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Tuesday October 4 2011 183_NBC_N2_COM__ 27/09/11 19:00 Page1
fox takes to the stage
Kevin Reilly, president of entertainment at Fox Broadcasting Company, will present the Media Mastermind Keynote today at 15.30 in the Grand Auditorium. He will then unveil an extended trailer of the new drama series Touch, along with star Kiefer Sutherland and creator Tim Kring
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Highlights include the Focus On Russia Co-production Matchmaking and Case Studies, and the Focus On Russia Networking Lunch
sUstaINaBLe DeVeLoPMeNt
Yann Arthus-Bertrand, filmmaker and photographer, launches his new sustainable development TV production company today at 16.30 in the Californie
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03/10/11 20:11