bow like a Japanese?’ Look, I was so embarrassed.” “ I s t h e re a ny t h i n g s p e c i a l i n visiting French families?” “Yes, you remind me that there are great differences. Anna continued, “In France, if the host invites you for a meal, they won’t invite you to the restaurant. France is a country of




Different worlds

hospitality. French think they can only show their sincerity by cooking themselves. Of course, we should bring some gift, which they will be very glad to accept. They will unfold the gift and praise it directly. It is very different from in China. If the host invites you for dinner, the best gift is flowers. French love flowers, but not chrysanthemum or yellow flower. Chrysanthemum has the same taboo meaning as in China. Yellow flowers stands for infidelity between husband and wife. And the peony, azalea and carnations - w e C h i n e s e l o v e - a re considered ominous.” I wa s a m a ze d , “G o d , s o many rules!” Anna smiled, “There is something more. It is unnecessary to prepare gifts for the first-time visit, because this will leave French an impression of weak social intercourse, or even rudeness. Male guests cannot give perfume to the female host, because perfume indicates bad intention. Don’t ask about personal life and work during your visit, as this is considered impolite.”

I’ve learned much from Anna. Considering my behavior at friends’ home, I think I should be forced out of France. “How? Too sophisticated?” Anna could see what I was thinking. “Yes, too many rules, and many differences from China.” I answered frankly. “You are right. So, manners is really a course worth learning if you are going to France for travel, work or study.” There's much more about French manners and rules, which seem trivial, but reveal romantic French people’s aristocratic temperament, their passion and hospitality. These mannered restrictions enable them to inherit royal elegance. Manners give them perfection as well as a humorous and an extraordinary style of conversation. Maybe France gives the world an impression of the mastery of fashion, but behind this, the widespread aristocratic manners are the fundamental source of romantic France.









Spring Outing

Text by Ada Feng * Translated by May Zhang

On the moment of every year, When people are expecting and praising the spring time, The memories of spring outing will come to the mind…...

每年的这个时候, 在人们对美好春光充满期待与感叹的同时, 被封尘许久的春游往事开始萌芽……

Spring outing, wonderful travels, You can go wherever you like. You travel, and MINS will plan for you. Liberate your laborious body, and release your tense feelings, Don’t hesitate, start now! Date: May 1-June 30.

春游记,逍遥游, 想去哪里就去哪里。 你出游,《MINS》来出谋划策, 解放勤劳的身体,释放紧张的情绪, 别犹豫,现在就出发! 春游日期:5月1日——6月30日






春游前准备 春游前事事巨细,春游中泰然自若 七大小贴士—— 一、钱和钱包 春游时节,是开始享受花钱乐趣的时候了。带上 钱包,装上贵重物品,比如信用卡,护照,现金 等。如果经济允许,要带上比预算多20%的钱, 再准备一些零钱以备不时之需。当然,为防止意 外,请把备用的信用卡和身份证分开存放。


二、 旅行包 不同旅行包适合不同的旅行。当明确了旅行目的 地之后,请一定挑选适用的旅行包。一个恰到好 处的旅行包,在我们的春游过程中是非常重要 的。 三、合脚的旧鞋子 穿上合脚的旧鞋子,不仅可以让旅途变得轻松, 还省却了伤害脚的痛苦。记住:春游最重要的是 轻便,而不是漂亮。 四、医药包 就算你是无敌超人,也不要忘记携带一个小巧的 医药包,谁也无法预料旅途中可能发生的小意 外。一般来说,感冒、过敏、晕车、消化不良、 腹泻、上火是旅途中常发生的症状,还要准备创 可贴,用于应付意外受伤;清凉油,用于应付蚊 虫叮咬、头晕;眼药水,用于游泳或泡温泉后, 或灰沙入眼;活络油,用于跌打损伤,风湿骨 痛。它们都是应该带的。 五、 充足电的相机或者DV 重点在充足电的电池。千万不要做出到了景点才 发现电池没电的傻事来。

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六、目的地的游玩攻略 一份详细的游玩攻略,可以让你在陌生的环境中 迅速有效地节省时间与金钱。与其盲目的跟随大 流,不如巧妙的选择自己喜欢的旅游景点去细细 赏玩。 七、各种票类 拿好旅途中所有的票类,它们可是你能否到达目 的地或者进入景区的唯一通行证!




Preparations Prepare for every detail, so you can be relax. Seven tips: 1) Money and wallet It is time to enjoy spending money during spring outing seasons. Bring your wallet and valuables, for example, credit card, passport and cash. If your economic conditions permit, you can bring some change in case of need. Of course, in case of accidents, please put your credit card and ID card in different pockets. 2) Travelling bag Different travelling bags are suitable for different travels. Do choose appropriate bags when your destination is decided. A proper travelling bag is important for our spring outing.


3) Suitable old shoes A pair of suitable old shoes can not only make your trip relaxed, but also avoid the pain of your feet. Please remember lightness rather than beauty is the most important. 4) Medicine Even if you are a superman, don’t forget to bring a small box of medicine. Nobody can predict what accidents may happen. Generally speaking, cold, allergy, carsickness, indigestion, laxness and internal heat are very common symptoms during your trip. Band-aids are also needed for accidental injuries; cooling oil for mosquitoes’ biting or light-headedness; eyedrops for relaxing after swimming or hot springs, or in case of dust into the eye. Activating collaterals oil for bruises or rheumatism. 5) Fully charged camera or DV The key point is “fully charged.” Don’t regret carrying a camera with a low battery!


6) Strategies for enjoying yourself at your destination A detailed set of strategies enable you to save time and money efficiently in any strange environment. Enjoy your favorite tourist attractions instead of going with the stream. 7) Tickets Keep all your tickets as reminders to stir memories of the lovely places you've visited.




Travel 穿越古今的神秘之旅 无论是梦里水乡的乌镇, 还是现实山水画的宏村, “春游”本身就意味着快乐旅程。 浙江乌镇——即将被遗忘的千年水乡 乌镇古名乌墩、乌戍。地处浙江省北 端。从杭州出发走高速公路一个多小时的车 程。一条流水贯穿全镇,它以水为街,以岸 为市,两岸房屋建筑全面向河水,形成了水 乡迷人的风光。水中不时有乌篷船依呀往 返;岸边店铺林立叫卖声不绝于耳。小桥流 水,石板小巷是它主要的风情。 作为千年的古镇,您不仅追寻到曾经岁 月留下的斑驳,还可以品尝到历史传承下来 的珍馐美味。传奇意味的“姑嫂饼”、享誉 世界的“杭白菊”……同时,作为中国特有 的优质蚕丝也是乌镇著名的特产。

A Mysterious Journey Traveling Back Through Time No matter the dreamful Wu Zhen, Or the realistic Hong Village, Spring outing means a happy journey itself. Wu Zhen in Zhejiang: a millennial water town about to be forgotten Wu Zhen, originally called Wudun or Wushu, is situated in the north of Zhejiang. It takes over one hour’s driving on the freeway from Hangzhou. A river runs through the whole town, with water as the street and the bank as the market. The houses on both sides of the river form a fascinating view. Black-awning boats scatter on the water, shops stand in great numbers at the bank and peddlers’ cries linger in one’s ears. Small bridges over the flowing stream and slates and lanes are the primary scenery. As an aged town, you can pursue the mottled memories of the ages, and enjoy the dainties inherited through the history, the legendary Gusao Cake, the world-renowned Hangzhou Chrysanthemum... Meanwhile, the high-quality silk peculiar to China is also the famous specialty of Wu Zhen.

福建土楼——穿越古今的神秘之旅 土楼,顾名思义,就是利用未经焙 烧的按一定比例的沙质黏土和黏质沙土 拌合而成的泥土,以夹墙板夯筑而成墙 体、柱梁等构架全部采用木料的楼屋, 简言之,就是以生土版筑墙作为承重系 统的任何两层以上的房屋。 土楼,是中国留给世界历史的瑰 宝。土楼的形式多种多样,其中,福建 土楼被列入《世界遗产名录》。无论从 远处还是走到跟前,土楼都以其庞大的 单体式建筑令人震惊,其体积之大,堪 称民居之最。一座普通的圆楼,其直径 大约为50余米,而大型圆楼直径可达 七八十米。从高空俯视,如同自天而降 的黑色飞碟一样。 西方的比萨斜塔,以其斜而不倒闻 名世界。中国的福建裕昌(土楼群中代 表的一座),正以其东倒西歪的结构再 次让世人惊艳。





Fujian Earth buildings: a mysterious travel through the time An earth building or ‘tulou’, just as the name implies, is a building made of a proportioned mixture of unroasted sandy clay and viscous sand soil; the wall is strengthened by wallboards, and the roof beam is built of wood. In short, it is a house that stands over two tiers tall, made of raw soil boards as the weigh system. Tulou is a treasure China has left to the world. There are many kinds, among which Fujian earth buildings are on the World Heritage List. Looking from a distance or in the vicinity, we will be astonished at its huge monomer-type building. Its size is the biggest among the dwellings. The diameter of a common spherical tulou is about 50 meters, and that of a large type can be 70 to 80 meters. From above, they look like black flying saucers falling from the sky. The Leaning Tower of Pisa in the West is famous for it’s leaning without falling down. The Fujian Yuchang (a representative tulou) in China amazes the world again by its ramshackle yet long-standing structure.

西藏林芝——在那桃花盛开的地方 五月到九月,是游玩西藏的黄金时节。纳木错的晶 莹剔透,林芝的委婉动人,巴松措的幽静蔚蓝……西藏 的美,是无与伦比的。 林芝,是藏文“nying khri”的音译。本意为“太 阳的宝座”, 她地处中国西藏自治区东南部,内与昌 都、那曲、拉萨、山南等地市相邻,外与印度、缅甸接 壤。自古以来,林芝就被海内外的游客称为西藏的“瑞 士”,西藏的“江南”。 林芝的气候温暖湿润,森林覆盖率极高。喜马拉雅 山山脉与念起唐古拉山脉将她环绕。林芝以世界上最深 的大峡谷而著称于世,并有世界上落差最大的垂直地貌 分布,她是世界仅存的绝少为人类所涉足的净土之一。

Nyingchi in Tibet: where the peach blooms It is the gold time to visit Tibet from May to September. Crystal Nam Lake, touching Nyingchi, tranquil Basum Lake...The beauty of Tibet is incomparable. Nyingchi, the transliteration of “nying khri”, originally means the throne of the sun. It is located in the southeast of Tibet, and borders cities like Changdu, Naqu, Lhasa, and Shannan, and countries like India and Burma. Since the ancient times, Nyingchi has been considered as the Switzerland of Tibet, and South of the Yangtze River by tourists both home and abroad. It is warm and moist. There is a high forest coverage percentage. The Himalayas and Nyanqêntanglha surround the county. Nyingchi is well known for its deepest canyon in the world. There is also a vertical landform of the greatest incline. It is a piece of rare pure land people seldom stepped into.





Fascinating alien flavors T h e fa s c i n a t i n g f l av o r o f t h e m i n o r i t y l i e s i n t h e unpredictability. They were once the summer resorts of the emperors. They can be instantly changed into a piece of holy fairyland. Lijiang in Yunnan: national customs on the frontier Lijiang a multicultural city. Twelve ethnical groups have lived here for generations. The Naxi and Yi groups are the major habitants. Being an old city, multicultural features show the city’s magnificence in the international arena. The beauty of Lijiang is beyond description. Generally speaking, it is represented by “two mountains, one city, one lake, one river, one culture and one amorous feeling”. Two mountains refer to Yulong Snow Mountain and Laojun Mountain; Yulong Snow Mountain has the modern maritime glacier which is nearest to the equator in the northern hemisphere. One city means the Lijiang old city. One lake means Lugu Lake, one of the nine plateau lakes in Yunnan. One river refers to Jinsha River. One culture refers to Naxi Dongba culture, including Dongba hieroglyphs. One amorous feeling indicates the Mosuo custom: the Mosuo people living by the Lugu Lake still keep the maternal society’s tradition of walking marriages.

湖南黄丝桥——让时间停留的地方 也许你知道凤凰古城,也许你知道南方 长城,但黄丝桥,这座目前中国境内保存最 好的古城,一直以静静的姿态守候在历史的 面前。 黄丝桥古城古称渭阳城,距今已有 1300多年的历史。是清朝康熙年间为了镇 压和安抚少数民族(主要为苗族)所设立 的直隶厅。黄丝桥古城属南方长城的一部 分,自古以来是苗汉相争的前沿阵地。黄丝 桥古城占地面积只有2900平方米,城墙均 采用青石,三座高大城楼顶,飞檐翘角,分 外壮观。城墙上部为锯凿形状。黄丝桥是中 国历史上女皇武则天被选中上京之时曾经歇 脚的地方,和武则天有很深地渊源。 登上城墙远眺,炊烟缕缕,一派田园诗 韵,恍若之中,你会感叹:时间,在这里停 留了千百年。



迷醉风情的异族情调 少数民族的风情魅力,在于它的变幻莫测。 曾经,这里或许是帝王们的避暑胜地, 转眼间,也可以化作无欲无求的仙境圣地。 云南丽江——边陲重地的民族风 丽江,自古就是一个多民族聚居的地方, 共有12个世居民族,其中纳西族与彝族是主 要居住民族。丽江是一座古老的城市。多民族 的特性,使得它在国际舞台上绽放出瑰丽的色 彩。丽江的美是说不完的,总体来看,它以 “二山、一城、一湖、一江、一文化、一风 情”为主要代表。二山即玉龙雪山和老君山, 其中玉龙雪山拥有目前为止北半球距赤道最近 的现代海洋性冰川。一城,即丽江古城。一 湖,即泸沽湖,是云南省九大高原湖泊之一。 一江,即金沙江。一文化,既纳西东巴文化, 包括东巴象形文字等。一风情,即摩梭风情, 生活在泸沽湖畔的摩梭人至今保留着“男不 娶、女不嫁”的母系走婚习俗。



The yellow silk bridge in Hunan: a place where time stops Maybe you know the Phoenix town, or the Great Wall of the South, but this is the best-preserved ancient city in China, which stands quietly in history. It was called Weiyang City, with a history of over 1300 years, built during the Kangxi Years in the Qing Dynasty to suppress and comfort the minorities (mainly the Miao nationality). It is one part of the Great Wall of the South, a battlefield Han and Miao nationalities had been fighting over for in history. The particularly magnificent old city covers 2900 square meters, built by bluestones and three gate towers. In history, it was once chosen by the Empress Wu as a resting place on her way to the capital. Stepping on the wall and looking far into the distance, there is running smoky countryside scenery. You may lament that time has stood still here for hundreds or thousands of years.

Huangyao in Guangxi: a place at ease When you talk with any person from Guangxi, he must tell you something about Huangyao. Huangyao is praised by Chinese as one of the 50 tourist attractions most deserving of foreigners’ visits. Now, its peculiar charm still remains. It was built during the Wanli years in the Ming Dynasty, and prospered during the Qianlong years in the Qing Dynasty. The habitants were most surnamed Huang and Yao, so it was called Huangyao. With the development of the history, many buildings are deserted now, and the railings and crossbars are not brilliant any more. However, we can still feel the oldtime prosperity. There are 11 ancestral halls, among which Gu, Wu and Liang ancestral halls are the best. The 1300-yearold well is still used. In the morning, many women gather here to take water. The old stage consists of the front and back part, with a screen for separation. The wood railings are painted red and the ceiling is painted with colorful flowers, plants, insects and butterflies. The stylobate is built of large bluestones. Every March 3, there are opera performances on the stage. Huangyao is quiet: rippling rivers, solitary and long lanes, aged courtyards, and gentle people. It is far from the madding crowd. Why not make a cup of tea, sit quietly in the moonlight and appreciate the long-lasting ancient charm?

广西黄姚——小家碧玉般地悠闲之处 问及任何一个广西人,他一定会和你说起黄 姚古镇。这座被中国人推崇为“外国游人最应该 去的50个旅游胜地”之一的古镇,如今依旧保 存着它独有的魅力。黄姚古镇发祥于宋朝年间, 兴建于明朝万历年间,鼎盛于清朝乾隆年间。由 于镇上以黄、姚两姓居多,故名“黄姚”。经过 历史的洗礼,虽然楼道内许多已经空置,雕栏、 门楣色彩不再鲜艳,但还是依稀能感受到旧时的 熙攘和繁华。古镇现存11座宗祠,古家祠、吴 家祠、梁家祠都是其中的佼佼者。那口1300年 的古井,至今仍在使用。清早,这里都聚集了很 多用水妇人。镇中的古戏台分前后台两部分,前 后台间修了板屏,前有朱漆的木栏杆,天花板上 彩绘着各种花草虫蝶,台基全用大青石板砌成。 每逢农历三月初三,古戏台唱大戏。黄姚是宁静 的,碧波荡漾的小河,寂寥而悠长的街巷,院落 古韵犹存,人们和蔼可亲。在这里,尘嚣无法侵 扰。 泡上一壶茶,夜间静静地端坐在月光下,岁 月悠长,何不尽享这古意浓浓……






Interview慈善与志愿者 Charity&Volunteer



慈善与志愿者专访 Interview







Time Icon

The Beautiful Girl with Violet Eyes


Elizabeth Taylor

伊丽莎白 泰勒




Time Icon 拥有紫罗兰双瞳的美丽女孩

Text by Ada Feng * Translated by Angela Tan

2011年北京时间3月23日,天堂 又多了一位美艳绝伦的天使,伊丽莎 白•泰勒的离去,正式宣告好莱坞历史 上最美的四位佳丽时代结束。 玛丽莲•梦露的美是黄金,耀眼而 夺目,得到她能让你成为万人艳羡的 资本;费雯丽的美是绿水晶,纯粹洁 净不染污垢,是理想爱情的化身;奥 黛丽•赫本是美丽的珍珠,她的美接 近理想化,她本身就是一个会行走的 梦;那么,伊丽莎白•泰勒的美则是 紫宝石,高贵魅惑又深邃神秘,精致 得让人觉得高不可及,是高雅的代名 词。 伊丽莎白•泰勒的一生是传奇的, 是备受争议的。但无可置否,她的一 生是精彩不可复制的。太多赞美的词 汇已经太多太多,我们只愿天堂的她 安好,我想,天使的容貌也不会比她 更夺目……



有这样一种人,她们注定了出生 开始就要星光烁烁的走完一生。而伊 丽莎白•泰勒就是其中的典范。 从小生长于演员家庭,母亲的熏 陶注定了她以后人生的方向。10岁, 一个朦胧的花季年龄,伊丽莎白•泰 勒便和环球公司签下了生命中的第一 部戏约。从此,她片约不断, 12岁的 系列影片《灵犬莱西》让她展露出与 生俱来的演技。16岁,小有名气的她 凭借一组惊艳的性感照片摆脱少女形 象,19岁主演的《阳光照耀之地》正 式开启她大明星的生涯。 这个拥有一双紫罗兰双瞳的美丽 女人,在最后的回忆录中,首先感谢 的就是自己的母亲。如果没有妈妈, 也许,她只不过是一个普通不过的人 罢了。伊丽莎白•泰勒的母亲萨拉• 泰勒是一名演员,她虽然没有足够的 资历供孩子上学,但是她坚持让泰勒 去和电影厂老板的女儿们一起学习舞 蹈,从而通过这种近水楼台的关系得 到了泰勒第一个试镜机会。走入电影 圈后,母亲为了她可以尽快出演影 片,对泰勒的照顾以及要求几乎达到 了万事巨细的程度。每晚,萨拉•泰勒 每天晚上都把泰勒浓密的黑发用布条 扎起来,以使她美丽的卷发不至于变 形。她总是领着女儿去研学那些与演 艺有关的科目,如唱歌、舞蹈、化妆 等等。到早上的时候,她总是要女儿 学会如何不用眼睛就能踏准地板上的 目标,如何在中心光环下表演。萨拉• 泰勒为此煞费苦心。 功夫不负有心人,母亲的苦心没 有白费,很快,伊丽莎白•泰勒出彩的 形象换来了一纸合约,自此电影生涯 向她张开了双臂。

性感女人的悄然绽放 岁月眷顾着这个美艳的女子,将 其孩童时代的腼腆慢慢逝去,曾经可 爱的小女孩已经长大了。 1950年,泰勒正式成年,18岁的 她出演了影片《岳父大人》(Father of the Bride)。在片中,她饰演了斯宾 塞•屈塞(Spencer Tracy)快要结婚的 女儿。假戏真做的泰勒随后便嫁给了 酒店业大亨小康拉德•尼科尔森•希尔 顿(Conrad Nicholson Hilton, Jr)。不 过这次婚姻却不像剧情中那么美满, 这段姻缘最后只持续了八个月而已。


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虽然婚姻失败了,但泰勒却从这 次失败的感情中发现了自己对于电影 的狂热挚爱。她在一张留给母亲的道 歉字条上写道:“对不起,经过反复 思考,我认为这一辈子我想做的事就 是拍电影,我已经不能离开它了。如 果不让我干,就好比砍掉了一棵树的 根,我很快就会枯萎,变成一个没有 生命的废物。” 终于,她重返电影圈,这种近似 发疯的热情支撑着她拍摄了一部又一 部家喻户晓的影片,而她的美丽,也 逐渐地开始漫步全世界。《纽约先驱 者论坛报》这样评论泰勒:她是真正 的百分之百的美女,前程不可限量。

从明星到巨星,她就是好莱坞 耀眼的光芒 50年代是泰勒开始向成人角色转 化的开始。很快,泰勒就在家庭喜剧 片《新娘的父亲》中与斯宾赛•特雷 西配戏。泰勒与特雷西的珠联璧合, 使得该片大获成功。随后在1951年, 他们又共同出演了影片《爸爸的小红 利》。同年,泰勒与范•约翰逊在影片 《我最后一次看到巴黎》中搭档。这 些角色确立了她明星的地位。 1956年,电影《天才》中泰勒的 出色表演,使她在影坛的地位攀升到 了新的高度。《天才》大获成功,最 终获得了10项奥斯卡提名,但是泰勒 的表演并不在其中。上帝总是喜欢给 人类惊喜。从1957年开始,伊丽莎 白•泰勒连续四年获得了奥斯卡最佳女 演员的提名。 在整个50年代,泰勒俨然就是巨 星。她的名字以及令人应接不暇地私 生活就像标题新闻般的让人瞩目。

“埃及艳后”的繁华与落寞 1960年,伊丽莎白•泰勒已经是 世界上最有名的演员。20世纪福克斯 公司投拍《埃及艳后》,她被邀请担 任女主角,泰勒提出100万美元的片 酬要求,成为当时女演员的最高片酬 要求。在60年代,没有人知道,之后 这部影片对电影产业的影响。 《埃及艳后》将泰勒的人生推向 了极致,无论在事业,还是在爱情 上。她与理查德•伯顿惊天动地的浪漫 史在当时称为重磅炸弹,她的出现导 致理查德•伯顿的妻子自杀,“丑闻” 蔓延开来,各种讽刺、批判将她推上

了风头浪尖,同时,也让她在事业上 更加炙手可热。 过于追捧的热度让泰勒感到了眩 晕,她尽情享受成名带来的一切。很 快,观众对他们两个产生了视觉疲 劳,新的影星在不知不觉中替代了伊 丽莎白•泰勒的光辉,30多岁的她俨 然成为另外一个时代的人。 40多岁时,泰勒的事业无可挽 回,无论参演了多少电影,都难以保 住她昔日在影坛无人可挡的号召力 了。加上她一次次失败的婚姻,她开 始成为了许多人玩笑的对象。 不过泰勒的魅力似乎永远也不会 褪色,她开始投身于慈善事业。狂爱 钻石的她,可以经常出售钻石来支持 慈善。聚光灯从来都没有抛弃她,无 论她是否活跃在影片上。 她将一个女人一生中最美丽的年 华留在了胶片上。她的一生全部用来 “爱”,她爱自己,爱别人,爱这个 世界。伊莉莎白•泰勒的一生纵然有无 数的传奇,但天堂的挽留为她洗尽铅 华,留给人间的是一个美丽女子…… 无论在银幕上,泰勒总是以一副 天使与魔鬼完美结合的形象示人。银 幕下,泰勒从未放弃过对未知经历的 渴求。曾经无数人邀约她撰写自己传 奇一生的自传回忆录,她用一贯霸气 的口吻回应:见鬼,不用了。我还仍 然活在自己的传记里! 泰勒是一个真诚的表演者,表演 就是她的本性。这种本性延续到了生 活中,她像演戏一样活着,生活成了 她的“银幕时间”。




Time Icon The Beautiful Girl with Violet Eyes There are some people who are destined to have a dazzling life. Elizabeth Taylor is such a person. Liz Taylor was born in an actor’s family, and the direction of her life was very much influenced by her mother. At the age of 10, an innocent and adolescent period, she signed the first contract of her life with Universal. After that, film contracts followed. She showed her innate acting skills in the television series, Lassie Come Home, when she was 12 years old. Being an actress of some note, 16-year-old Elizabeth, got rid of a girl’s image through a series of photos that are gorgeous and sexy. The movie, A Place in the Sun, in which she played the leading role, began her career as a super star. T h i s v i o l e t- e ye d b e a u t y f i rst thanked her mother in her m e m o i rs . W i t h o u t h e r m o m , perhaps she would have been an average person. Sarah Taylor, Elizabeth’s mother, was an actress. Even th o u gh sh e wasn ’t ab l e to send her children to school, she insisted on having Liz learn dancing with some film studio bosses’ daughters. Thus, she was in a favorable position to get an audition for Liz. After her daughter entered filmdom, she took care of her so carefully and was in charge of all matters, big or small, in order to help her get her roles as soon as possible. She banded Liz’s thick hair with a strip of cloth every night in case her pretty curly hair was deformed. She always insisted that Liz study subjects about performance such as singing, dancing, and make up. At her request, every morning her daughter had to learn how to step on the target of the floor without looking at it, and to learn how to act under the spotlight. Sarah Taylor took great pains indeed. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, they say. All her mother’s efforts weren’t in vain. Soon, Elizabeth Taylor obtained a contract by her extraordinary appearance. Then the movie industry opened the door for her. 54 64



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The Bloom of Youth Over the years her shyness had been fading away slowly, and this gorgeous young lady, once a cute little girl, was grown up. When Taylor came of age in 1950, she starred in the film Father of the Bride. She acted the part of Spencer Tracy’s daughter who was getting married soon. However, she was falling love while the camera was rolling. Then she married Conrad Nicholas Hilton Jr., the scion of the Hilton hotel clan. But the marriage was not as happy as the film, and it ended in divorce after only eight months. Though her marriage failed, she felt the burning love for movies. She left her mom a note of apology, “I’m sorry. After thinking it over, I think what I most want to do in my life is acting. I can’t live without it. If I’m not allowed to continue my career, I’ll be withered, like a tree chopped off the roots, turning to be a lifeless waste.” At last, she returned to filmdom. Out of her crazy enthusiasm, she sta rred i n m ovi es , which were hits, one af te r a n o t h e r. H e r att ra c t i ve n e s s h a d b e e n s p re a d i n g a l l over the world. The I nte r n at i o n a l H e ra l d Tribune said, she’s a one hundred percent beautiful women, and the greatness of her future has no limit.

her excellent performance in Giant, which was a big success, winning ten Academy Award Nominations, but her acting wasn’t nominated. However, nothing can be easily foreseeable. Since 1957, Elizabeth Taylor had been the nominee of the Best Actress for four years in succession. Apparently, she was a super star in the whole 1950s. Her name and her endless private life was eye-catching, the same with headline news.

Magnificence and Loneliness of Cleopatra By the year of 1960, Elizabeth Taylor was already one of the most famous

The Glamour in Hollywood - Transitioning to a Superstar It was 1950s when Taylor started her transition into adult roles. Her role with Spencer Tracy in the family comedy Father of the Bride was a success due to their perfect cooperation. Afterwards, in 1951, the film Father’s Little Dividend co-starred the pair again. During the same year, she cooperated with Van Johnson in the film Last time I Saw Paris. All of the roles had established her stardom. I n 1 9 5 6 , Tay l o r ’s s ta t u s i n t h e filmdom reached a new height with

actors in the wo r l d . S h e became the highest paid actress up to that time when she asked for a one million dollar contract to play the title role in CLEOPATRA invested by 20th Century Fox. In the 1960s, no one could imagine how this film would impact the movie industry. Whether in business or in love, her life was promoted to great heights by Cleopatra. The stunning romance with Richard Burton was called a “heavy bomb” at that time, and she

caused Burton’s wife’s suicide. Then scandals began to spread. She was at the forefront of different kinds of sarcasm and criticism, but meanwhile, she became extremely popular in her career. Fanatic admirers made Taylor dizzy, and she indulged in everything brought by her fame. It was not long before the audience got bored with Taylor and Burton. New film stars took place of her status before she knew it. Taylor, at the age of 30, seemed like a person who lived in another time. When she was forty, Taylor couldn’t do anything with her career. No matter how many movies she acted, it was difficult for her to keep the invincible appeal she had in the past. Moreover, her failed marriages became a joke for many people. Thus, with never-faded glamour, she devoted herself to charity. Being crazy for diamonds, she often sold them to support her charity. She always lived under the spotlight, whether on screen or not. She preserved the most glamorous years in her life on film. She spent the whole life on “love” for herself, others, and the world. She was wiped out all the superficial glory in heaven, even though Elizabeth Taylor’s life was full of legends, and she will be always a beautiful girl in our heart... On screen, she always showed a flawless image in a combination of angel and evil. Off screen, she never gave up her yearning for unknown experiences. Many people invited her to write a memoir of her legendary life. However, she responded aggressively as usual: "Damn it! No way. I’m still alive in my own autobiography." Taylor was a sincere performer. Acting was her instinct, which extended to her life. She lived like she acted, and her life was her “Screen Time.”







Five Tips

五大法宝 五大法宝

to Help you Enjoy th Featuring a green environment with healthy sunshine and clean air, golf has gradually become recognized not only as a great sport but also as a noble and elegant lifestyle. However, some people tend to worry about time and place when we try to get into the act. Now we can stay calm, as we give five tips to make a golf-themed life no longer far from us. Text by Ada Feng * Translated by Harry Tang

Tip 1 Golf Games “Life as play; play as life.” That’s why there are so many people who indulge themselves in a virtual world of games which are less beneficial, and more for the worse. It would be wise for us to play more games to make our life more colourful. Computer Mini-Putt: This is a simply designed mini game of Golf, which has 18-hole courses of par 48, played only with a putter and no drivers. The course is designed with the main colors of brown and cream yellow, which can ease our mind while giving visual pleasure. The simplicity of play in mini-putt makes golf attractive to game players and helps beginners become more confident when playing the real game. Move the mouse to control directions and left click to stroke the ball. The length of the dotted line means the strength you use to stroke. However, the real difficulty lies behind the simple rules. There are different barriers for each hole, and different types of barriers appear in the course of one hole. One careless mistake can cause a bogey or double bogey, but it is also easy for one to score an eagle or even a ‘hole in one’, which would make you scream for joy. Different states of mind result in different scores. It all depends on your attitude towards the game, which is no different from the feeling of playing a genuine 18hole golf. Zio-Golf: This is a popular golf game for pocket computers and it is said that it attracts numerous laymen to golf even in the real world. In this game, the grass, the sand, the water, and hills give people the feeling of a real golf course. It follows the etiquette



of the golf game and allows up to four players to play. Of course you can play a solo game or go against the computer. This game is quite humanized, for you can easily control factors such as wind power and direction, conditions of the golf ball, the hole, the number of strokes, distance, the type of golf club, rotations and so on. Golf Driving Challenge: This game trains you to stroke the ball in a ‘real’ situation. There is a water hazard not far from the tee and the green, and woods are on each side. Your goal is to control the strength and direction to make a drive as far and straight as possible. There are ten levels in this game, beginning with one in which you need to hit 3 balls to the green within 90 seconds. Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 06: This game, the latest one of the Tiger Woods PGA TOUR series, used to rank high on the British game leader board. It appeals to numerous golf fans because you can challenge the world champion Tiger Woods. Moreover, all the locations in this game are famous golf courses around the world and the characters who play against Woods are



享受高尔夫主题生活 享受高尔夫主题生活

he Golf-Themed Life famous golfers as well, which capture the players interest so much to give it a good try.

Tip 2 Golf Movies Unlike the prevailing love stories, movies about golf are rare. But other than those worn out story lines of love movies, the golf themed movies seem to be far more worth seeing. The stories happen on golf courses touched one generation after another with memorial sincerity. For those who love golf, this is the happiness they can cherish. Tin Cup: This movie tells a story that explains the upand-coming spirit of golf. Roy the hero in this movie, starring Kevin Costner, had once been a outstanding golfer who, after surviving a bad accident, ran a practice course in a small town. Because of the help from the heroine in the movie, he restored his courage once again and finally entered the US Open. At the last moment of the final battle, Roy lost the game of pursuing perfection in golf skill, but gained the love of the heroine and respect from the audience. The gentle appearance of Costner and his fine acting skill showed the demeanor of Roy in an appropriate way. And the deeper meaning of this movie is to reveal the ultimate goal of golf, which is not winning a game but the endless journey to the perfection of golfing skills. Happy Gilmore This golf movie is a totally different kind of movie. It is poles apart, not because it is a comedy, but because of the irrelevance

between an elegant golfer and the hero named ‘Fun’, starred by Adam Sandler. He is bad tempered, aggressive and violent in nature. Strange as it is, the vulgar-looked man gained favour from the audience and brings the game of golf a new upsurge. When watching this movie, it is easy to connect the hero with the ‘black horse’ Gore who first appeared in the 2005 US Open. Both of them are from a humble background and later become popular among the audience. Maybe they are telling us that golf will finally become a game of the general public. The Greatest Game Ever Played The story takes place in the US in 1910s. At that time golf was a game exclusively for nobles. The hero, Francis Omit starring Shia LaBeouf, was a caddie from a poor family. However, he rewrote the history of golf by defeating Harry Watson, the British champion at that time during a classic game between a super genius and a master champion, witnessed by over 10,000 in the audience on the spot. The film was based on this historical event and gained a good reputation from all circles on its premiere in September 2005.

Tip 3 Golf Books To open a book is always beneficial. It makes one wise to read more and think more. Now there are plenty of books on golf. If you know nothing about golf, the book GOLF, which belongs to the Dummy series would be your best choice. The graphic version of Golf Rules and Etiquette would help teach you all you should know about a golf course quickly. Then, Five Classes on Modern Golf by the legend golfer Ben Hogan and How I Play Golf by Tiger Woods would teach you everything from inspiration to practical skills. How I Play Golf This is the first and only professional golf book written, demonstrated and authorized by Tiger Woods himself, in which Tiger discloses ‘seven secrets of success’ for the first time. In fact, it is the collection of the special column that Tiger wrote





for Golf Digest between 1997 and 2001. It contains a large number of descriptions and pictures to show you everything about golf include the view, muscles, the ideal feelings and movements, tactics, emotion controls, how to maintain your best conditions, physical training lessons and so on, which provides a good guidance to every golf novice. Bernard Darwin on Golf Bernard Darwin, known as the greatest author on golf, passed away in 1961. He was elected to enter the World Golf Hall of Fame this year. The new edition ($25.00, published in 2003) is the most comprehensive collection of Bernard Darwin’s works. It covers all aspects of golf from what to do if you want to smoke during a game, to helping a sleepless friend to get to sleep by arousing his imagination of one golf game after another.

Tip 4 Practice at home With just a few small pieces of equipment, you can start practicing the real game of golf at home! Don’t hesitate. All you need is a mini Hole Putting Mat or just a carpet and a coin. A Hole Putting Mat is neither huge nor expensive and the improvement in your putting can be large.

Tip 5 March on to the real courses For a golf novice, the utmost pleasure is to swing your golf club breezily on a green-surrounded course in the warm sun. There are several golf courses in and around Qingdao. The oldest and most famous one is Huashan International Countryside Club, which was begun to built in 1995 and opened in 1998 and thus has 13 years of history. Last year the Chinese Golf Tour was held there, about which many golfers said that the course is difficult to play. And this year, besides the Chinese Tour, a European secondary tour, the European Challenge Tour will also be held there. This would be a historical event for it is the first time the Challenge Tour ever lands on Chinese soil. Huashan Golf Club is located in the north side of Mount Beihua. The course is featured by its ups and downs and the scenery changes with the alternating of seasons. Since it just takes one hour to fly from Busan in Korea and there are many Korean companies nearby, over 98% of the guests playing at Huashan are Koreans. Yang Qing, the general manager of the club said that the most difficult barrier here is the vegetation, which has grown 13 years since the open for business on this course. The long grass here is the annual bluegrass, which would make the course a ‘links’ type if grown tall. ‘The fairway itself is not difficult, but the difficulty mounts up when you take into consideration the wind, the long grass and thick vegetation. The course is set up on part of the hill and the wind is strong in this season, so this will likely to get the ball into the long grass or the woods, which makes the game quite challenging!’ Nevertheless, to bravely face challenges set by the course that is exactly what a golf lover wholeheartedly desires.



法宝一 高尔夫游戏 戏如人生,人生如戏。于是有了那么多的人沉 迷于游戏的空间。少有益,多招损。少接触一点游 戏,让现实添一点色彩,是享受人生的必备之道。 mini-putt:一款设计简约的迷你高尔夫小游 戏,18洞标准杆为48杆。以棕色、奶黄色为主色 调的页面设计能带来视觉上的愉悦,游戏中相对容 易掌握的挥杆技巧有助于引发对高尔夫的兴趣,且 有益初学高尔夫者增强信心。 用鼠标控制方向,点左键击球,虚线长短代表 击球力量的不同。不过,看似简单实则暗有玄机。 18个洞所拥有的障碍都各不相同,且各种不同的 障碍也会出现在同一个洞里,这会让人一不小心就 会吞下柏忌、双柏忌。但如若谨慎认真些就会比较 容易地打鸟抓鹰,甚至来个可遇而不可求的一杆 进洞,带来莫大的喜悦。不同的心态会有不同的结 果,而一场球中也会因为你对待它的态度而有着迥 然相异的成绩,这一切都能带来一种不亚于打一场 真正的18洞而享有的快感。 ZioGolf :这是目前深受好评的一款高尔夫掌 上电脑游戏,据说让高尔夫盲入迷且因其走近了现 实的高尔夫。真草、真沙、真水、真山的真实画 面,也能让人感觉得如真球场的华丽。 它遵循了现实运动的礼仪规则,最多可以四个 人同时玩。当然你可以自己玩,或者是选择同电脑 玩。在游戏中,还可以很方便的满足包括选择风力 大小、风向、高尔夫球状态、球洞状态、杆数、距 离、高尔夫杆选择、旋转等的种种要求,比较人性 化。 Golf Driving Channlenge:这是模拟训练发球 的一款游戏,模拟球洞真实场景,在发球台不远处 有一道水障碍,左右两边都是树林。如何控制风向 和力量开出又直又远的球是唯一目标。这个游戏分 为十级,第一级的目标是在90秒之内将3个球击到 果岭上。 Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 06:中文名字为泰格



伍兹高尔夫球巡回赛06的这款游戏曾在英国的游 戏排行榜上居高不下。这也是 Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 系列最新作品,在游戏中有机会挑战世界 头号球手泰格伍兹的刺激让高球迷义无反顾。另 外,游戏中比赛场地是世界各地著名的高尔夫球 场,挑战伍兹的对手也都是各位著名球手,酷似 真实的感觉让人爱不释手。 法宝二 高尔夫电影 比起随处可见的爱情故事片,高尔 夫电影很少见。但比起说得有了太 多俗套太过流俗的爱情片,体现 高尔夫主题的电影似乎更有看 头。这些发生在球场上的质朴 故事,用最古老的原始的情 愫感动着一代一代人。这对 于热爱高尔夫的人们来说, 也是一种幸福。 球爱的天空(Tin Cup) 直译名为“锡杯”的这部 电影讲述了一个积极进取的高尔 夫精神故事。凯文•科斯特纳扮演 的男主角罗伊曾是位优秀的高尔夫球 手,却经过重创一蹶不振在小镇开了家高 尔夫练习场潦倒度日。而后直到女主角的出现, 才激起了昔日斗志,并出战美国公开赛。在决战 的最后关头,罗伊为了完美的技术而失去夺冠机 会。但最后他赢了女主角的爱情和观众的尊重。 外表很绅士的科斯特表演很到位,恰如其分 的表现出了罗伊的风度气质。而这部电影更深层 的意义在于揭示出了高尔夫世界最高境界远非胜 利,而是一种对技术无止境的追求。 球场古惑仔(Happy Gilmore) 这是一部另类的高尔夫电影。说它另类不是因 为它是喜剧,而是在于由亚当-桑德勒饰演这位名

叫“快乐”的男主角与温文尔雅的高尔夫球手形象不搭界。他脾 气暴躁、好战狠斗,有非常严重的暴力倾向。可很怪异的是,看 起来粗俗狂戾的他却得到了观众的喜欢,为高尔夫带来了一个新 热潮。 而现在看这部影片也很容易让人联想到05年出现在美国公开 赛上的平民之星黑马戈尔,同样是出身卑微的两个人,同样得到 了观众的欢迎,也许这在告诉我们高尔夫最终将有走平民? 果岭争雄 The Greatest Game Ever Played 故事发生于1910年代的美国,当时的高尔夫运动排斥平民是 “高而富”的贵族运动。而希安•拉博夫扮演的弗朗西斯• 奥密特出身贫困是球场的球童。却在1913年的公开 赛上创造了历史,将来自英国的世界冠军哈利- 瓦顿挑战下马,这是一场震撼高尔夫球界的绝 世天才与冠军好手的超级比赛,现场1万多 名观众见证了这一激动人心的历史时刻。 电影取材于真实的历史事件,在05年9月 上演得到了各界好评。 法宝三 高尔夫书籍 开卷有益。多读书,多思考,总是会让 人领悟更多。高尔夫方面,书籍甚多。阿呆 系列的《高尔夫》是入门佳选;图文版的《高 尔夫礼仪与规则》让你最快领悟到了在球场上所应 该注意的,而伟大传奇球员本•侯根的《五堂课:当代 高尔夫的基本原则》和当今天王老虎伍兹的《老虎教打高尔夫》 都会让你从心法到技术上感悟更多。 《老虎教打高尔夫》 这是第一部、也是唯——部由老虎伍兹亲自撰写,亲自示 范,并授权出版的高尔夫专业书。在里面老虎第一次公开他成功 的“七个诀窍”! 其实,这是老虎为《GOLF DIGEST》在1997年到2001年写的 专栏汇总。但内容丰富,从果岭开始讲到开球,并包括了250多 幅老虎的动作示范彩图,并涉及了视野、肌肉、感觉和动作的理 想标准、临场战术、怎样控制情绪、如何保持最佳状态、如何进 行体力训练等各个方面,对各个练习者都具指导意义。





达尔文《Bernard Darwin on Golf》 身为生物学家伯纳德•达尔文是世界公认的最伟大的高 尔夫作家,他1961年去世,今年被推选进入世界高尔夫名人 堂。(定价25美元,2003年新版)是Jeff Silverman费尽心力收集 到的有史以来达尔文最全的作品集,它涵盖了高尔夫各方面 的内容,从打球时想吸烟怎么办,到一个朋友失眠时,用幻 想一轮接一轮的球赛来帮助入睡的方法。

法宝四 真枪实弹在家练习 平素在家里,只需要一些小技巧就可以真枪实弹地开始 练球啦。别犹豫,你需要一个迷你推杆练习器或者是一块毛 毯、一枚硬币。 迷你推杆练习器:虽然练习器不大,价钱也不贵,但效果 却不一定比在练习果岭上差。它有专利设计的摇杆原理,以 球杆朝斜坡道上的任一上、下、左、右点下压,因下压力量 大小与位置的不同,产生各种不同的斜坡道,不仅更具临场 感,且更具挑战性。还可以用手指拨动草皮,即可产生顺向 或逆向的纹路增加变化。 毛毯练习法:铺一层薄薄的毛毯,拿50颗新球,找一个 目标点开始反复练习。这样可以帮助让球推直。 硬币练习法:拿一个一元硬币,放在地毯上,球搁在硬 币上。戴好手套,握好推杆准备推,但注意每次都把球推出 去,硬币不动。假如硬币动了,就罚自己重新来过。这要的 是练习推杆的重心稳定。



法宝五 走出家门来到球场 对球友来说,最大的乐趣莫过于到乌翠碧浓的球 场里,在一抹淡淡的阳光下,轻松挥杆了。这应该是 享受高尔夫生活最重量级的法宝。 青岛地区有三、四个球场,其中青岛华山国际乡 村俱乐部在1995年开始筹建,1996年开业,到现在 有13年了,是这一地区最老的球场,知名度也是最 高的。去年,办了中巡赛,很多职业球员都反映非常 难。今年除了中巡赛,还将办一场欧洲的二级巡回 赛——欧巡挑战巡回赛。这是挑战巡回赛首次登陆中 国,很有历史意义。 华山球会在万华山北麓,造型高低起伏,随着四 季的交替,呈现出春夏秋冬四季不同风采。由于这里 距离韩国釜山很近,只要一个小时的飞机旅程,再加 上附近韩国公司林立,所以来华山打球的96%以上是 韩国客人。 球会总经理杨青介绍说开业13年来成长起来的植 被,就是球场最难的障碍;这里的长草是早熟禾,如 果留起来,会很有林克斯的风格。“球道本身不难, 但如果加上风、长草和茂密的植被,就会很难。球场 建在局部丘陵上,这个季节风很大,所以稍有偏差就 容易进入长草或者树林里,打起来不算容易!” 勇敢接受难度球场的挑战,这正是高尔夫爱好者 最热衷的。

Good Advice By H Jackson Brown Jr Work at something you enjoy and that's worthy of your time and talent.

望,而是取决于你和你所爱、所尊重 的人之间的关系。

做你喜欢的事,而且是值得你花时间 和才华去做的事。

Be loyal.

Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

Be honest.

给予他人要超过他的期望,而且抱着 愉快的心情去做。



Be a self-starter. 要能自动自发。(自己要有动力)

Be forgiving of yourself and others. Be generous. 为人慷慨大方。

Be decisive even if it means you'll sometimes be wrong.

Have a grateful heart.

要果决,即使意味着有时候会做出错 误的决定。


Persistence, persistence, persistence. 坚持,坚持,再坚持。

Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.

S t o p b l a m i n g o t h e r s . Ta k e responsibility for every area of your life. 停止责怪他人,要为自己生命中的一 切负责。

待人如待己。(推已及人,将心比 心,已所不欲,勿施于人)

Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.

C o m m i t yo u rs e l f t o c o n s ta n t improvement.

要大胆勇敢,当你回顾人生时,你会 后悔没做的事比你做过的事来得多。

专心致力于不断地改进。(每天要有 进步)

Take good care of those you love.

difference. 要勇敢。即使你不勇敢,也要假装出 很勇敢的样子。没有人会看出来的。

Think big thoughts, but relish small pleasures. 宏观思考,但享受小小的欢愉。

Learn to listen. Opportunity sometimes knocks softly.




Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day.

Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have.

Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationships with people you love and respect.

不要放弃任何人,奇迹每天都会出 现。

永不剥夺别人的希望,希望也许是他 们的一切所有。

B e b rave . Eve n i f yo u ' re n o t , pretend to be. No one can tell the

Don't major in minor things.

Commit yourself to quality.



Jackson Brown originally wrote Life's Little Instruction book as a gift for his son who was leaving home to begin his freshman year in college. Brown says, "I read years ago that it was not the responsibility of parents to pave the road for their children but to provide a road map, and I wanted to provide him with what I had learned about living a happy and rewarding life." Life's Little Instruction Book is a guidebook that gently points the way to happiness and fulfillment. The observations are direct, simple, and as practical as an umbrella.





The Qingdao-Huangdao tunnel Text by Gar * Translated by Lily Yao

The Qingdao - Huangdao tunnel is finally [open/going to open.] This is indelibly incredible. How long have we been waiting for this?As far back as Spring 2003,when I first arrived, everyone in Huangdao was talking about it. They were always going to build it next year. But they never did. Around 2006, most of us gave up on it. Then… They built it, and now [it’s the new reality/ the new reality is coming.] It’s going to be fabulous. Huangdao punters will have that short ride into downtown Qingdao. A whole spectrum of nightlife will suddenly be available. Hong Kong Road will be only 45 minutes away from Kaifaqu. Huangdao dudes will be able to stroll Club New York, MINS, ssLPG. Day trips to Lao Shan will no longer be an ordeal. Huangdao people will start to learn their way around Old Town. Good times will be had. Business folk will rejoice. No more waiting for the ferry. No more sitting on the boat. No more worries about fog cancellations. No more longs trips around the bay highway. Will the gaosu get lonely? And still, there will be tender memories of the lundu. In the middle of those busy d ays , t h e fe r r y o f te n provided respite, a sort of enforced relaxation. After all, you’d be stuck

there. Why not enjoy the ride? Take in the beauty of the bay, the water approach to Qingdao city. Who doesn’t like a few breaths of that clean, ocean air? Maybe the ferry will offer nostalgia cruises for us all. And yet the other side of the coin offers a poignant picture. All of us in Huangdao have loved it precisely because of its isolation. We have loved having such beautiful beaches to ourselves. One summer day some years back there was a news report that there were several hundred thousand people on one of the bathing beaches in Qingdao. A couple of friends and I had parked our motorcycles on Silver Beach that day. There were about ten people on the entire stretch of sand, arguably Qingdao’s most beautiful beach. Those were the days when Huangdao beaches were empty. Looking ahead, there is suspicion that we are in for a large traffic surprise. If you look at Golden and Silver Sand Beaches, there is almost no parking. That tunnel could well bring in thousands of cars on summer days. Is the once pristine and elegant Xuejiadao peninsula going to become a huge traffic jam? Fears mount that the tunnel itself is going to be backed up. If you add up the volume of the traffic - from the two ferries and the bay highway - and try to squeeze it through the tunnel, there appears only one logical outcome. There could be long waits to go through, stretching right past Golden Sand Beach. If you catch a ferry right at the right time, it could end up being quicker. The beauty of little Huangdao lies in its Nature. There are a wonderful variety of natural settings - all distinctly Shandong and distinctly Qingdao. Like in Qingdao, we find a place where the mountains meet the sea. Xiaozho Shan is a small mountain, but it has many mysteries. Get yourself lost up there a few time- you’ll see for yourself! The coastline is varied, from the rocky, gnarly coast beneath the hilly green Xuejiadao peninsula to the sandy sections of the famous beaches. If you continue down the coast, you can find Langyatai with its long, long beach and cultural historic site, then the green tea country of HaiQing… and if you keep going down the coast, you can leave Qingdao and enjoy the beaches of RiZhao. (The people in RiZhao say that RiZhao has the longest beaches in all of China. Watch out, Qingdao! Rizhao could become Shandong’s beach destination of the future!) All of these places are splendid spots to check out. Be sure to keep these places clean and pure! If you don’t see a trash can, take your trash home with you. Imagine if the amazing new tunnel ends up bringing more laji onto the beaches and natural places on Huangdao? That would not be fun. As world citizens, we all need to respect it: keep it clean and don’t overdevelop it. Huangdao has a very special vibe, and it comes from having a small city in the middle of spectacular natural surroundings. If it becomes overdeveloped, the natural surroundings will be gone. Every city in the world has buildings. Very few can claim to be as nice as Huangdao.



青岛——黄岛隧道 青岛―黄岛隧道即将竣工开通了! 这确实是令人不可思议的成就!回溯到 2003年的春天,当我刚刚踏上黄岛的土 地,人人热衷于谈论它的开工建设,但它 的建设却一拖再拖地延迟到下一年,一直 没有真正地开始。这种情况一直持续到 2006年,直到我们当中的大多数人放弃 了期待的念头。然而,现在,青黄隧道竣 工了,我们的梦想成为了现实! 青黄隧道的竣工开通将带来美好的前 景。黄岛人可以经更短的路途到达青岛市 区。人们的夜生活也因此更加丰富多彩。 从青岛开发区到青岛香港路只需花费45 分钟。黄岛人也可以漫步纽约俱乐部、敏 思俱乐部和老菲酒吧了!崂山一日游再也 不会显得那么遥不可及,黄岛人也可以在 青岛的老城区转转,人们将度过美好的时 光。 商人们将倍感惊喜。人们无需再等待 轮渡的到来,无需再乘坐轮船,无需再担 心由于大雾轮船停渡,也无需再从海湾高 速公路经更长的路途到达青岛。海湾高速 公路不会因此而变得孤独吧? 回想以往,人们对轮渡的记忆是美好 的。在那些忙忙碌碌的日子里,轮渡成为 了人们一种特别的休闲时光,乘坐轮渡欣 赏一下美丽的海湾,围绕青岛市区的清澈 海水,谁不喜欢深深地呼吸清新的海风 呢?也许对我们来说,轮渡将很快成为怀 旧的美好记忆。 正如俗话说的:硬币的另一面将是动 人的蓝图。由于得天独厚的岛型地理位 置,黄岛人深爱着黄岛。他们钟爱拥有如 此美丽的沙滩,几年前报纸曾经报 道某个夏日在青岛某海水浴场 的沙滩上竟聚集了几十万 人!那些日子里, 我和几位朋 友则将

摩托车停靠在黄岛银色的沙滩上,大约有十几个人在这片青岛最美丽的沙滩上嬉 戏,而这就是黄岛沙滩最初空旷的景象。 展望未来,有人质疑青黄隧道是否会解决交通的大问题。如果您观察一下 金、银沙滩,您会发现那里几乎没有设置任何停车场,而青黄隧道会在夏日里为 您提供几千个停车位。但是一向畅通有序的薛家岛会因此变得拥挤不堪吗?很多 人担心这个问题,但如果您算一下交通总流量——即两条轮渡和海湾高速公路的 交通总流量,然后将这个数目加入即将通过青黄隧道的交通流量中,您会发现得 出的交通总流量在青黄隧道的合理交通流量的范围内。人们期待青黄隧道的开通 已久了,它沿途正好经过金沙滩。如果您在同一时间分别乘坐轮渡和青黄隧道高 速车,您会发现青黄隧道高速车会较早到达目的地。 黄岛的美丽源自它的自然风光。有很多各具特色的自然风光景点,这使青岛 和山东显得独具魅力。比如在青岛,您会欣赏到海天相接的美景。小舟山虽然是 一座小山,却有很多神秘独到的地方。沉浸在山中,您会有“只缘身在此山中” 之感,蜿蜒多变的海岸线,从身藏绿色薛家岛下岩石嶙峋的海湾一直延伸到著名 的金色沙滩,如果您沿着海岸线继续向下走的话,您可以眺望到琅岈台长长的海 滩和分布其中的历史文化景点,以及美丽的绿色海青茶园……再向下走,您会离 开青岛并欣赏到日照的美丽海滩(日照人说日照拥有中国最长的海滩,您可以从 日照远眺青岛!日照的海滩将成为未来山东海滩的终端。)所有这一切都是值得 游览玩味的美丽景点。 在游览过程中,请确保景点的清爽、洁净!如果您找不到垃圾箱,请将您的 垃圾带回家,想象一下,如果这条崭新的青黄隧道带给黄岛海滩和自然景点更多 的垃圾的话,会怎样呢?一定会让人沮丧。作为城市居民,我们都需要尊敬自然 环境,保持环境的清洁,使其不被过度开发。黄岛拥有非常特殊的地理环境,中 间是一座小城,四周围绕着引人入胜的自然风光。如果它被过度开发的话,四周 的自然风光将消失。世界上的每一座城市都拥有自己的特色建筑,但是很少会有 城市像黄岛一样独具特色!


Book Column The Luxe

L u x u r y, w e a l t h , e x c e s s , etiquette, pretensions, ambitions, false friendships and hidden love make up the world of upper crust New York society in 1899. Known as the “Gilded Age” for its opulence and grandeur, the richest New Yorkers spent more money on an evening meal than they paid their servants over a year. They lived lives far beyond the reach of normal people and reporters glorified their weekend activities in the newspapers. But like today’s celebrities, their social position came with restrictions of the heart and soul. Anna Godberson’s The Luxe follows four 16-20 year old New York socialites as they maneuver, adapt, rebel and revel through the code of proper New York society etiquette. At its core, this is a coming of age novel. The youth are emerging from the protective embrace of their parents and at the same time, their parents now expect them to shoulder adult responsibilities. The lavish balls, secret trysts and extravagant wedding preparations serve as an effective backdrop for the young people to develop and grow. This is a fun novel, with a pair of interesting although selfish heroines, a suitably potent and manipulative competitor and a flawed, but dashing love interest. This novel should be particular popular with Jane Austen fans, but the writing style will be much more accessible for Chinese readers than nineteenth-century British English. The Luxe is available at The Book Nook for 70 RMB and 63 RMB with a Mins Club card. The Luxe is also available to rent for 5 RMB/month.


Translated by Lily Yao

豪华、富有、过分奢侈、彬彬有礼、自命不凡、野心、虚情假 意、暗恋,所有这一切装点着1899年纽约豪门望族一代的生活。 在那个以富有和富丽堂皇著称的“镀金时代”,富有的纽约客们一 顿晚宴的花消甚至比他们支付给仆人们一年多的工资还要多。他们 的生活远比普通人所达到的水准要豪华的多,记者们争相在报纸上 高调粉饰他们的周末生活。但同当今的名流们一样,伴随着“镀 金时代”望族们高贵社会地位的同样也有心灵和灵魂上的约束。 Anna Godberson 的《华丽阴谋》描述了4位16至20岁的豪门青 年,记述他们如何以典型纽约客的性格和传统礼仪操纵、适应、反 抗及沉迷于生活。 根据小说的主旨,它应该算作一部成长小说。年轻的豪门一代 在父母温暖怀抱的保护之中渐渐成长,与此同时,父母们则期望他 们能够肩挑起长辈们所担负的责任。过分慷慨地胡乱承诺、秘密地 幽会和对盛大婚礼的精心准备伴随着年轻豪门一代成长、壮大。它 还是一部幽默小说,描写两个有趣但自私的女主角势均力敌、操纵 他人、相互竞争、追逐爱情。Jane Austen的粉丝们对这部小说尤 其热衷,但小说的写作风格更适合于中国的读者了解19世纪的英 式英语。 《华丽阴谋》在新希华外文书店有售,价格70元,持敏思会员 卡优惠价63元,月租价每月5元。






潘文逸 1962年生于青岛, 职业画家。 Wenyi Pan Born in Qingdao 1962 Professional artist-painter Tel: 13006507059 0532-83641618 E-mail: wypan2006@yahoo.com.cn








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