Guide and professional dog trainer Josh Powell works a flock of geese in Alaska, while Eudor, his prized male Drahthaar, has ’em pegged. Powell and Eudor have one of the best relationships that author Scott Haugen has seen, and it all starts with training and engaging the hunting dog’s mind. (SCOTT HAUGEN)
ast fall I spent a couple weeks in Cold Bay, Alaska hunting puddle ducks, sea ducks, Pacific black brant, emperor geese and willow ptarmigan with the folks at Four Flyways Outfitters. That is where I met Josh Powell and his Verein Deutsch Drahthaar, Eudor. The instant that I rolled into camp ( and saw Eudor I fell in love with him, partly
because he looked nearly identical to my black male pudelpointer, Kona, but largely because of his demeanor, which was also a spitting image of Kona’s. Eudor had the exuberance, fun spirits and desired mannerisms you like seeing when you first meet a dog. But Eudor also showed respect for the newcomers in camp, and immediately obeyed Powell’s calm commands.
WHEN IT COMES to gun dogs and their owners, it takes a lot to impress me,
and Eudor and Powell made an instant impact. During my time in camp, not only did I hunt many times with these two, but I also observed their daily training sessions. It’s one of the most authentic relationships I’ve seen, and Powell and Eudor held the utmost respect for one another, but there was never any question who was in charge. Powell is a professional dog trainer and breeder. The more I watched he and Eudor work together, the more intrigued I became. | JUNE 2021 California Sportsman