Le Premier Critique
By_Lee MinTaeSelected Works from year 2021~2024

Lee MinTae
+82. 10. 6590. 0320
salks0229@naver.com @m1ntae @mintae_archive
Education Dongmyeong University, Busan, Republic of Korea 2021. 03Bachelor of Architecture (GPA: 3.93/4.5)
Korean (Native)
French& English (Basic)
French (Delf: B2)
AutoCAD, Sketch-Up, Rhinoceros, V-Ray, Enscape, Adobe CC, Ms Office

01 Concrete Utopia
Apartment remodeling for tomorrow’s Earth
JUNGLIM Architecture Award for Students 2024
Honorable Mention
Year: 2024
Location: 93, Daean-gil, Buk-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
Project Type: Apartment Remodeling
Category: Competition Team Work
Role: Main Idea, 3D Model, Master Plan

"In the past, apartments were constructed with the aim of maximizing efficiency in minimal space, often with minimal development of nature. However, over time, people have come to prioritize the monetary value of apartments, leading to excessive urban development that rapidly displaces nature. As a result, future apartments, in a declining population scenario, may become ruins, leaving remnants in nature and further disrupting the environment.
As an answer to the question, 'How should we live in the future?' we propose a new type of housing utilizing recycled construction waste from partial demolition, and suggest ecological corridors that reconnect and sustain fragmented nature."
After they leave,what will they leave behind?
Human civilization has pushed aside habitats of nature and wildlife, growing through their sacrifices. In this process, humanity has created various forms of architecture, which gradually encroached upon the domains of nature.
One representative building easily found in our daily lives is the apartment. Serving as a space where we begin and end our days together, apartments play a significant role in our lives. So, how should apartments evolve for the future?

Finding the target site for the first beginning of Utopia.
First, it would be an area with severe population decline nationwide.
Second, it would be a place within that area experiencing a real estate stagnation and long-term unsold properties.
Third, among those places, it would be where unregulated development is progressing, leading to the loss of natural landscapes.
Based on this process, we narrowed down our target area to Buk-gu, Pohang City, Gyeongsangbuk-do.

The Departing City: Pohang
As mentioned earlier in the analysis, Pohang is a place where largescale unsold housing persists.
Once a rapidly growing city based on its past steel industry, Pohang is now becoming an area that people are avoiding.
As of 2024, South Korea is experiencing a declining population due to low birth rates and aging. In this situation, indiscriminate development and the increasing proportion of aging apartments are paving the way for the dystopian stage we may encounter in the future.
Therefore, we aim to initiate apartment remodeling in Pohang as the starting point for the future of our planet.

The existence of apartments disrupting nature
The site located at 93 Daeangil, Buk-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, has aged for over 30 years and requires refurbishment.
A notable feature is its unique design that vertically obstructs greenery, unlike other apartments.
Additionally, the presence of roads, fences, and highways on all four sides has created a hazardous environment for animals to access.

Nature Disrupted from a Landscape Architecture Perspective
In landscape architecture, it is said that by looking at trees, one can infer what has happened in the ecosystem of a site. When we surveyed the current landscape status with the Forestry Agency, we found that vegetation is divided based on roads. From this, we can understand that the presence of roads and apartments has disrupted nature.

Re:Cycle/Reconnect through Eco-Corridors and Recycling
"As a response to the question 'How should we live in the future ahead?'
I propose the creation of a new type of housing utilizing recycled construction waste from partial demolitions Additionally, I aim to suggest eco-corridors that facilitate cyclicality beyond residential areas, surpassing habitats that disrupt nature

The Potential of Construction Waste: Unlocking Opportunities
The surprising discovery from our research is that 97% of construction waste can be recycled as recycled aggregates, which can be reused in materials such as bricks and concrete. This implies that with the advancement of future technologies enabling complete recycling, it is conceivable to extend the lifespan of apartments, typically around 30 years, allowing for long-term management.

Excessive Generation of Construction Waste
As of 2019, South Korea produces approximately 220,000 tons of construction waste per day.

Recycling for the Future
South Korea recycles over 97% of construction waste into valuable aggregates, reducing landfill use and conserving resources for a greener future.

Striving for Zero Waste
With continued management and attention, apartments that could become dystopian scenarios may achieve long-term sustainability.
The Beginning of Utopia

Proposal forAnimal-Centric Design Types
Before diving into the design process, we analyzed the presence of 10 different animal species near the site. Based on this, we aim to incorporate their lifestyles into apartments left by residents, categorizing them into three stages
'1.Lifestyle Characteristics,
2.Presence of Social Groups
3. Size Classification resulting in eight proposed modules.
Materials used in these types are not newly sourced but rather recycled aggregates from post-evacuation renovation, such as waste concrete, bricks, and blocks, aiming to minimize construction waste.
Narrow pathways and signage placement are designed considering the tendency to leave traces along the route

A space with various sizes of stones, tailored for living habits in narrow crevices between rocks or burrows
Installation of protective barriers consideringtheneedforhidingspaces
Installation of vertical and overhead spaces considering the habit of burrowing and nesting in trees
Proposing spaces with deep soil on the ground,reflectingthehabitof living underground
Wall-free spaces tailored for the inclination towards open surroundings
Taking into account the preference for narrow passageways and isolated dens while moving through narrow corridors
Considering the inclination to climb to higher placesforprotectionandtoexplore the surroundings

Building Types Proposal with Avian Considerations and Balcony Renovation
The building types designed with consideration for avian characteristics are targeted at floors six and above, allowing residents to coexist with birds by modifying balcony areas even before evacuation.
These types are categorized based on processes similar to those of animals, then further classified into environmental types to propose suitable designs.

Initial Master Plan

Recognizing the current landscape resembles that of a divided highway, we decided to create ecological corridors allowing free movement for animals, following environmental guidelines. The installation sites were chosen based on factors such as elevation and proximity to roads.
Following this, we extended the renovated residential living spaces by constructing a system scaffold using recycled materials

Master Plan After 30 Years
Ecological Pathway
Pine Tree & Black Pine
Pathway (addition)
Systematic-Scaffolding (addition)
Expandable connecting pathway utilizingscaffoldingsystem
Pine Tree
Ecological Pathway (addition)
Connectingfragmentedecosystems using recycled concrete and rebar
Ecological Pathway (addition)
Ecological Pathway (addition)
#1 Left-Side Connecting Pathway
Ecological Pathway
Main Pathway
#2 Right-Side Connecting Pathway

Main Pathway
Pathway Pine Tree
Main Pathway (addition)

Ecological Pathway ▼
Ecological Pathway (addition)
Ecological Pathway ▼
Expandable connecting pathway utilizingscaffoldingsystem ▲
Ecological Pathway (addition) ▲
#3 Left-Side Ecological Pathway Vehicle Entry ▼ ◀

After The Renovation, A Time Laps Elevation

After The Renovation, A Renovation Plan for Type B & C

After The Renovation, B Time Laps Elevation

After The Renovation, B Renovation Plan for Type B1,B2 & 3

02 INside & Of yoUr stOry
Seongnam-si Childcare-Friendly Apartment Design
Korea Land & Housing Corporation 27th Univercity Housing Architecture Competition
3rd Prize
Year: 2023
Location: 95, Tancheonsang-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
Project Type: Public Housing
Category: Competition Team Work
Role: Team Reader, Plan, 3D & Physical Model, Concept Idea

As of 2023, with the increasing diversity in family compositions, our way of life is undergoing changes. In the past,people tended to stay in their neighborhoods for extended periods, but currently, we're facing challenges related to inadequate settlement for various reasons.
In the past, the idea of people remaining in one neighborhood for along time was akin to a Nigerian proverb which states, 'It takes a village to raise a child.'
To reclaim the lost sense of habitability and return to this past model, we aim to utilize the infill modular construction method.
The current apartment complex that is difficult to raise children in
People say that the current apartment complexes are difficult places to raise children, whereas in the past, villages were considered good environments for child-rearing. We decided to investigate why this societal phenomenon is occurring.
The target area assigned to us is the largest IT industrial complex in South Korea, located in Seongnam City. Within a 1-kilometer radius, there is Ori-Station, making transportation convenient, and there are two elementary schools and large parks nearby.

A Village that has changed from the past

As of 2023, our way of life has become diversified due to the increasing variety in family compositions, leading to various reasons for division. Additionally, we are confronting a problem of declining community cohesion as the time spent in neighborhoods decreases. While traditional nuclear families were common in the past, today, households come in diverse forms such as couples-only households, single-parent households, and single-person households. Particularly, there has been a significant surge in single-person households recently.
In the past, in South Korea, people could stay in one neighborhood for a long time, which led to sayings like the Nigerian proverb, 'It takes a village to raise a child.' This background facilitated maintaining close relationships with neighbors, creating an environment where parents could entrust their children to neighbors with peace of mind. However, in the present, due to the diversity in family structures and the lack of communication with neighbors, it has become challenging to find an environment where children can be entrusted with ease.
Village of the Past

Village of the Present

The current apartment complex that is difficult to raise children in

1. WHY? Modular?
To embark on parenting, a significant amount of money and new space are required. While traditional space expansion necessitated moving or building a new house, the infill method offers the possibility of future expansion if there is financial flexibility. Additionally, this approach allows for space transformation tailored to the needs of residents, thereby increasing residential stability, maintaining close relationships between neighbors, and restoring an environment where childcare can be entrusted with peace of mind.
2. Adaptable to Changes in Household Size
Over time, family compositions naturally evolve for various reasons, leading to changes in space requirements. To address these changes effectively, we aim to provide modular units that can be disassembled, assembled, or moved according to the residents' needs, offering adaptable spaces to accommodate varying household dynamics.
3. Infill Construction Method
By prefabricating unit modules in factories, construction time can be shortened, and reusability enables cost savings for residents, making it an environmentally friendly construction method. Moreover, due to shorter work times compared to other construction methods, it promotes faster air circulation, offering a significant advantage.
4. Variation in External Building Sequences
Based on family composition and residents' lifestyles, natural changes in space expansion or contraction lead to variations in the external facade of the building, naturally altering the sequences of the surrounding urban environment.


For college students and young professionals
A basic residential unit with a single moduleattached,designedforcollege studentsandyoungprofessionalswhofeel burdened by initial settlement costs.
For newlyweds and 2-person households
Whentheexistingsingleoccupantofthis spaceexpandstheirfamily,anadditional module is added to accommodatethe growingfamily.
For 3-person households with one child
An extra 3.6mX3.6m module is added to accommodate childcare needs for a household with one child.
For 4-person households with two children
Four 3.6mX3.6m modules are attached tocreatearesidentialtypesuitablefora 4-person household.

The current residential complexes are generally designed as spaces for the residents within the compound, fostering an environment where their private activities can take place.
Additionally, while communication within the compound is feasible, there is a disconnect among neighboring residents. Such a structure creates a sense of distance between the residents of the complex and the local community members."

An expandable and contractible floor plan.
Open Space
A play area visually connected to local residents while physically separated.
Play Ground Parking
The new form of communal living we propose facilitates the integration of local residents into the compound, allowing for natural communication among neighbors.
Additionally, childcare facilities within the compound are designed in an open layout, enabling visual communication such as encountering children while others utilize the commercial areas outside the compound.
Neighbor hood

Neighbor hood
Kinder Garten
Vertical louvers installation connecting visually between upper and lower parts.
A new play space created by adaptable outdoor areas.
Open Space
Cafe Laundary Room

03 La Croisee Des Cheminsm
Planning of the Museum Considering the Sea, City and Light
Paris-Belleville School of Architecture International Workshop
4-Days Work
Year: 2023
Location: 7 Quai de l'Archeveche, 75004 Paris, France
Project Type: Exhibition
Category: International Workshop
Role: Team Reader, Plan, 3D Model, Concept Idea

The project is located right next to the Memorial to the Holocaust Victims in France, nestled in the heart, dug into the ground.
<< Lile de la Cite >>
This site continues the heavy experience of the memorial by being situated at the intersection of Paris, the Seine River, light, and monuments.
Our goal is to transform the current site into a more accessible space for citizens, without constraints such as remodeling or construction.

An unvisited memorial hall in the best downtown area
The current location of the Holocaust memorial is in a globally bustling area, within a 2km radius of many tourist hotspots such as the Louvre Museum, the Orsay Museum, the Pompidou Center, and Notre Dame Cathedral. Unfortunately, the present grounds have turned into abandoned land rarely frequented by people. Situated in the neglected triangle of rue Sainte-Croix-de-la-Bretonnerie, the memorial is hindered by roads, obstructing people's access and causing this vital facility to fade from memory.

Transitioning from death to life,Seine River Exhibition Hall
Considering the significance and nature of our current memorial, we aim to install an exhibition hall showcasing life in contrast to death while preserving the existing building. Reflecting on our experiences during workshops, we believe that the Seine River in Paris, where young people gather and move with vitality, embodies a similar energy. Therefore, as part of the ongoing program at the memorial, we intend to create a Seine River exhibition hall that captures the essence of the river.

Photos & Souvenirs
Photos and Field Trip With Sony A7C 사진 & 기억2023. 06. 18

France, Paris
SEL2860, 1/5000s, F/5.6, ISO-800

France, Paris

France, Paris
2023. 06. 18 2023. 06. 20 SEL2860, 1/6400s, F/5.6, ISO-800 SEL2860, 1/80s, F/5.6, ISO-1250
Japan, Fukuoka

Japan, Fukuoka
SEL2860, 1/320s, F/5.6, ISO-400
2023. 02. 15 2023. 02. 16 SEL2860, 1/8s, F/10, ISO-800
Japan, Fukuoka

Japan, Fukuoka

France, Paris

France, Paris

France, Paris
SEL2860, 1/250s, F/5.6, ISO-2000

Thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio.
Copyright 2023 by Lee MinTae
All right reserved.
No part of this book can be reproduced, distrubuted without written permission from the publisher.
Book design and production : Lee MinTae