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Company profile: Timber King Outfitting’s Alberta, Mexico trophy hunts
Moose are the biggest big game that Timber King Outfitting guides for, but whitetails, mule deer and more are available for sportsmen looking for “an unforgettable and successful


Moose are the biggest big game that Timber King Outfitting guides for, but whitetails, mule deer and more are available for sportsmen looking for “an unforgettable and successful experience.”
Alberta, Canada, is home to many big game species, and is an ideal hunting destination for nonresidents looking to bag a trophy.
The Alberta-based company got its start guiding for wolves, filling a hunting niche in a province that hosts an abundant population of

Mule deer, whitetail and moose abound, as do wolf and bighorn sheep, and hunting opportunities are plentiful.
Local outfitter Rob Brown has been guiding from a young age and has more than 15 years of experience in the business, so he knows what it takes to not only pursue these animals, but to give his clients the adventure of a lifetime. Initially, Timber King Outfitting started as a small wolf hunting outfit – “I had seen the demand for nonresident hunters wanting to harvest a wolf and the abundance of wolves we had in Alberta,” he explains – but things took o quickly from there.
“We started small, and with success in mind, we had created a unique experience hunting wolves in the depth of winter that snowballed into a rather large business,” says Brown. “From there, we started to acquire permits for deer and moose.”
Mule deer and moose have since become Timber King Outfitting’s most popular hunts. Brown explains, “With limited harvest opportunity stateside, it creates a demand in hunters not wanting to wait until they’re successful in drawing a tag – which in some states is a lifetime, depending on the tags – making our guaranteed tags very attractive to a citizen of the USA.”
Each all-inclusive package is tailored to the client’s individual needs, and every hunt is led by one of the company’s knowledgeable, experienced guides.
“The majority of our clients repeat after their first hunt with us and have told us that they specifically like our company because of the knowledgeable and professional team we have built,” adds Brown. “It’s easy to have fun while hunting with us and let the hunt play out because our clients feel they are in the best position for success due to our extensive scouting and preparation for the hunt. We don’t sit on game, waiting for the hunters to show up; we scout to get an idea of where we need to be in order to achieve the best odds of a harvest and then return with the clients and give them an honest hunt in a prime area while giving them the full experience.”
And if that wasn’t enough, Timber King Outfitting has expanded their business south to Sonora, Mexico, o ering guided hunts for a variety of species.
“I had been guiding in Mexico for a

Mule deer are among the Canadian company’s most popular hunts these days, thanks to guaranteed tags that contrast with draw-only opportunities in some American states home to the iconic species. (TIMBER KING OUTFITTING)
In Sonora, Mexico, Timber King Outfitting guides for Coues and mule deer, and desert bighorn sheep. (TIMBER

“Our mission is to provide every client with an unforgettable and successful experience,” says outfitter-owner Rob Brown. A happy hunter smiles over a nice bighorn
ram. (TIMBER KING OUTFITTING) number of years before a decision to start taking hunters myself into old Mexico,” says Brown. “I had some very good friends that owned ranches down there that were looking for someone to work with to provide hunting trips for desert bighorn, muley and Coues deer. We started slow and with a few clients, and it quickly became busy with hunters from all over the globe reaching out in hopes to hunt with us for free-ranging game in Mexico.”
Whatever your destination and whatever your targeted species, you’ll be well taken care of at Timber King Outfitting.
“Our mission is to provide every client with an unforgettable and successful experience,” says Brown. “Whether success is measured from a harvest of a mature specimen or an adventure leaving you with lifelong memories and new friends, you can rest assured that our professional sta will tailor a service to your specific and individual needs.” ASJ
Editor’s note: For more information, visit timberkingoutfitting.com.
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