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MIPTV News #3
6 April 2011
DIGITAL EMMY® AWARDS JON M Chu, recipient of the Pioneer Prize with Academy president Bruce L Paisner at the International Digital Emmy® Awards on Monday night. Yesterday Chu gave the opening Connected Creativity keynote. Emmy winners and ceremony pictures, see page 20
BRAND OF THE YEAR AWARD MARIE Devlin, American Express senior vice-president of global advertising, media and sponsorships, accepted the MIPTV Brand Of The Year Award during the Branded Entertainment keynote given yesterday by Ogilvy CEO Miles Young See page 12
TODAY’S KEYNOTE FILMMAKER and artist Tiffany Shlain gives the joint Connected Creativity and MIPTV keynote at 17.35 in Esterel, on Level 5 of the Palais des Festivals. The keynote is followed by a screening of her latest film Connected: An Autoblogography About Love, Death And Technology. Connected Creativity special features begin on page 47
ASIAN ANIMATION SCREENINGS THE ASIAN Animation Screenings take place today with 30 new Asian animations bowing, including some of the latest 3D projects. The screenings begin at 10.00 in Auditorium K in the Palais des Festivals. See page 16