2014 March Newsletter

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The Official MIPP Newsletter

January 2014


Issue No. 37



March is with us, and hope-

fully so are more days with sunshine to cheer us up!

I am excited about this newsletter because I want to officially announce the recruitment of an assistant editor on the newsletter team! I am happy to have Kerstin Arnemann at my side, and I am sure that she will be an asset to the compiling of this newsletter thanks to her talent and also dedication to MIPP.

Assistant Editor Kerstin Arnemann

Another reason why this month is exciting is the annual March Seminar organised by The Societies in collaboration with MIPP happening on the last weekend of the month. This year we will have two (not one!) guest speakers. One of them is Tom Lee (whom you know from past conventions) who will be giving a good day’s seminar about Chromakey photography and the other speaker is Kevin Mullins, who will be giving us his insights into Wedding Photojournalism. We also get to enjoy carnival so I urge you to go out and shoot away at the events in Valletta and Gozo. And why not send me a few images for the newsletter! Meanwhile enjoy this Newsletter!

If you want your photos featured on the newsletter’s front page just send the images to newsletter@mippmalta.com. Your contributions are always welcome!

Newsletter Team Editor: Therese Debono Assistant Editor: Kerstin Arnemann Design: Therese Debono Articles: Various contributors Editorial Advice: Kevin Casha Contact: newsletter@mippmalta.com

MARCH 2014 pg 2 pg 4 pg 10 pg 12 pg 14 pg 16 pg 20 pg 23 pg 24 pg 25

cover artist

president’s viewpoint mipp member march seminar march seminar march seminar press release monthly photowalk monthly talk calendar members’ gallery

CONTENTS Malta Culture Hub Charles Mifsud’s World Seminar Weekend Programme Kevin Mullins Tom Lee The Maltese Way In the Street by Therese Debono Costa Rica by Guido Bonnet Mark your diaries! Images from the last PTYA session

Joseph Lungaro Interesting image by MIPP Member Joseph Lungaro which should inspire most of the young and upcoming amateur photographers that a photo can also work upside down. Yellow Shadow is the name of this image, which creates an interesting illusion and fun image!


Malta Culture Hub I

t was with great pleasure and satisfaction that I followed on the local news stations the statements of the Culture Minister, the Hon. Dr. Jose Herrera, on the setting up of a Malta Cultural Hub. In fact, the expression of interest will soon be issued by the Ministry. What was great news for photographers was that, at last, someone was taking notice and becoming aware of the need for Maltese Photographers to be assisted and encouraged. In fact, the Minister twice made reference that photographers will be catered for in this hub, which, it seems, will not only provide a meeting place, but also logistical assistance for NGO associations within it. It makes my years of incessant lobbying for having a place for photographers to meet, exhibit and network seem worthwhile. The hub will benefit not only local culture but also the promotion of our island beyond our shores. I have insisted on this issue mostly by myself, clamouring for help from the authorities on this issue for over twenty years! Although I was every time told that I was justified in my demands, unfortunately, until now, nothing concrete was ever offered to us photographers – we seemed to be always left out in the cold, unlike perhaps other forms of art practices. Ever since taking up his post, Dr Herrera and his staff have shown interest in the genuine plea of all photographers and, when this hub will eventually arrive, it would signify another big step for the recognition and advancement of local Photography. May this hub become a reality soon so that the thousands of people who share my passion for this important medium will be helped to further their work, standards and enjoyment.

Kevin Casha 2

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Charles Mifsud’s World


his photography and literature, globetrotter Charles Mifsud, captures a myriad of colourful cultures as he delves into the essence of humanity which makes our world so unique. His work creates a synergy of understanding among the different cultures. In 2008 he organized a photographic and literary cultural evening in collaboration with the China Cultural Centre where literature, drama, music and the visual arts came together to celebrate the unique experience of his visit to the matriarchal society of Lake Lugu in South West of China. The exhibition was inaugurated by the President of Malta, Dr Edward Fenech Adami. A year later Charles was instrumental in organising a visit to Malta for the National Geographic photographers together with a team from the James Walter Thompson (JWT), one of the largest advertising agencies in the United States of America in order to conduct a publicity campaign for HSBC Bank International. Mifsud has over the years interviewed a


mipp member

Previous page: Chioggia Italy Reflection This page: Dew Drops

number of international personalities from the world of performing arts. In 2011, Charles met the famous scientist and journalist Piero Angela, the creator and presenter of the successful scientific programme SuperQuark, screened on Rai Television during the past 30 years. Mifsud also visited a project masterminded by Piero Angela, which recreates the life of a family living in Imperial Rome through technology and 3 D projections. Palazzo Valentini, a renaissance Palace in Rome, lies in the ruins of a Roman Villa. During the past months Mifsud has been working to create a cultural dialogue with the Sila region in Calabria. Last February he was also invited to attend a Sledge Dog race held in the mountains of Pollino and Sila along with other Italian journalists. In 2013 Mifsud also scored second in a national competition in Italy as regards the Infiorata in Spello a town near Assisi. Charles won a number of Competition awards in USA.


In February 2013 Mifsud participated in a cultural programme by Muoversi EU to photograph unique Cultural Heritage sites in Northern Italy. In May 2013 Charles attended the Children’s Eyes on Earth Photography festival in Azerbaijan while in November of the same year an exhibition of Mifsud’s work was held at the Sila National Park in Calabria. In February 2014 Mifsud organised the Chilren’s eyes on Earth exhibition in Malta at the Presidential Palace Valletta. Charles invited Reza Deghati the famous National Geographic Photographer to attend the inauguration of this exhibition in Malta by the President of Malta HE Dr George Abela. Charles also organised a presentation with Reza Deghati being the guest speaker the topic being photography and humanity.


Charles Mifsud comments on his work:

“I enjoy travelling on my own capturing the fle daily routine of their lives. Through my photos through my verses the poetic mood that tran poetry are standalone expressions of my versa each other to offer a vision of the colourful cul 8

Above: Ghosts of the Deltas Romania

eeting colours, the vibrations, of people in their I try to capture an essence of a place and time, nscends through time. Both photography and tile moods, but together they can complement ltures across the globe�. 9


Saturday 29th March – Tom Lee 0800 hrs

Registration at iLab

0900 - 1200 hrs

Lecture (with intervals for coffee break every hour)

1200 - 1300 hrs

Lunch Break (lunch not included)

1300 - 1600 hrs

Studio demonstration, editing and printing

Saturday evening 1930hrs

Venue British Legion Valletta Social get together meeting with speakers Partners and guest are welcome (Cash Bar)

Sunday 30th March – Kevin Mullins 0800hrs

Registration at LeMeridien


Business – Principles of SEO and online Marketing


Coffee Break


Documentary Wedding Photography


Lunch Break


Demonstration / Workshop Practical photoshoot on location with Kevin’s way of using light.


KEVIN MULLINS SEO & Wedding Photojournalism Kevin will split the day into two sections. In the morning we will discuss SEO and Social Media. Kevin will lay down the fundamentals of SEO and best practice that we, as photographers, should be employing with our websites. We will discuss the technicalities of On Site SEO and discuss the ever evolving world of Off Site SEO. Kevin will also explain the ways he uses Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest to help market his business. This Class is a must for anybody who wants to reach a wider audience and increase their share of the search engine placements. In the afternoon we will explore the way that Kevin has built his wedding photography business focusing exclusively on documentary style of photography. This class will concentrate initially on shooting style, approach, gear and methodologies - the practical side of shooting documentary weddings. We will explore camera settings and functionality as well as training the eye to spot a “moment”. Kevin is a multi-award winning wedding phojournalist and business mentor. He has shot over 200 weddings in the photojournalistic style and shoots weddings across the UK, Europe and as far afield as the middle east. Kevin is very much in demand as an educator and is a regular speaker for SWPP and MPA. As well as being a Zenfolio ambassador Kevin is Fujifilm “X-Photographer” and has spent time recently at CP+ in Yokohama, Japan educating Japanese photographers about the photojournalistic style of photography with the X-Series of cameras from Fujifilm. Additionally Kevin has been writing a business column in Professional Photographer for over two years and regular contributes to other publications both in print and online.



TOM LEE Master Photographer FSWPP, FMIPP, CrSWPP Chromakey Photography As part of The Societies March Seminar Tom will be talking and demonstrating chromakey photography at iLAB on 27th March 2014 (times TBA) covering the following areas: • • • • • • •

Traditional Chromakey vs Reflecmedia systems Reflec Chromakey System Lighting and lenses FX Home Photokey 6 Pro Software Event workflow Studio workflow Fine art print finishing

Using the latest equipment to produce contemporary works of art, he provides heirlooms that sit equally on the walls of a private home or commercial enterprise. Tom will demonstrate the latest chromakey equipment available from Reflecmedia and show how he creates images from capture to fine art output. Images will be produced by iLAB to show how well the process works. Tom is a UK based international portrait and fine art photographer recognised for his expertise in digital image capture and has accumulated over 30 international awards in recent years. Tom has been working with Reflecmedia for several years, helping to advance the interest in chromakey photography, both for event and studio based photographers Amongst his other achievements he has sat on several International judging panels, given numerous seminars in the UK and abroad and writes extensively for ‘the Societies’ magazine ‘Professional ImageMaker’. He is well known within the MIPP and holds a Fellowship with them. He also a member of the Epson Digigraphie Authorised Artist programme and authored several books during his career. www.tomleephoto.co.uk www.chromakey-photo.com


The Maltese Way After another successful trip to the Society’s Annual International Convention,

(United Kingdom’s largest Photographic organization), the Malta Institute of Professional Photography (MIPP) has again done Malta proud and returned with yet another trophy, this time won by Darrin Zammit Lupi in the overall category of Media . The presentation was held at the glamorous Awards dinner at the London Metropole Hilton. As part of our ongoing relationship with the Societies, a group of eight Maltese photographers were invited to the annual convention to give Master and Super classes on a variety of topics, as well as being involved in the overall judging of the international final print competition. Joining the group were MIPP President Kevin Casha, Ramon Sammut, Sergio Muscat, Darrin Zammit Lupi, Domenic Aquilina, Hilary Spiteri and Alan Carville. Included in the group was also the winner of the 2013 SWPP / MIPP Photographic competition Robert Mifsud who received an all expenses paid trip to the convention. The Maltese are well respected at these events and over the years have forged ties with a number of world class photographers from different corners of the globe. As part of the highlights, the Maltese group gave a demonstration evening complete with Maltese wine showcasing the photographic work of some of the MIPP’s top members. These events are important to the overall growth of photography in Malta as local photographers can keep up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques in photography. It’s also a great way to network and socialize. MIPP members are urged to get involved in these events – the classes and workshops vary in topics catering for every need with some of the best circuit speakers in the world. The Societies convention, which is held yearly, is one of the largest of its kind in Europe and helps to not only maintain the MIPP’s commitment and strategy in keeping Maltese photography in the eyes of the world, but also promotes Malta in international circles.


Above L: Darrin Zammit Lupi being award in the Overall Category of Media.


Above L-R: Ramon Sammut, Hilary Spiteri, Kevin Casha, Sergio Muscat, Chiara Fersini, Dominic Aqulina, Alan Carville & Darrin Zammit Lupi at the Socities Convention last January.

Above: The Swards night at The Societies Convention last January.



In the Street In the Street, is the theme for the next photowalk with Therese Debono. We will be taking to the streets of Valletta on Saturday 8th March for an experience in street photography with a theme. Theme will be announced by leader on the day. Therese urges you to get other cameras and not only an slr camera, even a mobile phone will work brilliantly.

“More than anything Street Photography is an attitude, it is an openness to being amazed by what comes your way, it is unlearning the habit of categorising and dismissing the everyday as being ‘just the everyday’ and beginning to recognise that extraordinary, beautiful and subtle stories are occurring in front of you everyday of your life if you can see them”. Nick Turpin

So if you are ready to ‘see’ then join Therese for this photowalk to set about learning how to tackle this photographic genre is a different way! This event is limited to 15 members only, due to theme chosen. Bookings: info@mipp-malta.com





A Photographer’s Paradise

Guido Bonnet will be conducting the following talk on 4th March at 19:00hrs at Le Meridient.

Guido says:

“Costa Rica is a tropical jungle paradise in Central America for nature photographers, with thousands of insects, birds, reptiles and amphibians tobe found in the various habitats that this country provides. This talk is about my 3 weeks spent there in pursuit of these natural wonders!”

Image in poster and above courtesy of Guido Bonnet


CALENDAR 4th March Talk - Costa Rica with Guido Bonnet 19:30hrs, Le Meridien

8th March Photowalk with Therese Debono 9:00hrs, In front of Old Theater, Valletta

11th March International Online Judging 19:30hrs, Le Meridien

29th & 30th March SWPP/MIPP Seminar TBC

15th April PTYA Judging - Session 2 19:30hrs, Le Meridien

29th April Talk - Lightroom with Ramon Sammut 19:30hrs, Le Meridien


MEMBERS’ GALLERY MEMBERS Right: Image by Stefan Cachia

PTYA Submissions

Above: Image by Romana Wylie

Above: Image by Renata Apanaviciene

Above: Image by Robert Mifsud


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