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The Editor’s Note

The Kid’s Pink Salmon Derby is one of the most fun events during the summer-long Valdez Fish Derbies festivities.


During my recent extended trip to California, my sister, brother–in-law and I took our dogs across San Francisco Bay to the waterfront community of Sausalito, which was hosting a pet expo at a local park. It was a small gathering of vendors, but we were able to buy our fur babies a “puppuccino” they all devoured and some organic treats, plus I made a donation to an organization that trains service dogs for veterans.
What was most important to me was reveling in the idea of a community bringing visitors together for a good cause, which leads me to our preview of this summer’s Valdez Fish Derbies halibut and salmon tournaments (page 29). Laurie Prax, one of the members of the Valdez nonprofit that runs the derbies, is fond of the Kid’s Pink Salmon Derby that takes place on July 23.
For Covid-related cautions the last two years, the event became essentially 100-percent virtual, with the younger anglers submitting photos of their humpies with a chance to win prizes. Participation went through the roof last year, with Prax reporting roughly 700 entries texted or emailed in, a good sign that the next generation of anglers is eager to wet a line,
“There are tons of people who have taken their kids fishing who live here. So that’s an added benefit that we have to promote sportfishing and get kids engaged,” Prax told me.
Prax also runs Valdez radio station KVAK and this year, as she’s done in the past, has invited some of the kids to call in to her station on derby day and even read some promos on air. It’s another avenue for getting the youngsters in on the summer fun in Valdez.
“We had kids calling in o the hook. We had some kids answering phones in the studio,” Prax said. “And that was huge.”
The Valdez Fish Derbies committee once again is purchasing life jackets to be distributed around town, part of several projects to enhance the facilities used during this significant event the port city looks forward to every year. Like the Sausalito pet expo, these are opportunities to showcase a Valdez and bring in much-needed tourist dollars to the community. When you can get the little anglers involved, it can pay big dividends down the line, while also promoting not just fishing but also fun.
Prax summed it up perfectly: “We all need an excuse to goof o .” -Chris Cocoles

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