The splendor of rocks and minerals
In thin sections
ISBN: 978-83-947092-2-8
The splendor of rocks and minerals In thin section Miłosz Huber Earth Science and Spatial Management Faculty, Maria Curie –Skłodowska University 2d/107 Krasnicka rd. 20-718 Lublin, Poland
Scientific reviewers: Dr Sándor Kele Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Dr Artem Mokrushin Russian academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia
Cover Photo Talc with magnetite from talc vein in Pechanga Intrusion (reflected light, crossed pollars) Chkalovite from “Shkatulka” alkaline pegmatite from Lovoziero Intrusion, Kola Peninsula (transmitted light, crossed pollars, minor photo-1N). All photographs -M Huber
Copyright: © M. Huber 2017. Licensee: Science Publisher O. Jakowlewa. This is an open access monography licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non-commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. First Edition
ISBN 978-83-947092-2-8
Olga A. Jakowlewa Lublin, Poland Email: sciences.publisher
PREFACE. The work of geologist necessary to perform a number of different studies involving optical polarizing microscope in transmitted and reflected light. It is part of the basic research that is carried out by the procedure of analysis attempts. To study this type micro section need to cut plaster rocks with a thickness of 0.01 mm! It is thinner than the thickness of a human hair. This standard thickness allows to conduct optical observations using physical phenomena such as differences in the speed of light passing through the crystal analyzed, it causes interference of light rays that make up the color palette with a characteristic length, dependent on the crystal. Following the crystal size, their arrangement, and many other features. Those that are opaque and is observed in reflected light. Each rock before it becomes a preparation passes through the hands grinder, a professional who will perform a special formulation so as to have a standard thickness, had no air and was polished, because on the surface, you can continue the microanalysis using a scanning electron microscope, cathodoluminescence and others ... However, observations of rocks It leads to the conclusion that in some cases they cause a purely aesthetic experience. Geologist sometimes feels like a child playing a kaleidoscope. When I add to this that in some cases is the first man observing a rock after cutting it gives a very intimate experience, combining his mystery person geologist-explorer with the continuum of the universe ...
This album, I would like to dedicate my mentor who taught me conduct observations of rocks on the University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland but above all as a person Andrzej Szumny. That his hands working on the preparations made it possible to observe. He is also the creator of this work, These splendor of rocks and minerals in thin section ... Thank You
I would like to invite You to observe a some selected microphotographs of rocks and minerals in thin sections. I was using a transmitted and reflected light, a quarter-wave addition. I was collect a rocks from the Baltic Shield (Kola Peninsula) and others mainly Europe regions. Ok. let’s started…. Legend of used photographs: TL-transmitted light, RL-reflected light, 1N –one pollars, Nx –crossed pollars, λ\4 -quarter-wave
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
1 Polysynthetic twinges in augite in gabbro from Fedorov-Pana Tundra (TL, Nx)
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Polyhallite, Permian Salt Mine in KĹ‚odawa (TL, Nx) 2
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Halite crystals with sylvine from the Permian Salt Mine in KĹ‚odawa (TL, Nx, Îť\4)
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Paleo –soil from loess near Kazimierz Dolny. Visible a calcite crystals with ferrum oxides and humus (RL, Nx)
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Olyvine with corrosion and plagioclase in troctolite from Monchegorsk Pluton (TL, Nx, Îť\4) in minor photographs the same area (TL, Nx)
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Ophiolite structure with plagioclase, with aegirine, orthoclase and nepheline in Microsyenite from Lovoziero Massif (TL, Nx)
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Olivine with corrosion, plagioclase and orthopyroxene in troctolite from Monchegorsk Pluton (TL, Nx, Îť\4) in minor photographs the same area (TL, Nx)
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Hypersthene, garnet, quartz and microcline from Murmansk granulite in the Archean Kola Block (TL, Nx). 8
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Twinned augite with quartz from the Oleniegorsk BiF formation (TL, Nx). 9
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Quartz and myrmekite and hypersthene with magnetite from the Oleniegorsk BiF formation (TL, Nx). 10
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Sperrylite crystal from Broken Hummer exposure in Sudbury, Canada (RL, 1N). Minor photograph –the same place in crossed pollars.
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Diablastic crossed two crystals of aegirine and augite with orthoclase, apatite and nepheline in syenite from Khibina (TL, Nx). 12
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Nepheline and biotite, titanite with riebeckite crystals from syenite in Khibina (TL, Nx), minor photograph –the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Diopside and hypersthene from the pyroxenite from Africanda (TL, Nx), minor photograph –the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Tectonic deformation in the chlorite schists from JesenĂk, Vrbno old mine (TL, 1x). 15
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Tectonic deformation in the chlorite schists from JesenĂk, Vrbno old mine (TL, 1x).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Sylvine crystals, Permian Salt Mine in KĹ‚odawa (TL, Nx) 17
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Sylvine crystals, Permian Salt Mine in KĹ‚odawa (TL, Nx)
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Diopside and calcite with apatite and magnetite in Phoscorite from the Kovdor carbonate intrusion (TL, Nx)
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Quartz –sulfide breccia from Monchegorsk region (TL, Nx, Ν\4) in minor photographf the same place (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Halite crystals, Permian Salt Mine in KĹ‚odawa (TL, Nx) 21
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Ree rich Titanite with aegirine, orthoclase, albite, nepheline and riebeckite in Luyavrite from Lovoziero alkaline intrusion (TL, Nx)
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Magnetite and chalcopyrite with pyrrhotite and cubanite crystals in massive PGE rich ore from Monchegorsk (RL, Nx)
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Ophitic structure in metadolerite vein from the Murmansk in Archean Kola block (TL, Nx)
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Eudialyte crystals from Karnasurt syenite in Lovoziero alkali intrusion (RL, Nx)
Eudialyte with nepheline and aegirine crystals from Karnasurt syenite in Lovoziero alkali intrusion (RL, Nx) in right the same microphotographs (RL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Sulfide quartz breccia with PGE mineralization from Broken Hummer exposure in Sudbury Canada (TL, Nx)
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
REE rich titanite with ilmenites in luyavrites from the Lovoziero alkaline intrusion (RL, Nx), in the minor prohotograph the same place (RL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Chalcopyrite with secondary processes in syenite from the Khibina alkaline intrusion (RL, Nx), in the minor photograph the same place (RL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Amphibolised pyroxenite with calcite from the Africanda intrusion (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Garnet crystals with common hornblende and tremolite with plagioclase in amphibolised granulite the Kandalaksha Lapland Granulite Belt (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Hypersthene crystals with biotite and quartz, plagioclase in Charnockite from the Kandalaksha Lapland Granulite Belt (TL, Nx), minor photographs the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Egirynization of the augite crystal in syenite from Khibina, alkaline intrusion (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Nepheline with phlogopite and apatite in nephelinite from Khibina, alkaline intrusion (TL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Augite phenocryst in andesite from Pieniny, Poland (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Oxidase processes of the chalcopyrite with aegirine from syenite of Khibina, alkaline intrusion (RL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (RL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
U-rich samarskite on the aegirine in syenite rocks from Lovoziero, alkaline intrusion (RL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Olivine corrosion by phlogopite in melteigite from Khibina, alkaline intrusion (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Diopside and common hornblende with plagioclase and quartz in granulite from Kandalaksha part of Lapland Granulite Belt (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
39 Diopside in pyroxenites with perovskite from Africanda (TL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
40 Hematised foraminifera in the sandstone from Giełczew Hills (TL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Garnet, ortho- and clinopyroxenes in granulite from Kandalakshan part of Lapland granulite belt (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Spherulitic chalcopyrite grain in the Oleniegorsk BiF formation rocks (RL, 1N), minor photograph the same place (RL, 1N), minor photograph, the same place (RL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Murmanite, chkalovite from the Lovoziero, Shkatulka Pegmatite in Karnasurt (TL, Nx, Îť\4).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Anhydrite crystals from the Permian KĹ‚odawa salt main (TL, Nx, Îť\4), minor photograph, te same place (Tl, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Francolite breccia from Kovdor carbonate intrusion (TL, 1N), minor photograph, te same place (Tl, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Perovskite crystals near olivine and magnetite in olivinites from Africanda (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Rutile lamely on the phlogopite from Oleniegorsk BiF formation (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Rutile lamely on the phlogopite from Oleniegorsk BiF formation (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Eudialyte and aegirine with arfvedsonite and orthoclase in iovite from Lovoziero Massif (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Nepheline and aegirine crystal from iovite in Lovoziero Massif (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Tourmaline and spodumene from pegmatite vein –Murmansk region of the Archean Kola block (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Aenigmatite fine crystal from syenite of Khibina Massif (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Aegirine with aenigmatite, titanite and nepheline from syenite of Khibina Massif (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Aegirine with aenigmatite in titanite from syenite of Khibina Massif (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Titanite and aegirine-augite from Khibina Massif (TL, Nx), minor photographs the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Spodumene and muscovite from pegmatite vein –Murmansk region of the Archean Kola block (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Epistolite with aegirine from fenites of Lovoziero Mountains (TL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (TL, 1N). 57
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Andalusite from chiastolite in Western Keyva complex of Kola Peninsula (TL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Schorlomite, titanite and biotite in alkaline pegmatite from Africanda (TL, 1N), minor photograph the same place (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
60 Twinned titanite and nepheline from syenites of Khibina massif (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Zonal eudialyte crystal with riebeckite, arfvedsonite and aegirine, orthoclase from Khibina alkaline massif (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Magnetite and titanomagnetite lamella with pyrite from Oleniegorsk BiF formation (RL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (RL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Plagioclase and orthoclase in anorthosite from Wolhyn (TL, Nx). 63
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Collapse after spinel structure lamella ilmenite changed by anatase and pyrite from kataranskite in Monchegorsk region (RL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (RL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
The same structure with visible internal reflections of pyroxenes (RL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (RL, 1N). 65
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Ilmenite and titanite near REE rich rutile crystal from Lovoziero alkaline intrusion (RL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (RL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
67 A biotite crystals with magnetite from the BiF formation in Oleniegorsk (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
68 Aegirine with titanite and nepheline with aenigmatite from the Khibina alkaline intrusion (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Diopside with olivine and perovskite from olivine in Africanda intrusion (TL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Aegirine with olivine in melteigite from the Khibina alkaline intrusion (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Titanite and ilmenite changed by anatase with pyrite (RL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (RL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Secondary processes in paleo basalt from Permian lavas in Cheech Republic (TL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Micro-fossil from the glauconite rich gaise in Bohotnica (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Radial aegirine in tinguaite from Khibina massif (TL, Nx), minor photograph –the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Aegirine with titanite, aenigmatite and astrophyllite in syenite from Khibina massif (TL, Nx). 75
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Aegirine with astrophyllite in syenite from Khibina massif (TL, Nx). 76
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Iron oxide in gabbro from Monchegorsk Pluton (RL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Aegirine in syenite from Khibina massif (TL, Nx). 78
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Prehnite vein in pyroxenites from Africanda intrusion (TL, Nx). 79
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Prehnite vein in gabbro from Monchegorsk intrusion (RL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Sillimanite and staurolite near garnet and biotite in quartz-biotite garnet gneiss from Murmansk in Archean Kola bloc (TL, Nx, Îť\4).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Radial hematite in sandstone from Giełczew Hills (TL, Nx), minor photograph –the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Arfvedsonite and orthoclase in fenites from Lovoziero Massif (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Arfvedsonite, aegirine and plagioklase in fenites from Lovoziero Massif (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
85 Astrophyllite with arfvedsonite, aegirine and plagioklase in fenites from Lovoziero Massif (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
86 Lorenzenite in fenites from Lovoziero Massif (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Narsarsukite with aegirine and plagioklase in fenites from Lovoziero Massif (TL, Nx), minor photograph –the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Garnet corrosion, biotite, staurolite and sillimanite in gneiss from Murmansk, Archean Kola Block (TL, Nx, Ν\4), minor photograph –the same place (TL, NX).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Phlogopite, ilmenite and iron oxide near pyroxene in pyroxenite from Africanda intrussion (TL, Nx, Ν\4), minor photograph –the same place (TL, NX).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Spherulitic chalcopyrite grain in the Oleniegorsk BiF formation rocks (RL, 1N), minor photograph the same place (RL, Nx), minor photograph, the same place (RL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
91 Garnet crystals around ilmenite and common hornblende in kataranskite from the Monchegorsk Intrusion (TL, Nx, Îť\4), small photo (Tl, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
92 Garnet crystals around ilmenite and common hornblende in kataranskite from the Monchegorsk Intrusion (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
93 Talc crystals from veins in the Pechenga intrusion (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Secondary processes (carbonates, chalcedony) in the kimberlite from Kola Peninsula (TL, Nx), second photograph – the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Secondary processes (carbonates, chalcedony) in the another sample of kimberlite from Kola Peninsula (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Secondary processes (serpentinization) in the komatiite from Archean Kolmoziero-Voronya greenstone belt from Kola Peninsula (TL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Zonal eudialyte with aegirine, orthoclase aenigmatite in microsyenite from Khibina vein rocks (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Secondary processes in amphibolite. Visible a epidote, chlorite and microcline with quartz. Kandalaksha part of Lapland Granulite Belt Kola Peninsula (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Zonal tourmaline with muscovite from pegmatites in Murmansk Archean Kola Block (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Secondary processes (serpentine minerals) in the olivinite from Africanda intrusion (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Garnet crystals in the pegmatites from Oleniegorsk (RL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (RL, 1N). 101
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Diopside, bronzite and biotite, magnetite in the melteigite from Africanda intrusion (TL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Diopside, bronzite, olivine and magnetite in the melteigite from Africanda intrusion (TL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Ilmenite changed by anatase with garnet crystals in the gabbro from Monchegorsk pluton (RL, Nx), minor photograph the same place (RL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Olivine corrosion in the melteigite from Khibina alkaline intrusion (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Biotite aggregate with andalusite in gneiss from Murmansk, Archean Kola Block (TL, Nx, Ν\4), minor photograph –the same place (TL, NX).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Zonal Eudialyte with astrophyllite from fenites of Lovoziero alkaline intrusion (TL, 1N), minor photograph –the same place (TL, NX).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Zonal Eudialyte with astrophyllite and lorenzenite in fenites from Lovoziero alkaline intrusion (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Murmanite and aegirine from Shkatulka pegmatite in Lovoziero alkaline intrusion (TL, Nx), minor photograph –the same place (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
110 Villaumite from Shkatulka pegmatite in Lovoziero alkaline intrusion (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Pyrite, chalcopyrite and ilmenite with iron oxides in gabbro from Monchegorsk pluton (RL, Nx), second photo (RL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Titanite, with nepheline and orthoclase, phlogopite from Khibina alkaline intrusion (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Plagioclase, ortho- and clinopyroxene with magnetite in Vaohlynian anorthosite (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Pyroxenes on the common hornblende background in the pyroxene hornblendite from Pannonian area, Hungary (TL, Nx), second photo (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Olivine and pyroxene in lherzolite from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Dinaric Ophiolite Belt (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
116 Secondary processes after olivine and pyroxene in basalts from Cabo Verde (TL, Nx), second photo (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Chondrule from chondrite meteorite from Morocco. Upper photo (RL, Nx), center (TL, 1N), down (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Chondrule from chondrite meteorite from Morocco (TL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Francolite breccia from Kovdor carbonate intrusion (TL, 1N), second photo (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Fluidal structure with fiamme in ignimbrite from Kuakas Mountains (TL, 1N), second photo (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
121 Micro fossil from the Paleogene Czubatka limestone (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
122 Hematite cementation in sandstone from Giełczew Hills (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Common hornblende from amphibolite in Murmansk, Archean Kola block (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Collapse structure in orthopyroxene in melteigite. Visible phlogopite and lamella of ilmenite. (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
125 Garnet crystals in the peridotite (TL, Nx, Îť\4), second photograph (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Secondary processes in amphibolised eclogite. Garnet crystals, with diopside, titanite, ilmenite and common hornblende. Kandalaksha part of Lapland Granulite Belt (TL, Nx, Îť/4), second photo (RL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Fine polysynthetic twinges perovskite crystals with cnopite and calcite in Africanda intrusion (TL, Nx), second photo (TL, IN).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
128 Olivine and pyroxene in troctolite from Oulu, Finland (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Sphalerite, with galenite near dolomite from Olkusz-Pomorzany Zn-Pb mine (RL, Nx), second photo (RL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
130 Marcasite, with galenite from Olkusz-Pomorzany Zn-Pb mine (RL, Nx), second photo (RL, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
131 Twinned chalcopyrite with pentlandite in gabbro from Fedoro-Pansky layered PGE intrusion (RL, 1N), second photo (RL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
132 Sillimanite in gneiss from central Kaukas. (TL, Nx, Îť\4).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Sillimanite in gneiss from central Kaukas. (TL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
134 Siderite and hematite in Pakistan limestone (RL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
135 Internal reflections in plagioclases from diorite (RL, Nx).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
Hematite in glass from slag (TL, Nx) second photo (Tl, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
137 Devitrification process in glass from slag (TL, Nx) second photo (Tl, 1N).
Huber M. The splendor of the rocks and minerals
138 Devitrification process in glass from slag (RL, Nx).
Index of photographed minerals and rocks: name aegirine aenigmatite albite amphibolite anatase andalusite andesite anhydrite anorthosite apatite arfvedsonite astrophyllite augite basalt biotite breccia bronzite calcite carbonates chalcedony chalcopyrite charnockite chiastolite chkalovite chlorite chondrule clinopyroxene cnopite cubanite diopside diorite dolomite eclogite epidote epistolite eudialyte fenite ferrum oxides fiamme francolite gabbro gaise galenite garnet glass
pages 6 12 22 61 68 70 52 53 54 22 123 64 71 104 58 106 34 44 63 19 33 49 61 83 75 76 85 1 9 12 72 116 13 31 67 45 102 103 4 19 29 94 95 94 95 23 28 35 31 58 43 cover page 15 16 98 117 118 41 113 127 23 14 19 38 135 129 126 98 57 25 49 61 57 83 84 4 120 45 119 80 104 111 73 129 130 8 30 41 136 137 138
25 74 68
35 75 75
36 76 97
49 78
50 84
84 107 32
85 108 34
97 85
107 86
108 87
53 85
54 87
55 97
57 109
glauconite gneiss granulite halite hematite hornblende common hornblendite humus hypersthene ignimbrite ilmenite iovite kataranskite kimberlite komatite lherzolite limestone lorenzenite luyavrite magnetite marcasite melteigite metadolerite meteorite microcline microsyenite murmanite muscovite narsarsukite nepheline nephelinite olivine olyvinite orthoclase orthopyroxene oxide iron pegmatite pentlandite peridotite perovskite phlogopite phoscorite plagioclase polyhallite prehnite pyrite pyroxene pyroxenite pyrrhotite quartz
73 81 8 3 40 30 114 4 8 120 27 49 64 94 96 115 121 86 22 10 130 37 24 117 8 6 109 56 87 6 33 5 46 6 7 77 43 131 125 39 33 19 5 2 79 62 65 14 23 8
88 30 21 82 38
106 38
132 41
122 91
134 92
136 114
64 50 65 95
134 108 27 19
118 10 97
99 12 60 7 100 12 41 89 51
22 113 111 56
49 124
46 37
69 47
70 48
127 89
80 64 89 29
71 114 39
111 115 79
116 89
riebeckite rutile samarskite sandstone schist schorlomite serpentine siderite sillimanite slag sperrylite sphalerite spodumene staurolite sulfide syenite sylvine talc tinguaite titanite titanomagnetite tourmaline troctolite villaumite
13 22 61 47 48 66 36 40 82 122 15 16 59 100 134 81 88 132 136 137 138 11 129 51 56 81 88 20 26 12 13 28 60 61 75 3 17 18 93 cover page 74 13 22 27 71 75 112 62 51 99 5 7 128 110
32 76
35 78
53 126
Miłosz Huber, PhD., An employee of the Department of Geology and Protection of Lithosphere, Department of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management, Maria Curie -Skłodowska University in Lublin. Working on the scanning electron microscope Hitachi SU6600 with EDS, EBSD, CL. Author of many publications in the field of geological, environmental, petroarchitectonic and applications to the Patent Office.